- Initial version
- First public release
Mainstream features:
Branch points
Branch grafting
Sequence branches
Config files: specify multiple sets of inputs in separate files while maintaining a core workflow in a central place
Realization plans: easily enumerate which experimental variations you wish to run, summarize, or invalidate
Task invalidation: specify a set of branches that should be re-run
CLI globbing: Use wildcards to specify which realizations should be run, invalidated, etc.
Globs in realization plans
Detection of failed tasks: checks for non-zero exit code and all specified outputs being created
Ability to extend a workflow that has already been run without redoing unnecessary work
Execute tasks in parallel: "ducttape -j12" in the spirit of GNU Make, etc.
Summaries: quickly make tables from many experimental variations
Package version tracking: know exactly what revision(s) produced the output of your workflow -- bundled with integration for SVN and git
New package version notification: detects when new package versions are available
Unsupported features:
- Packages: explicitly enumerate (current syntax is deprecated)
- Submitters: automatically submit tasks to a job scheduler on a cluster -- bundled with support for Torque and Sun Grid Engine (current syntax is deprecated)
- Bash CLI completion (partially working)
- Detection of unused and undeclared bash variables (currently this is too aggressive)
- Web UI
- Run multiple instances at the same time via file-based locks (not yet reliable)
- Visualization of workflows via GraphViz
Not implemented:
Checksumming files that changed outside of ducttape's control (Planned for V0.3)
Checksumming of ducttape files
Invalidation of incompatible versions?
Advanced branch points? (Planned for V0.4)
Branch globbing (planned for V0.5)
Reproducible workflow export
Reproducibility if non-comparable realizations are used (EXPLAIN)
Advanced submitter state tracking: is my job queued or running? (Planned for future version)
Import statement (Planned for future version)
Namespaces / groups