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59 lines (45 loc) · 1.74 KB

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59 lines (45 loc) · 1.74 KB
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Author: Ewan Crawford

License: MIT

Small and quick mangler for function signatures. Aims to be cross platform to support itanium and windows mangling. As a result does the mangling itself rather than calling library function like __cxa_demangle.

Test status

Build Status Master


  • Windows Struct & Union back references


The project is still in early stages on development, so is not expected to compile on platforms other than Linux.

Right now C language mangling with some C++ features like references is the target. To see exactly what's supported look at the file test/inputs.txt, containing the inputs tested against.


$ echo "foo(signed char a, float b, ...)" | ./MrMangler

$ echo "bar(const uint32_t *const)" | ./MrMangler

$ echo "super_duper_function(struct my_struct **)" | ./MrMangler

$ echo "AliceBob(signed char& packet)" | ./MrMangler

$ echo "int foo(float, bool (**)(char, int))" | ./MrMangler

$ echo "const int16_t func_1(void)" | ./MrMangler -w

$ echo "int foo(int (**const*)())" | ./MrMangler -w --cc=fastcall