For an early review regarding to this topic, please refer to Nolfi and Floreano's 1999 paper on Autonomous Robots.
In Nolfi and Floreano's 1999 paper,
As pointed out by Hinton (ACM Turing Award Laureate) and Nowlan, "The main limitation of the Baldwin effect is that it is only effective in spaces that would be hard to search without an adaptive process to restrcuture the space".
In Whitley et al.'s paper on PPSN-1994, initial simulation experiments demonstrated that GA with the Baldwin effect sometimes finds the global optimum while Lamarckian GA sometimes gets trapped into the local optima, though the latter shows faster convergence at the early evolution stage. However, more simulation and real-life experiments are still expected nowadays to compare them. Recently, Todd (from Stanford University) etc. have investigated the effects of different design choices of learning and evolution on the overall performance on NK fitness landscapes.
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- Bartoli, A., Catto, M., De Lorenzo, A., Medvet, E. and Talamini, J., 2020, July. Mechanisms of social learning in evolved artificial life. In Proceedings of Artificial Life Conference (pp. 190-198). MIT Press.
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