The resources used to create these steps and templates are detailed in CrossCompilationBlogTutorial/
- You will require cabal-install and also libgmp which can be downloaded via brew install gmp
Scripts to download the ghc cross compiler and dependencies are available in the CrossCompilationBlogTutorial directory:
cd ./CrossCompilationBlogTutorial
source ./ # Download dependencies, cross compilers, and wrappers
source ./ # Setup paths for the shell session
A minimal cabal project is provided in the iOSProjectCabal/hs/ directory. The script compiles for both x86 and arm and combines the libraries together into one as the iOS simulator requires it. The ‘lipo’ tool will be needed for this.
cd ./iOSProjectCabal/hs/ # Example cabal project.
source # This will compile the cabal project and create a liba.a in the ../lib folder, which is ready to be used in the xcode iOS simulator.
- Open the iOSProjectCabal project with xcode and then start the iOS program.
- XCode knows about the libraries to link against as the project has been set up that way.
- To see how to set up the project from scratch, steps are available CrossCompilationBlogTutorial/iOSProject/xcode_setup_images/
- In the images, the library that is being linked against is libhs.a, in this example the library is called liba.a.
- To see how to set up the project from scratch, steps are available CrossCompilationBlogTutorial/iOSProject/xcode_setup_images/
- XCode knows about the libraries to link against as the project has been set up that way.