Reference implementation of a Ruby client for accessing Documentum REST Services
It will do the following jobs for some REST resources.
0. User CRUD
1. GET Groups
2. Simple Search
3. Cabinet CRUD
4. Folder/Document CRUD
5. SysObject Move/Link/Copy
6. SysObject Check Out/In
7. Get CheckedOut Objects
- Ruby 2.1.5+ suggested, earlier Ruby versions such as 1.8.x, and 1.9.x are no longer supported officially. Version 2.3.1 is used in this demo.
- Rails 4.2.3+ suggested, a full stack framework for web application development. It's required for demo.
- An instance of Documentum REST Services 7.2 is available.
These following steps will direct you to how to run this demo from the scratch, including preparing the Ruby environment, building this project and starting the demo.
Note: below instructions are implemented only on Linux, and this demo has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 at the time of writing this page.
Install some dependencies for Ruby
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-software-properties libffi-dev nodejs
Download Ruby source code from Ruby 2.x and install it.
$ cd ruby-2.x
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo gem install bundler
3. Clone source code of this project from [Github](
$ git clone
4. Build the project, and install the generated file *dctmclient-0.1.0.gem* locally.
$ cd documentum-rest-client-ruby
$ gem build dctmclient.gemspec
$ sudo gem install dctmclient-0.1.0.gem
5. Specify the configurations for demo in the file *rest_services.yml*, with relative path *documentum-rest-client-ruby/sample/rest-client-sample-ruby/config/*.
home_url: http://<rest-server>:<port>/dctm-rest/services
repository: REPO
6. Update gems on demand for this demo.
$ cd documentum-rest-client-ruby/sample/rest-client-sample-ruby
$ bundle update
7. Start the demo.
$ rails s -b
8. Access *http://localhost:3000*
<img src="sample/ruby-demo.gif" width="1000">