* From mocks or wireframes, use HTML and CSS to create a static interface
* Select CSS Framework to accomplish grid layout
* Select theme, or build out custom theme for repeated chunks and main layout stuff
* Background color and pattern
* Model blocks, like generic lists of content or product listings
* Decide on preprocessor framework
* Add major interaction points (like drag and drop, wizards) with js
* Decide on libraries to integrate (like jQuery, Modernizr, Backbone, Flat Design, YUI, etc)
* Install dependencies
* From static layout, create interactive interface by adding JS
* Add data persistence by hooking up either templates or a front-end framework
* Write tests against critical interaction points
* Hook up user interactions to data model
* Add front-end validation
* Write front-end tests to ensure interface behaves in a uniform way
* Add front-end i18n http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-i18n
* Integrate templates into front-end
* Setup preprocessor to build and minify CSS and JS
* Add images to CDN
* Setup grunt/gulp scripts to ensure static assets are piped to CDN
* Run performance analysis on front-end, ensure "golden second" standard is reached for mobile
* Write front-end tests