- [NEW] Added vars for setting the default sans-serif, serif and monospace.
- [NEW] Added
for when the fail safe gets triggered, defaults to $default-sans-serif. - [NEW] Can now access defaults by passing "sans-serif", "serif", or "monospace".
- [NEW] Cleaned up the tests and gave the test view some style.
- [NEW] Added support for Times New Roman.
- [CHANGED] Better documentation in the readme on the font stacks supported.
- [CHANGED] DRY'd up the mixin.
- [NEW] Added $default-monospace var to override the default monospace.
- [NEW] Added support for the font-family()
as well as its shortened counterpart ff(). - [NEW] Added $default-font-family var. Defaults to "Helvetica".
- [CHANGED] Updated the @else in both the function/mixin to return using $default-font-family.
- [CHANGED] Since we now have a function and a mixin, they are their own partials now. @import and usage remains the same.
- [FIXED] Updated the Baskerville old face to Baskerville Old Face.
- Initial version ready for development and testing (likely to be solid enough for 1.0.0)