An Arduino-framework based library for the simplified but structured communication over serial lines. It's some kind of a Modbus-like approach of communication but more flexible and customizable.
The git repository on GitHub contains the development version of the library. As this is work in progress it may take some time to see "stable" releases on the releases page.
- complete capsulation of serial communcation
- use of StreamObject makes the library compatible with hardware UARTs, software serial and even I2C communication
- due to callback functions it's easily possible to implement RS485 tx-enable/disable functions
The protocol is pretty straight forward. Every message has the following format:
<STX> <LEN> <TYPE> <CMD> <PAYLOAD 1 ... n> <CS> <ETX>
STX = 0x02 = marks start of message
LEN = byte = length of following bytes including CRC but excluding ETX
TYPE = byte = type of message as follows
SSCP_PACKET_TYPE_NUL = 0x00 = do nothing SSCP_PACKET_TYPE_CMD = 0x01 = send command SSCP_PACKET_TYPE_ACK = 0x06 = acknowledge of command SSCP_PACKET_TYPE_NAK = 0x15 = not acknowledge of command
CMD = byte = self definable command
PAYLOAD = 1 to 16 bytes of payload (MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD const in sscp.h can be raised!)
CS = byte = checksum calculated as follows
unsigned char payload[16] = "Payload!Payload!";
unsigned char cs = 0x7f;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(payload); i++)
cs = cs + payload[i];
cs = cs & 255;
ETX = 0x03 = marks end of message
See here for a more advanced example including use of call-back functions.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <sscp.h>
// set address of this node
#define NODE 1
// set Serial1 as stream object for sscp library
sscp msg = sscp(Serial1);
// timer variable for sending new message every 1s
unsigned int milli = millis();
void setup()
Serial.begin(115200); // for debug output
Serial1.begin(115200); // for sscp library
void loop()
// sscp loop function
// Is packet for this node available?
if (msg.IsPacketAvailable(NODE))
Serial.print(String(millis()) + ": Rcvd packet from " +
String(msg.GetSource(), HEX) + " of type " + String(msg.GetType(), HEX));
Serial.print(" with CMD " + String(msg.GetCommand(), HEX) + " and payload");
for (unsigned short int i = 0; i < msg.GetPayloadLength(); i++)
Serial.print(" " + String(msg.GetPayload(i), HEX)));
// clear RX buffer and avoid processing this packet again
// send message every 1s
if (milli < millis())
// start new message from adr 1 to adr 2 of type CMD with CMD byte set to
// 0x10 and payload 0xFA 0xB1 0xA4
msg.MessageBegin(NODE, 2, SSCP_PACKET_TYPE_CMD, 0x10);
milli = millis() + 1000; // next tick
The library itself has no dependencies. Put it in your libs folder and include 'sscp.h'.
As there is no special magic in the library it should work on all platforms the Arduino-framework is ported to. I personally tested the library on an ESP8266 and a Teensy 3.1 and 3.6.
I would like to implement some more callback functions (eg OnPacket) and implement non-blocking waiting for ACK or NAK. This logic has to be implemented by the developer at the moment.
The library is licensed unter GNU Lesser General Public License v3. The examples are licensed under MIT license.
I developed this library for my personal learning experience. The library is far from being perfect and probably is not even a good example of how to develop a library. Therefore, I do not ask for money, but I hope that others will develop the library and remove my mistakes. But if you absolutely want to send an attention to me, then I do like an invite for a coffee...