- Added YAML Continuation command
- Update all dependencies
- Added YAML reader
- Added YAML Execution command
- Updated README
- Added Peer endpoints
- Added Mempool endpoints
- Added Block Payload endpoints
- Added Block Headers endpoints
- Added Cut endpoints
- Added Block Hash endpoints
- Blocked egress traffic in GitHub Actions
- Removed List types
- Added Renovate as dependency update tool
- Added Handling duplicate signers on commands
- Hardened GitHub Actions.
- Added stability badge in README.
- Implemented Local endpoint
- Refactored Pact Commands
- Implemented Poll endpoint
- Implemented Listen endpoint
- Implemented SPV endpoint
- Add OpenSSF BestPractices and Scorecard badges in README
- Refactored PACT Commands
- Added Composing functional Chainweb requests
- Added new function in Cap and modify JSON format
- Renamed resource definition for Chainweb Pact types
- Refactored Pact request bodies and CommandPayload
- Implemented Send endpoint
- Added Continuation Command
- Relocated Chainweb types
- Improved the README documentation
- Added JSONPayload protocol
- Implemented JSONPayload protocol in LocalRequestBody
- Implemented JSONPayload protocol in SendRequestBody
- Implemented JSONPayload protocol in PollRequestBody
- Implemented JSONPayload protocol in ListenRequestBody
- Implemented JSONPayload protocol in SPVRequestBody
- Bump ossf/scorecard-action to v2.0.6
- Added Kadena Chainweb Client functions
- Added Chainweb Pact Behaviour
- Added Error struct for the
- Added Kadena Pact functions
- Added Kadena Crypto functions
We finished the implementation of initial types on the Kadena.Types
- Added PactCommand types
- Added PactAPI types
- Added SignCommand types
We started the implementation of initial types on the Kadena.Types
- Added Base types
- Added PactValue types
- Added SignCommand types
- Added KeyPair types
- Initial release