diff --git a/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/html/install_glb.sh b/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/html/install_glb.sh
index d5255a05..c813d994 100755
--- a/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/html/install_glb.sh
+++ b/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/html/install_glb.sh
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ new_webdir=${WEBDIR}/${SUFFIX}
# Create a temporary working directory.
if [[ -e $workdir ]]; then
rm -rf $workdir
@@ -396,48 +396,6 @@ for file in $arrow_files; do
$NCP ${RADMON_IMAGE_GEN}/html/${file} ${imgndir}/pngs/.
-# summary thumb images
-# If any are missing dummy one in using ssmis_f18.
-$NCP ${RADMON_IMAGE_GEN}/html/${thumbs} ${imgndir}/pngs/summary/.
-cd ${imgndir}/pngs/summary
-tar -xvf ${thumbs}
-rm -f ${thumbs}
-for satype in $SATYPE; do
- if [[ ! -e ${satype}.summary.png ]]; then
- $NCP ssmis_f18.summary.png ${satype}.summary.png
- fi
-img_list=`ls *.png` # rm any images for sources not in $SATYPE
-for img in ${img_list}; do
- tmp=`echo "$img" | cut -d. -f1`
- echo $tmp
- img_match=`echo $SATYPE | grep $tmp`
- if [[ ${#img_match} -le 0 ]]; then
- rm -f ${img}
- fi
-# if on wcoss then cd $imgndir and do the rsync here
-if [[ $MY_MACHINE = "wcoss_d" || $MY_MACHINE = "wcoss2" ]]; then
- if [[ ${imgndir} != "/" ]]; then # sanity check to avoid serious embarrassment
- /usr/bin/rsync -ave ssh --exclude *.ctl.${Z} ${imgndir}/ \
- ${WEB_USER}@${WEB_SVR}.ncep.noaa.gov:${WEBDIR}/${SUFFIX}/
- fi
- ssh ${WEB_USER}@${WEB_SVR} mkdir ${WEBDIR}/${SUFFIX}/gdas
- ssh ${WEB_USER}@${WEB_SVR} ln -s ${WEBDIR}/${SUFFIX}/pngs ${WEBDIR}/${SUFFIX}/gdas/pngs
# clean up $workdir