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Meeting Notes Rolling Log

Matthijs Jansen edited this page Jan 28, 2021 · 26 revisions


Applications for the edge:

  • Machine learning (object detection, face recognition etc)
  • Federated learning
  • Simple linear algebra kernels / benchmarks
  • More: Stream analysis, video analytics, genome sequencing, online gaming

What hardware / infrastructure is needed:

  • Raspberry Pi as a general purpose edge node
  • Need to simulate network traffic to the DAS (4g/5g simulation)
  • Need to throttle the Raspberry Pi, to simulate slower IoT hardware
  • How to accurately measure energy usage of these devices?


  • Important to invest in tools for evaluation of all future edge papers
  • Can be anything: Network (traffic shaping), infrastructure, applications, emulators etc.
  • Make a list on github with the state-of-the-practice on edge computing
  • Scan evaluation section of edge computing paper

Paper ideas:

  • Benchmarking at the edge
    • Spec group worked on creating such a benchmark, but it was dropped due to there not being enough interested people
    • Do work in our current group for a few months, then maybe organize a workshop to bring in more people to this research area
    • Take a look at cloud benchmarks: How can we transfer it to the edge. Holistic overview: Only reporting energy usage or performance won't help, need to combine metrics to create a clear picture.
  • Reference architecture for edge RM&S (Matthijs)
  • Evaluating consistency protocols based on latency of used technology (Giulia)

Next meeting:

  • Pick an edge application, research what kind of infrastructure / tools are needed to deploy this application, and deploy it. What part of it is edge specific compared to normal cloud solutions? ** Machine learning, stateless (Matthijs) ** Federated learning, self-driving cars, stateful (Giulia)
  • Paper plan: What is the story, give a small pitch (+ write a paper introduction)


  • Finish github wiki setup
  • Paper planning for 2021


  • What kind of paper do you want to write this year? Which venue?
  • Setup Github organization + logo

Next meeting:

  • What applications do we want to focus on?
  • What hardware / infrastructure do we need?
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