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File metadata and controls

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An abp application module helps administrators to manage the app cache data.

Getting Started

  • Install with AbpHelper

    Coming soon.

  • Install Manually

    1. Install EasyAbp.CacheManagement.Application NuGet package to MyProject.Application project and add [DependsOn(CacheManagementApplicationModule)] attribute to the module.

    2. Install EasyAbp.CacheManagement.Application.Contracts NuGet package to MyProject.Application.Contracts project and add [DependsOn(CacheManagementApplicationContractsModule)] attribute to the module.

    3. Install EasyAbp.CacheManagement.Domain NuGet package to MyProject.Domain project and add [DependsOn(CacheManagementDomainModule)] attribute to the module.

    4. Install EasyAbp.CacheManagement.Domain.Shared NuGet package to MyProject.Domain.Shared project and add [DependsOn(CacheManagementDomainSharedModule)] attribute to the module.

    5. Install EasyAbp.CacheManagement.EntityFrameworkCore NuGet package to MyProject.EntityFrameworkCore project and add [DependsOn(CacheManagementEntityFrameworkCoreModule)] attribute to the module.

    6. Install EasyAbp.CacheManagement.HttpApi NuGet package to MyProject.HttpApi project and add [DependsOn(CacheManagementHttpApiModule)] attribute to the module.

    7. Install EasyAbp.CacheManagement.HttpApi.Client NuGet package to MyProject.HttpApi.Client project and add [DependsOn(CacheManagementHttpApiClientModule)] attribute to the module.

    8. Install EasyAbp.CacheManagement.MongoDB NuGet package to MyProject.MongoDB project and add [DependsOn(CacheManagementMongoDbModule)] attribute to the module.

    9. (Optional) If you need MVC UI, install EasyAbp.CacheManagement.Web NuGet package to MyProject.Web project and add [DependsOn(CacheManagementWebModule)] attribute to the module.

    10. Add options.ConventionalControllers.Create(typeof(CacheManagementApplicationModule).Assembly); to Configure<AbpAspNetCoreMvcOptions>(options => { ... }); in your host module (It is usually Web project or HttpApi.Host project).

    11. Install EasyAbp.CacheManagement.StackExchangeRedis NuGet to MyProject.Domain project and add [DependsOn(CacheManagementStackExchangeRedisModule)] attribute to the module. (If you are using other distributed cache provider, please find a correct driver.)

    12. Add builder.ConfigureCacheManagement(); to OnModelCreating method in MyProjectMigrationsDbContext.cs.

    13. Add EF Core migrations and update your database. See: ABP document.


  1. Add permissions to the roles you want.

  2. Add your own cache items.

  3. Enjoy this wonderful module.

CacheItems EditCacheItem CacheItemData


  • Cache values modification.
  • More detailed documentations.
  • More drivers.
  • Unit tests.