这是本系列的第五篇文章, 相关文章列表:
- OutOfMemoryError系列(1): Java heap space
- OutOfMemoryError系列(2): GC overhead limit exceeded
- OutOfMemoryError系列(3): Permgen space
- OutOfMemoryError系列(4): Metaspace
- OutOfMemoryError系列(5): Unable to create new native thread
Java applications are multi-threaded by nature. What this means is that the programs written in Java can do several things (seemingly) at once. For example – even on machines with just one processor – while you drag content from one window to another, the movie played in the background does not stop just because you carry out several operations at once.
Java程序本质上是多线程的, 可以同时执行多项任务。 类似于在播放视频的时候, 可以拖放窗口中的内容, 却不需要暂停视频播放, 即便是物理机上只有一个CPU。
A way to think about threads is to think of them as workers to whom you can submit tasks to carry out. If you had only one worker, he or she could only carry out one task at the time. But when you have a dozen workers at your disposal they can simultaneously fulfill several of your commands.
线程(thread)可以看作是干活的工人(workers)。 如果只有一个工人, 在同一时间就只能执行一项任务. 假若有很多工人, 那么就可以同时执行多项任务。
Now, as with workers in physical world, threads within the JVM need some elbow room to carry out the work they are summoned to deal with. When there are more threads than there is room in memory we have built a foundation for a problem:
和现实世界类似, JVM中的线程也需要内存空间来执行自己的任务. 如果线程数量太多, 就会引入新的问题:
The message java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread means that the Java application has hit the limit of how many Threads it can launch.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread 错误表达的意思是: 程序创建的线程数量已达到上限值
You have a chance to face the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread whenever the JVM asks for a new thread from the OS. Whenever the underlying OS cannot allocate a new native thread, this OutOfMemoryError will be thrown. The exact limit for native threads is very platform-dependent thus we recommend to find out those limits by running a test similar to the below example. But, in general, the situation causing java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread goes through the following phases:
JVM向操作系统申请创建新的 native thread(原生线程)时, 就有可能会碰到 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread 错误. 如果底层操作系统创建新的 native thread 失败, JVM就会抛出相应的OutOfMemoryError. 原生线程的数量受到具体环境的限制, 通过一些测试用例可以找出这些限制, 请参考下文的示例. 但总体来说, 导致 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread 错误的场景大多经历以下这些阶段:
A new Java thread is requested by an application running inside the JVM
JVM native code proxies the request to create a new native thread to the OS
The OS tries to create a new native thread which requires memory to be allocated to the thread
The OS will refuse native memory allocation either because the 32-bit Java process size has depleted its memory address space – e.g. (2-4) GB process size limit has been hit – or the virtual memory of the OS has been fully depleted
The java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread error is thrown.
JVM本地代码(native code)代理该请求, 尝试创建一个操作系统级别的 native thread(原生线程);
操作系统尝试创建一个新的native thread, 需要同时分配一些内存给该线程;
如果操作系统的虚拟内存已耗尽, 或者是受到32位进程的地址空间限制(约2-4GB), OS就会拒绝本地内存分配;
JVM抛出 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread 错误。
The following example creates and starts new threads in a loop. When running the code, operating system limits are reached fast and java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread message is displayed.
下面的代码在一个死循环中创建并启动很多新线程。代码执行后, 很快就会达到操作系统的限制, 报出 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread 错误。
new Thread(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e) { }
The exact native thread limit is platform-dependent, for example tests on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X reveal that:
原生线程的数量由具体环境决定, 比如, 在 Windows, Linux 和 Mac OS X 系统上:
64-bit Mac OS X 10.9, Java 1.7.0_45 – JVM dies after #2031 threads have been created
64-bit Mac OS X 10.9, Java 1.7.0_45 – JVM 在创建 #2031 号线程之后挂掉
64-bit Ubuntu Linux, Java 1.7.0_45 – JVM dies after #31893 threads have been created
64-bit Ubuntu Linux, Java 1.7.0_45 – JVM 在创建 #31893 号线程之后挂掉
64-bit Windows 7, Java 1.7.0_45 – due to a different thread model used by the OS, this error seems not to be thrown on this particular platform. On thread #250,000 the process was still alive, even though the swap file had grown to 10GB and the application was facing extreme performance issues.
64-bit Windows 7, Java 1.7.0_45 – 由于操作系统使用了不一样的线程模型, 这个错误信息似乎不会出现. 创建 #250,000 号线程之后,Java进程依然存在, 但虚拟内存(swap file) 的使用量达到了 10GB, 系统运行极其缓慢,基本上没法运行了。
So make sure you know your limits by invoking a small test and find out when the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread will be triggered
所以如果想知道系统的极限在哪儿, 只需要一个小小的测试用例就够了, 找到触发 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread 时创建的线程数量即可。
Occasionally you can bypass the Unable to create new native thread issue by increasing the limits at the OS level. For example, if you have limited the number of processes that the JVM can spawn in user space you should check out and possibly increase the limit:
有时可以修改系统限制来避开 Unable to create new native thread 问题. 假如JVM受到用户空间(user space)文件数量的限制, 像下面这样,就应该想办法增大这个值:
[root@dev ~]# ulimit -a
core file size (blocks, -c) 0
...... 省略部分内容 ......
max user processes (-u) 1800
More often than not, the limits on new native threads hit by the OutOfMemoryError indicate a programming error. When your application spawns thousands of threads then chances are that something has gone terribly wrong – there are not many applications out there which would benefit from such a vast amount of threads.
更多的情况, 触发创建 native 线程时的OutOfMemoryError, 表明编程存在BUG. 比如, 程序创建了成千上万的线程, 很可能就是某些地方出大问题了 —— 没有几个程序可以 Hold 住上万个线程的。
One way to solve the problem is to start taking thread dumps to understand the situation. You usually end up spending days doing this. Our suggestion is to connect Plumbr to your application to find out what is causing the problem and how to cure it in just minutes.
一种解决办法是执行线程转储(thread dump) 来分析具体情况。 一般需要花费好几个工作日来处理。 当然, 我们推荐使用 Plumbr 来找出问题的根源, 分分钟帮你搞定。
原文链接: https://plumbr.eu/outofmemoryerror/unable-to-create-new-native-thread
翻译日期: 2017年9月21日