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File metadata and controls

66 lines (57 loc) · 4.11 KB

SAE Vélos Nantes

Final Project of CS year 1 (Database, graphs, stats, and JavaFX app that uses everything)

How to run the app ?

  1. Download and install MySQL (8.0.33 as we write this). Server, Workbench, Shell and Connector/J are needed for this app, other products aren't mandatory
  2. Go in the MySQL Shell and run the following :
\connect root@localhost
CREATE DATABASE bd_velos_nantes;
\use bd_velos_nantes
\source SAE_creation.sql
\source SAE_remplissage_Quartier_Compteur_Date.sql
\source SAE_remplissage_Comptage.sql
ALTER TABLE Quartier CHANGE longeurPisteVelo longueurPisteVelo FLOAT;
CREATE USER admin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'mdp_admin';
CREATE USER user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'mdp_user';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON bd_velos_nantes.* TO admin@localhost WITH GRANT OPTION;
GRANT SELECT ON bd_velos_nantes.* TO user@localhost;

SQL files :

  1. Go in 2 - Java/2 - Code/Final and open a terminal there. Java JDK 20 have to be installed !! Not tested on prior versions
  2. Linux : chmod +x && ./ (it seems that the class can't be found...)
  3. Windows :
    - CMD : run.bat
    - PowerShell : .\run.bat
    Alternatively, open that folder in VS Code (Ctrl + K, Ctrl + O), get Java JDK 20 installed, and edit the module path in .vscode/launch.json to the /lib folder
    Then go on Run and Debug tab, and F5

How to repack the app after code edits ?

cd ws && jar cfm CycloNantais.jar ../manifest/Manifest.txt -C ../ .

(remove any file directly on ./ before packing)
Then, move the folders back and put the newly created JAR from /ws to the root directory

How to start ?

java  --module-path "./lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,,,javafx.web,,com.jfoenix --enable-preview --add-exports --illegal-access=permit --add-opens -cp "./CycloNantais.jar;class" frontend.Accueil

Command breakdown :

  • java : Uses java executable to start it. Java 20 needed
  • --module-path : Specify where the .jar modules are
  • "./lib" : They are in the lib folder relative to the app's root directory
  • --add-modules : Specify which modules we want to add dufing the app launch
  • javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,,,javafx.web,,com.jfoenix : Adds some JavaFX modules (FXML is probably not needed), JFoenix for Material Design and GSON by Google to handle JSON files
  • --enable-preview : Allows Java preview features to be enabled. Is also needed for weird reasons to launch it through the command line
  • --add-exports : Allows exporting of a package from a module to another module
  • : com.sun.javafx.scene can be exported from to any other module without restrictions
  • --illegal-access=permit : Permits illegal access to internal/non-public Java APIs. Deprecated starting from Java 17, this is why we have the next option
  • --add-opens : Allows opening a package from a module to another module for reflective access
  • : com.sun.javafx.scene is opened from to javafx.graphic
  • -cp : Specifies the classpath for the application
  • "./CycloNantais.jar;class" : Takes as input the class directory from the CycloNantais JAR file located in the app's root directory
  • frontend.Accueil : The entry point of that Java application is the Accueil class from the frontend package