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File metadata and controls

488 lines (383 loc) · 29.1 KB

The MMB file format

Warning: This spec has not yet stabilized. If you are interested in writing a verifier for this spec you should stay appraised for changes to the spec.

The .mmb file format is a binary format for compactly expressing proofs that can be verified by checkers like mm0-c. The details of this format will eventually become part of the formal proof of correctness of a verifier based on mm0-c. This verifier reads an .mm0 file (using the MM0 file format) and a companion .mmb file, and checks that the proofs in the .mmb file are correct and align with the .mm0 theorem statements.

Encoding and types

All numbers are expressed in little endian fixed width types. Some tables require 4 or 8 byte alignment, but the proof stream is 1 byte aligned.

  • u8: a 1 byte unsigned integer
  • u16: a 2 byte unsigned integer
  • u32: a 4 byte unsigned integer
  • u64: an 8 byte unsigned integer
  • u1: a bit, used in bit packing descriptions
  • u7: sorts are 7 bits, so the high bit is used to encode additional information.
  • [T; n]: a list of exactly n elements of type T
  • p32<T>: a 32 bit pointer to T, relative to the start of the file
  • p64<T>: a 64 bit pointer to T, relative to the start of the file
  • p32?<T> / p64?<T>: a nullable pointer. If the value is zero then it is null, else it is a pointer to T
  • str4: a fixed length 4 byte string
  • cstr: a UTF-8 null terminated string
  • (cmd, data): see below

Command pairs are denoted (cmd, data) and use a variable length encoding, from 1 to 5 bytes. The low six bits of the first byte are cmd, while the high two bits give the number of data bytes:

  • 00xxxxxx: cmd = x, data = 0
  • 01xxxxxx yyyyyyyy: cmd = x, data = y (1 byte data field)
  • 10xxxxxx yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy: cmd = x, data = y (2 byte data field)
  • 11xxxxxx yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy: cmd = x, data = y (4 byte data field)


The file header contains basic information about the format and pointers to the other tables in the file, and starts at the first byte of the file.

sizeof(header) = 40; align(header) = 8; header =

Field Type Description
magic str4 = "MM0B" = 0x42304D4D Indicates that this file uses MMB format
version u8 = 1 Indicates the version of the MMB format in use;
this document details version 1.
num_sorts u8 The number of sorts in the file.
reserved u16 Reserved, should be set to 0.
num_terms u32 The number of term and def in the file.
num_thms u32 The number of axiom and theorem in the file.
p_terms p32<[term; num_terms]> The pointer to the term table.
p_thms p32<[thm; num_thms]> The pointer to the theorem table.
p_proof p32<proof_stream> The pointer to the proof stream.
reserved2 u32 Reserved, should be set to 0.
p_index p64?<index> The pointer to the index.
sorts [sort_data; num_sorts] The sort table.

Sort Table

The sort table comes directly at the end of the header, and is a list of sort_data = u8 items that give the sort modifiers for each of the sorts.

Bit Modifier
0 pure
1 strict
2 provable
3 free
4-7 unused, set to 0

See for a description of the sort modifiers.

Term Table

The term table is an array [term; num_terms] where term is as follows:

sizeof(term) = 8; align(term) = 8; term =

Field Type Description
num_args u16 The number of arguments of the term constructor
ret_sort u7 The sort of the return type.
is_def u1 The high bit of ret_sort is 1 if this is a def.
reserved u8 Reserved, should be set to 0.
p_data p32<term_data> Pointer to additional information.

The p_data field points to additional data term_data for a term that cannot fit in these 8 bytes. Note that this data structure depends on the num_args and is_def fields of the relevant entry in the term table.

sizeof(term_data) varies; align(term_data) = 8; term_data =

Field Type Description
args [arg; num_args] The arguments
ret arg The return type
unify (optional) p32<unify_stream> The unify stream, only present if is_def = 1

The type arg = u64 contains a bit array for storing the dependencies of a sort.

sizeof(arg) = 8; align(arg) = 8; arg =

Field Type Description
deps [u1; 55] Bit i is 1 if this arg depends on the ith bound variable
reserved u1 Must be 0. (reserved for extensions to allow >55 deps)
sort u7 The sort of the type
bound u1 True if this is a bound variable

Note that bound variables must depend only on themselves in deps, i.e. the ith bound variable should have deps = 1 << i. Also, the indexing of bound variables in deps skips non-bound variables, but otherwise matches the ordering of the args array. A non-bound variable cannot depend on bound variables that are declared later in the list.

The ret field of the term_data does not use bound and sets it to 0; also ret_sort must agree with ret.sort.

Theorem Table

The theorem table is an array [thm; num_thms] where thm is as follows:

sizeof(thm) = 8; align(thm) = 8; thm =

Field Type Description
num_args u16 The number of (expression) arguments of the theorem
reserved u16 Reserved, should be set to 0.
p_data p32<thm_data> Pointer to additional information.

The p_data field points to additional data thm_data for a theorem that cannot fit in these 8 bytes. Note that this data structure depends on the num_args field of the relevant entry in the theorem table.

sizeof(thm_data) varies; align(thm_data) = 8; thm_data =

Field Type Description
args [arg; num_args] The arguments
unify p32<unify_stream> The unify stream

The interpretation of args is the same as in the term table.

Unify Stream

Definitions, axioms, and theorems contain a pointer to unify_stream, which is an unaligned list of (cmd, data) pairs (see Encoding and types) which continues until cmd = END = 0. The valid commands in a unify stream (which are 6 bit opcodes) are:

Name Value data Summary (*)
UTerm 0x30 term_id Apply term term_id
UTermSave 0x31 term_id Apply term term_id, and save this subterm to the heap
URef 0x32 heap_id Refer to heap element heap_id
UDummy 0x33 sort_id Create a new dummy with sort sort_id, apply and save it (only in def)
UHyp 0x36 0 Start reading a new hypothesis (only in theorem/axiom)
END 0x00 0 Not a command, signals the end of the stream

(*) The summary column is not a complete description of the behavior of the command. See Unification for the full stack machine semantics.

The operations are written in "polish notation", where a term constructor like UTerm t comes before the subterms. At the beginning of the unify stream, the heap is initialized with the variables in the order of declaration at indexes 0..num_args, but the heap grows every time a UTermSave or UDummy operation is encountered, and is assigned the next available index.

Since a term is "saved" before the contents of the term are read, cyclic terms are representable in this encoding; for example UTermSave 0, URef 0 is the term x = (t0 x). Cyclic terms are not legal in MMB files.

For definitions, the unify stream encodes the value of the definition. For theorems and axioms, the unify stream has the pattern UHyp, <h1>, UHyp, <h2>, ..., UHyp, <hn>, <concl> for a theorem with n hypotheses, where each <hi> is the encoding of the hypothesis expression and <concl> is the encoding of the conclusion expression.

The CMD_END terminator is redundant because it is possible to predict the end of the stream, since each UTerm[Save] must be followed by num_args subexpressions, URef and UDummy have no subexpressions, and UHyp has two subexpressions (the first hypothesis and the remainder of the hypotheses and conclusion). A unify stream that terminates too early or too late is malformed.

Proof Stream

The proof stream contains the proofs of all the theorems that have been declared in the term and theorem tables. It is an unaligned stream of (cmd, data) pairs like the unify stream, but it has a two-level structure to enable fast scanning through the file.

The first command in the stream is a statement, and the data field is a relative pointer that gives the number of bytes from the start of this statement to the start of the following statement.

The valid statements are:

Name Value Has proof stream? Description
Sort 0x04 No Declares a new sort
Term 0x05 No Declares a new term
Def 0x05 Yes Declares a new pub def (*)
LocalDef 0x0D Yes Declares a new def
Axiom 0x02 Yes Declares a new axiom
Thm 0x06 Yes Declares a new theorem
LocalThm 0x0E Yes Declares a new local theorem
END 0x00 Not a statement, signals the end of the stream

(*) Note that Term and Def have the same value; this is because the actual indication of whether this is a term or def is by looking at the is_def field in the term table.

The verifier keeps track of how many sort, term/def, and axiom/theorem items have been encountered, and each occurrence of a statement from each of these classes increments the respective counter, with the new index being the index into the sort, term, or theorem tables, respectively. All references to terms with an ID larger than the running count (i.e. forward references) are considered to be invalid.

For statements that do not have a proof stream, the next command will be the next statement (and the data field for the statement will be the byte length of that single command). For statements that do have a proof stream, the next command will be a sequence of proof commands ending at END, and the data field will point immediately following the END.

The valid proof commands are:

Name Value data Summary (*)
Term 0x10 term_id Apply term term_id
TermSave 0x11 term_id Apply term term_id, and save this subterm to the heap
Ref 0x12 heap_id Put heap element heap_id on the stack
Dummy 0x13 sort_id Create a new dummy with sort sort_id, apply and save it
Thm 0x14 thm_id Apply theorem thm_id
ThmSave 0x15 thm_id Apply theorem thm_id, and save it to the heap
Hyp 0x16 0 Add the expression just constructed as a hypothesis
Conv 0x17 0 Apply the conversion rule e1 = e2 /\ proof e2 -> proof e1
Refl 0x18 0 Reflexivity conversion e = e
Sym 0x19 0 Symmetry of conversion e1 = e2 -> e2 = e1
Cong 0x1A 0 Congruence e1 = e1' /\ ... /\ en = en' -> t es = t es'
Unfold 0x1B 0 Unfolding: e = e' -> D es = e' if D es unfolds to e
ConvCut 0x1C 0 Prove a conversion e1 = e2
ConvSave 0x1E 0 Save a conversion e1 = e2 to the heap
Save 0x1F 0 Save an element on the stack to the heap without popping it
Sorry 0x20 0 Push a proof of anything, or a conversion (**)
END 0x00 0 Not a command, signals the end of the stream

(*) The summary column is not a complete description of the behavior of the command. See Proof checking for the full stack machine semantics.

(**) The Sorry command is not a valid proof command, but is useful for generating partial proofs. Verifiers are permitted to not recognize its existence.

The proof commands construct a proof in reverse polish notation (meaning that constructors follow their arguments) as follows:

  • Definitions construct the value of the definition expr e on the stack. (This is redundant with the unify stream encoded in the term table, but by checking one against the other we can ensure no cyclic terms.)
  • Axioms and theorems first construct each hypothesis and then use Hyp to add them to the hypothesis list, and then axioms construct expr concl and theorems construct proof concl.

There is no difference between local and public theorems/defs in terms of verification, but sorts, terms, axioms, public theorems, and public defs require reading the next statement in the MM0 file and ensuring that it matches the current statement in the MMB file. Local theorems and local defs do not require any corresponding statement in the MM0 file.

Proof Checking

The proof stream is a sequence of commands that are designed to operate on a stack machine with the following components:

  • S: The (main) stack, which starts empty and on which most commands operate. The valid stack elements are:
    • expr e or e: e is an expression
    • proof e or |- e: e is a proven expression
    • e1 = e2: A conversion proof
    • e1 =?= e2: A conversion obligation
  • H: The heap, which is initialized to the list of all the variables, and can contain all kinds of stack elements except e1 =?= e2.
  • HS: The list of hypotheses to the current theorem, which starts empty and grows on Hyp commands.
  • next_bv: The number of active bound variables, which is initialized to the number of bound variables in the declaration and is incremented on Dummy calls

The backing store is not mentioned explicitly in the description but holds the memory for all constructed s-expressions. In particular, operations like Term that allocate a new expression are considered distinct from any previously constructed expression, so equality testing, such as is required by the Refl command and in unification, is pointer equality, not structural equality. For example, Term 0, Term 0 constructs t0, t0' on the stack, but if these ended up in a reflexivity obligation t0 =?= t0' then a proof that applied Refl would not be valid. To actually get the same term twice it is required to use Save and Ref, as in TermSave(0), Ref(0) which puts t0, t0 on the stack.

During operation, we pre-calculate certain metadata about allocated expressions:

  • bound(e) is true if e is a bound variable (a variable with args[i].bound = true), or a dummy variable. All composite expressions have bound(t ...) = false.
  • sort(e) is the sort of the expression
  • V(e) is the set of variables in e
    • V(xi) is {xi} if xi is a variable with bound(x)
    • V(xi) is args[i].deps if xi is a variable
    • V(t e1 ... en) is V(e1) ∪ ... ∪ V(en)
  • FV(e) is the set of free variables in e
    • FV(xi) is the same as V(xi) on variables
    • FV(t e1 ... en) is S1 ∪ ... ∪ Sn ∪ T where
      • if term[t].args[i].bound, Si = FV(ei)
      • otherwise Si is FV(ei) minus the union of FV(e[bv[j]]) over all j such that term[t].args[i].deps[j], and bv[j] is the j'th bound variable
      • T is the union of FV(e[bv[j]]) over all j such that term[t].ret.deps[j]

Because V is used only in theorem proofs and BV only in definitions, mm0-c will cache one or the other depending on which kind of statement is being proven.

The proof opcodes have the following operation on the state:

  • Term t: H; S, e1, ..., en --> H; S, (t e1 .. en)

    Term t does the following:

    • Look up term[t], which must be a valid term or def.
    • Let n = term[t].num_args
    • Pop e1, ..., en in reverse order (so e1 is deepest on the stack before the operation)
    • For each argument ei, check that sort(ei) = term[t].args[i].sort, and if term[t].args[i].bound then bound(ei).
    • Allocate (t e1 ... en) with sort(t e1 ... en) = term[t].ret_sort
    • Push (t e1 ... en) on the stack
  • TermSave t = Term t, Save
    TermSave t: H; S, e1, ..., en --> H, (t e1 .. en); S, (t e1 .. en)

    TermSave t has exactly the same effect as Term t, Save. Specifically, it constructs the expression (t e1 .. en), and puts it on both the stack and on the heap.

  • Ref i: H; S, e1 =?= e2 --> H; S    (if H[i] = (e1 = e2))
    Ref i: H; S --> H; S, H[i]         (otherwise)

    Ref i does the following:

    • Look up H[i], which should be in range of the heap.
    • If H[i] = e or |- e, push it to the stack.
    • If H[i] = (e1 = e2), pop e1 =?= e2 and ensure that the expressions match.
  • Dummy s: H; S --> H, x; S, x

    Dummy s does the following:

    • Look up sort[s], which must be a valid sort such that !sort[s].strict.
    • Let x = var(next_bv) be a new bound variable, and increment next_bv
    • Allocate x with sort(x) = s
    • Push x on the stack and the heap
  • Thm T: H; S, e1, ..., en, e --> H; S', |- e
    where Unify(T): S; e1, ..., en; e --> S'; H'; .

    Thm T is only valid in proofs of axiom and theorem. Thm T does the following:

    • Look up thm[T], which must be a valid axiom or theorem.
    • Let n = thm[T].num_args
    • Pop expression e
    • Pop e1, ..., en in reverse order (so e1 is deepest on the stack before the operation)
    • Initialize uheap := []
    • For each argument ei:
      • check that sort(ei) = thm[T].args[i].sort
      • If thm[T].args[i].bound:
        • check that bound(ei).
        • check that FV(e') ∩ FV(ei) = {} for all e' in uheap
        • push FV(ei) to deps
      • Otherwise:
        • For each j such that thm[T].args[i].deps[j]:
          • check that deps[j] ∩ FV(ei) = {}
      • Push ei to uheap
    • Run unification for thm[T].unify, with uheap as the original unification heap and with [e] on the unification stack. The unifier also has access to the main stack and may pop theorem hypotheses as necessary.
    • Push |- e to the stack.
  • ThmSave T = Thm T, Save

    ThmSave T has exactly the same effect as Thm T, Save. Specifically, it applies theorem T and puts the conclusion |- e on both the stack and on the heap.

  • Hyp: HS; H; S, e --> HS, e; H, |- e; S

    Hyp is only valid in proofs of axiom and theorem. Hyp does the following:

    • Pop e.
    • Ensure that sorts[sort(e)].provable.
    • Push e to the hypothesis list.
    • Push |- e to the heap.
  • Conv: S, e1, |- e2 --> S, |- e1, e1 =?= e2
    • Pop |- e2, pop e1, push |- e1, push e1 =?= e2.
  • Refl: S, e =?= e --> S
    • Pop e1 =?= e2, ensure that e1 and e2 are equal. (Reminder: this is O(1) pointer equality)
  • Symm: S, e1 =?= e2 --> S, e2 =?= e1
    • Pop e1 =?= e2, push e2 =?= e1.
  • Cong: S, (t e1 ... en) =?= (t e1' ... en') --> S, en =?= en', ..., e1 =?= e1'
    • Pop (t e1 ... en) =?= (t e1' ... en').
    • Ensure that both expressions are term constructors for the same t.
    • Push en =?= en, ..., e1 =?= e1. (Note that the obligations are pushed in reverse order.)
  • Unfold: S, (t e1 ... en) =?= e', e --> S, e =?= e'
    where Unify(t): e1, ..., en; e --> H'; .
    • Pop e.
    • Pop (t e1 ... en) =?= e'.
    • Ensure that t is a term constructor such that term[t].is_def.
    • Run unification for term[t].unify, with [e1, ..., en] as the original unification heap and with [e] on the unification stack.
    • Push e =?= e'.
  • ConvCut: S, e1 =?= e2 --> S, e1 = e2, e1 =?= e2
    • Pop e1 =?= e2, push e1 = e2, push e1 =?= e2.
  • ConvSave: H; S, e1 = e2 --> H, e1 = e2; S
    • Pop e1 = e2, push e1 = e2 to the heap.
  • Save: H; S, s --> H, s; S, s
    • Pop any stack element s.
    • Ensure s is not a convertibility obligation e1 =?= e2
    • Push s to the heap and the stack.
  • Sorry: S, e -> S, |- e
    Sorry: S, e1 =?= e2 -> S

    Pop a stack element s:

    • If s = e, push |- e to the stack.
    • If s = (e1 =?= e2), do nothing.
    • Record that Sorry was used. Verifiers that signal successful verification using exit codes are required to report failure for proofs using Sorry, although they can use implementation-defined printing to distinguish proofs-modulo-Sorry from malformed proofs.


Unification is called during proof checking, in the Unfold and Thm rules, as well as when verifying Def statements. The unifier uses the following state:

  • MS: The main stack (which was called S in the previous section) is consulted to get hypotheses, but is not otherwise used.
  • S: The unify stack, which contains expressions that have yet to be unified. Unification starts with a single expression on the unify stack, and it should be empty when unification is done.
  • H: The unify heap, which contains substitutions, and is extended by UDummy and UTermSave steps. It is initialized to the list of substitutions to the variables in the theorem or def.

The action of the unify commands is as follows:

  • URef i: H; S, H[i] --> H; S
    • Pop e, ensure that e = H[i]. (Reminder: this is O(1) pointer equality)
  • UTerm t: S, (t e1 ... en) --> S, en, ..., e1
    • Pop e.
    • Ensure that e = (t e1 ... en) is a term constructor with head t.
    • Push en, ..., e1. (Note that the expressions are pushed in reverse order.)
  • UTermSave t = USave, UTerm t
    UTermSave t: H; S, (t e1 ... en) --> H, (t e1 ... en); S, en, ..., e1

    UTermSave t has exactly the same effect as USave, UTerm t. Specifically, it pops the expression (t e1 .. en), puts it on the heap, and puts the subexpressions on the stack.

  • UDummy s: H; S, x --> H, x; S

    UDummy is only allowed in def declarations.

    • Pop x.
    • Ensure that x is a variable and sort(x) = s.
    • Ensure that V(e) ∩ V(x) = {} for all e in H.
    • Push x to the unify heap.
  • UHyp: MS, |- e; S --> MS; S, e

    UHyp is only allowed in theorem declarations.

    • Pop |- e from the main stack.
    • Push e to the unify stack.
  • USave: H; S, e --> H, e; S, e

    (USave is not an available opcode but is used to describe the operation of UTermSave.)

    • Pop e, push e to the heap and the stack.

Debugging Index

The p_index field in the header points to an index which contains a list of index entries.

sizeof(index) varies; align(index) = 8; index =

Field Type Description
num_entries u64 The number of index entries
entries [index_entry; num_entries] The index entries

Each index entry has a type which determines the meaning of the fields.

sizeof(index_entry) = 16; align(index_entry) = 8; index_entry =

Field Type Description
type str4 The type of table
data u32 Varies
ptr u64 Varies

The collection of valid type settings is open-ended, but extensions should coordinate in order to avoid overlaps. The following table types are defined:

type data ptr Description
"Name" = 0x656D614E 0 p64<names> String names for sorts, terms, and theorems
"VarN" = 0x4E726156 0 p64<var_names> String names for variables
"HypN" = 0x4E726156 0 p64<hyp_names> String names for hypotheses

The Name table: names for statements

align(names) = 8; names =

Field Type Description
sorts [name_entry; num_sorts] The names of sorts
terms [name_entry; num_terms] The names of terms
thms [name_entry; num_thms] The names of theorems

Each name entry consists of a pointer to the statement in the proof stream where it was introduced, and a UTF-8 C string with the name. (MM0 itself doesn't support non-ASCII names, but the names listed here are allowed to include arbitrary unicode.)

sizeof(name_entry) = 16; align(name_entry) = 8; name_entry =

Field Type Description
proof p64?<proof_stream> A pointer to this statement in the proof stream
name p64?<cstr> A pointer to the name string

The VarN table: names for variables

align(var_names) = 8; var_names =

Field Type Description
term_vars [p64?<str_list>; num_terms] The list of variables in a term/def
thm_vars [p64?<str_list>; num_thms] The list of variables in a axiom/theorem

The str_list type is just a list of pointers to UTF-8 null-terminated strings:

sizeof(str_list) varies; align(str_list) = 8; str_list =

Field Type Description
num_strs u64 The number of strings in the list
strs [p64?<cstr>; num_strs] A list of string pointers

The list term_vars[t] is the list of variable names in term[t] in the order of declaration, but the list continues past num_args to include the dummies, named by order of appearance of Dummy steps in the proof stream, which happens to coincide with the order of UDummy steps in the unify stream version. Similarly, the thm_vars[T] list gives the variable names in thm[T], including the dummy variables.

The HypN table: names for hypotheses

align(hyp_names) = 8; hyp_names =

Field Type Description
thm_hyps [p64?<str_list>; num_thms] The list of hypotheses in a axiom/theorem

The hyp_names table is similar to var_names, and reuses the str_list type. The list gives the names of hypotheses in the order of Hyp commands in the statement.