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Nico Matentzoglu edited this page May 1, 2020 · 2 revisions

How to add a new ontology to OLS (dev-version)

  1. Edit config files on GitHub

a. Go to b. Switch to dev branch c. Edit (add the ontology config metadata) d. The same process for prod: just switch to the prod branch, do the same edit.

  1. Update config files on server

Note: The instructions to update prod are more or less the same: change the path from dev to prod.

a. ssh noah-login b. become spotspot c. cd /nfs/spot/sw/dev/ols/config/ d. Make backup copy of the ols-config on the server (/nfs/spot/sw/prod/ols/config/ols-ontologies.yaml.20200330) e. Add ontology config metadata to /nfs/spot/sw/dev/ols/config/ols-ontologies.yaml f. Go to GRMOMIT (Bamboo): g. Scroll down to OLS. Click the "play" button on Reload OLS config (dev). This will reload the updated config and upon completion trigger the indexer.

  1. If you want to force a specific index: Run -> Run custom Build vars: index_args -f efo # this is a list of ontologies, so can be multiple
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