- fix MCP parsing
- bump Plots required version to eliminate BinaryProvider
- pefectforesight: fix initialization of exogenous variables
- fixing missing IRF plot
- use cmd shell to display graphs in Windows
- remove dependency on MUMPS to fix installation problem on Windows
- fix bug when varobs aren't in same order as var
- observations must be kept constant: use new matrix instead of alias
- weaker MUMPS compat
- fix estimation code
- fix observed variables order in Kalman smoother
- check that all endogenous variables are present in
option is used
- fix computation and plots of irfs
- don't compute and plot irfs of auxiliary variables
- don't compute IRFs for auxiliary variables
- make sure steadystate, linear and quadratic trends are correctly initialized
- fix bug parsing of year and undated periods introduced in previous release
- fix parsing of year and undated periods
- improve reporting
- fix compat for MUMPS
- downgrading compat for MUMPS to 1.4.0 to solve installation problem on Windows
- add support for purely backward linear models
- fix bug in rwmh_compute!()
- restore printing of Dynare parsing errors
- add normcdf and normpdf
- add periods for calibsmoother and forecast
- add smoothed shocks computation
- fix steady state in filter and smoother
- add forecasting and recursive forecasting
- fix endval
- add posterior mode computation
- add homotopy for steady state
- add exported functions
- add docstrings
- add documentation
- update DynarePreprocessor_jll to v6.4.0
- conditional simulations with MCP
- add options to perfect_foresight!
- fix to 2nd order computation
- fix to nonstationary models
- fix autocorrelation
- adding scenario!() and conditional simulations
- adding Julia functions equivalent to some Dynare instructions
- localapproximation!() -> stoch_simul
- steadystate!() -> steady
- perfect_foresight!() -: perfect_foresight_setup and perfect_foresight_solver
- adding second order approximation (limited features)
- put PathSolver and PardisoSolver as Julia extensions
- fix occasional problem with static variables and QR decomposition
- fix bug in initialization of perfect foresight simulation
- fix bug in estimation in 0.7.3
- fix initialization with lags and leads on several periods
- fix initialization of perfect foresight
- fix handling of estimated parameters and priors
- fix LTS compatibilty
- fix lint errors
- adding estimation module
- replacing TimeDataFrames by AxisArrayTables
- improving simulations storing
- fix compatibility with DynarePreprocessor_jll
- fix initval with parameters
- fix occasionally binding constraints
- fix histval for models with lead or lag exogenous variable
- fix shocks for exogenous variables with steady state different from zero
- add tests for initialization
- add support for endval
- fix timing bug in perfect foreisght
- change location of Dynare model functions
- switch to sparse matrices for model derivatives
- add numerical solution for steady state
- fix mcp simulations
- update version of FastLapackInterface, PolynomialMatrixEquations and LinearRationalExpectations
- add line breaks to model in Latex reports using lstlisting
- provide an additional format where the parameter value is set after the parameter rather than below
- fix histval for auxiliary variables
- fix histval for prefect foresight models
- fix autocorrelation for stationary models
- don't compute autocorrelation for non stationary models
- add tolf option for steady and perfect foresight
- fix IRFs plotting in several panels (more than 6 variables)
- fix perfect foresight wit no exogenous variable or no shock
- change signature of steady_state_function
- force Int64 numerical constant (necessary for Julia 32bit)
- removing debug instructions
- fix reporting with end of line CR LF
- add plots for TimeDataFrames series
- add accessor functions
- fix
- fix
- add support for MCP problems in
- fix preprocessor problem with macOS
- fix backward-looking model simulation
- IRFs are now stored in a vector of TimeDataFrames
- fix graphs in Windows
- fix bugs in initval-file
- update to ExtendedDates v0.1.2
- fix bugs in
- adding moments and IRFs to stoch_simul
- open automatically image viewer in
directory upon exit - save
in a JLD2 file in theoutput
directory - fix bug in
- fixing bug linked to the use of StatsFuns in Dynare generated functions
- Moving project from https://git.dynare.org/DynareJulia/Dynare.jl to https://github.com/DynareJulia/Dynare.jl
- Adding project to Julia's General Registry