diff --git a/src/Draco.Compiler/Internal/Syntax/Formatting/SyntaxFormatAtom.cs b/src/Draco.Compiler/Internal/Syntax/Formatting/SyntaxFormatAtom.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1a0e75bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Draco.Compiler/Internal/Syntax/Formatting/SyntaxFormatAtom.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Draco.Compiler.Api.Syntax;
+namespace Draco.Compiler.Internal.Syntax.Formatting;
+/// A significant atomic piece of syntax in terms of formatting.
+/// This means general token and comments from trivia.
+/// Newlines and whitespace are not considered atoms.
+/// The token kind, in case it's a token.
+/// The trivia kind, in case it's trivia.
+/// The text the atom represents.
+internal readonly record struct SyntaxFormatAtom(
+ TokenKind? TokenKind,
+ TriviaKind? TriviaKind,
+ string? Text);
diff --git a/src/Draco.Compiler/Internal/Syntax/Formatting/SyntaxFormatter.cs b/src/Draco.Compiler/Internal/Syntax/Formatting/SyntaxFormatter.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b770f97c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Draco.Compiler/Internal/Syntax/Formatting/SyntaxFormatter.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace Draco.Compiler.Internal.Syntax.Formatting;
+/// A formatter for the syntax tree.
+internal sealed class SyntaxFormatter
+ ///
+ /// The settings of the formatter.
+ ///
+ public SyntaxFormatterSettings Settings { get; }
+ public SyntaxFormatter(SyntaxFormatterSettings settings)
+ {
+ this.Settings = settings;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Draco.Compiler/Internal/Syntax/Formatting/SyntaxFormatterSettings.cs b/src/Draco.Compiler/Internal/Syntax/Formatting/SyntaxFormatterSettings.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f2c66e02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Draco.Compiler/Internal/Syntax/Formatting/SyntaxFormatterSettings.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace Draco.Compiler.Internal.Syntax.Formatting;
+/// The settings of the formatter.
+internal sealed class SyntaxFormatterSettings
diff --git a/src/Draco.Compiler/Internal/Syntax/SyntaxTreeFormatter.cs b/src/Draco.Compiler/Internal/Syntax/SyntaxTreeFormatter.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 85d4926d3..000000000
--- a/src/Draco.Compiler/Internal/Syntax/SyntaxTreeFormatter.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Text;
-using Draco.Compiler.Api.Syntax;
-namespace Draco.Compiler.Internal.Syntax;
-/// Settings that the formatter will use.
-internal sealed record class SyntaxTreeFormatterSettings(string Indentation)
- internal static readonly SyntaxTreeFormatterSettings Default = new(" ");
-/// The formatter for .
-internal sealed class SyntaxTreeFormatter : SyntaxRewriter
- private static readonly SyntaxList oneSpaceTrivia = CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Whitespace, " ");
- private static readonly SyntaxList noSpaceTrivia = CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Whitespace, "");
- private static readonly SyntaxList newlineTrivia = CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Newline, Environment.NewLine);
- private TokenKind? lastToken;
- private TokenKind? nextToken;
- private IEnumerator? tokens;
- private readonly SyntaxTreeFormatterSettings settings;
- private int indentCount = 0;
- private string Indentation
- {
- get
- {
- var result = new StringBuilder();
- for (var i = 0; i < this.indentCount; ++i) result.Append(this.settings.Indentation);
- return result.ToString();
- }
- }
- internal SyntaxTreeFormatter(SyntaxTreeFormatterSettings settings)
- {
- this.settings = settings;
- }
- private SyntaxToken.Builder AddIndentation(SyntaxToken.Builder newToken)
- {
- this.AddIndentation();
- return newToken;
- }
- private SyntaxToken.Builder RemoveIndentation(SyntaxToken.Builder newToken)
- {
- this.RemoveIndentation();
- return newToken;
- }
- private void AddIndentation() => this.indentCount++;
- private void RemoveIndentation() => this.indentCount--;
- ///
- /// Formats the given .
- ///
- /// The to be formatted.
- /// The formatted .
- public SyntaxTree Format(SyntaxTree tree) => new(
- sourceText: tree.SourceText,
- greenRoot: this.Format(tree.GreenRoot),
- // TODO: Anything smarter to pass here?
- syntaxDiagnostics: new());
- ///
- /// Formats the given .
- ///
- /// The to be formatted.
- /// The formatted .
- public SyntaxNode Format(SyntaxNode tree)
- {
- this.tokens = tree.Tokens.GetEnumerator();
- this.lastToken = TokenKind.EndOfInput;
- // We need to be one token ahead, because the next token affects the current one, so we must advance twice here
- if (!(this.tokens.MoveNext() && this.tokens.MoveNext())) return tree;
- this.nextToken = this.tokens.Current.Kind;
- return tree.Accept(this);
- }
- public override SyntaxNode VisitLabelDeclaration(LabelDeclarationSyntax node)
- {
- // Labels are indented one less than te rest of the code
- this.RemoveIndentation();
- var trIdentifier = this.VisitSyntaxToken(node.Name);
- var trColonToken = SetTrivia(SyntaxToken.Builder.From(node.Colon), noSpaceTrivia, newlineTrivia).Build();
- this.AddIndentation();
- var colonTokenChanged = CheckTriviaEqual(trColonToken, node.Colon);
- // We need to advance to the next token by hand, because we don't call TransformToken
- this.lastToken = TokenKind.Colon;
- if (this.tokens!.MoveNext()) this.nextToken = this.tokens!.Current.Kind;
- else this.nextToken = TokenKind.EndOfInput;
- var identifierChanged = !ReferenceEquals(node.Name, trIdentifier);
- var changed = identifierChanged || colonTokenChanged;
- if (!changed) return node;
- return new LabelDeclarationSyntax(trIdentifier, trColonToken);
- }
- public override SyntaxToken VisitSyntaxToken(SyntaxToken node)
- {
- if (node.Kind == TokenKind.EndOfInput) return node;
- var resultToken = this.FormatToken(node);
- this.lastToken = resultToken.Kind;
- this.tokens!.MoveNext();
- if (this.tokens.Current is null) this.nextToken = TokenKind.EndOfInput;
- else this.nextToken = this.tokens.Current.Kind;
- if (resultToken is not null)
- {
- // If the original token andthe new one have the same trivia, we set changed to false, so the entire subtree is not recalculated
- if (!CheckTriviaEqual(resultToken, node)) return resultToken;
- }
- // No change
- return node;
- }
- private SyntaxToken FormatToken(SyntaxToken token)
- {
- var newToken = token.ToBuilder();
- newToken = newToken.Kind switch
- {
- // TODO: Maybe use dictionary in future to allow user to alter "stickiness" of some tokens
- // Tokens that always have one space after
- // Note: TokenKind.Comma is exception, in case it is in label declaration, it is handeled outside of this function
- TokenKind.Assign or TokenKind.Colon or TokenKind.Comma or TokenKind.Equal or
- TokenKind.GreaterEqual or TokenKind.GreaterThan or TokenKind.InterpolationStart or
- TokenKind.KeywordAnd or TokenKind.KeywordImport or
- TokenKind.KeywordMod or TokenKind.KeywordNot or TokenKind.KeywordOr or
- TokenKind.KeywordRem or TokenKind.LessEqual or TokenKind.LessThan or
- TokenKind.Minus or TokenKind.MinusAssign or TokenKind.NotEqual or
- TokenKind.Plus or TokenKind.PlusAssign or TokenKind.Slash or
- TokenKind.SlashAssign or TokenKind.Star or TokenKind.StarAssign => SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, oneSpaceTrivia),
- // Tokens that statement can start with, which means they need to have indentation before them
- // Note: TokenKind.Identifier is handeled separately, base on tokens that are before or after the Identifier
- TokenKind.KeywordVal or TokenKind.KeywordVar or TokenKind.KeywordFunc or
- TokenKind.KeywordReturn or TokenKind.KeywordGoto or TokenKind.KeywordWhile =>
- SetTrivia(newToken, CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Whitespace, this.Indentation), oneSpaceTrivia),
- TokenKind.ParenOpen => SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, noSpaceTrivia),
- TokenKind.ParenClose => this.nextToken switch
- {
- TokenKind.ParenClose or TokenKind.Semicolon => SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, noSpaceTrivia),
- _ => SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, oneSpaceTrivia),
- },
- TokenKind.Semicolon => this.nextToken switch
- {
- TokenKind.KeywordElse => SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, oneSpaceTrivia),
- _ => SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, newlineTrivia),
- },
- TokenKind.CurlyOpen => this.lastToken switch
- {
- TokenKind.Semicolon or TokenKind.CurlyOpen or TokenKind.CurlyClose or
- TokenKind.EndOfInput or TokenKind.Colon =>
- this.AddIndentation(SetTrivia(newToken, CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Whitespace, this.Indentation), newlineTrivia)),
- _ => SetTrailingTrivia(this.AddIndentation(newToken), newlineTrivia),
- },
- TokenKind.CurlyClose => this.nextToken switch
- {
- TokenKind.Semicolon =>
- SetTrivia(this.RemoveIndentation(newToken), CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Whitespace, this.Indentation), noSpaceTrivia),
- _ => SetTrivia(this.RemoveIndentation(newToken), CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Whitespace, this.Indentation), newlineTrivia)
- },
- // If and else keywords are formatted diferently when they are used as expressions and when they are used as statements
- TokenKind.KeywordIf => this.lastToken switch
- {
- TokenKind.Semicolon or TokenKind.CurlyClose or TokenKind.CurlyOpen or TokenKind.Colon =>
- SetTrivia(newToken, CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Whitespace, this.Indentation), oneSpaceTrivia),
- _ => SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, oneSpaceTrivia),
- },
- TokenKind.KeywordElse => this.lastToken switch
- {
- TokenKind.CurlyClose or TokenKind.Colon =>
- SetTrivia(newToken, CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Whitespace, this.Indentation), oneSpaceTrivia),
- _ => SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, oneSpaceTrivia),
- },
- // Identifier is handeled based on the context in which it is used
- TokenKind.Identifier => (this.lastToken, this.nextToken) switch
- {
- { lastToken: TokenKind.KeywordVal or TokenKind.KeywordVar, nextToken: TokenKind.Colon } =>
- SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, noSpaceTrivia),
- {
- lastToken: TokenKind.KeywordVal or TokenKind.KeywordVar or TokenKind.Colon,
- nextToken: TokenKind.Semicolon or TokenKind.Assign or TokenKind.PlusAssign or
- TokenKind.MinusAssign or TokenKind.Slash or TokenKind.StarAssign
- } => SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, oneSpaceTrivia),
- {
- lastToken: TokenKind.Semicolon or TokenKind.CurlyOpen or
- TokenKind.CurlyClose or TokenKind.EndOfInput or TokenKind.Colon,
- nextToken: TokenKind.Assign or TokenKind.PlusAssign or
- TokenKind.MinusAssign or TokenKind.Slash or TokenKind.StarAssign
- } => SetTrivia(newToken, CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Whitespace, this.Indentation), oneSpaceTrivia),
- { lastToken: TokenKind.Semicolon or TokenKind.CurlyOpen or TokenKind.CurlyClose or TokenKind.EndOfInput or TokenKind.Colon } =>
- SetTrivia(newToken, CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Whitespace, this.Indentation), noSpaceTrivia),
- { nextToken: TokenKind.Semicolon or TokenKind.ParenOpen or TokenKind.ParenClose } =>
- SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, noSpaceTrivia),
- _ => SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, oneSpaceTrivia),
- },
- // Literals are handeled based on the context in which they are used
- // Note: TokenKind.MultiLineStringEnd is handeled separately, beacause we can't alter its leading trivia
- TokenKind.LiteralInteger or TokenKind.LiteralFloat or TokenKind.KeywordFalse or TokenKind.KeywordTrue or TokenKind.LiteralCharacter or TokenKind.LineStringEnd => (this.lastToken, this.nextToken) switch
- {
- { nextToken: TokenKind.Semicolon or TokenKind.ParenClose } => SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, noSpaceTrivia),
- { lastToken: TokenKind.Semicolon or TokenKind.CurlyOpen, nextToken: TokenKind.CurlyClose } =>
- SetTrivia(newToken, CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Whitespace, this.Indentation), newlineTrivia),
- { lastToken: TokenKind.Semicolon or TokenKind.CurlyOpen } =>
- SetTrivia(newToken, CreateTrivia(TriviaKind.Whitespace, this.Indentation), oneSpaceTrivia),
- _ => SetTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia, oneSpaceTrivia),
- },
- TokenKind.MultiLineStringEnd => (this.lastToken, this.nextToken) switch
- {
- { nextToken: TokenKind.Semicolon or TokenKind.ParenClose } => SetTrailingTrivia(newToken, noSpaceTrivia),
- _ => SetTrailingTrivia(newToken, oneSpaceTrivia),
- },
- _ => newToken,
- };
- return newToken.Build();
- }
- private static SyntaxToken.Builder SetTrivia(
- SyntaxToken.Builder builder,
- SyntaxList leading,
- SyntaxList trailing) => SetTrailingTrivia(SetLeadingTrivia(builder, leading), trailing);
- private static SyntaxToken.Builder SetLeadingTrivia(SyntaxToken.Builder builder, SyntaxList trivia)
- {
- builder.LeadingTrivia.Clear();
- builder.LeadingTrivia.AddRange(trivia);
- return builder;
- }
- private static SyntaxToken.Builder SetTrailingTrivia(SyntaxToken.Builder builder, SyntaxList trivia)
- {
- builder.TrailingTrivia.Clear();
- builder.TrailingTrivia.AddRange(trivia);
- return builder;
- }
- private static bool CheckTriviaEqual(SyntaxToken tok1, SyntaxToken tok2)
- {
- if (tok1.TrailingTrivia.Count != tok2.TrailingTrivia.Count) return false;
- if (tok1.LeadingTrivia.Count != tok2.LeadingTrivia.Count) return false;
- for (var i = 0; i < tok1.TrailingTrivia.Count; i++)
- {
- if (tok1.TrailingTrivia[i].Text != tok2.TrailingTrivia[i].Text) return false;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < tok1.LeadingTrivia.Count; i++)
- {
- if (tok1.LeadingTrivia[i].Text != tok2.LeadingTrivia[i].Text) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- private static SyntaxList CreateTrivia(TriviaKind kind, string text) =>
- SyntaxList.Create(SyntaxTrivia.From(kind, text));