- Changed the uppercase "S" to a lowercase "s" to fix a Composer 2 compatibility issue.
- Fixed error when adding a category by changing table used to
- Added empty check for linkId to prevend future type errors
- Fixed compatibility with Craft CMS 3.4 +
- Added fix for deleted sites
- Fix and/or operation order
- Fixed compatibility with Craft CMS 3.2 +
- Fixed showing multiple records for revisions
- Fixed bug showing url's with expired dates
- Added Craft CMS 3.1.20 Project Config Support
- Added support for alternate language support for Google for multi language websites
- Fixed a bug causing the settings routes and section not available in with Craft CMS 3.0.0-RC11
- The required minimal Craft version and checked the compatibility
- Fixed bug with multi-site setup configured in de config files
- Make more use of the Craft framework for future compatibility
- Use the siteUrl from the general config as prefered base URL
- Checked compatibility with Craft RC6
- Fixed bug if there are no sections or categories in the website
- Added column to the XML
- Added category section to include in sitemap
- Register crawler visits
- Changed the documentation
- Documentation update
- A bug that requires the user to login into the CP to view the sitemap.xml content.
- Initial release