diff --git a/public/modules/mediasoupclient.min.js b/public/modules/mediasoupclient.min.js index d29d90a..7b8efd0 100644 --- a/public/modules/mediasoupclient.min.js +++ b/public/modules/mediasoupclient.min.js @@ -1,12395 +1,11332 @@ -(function () { - function r(e, n, t) { - function o(i, f) { - if (!n[i]) { - if (!e[i]) { - var c = 'function' == typeof require && require; - if (!f && c) return c(i, !0); - if (u) return u(i, !0); - var a = new Error("Cannot find module '" + i + "'"); - throw ((a.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'), a); - } - var p = (n[i] = { exports: {} }); - e[i][0].call( - p.exports, - function (r) { - var n = e[i][1][r]; - return o(n || r); - }, - p, - p.exports, - r, - e, - n, - t, - ); - } - return n[i].exports; +(function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i { - const pendingTask = { - task, - name, - resolve, - reject, - stopped: false, - }; - // Append task to the queue. - this.pendingTasks.push(pendingTask); - // And run it if this is the only task in the queue. - if (this.pendingTasks.length === 1) this.next(); - }); - }); - } - /** - * Make ongoing pending tasks reject with the given StoppedErrorClass error. - * The AwaitQueue instance is still usable for future tasks added via push() - * method. - */ - stop() { - if (this.closed) return; - for (const pendingTask of this.pendingTasks) { - pendingTask.stopped = true; - pendingTask.reject(new this.StoppedErrorClass('AwaitQueue stopped')); - } - // Enpty the pending tasks array. - this.pendingTasks.length = 0; - } - dump() { - return this.pendingTasks.map((pendingTask) => { - return { - task: pendingTask.task, - name: pendingTask.name, - stopped: pendingTask.stopped, - }; - }); - } - next() { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - // Take the first pending task. - const pendingTask = this.pendingTasks[0]; - if (!pendingTask) return; - // Execute it. - yield this.executeTask(pendingTask); - // Remove the first pending task (the completed one) from the queue. - this.pendingTasks.shift(); - // And continue. - this.next(); - }); - } - executeTask(pendingTask) { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - // If the task is stopped, ignore it. - if (pendingTask.stopped) return; - try { - const result = yield pendingTask.task(); - // If the task is stopped, ignore it. - if (pendingTask.stopped) return; - // Resolve the task with the returned result (if any). - pendingTask.resolve(result); - } catch (error) { - // If the task is stopped, ignore it. - if (pendingTask.stopped) return; - // Reject the task with its own error. - pendingTask.reject(error); - } - }); - } - } - exports.AwaitQueue = AwaitQueue; - }, - {}, - ], - 2: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - !(function (e, t) { - 'object' == typeof exports && 'object' == typeof module - ? (module.exports = t()) - : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd - ? define([], t) - : 'object' == typeof exports - ? (exports.bowser = t()) - : (e.bowser = t()); - })(this, function () { - return (function (e) { - var t = {}; - function r(n) { - if (t[n]) return t[n].exports; - var i = (t[n] = { i: n, l: !1, exports: {} }); - return e[n].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, r), (i.l = !0), i.exports; - } - return ( - (r.m = e), - (r.c = t), - (r.d = function (e, t, n) { - r.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: n }); - }), - (r.r = function (e) { - 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && - Symbol.toStringTag && - Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }), - Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); - }), - (r.t = function (e, t) { - if ((1 & t && (e = r(e)), 8 & t)) return e; - if (4 & t && 'object' == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e; - var n = Object.create(null); - if ( - (r.r(n), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'default', { enumerable: !0, value: e }), - 2 & t && 'string' != typeof e) - ) - for (var i in e) - r.d( - n, - i, - function (t) { - return e[t]; - }.bind(null, i), - ); - return n; - }), - (r.n = function (e) { - var t = - e && e.__esModule - ? function () { - return e.default; - } - : function () { - return e; - }; - return r.d(t, 'a', t), t; - }), - (r.o = function (e, t) { - return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t); - }), - (r.p = ''), - r((r.s = 90)) - ); - })({ - 17: function (e, t, r) { - 'use strict'; - (t.__esModule = !0), (t.default = void 0); - var n = r(18), - i = (function () { - function e() {} - return ( - (e.getFirstMatch = function (e, t) { - var r = t.match(e); - return (r && r.length > 0 && r[1]) || ''; - }), - (e.getSecondMatch = function (e, t) { - var r = t.match(e); - return (r && r.length > 1 && r[2]) || ''; - }), - (e.matchAndReturnConst = function (e, t, r) { - if (e.test(t)) return r; - }), - (e.getWindowsVersionName = function (e) { - switch (e) { - case 'NT': - return 'NT'; - case 'XP': - return 'XP'; - case 'NT 5.0': - return '2000'; - case 'NT 5.1': - return 'XP'; - case 'NT 5.2': - return '2003'; - case 'NT 6.0': - return 'Vista'; - case 'NT 6.1': - return '7'; - case 'NT 6.2': - return '8'; - case 'NT 6.3': - return '8.1'; - case 'NT 10.0': - return '10'; - default: - return; - } - }), - (e.getMacOSVersionName = function (e) { - var t = e - .split('.') - .splice(0, 2) - .map(function (e) { - return parseInt(e, 10) || 0; - }); - if ((t.push(0), 10 === t[0])) - switch (t[1]) { - case 5: - return 'Leopard'; - case 6: - return 'Snow Leopard'; - case 7: - return 'Lion'; - case 8: - return 'Mountain Lion'; - case 9: - return 'Mavericks'; - case 10: - return 'Yosemite'; - case 11: - return 'El Capitan'; - case 12: - return 'Sierra'; - case 13: - return 'High Sierra'; - case 14: - return 'Mojave'; - case 15: - return 'Catalina'; - default: - return; - } - }), - (e.getAndroidVersionName = function (e) { - var t = e - .split('.') - .splice(0, 2) - .map(function (e) { - return parseInt(e, 10) || 0; - }); - if ((t.push(0), !(1 === t[0] && t[1] < 5))) - return 1 === t[0] && t[1] < 6 - ? 'Cupcake' - : 1 === t[0] && t[1] >= 6 - ? 'Donut' - : 2 === t[0] && t[1] < 2 - ? 'Eclair' - : 2 === t[0] && 2 === t[1] - ? 'Froyo' - : 2 === t[0] && t[1] > 2 - ? 'Gingerbread' - : 3 === t[0] - ? 'Honeycomb' - : 4 === t[0] && t[1] < 1 - ? 'Ice Cream Sandwich' - : 4 === t[0] && t[1] < 4 - ? 'Jelly Bean' - : 4 === t[0] && t[1] >= 4 - ? 'KitKat' - : 5 === t[0] - ? 'Lollipop' - : 6 === t[0] - ? 'Marshmallow' - : 7 === t[0] - ? 'Nougat' - : 8 === t[0] - ? 'Oreo' - : 9 === t[0] - ? 'Pie' - : void 0; - }), - (e.getVersionPrecision = function (e) { - return e.split('.').length; - }), - (e.compareVersions = function (t, r, n) { - void 0 === n && (n = !1); - var i = e.getVersionPrecision(t), - s = e.getVersionPrecision(r), - a = Math.max(i, s), - o = 0, - u = e.map([t, r], function (t) { - var r = a - e.getVersionPrecision(t), - n = t + new Array(r + 1).join('.0'); - return e - .map(n.split('.'), function (e) { - return new Array(20 - e.length).join('0') + e; - }) - .reverse(); - }); - for (n && (o = a - Math.min(i, s)), a -= 1; a >= o; ) { - if (u[0][a] > u[1][a]) return 1; - if (u[0][a] === u[1][a]) { - if (a === o) return 0; - a -= 1; - } else if (u[0][a] < u[1][a]) return -1; - } - }), - (e.map = function (e, t) { - var r, - n = []; - if (Array.prototype.map) return Array.prototype.map.call(e, t); - for (r = 0; r < e.length; r += 1) n.push(t(e[r])); - return n; - }), - (e.find = function (e, t) { - var r, n; - if (Array.prototype.find) return Array.prototype.find.call(e, t); - for (r = 0, n = e.length; r < n; r += 1) { - var i = e[r]; - if (t(i, r)) return i; - } - }), - (e.assign = function (e) { - for ( - var t, - r, - n = e, - i = arguments.length, - s = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), - a = 1; - a < i; - a++ - ) - s[a - 1] = arguments[a]; - if (Object.assign) return Object.assign.apply(Object, [e].concat(s)); - var o = function () { - var e = s[t]; - 'object' == typeof e && - null !== e && - Object.keys(e).forEach(function (t) { - n[t] = e[t]; - }); - }; - for (t = 0, r = s.length; t < r; t += 1) o(); - return e; - }), - (e.getBrowserAlias = function (e) { - return n.BROWSER_ALIASES_MAP[e]; - }), - (e.getBrowserTypeByAlias = function (e) { - return n.BROWSER_MAP[e] || ''; - }), - e - ); - })(); - (t.default = i), (e.exports = t.default); - }, - 18: function (e, t, r) { - 'use strict'; - (t.__esModule = !0), - (t.ENGINE_MAP = - t.OS_MAP = - t.PLATFORMS_MAP = - t.BROWSER_MAP = - t.BROWSER_ALIASES_MAP = - void 0); - t.BROWSER_ALIASES_MAP = { - 'Amazon Silk': 'amazon_silk', - 'Android Browser': 'android', - Bada: 'bada', - BlackBerry: 'blackberry', - Chrome: 'chrome', - Chromium: 'chromium', - Electron: 'electron', - Epiphany: 'epiphany', - Firefox: 'firefox', - Focus: 'focus', - Generic: 'generic', - 'Google Search': 'google_search', - Googlebot: 'googlebot', - 'Internet Explorer': 'ie', - 'K-Meleon': 'k_meleon', - Maxthon: 'maxthon', - 'Microsoft Edge': 'edge', - 'MZ Browser': 'mz', - 'NAVER Whale Browser': 'naver', - Opera: 'opera', - 'Opera Coast': 'opera_coast', - PhantomJS: 'phantomjs', - Puffin: 'puffin', - QupZilla: 'qupzilla', - QQ: 'qq', - QQLite: 'qqlite', - Safari: 'safari', - Sailfish: 'sailfish', - 'Samsung Internet for Android': 'samsung_internet', - SeaMonkey: 'seamonkey', - Sleipnir: 'sleipnir', - Swing: 'swing', - Tizen: 'tizen', - 'UC Browser': 'uc', - Vivaldi: 'vivaldi', - 'WebOS Browser': 'webos', - WeChat: 'wechat', - 'Yandex Browser': 'yandex', - Roku: 'roku', - }; - t.BROWSER_MAP = { - amazon_silk: 'Amazon Silk', - android: 'Android Browser', - bada: 'Bada', - blackberry: 'BlackBerry', - chrome: 'Chrome', - chromium: 'Chromium', - electron: 'Electron', - epiphany: 'Epiphany', - firefox: 'Firefox', - focus: 'Focus', - generic: 'Generic', - googlebot: 'Googlebot', - google_search: 'Google Search', - ie: 'Internet Explorer', - k_meleon: 'K-Meleon', - maxthon: 'Maxthon', - edge: 'Microsoft Edge', - mz: 'MZ Browser', - naver: 'NAVER Whale Browser', - opera: 'Opera', - opera_coast: 'Opera Coast', - phantomjs: 'PhantomJS', - puffin: 'Puffin', - qupzilla: 'QupZilla', - qq: 'QQ Browser', - qqlite: 'QQ Browser Lite', - safari: 'Safari', - sailfish: 'Sailfish', - samsung_internet: 'Samsung Internet for Android', - seamonkey: 'SeaMonkey', - sleipnir: 'Sleipnir', - swing: 'Swing', - tizen: 'Tizen', - uc: 'UC Browser', - vivaldi: 'Vivaldi', - webos: 'WebOS Browser', - wechat: 'WeChat', - yandex: 'Yandex Browser', - }; - t.PLATFORMS_MAP = { tablet: 'tablet', mobile: 'mobile', desktop: 'desktop', tv: 'tv' }; - t.OS_MAP = { - WindowsPhone: 'Windows Phone', - Windows: 'Windows', - MacOS: 'macOS', - iOS: 'iOS', - Android: 'Android', - WebOS: 'WebOS', - BlackBerry: 'BlackBerry', - Bada: 'Bada', - Tizen: 'Tizen', - Linux: 'Linux', - ChromeOS: 'Chrome OS', - PlayStation4: 'PlayStation 4', - Roku: 'Roku', - }; - t.ENGINE_MAP = { - EdgeHTML: 'EdgeHTML', - Blink: 'Blink', - Trident: 'Trident', - Presto: 'Presto', - Gecko: 'Gecko', - WebKit: 'WebKit', - }; - }, - 90: function (e, t, r) { - 'use strict'; - (t.__esModule = !0), (t.default = void 0); - var n, - i = (n = r(91)) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n }, - s = r(18); - function a(e, t) { - for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { - var n = t[r]; - (n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1), - (n.configurable = !0), - 'value' in n && (n.writable = !0), - Object.defineProperty(e, n.key, n); - } - } - var o = (function () { - function e() {} - var t, r, n; - return ( - (e.getParser = function (e, t) { - if ((void 0 === t && (t = !1), 'string' != typeof e)) - throw new Error('UserAgent should be a string'); - return new i.default(e, t); - }), - (e.parse = function (e) { - return new i.default(e).getResult(); - }), - (t = e), - (n = [ - { - key: 'BROWSER_MAP', - get: function () { - return s.BROWSER_MAP; - }, - }, - { - key: 'ENGINE_MAP', - get: function () { - return s.ENGINE_MAP; - }, - }, - { - key: 'OS_MAP', - get: function () { - return s.OS_MAP; - }, - }, - { - key: 'PLATFORMS_MAP', - get: function () { - return s.PLATFORMS_MAP; - }, - }, - ]), - (r = null) && a(t.prototype, r), - n && a(t, n), - e - ); - })(); - (t.default = o), (e.exports = t.default); - }, - 91: function (e, t, r) { - 'use strict'; - (t.__esModule = !0), (t.default = void 0); - var n = u(r(92)), - i = u(r(93)), - s = u(r(94)), - a = u(r(95)), - o = u(r(17)); - function u(e) { - return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; - } - var d = (function () { - function e(e, t) { - if ((void 0 === t && (t = !1), null == e || '' === e)) - throw new Error("UserAgent parameter can't be empty"); - (this._ua = e), (this.parsedResult = {}), !0 !== t && this.parse(); - } - var t = e.prototype; - return ( - (t.getUA = function () { - return this._ua; - }), - (t.test = function (e) { - return e.test(this._ua); - }), - (t.parseBrowser = function () { - var e = this; - this.parsedResult.browser = {}; - var t = o.default.find(n.default, function (t) { - if ('function' == typeof t.test) return t.test(e); - if (t.test instanceof Array) - return t.test.some(function (t) { - return e.test(t); - }); - throw new Error("Browser's test function is not valid"); - }); - return ( - t && (this.parsedResult.browser = t.describe(this.getUA())), - this.parsedResult.browser - ); - }), - (t.getBrowser = function () { - return this.parsedResult.browser - ? this.parsedResult.browser - : this.parseBrowser(); - }), - (t.getBrowserName = function (e) { - return e - ? String(this.getBrowser().name).toLowerCase() || '' - : this.getBrowser().name || ''; - }), - (t.getBrowserVersion = function () { - return this.getBrowser().version; - }), - (t.getOS = function () { - return this.parsedResult.os ? this.parsedResult.os : this.parseOS(); - }), - (t.parseOS = function () { - var e = this; - this.parsedResult.os = {}; - var t = o.default.find(i.default, function (t) { - if ('function' == typeof t.test) return t.test(e); - if (t.test instanceof Array) - return t.test.some(function (t) { - return e.test(t); - }); - throw new Error("Browser's test function is not valid"); - }); - return ( - t && (this.parsedResult.os = t.describe(this.getUA())), this.parsedResult.os - ); - }), - (t.getOSName = function (e) { - var t = this.getOS().name; - return e ? String(t).toLowerCase() || '' : t || ''; - }), - (t.getOSVersion = function () { - return this.getOS().version; - }), - (t.getPlatform = function () { - return this.parsedResult.platform - ? this.parsedResult.platform - : this.parsePlatform(); - }), - (t.getPlatformType = function (e) { - void 0 === e && (e = !1); - var t = this.getPlatform().type; - return e ? String(t).toLowerCase() || '' : t || ''; - }), - (t.parsePlatform = function () { - var e = this; - this.parsedResult.platform = {}; - var t = o.default.find(s.default, function (t) { - if ('function' == typeof t.test) return t.test(e); - if (t.test instanceof Array) - return t.test.some(function (t) { - return e.test(t); - }); - throw new Error("Browser's test function is not valid"); - }); - return ( - t && (this.parsedResult.platform = t.describe(this.getUA())), - this.parsedResult.platform - ); - }), - (t.getEngine = function () { - return this.parsedResult.engine ? this.parsedResult.engine : this.parseEngine(); - }), - (t.getEngineName = function (e) { - return e - ? String(this.getEngine().name).toLowerCase() || '' - : this.getEngine().name || ''; - }), - (t.parseEngine = function () { - var e = this; - this.parsedResult.engine = {}; - var t = o.default.find(a.default, function (t) { - if ('function' == typeof t.test) return t.test(e); - if (t.test instanceof Array) - return t.test.some(function (t) { - return e.test(t); - }); - throw new Error("Browser's test function is not valid"); - }); - return ( - t && (this.parsedResult.engine = t.describe(this.getUA())), - this.parsedResult.engine - ); - }), - (t.parse = function () { - return ( - this.parseBrowser(), - this.parseOS(), - this.parsePlatform(), - this.parseEngine(), - this - ); - }), - (t.getResult = function () { - return o.default.assign({}, this.parsedResult); - }), - (t.satisfies = function (e) { - var t = this, - r = {}, - n = 0, - i = {}, - s = 0; - if ( - (Object.keys(e).forEach(function (t) { - var a = e[t]; - 'string' == typeof a - ? ((i[t] = a), (s += 1)) - : 'object' == typeof a && ((r[t] = a), (n += 1)); - }), - n > 0) - ) { - var a = Object.keys(r), - u = o.default.find(a, function (e) { - return t.isOS(e); - }); - if (u) { - var d = this.satisfies(r[u]); - if (void 0 !== d) return d; - } - var c = o.default.find(a, function (e) { - return t.isPlatform(e); - }); - if (c) { - var f = this.satisfies(r[c]); - if (void 0 !== f) return f; - } - } - if (s > 0) { - var l = Object.keys(i), - h = o.default.find(l, function (e) { - return t.isBrowser(e, !0); - }); - if (void 0 !== h) return this.compareVersion(i[h]); - } - }), - (t.isBrowser = function (e, t) { - void 0 === t && (t = !1); - var r = this.getBrowserName().toLowerCase(), - n = e.toLowerCase(), - i = o.default.getBrowserTypeByAlias(n); - return t && i && (n = i.toLowerCase()), n === r; - }), - (t.compareVersion = function (e) { - var t = [0], - r = e, - n = !1, - i = this.getBrowserVersion(); - if ('string' == typeof i) - return ( - '>' === e[0] || '<' === e[0] - ? ((r = e.substr(1)), - '=' === e[1] ? ((n = !0), (r = e.substr(2))) : (t = []), - '>' === e[0] ? t.push(1) : t.push(-1)) - : '=' === e[0] - ? (r = e.substr(1)) - : '~' === e[0] && ((n = !0), (r = e.substr(1))), - t.indexOf(o.default.compareVersions(i, r, n)) > -1 - ); - }), - (t.isOS = function (e) { - return this.getOSName(!0) === String(e).toLowerCase(); - }), - (t.isPlatform = function (e) { - return this.getPlatformType(!0) === String(e).toLowerCase(); - }), - (t.isEngine = function (e) { - return this.getEngineName(!0) === String(e).toLowerCase(); - }), - (t.is = function (e) { - return this.isBrowser(e) || this.isOS(e) || this.isPlatform(e); - }), - (t.some = function (e) { - var t = this; - return ( - void 0 === e && (e = []), - e.some(function (e) { - return t.is(e); - }) - ); - }), - e - ); - })(); - (t.default = d), (e.exports = t.default); - }, - 92: function (e, t, r) { - 'use strict'; - (t.__esModule = !0), (t.default = void 0); - var n, - i = (n = r(17)) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n }; - var s = /version\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, - a = [ - { - test: [/googlebot/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Googlebot' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(/googlebot\/(\d+(\.\d+))/i, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/opera/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Opera' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:opera)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/opr\/|opios/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Opera' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:opr|opios)[\s/](\S+)/i, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/SamsungBrowser/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Samsung Internet for Android' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch( - /(?:SamsungBrowser)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, - e, - ); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/Whale/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'NAVER Whale Browser' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:whale)[\s/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/MZBrowser/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'MZ Browser' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:MZBrowser)[\s/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/focus/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Focus' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:focus)[\s/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/swing/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Swing' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:swing)[\s/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/coast/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Opera Coast' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:coast)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/opt\/\d+(?:.?_?\d+)+/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Opera Touch' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:opt)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/yabrowser/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Yandex Browser' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:yabrowser)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/ucbrowser/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'UC Browser' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:ucbrowser)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/Maxthon|mxios/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Maxthon' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch( - /(?:Maxthon|mxios)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, - e, - ); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/epiphany/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Epiphany' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:epiphany)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/puffin/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Puffin' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:puffin)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/sleipnir/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Sleipnir' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:sleipnir)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/k-meleon/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'K-Meleon' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:k-meleon)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/micromessenger/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'WeChat' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch( - /(?:micromessenger)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, - e, - ) || i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/qqbrowser/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { - name: /qqbrowserlite/i.test(e) ? 'QQ Browser Lite' : 'QQ Browser', - }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch( - /(?:qqbrowserlite|qqbrowser)[/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, - e, - ) || i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/msie|trident/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Internet Explorer' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:msie |rv:)(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/\sedg\//i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Microsoft Edge' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/\sedg\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/edg([ea]|ios)/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Microsoft Edge' }, - r = i.default.getSecondMatch(/edg([ea]|ios)\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/vivaldi/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Vivaldi' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/vivaldi\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/seamonkey/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'SeaMonkey' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/seamonkey\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/sailfish/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Sailfish' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/sailfish\s?browser\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/silk/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Amazon Silk' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/silk\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/phantom/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'PhantomJS' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/phantomjs\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/slimerjs/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'SlimerJS' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/slimerjs\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/blackberry|\bbb\d+/i, /rim\stablet/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'BlackBerry' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(/blackberry[\d]+\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/(web|hpw)[o0]s/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'WebOS Browser' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch( - /w(?:eb)?[o0]sbrowser\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, - e, - ); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/bada/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Bada' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/dolfin\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/tizen/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Tizen' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch( - /(?:tizen\s?)?browser\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, - e, - ) || i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/qupzilla/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'QupZilla' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:qupzilla)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/firefox|iceweasel|fxios/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Firefox' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch( - /(?:firefox|iceweasel|fxios)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, - e, - ); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/electron/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Electron' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:electron)\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/chromium/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Chromium' }, - r = - i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:chromium)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/chrome|crios|crmo/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Chrome' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch( - /(?:chrome|crios|crmo)\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, - e, - ); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/GSA/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Google Search' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:GSA)\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - var t = !e.test(/like android/i), - r = e.test(/android/i); - return t && r; - }, - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Android Browser' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/playstation 4/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'PlayStation 4' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/safari|applewebkit/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: 'Safari' }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(s, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/.*/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = -1 !== e.search('\\(') ? /^(.*)\/(.*)[ \t]\((.*)/ : /^(.*)\/(.*) /; - return { - name: i.default.getFirstMatch(t, e), - version: i.default.getSecondMatch(t, e), - }; - }, - }, - ]; - (t.default = a), (e.exports = t.default); - }, - 93: function (e, t, r) { - 'use strict'; - (t.__esModule = !0), (t.default = void 0); - var n, - i = (n = r(17)) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n }, - s = r(18); - var a = [ - { - test: [/Roku\/DVP/], - describe: function (e) { - var t = i.default.getFirstMatch(/Roku\/DVP-(\d+\.\d+)/i, e); - return { name: s.OS_MAP.Roku, version: t }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/windows phone/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = i.default.getFirstMatch(/windows phone (?:os)?\s?(\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, e); - return { name: s.OS_MAP.WindowsPhone, version: t }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/windows /i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = i.default.getFirstMatch(/Windows ((NT|XP)( \d\d?.\d)?)/i, e), - r = i.default.getWindowsVersionName(t); - return { name: s.OS_MAP.Windows, version: t, versionName: r }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/Macintosh(.*?) FxiOS(.*?)\//], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: s.OS_MAP.iOS }, - r = i.default.getSecondMatch(/(Version\/)(\d[\d.]+)/, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/macintosh/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = i.default - .getFirstMatch(/mac os x (\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e) - .replace(/[_\s]/g, '.'), - r = i.default.getMacOSVersionName(t), - n = { name: s.OS_MAP.MacOS, version: t }; - return r && (n.versionName = r), n; - }, - }, - { - test: [/(ipod|iphone|ipad)/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = i.default - .getFirstMatch(/os (\d+([_\s]\d+)*) like mac os x/i, e) - .replace(/[_\s]/g, '.'); - return { name: s.OS_MAP.iOS, version: t }; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - var t = !e.test(/like android/i), - r = e.test(/android/i); - return t && r; - }, - describe: function (e) { - var t = i.default.getFirstMatch(/android[\s/-](\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, e), - r = i.default.getAndroidVersionName(t), - n = { name: s.OS_MAP.Android, version: t }; - return r && (n.versionName = r), n; - }, - }, - { - test: [/(web|hpw)[o0]s/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:web|hpw)[o0]s\/(\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, e), - r = { name: s.OS_MAP.WebOS }; - return t && t.length && (r.version = t), r; - }, - }, - { - test: [/blackberry|\bbb\d+/i, /rim\stablet/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = - i.default.getFirstMatch(/rim\stablet\sos\s(\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(/blackberry\d+\/(\d+([_\s]\d+)*)/i, e) || - i.default.getFirstMatch(/\bbb(\d+)/i, e); - return { name: s.OS_MAP.BlackBerry, version: t }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/bada/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = i.default.getFirstMatch(/bada\/(\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, e); - return { name: s.OS_MAP.Bada, version: t }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/tizen/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = i.default.getFirstMatch(/tizen[/\s](\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, e); - return { name: s.OS_MAP.Tizen, version: t }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/linux/i], - describe: function () { - return { name: s.OS_MAP.Linux }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/CrOS/], - describe: function () { - return { name: s.OS_MAP.ChromeOS }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/PlayStation 4/], - describe: function (e) { - var t = i.default.getFirstMatch(/PlayStation 4[/\s](\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, e); - return { name: s.OS_MAP.PlayStation4, version: t }; - }, - }, - ]; - (t.default = a), (e.exports = t.default); - }, - 94: function (e, t, r) { - 'use strict'; - (t.__esModule = !0), (t.default = void 0); - var n, - i = (n = r(17)) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n }, - s = r(18); - var a = [ - { - test: [/googlebot/i], - describe: function () { - return { type: 'bot', vendor: 'Google' }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/huawei/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = i.default.getFirstMatch(/(can-l01)/i, e) && 'Nova', - r = { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.mobile, vendor: 'Huawei' }; - return t && (r.model = t), r; - }, - }, - { - test: [/nexus\s*(?:7|8|9|10).*/i], - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet, vendor: 'Nexus' }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/ipad/i], - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet, vendor: 'Apple', model: 'iPad' }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/Macintosh(.*?) FxiOS(.*?)\//], - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet, vendor: 'Apple', model: 'iPad' }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/kftt build/i], - describe: function () { - return { - type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet, - vendor: 'Amazon', - model: 'Kindle Fire HD 7', - }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/silk/i], - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet, vendor: 'Amazon' }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/tablet(?! pc)/i], - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet }; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - var t = e.test(/ipod|iphone/i), - r = e.test(/like (ipod|iphone)/i); - return t && !r; - }, - describe: function (e) { - var t = i.default.getFirstMatch(/(ipod|iphone)/i, e); - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.mobile, vendor: 'Apple', model: t }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/nexus\s*[0-6].*/i, /galaxy nexus/i], - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.mobile, vendor: 'Nexus' }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/[^-]mobi/i], - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.mobile }; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - return 'blackberry' === e.getBrowserName(!0); - }, - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.mobile, vendor: 'BlackBerry' }; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - return 'bada' === e.getBrowserName(!0); - }, - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.mobile }; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - return 'windows phone' === e.getBrowserName(); - }, - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.mobile, vendor: 'Microsoft' }; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - var t = Number(String(e.getOSVersion()).split('.')[0]); - return 'android' === e.getOSName(!0) && t >= 3; - }, - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet }; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - return 'android' === e.getOSName(!0); - }, - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.mobile }; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - return 'macos' === e.getOSName(!0); - }, - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.desktop, vendor: 'Apple' }; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - return 'windows' === e.getOSName(!0); - }, - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.desktop }; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - return 'linux' === e.getOSName(!0); - }, - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.desktop }; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - return 'playstation 4' === e.getOSName(!0); - }, - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.tv }; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - return 'roku' === e.getOSName(!0); - }, - describe: function () { - return { type: s.PLATFORMS_MAP.tv }; - }, - }, - ]; - (t.default = a), (e.exports = t.default); - }, - 95: function (e, t, r) { - 'use strict'; - (t.__esModule = !0), (t.default = void 0); - var n, - i = (n = r(17)) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n }, - s = r(18); - var a = [ - { - test: function (e) { - return 'microsoft edge' === e.getBrowserName(!0); - }, - describe: function (e) { - if (/\sedg\//i.test(e)) return { name: s.ENGINE_MAP.Blink }; - var t = i.default.getFirstMatch(/edge\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return { name: s.ENGINE_MAP.EdgeHTML, version: t }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/trident/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: s.ENGINE_MAP.Trident }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/trident\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - return e.test(/presto/i); - }, - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: s.ENGINE_MAP.Presto }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/presto\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: function (e) { - var t = e.test(/gecko/i), - r = e.test(/like gecko/i); - return t && !r; - }, - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: s.ENGINE_MAP.Gecko }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/gecko\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - { - test: [/(apple)?webkit\/537\.36/i], - describe: function () { - return { name: s.ENGINE_MAP.Blink }; - }, - }, - { - test: [/(apple)?webkit/i], - describe: function (e) { - var t = { name: s.ENGINE_MAP.WebKit }, - r = i.default.getFirstMatch(/webkit\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, e); - return r && (t.version = r), t; - }, - }, - ]; - (t.default = a), (e.exports = t.default); - }, - }); - }); - }, - {}, - ], - 3: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - const debug = require('debug')('h264-profile-level-id'); - - /* eslint-disable no-console */ - debug.log = console.info.bind(console); - /* eslint-enable no-console */ - - const ProfileConstrainedBaseline = 1; - const ProfileBaseline = 2; - const ProfileMain = 3; - const ProfileConstrainedHigh = 4; - const ProfileHigh = 5; - - exports.ProfileConstrainedBaseline = ProfileConstrainedBaseline; - exports.ProfileBaseline = ProfileBaseline; - exports.ProfileMain = ProfileMain; - exports.ProfileConstrainedHigh = ProfileConstrainedHigh; - exports.ProfileHigh = ProfileHigh; - - // All values are equal to ten times the level number, except level 1b which is - // special. - const Level1_b = 0; - const Level1 = 10; - const Level1_1 = 11; - const Level1_2 = 12; - const Level1_3 = 13; - const Level2 = 20; - const Level2_1 = 21; - const Level2_2 = 22; - const Level3 = 30; - const Level3_1 = 31; - const Level3_2 = 32; - const Level4 = 40; - const Level4_1 = 41; - const Level4_2 = 42; - const Level5 = 50; - const Level5_1 = 51; - const Level5_2 = 52; - - exports.Level1_b = Level1_b; - exports.Level1 = Level1; - exports.Level1_1 = Level1_1; - exports.Level1_2 = Level1_2; - exports.Level1_3 = Level1_3; - exports.Level2 = Level2; - exports.Level2_1 = Level2_1; - exports.Level2_2 = Level2_2; - exports.Level3 = Level3; - exports.Level3_1 = Level3_1; - exports.Level3_2 = Level3_2; - exports.Level4 = Level4; - exports.Level4_1 = Level4_1; - exports.Level4_2 = Level4_2; - exports.Level5 = Level5; - exports.Level5_1 = Level5_1; - exports.Level5_2 = Level5_2; - - class ProfileLevelId { - constructor(profile, level) { - this.profile = profile; - this.level = level; - } - } - - exports.ProfileLevelId = ProfileLevelId; - - // Default ProfileLevelId. - // - // TODO: The default should really be profile Baseline and level 1 according to - // the spec: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6184#section-8.1. In order to not - // break backwards compatibility with older versions of WebRTC where external - // codecs don't have any parameters, use profile ConstrainedBaseline level 3_1 - // instead. This workaround will only be done in an interim period to allow - // external clients to update their code. - // - // http://crbug/webrtc/6337. - const DefaultProfileLevelId = new ProfileLevelId(ProfileConstrainedBaseline, Level3_1); - - // For level_idc=11 and profile_idc=0x42, 0x4D, or 0x58, the constraint set3 - // flag specifies if level 1b or level 1.1 is used. - const ConstraintSet3Flag = 0x10; - - // Class for matching bit patterns such as "x1xx0000" where 'x' is allowed to be - // either 0 or 1. - class BitPattern { - constructor(str) { - this._mask = ~byteMaskString('x', str); - this._maskedValue = byteMaskString('1', str); - } - - isMatch(value) { - return this._maskedValue === (value & this._mask); - } - } - - // Class for converting between profile_idc/profile_iop to Profile. - class ProfilePattern { - constructor(profile_idc, profile_iop, profile) { - this.profile_idc = profile_idc; - this.profile_iop = profile_iop; - this.profile = profile; - } + /** + * Accepts a task as argument (and an optional task name) and enqueues it after + * pending tasks. Once processed, the push() method resolves (or rejects) with + * the result returned by the given task. + * + * The given task must return a Promise or directly a value. + */ + push(task, name) { + return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + if (this.closed) + throw new this.ClosedErrorClass('AwaitQueue closed'); + if (typeof task !== 'function') + throw new TypeError('given task is not a function'); + if (!task.name && name) { + try { + Object.defineProperty(task, 'name', { value: name }); } - - // This is from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6184#section-8.1. - const ProfilePatterns = [ - new ProfilePattern(0x42, new BitPattern('x1xx0000'), ProfileConstrainedBaseline), - new ProfilePattern(0x4d, new BitPattern('1xxx0000'), ProfileConstrainedBaseline), - new ProfilePattern(0x58, new BitPattern('11xx0000'), ProfileConstrainedBaseline), - new ProfilePattern(0x42, new BitPattern('x0xx0000'), ProfileBaseline), - new ProfilePattern(0x58, new BitPattern('10xx0000'), ProfileBaseline), - new ProfilePattern(0x4d, new BitPattern('0x0x0000'), ProfileMain), - new ProfilePattern(0x64, new BitPattern('00000000'), ProfileHigh), - new ProfilePattern(0x64, new BitPattern('00001100'), ProfileConstrainedHigh), - ]; - - /** - * Parse profile level id that is represented as a string of 3 hex bytes. - * Nothing will be returned if the string is not a recognized H264 profile - * level id. - * - * @param {String} str - profile-level-id value as a string of 3 hex bytes. - * - * @returns {ProfileLevelId} - */ - exports.parseProfileLevelId = function (str) { - // The string should consist of 3 bytes in hexadecimal format. - if (typeof str !== 'string' || str.length !== 6) return null; - - const profile_level_id_numeric = parseInt(str, 16); - - if (profile_level_id_numeric === 0) return null; - - // Separate into three bytes. - const level_idc = profile_level_id_numeric & 0xff; - const profile_iop = (profile_level_id_numeric >> 8) & 0xff; - const profile_idc = (profile_level_id_numeric >> 16) & 0xff; - - // Parse level based on level_idc and constraint set 3 flag. - let level; - - switch (level_idc) { - case Level1_1: { - level = (profile_iop & ConstraintSet3Flag) !== 0 ? Level1_b : Level1_1; - break; - } - case Level1: - case Level1_2: - case Level1_3: - case Level2: - case Level2_1: - case Level2_2: - case Level3: - case Level3_1: - case Level3_2: - case Level4: - case Level4_1: - case Level4_2: - case Level5: - case Level5_1: - case Level5_2: { - level = level_idc; - break; - } - // Unrecognized level_idc. - default: { - debug('parseProfileLevelId() | unrecognized level_idc:%s', level_idc); - - return null; - } - } - - // Parse profile_idc/profile_iop into a Profile enum. - for (const pattern of ProfilePatterns) { - if (profile_idc === pattern.profile_idc && pattern.profile_iop.isMatch(profile_iop)) { - return new ProfileLevelId(pattern.profile, level); - } - } - - debug('parseProfileLevelId() | unrecognized profile_idc/profile_iop combination'); - - return null; - }; - - /** - * Returns canonical string representation as three hex bytes of the profile - * level id, or returns nothing for invalid profile level ids. - * - * @param {ProfileLevelId} profile_level_id - * - * @returns {String} - */ - exports.profileLevelIdToString = function (profile_level_id) { - // Handle special case level == 1b. - if (profile_level_id.level == Level1_b) { - switch (profile_level_id.profile) { - case ProfileConstrainedBaseline: { - return '42f00b'; - } - case ProfileBaseline: { - return '42100b'; - } - case ProfileMain: { - return '4d100b'; - } - // Level 1_b is not allowed for other profiles. - default: { - debug( - 'profileLevelIdToString() | Level 1_b not is allowed for profile:%s', - profile_level_id.profile, - ); - - return null; - } - } - } - - let profile_idc_iop_string; - - switch (profile_level_id.profile) { - case ProfileConstrainedBaseline: { - profile_idc_iop_string = '42e0'; - break; - } - case ProfileBaseline: { - profile_idc_iop_string = '4200'; - break; - } - case ProfileMain: { - profile_idc_iop_string = '4d00'; - break; - } - case ProfileConstrainedHigh: { - profile_idc_iop_string = '640c'; - break; - } - case ProfileHigh: { - profile_idc_iop_string = '6400'; - break; - } - default: { - debug('profileLevelIdToString() | unrecognized profile:%s', profile_level_id.profile); - - return null; - } - } - - let levelStr = profile_level_id.level.toString(16); - - if (levelStr.length === 1) levelStr = `0${levelStr}`; - - return `${profile_idc_iop_string}${levelStr}`; - }; - - /** - * Parse profile level id that is represented as a string of 3 hex bytes - * contained in an SDP key-value map. A default profile level id will be - * returned if the profile-level-id key is missing. Nothing will be returned if - * the key is present but the string is invalid. - * - * @param {Object} [params={}] - Codec parameters object. - * - * @returns {ProfileLevelId} - */ - exports.parseSdpProfileLevelId = function (params = {}) { - const profile_level_id = params['profile-level-id']; - - return !profile_level_id ? DefaultProfileLevelId : exports.parseProfileLevelId(profile_level_id); - }; - - /** - * Returns true if the parameters have the same H264 profile, i.e. the same - * H264 profile (Baseline, High, etc). - * - * @param {Object} [params1={}] - Codec parameters object. - * @param {Object} [params2={}] - Codec parameters object. - * - * @returns {Boolean} - */ - exports.isSameProfile = function (params1 = {}, params2 = {}) { - const profile_level_id_1 = exports.parseSdpProfileLevelId(params1); - const profile_level_id_2 = exports.parseSdpProfileLevelId(params2); - - // Compare H264 profiles, but not levels. - return Boolean( - profile_level_id_1 && - profile_level_id_2 && - profile_level_id_1.profile === profile_level_id_2.profile, - ); - }; - - /** - * Generate codec parameters that will be used as answer in an SDP negotiation - * based on local supported parameters and remote offered parameters. Both - * local_supported_params and remote_offered_params represent sendrecv media - * descriptions, i.e they are a mix of both encode and decode capabilities. In - * theory, when the profile in local_supported_params represent a strict superset - * of the profile in remote_offered_params, we could limit the profile in the - * answer to the profile in remote_offered_params. - * - * However, to simplify the code, each supported H264 profile should be listed - * explicitly in the list of local supported codecs, even if they are redundant. - * Then each local codec in the list should be tested one at a time against the - * remote codec, and only when the profiles are equal should this function be - * called. Therefore, this function does not need to handle profile intersection, - * and the profile of local_supported_params and remote_offered_params must be - * equal before calling this function. The parameters that are used when - * negotiating are the level part of profile-level-id and level-asymmetry-allowed. - * - * @param {Object} [local_supported_params={}] - * @param {Object} [remote_offered_params={}] - * - * @returns {String} Canonical string representation as three hex bytes of the - * profile level id, or null if no one of the params have profile-level-id. - * - * @throws {TypeError} If Profile mismatch or invalid params. - */ - exports.generateProfileLevelIdForAnswer = function ( - local_supported_params = {}, - remote_offered_params = {}, - ) { - // If both local and remote params do not contain profile-level-id, they are - // both using the default profile. In this case, don't return anything. - if (!local_supported_params['profile-level-id'] && !remote_offered_params['profile-level-id']) { - debug('generateProfileLevelIdForAnswer() | no profile-level-id in local and remote params'); - - return null; - } - - // Parse profile-level-ids. - const local_profile_level_id = exports.parseSdpProfileLevelId(local_supported_params); - const remote_profile_level_id = exports.parseSdpProfileLevelId(remote_offered_params); - - // The local and remote codec must have valid and equal H264 Profiles. - if (!local_profile_level_id) throw new TypeError('invalid local_profile_level_id'); - - if (!remote_profile_level_id) throw new TypeError('invalid remote_profile_level_id'); - - if (local_profile_level_id.profile !== remote_profile_level_id.profile) - throw new TypeError('H264 Profile mismatch'); - - // Parse level information. - const level_asymmetry_allowed = - isLevelAsymmetryAllowed(local_supported_params) && - isLevelAsymmetryAllowed(remote_offered_params); - - const local_level = local_profile_level_id.level; - const remote_level = remote_profile_level_id.level; - const min_level = minLevel(local_level, remote_level); - - // Determine answer level. When level asymmetry is not allowed, level upgrade - // is not allowed, i.e., the level in the answer must be equal to or lower - // than the level in the offer. - const answer_level = level_asymmetry_allowed ? local_level : min_level; - - debug( - 'generateProfileLevelIdForAnswer() | result: [profile:%s, level:%s]', - local_profile_level_id.profile, - answer_level, - ); - - // Return the resulting profile-level-id for the answer parameters. - return exports.profileLevelIdToString( - new ProfileLevelId(local_profile_level_id.profile, answer_level), - ); + catch (error) { } + } + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const pendingTask = { + task, + name, + resolve, + reject, + stopped: false, + enqueuedAt: new Date(), + executedAt: undefined }; - - // Convert a string of 8 characters into a byte where the positions containing - // character c will have their bit set. For example, c = 'x', str = "x1xx0000" - // will return 0b10110000. - function byteMaskString(c, str) { - return ( - ((str[0] === c) << 7) | - ((str[1] === c) << 6) | - ((str[2] === c) << 5) | - ((str[3] === c) << 4) | - ((str[4] === c) << 3) | - ((str[5] === c) << 2) | - ((str[6] === c) << 1) | - ((str[7] === c) << 0) - ); + // Append task to the queue. + this.pendingTasks.push(pendingTask); + // And run it if this is the only task in the queue. + if (this.pendingTasks.length === 1) + this.next(); + }); + }); + } + /** + * Make ongoing pending tasks reject with the given StoppedErrorClass error. + * The AwaitQueue instance is still usable for future tasks added via push() + * method. + */ + stop() { + if (this.closed) + return; + for (const pendingTask of this.pendingTasks) { + pendingTask.stopped = true; + pendingTask.reject(new this.StoppedErrorClass('AwaitQueue stopped')); + } + // Enpty the pending tasks array. + this.pendingTasks.length = 0; + } + dump() { + const now = new Date(); + return this.pendingTasks.map((pendingTask) => { + return { + task: pendingTask.task, + name: pendingTask.name, + enqueuedTime: pendingTask.executedAt + ? pendingTask.executedAt.getTime() - pendingTask.enqueuedAt.getTime() + : now.getTime() - pendingTask.enqueuedAt.getTime(), + executingTime: pendingTask.executedAt + ? now.getTime() - pendingTask.executedAt.getTime() + : 0 + }; + }); + } + next() { + return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + // Take the first pending task. + const pendingTask = this.pendingTasks[0]; + if (!pendingTask) + return; + // Execute it. + yield this.executeTask(pendingTask); + // Remove the first pending task (the completed one) from the queue. + this.pendingTasks.shift(); + // And continue. + this.next(); + }); + } + executeTask(pendingTask) { + return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + // If the task is stopped, ignore it. + if (pendingTask.stopped) + return; + pendingTask.executedAt = new Date(); + try { + const result = yield pendingTask.task(); + // If the task is stopped, ignore it. + if (pendingTask.stopped) + return; + // Resolve the task with the returned result (if any). + pendingTask.resolve(result); + } + catch (error) { + // If the task is stopped, ignore it. + if (pendingTask.stopped) + return; + // Reject the task with its own error. + pendingTask.reject(error); + } + }); + } +} +exports.AwaitQueue = AwaitQueue; + +},{}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ +!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"==typeof exports?exports.bowser=t():e.bowser=t()}(this,(function(){return function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var i=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(i.exports,i,i.exports,r),i.l=!0,i.exports}return r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var i in e)r.d(n,i,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,i));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=90)}({17:function(e,t,r){"use strict";t.__esModule=!0,t.default=void 0;var n=r(18),i=function(){function e(){}return e.getFirstMatch=function(e,t){var r=t.match(e);return r&&r.length>0&&r[1]||""},e.getSecondMatch=function(e,t){var r=t.match(e);return r&&r.length>1&&r[2]||""},e.matchAndReturnConst=function(e,t,r){if(e.test(t))return r},e.getWindowsVersionName=function(e){switch(e){case"NT":return"NT";case"XP":return"XP";case"NT 5.0":return"2000";case"NT 5.1":return"XP";case"NT 5.2":return"2003";case"NT 6.0":return"Vista";case"NT 6.1":return"7";case"NT 6.2":return"8";case"NT 6.3":return"8.1";case"NT 10.0":return"10";default:return}},e.getMacOSVersionName=function(e){var t=e.split(".").splice(0,2).map((function(e){return parseInt(e,10)||0}));if(t.push(0),10===t[0])switch(t[1]){case 5:return"Leopard";case 6:return"Snow Leopard";case 7:return"Lion";case 8:return"Mountain Lion";case 9:return"Mavericks";case 10:return"Yosemite";case 11:return"El Capitan";case 12:return"Sierra";case 13:return"High Sierra";case 14:return"Mojave";case 15:return"Catalina";default:return}},e.getAndroidVersionName=function(e){var t=e.split(".").splice(0,2).map((function(e){return parseInt(e,10)||0}));if(t.push(0),!(1===t[0]&&t[1]<5))return 1===t[0]&&t[1]<6?"Cupcake":1===t[0]&&t[1]>=6?"Donut":2===t[0]&&t[1]<2?"Eclair":2===t[0]&&2===t[1]?"Froyo":2===t[0]&&t[1]>2?"Gingerbread":3===t[0]?"Honeycomb":4===t[0]&&t[1]<1?"Ice Cream Sandwich":4===t[0]&&t[1]<4?"Jelly Bean":4===t[0]&&t[1]>=4?"KitKat":5===t[0]?"Lollipop":6===t[0]?"Marshmallow":7===t[0]?"Nougat":8===t[0]?"Oreo":9===t[0]?"Pie":void 0},e.getVersionPrecision=function(e){return e.split(".").length},e.compareVersions=function(t,r,n){void 0===n&&(n=!1);var i=e.getVersionPrecision(t),s=e.getVersionPrecision(r),a=Math.max(i,s),o=0,u=e.map([t,r],(function(t){var r=a-e.getVersionPrecision(t),n=t+new Array(r+1).join(".0");return e.map(n.split("."),(function(e){return new Array(20-e.length).join("0")+e})).reverse()}));for(n&&(o=a-Math.min(i,s)),a-=1;a>=o;){if(u[0][a]>u[1][a])return 1;if(u[0][a]===u[1][a]){if(a===o)return 0;a-=1}else if(u[0][a]1?i-1:0),a=1;a0){var a=Object.keys(r),u=o.default.find(a,(function(e){return t.isOS(e)}));if(u){var d=this.satisfies(r[u]);if(void 0!==d)return d}var c=o.default.find(a,(function(e){return t.isPlatform(e)}));if(c){var f=this.satisfies(r[c]);if(void 0!==f)return f}}if(s>0){var l=Object.keys(i),h=o.default.find(l,(function(e){return t.isBrowser(e,!0)}));if(void 0!==h)return this.compareVersion(i[h])}},t.isBrowser=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=!1);var r=this.getBrowserName().toLowerCase(),n=e.toLowerCase(),i=o.default.getBrowserTypeByAlias(n);return t&&i&&(n=i.toLowerCase()),n===r},t.compareVersion=function(e){var t=[0],r=e,n=!1,i=this.getBrowserVersion();if("string"==typeof i)return">"===e[0]||"<"===e[0]?(r=e.substr(1),"="===e[1]?(n=!0,r=e.substr(2)):t=[],">"===e[0]?t.push(1):t.push(-1)):"="===e[0]?r=e.substr(1):"~"===e[0]&&(n=!0,r=e.substr(1)),t.indexOf(o.default.compareVersions(i,r,n))>-1},t.isOS=function(e){return this.getOSName(!0)===String(e).toLowerCase()},t.isPlatform=function(e){return this.getPlatformType(!0)===String(e).toLowerCase()},t.isEngine=function(e){return this.getEngineName(!0)===String(e).toLowerCase()},t.is=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=!1),this.isBrowser(e,t)||this.isOS(e)||this.isPlatform(e)},t.some=function(e){var t=this;return void 0===e&&(e=[]),e.some((function(e){return t.is(e)}))},e}();t.default=d,e.exports=t.default},92:function(e,t,r){"use strict";t.__esModule=!0,t.default=void 0;var n,i=(n=r(17))&&n.__esModule?n:{default:n};var s=/version\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i,a=[{test:[/googlebot/i],describe:function(e){var t={name:"Googlebot"},r=i.default.getFirstMatch(/googlebot\/(\d+(\.\d+))/i,e)||i.default.getFirstMatch(s,e);return r&&(t.version=r),t}},{test:[/opera/i],describe:function(e){var t={name:"Opera"},r=i.default.getFirstMatch(s,e)||i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:opera)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i,e);return r&&(t.version=r),t}},{test:[/opr\/|opios/i],describe:function(e){var t={name:"Opera"},r=i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:opr|opios)[\s/](\S+)/i,e)||i.default.getFirstMatch(s,e);return r&&(t.version=r),t}},{test:[/SamsungBrowser/i],describe:function(e){var t={name:"Samsung Internet for Android"},r=i.default.getFirstMatch(s,e)||i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:SamsungBrowser)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i,e);return r&&(t.version=r),t}},{test:[/Whale/i],describe:function(e){var t={name:"NAVER Whale Browser"},r=i.default.getFirstMatch(s,e)||i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:whale)[\s/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i,e);return r&&(t.version=r),t}},{test:[/MZBrowser/i],describe:function(e){var t={name:"MZ Browser"},r=i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:MZBrowser)[\s/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i,e)||i.default.getFirstMatch(s,e);return r&&(t.version=r),t}},{test:[/focus/i],describe:function(e){var t={name:"Focus"},r=i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:focus)[\s/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i,e)||i.default.getFirstMatch(s,e);return r&&(t.version=r),t}},{test:[/swing/i],describe:function(e){var t={name:"Swing"},r=i.default.getFirstMatch(/(?:swing)[\s/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i,e)||i.default.getFirstMatch(s,e);return 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+},{}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ +const debug = require('debug')('h264-profile-level-id'); + +/* eslint-disable no-console */ +debug.log = console.info.bind(console); +/* eslint-enable no-console */ + +const ProfileConstrainedBaseline = 1; +const ProfileBaseline = 2; +const ProfileMain = 3; +const ProfileConstrainedHigh = 4; +const ProfileHigh = 5; + +exports.ProfileConstrainedBaseline = ProfileConstrainedBaseline; +exports.ProfileBaseline = ProfileBaseline; +exports.ProfileMain = ProfileMain; +exports.ProfileConstrainedHigh = ProfileConstrainedHigh; +exports.ProfileHigh = ProfileHigh; + +// All values are equal to ten times the level number, except level 1b which is +// special. +const Level1_b = 0; +const Level1 = 10; +const Level1_1 = 11; +const Level1_2 = 12; +const Level1_3 = 13; +const Level2 = 20; +const Level2_1 = 21; +const Level2_2 = 22; +const Level3 = 30; +const Level3_1 = 31; +const Level3_2 = 32; +const Level4 = 40; +const Level4_1 = 41; +const Level4_2 = 42; +const Level5 = 50; +const Level5_1 = 51; +const Level5_2 = 52; + +exports.Level1_b = Level1_b; +exports.Level1 = Level1; +exports.Level1_1 = Level1_1; +exports.Level1_2 = Level1_2; +exports.Level1_3 = Level1_3; +exports.Level2 = Level2; +exports.Level2_1 = Level2_1; +exports.Level2_2 = Level2_2; +exports.Level3 = Level3; +exports.Level3_1 = Level3_1; +exports.Level3_2 = Level3_2; +exports.Level4 = Level4; +exports.Level4_1 = Level4_1; +exports.Level4_2 = Level4_2; +exports.Level5 = Level5; +exports.Level5_1 = Level5_1; +exports.Level5_2 = Level5_2; + +class ProfileLevelId +{ + constructor(profile, level) + { + this.profile = profile; + this.level = level; + } +} + +exports.ProfileLevelId = ProfileLevelId; + +// Default ProfileLevelId. +// +// TODO: The default should really be profile Baseline and level 1 according to +// the spec: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6184#section-8.1. In order to not +// break backwards compatibility with older versions of WebRTC where external +// codecs don't have any parameters, use profile ConstrainedBaseline level 3_1 +// instead. This workaround will only be done in an interim period to allow +// external clients to update their code. +// +// http://crbug/webrtc/6337. +const DefaultProfileLevelId = + new ProfileLevelId(ProfileConstrainedBaseline, Level3_1); + +// For level_idc=11 and profile_idc=0x42, 0x4D, or 0x58, the constraint set3 +// flag specifies if level 1b or level 1.1 is used. +const ConstraintSet3Flag = 0x10; + +// Class for matching bit patterns such as "x1xx0000" where 'x' is allowed to be +// either 0 or 1. +class BitPattern +{ + constructor(str) + { + this._mask = ~byteMaskString('x', str); + this._maskedValue = byteMaskString('1', str); + } + + isMatch(value) + { + return this._maskedValue === (value & this._mask); + } +} + +// Class for converting between profile_idc/profile_iop to Profile. +class ProfilePattern +{ + constructor(profile_idc, profile_iop, profile) + { + this.profile_idc = profile_idc; + this.profile_iop = profile_iop; + this.profile = profile; + } +} + +// This is from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6184#section-8.1. +const ProfilePatterns = +[ + new ProfilePattern(0x42, new BitPattern('x1xx0000'), ProfileConstrainedBaseline), + new ProfilePattern(0x4D, new BitPattern('1xxx0000'), ProfileConstrainedBaseline), + new ProfilePattern(0x58, new BitPattern('11xx0000'), ProfileConstrainedBaseline), + new ProfilePattern(0x42, new BitPattern('x0xx0000'), ProfileBaseline), + new ProfilePattern(0x58, new BitPattern('10xx0000'), ProfileBaseline), + new ProfilePattern(0x4D, new BitPattern('0x0x0000'), ProfileMain), + new ProfilePattern(0x64, new BitPattern('00000000'), ProfileHigh), + new ProfilePattern(0x64, new BitPattern('00001100'), ProfileConstrainedHigh) +]; + +/** + * Parse profile level id that is represented as a string of 3 hex bytes. + * Nothing will be returned if the string is not a recognized H264 profile + * level id. + * + * @param {String} str - profile-level-id value as a string of 3 hex bytes. + * + * @returns {ProfileLevelId} + */ +exports.parseProfileLevelId = function(str) +{ + // The string should consist of 3 bytes in hexadecimal format. + if (typeof str !== 'string' || str.length !== 6) + return null; + + const profile_level_id_numeric = parseInt(str, 16); + + if (profile_level_id_numeric === 0) + return null; + + // Separate into three bytes. + const level_idc = profile_level_id_numeric & 0xFF; + const profile_iop = (profile_level_id_numeric >> 8) & 0xFF; + const profile_idc = (profile_level_id_numeric >> 16) & 0xFF; + + // Parse level based on level_idc and constraint set 3 flag. + let level; + + switch (level_idc) + { + case Level1_1: + { + level = (profile_iop & ConstraintSet3Flag) !== 0 ? Level1_b : Level1_1; + break; + } + case Level1: + case Level1_2: + case Level1_3: + case Level2: + case Level2_1: + case Level2_2: + case Level3: + case Level3_1: + case Level3_2: + case Level4: + case Level4_1: + case Level4_2: + case Level5: + case Level5_1: + case Level5_2: + { + level = level_idc; + break; + } + // Unrecognized level_idc. + default: + { + debug('parseProfileLevelId() | unrecognized level_idc:%s', level_idc); + + return null; + } + } + + // Parse profile_idc/profile_iop into a Profile enum. + for (const pattern of ProfilePatterns) + { + if ( + profile_idc === pattern.profile_idc && + pattern.profile_iop.isMatch(profile_iop) + ) + { + return new ProfileLevelId(pattern.profile, level); + } + } + + debug('parseProfileLevelId() | unrecognized profile_idc/profile_iop combination'); + + return null; +}; + +/** + * Returns canonical string representation as three hex bytes of the profile + * level id, or returns nothing for invalid profile level ids. + * + * @param {ProfileLevelId} profile_level_id + * + * @returns {String} + */ +exports.profileLevelIdToString = function(profile_level_id) +{ + // Handle special case level == 1b. + if (profile_level_id.level == Level1_b) + { + switch (profile_level_id.profile) + { + case ProfileConstrainedBaseline: + { + return '42f00b'; + } + case ProfileBaseline: + { + return '42100b'; + } + case ProfileMain: + { + return '4d100b'; + } + // Level 1_b is not allowed for other profiles. + default: + { + debug( + 'profileLevelIdToString() | Level 1_b not is allowed for profile:%s', + profile_level_id.profile); + + return null; + } + } + } + + let profile_idc_iop_string; + + switch (profile_level_id.profile) + { + case ProfileConstrainedBaseline: + { + profile_idc_iop_string = '42e0'; + break; + } + case ProfileBaseline: + { + profile_idc_iop_string = '4200'; + break; + } + case ProfileMain: + { + profile_idc_iop_string = '4d00'; + break; + } + case ProfileConstrainedHigh: + { + profile_idc_iop_string = '640c'; + break; + } + case ProfileHigh: + { + profile_idc_iop_string = '6400'; + break; + } + default: + { + debug( + 'profileLevelIdToString() | unrecognized profile:%s', + profile_level_id.profile); + + return null; + } + } + + let levelStr = (profile_level_id.level).toString(16); + + if (levelStr.length === 1) + levelStr = `0${levelStr}`; + + return `${profile_idc_iop_string}${levelStr}`; +}; + +/** + * Parse profile level id that is represented as a string of 3 hex bytes + * contained in an SDP key-value map. A default profile level id will be + * returned if the profile-level-id key is missing. Nothing will be returned if + * the key is present but the string is invalid. + * + * @param {Object} [params={}] - Codec parameters object. + * + * @returns {ProfileLevelId} + */ +exports.parseSdpProfileLevelId = function(params = {}) +{ + const profile_level_id = params['profile-level-id']; + + return !profile_level_id + ? DefaultProfileLevelId + : exports.parseProfileLevelId(profile_level_id); +}; + +/** + * Returns true if the parameters have the same H264 profile, i.e. the same + * H264 profile (Baseline, High, etc). + * + * @param {Object} [params1={}] - Codec parameters object. + * @param {Object} [params2={}] - Codec parameters object. + * + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +exports.isSameProfile = function(params1 = {}, params2 = {}) +{ + const profile_level_id_1 = exports.parseSdpProfileLevelId(params1); + const profile_level_id_2 = exports.parseSdpProfileLevelId(params2); + + // Compare H264 profiles, but not levels. + return Boolean( + profile_level_id_1 && + profile_level_id_2 && + profile_level_id_1.profile === profile_level_id_2.profile + ); +}; + +/** + * Generate codec parameters that will be used as answer in an SDP negotiation + * based on local supported parameters and remote offered parameters. Both + * local_supported_params and remote_offered_params represent sendrecv media + * descriptions, i.e they are a mix of both encode and decode capabilities. In + * theory, when the profile in local_supported_params represent a strict superset + * of the profile in remote_offered_params, we could limit the profile in the + * answer to the profile in remote_offered_params. + * + * However, to simplify the code, each supported H264 profile should be listed + * explicitly in the list of local supported codecs, even if they are redundant. + * Then each local codec in the list should be tested one at a time against the + * remote codec, and only when the profiles are equal should this function be + * called. Therefore, this function does not need to handle profile intersection, + * and the profile of local_supported_params and remote_offered_params must be + * equal before calling this function. The parameters that are used when + * negotiating are the level part of profile-level-id and level-asymmetry-allowed. + * + * @param {Object} [local_supported_params={}] + * @param {Object} [remote_offered_params={}] + * + * @returns {String} Canonical string representation as three hex bytes of the + * profile level id, or null if no one of the params have profile-level-id. + * + * @throws {TypeError} If Profile mismatch or invalid params. + */ +exports.generateProfileLevelIdForAnswer = function( + local_supported_params = {}, + remote_offered_params = {} +) +{ + // If both local and remote params do not contain profile-level-id, they are + // both using the default profile. In this case, don't return anything. + if ( + !local_supported_params['profile-level-id'] && + !remote_offered_params['profile-level-id'] + ) + { + debug( + 'generateProfileLevelIdForAnswer() | no profile-level-id in local and remote params'); + + return null; + } + + // Parse profile-level-ids. + const local_profile_level_id = + exports.parseSdpProfileLevelId(local_supported_params); + const remote_profile_level_id = + exports.parseSdpProfileLevelId(remote_offered_params); + + // The local and remote codec must have valid and equal H264 Profiles. + if (!local_profile_level_id) + throw new TypeError('invalid local_profile_level_id'); + + if (!remote_profile_level_id) + throw new TypeError('invalid remote_profile_level_id'); + + if (local_profile_level_id.profile !== remote_profile_level_id.profile) + throw new TypeError('H264 Profile mismatch'); + + // Parse level information. + const level_asymmetry_allowed = ( + isLevelAsymmetryAllowed(local_supported_params) && + isLevelAsymmetryAllowed(remote_offered_params) + ); + + const local_level = local_profile_level_id.level; + const remote_level = remote_profile_level_id.level; + const min_level = minLevel(local_level, remote_level); + + // Determine answer level. When level asymmetry is not allowed, level upgrade + // is not allowed, i.e., the level in the answer must be equal to or lower + // than the level in the offer. + const answer_level = level_asymmetry_allowed ? local_level : min_level; + + debug( + 'generateProfileLevelIdForAnswer() | result: [profile:%s, level:%s]', + local_profile_level_id.profile, answer_level); + + // Return the resulting profile-level-id for the answer parameters. + return exports.profileLevelIdToString( + new ProfileLevelId(local_profile_level_id.profile, answer_level)); +}; + +// Convert a string of 8 characters into a byte where the positions containing +// character c will have their bit set. For example, c = 'x', str = "x1xx0000" +// will return 0b10110000. +function byteMaskString(c, str) +{ + return ( + ((str[0] === c) << 7) | ((str[1] === c) << 6) | ((str[2] === c) << 5) | + ((str[3] === c) << 4) | ((str[4] === c) << 3) | ((str[5] === c) << 2) | + ((str[6] === c) << 1) | ((str[7] === c) << 0) + ); +} + +// Compare H264 levels and handle the level 1b case. +function isLessLevel(a, b) +{ + if (a === Level1_b) + return b !== Level1 && b !== Level1_b; + + if (b === Level1_b) + return a !== Level1; + + return a < b; +} + +function minLevel(a, b) +{ + return isLessLevel(a, b) ? a : b; +} + +function isLevelAsymmetryAllowed(params = {}) +{ + const level_asymmetry_allowed = params['level-asymmetry-allowed']; + + return ( + level_asymmetry_allowed === 1 || + level_asymmetry_allowed === '1' + ); +} + +},{"debug":5}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ +(function (process){(function (){ +/* eslint-env browser */ + +/** + * This is the web browser implementation of `debug()`. + */ + +exports.formatArgs = formatArgs; +exports.save = save; +exports.load = load; +exports.useColors = useColors; +exports.storage = localstorage(); +exports.destroy = (() => { + let warned = false; + + return () => { + if (!warned) { + warned = true; + console.warn('Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.'); + } + }; +})(); + +/** + * Colors. + */ + +exports.colors = [ + '#0000CC', + '#0000FF', + '#0033CC', + '#0033FF', + '#0066CC', + '#0066FF', + '#0099CC', + '#0099FF', + '#00CC00', + '#00CC33', + '#00CC66', + '#00CC99', + '#00CCCC', + '#00CCFF', + '#3300CC', + '#3300FF', + '#3333CC', + '#3333FF', + '#3366CC', + '#3366FF', + '#3399CC', + '#3399FF', + '#33CC00', + '#33CC33', + '#33CC66', + '#33CC99', + '#33CCCC', + '#33CCFF', + '#6600CC', + '#6600FF', + '#6633CC', + '#6633FF', + '#66CC00', + '#66CC33', + '#9900CC', + '#9900FF', + '#9933CC', + '#9933FF', + '#99CC00', + '#99CC33', + '#CC0000', + '#CC0033', + '#CC0066', + '#CC0099', + '#CC00CC', + '#CC00FF', + '#CC3300', + '#CC3333', + '#CC3366', + '#CC3399', + '#CC33CC', + '#CC33FF', + '#CC6600', + '#CC6633', + '#CC9900', + '#CC9933', + '#CCCC00', + '#CCCC33', + '#FF0000', + '#FF0033', + '#FF0066', + '#FF0099', + '#FF00CC', + '#FF00FF', + '#FF3300', + '#FF3333', + '#FF3366', + '#FF3399', + '#FF33CC', + '#FF33FF', + '#FF6600', + '#FF6633', + '#FF9900', + '#FF9933', + '#FFCC00', + '#FFCC33' +]; + +/** + * Currently only WebKit-based Web Inspectors, Firefox >= v31, + * and the Firebug extension (any Firefox version) are known + * to support "%c" CSS customizations. + * + * TODO: add a `localStorage` variable to explicitly enable/disable colors + */ + +// eslint-disable-next-line complexity +function useColors() { + // NB: In an Electron preload script, document will be defined but not fully + // initialized. Since we know we're in Chrome, we'll just detect this case + // explicitly + if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.process && (window.process.type === 'renderer' || window.process.__nwjs)) { + return true; + } + + // Internet Explorer and Edge do not support colors. + if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/)) { + return false; + } + + // Is webkit? http://stackoverflow.com/a/16459606/376773 + // document is undefined in react-native: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/pull/1632 + return (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.style && document.documentElement.style.WebkitAppearance) || + // Is firebug? http://stackoverflow.com/a/398120/376773 + (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.console && (window.console.firebug || (window.console.exception && window.console.table))) || + // Is firefox >= v31? + // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Web_Console#Styling_messages + (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31) || + // Double check webkit in userAgent just in case we are in a worker + (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/)); +} + +/** + * Colorize log arguments if enabled. + * + * @api public + */ + +function formatArgs(args) { + args[0] = (this.useColors ? '%c' : '') + + this.namespace + + (this.useColors ? ' %c' : ' ') + + args[0] + + (this.useColors ? '%c ' : ' ') + + '+' + module.exports.humanize(this.diff); + + if (!this.useColors) { + return; + } + + const c = 'color: ' + this.color; + args.splice(1, 0, c, 'color: inherit'); + + // The final "%c" is somewhat tricky, because there could be other + // arguments passed either before or after the %c, so we need to + // figure out the correct index to insert the CSS into + let index = 0; + let lastC = 0; + args[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, match => { + if (match === '%%') { + return; + } + index++; + if (match === '%c') { + // We only are interested in the *last* %c + // (the user may have provided their own) + lastC = index; + } + }); + + args.splice(lastC, 0, c); +} + +/** + * Invokes `console.debug()` when available. + * No-op when `console.debug` is not a "function". + * If `console.debug` is not available, falls back + * to `console.log`. + * + * @api public + */ +exports.log = console.debug || console.log || (() => {}); + +/** + * Save `namespaces`. + * + * @param {String} namespaces + * @api private + */ +function save(namespaces) { + try { + if (namespaces) { + exports.storage.setItem('debug', namespaces); + } else { + exports.storage.removeItem('debug'); + } + } catch (error) { + // Swallow + // XXX (@Qix-) should we be logging these? + } +} + +/** + * Load `namespaces`. + * + * @return {String} returns the previously persisted debug modes + * @api private + */ +function load() { + let r; + try { + r = exports.storage.getItem('debug'); + } catch (error) { + // Swallow + // XXX (@Qix-) should we be logging these? + } + + // If debug isn't set in LS, and we're in Electron, try to load $DEBUG + if (!r && typeof process !== 'undefined' && 'env' in process) { + r = process.env.DEBUG; + } + + return r; +} + +/** + * Localstorage attempts to return the localstorage. + * + * This is necessary because safari throws + * when a user disables cookies/localstorage + * and you attempt to access it. + * + * @return {LocalStorage} + * @api private + */ + +function localstorage() { + try { + // TVMLKit (Apple TV JS Runtime) does not have a window object, just localStorage in the global context + // The Browser also has localStorage in the global context. + return localStorage; + } catch (error) { + // Swallow + // XXX (@Qix-) should we be logging these? + } +} + +module.exports = require('./common')(exports); + +const {formatters} = module.exports; + +/** + * Map %j to `JSON.stringify()`, since no Web Inspectors do that by default. + */ + +formatters.j = function (v) { + try { + return JSON.stringify(v); + } catch (error) { + return '[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: ' + error.message; + } +}; + +}).call(this)}).call(this,require('_process')) +},{"./common":6,"_process":48}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ + +/** + * This is the common logic for both the Node.js and web browser + * implementations of `debug()`. + */ + +function setup(env) { + createDebug.debug = createDebug; + createDebug.default = createDebug; + createDebug.coerce = coerce; + createDebug.disable = disable; + createDebug.enable = enable; + createDebug.enabled = enabled; + createDebug.humanize = require('ms'); + createDebug.destroy = destroy; + + Object.keys(env).forEach(key => { + createDebug[key] = env[key]; + }); + + /** + * The currently active debug mode names, and names to skip. + */ + + createDebug.names = []; + createDebug.skips = []; + + /** + * Map of special "%n" handling functions, for the debug "format" argument. + * + * Valid key names are a single, lower or upper-case letter, i.e. "n" and "N". + */ + createDebug.formatters = {}; + + /** + * Selects a color for a debug namespace + * @param {String} namespace The namespace string for the for the debug instance to be colored + * @return {Number|String} An ANSI color code for the given namespace + * @api private + */ + function selectColor(namespace) { + let hash = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < namespace.length; i++) { + hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + namespace.charCodeAt(i); + hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer + } + + return createDebug.colors[Math.abs(hash) % createDebug.colors.length]; + } + createDebug.selectColor = selectColor; + + /** + * Create a debugger with the given `namespace`. + * + * @param {String} namespace + * @return {Function} + * @api public + */ + function createDebug(namespace) { + let prevTime; + let enableOverride = null; + let namespacesCache; + let enabledCache; + + function debug(...args) { + // Disabled? + if (!debug.enabled) { + return; + } + + const self = debug; + + // Set `diff` timestamp + const curr = Number(new Date()); + const ms = curr - (prevTime || curr); + self.diff = ms; + self.prev = prevTime; + self.curr = curr; + prevTime = curr; + + args[0] = createDebug.coerce(args[0]); + + if (typeof args[0] !== 'string') { + // Anything else let's inspect with %O + args.unshift('%O'); + } + + // Apply any `formatters` transformations + let index = 0; + args[0] = args[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, (match, format) => { + // If we encounter an escaped % then don't increase the array index + if (match === '%%') { + return '%'; + } + index++; + const formatter = createDebug.formatters[format]; + if (typeof formatter === 'function') { + const val = args[index]; + match = formatter.call(self, val); + + // Now we need to remove `args[index]` since it's inlined in the `format` + args.splice(index, 1); + index--; + } + return match; + }); + + // Apply env-specific formatting (colors, etc.) + createDebug.formatArgs.call(self, args); + + const logFn = self.log || createDebug.log; + logFn.apply(self, args); + } + + debug.namespace = namespace; + debug.useColors = createDebug.useColors(); + debug.color = createDebug.selectColor(namespace); + debug.extend = extend; + debug.destroy = createDebug.destroy; // XXX Temporary. Will be removed in the next major release. + + Object.defineProperty(debug, 'enabled', { + enumerable: true, + configurable: false, + get: () => { + if (enableOverride !== null) { + return enableOverride; + } + if (namespacesCache !== createDebug.namespaces) { + namespacesCache = createDebug.namespaces; + enabledCache = createDebug.enabled(namespace); + } + + return enabledCache; + }, + set: v => { + enableOverride = v; + } + }); + + // Env-specific initialization logic for debug instances + if (typeof createDebug.init === 'function') { + createDebug.init(debug); + } + + return debug; + } + + function extend(namespace, delimiter) { + const newDebug = createDebug(this.namespace + (typeof delimiter === 'undefined' ? ':' : delimiter) + namespace); + newDebug.log = this.log; + return newDebug; + } + + /** + * Enables a debug mode by namespaces. This can include modes + * separated by a colon and wildcards. + * + * @param {String} namespaces + * @api public + */ + function enable(namespaces) { + createDebug.save(namespaces); + createDebug.namespaces = namespaces; + + createDebug.names = []; + createDebug.skips = []; + + let i; + const split = (typeof namespaces === 'string' ? namespaces : '').split(/[\s,]+/); + const len = split.length; + + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (!split[i]) { + // ignore empty strings + continue; + } + + namespaces = split[i].replace(/\*/g, '.*?'); + + if (namespaces[0] === '-') { + createDebug.skips.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces.substr(1) + '$')); + } else { + createDebug.names.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces + '$')); + } + } + } + + /** + * Disable debug output. + * + * @return {String} namespaces + * @api public + */ + function disable() { + const namespaces = [ + ...createDebug.names.map(toNamespace), + ...createDebug.skips.map(toNamespace).map(namespace => '-' + namespace) + ].join(','); + createDebug.enable(''); + return namespaces; + } + + /** + * Returns true if the given mode name is enabled, false otherwise. + * + * @param {String} name + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ + function enabled(name) { + if (name[name.length - 1] === '*') { + return true; + } + + let i; + let len; + + for (i = 0, len = createDebug.skips.length; i < len; i++) { + if (createDebug.skips[i].test(name)) { + return false; + } + } + + for (i = 0, len = createDebug.names.length; i < len; i++) { + if (createDebug.names[i].test(name)) { + return true; + } + } + + return false; + } + + /** + * Convert regexp to namespace + * + * @param {RegExp} regxep + * @return {String} namespace + * @api private + */ + function toNamespace(regexp) { + return regexp.toString() + .substring(2, regexp.toString().length - 2) + .replace(/\.\*\?$/, '*'); + } + + /** + * Coerce `val`. + * + * @param {Mixed} val + * @return {Mixed} + * @api private + */ + function coerce(val) { + if (val instanceof Error) { + return val.stack || val.message; + } + return val; + } + + /** + * XXX DO NOT USE. This is a temporary stub function. + * XXX It WILL be removed in the next major release. + */ + function destroy() { + console.warn('Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.'); + } + + createDebug.enable(createDebug.load()); + + return createDebug; +} + +module.exports = setup; + +},{"ms":7}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * Helpers. + */ + +var s = 1000; +var m = s * 60; +var h = m * 60; +var d = h * 24; +var w = d * 7; +var y = d * 365.25; + +/** + * Parse or format the given `val`. + * + * Options: + * + * - `long` verbose formatting [false] + * + * @param {String|Number} val + * @param {Object} [options] + * @throws {Error} throw an error if val is not a non-empty string or a number + * @return {String|Number} + * @api public + */ + +module.exports = function(val, options) { + options = options || {}; + var type = typeof val; + if (type === 'string' && val.length > 0) { + return parse(val); + } else if (type === 'number' && isFinite(val)) { + return options.long ? fmtLong(val) : fmtShort(val); + } + throw new Error( + 'val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=' + + JSON.stringify(val) + ); +}; + +/** + * Parse the given `str` and return milliseconds. + * + * @param {String} str + * @return {Number} + * @api private + */ + +function parse(str) { + str = String(str); + if (str.length > 100) { + return; + } + var match = /^(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|weeks?|w|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec( + str + ); + if (!match) { + return; + } + var n = parseFloat(match[1]); + var type = (match[2] || 'ms').toLowerCase(); + switch (type) { + case 'years': + case 'year': + case 'yrs': + case 'yr': + case 'y': + return n * y; + case 'weeks': + case 'week': + case 'w': + return n * w; + case 'days': + case 'day': + case 'd': + return n * d; + case 'hours': + case 'hour': + case 'hrs': + case 'hr': + case 'h': + return n * h; + case 'minutes': + case 'minute': + case 'mins': + case 'min': + case 'm': + return n * m; + case 'seconds': + case 'second': + case 'secs': + case 'sec': + case 's': + return n * s; + case 'milliseconds': + case 'millisecond': + case 'msecs': + case 'msec': + case 'ms': + return n; + default: + return undefined; + } +} + +/** + * Short format for `ms`. + * + * @param {Number} ms + * @return {String} + * @api private + */ + +function fmtShort(ms) { + var msAbs = Math.abs(ms); + if (msAbs >= d) { + return Math.round(ms / d) + 'd'; + } + if (msAbs >= h) { + return Math.round(ms / h) + 'h'; + } + if (msAbs >= m) { + return Math.round(ms / m) + 'm'; + } + if (msAbs >= s) { + return Math.round(ms / s) + 's'; + } + return ms + 'ms'; +} + +/** + * Long format for `ms`. + * + * @param {Number} ms + * @return {String} + * @api private + */ + +function fmtLong(ms) { + var msAbs = Math.abs(ms); + if (msAbs >= d) { + return plural(ms, msAbs, d, 'day'); + } + if (msAbs >= h) { + return plural(ms, msAbs, h, 'hour'); + } + if (msAbs >= m) { + return plural(ms, msAbs, m, 'minute'); + } + if (msAbs >= s) { + return plural(ms, msAbs, s, 'second'); + } + return ms + ' ms'; +} + +/** + * Pluralization helper. + */ + +function plural(ms, msAbs, n, name) { + var isPlural = msAbs >= n * 1.5; + return Math.round(ms / n) + ' ' + name + (isPlural ? 's' : ''); +} + +},{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Consumer = void 0; +const Logger_1 = require("./Logger"); +const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require("./EnhancedEventEmitter"); +const errors_1 = require("./errors"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Consumer'); +class Consumer extends EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter { + /** + * @emits transportclose + * @emits trackended + * @emits @getstats + * @emits @close + */ + constructor({ id, localId, producerId, rtpReceiver, track, rtpParameters, appData }) { + super(); + // Closed flag. + this._closed = false; + // Observer instance. + this._observer = new EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter(); + logger.debug('constructor()'); + this._id = id; + this._localId = localId; + this._producerId = producerId; + this._rtpReceiver = rtpReceiver; + this._track = track; + this._rtpParameters = rtpParameters; + this._paused = !track.enabled; + this._appData = appData; + this._onTrackEnded = this._onTrackEnded.bind(this); + this._handleTrack(); + } + /** + * Consumer id. + */ + get id() { + return this._id; + } + /** + * Local id. + */ + get localId() { + return this._localId; + } + /** + * Associated Producer id. + */ + get producerId() { + return this._producerId; + } + /** + * Whether the Consumer is closed. + */ + get closed() { + return this._closed; + } + /** + * Media kind. + */ + get kind() { + return this._track.kind; + } + /** + * Associated RTCRtpReceiver. + */ + get rtpReceiver() { + return this._rtpReceiver; + } + /** + * The associated track. + */ + get track() { + return this._track; + } + /** + * RTP parameters. + */ + get rtpParameters() { + return this._rtpParameters; + } + /** + * Whether the Consumer is paused. + */ + get paused() { + return this._paused; + } + /** + * App custom data. + */ + get appData() { + return this._appData; + } + /** + * Invalid setter. + */ + set appData(appData) { + throw new Error('cannot override appData object'); + } + /** + * Observer. + * + * @emits close + * @emits pause + * @emits resume + * @emits trackended + */ + get observer() { + return this._observer; + } + /** + * Closes the Consumer. + */ + close() { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.debug('close()'); + this._closed = true; + this._destroyTrack(); + this.emit('@close'); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('close'); + } + /** + * Transport was closed. + */ + transportClosed() { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.debug('transportClosed()'); + this._closed = true; + this._destroyTrack(); + this.safeEmit('transportclose'); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('close'); + } + /** + * Get associated RTCRtpReceiver stats. + */ + async getStats() { + if (this._closed) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); + return this.safeEmitAsPromise('@getstats'); + } + /** + * Pauses receiving media. + */ + pause() { + logger.debug('pause()'); + if (this._closed) { + logger.error('pause() | Consumer closed'); + return; + } + this._paused = true; + this._track.enabled = false; + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('pause'); + } + /** + * Resumes receiving media. + */ + resume() { + logger.debug('resume()'); + if (this._closed) { + logger.error('resume() | Consumer closed'); + return; + } + this._paused = false; + this._track.enabled = true; + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('resume'); + } + _onTrackEnded() { + logger.debug('track "ended" event'); + this.safeEmit('trackended'); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('trackended'); + } + _handleTrack() { + this._track.addEventListener('ended', this._onTrackEnded); + } + _destroyTrack() { + try { + this._track.removeEventListener('ended', this._onTrackEnded); + this._track.stop(); + } + catch (error) { } + } +} +exports.Consumer = Consumer; + +},{"./EnhancedEventEmitter":12,"./Logger":13,"./errors":18}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.DataConsumer = void 0; +const Logger_1 = require("./Logger"); +const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require("./EnhancedEventEmitter"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('DataConsumer'); +class DataConsumer extends EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter { + /** + * @emits transportclose + * @emits open + * @emits error - (error: Error) + * @emits close + * @emits message - (message: any) + * @emits @close + */ + constructor({ id, dataProducerId, dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters, appData }) { + super(); + // Closed flag. + this._closed = false; + // Observer instance. + this._observer = new EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter(); + logger.debug('constructor()'); + this._id = id; + this._dataProducerId = dataProducerId; + this._dataChannel = dataChannel; + this._sctpStreamParameters = sctpStreamParameters; + this._appData = appData; + this._handleDataChannel(); + } + /** + * DataConsumer id. + */ + get id() { + return this._id; + } + /** + * Associated DataProducer id. + */ + get dataProducerId() { + return this._dataProducerId; + } + /** + * Whether the DataConsumer is closed. + */ + get closed() { + return this._closed; + } + /** + * SCTP stream parameters. + */ + get sctpStreamParameters() { + return this._sctpStreamParameters; + } + /** + * DataChannel readyState. + */ + get readyState() { + return this._dataChannel.readyState; + } + /** + * DataChannel label. + */ + get label() { + return this._dataChannel.label; + } + /** + * DataChannel protocol. + */ + get protocol() { + return this._dataChannel.protocol; + } + /** + * DataChannel binaryType. + */ + get binaryType() { + return this._dataChannel.binaryType; + } + /** + * Set DataChannel binaryType. + */ + set binaryType(binaryType) { + this._dataChannel.binaryType = binaryType; + } + /** + * App custom data. + */ + get appData() { + return this._appData; + } + /** + * Invalid setter. + */ + set appData(appData) { + throw new Error('cannot override appData object'); + } + /** + * Observer. + * + * @emits close + */ + get observer() { + return this._observer; + } + /** + * Closes the DataConsumer. + */ + close() { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.debug('close()'); + this._closed = true; + this._dataChannel.close(); + this.emit('@close'); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('close'); + } + /** + * Transport was closed. + */ + transportClosed() { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.debug('transportClosed()'); + this._closed = true; + this._dataChannel.close(); + this.safeEmit('transportclose'); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('close'); + } + _handleDataChannel() { + this._dataChannel.addEventListener('open', () => { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.debug('DataChannel "open" event'); + this.safeEmit('open'); + }); + this._dataChannel.addEventListener('error', (event) => { + if (this._closed) + return; + let { error } = event; + if (!error) + error = new Error('unknown DataChannel error'); + if (error.errorDetail === 'sctp-failure') { + logger.error('DataChannel SCTP error [sctpCauseCode:%s]: %s', error.sctpCauseCode, error.message); + } + else { + logger.error('DataChannel "error" event: %o', error); + } + this.safeEmit('error', error); + }); + this._dataChannel.addEventListener('close', () => { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.warn('DataChannel "close" event'); + this._closed = true; + this.emit('@close'); + this.safeEmit('close'); + }); + this._dataChannel.addEventListener('message', (event) => { + if (this._closed) + return; + this.safeEmit('message', event.data); + }); + } +} +exports.DataConsumer = DataConsumer; + +},{"./EnhancedEventEmitter":12,"./Logger":13}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.DataProducer = void 0; +const Logger_1 = require("./Logger"); +const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require("./EnhancedEventEmitter"); +const errors_1 = require("./errors"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('DataProducer'); +class DataProducer extends EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter { + /** + * @emits transportclose + * @emits open + * @emits error - (error: Error) + * @emits close + * @emits bufferedamountlow + * @emits @close + */ + constructor({ id, dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters, appData }) { + super(); + // Closed flag. + this._closed = false; + // Observer instance. + this._observer = new EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter(); + logger.debug('constructor()'); + this._id = id; + this._dataChannel = dataChannel; + this._sctpStreamParameters = sctpStreamParameters; + this._appData = appData; + this._handleDataChannel(); + } + /** + * DataProducer id. + */ + get id() { + return this._id; + } + /** + * Whether the DataProducer is closed. + */ + get closed() { + return this._closed; + } + /** + * SCTP stream parameters. + */ + get sctpStreamParameters() { + return this._sctpStreamParameters; + } + /** + * DataChannel readyState. + */ + get readyState() { + return this._dataChannel.readyState; + } + /** + * DataChannel label. + */ + get label() { + return this._dataChannel.label; + } + /** + * DataChannel protocol. + */ + get protocol() { + return this._dataChannel.protocol; + } + /** + * DataChannel bufferedAmount. + */ + get bufferedAmount() { + return this._dataChannel.bufferedAmount; + } + /** + * DataChannel bufferedAmountLowThreshold. + */ + get bufferedAmountLowThreshold() { + return this._dataChannel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold; + } + /** + * Set DataChannel bufferedAmountLowThreshold. + */ + set bufferedAmountLowThreshold(bufferedAmountLowThreshold) { + this._dataChannel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold = bufferedAmountLowThreshold; + } + /** + * App custom data. + */ + get appData() { + return this._appData; + } + /** + * Invalid setter. + */ + set appData(appData) { + throw new Error('cannot override appData object'); + } + /** + * Observer. + * + * @emits close + */ + get observer() { + return this._observer; + } + /** + * Closes the DataProducer. + */ + close() { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.debug('close()'); + this._closed = true; + this._dataChannel.close(); + this.emit('@close'); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('close'); + } + /** + * Transport was closed. + */ + transportClosed() { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.debug('transportClosed()'); + this._closed = true; + this._dataChannel.close(); + this.safeEmit('transportclose'); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('close'); + } + /** + * Send a message. + * + * @param {String|Blob|ArrayBuffer|ArrayBufferView} data. + */ + send(data) { + logger.debug('send()'); + if (this._closed) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); + this._dataChannel.send(data); + } + _handleDataChannel() { + this._dataChannel.addEventListener('open', () => { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.debug('DataChannel "open" event'); + this.safeEmit('open'); + }); + this._dataChannel.addEventListener('error', (event) => { + if (this._closed) + return; + let { error } = event; + if (!error) + error = new Error('unknown DataChannel error'); + if (error.errorDetail === 'sctp-failure') { + logger.error('DataChannel SCTP error [sctpCauseCode:%s]: %s', error.sctpCauseCode, error.message); + } + else { + logger.error('DataChannel "error" event: %o', error); + } + this.safeEmit('error', error); + }); + this._dataChannel.addEventListener('close', () => { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.warn('DataChannel "close" event'); + this._closed = true; + this.emit('@close'); + this.safeEmit('close'); + }); + this._dataChannel.addEventListener('message', () => { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.warn('DataChannel "message" event in a DataProducer, message discarded'); + }); + this._dataChannel.addEventListener('bufferedamountlow', () => { + if (this._closed) + return; + this.safeEmit('bufferedamountlow'); + }); + } +} +exports.DataProducer = DataProducer; + +},{"./EnhancedEventEmitter":12,"./Logger":13,"./errors":18}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +/* global RTCRtpTransceiver */ +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { + return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Device = exports.detectDevice = void 0; +const bowser_1 = __importDefault(require("bowser")); +const Logger_1 = require("./Logger"); +const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require("./EnhancedEventEmitter"); +const errors_1 = require("./errors"); +const utils = __importStar(require("./utils")); +const ortc = __importStar(require("./ortc")); +const Transport_1 = require("./Transport"); +const Chrome74_1 = require("./handlers/Chrome74"); +const Chrome70_1 = require("./handlers/Chrome70"); +const Chrome67_1 = require("./handlers/Chrome67"); +const Chrome55_1 = require("./handlers/Chrome55"); +const Firefox60_1 = require("./handlers/Firefox60"); +const Safari12_1 = require("./handlers/Safari12"); +const Safari11_1 = require("./handlers/Safari11"); +const Edge11_1 = require("./handlers/Edge11"); +const ReactNative_1 = require("./handlers/ReactNative"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Device'); +function detectDevice() { + // React-Native. + // NOTE: react-native-webrtc >= 1.75.0 is required. + if (typeof navigator === 'object' && navigator.product === 'ReactNative') { + if (typeof RTCPeerConnection === 'undefined') { + logger.warn('this._detectDevice() | unsupported ReactNative without RTCPeerConnection'); + return undefined; + } + logger.debug('this._detectDevice() | ReactNative handler chosen'); + return 'ReactNative'; + } + // Browser. + else if (typeof navigator === 'object' && typeof navigator.userAgent === 'string') { + const ua = navigator.userAgent; + const browser = bowser_1.default.getParser(ua); + const engine = browser.getEngine(); + // Chrome and Chromium. + if (browser.satisfies({ chrome: '>=74', chromium: '>=74' })) { + return 'Chrome74'; + } + else if (browser.satisfies({ chrome: '>=70', chromium: '>=70' })) { + return 'Chrome70'; + } + else if (browser.satisfies({ chrome: '>=67', chromium: '>=67' })) { + return 'Chrome67'; + } + else if (browser.satisfies({ chrome: '>=55', chromium: '>=55' })) { + return 'Chrome55'; + } + // Firefox. + else if (browser.satisfies({ firefox: '>=60' })) { + return 'Firefox60'; + } + // Safari with Unified-Plan support enabled. + else if (browser.satisfies({ safari: '>=12.0' }) && + typeof RTCRtpTransceiver !== 'undefined' && + RTCRtpTransceiver.prototype.hasOwnProperty('currentDirection')) { + return 'Safari12'; + } + // Safari with Plab-B support. + else if (browser.satisfies({ safari: '>=11' })) { + return 'Safari11'; + } + // Old Edge with ORTC support. + else if (browser.satisfies({ 'microsoft edge': '>=11' }) && + browser.satisfies({ 'microsoft edge': '<=18' })) { + return 'Edge11'; + } + // Best effort for Chromium based browsers. + else if (engine.name && engine.name.toLowerCase() === 'blink') { + const match = ua.match(/(?:(?:Chrome|Chromium))[ /](\w+)/i); + if (match) { + const version = Number(match[1]); + if (version >= 74) { + return 'Chrome74'; } - - // Compare H264 levels and handle the level 1b case. - function isLessLevel(a, b) { - if (a === Level1_b) return b !== Level1 && b !== Level1_b; - - if (b === Level1_b) return a !== Level1; - - return a < b; + else if (version >= 70) { + return 'Chrome70'; } - - function minLevel(a, b) { - return isLessLevel(a, b) ? a : b; + else if (version >= 67) { + return 'Chrome67'; } - - function isLevelAsymmetryAllowed(params = {}) { - const level_asymmetry_allowed = params['level-asymmetry-allowed']; - - return level_asymmetry_allowed === 1 || level_asymmetry_allowed === '1'; + else { + return 'Chrome55'; } - }, - { debug: 4 }, - ], - 4: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - (function (process) { - /* eslint-env browser */ - - /** - * This is the web browser implementation of `debug()`. - */ - - exports.log = log; - exports.formatArgs = formatArgs; - exports.save = save; - exports.load = load; - exports.useColors = useColors; - exports.storage = localstorage(); - - /** - * Colors. - */ - - exports.colors = [ - '#0000CC', - '#0000FF', - '#0033CC', - '#0033FF', - '#0066CC', - '#0066FF', - '#0099CC', - '#0099FF', - '#00CC00', - '#00CC33', - '#00CC66', - '#00CC99', - '#00CCCC', - '#00CCFF', - '#3300CC', - '#3300FF', - '#3333CC', - '#3333FF', - '#3366CC', - '#3366FF', - '#3399CC', - '#3399FF', - '#33CC00', - '#33CC33', - '#33CC66', - '#33CC99', - '#33CCCC', - '#33CCFF', - '#6600CC', - '#6600FF', - '#6633CC', - '#6633FF', - '#66CC00', - '#66CC33', - '#9900CC', - '#9900FF', - '#9933CC', - '#9933FF', - '#99CC00', - '#99CC33', - '#CC0000', - '#CC0033', - '#CC0066', - '#CC0099', - '#CC00CC', - '#CC00FF', - '#CC3300', - '#CC3333', - '#CC3366', - '#CC3399', - '#CC33CC', - '#CC33FF', - '#CC6600', - '#CC6633', - '#CC9900', - '#CC9933', - '#CCCC00', - '#CCCC33', - '#FF0000', - '#FF0033', - '#FF0066', - '#FF0099', - '#FF00CC', - '#FF00FF', - '#FF3300', - '#FF3333', - '#FF3366', - '#FF3399', - '#FF33CC', - '#FF33FF', - '#FF6600', - '#FF6633', - '#FF9900', - '#FF9933', - '#FFCC00', - '#FFCC33', - ]; - - /** - * Currently only WebKit-based Web Inspectors, Firefox >= v31, - * and the Firebug extension (any Firefox version) are known - * to support "%c" CSS customizations. - * - * TODO: add a `localStorage` variable to explicitly enable/disable colors - */ - - // eslint-disable-next-line complexity - function useColors() { - // NB: In an Electron preload script, document will be defined but not fully - // initialized. Since we know we're in Chrome, we'll just detect this case - // explicitly - if ( - typeof window !== 'undefined' && - window.process && - (window.process.type === 'renderer' || window.process.__nwjs) - ) { - return true; - } - - // Internet Explorer and Edge do not support colors. - if ( - typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && - navigator.userAgent && - navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/) - ) { - return false; - } - - // Is webkit? http://stackoverflow.com/a/16459606/376773 - // document is undefined in react-native: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/pull/1632 - return ( - (typeof document !== 'undefined' && - document.documentElement && - document.documentElement.style && - document.documentElement.style.WebkitAppearance) || - // Is firebug? http://stackoverflow.com/a/398120/376773 - (typeof window !== 'undefined' && - window.console && - (window.console.firebug || (window.console.exception && window.console.table))) || - // Is firefox >= v31? - // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Web_Console#Styling_messages - (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && - navigator.userAgent && - navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && - parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31) || - // Double check webkit in userAgent just in case we are in a worker - (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && - navigator.userAgent && - navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/)) - ); - } - - /** - * Colorize log arguments if enabled. - * - * @api public - */ - - function formatArgs(args) { - args[0] = - (this.useColors ? '%c' : '') + - this.namespace + - (this.useColors ? ' %c' : ' ') + - args[0] + - (this.useColors ? '%c ' : ' ') + - '+' + - module.exports.humanize(this.diff); - - if (!this.useColors) { - return; - } - - const c = 'color: ' + this.color; - args.splice(1, 0, c, 'color: inherit'); - - // The final "%c" is somewhat tricky, because there could be other - // arguments passed either before or after the %c, so we need to - // figure out the correct index to insert the CSS into - let index = 0; - let lastC = 0; - args[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, (match) => { - if (match === '%%') { - return; - } - index++; - if (match === '%c') { - // We only are interested in the *last* %c - // (the user may have provided their own) - lastC = index; - } - }); - - args.splice(lastC, 0, c); - } - - /** - * Invokes `console.log()` when available. - * No-op when `console.log` is not a "function". - * - * @api public - */ - function log(...args) { - // This hackery is required for IE8/9, where - // the `console.log` function doesn't have 'apply' - return typeof console === 'object' && console.log && console.log(...args); - } - - /** - * Save `namespaces`. - * - * @param {String} namespaces - * @api private - */ - function save(namespaces) { - try { - if (namespaces) { - exports.storage.setItem('debug', namespaces); - } else { - exports.storage.removeItem('debug'); - } - } catch (error) { - // Swallow - // XXX (@Qix-) should we be logging these? - } - } - - /** - * Load `namespaces`. - * - * @return {String} returns the previously persisted debug modes - * @api private - */ - function load() { - let r; - try { - r = exports.storage.getItem('debug'); - } catch (error) { - // Swallow - // XXX (@Qix-) should we be logging these? - } - - // If debug isn't set in LS, and we're in Electron, try to load $DEBUG - if (!r && typeof process !== 'undefined' && 'env' in process) { - r = process.env.DEBUG; - } - - return r; - } - - /** - * Localstorage attempts to return the localstorage. - * - * This is necessary because safari throws - * when a user disables cookies/localstorage - * and you attempt to access it. - * - * @return {LocalStorage} - * @api private - */ - - function localstorage() { - try { - // TVMLKit (Apple TV JS Runtime) does not have a window object, just localStorage in the global context - // The Browser also has localStorage in the global context. - return localStorage; - } catch (error) { - // Swallow - // XXX (@Qix-) should we be logging these? - } - } - - module.exports = require('./common')(exports); - - const { formatters } = module.exports; - - /** - * Map %j to `JSON.stringify()`, since no Web Inspectors do that by default. - */ - - formatters.j = function (v) { - try { - return JSON.stringify(v); - } catch (error) { - return '[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: ' + error.message; - } - }; - }.call(this, require('_process'))); - }, - { './common': 5, _process: 46 }, - ], - 5: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - /** - * This is the common logic for both the Node.js and web browser - * implementations of `debug()`. - */ - - function setup(env) { - createDebug.debug = createDebug; - createDebug.default = createDebug; - createDebug.coerce = coerce; - createDebug.disable = disable; - createDebug.enable = enable; - createDebug.enabled = enabled; - createDebug.humanize = require('ms'); - - Object.keys(env).forEach((key) => { - createDebug[key] = env[key]; - }); - - /** - * Active `debug` instances. - */ - createDebug.instances = []; - - /** - * The currently active debug mode names, and names to skip. - */ - - createDebug.names = []; - createDebug.skips = []; - - /** - * Map of special "%n" handling functions, for the debug "format" argument. - * - * Valid key names are a single, lower or upper-case letter, i.e. "n" and "N". - */ - createDebug.formatters = {}; - - /** - * Selects a color for a debug namespace - * @param {String} namespace The namespace string for the for the debug instance to be colored - * @return {Number|String} An ANSI color code for the given namespace - * @api private - */ - function selectColor(namespace) { - let hash = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < namespace.length; i++) { - hash = (hash << 5) - hash + namespace.charCodeAt(i); - hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer - } - - return createDebug.colors[Math.abs(hash) % createDebug.colors.length]; - } - createDebug.selectColor = selectColor; - - /** - * Create a debugger with the given `namespace`. - * - * @param {String} namespace - * @return {Function} - * @api public - */ - function createDebug(namespace) { - let prevTime; - - function debug(...args) { - // Disabled? - if (!debug.enabled) { - return; - } - - const self = debug; - - // Set `diff` timestamp - const curr = Number(new Date()); - const ms = curr - (prevTime || curr); - self.diff = ms; - self.prev = prevTime; - self.curr = curr; - prevTime = curr; - - args[0] = createDebug.coerce(args[0]); - - if (typeof args[0] !== 'string') { - // Anything else let's inspect with %O - args.unshift('%O'); - } - - // Apply any `formatters` transformations - let index = 0; - args[0] = args[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, (match, format) => { - // If we encounter an escaped % then don't increase the array index - if (match === '%%') { - return match; - } - index++; - const formatter = createDebug.formatters[format]; - if (typeof formatter === 'function') { - const val = args[index]; - match = formatter.call(self, val); - - // Now we need to remove `args[index]` since it's inlined in the `format` - args.splice(index, 1); - index--; - } - return match; - }); - - // Apply env-specific formatting (colors, etc.) - createDebug.formatArgs.call(self, args); - - const logFn = self.log || createDebug.log; - logFn.apply(self, args); - } - - debug.namespace = namespace; - debug.enabled = createDebug.enabled(namespace); - debug.useColors = createDebug.useColors(); - debug.color = selectColor(namespace); - debug.destroy = destroy; - debug.extend = extend; - // Debug.formatArgs = formatArgs; - // debug.rawLog = rawLog; - - // env-specific initialization logic for debug instances - if (typeof createDebug.init === 'function') { - createDebug.init(debug); - } - - createDebug.instances.push(debug); - - return debug; - } - - function destroy() { - const index = createDebug.instances.indexOf(this); - if (index !== -1) { - createDebug.instances.splice(index, 1); - return true; - } - return false; - } - - function extend(namespace, delimiter) { - const newDebug = createDebug( - this.namespace + (typeof delimiter === 'undefined' ? ':' : delimiter) + namespace, - ); - newDebug.log = this.log; - return newDebug; - } - - /** - * Enables a debug mode by namespaces. This can include modes - * separated by a colon and wildcards. - * - * @param {String} namespaces - * @api public - */ - function enable(namespaces) { - createDebug.save(namespaces); - - createDebug.names = []; - createDebug.skips = []; - - let i; - const split = (typeof namespaces === 'string' ? namespaces : '').split(/[\s,]+/); - const len = split.length; - - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { - if (!split[i]) { - // ignore empty strings - continue; - } - - namespaces = split[i].replace(/\*/g, '.*?'); - - if (namespaces[0] === '-') { - createDebug.skips.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces.substr(1) + '$')); - } else { - createDebug.names.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces + '$')); - } - } - - for (i = 0; i < createDebug.instances.length; i++) { - const instance = createDebug.instances[i]; - instance.enabled = createDebug.enabled(instance.namespace); - } - } - - /** - * Disable debug output. - * - * @return {String} namespaces - * @api public - */ - function disable() { - const namespaces = [ - ...createDebug.names.map(toNamespace), - ...createDebug.skips.map(toNamespace).map((namespace) => '-' + namespace), - ].join(','); - createDebug.enable(''); - return namespaces; - } - - /** - * Returns true if the given mode name is enabled, false otherwise. - * - * @param {String} name - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ - function enabled(name) { - if (name[name.length - 1] === '*') { - return true; - } - - let i; - let len; - - for (i = 0, len = createDebug.skips.length; i < len; i++) { - if (createDebug.skips[i].test(name)) { - return false; - } - } - - for (i = 0, len = createDebug.names.length; i < len; i++) { - if (createDebug.names[i].test(name)) { - return true; - } - } - - return false; - } - - /** - * Convert regexp to namespace - * - * @param {RegExp} regxep - * @return {String} namespace - * @api private - */ - function toNamespace(regexp) { - return regexp - .toString() - .substring(2, regexp.toString().length - 2) - .replace(/\.\*\?$/, '*'); - } - - /** - * Coerce `val`. - * - * @param {Mixed} val - * @return {Mixed} - * @api private - */ - function coerce(val) { - if (val instanceof Error) { - return val.stack || val.message; - } - return val; - } - - createDebug.enable(createDebug.load()); - - return createDebug; - } - - module.exports = setup; - }, - { ms: 6 }, - ], - 6: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - /** - * Helpers. - */ - - var s = 1000; - var m = s * 60; - var h = m * 60; - var d = h * 24; - var w = d * 7; - var y = d * 365.25; - - /** - * Parse or format the given `val`. - * - * Options: - * - * - `long` verbose formatting [false] - * - * @param {String|Number} val - * @param {Object} [options] - * @throws {Error} throw an error if val is not a non-empty string or a number - * @return {String|Number} - * @api public - */ - - module.exports = function (val, options) { - options = options || {}; - var type = typeof val; - if (type === 'string' && val.length > 0) { - return parse(val); - } else if (type === 'number' && isFinite(val)) { - return options.long ? fmtLong(val) : fmtShort(val); - } - throw new Error('val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=' + JSON.stringify(val)); - }; - - /** - * Parse the given `str` and return milliseconds. - * - * @param {String} str - * @return {Number} - * @api private - */ - - function parse(str) { - str = String(str); - if (str.length > 100) { - return; - } - var match = - /^(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|weeks?|w|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec( - str, - ); - if (!match) { - return; - } - var n = parseFloat(match[1]); - var type = (match[2] || 'ms').toLowerCase(); - switch (type) { - case 'years': - case 'year': - case 'yrs': - case 'yr': - case 'y': - return n * y; - case 'weeks': - case 'week': - case 'w': - return n * w; - case 'days': - case 'day': - case 'd': - return n * d; - case 'hours': - case 'hour': - case 'hrs': - case 'hr': - case 'h': - return n * h; - case 'minutes': - case 'minute': - case 'mins': - case 'min': - case 'm': - return n * m; - case 'seconds': - case 'second': - case 'secs': - case 'sec': - case 's': - return n * s; - case 'milliseconds': - case 'millisecond': - case 'msecs': - case 'msec': - case 'ms': - return n; - default: - return undefined; - } - } - - /** - * Short format for `ms`. - * - * @param {Number} ms - * @return {String} - * @api private - */ - - function fmtShort(ms) { - var msAbs = Math.abs(ms); - if (msAbs >= d) { - return Math.round(ms / d) + 'd'; - } - if (msAbs >= h) { - return Math.round(ms / h) + 'h'; - } - if (msAbs >= m) { - return Math.round(ms / m) + 'm'; - } - if (msAbs >= s) { - return Math.round(ms / s) + 's'; - } - return ms + 'ms'; - } - - /** - * Long format for `ms`. - * - * @param {Number} ms - * @return {String} - * @api private - */ - - function fmtLong(ms) { - var msAbs = Math.abs(ms); - if (msAbs >= d) { - return plural(ms, msAbs, d, 'day'); - } - if (msAbs >= h) { - return plural(ms, msAbs, h, 'hour'); - } - if (msAbs >= m) { - return plural(ms, msAbs, m, 'minute'); - } - if (msAbs >= s) { - return plural(ms, msAbs, s, 'second'); - } - return ms + ' ms'; + } + else { + return 'Chrome74'; + } + } + // Unsupported browser. + else { + logger.warn('this._detectDevice() | browser not supported [name:%s, version:%s]', browser.getBrowserName(), browser.getBrowserVersion()); + return undefined; + } + } + // Unknown device. + else { + logger.warn('this._detectDevice() | unknown device'); + return undefined; + } +} +exports.detectDevice = detectDevice; +class Device { + /** + * Create a new Device to connect to mediasoup server. + * + * @throws {UnsupportedError} if device is not supported. + */ + constructor({ handlerName, handlerFactory, Handler } = {}) { + // Loaded flag. + this._loaded = false; + // Observer instance. + this._observer = new EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter(); + logger.debug('constructor()'); + // Handle deprecated option. + if (Handler) { + logger.warn('constructor() | Handler option is DEPRECATED, use handlerName or handlerFactory instead'); + if (typeof Handler === 'string') + handlerName = Handler; + else + throw new TypeError('non string Handler option no longer supported, use handlerFactory instead'); + } + if (handlerName && handlerFactory) { + throw new TypeError('just one of handlerName or handlerInterface can be given'); + } + if (handlerFactory) { + this._handlerFactory = handlerFactory; + } + else { + if (handlerName) { + logger.debug('constructor() | handler given: %s', handlerName); + } + else { + handlerName = detectDevice(); + if (handlerName) + logger.debug('constructor() | detected handler: %s', handlerName); + else + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('device not supported'); + } + switch (handlerName) { + case 'Chrome74': + this._handlerFactory = Chrome74_1.Chrome74.createFactory(); + break; + case 'Chrome70': + this._handlerFactory = Chrome70_1.Chrome70.createFactory(); + break; + case 'Chrome67': + this._handlerFactory = Chrome67_1.Chrome67.createFactory(); + break; + case 'Chrome55': + this._handlerFactory = Chrome55_1.Chrome55.createFactory(); + break; + case 'Firefox60': + this._handlerFactory = Firefox60_1.Firefox60.createFactory(); + break; + case 'Safari12': + this._handlerFactory = Safari12_1.Safari12.createFactory(); + break; + case 'Safari11': + this._handlerFactory = Safari11_1.Safari11.createFactory(); + break; + case 'Edge11': + this._handlerFactory = Edge11_1.Edge11.createFactory(); + break; + case 'ReactNative': + this._handlerFactory = ReactNative_1.ReactNative.createFactory(); + break; + default: + throw new TypeError(`unknown handlerName "${handlerName}"`); + } + } + // Create a temporal handler to get its name. + const handler = this._handlerFactory(); + this._handlerName = handler.name; + handler.close(); + this._extendedRtpCapabilities = undefined; + this._recvRtpCapabilities = undefined; + this._canProduceByKind = + { + audio: false, + video: false + }; + this._sctpCapabilities = undefined; + } + /** + * The RTC handler name. + */ + get handlerName() { + return this._handlerName; + } + /** + * Whether the Device is loaded. + */ + get loaded() { + return this._loaded; + } + /** + * RTP capabilities of the Device for receiving media. + * + * @throws {InvalidStateError} if not loaded. + */ + get rtpCapabilities() { + if (!this._loaded) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('not loaded'); + return this._recvRtpCapabilities; + } + /** + * SCTP capabilities of the Device. + * + * @throws {InvalidStateError} if not loaded. + */ + get sctpCapabilities() { + if (!this._loaded) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('not loaded'); + return this._sctpCapabilities; + } + /** + * Observer. + * + * @emits newtransport - (transport: Transport) + */ + get observer() { + return this._observer; + } + /** + * Initialize the Device. + */ + async load({ routerRtpCapabilities }) { + logger.debug('load() [routerRtpCapabilities:%o]', routerRtpCapabilities); + routerRtpCapabilities = utils.clone(routerRtpCapabilities, undefined); + // Temporal handler to get its capabilities. + let handler; + try { + if (this._loaded) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('already loaded'); + // This may throw. + ortc.validateRtpCapabilities(routerRtpCapabilities); + handler = this._handlerFactory(); + const nativeRtpCapabilities = await handler.getNativeRtpCapabilities(); + logger.debug('load() | got native RTP capabilities:%o', nativeRtpCapabilities); + // This may throw. + ortc.validateRtpCapabilities(nativeRtpCapabilities); + // Get extended RTP capabilities. + this._extendedRtpCapabilities = ortc.getExtendedRtpCapabilities(nativeRtpCapabilities, routerRtpCapabilities); + logger.debug('load() | got extended RTP capabilities:%o', this._extendedRtpCapabilities); + // Check whether we can produce audio/video. + this._canProduceByKind.audio = + ortc.canSend('audio', this._extendedRtpCapabilities); + this._canProduceByKind.video = + ortc.canSend('video', this._extendedRtpCapabilities); + // Generate our receiving RTP capabilities for receiving media. + this._recvRtpCapabilities = + ortc.getRecvRtpCapabilities(this._extendedRtpCapabilities); + // This may throw. + ortc.validateRtpCapabilities(this._recvRtpCapabilities); + logger.debug('load() | got receiving RTP capabilities:%o', this._recvRtpCapabilities); + // Generate our SCTP capabilities. + this._sctpCapabilities = await handler.getNativeSctpCapabilities(); + logger.debug('load() | got native SCTP capabilities:%o', this._sctpCapabilities); + // This may throw. + ortc.validateSctpCapabilities(this._sctpCapabilities); + logger.debug('load() succeeded'); + this._loaded = true; + handler.close(); + } + catch (error) { + if (handler) + handler.close(); + throw error; + } + } + /** + * Whether we can produce audio/video. + * + * @throws {InvalidStateError} if not loaded. + * @throws {TypeError} if wrong arguments. + */ + canProduce(kind) { + if (!this._loaded) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('not loaded'); + else if (kind !== 'audio' && kind !== 'video') + throw new TypeError(`invalid kind "${kind}"`); + return this._canProduceByKind[kind]; + } + /** + * Creates a Transport for sending media. + * + * @throws {InvalidStateError} if not loaded. + * @throws {TypeError} if wrong arguments. + */ + createSendTransport({ id, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, proprietaryConstraints, appData = {} }) { + logger.debug('createSendTransport()'); + return this._createTransport({ + direction: 'send', + id: id, + iceParameters: iceParameters, + iceCandidates: iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters: dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters: sctpParameters, + iceServers: iceServers, + iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy, + additionalSettings: additionalSettings, + proprietaryConstraints: proprietaryConstraints, + appData: appData + }); + } + /** + * Creates a Transport for receiving media. + * + * @throws {InvalidStateError} if not loaded. + * @throws {TypeError} if wrong arguments. + */ + createRecvTransport({ id, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, proprietaryConstraints, appData = {} }) { + logger.debug('createRecvTransport()'); + return this._createTransport({ + direction: 'recv', + id: id, + iceParameters: iceParameters, + iceCandidates: iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters: dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters: sctpParameters, + iceServers: iceServers, + iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy, + additionalSettings: additionalSettings, + proprietaryConstraints: proprietaryConstraints, + appData: appData + }); + } + _createTransport({ direction, id, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, proprietaryConstraints, appData = {} }) { + if (!this._loaded) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('not loaded'); + else if (typeof id !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('missing id'); + else if (typeof iceParameters !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('missing iceParameters'); + else if (!Array.isArray(iceCandidates)) + throw new TypeError('missing iceCandidates'); + else if (typeof dtlsParameters !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('missing dtlsParameters'); + else if (sctpParameters && typeof sctpParameters !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('wrong sctpParameters'); + else if (appData && typeof appData !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('if given, appData must be an object'); + // Create a new Transport. + const transport = new Transport_1.Transport({ + direction, + id, + iceParameters, + iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters, + iceServers, + iceTransportPolicy, + additionalSettings, + proprietaryConstraints, + appData, + handlerFactory: this._handlerFactory, + extendedRtpCapabilities: this._extendedRtpCapabilities, + canProduceByKind: this._canProduceByKind + }); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('newtransport', transport); + return transport; + } +} +exports.Device = Device; + +},{"./EnhancedEventEmitter":12,"./Logger":13,"./Transport":17,"./errors":18,"./handlers/Chrome55":19,"./handlers/Chrome67":20,"./handlers/Chrome70":21,"./handlers/Chrome74":22,"./handlers/Edge11":23,"./handlers/Firefox60":24,"./handlers/ReactNative":26,"./handlers/Safari11":27,"./handlers/Safari12":28,"./ortc":36,"./utils":39,"bowser":3}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.EnhancedEventEmitter = void 0; +const events_1 = require("events"); +const Logger_1 = require("./Logger"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('EnhancedEventEmitter'); +class EnhancedEventEmitter extends events_1.EventEmitter { + constructor() { + super(); + this.setMaxListeners(Infinity); + } + safeEmit(event, ...args) { + const numListeners = this.listenerCount(event); + try { + return this.emit(event, ...args); + } + catch (error) { + logger.error('safeEmit() | event listener threw an error [event:%s]:%o', event, error); + return Boolean(numListeners); + } + } + async safeEmitAsPromise(event, ...args) { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + try { + this.emit(event, ...args, resolve, reject); + } + catch (error) { + logger.error('safeEmitAsPromise() | event listener threw an error [event:%s]:%o', event, error); + reject(error); + } + }); + } +} +exports.EnhancedEventEmitter = EnhancedEventEmitter; + +},{"./Logger":13,"events":47}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { + return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Logger = void 0; +const debug_1 = __importDefault(require("debug")); +const APP_NAME = 'mediasoup-client'; +class Logger { + constructor(prefix) { + if (prefix) { + this._debug = debug_1.default(`${APP_NAME}:${prefix}`); + this._warn = debug_1.default(`${APP_NAME}:WARN:${prefix}`); + this._error = debug_1.default(`${APP_NAME}:ERROR:${prefix}`); + } + else { + this._debug = debug_1.default(APP_NAME); + this._warn = debug_1.default(`${APP_NAME}:WARN`); + this._error = debug_1.default(`${APP_NAME}:ERROR`); + } + /* eslint-disable no-console */ + this._debug.log = console.info.bind(console); + this._warn.log = console.warn.bind(console); + this._error.log = console.error.bind(console); + /* eslint-enable no-console */ + } + get debug() { + return this._debug; + } + get warn() { + return this._warn; + } + get error() { + return this._error; + } +} +exports.Logger = Logger; + +},{"debug":40}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Producer = void 0; +const Logger_1 = require("./Logger"); +const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require("./EnhancedEventEmitter"); +const errors_1 = require("./errors"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Producer'); +class Producer extends EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter { + /** + * @emits transportclose + * @emits trackended + * @emits @replacetrack - (track: MediaStreamTrack | null) + * @emits @setmaxspatiallayer - (spatialLayer: string) + * @emits @setrtpencodingparameters - (params: any) + * @emits @getstats + * @emits @close + */ + constructor({ id, localId, rtpSender, track, rtpParameters, stopTracks, disableTrackOnPause, zeroRtpOnPause, appData }) { + super(); + // Closed flag. + this._closed = false; + // Observer instance. + this._observer = new EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter(); + logger.debug('constructor()'); + this._id = id; + this._localId = localId; + this._rtpSender = rtpSender; + this._track = track; + this._kind = track.kind; + this._rtpParameters = rtpParameters; + this._paused = disableTrackOnPause ? !track.enabled : false; + this._maxSpatialLayer = undefined; + this._stopTracks = stopTracks; + this._disableTrackOnPause = disableTrackOnPause; + this._zeroRtpOnPause = zeroRtpOnPause; + this._appData = appData; + this._onTrackEnded = this._onTrackEnded.bind(this); + // NOTE: Minor issue. If zeroRtpOnPause is true, we cannot emit the + // '@replacetrack' event here, so RTCRtpSender.track won't be null. + this._handleTrack(); + } + /** + * Producer id. + */ + get id() { + return this._id; + } + /** + * Local id. + */ + get localId() { + return this._localId; + } + /** + * Whether the Producer is closed. + */ + get closed() { + return this._closed; + } + /** + * Media kind. + */ + get kind() { + return this._kind; + } + /** + * Associated RTCRtpSender. + */ + get rtpSender() { + return this._rtpSender; + } + /** + * The associated track. + */ + get track() { + return this._track; + } + /** + * RTP parameters. + */ + get rtpParameters() { + return this._rtpParameters; + } + /** + * Whether the Producer is paused. + */ + get paused() { + return this._paused; + } + /** + * Max spatial layer. + * + * @type {Number | undefined} + */ + get maxSpatialLayer() { + return this._maxSpatialLayer; + } + /** + * App custom data. + */ + get appData() { + return this._appData; + } + /** + * Invalid setter. + */ + set appData(appData) { + throw new Error('cannot override appData object'); + } + /** + * Observer. + * + * @emits close + * @emits pause + * @emits resume + * @emits trackended + */ + get observer() { + return this._observer; + } + /** + * Closes the Producer. + */ + close() { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.debug('close()'); + this._closed = true; + this._destroyTrack(); + this.emit('@close'); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('close'); + } + /** + * Transport was closed. + */ + transportClosed() { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.debug('transportClosed()'); + this._closed = true; + this._destroyTrack(); + this.safeEmit('transportclose'); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('close'); + } + /** + * Get associated RTCRtpSender stats. + */ + async getStats() { + if (this._closed) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); + return this.safeEmitAsPromise('@getstats'); + } + /** + * Pauses sending media. + */ + pause() { + logger.debug('pause()'); + if (this._closed) { + logger.error('pause() | Producer closed'); + return; + } + this._paused = true; + if (this._track && this._disableTrackOnPause) { + this._track.enabled = false; + } + if (this._zeroRtpOnPause) { + this.safeEmitAsPromise('@replacetrack', null) + .catch(() => { }); + } + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('pause'); + } + /** + * Resumes sending media. + */ + resume() { + logger.debug('resume()'); + if (this._closed) { + logger.error('resume() | Producer closed'); + return; + } + this._paused = false; + if (this._track && this._disableTrackOnPause) { + this._track.enabled = true; + } + if (this._zeroRtpOnPause) { + this.safeEmitAsPromise('@replacetrack', this._track) + .catch(() => { }); + } + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('resume'); + } + /** + * Replaces the current track with a new one or null. + */ + async replaceTrack({ track }) { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [track:%o]', track); + if (this._closed) { + // This must be done here. Otherwise there is no chance to stop the given + // track. + if (track && this._stopTracks) { + try { + track.stop(); } - - /** - * Pluralization helper. - */ - - function plural(ms, msAbs, n, name) { - var isPlural = msAbs >= n * 1.5; - return Math.round(ms / n) + ' ' + name + (isPlural ? 's' : ''); + catch (error) { } + } + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); + } + else if (track && track.readyState === 'ended') { + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('track ended'); + } + // Do nothing if this is the same track as the current handled one. + if (track === this._track) { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() | same track, ignored'); + return; + } + if (!this._zeroRtpOnPause || !this._paused) { + await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@replacetrack', track); + } + // Destroy the previous track. + this._destroyTrack(); + // Set the new track. + this._track = track; + // If this Producer was paused/resumed and the state of the new + // track does not match, fix it. + if (this._track && this._disableTrackOnPause) { + if (!this._paused) + this._track.enabled = true; + else if (this._paused) + this._track.enabled = false; + } + // Handle the effective track. + this._handleTrack(); + } + /** + * Sets the video max spatial layer to be sent. + */ + async setMaxSpatialLayer(spatialLayer) { + if (this._closed) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); + else if (this._kind !== 'video') + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not a video Producer'); + else if (typeof spatialLayer !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('invalid spatialLayer'); + if (spatialLayer === this._maxSpatialLayer) + return; + await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@setmaxspatiallayer', spatialLayer); + this._maxSpatialLayer = spatialLayer; + } + /** + * Sets the DSCP value. + */ + async setRtpEncodingParameters(params) { + if (this._closed) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); + else if (typeof params !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('invalid params'); + await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@setrtpencodingparameters', params); + } + _onTrackEnded() { + logger.debug('track "ended" event'); + this.safeEmit('trackended'); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('trackended'); + } + _handleTrack() { + if (!this._track) + return; + this._track.addEventListener('ended', this._onTrackEnded); + } + _destroyTrack() { + if (!this._track) + return; + try { + this._track.removeEventListener('ended', this._onTrackEnded); + // Just stop the track unless the app set stopTracks: false. + if (this._stopTracks) + this._track.stop(); + } + catch (error) { } + } +} +exports.Producer = Producer; + +},{"./EnhancedEventEmitter":12,"./Logger":13,"./errors":18}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +/** + * The RTP capabilities define what mediasoup or an endpoint can receive at + * media level. + */ +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + +},{}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + +},{}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Transport = void 0; +const awaitqueue_1 = require("awaitqueue"); +const Logger_1 = require("./Logger"); +const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require("./EnhancedEventEmitter"); +const errors_1 = require("./errors"); +const utils = __importStar(require("./utils")); +const ortc = __importStar(require("./ortc")); +const Producer_1 = require("./Producer"); +const Consumer_1 = require("./Consumer"); +const DataProducer_1 = require("./DataProducer"); +const DataConsumer_1 = require("./DataConsumer"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Transport'); +class Transport extends EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter { + /** + * @emits connect - (transportLocalParameters: any, callback: Function, errback: Function) + * @emits connectionstatechange - (connectionState: ConnectionState) + * @emits produce - (producerLocalParameters: any, callback: Function, errback: Function) + * @emits producedata - (dataProducerLocalParameters: any, callback: Function, errback: Function) + */ + constructor({ direction, id, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, proprietaryConstraints, appData, handlerFactory, extendedRtpCapabilities, canProduceByKind }) { + super(); + // Closed flag. + this._closed = false; + // Transport connection state. + this._connectionState = 'new'; + // Map of Producers indexed by id. + this._producers = new Map(); + // Map of Consumers indexed by id. + this._consumers = new Map(); + // Map of DataProducers indexed by id. + this._dataProducers = new Map(); + // Map of DataConsumers indexed by id. + this._dataConsumers = new Map(); + // Whether the Consumer for RTP probation has been created. + this._probatorConsumerCreated = false; + // AwaitQueue instance to make async tasks happen sequentially. + this._awaitQueue = new awaitqueue_1.AwaitQueue({ ClosedErrorClass: errors_1.InvalidStateError }); + // Observer instance. + this._observer = new EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter(); + logger.debug('constructor() [id:%s, direction:%s]', id, direction); + this._id = id; + this._direction = direction; + this._extendedRtpCapabilities = extendedRtpCapabilities; + this._canProduceByKind = canProduceByKind; + this._maxSctpMessageSize = + sctpParameters ? sctpParameters.maxMessageSize : null; + // Clone and sanitize additionalSettings. + additionalSettings = utils.clone(additionalSettings, {}); + delete additionalSettings.iceServers; + delete additionalSettings.iceTransportPolicy; + delete additionalSettings.bundlePolicy; + delete additionalSettings.rtcpMuxPolicy; + delete additionalSettings.sdpSemantics; + this._handler = handlerFactory(); + this._handler.run({ + direction, + iceParameters, + iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters, + iceServers, + iceTransportPolicy, + additionalSettings, + proprietaryConstraints, + extendedRtpCapabilities + }); + this._appData = appData; + this._handleHandler(); + } + /** + * Transport id. + */ + get id() { + return this._id; + } + /** + * Whether the Transport is closed. + */ + get closed() { + return this._closed; + } + /** + * Transport direction. + */ + get direction() { + return this._direction; + } + /** + * RTC handler instance. + */ + get handler() { + return this._handler; + } + /** + * Connection state. + */ + get connectionState() { + return this._connectionState; + } + /** + * App custom data. + */ + get appData() { + return this._appData; + } + /** + * Invalid setter. + */ + set appData(appData) { + throw new Error('cannot override appData object'); + } + /** + * Observer. + * + * @emits close + * @emits newproducer - (producer: Producer) + * @emits newconsumer - (producer: Producer) + * @emits newdataproducer - (dataProducer: DataProducer) + * @emits newdataconsumer - (dataProducer: DataProducer) + */ + get observer() { + return this._observer; + } + /** + * Close the Transport. + */ + close() { + if (this._closed) + return; + logger.debug('close()'); + this._closed = true; + // Close the AwaitQueue. + this._awaitQueue.close(); + // Close the handler. + this._handler.close(); + // Close all Producers. + for (const producer of this._producers.values()) { + producer.transportClosed(); + } + this._producers.clear(); + // Close all Consumers. + for (const consumer of this._consumers.values()) { + consumer.transportClosed(); + } + this._consumers.clear(); + // Close all DataProducers. + for (const dataProducer of this._dataProducers.values()) { + dataProducer.transportClosed(); + } + this._dataProducers.clear(); + // Close all DataConsumers. + for (const dataConsumer of this._dataConsumers.values()) { + dataConsumer.transportClosed(); + } + this._dataConsumers.clear(); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('close'); + } + /** + * Get associated Transport (RTCPeerConnection) stats. + * + * @returns {RTCStatsReport} + */ + async getStats() { + if (this._closed) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); + return this._handler.getTransportStats(); + } + /** + * Restart ICE connection. + */ + async restartIce({ iceParameters }) { + logger.debug('restartIce()'); + if (this._closed) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); + else if (!iceParameters) + throw new TypeError('missing iceParameters'); + // Enqueue command. + return this._awaitQueue.push(async () => this._handler.restartIce(iceParameters), 'transport.restartIce()'); + } + /** + * Update ICE servers. + */ + async updateIceServers({ iceServers } = {}) { + logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); + if (this._closed) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); + else if (!Array.isArray(iceServers)) + throw new TypeError('missing iceServers'); + // Enqueue command. + return this._awaitQueue.push(async () => this._handler.updateIceServers(iceServers), 'transport.updateIceServers()'); + } + /** + * Create a Producer. + */ + async produce({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec, stopTracks = true, disableTrackOnPause = true, zeroRtpOnPause = false, appData = {} } = {}) { + logger.debug('produce() [track:%o]', track); + if (!track) + throw new TypeError('missing track'); + else if (this._direction !== 'send') + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not a sending Transport'); + else if (!this._canProduceByKind[track.kind]) + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError(`cannot produce ${track.kind}`); + else if (track.readyState === 'ended') + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('track ended'); + else if (this.listenerCount('connect') === 0 && this._connectionState === 'new') + throw new TypeError('no "connect" listener set into this transport'); + else if (this.listenerCount('produce') === 0) + throw new TypeError('no "produce" listener set into this transport'); + else if (appData && typeof appData !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('if given, appData must be an object'); + // Enqueue command. + return this._awaitQueue.push(async () => { + let normalizedEncodings; + if (encodings && !Array.isArray(encodings)) { + throw TypeError('encodings must be an array'); + } + else if (encodings && encodings.length === 0) { + normalizedEncodings = undefined; + } + else if (encodings) { + normalizedEncodings = encodings + .map((encoding) => { + const normalizedEncoding = { active: true }; + if (encoding.active === false) + normalizedEncoding.active = false; + if (typeof encoding.dtx === 'boolean') + normalizedEncoding.dtx = encoding.dtx; + if (typeof encoding.scalabilityMode === 'string') + normalizedEncoding.scalabilityMode = encoding.scalabilityMode; + if (typeof encoding.scaleResolutionDownBy === 'number') + normalizedEncoding.scaleResolutionDownBy = encoding.scaleResolutionDownBy; + if (typeof encoding.maxBitrate === 'number') + normalizedEncoding.maxBitrate = encoding.maxBitrate; + if (typeof encoding.maxFramerate === 'number') + normalizedEncoding.maxFramerate = encoding.maxFramerate; + if (typeof encoding.adaptivePtime === 'boolean') + normalizedEncoding.adaptivePtime = encoding.adaptivePtime; + if (typeof encoding.priority === 'string') + normalizedEncoding.priority = encoding.priority; + if (typeof encoding.networkPriority === 'string') + normalizedEncoding.networkPriority = encoding.networkPriority; + return normalizedEncoding; + }); + } + const { localId, rtpParameters, rtpSender } = await this._handler.send({ + track, + encodings: normalizedEncodings, + codecOptions, + codec + }); + try { + // This will fill rtpParameters's missing fields with default values. + ortc.validateRtpParameters(rtpParameters); + const { id } = await this.safeEmitAsPromise('produce', { + kind: track.kind, + rtpParameters, + appData + }); + const producer = new Producer_1.Producer({ + id, + localId, + rtpSender, + track, + rtpParameters, + stopTracks, + disableTrackOnPause, + zeroRtpOnPause, + appData + }); + this._producers.set(producer.id, producer); + this._handleProducer(producer); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('newproducer', producer); + return producer; + } + catch (error) { + this._handler.stopSending(localId) + .catch(() => { }); + throw error; + } + }, 'transport.produce()') + // This catch is needed to stop the given track if the command above + // failed due to closed Transport. + .catch((error) => { + if (stopTracks) { + try { + track.stop(); } - }, - {}, - ], - 7: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const Logger_1 = require('./Logger'); - const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require('./EnhancedEventEmitter'); - const errors_1 = require('./errors'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Consumer'); - class Consumer extends EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter { - /** - * @emits transportclose - * @emits trackended - * @emits @getstats - * @emits @close - */ - constructor({ id, localId, producerId, rtpReceiver, track, rtpParameters, appData }) { - super(); - // Closed flag. - this._closed = false; - logger.debug('constructor()'); - this._id = id; - this._localId = localId; - this._producerId = producerId; - this._rtpReceiver = rtpReceiver; - this._track = track; - this._rtpParameters = rtpParameters; - this._paused = !track.enabled; - this._appData = appData; - this._onTrackEnded = this._onTrackEnded.bind(this); - this._handleTrack(); - } - /** - * Consumer id. - */ - get id() { - return this._id; - } - /** - * Local id. - */ - get localId() { - return this._localId; - } - /** - * Associated Producer id. - */ - get producerId() { - return this._producerId; - } - /** - * Whether the Consumer is closed. - */ - get closed() { - return this._closed; - } - /** - * Media kind. - */ - get kind() { - return this._track.kind; - } - /** - * Associated RTCRtpReceiver. - */ - get rtpReceiver() { - return this._rtpReceiver; - } - /** - * The associated track. - */ - get track() { - return this._track; - } - /** - * RTP parameters. - */ - get rtpParameters() { - return this._rtpParameters; - } - /** - * Whether the Consumer is paused. - */ - get paused() { - return this._paused; - } - /** - * App custom data. - */ - get appData() { - return this._appData; - } - /** - * Invalid setter. - */ - set appData(appData) { - throw new Error('cannot override appData object'); - } - /** - * Closes the Consumer. - */ - close() { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.debug('close()'); - this._closed = true; - this._destroyTrack(); - this.emit('@close'); - } - /** - * Transport was closed. - */ - transportClosed() { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.debug('transportClosed()'); - this._closed = true; - this._destroyTrack(); - this.safeEmit('transportclose'); - } - /** - * Get associated RTCRtpReceiver stats. - */ - async getStats() { - if (this._closed) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); - return this.safeEmitAsPromise('@getstats'); - } - /** - * Pauses receiving media. - */ - pause() { - logger.debug('pause()'); - if (this._closed) { - logger.error('pause() | Consumer closed'); - return; - } - this._paused = true; - this._track.enabled = false; - } - /** - * Resumes receiving media. - */ - resume() { - logger.debug('resume()'); - if (this._closed) { - logger.error('resume() | Consumer closed'); - return; - } - this._paused = false; - this._track.enabled = true; - } - _onTrackEnded() { - logger.debug('track "ended" event'); - this.safeEmit('trackended'); - } - _handleTrack() { - this._track.addEventListener('ended', this._onTrackEnded); - } - _destroyTrack() { - try { - this._track.removeEventListener('ended', this._onTrackEnded); - this._track.stop(); - } catch (error) {} - } + catch (error2) { } + } + throw error; + }); + } + /** + * Create a Consumer to consume a remote Producer. + */ + async consume({ id, producerId, kind, rtpParameters, appData = {} }) { + logger.debug('consume()'); + rtpParameters = utils.clone(rtpParameters, undefined); + if (this._closed) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); + else if (this._direction !== 'recv') + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not a receiving Transport'); + else if (typeof id !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('missing id'); + else if (typeof producerId !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('missing producerId'); + else if (kind !== 'audio' && kind !== 'video') + throw new TypeError(`invalid kind '${kind}'`); + else if (this.listenerCount('connect') === 0 && this._connectionState === 'new') + throw new TypeError('no "connect" listener set into this transport'); + else if (appData && typeof appData !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('if given, appData must be an object'); + // Enqueue command. + return this._awaitQueue.push(async () => { + // Ensure the device can consume it. + const canConsume = ortc.canReceive(rtpParameters, this._extendedRtpCapabilities); + if (!canConsume) + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('cannot consume this Producer'); + const { localId, rtpReceiver, track } = await this._handler.receive({ trackId: id, kind, rtpParameters }); + const consumer = new Consumer_1.Consumer({ + id, + localId, + producerId, + rtpReceiver, + track, + rtpParameters, + appData + }); + this._consumers.set(consumer.id, consumer); + this._handleConsumer(consumer); + // If this is the first video Consumer and the Consumer for RTP probation + // has not yet been created, create it now. + if (!this._probatorConsumerCreated && kind === 'video') { + try { + const probatorRtpParameters = ortc.generateProbatorRtpParameters(consumer.rtpParameters); + await this._handler.receive({ + trackId: 'probator', + kind: 'video', + rtpParameters: probatorRtpParameters + }); + logger.debug('consume() | Consumer for RTP probation created'); + this._probatorConsumerCreated = true; } - exports.Consumer = Consumer; - }, - { './EnhancedEventEmitter': 11, './Logger': 12, './errors': 15 }, - ], - 8: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const Logger_1 = require('./Logger'); - const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require('./EnhancedEventEmitter'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('DataConsumer'); - class DataConsumer extends EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter { - /** - * @emits transportclose - * @emits open - * @emits error - (error: Error) - * @emits close - * @emits message - (message: any) - * @emits @close - */ - constructor({ id, dataProducerId, dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters, appData }) { - super(); - // Closed flag. - this._closed = false; - logger.debug('constructor()'); - this._id = id; - this._dataProducerId = dataProducerId; - this._dataChannel = dataChannel; - this._sctpStreamParameters = sctpStreamParameters; - this._appData = appData; - this._handleDataChannel(); - } - /** - * DataConsumer id. - */ - get id() { - return this._id; - } - /** - * Associated DataProducer id. - */ - get dataProducerId() { - return this._dataProducerId; - } - /** - * Whether the DataConsumer is closed. - */ - get closed() { - return this._closed; - } - /** - * SCTP stream parameters. - */ - get sctpStreamParameters() { - return this._sctpStreamParameters; - } - /** - * DataChannel readyState. - */ - get readyState() { - return this._dataChannel.readyState; - } - /** - * DataChannel label. - */ - get label() { - return this._dataChannel.label; - } - /** - * DataChannel protocol. - */ - get protocol() { - return this._dataChannel.protocol; - } - /** - * DataChannel binaryType. - */ - get binaryType() { - return this._dataChannel.binaryType; - } - /** - * Set DataChannel binaryType. - */ - set binaryType(binaryType) { - this._dataChannel.binaryType = binaryType; - } - /** - * App custom data. - */ - get appData() { - return this._appData; - } - /** - * Invalid setter. - */ - set appData(appData) { - throw new Error('cannot override appData object'); - } - /** - * Closes the DataConsumer. - */ - close() { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.debug('close()'); - this._closed = true; - this._dataChannel.close(); - this.emit('@close'); - } - /** - * Transport was closed. - */ - transportClosed() { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.debug('transportClosed()'); - this._closed = true; - this._dataChannel.close(); - this.safeEmit('transportclose'); - } - _handleDataChannel() { - this._dataChannel.addEventListener('open', () => { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.debug('DataChannel "open" event'); - this.safeEmit('open'); - }); - this._dataChannel.addEventListener('error', (event) => { - if (this._closed) return; - let { error } = event; - if (!error) error = new Error('unknown DataChannel error'); - if (error.errorDetail === 'sctp-failure') { - logger.error( - 'DataChannel SCTP error [sctpCauseCode:%s]: %s', - error.sctpCauseCode, - error.message, - ); - } else { - logger.error('DataChannel "error" event: %o', error); - } - this.safeEmit('error', error); - }); - this._dataChannel.addEventListener('close', () => { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.warn('DataChannel "close" event'); - this._closed = true; - this.emit('@close'); - this.safeEmit('close'); - }); - this._dataChannel.addEventListener('message', (event) => { - if (this._closed) return; - this.safeEmit('message', event.data); - }); - } + catch (error) { + logger.error('consume() | failed to create Consumer for RTP probation:%o', error); } - exports.DataConsumer = DataConsumer; - }, - { './EnhancedEventEmitter': 11, './Logger': 12 }, - ], - 9: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const Logger_1 = require('./Logger'); - const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require('./EnhancedEventEmitter'); - const errors_1 = require('./errors'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('DataProducer'); - class DataProducer extends EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter { - /** - * @emits transportclose - * @emits open - * @emits error - (error: Error) - * @emits close - * @emits bufferedamountlow - * @emits @close - */ - constructor({ id, dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters, appData }) { - super(); - // Closed flag. - this._closed = false; - logger.debug('constructor()'); - this._id = id; - this._dataChannel = dataChannel; - this._sctpStreamParameters = sctpStreamParameters; - this._appData = appData; - this._handleDataChannel(); - } - /** - * DataProducer id. - */ - get id() { - return this._id; - } - /** - * Whether the DataProducer is closed. - */ - get closed() { - return this._closed; - } - /** - * SCTP stream parameters. - */ - get sctpStreamParameters() { - return this._sctpStreamParameters; - } - /** - * DataChannel readyState. - */ - get readyState() { - return this._dataChannel.readyState; - } - /** - * DataChannel label. - */ - get label() { - return this._dataChannel.label; - } - /** - * DataChannel protocol. - */ - get protocol() { - return this._dataChannel.protocol; - } - /** - * DataChannel bufferedAmount. - */ - get bufferedAmount() { - return this._dataChannel.bufferedAmount; - } - /** - * DataChannel bufferedAmountLowThreshold. - */ - get bufferedAmountLowThreshold() { - return this._dataChannel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold; - } - /** - * Set DataChannel bufferedAmountLowThreshold. - */ - set bufferedAmountLowThreshold(bufferedAmountLowThreshold) { - this._dataChannel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold = bufferedAmountLowThreshold; - } - /** - * App custom data. - */ - get appData() { - return this._appData; - } - /** - * Invalid setter. - */ - set appData(appData) { - throw new Error('cannot override appData object'); - } - /** - * Closes the DataProducer. - */ - close() { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.debug('close()'); - this._closed = true; - this._dataChannel.close(); - this.emit('@close'); - } - /** - * Transport was closed. - */ - transportClosed() { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.debug('transportClosed()'); - this._closed = true; - this._dataChannel.close(); - this.safeEmit('transportclose'); - } - /** - * Send a message. - * - * @param {String|Blob|ArrayBuffer|ArrayBufferView} data. - */ - send(data) { - logger.debug('send()'); - if (this._closed) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); - this._dataChannel.send(data); - } - _handleDataChannel() { - this._dataChannel.addEventListener('open', () => { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.debug('DataChannel "open" event'); - this.safeEmit('open'); - }); - this._dataChannel.addEventListener('error', (event) => { - if (this._closed) return; - let { error } = event; - if (!error) error = new Error('unknown DataChannel error'); - if (error.errorDetail === 'sctp-failure') { - logger.error( - 'DataChannel SCTP error [sctpCauseCode:%s]: %s', - error.sctpCauseCode, - error.message, - ); - } else { - logger.error('DataChannel "error" event: %o', error); - } - this.safeEmit('error', error); - }); - this._dataChannel.addEventListener('close', () => { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.warn('DataChannel "close" event'); - this._closed = true; - this.emit('@close'); - this.safeEmit('close'); - }); - this._dataChannel.addEventListener('message', () => { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.warn('DataChannel "message" event in a DataProducer, message discarded'); - }); - this._dataChannel.addEventListener('bufferedamountlow', () => { - if (this._closed) return; - this.safeEmit('bufferedamountlow'); - }); - } - } - exports.DataProducer = DataProducer; - }, - { './EnhancedEventEmitter': 11, './Logger': 12, './errors': 15 }, - ], - 10: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - /* global RTCRtpTransceiver */ - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const bowser = require('bowser'); - const Logger_1 = require('./Logger'); - const errors_1 = require('./errors'); - const ortc = require('./ortc'); - const Transport_1 = require('./Transport'); - const Chrome74_1 = require('./handlers/Chrome74'); - const Chrome70_1 = require('./handlers/Chrome70'); - const Chrome67_1 = require('./handlers/Chrome67'); - const Chrome55_1 = require('./handlers/Chrome55'); - const Firefox60_1 = require('./handlers/Firefox60'); - const Safari12_1 = require('./handlers/Safari12'); - const Safari11_1 = require('./handlers/Safari11'); - const Edge11_1 = require('./handlers/Edge11'); - const ReactNative_1 = require('./handlers/ReactNative'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Device'); - function detectDevice() { - // React-Native. - // NOTE: react-native-webrtc >= 1.75.0 is required. - if (typeof navigator === 'object' && navigator.product === 'ReactNative') { - if (typeof RTCPeerConnection === 'undefined') { - logger.warn('this._detectDevice() | unsupported ReactNative without RTCPeerConnection'); - return undefined; - } - logger.debug('this._detectDevice() | ReactNative handler chosen'); - return 'ReactNative'; - } - // Browser. - else if (typeof navigator === 'object' && typeof navigator.userAgent === 'string') { - const ua = navigator.userAgent; - const browser = bowser.getParser(ua); - const engine = browser.getEngine(); - // Chrome and Chromium. - if (browser.satisfies({ chrome: '>=74', chromium: '>=74' })) { - return 'Chrome74'; - } else if (browser.satisfies({ chrome: '>=70', chromium: '>=70' })) { - return 'Chrome70'; - } else if (browser.satisfies({ chrome: '>=67', chromium: '>=67' })) { - return 'Chrome67'; - } else if (browser.satisfies({ chrome: '>=55', chromium: '>=55' })) { - return 'Chrome55'; - } - // Firefox. - else if (browser.satisfies({ firefox: '>=60' })) { - return 'Firefox60'; - } - // Safari with Unified-Plan support enabled. - else if ( - browser.satisfies({ safari: '>=12.0' }) && - typeof RTCRtpTransceiver !== 'undefined' && - RTCRtpTransceiver.prototype.hasOwnProperty('currentDirection') - ) { - return 'Safari12'; - } - // Safari with Plab-B support. - else if (browser.satisfies({ safari: '>=11' })) { - return 'Safari11'; - } - // Old Edge with ORTC support. - else if ( - browser.satisfies({ 'microsoft edge': '>=11' }) && - browser.satisfies({ 'microsoft edge': '<=18' }) - ) { - return 'Edge11'; - } - // Best effort for Chromium based browsers. - else if (engine.name && engine.name.toLowerCase() === 'blink') { - const match = ua.match(/(?:(?:Chrome|Chromium))[ /](\w+)/i); - if (match) { - const version = Number(match[1]); - if (version >= 74) { - return 'Chrome74'; - } else if (version >= 70) { - return 'Chrome70'; - } else if (version >= 67) { - return 'Chrome67'; - } else { - return 'Chrome55'; - } - } else { - return 'Chrome74'; - } - } - // Unsupported browser. - else { - logger.warn( - 'this._detectDevice() | browser not supported [name:%s, version:%s]', - browser.getBrowserName(), - browser.getBrowserVersion(), - ); - return undefined; - } - } - // Unknown device. - else { - logger.warn('this._detectDevice() | unknown device'); - return undefined; - } - } - exports.detectDevice = detectDevice; - class Device { - /** - * Create a new Device to connect to mediasoup server. - * - * @throws {UnsupportedError} if device is not supported. - */ - constructor({ handlerName, handlerFactory, Handler } = {}) { - // Loaded flag. - this._loaded = false; - logger.debug('constructor()'); - // Handle deprecated option. - if (Handler) { - logger.warn( - 'constructor() | Handler option is DEPRECATED, use handlerName or handlerFactory instead', - ); - if (typeof Handler === 'string') handlerName = Handler; - else - throw new TypeError( - 'non string Handler option no longer supported, use handlerFactory instead', - ); - } - if (handlerName && handlerFactory) { - throw new TypeError('just one of handlerName or handlerInterface can be given'); - } - if (handlerFactory) { - this._handlerFactory = handlerFactory; - } else { - if (handlerName) { - logger.debug('constructor() | handler given: %s', handlerName); - } else { - handlerName = detectDevice(); - if (handlerName) logger.debug('constructor() | detected handler: %s', handlerName); - else throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('device not supported'); - } - switch (handlerName) { - case 'Chrome74': - this._handlerFactory = Chrome74_1.Chrome74.createFactory(); - break; - case 'Chrome70': - this._handlerFactory = Chrome70_1.Chrome70.createFactory(); - break; - case 'Chrome67': - this._handlerFactory = Chrome67_1.Chrome67.createFactory(); - break; - case 'Chrome55': - this._handlerFactory = Chrome55_1.Chrome55.createFactory(); - break; - case 'Firefox60': - this._handlerFactory = Firefox60_1.Firefox60.createFactory(); - break; - case 'Safari12': - this._handlerFactory = Safari12_1.Safari12.createFactory(); - break; - case 'Safari11': - this._handlerFactory = Safari11_1.Safari11.createFactory(); - break; - case 'Edge11': - this._handlerFactory = Edge11_1.Edge11.createFactory(); - break; - case 'ReactNative': - this._handlerFactory = ReactNative_1.ReactNative.createFactory(); - break; - default: - throw new TypeError(`unknown handlerName "${handlerName}"`); - } - } - // Create a temporal handler to get its name. - const handler = this._handlerFactory(); - this._handlerName = handler.name; - handler.close(); - this._extendedRtpCapabilities = undefined; - this._recvRtpCapabilities = undefined; - this._canProduceByKind = { - audio: false, - video: false, - }; - this._sctpCapabilities = undefined; - } - /** - * The RTC handler name. - */ - get handlerName() { - return this._handlerName; - } - /** - * Whether the Device is loaded. - */ - get loaded() { - return this._loaded; - } - /** - * RTP capabilities of the Device for receiving media. - * - * @throws {InvalidStateError} if not loaded. - */ - get rtpCapabilities() { - if (!this._loaded) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('not loaded'); - return this._recvRtpCapabilities; - } - /** - * SCTP capabilities of the Device. - * - * @throws {InvalidStateError} if not loaded. - */ - get sctpCapabilities() { - if (!this._loaded) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('not loaded'); - return this._sctpCapabilities; - } - /** - * Initialize the Device. - */ - async load({ routerRtpCapabilities }) { - logger.debug('load() [routerRtpCapabilities:%o]', routerRtpCapabilities); - // Temporal handler to get its capabilities. - let handler; - try { - if (this._loaded) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('already loaded'); - // This may throw. - ortc.validateRtpCapabilities(routerRtpCapabilities); - handler = this._handlerFactory(); - const nativeRtpCapabilities = await handler.getNativeRtpCapabilities(); - logger.debug('load() | got native RTP capabilities:%o', nativeRtpCapabilities); - // This may throw. - ortc.validateRtpCapabilities(nativeRtpCapabilities); - // Get extended RTP capabilities. - this._extendedRtpCapabilities = ortc.getExtendedRtpCapabilities( - nativeRtpCapabilities, - routerRtpCapabilities, - ); - logger.debug('load() | got extended RTP capabilities:%o', this._extendedRtpCapabilities); - // Check whether we can produce audio/video. - this._canProduceByKind.audio = ortc.canSend('audio', this._extendedRtpCapabilities); - this._canProduceByKind.video = ortc.canSend('video', this._extendedRtpCapabilities); - // Generate our receiving RTP capabilities for receiving media. - this._recvRtpCapabilities = ortc.getRecvRtpCapabilities(this._extendedRtpCapabilities); - // This may throw. - ortc.validateRtpCapabilities(this._recvRtpCapabilities); - logger.debug('load() | got receiving RTP capabilities:%o', this._recvRtpCapabilities); - // Generate our SCTP capabilities. - this._sctpCapabilities = await handler.getNativeSctpCapabilities(); - logger.debug('load() | got native SCTP capabilities:%o', this._sctpCapabilities); - // This may throw. - ortc.validateSctpCapabilities(this._sctpCapabilities); - logger.debug('load() succeeded'); - this._loaded = true; - handler.close(); - } catch (error) { - if (handler) handler.close(); - throw error; - } - } - /** - * Whether we can produce audio/video. - * - * @throws {InvalidStateError} if not loaded. - * @throws {TypeError} if wrong arguments. - */ - canProduce(kind) { - if (!this._loaded) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('not loaded'); - else if (kind !== 'audio' && kind !== 'video') throw new TypeError(`invalid kind "${kind}"`); - return this._canProduceByKind[kind]; - } - /** - * Creates a Transport for sending media. - * - * @throws {InvalidStateError} if not loaded. - * @throws {TypeError} if wrong arguments. - */ - createSendTransport({ - id, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - appData = {}, - }) { - logger.debug('createSendTransport()'); - return this._createTransport({ - direction: 'send', - id: id, - iceParameters: iceParameters, - iceCandidates: iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters: dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters: sctpParameters, - iceServers: iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings: additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints: proprietaryConstraints, - appData: appData, - }); - } - /** - * Creates a Transport for receiving media. - * - * @throws {InvalidStateError} if not loaded. - * @throws {TypeError} if wrong arguments. - */ - createRecvTransport({ - id, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - appData = {}, - }) { - logger.debug('createRecvTransport()'); - return this._createTransport({ - direction: 'recv', - id: id, - iceParameters: iceParameters, - iceCandidates: iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters: dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters: sctpParameters, - iceServers: iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings: additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints: proprietaryConstraints, - appData: appData, - }); - } - _createTransport({ - direction, - id, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - appData = {}, - }) { - if (!this._loaded) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('not loaded'); - else if (typeof id !== 'string') throw new TypeError('missing id'); - else if (typeof iceParameters !== 'object') throw new TypeError('missing iceParameters'); - else if (!Array.isArray(iceCandidates)) throw new TypeError('missing iceCandidates'); - else if (typeof dtlsParameters !== 'object') throw new TypeError('missing dtlsParameters'); - else if (sctpParameters && typeof sctpParameters !== 'object') - throw new TypeError('wrong sctpParameters'); - else if (appData && typeof appData !== 'object') - throw new TypeError('if given, appData must be an object'); - // Create a new Transport. - const transport = new Transport_1.Transport({ - direction, - id, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - appData, - handlerFactory: this._handlerFactory, - extendedRtpCapabilities: this._extendedRtpCapabilities, - canProduceByKind: this._canProduceByKind, - }); - return transport; - } - } - exports.Device = Device; - }, - { - './Logger': 12, - './Transport': 14, - './errors': 15, - './handlers/Chrome55': 16, - './handlers/Chrome67': 17, - './handlers/Chrome70': 18, - './handlers/Chrome74': 19, - './handlers/Edge11': 20, - './handlers/Firefox60': 21, - './handlers/ReactNative': 23, - './handlers/Safari11': 24, - './handlers/Safari12': 25, - './ortc': 33, - bowser: 2, - }, - ], - 11: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const events_1 = require('events'); - const Logger_1 = require('./Logger'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('EnhancedEventEmitter'); - class EnhancedEventEmitter extends events_1.EventEmitter { - constructor() { - super(); - this.setMaxListeners(Infinity); - } - safeEmit(event, ...args) { - const numListeners = this.listenerCount(event); - try { - return this.emit(event, ...args); - } catch (error) { - logger.error('safeEmit() | event listener threw an error [event:%s]:%o', event, error); - return Boolean(numListeners); - } - } - async safeEmitAsPromise(event, ...args) { - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => this.safeEmit(event, ...args, resolve, reject)); - } - } - exports.EnhancedEventEmitter = EnhancedEventEmitter; - }, - { './Logger': 12, events: 45 }, - ], - 12: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const debug_1 = require('debug'); - const APP_NAME = 'mediasoup-client'; - class Logger { - constructor(prefix) { - if (prefix) { - this._debug = debug_1.default(`${APP_NAME}:${prefix}`); - this._warn = debug_1.default(`${APP_NAME}:WARN:${prefix}`); - this._error = debug_1.default(`${APP_NAME}:ERROR:${prefix}`); - } else { - this._debug = debug_1.default(APP_NAME); - this._warn = debug_1.default(`${APP_NAME}:WARN`); - this._error = debug_1.default(`${APP_NAME}:ERROR`); - } - /* eslint-disable no-console */ - this._debug.log = console.info.bind(console); - this._warn.log = console.warn.bind(console); - this._error.log = console.error.bind(console); - /* eslint-enable no-console */ - } - get debug() { - return this._debug; - } - get warn() { - return this._warn; - } - get error() { - return this._error; - } - } - exports.Logger = Logger; - }, - { debug: 37 }, - ], - 13: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const Logger_1 = require('./Logger'); - const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require('./EnhancedEventEmitter'); - const errors_1 = require('./errors'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Producer'); - class Producer extends EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter { - /** - * @emits transportclose - * @emits trackended - * @emits @replacetrack - (track: MediaStreamTrack | null) - * @emits @setmaxspatiallayer - (spatialLayer: string) - * @emits @setrtpencodingparameters - (params: any) - * @emits @getstats - * @emits @close - */ - constructor({ - id, - localId, - rtpSender, - track, - rtpParameters, - stopTracks, - disableTrackOnPause, - zeroRtpOnPause, - appData, - }) { - super(); - // Closed flag. - this._closed = false; - logger.debug('constructor()'); - this._id = id; - this._localId = localId; - this._rtpSender = rtpSender; - this._track = track; - this._kind = track.kind; - this._rtpParameters = rtpParameters; - this._paused = disableTrackOnPause ? !track.enabled : false; - this._maxSpatialLayer = undefined; - this._stopTracks = stopTracks; - this._disableTrackOnPause = disableTrackOnPause; - this._zeroRtpOnPause = zeroRtpOnPause; - this._appData = appData; - this._onTrackEnded = this._onTrackEnded.bind(this); - // NOTE: Minor issue. If zeroRtpOnPause is true, we cannot emit the - // '@replacetrack' event here, so RTCRtpSender.track won't be null. - this._handleTrack(); - } - /** - * Producer id. - */ - get id() { - return this._id; - } - /** - * Local id. - */ - get localId() { - return this._localId; - } - /** - * Whether the Producer is closed. - */ - get closed() { - return this._closed; - } - /** - * Media kind. - */ - get kind() { - return this._kind; - } - /** - * Associated RTCRtpSender. - */ - get rtpSender() { - return this._rtpSender; - } - /** - * The associated track. - */ - get track() { - return this._track; - } - /** - * RTP parameters. - */ - get rtpParameters() { - return this._rtpParameters; - } - /** - * Whether the Producer is paused. - */ - get paused() { - return this._paused; - } - /** - * Max spatial layer. - * - * @type {Number | undefined} - */ - get maxSpatialLayer() { - return this._maxSpatialLayer; - } - /** - * App custom data. - */ - get appData() { - return this._appData; - } - /** - * Invalid setter. - */ - set appData(appData) { - throw new Error('cannot override appData object'); - } - /** - * Closes the Producer. - */ - close() { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.debug('close()'); - this._closed = true; - this._destroyTrack(); - this.emit('@close'); - } - /** - * Transport was closed. - */ - transportClosed() { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.debug('transportClosed()'); - this._closed = true; - this._destroyTrack(); - this.safeEmit('transportclose'); - } - /** - * Get associated RTCRtpSender stats. - */ - async getStats() { - if (this._closed) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); - return this.safeEmitAsPromise('@getstats'); - } - /** - * Pauses sending media. - */ - pause() { - logger.debug('pause()'); - if (this._closed) { - logger.error('pause() | Producer closed'); - return; - } - this._paused = true; - if (this._track && this._disableTrackOnPause) { - this._track.enabled = false; - } - if (this._zeroRtpOnPause) { - this.safeEmitAsPromise('@replacetrack', null).catch(() => {}); - } - } - /** - * Resumes sending media. - */ - resume() { - logger.debug('resume()'); - if (this._closed) { - logger.error('resume() | Producer closed'); - return; - } - this._paused = false; - if (this._track && this._disableTrackOnPause) { - this._track.enabled = true; - } - if (this._zeroRtpOnPause) { - this.safeEmitAsPromise('@replacetrack', this._track).catch(() => {}); - } - } - /** - * Replaces the current track with a new one or null. - */ - async replaceTrack({ track }) { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [track:%o]', track); - if (this._closed) { - // This must be done here. Otherwise there is no chance to stop the given - // track. - if (track && this._stopTracks) { - try { - track.stop(); - } catch (error) {} - } - throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); - } else if (track && track.readyState === 'ended') { - throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('track ended'); - } - // Do nothing if this is the same track as the current handled one. - if (track === this._track) { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() | same track, ignored'); - return; - } - if (!this._zeroRtpOnPause || !this._paused) { - await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@replacetrack', track); - } - // Destroy the previous track. - this._destroyTrack(); - // Set the new track. - this._track = track; - // If this Producer was paused/resumed and the state of the new - // track does not match, fix it. - if (this._track && this._disableTrackOnPause) { - if (!this._paused) this._track.enabled = true; - else if (this._paused) this._track.enabled = false; - } - // Handle the effective track. - this._handleTrack(); - } - /** - * Sets the video max spatial layer to be sent. - */ - async setMaxSpatialLayer(spatialLayer) { - if (this._closed) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); - else if (this._kind !== 'video') throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not a video Producer'); - else if (typeof spatialLayer !== 'number') throw new TypeError('invalid spatialLayer'); - if (spatialLayer === this._maxSpatialLayer) return; - await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@setmaxspatiallayer', spatialLayer); - this._maxSpatialLayer = spatialLayer; - } - /** - * Sets the DSCP value. - */ - async setRtpEncodingParameters(params) { - if (this._closed) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); - else if (typeof params !== 'object') throw new TypeError('invalid params'); - await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@setrtpencodingparameters', params); - } - _onTrackEnded() { - logger.debug('track "ended" event'); - this.safeEmit('trackended'); - } - _handleTrack() { - if (!this._track) return; - this._track.addEventListener('ended', this._onTrackEnded); - } - _destroyTrack() { - if (!this._track) return; - try { - this._track.removeEventListener('ended', this._onTrackEnded); - // Just stop the track unless the app set stopTracks: false. - if (this._stopTracks) this._track.stop(); - } catch (error) {} - } - } - exports.Producer = Producer; - }, - { './EnhancedEventEmitter': 11, './Logger': 12, './errors': 15 }, - ], - 14: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const awaitqueue_1 = require('awaitqueue'); - const Logger_1 = require('./Logger'); - const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require('./EnhancedEventEmitter'); - const errors_1 = require('./errors'); - const utils = require('./utils'); - const ortc = require('./ortc'); - const Producer_1 = require('./Producer'); - const Consumer_1 = require('./Consumer'); - const DataProducer_1 = require('./DataProducer'); - const DataConsumer_1 = require('./DataConsumer'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Transport'); - class Transport extends EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter { - /** - * @emits connect - (transportLocalParameters: any, callback: Function, errback: Function) - * @emits connectionstatechange - (connectionState: ConnectionState) - * @emits produce - (producerLocalParameters: any, callback: Function, errback: Function) - * @emits producedata - (dataProducerLocalParameters: any, callback: Function, errback: Function) - */ - constructor({ - direction, - id, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - appData, - handlerFactory, - extendedRtpCapabilities, - canProduceByKind, - }) { - super(); - // Closed flag. - this._closed = false; - // Transport connection state. - this._connectionState = 'new'; - // Map of Producers indexed by id. - this._producers = new Map(); - // Map of Consumers indexed by id. - this._consumers = new Map(); - // Map of DataProducers indexed by id. - this._dataProducers = new Map(); - // Map of DataConsumers indexed by id. - this._dataConsumers = new Map(); - // Whether the Consumer for RTP probation has been created. - this._probatorConsumerCreated = false; - // AwaitQueue instance to make async tasks happen sequentially. - this._awaitQueue = new awaitqueue_1.AwaitQueue({ - ClosedErrorClass: errors_1.InvalidStateError, - }); - logger.debug('constructor() [id:%s, direction:%s]', id, direction); - this._id = id; - this._direction = direction; - this._extendedRtpCapabilities = extendedRtpCapabilities; - this._canProduceByKind = canProduceByKind; - this._maxSctpMessageSize = sctpParameters ? sctpParameters.maxMessageSize : null; - // Clone and sanitize additionalSettings. - additionalSettings = utils.clone(additionalSettings); - delete additionalSettings.iceServers; - delete additionalSettings.iceTransportPolicy; - delete additionalSettings.bundlePolicy; - delete additionalSettings.rtcpMuxPolicy; - delete additionalSettings.sdpSemantics; - this._handler = handlerFactory(); - this._handler.run({ - direction, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - extendedRtpCapabilities, - }); - this._appData = appData; - this._handleHandler(); - } - /** - * Transport id. - */ - get id() { - return this._id; - } - /** - * Whether the Transport is closed. - */ - get closed() { - return this._closed; - } - /** - * Transport direction. - */ - get direction() { - return this._direction; - } - /** - * RTC handler instance. - */ - get handler() { - return this._handler; - } - /** - * Connection state. - */ - get connectionState() { - return this._connectionState; - } - /** - * App custom data. - */ - get appData() { - return this._appData; - } - /** - * Invalid setter. - */ - set appData(appData) { - throw new Error('cannot override appData object'); - } - /** - * Close the Transport. - */ - close() { - if (this._closed) return; - logger.debug('close()'); - this._closed = true; - // Close the AwaitQueue. - this._awaitQueue.close(); - // Close the handler. - this._handler.close(); - // Close all Producers. - for (const producer of this._producers.values()) { - producer.transportClosed(); - } - this._producers.clear(); - // Close all Consumers. - for (const consumer of this._consumers.values()) { - consumer.transportClosed(); - } - this._consumers.clear(); - // Close all DataProducers. - for (const dataProducer of this._dataProducers.values()) { - dataProducer.transportClosed(); - } - this._dataProducers.clear(); - // Close all DataConsumers. - for (const dataConsumer of this._dataConsumers.values()) { - dataConsumer.transportClosed(); - } - this._dataConsumers.clear(); - } - /** - * Get associated Transport (RTCPeerConnection) stats. - * - * @returns {RTCStatsReport} - */ - async getStats() { - if (this._closed) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); - return this._handler.getTransportStats(); - } - /** - * Restart ICE connection. - */ - async restartIce({ iceParameters }) { - logger.debug('restartIce()'); - if (this._closed) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); - else if (!iceParameters) throw new TypeError('missing iceParameters'); - // Enqueue command. - return this._awaitQueue.push(async () => this._handler.restartIce(iceParameters)); - } - /** - * Update ICE servers. - */ - async updateIceServers({ iceServers } = {}) { - logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); - if (this._closed) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); - else if (!Array.isArray(iceServers)) throw new TypeError('missing iceServers'); - // Enqueue command. - return this._awaitQueue.push(async () => this._handler.updateIceServers(iceServers)); - } - /** - * Create a Producer. - */ - async produce({ - track, - encodings, - codecOptions, - codec, - stopTracks = true, - disableTrackOnPause = true, - zeroRtpOnPause = false, - appData = {}, - } = {}) { - logger.debug('produce() [track:%o]', track); - if (!track) throw new TypeError('missing track'); - else if (this._direction !== 'send') - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not a sending Transport'); - else if (!this._canProduceByKind[track.kind]) - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError(`cannot produce ${track.kind}`); - else if (track.readyState === 'ended') throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('track ended'); - else if (this.listenerCount('connect') === 0 && this._connectionState === 'new') - throw new TypeError('no "connect" listener set into this transport'); - else if (this.listenerCount('produce') === 0) - throw new TypeError('no "produce" listener set into this transport'); - else if (appData && typeof appData !== 'object') - throw new TypeError('if given, appData must be an object'); - // Enqueue command. - return ( - this._awaitQueue - .push(async () => { - let normalizedEncodings; - if (encodings && !Array.isArray(encodings)) { - throw TypeError('encodings must be an array'); - } else if (encodings && encodings.length === 0) { - normalizedEncodings = undefined; - } else if (encodings) { - normalizedEncodings = encodings.map((encoding) => { - const normalizedEncoding = { active: true }; - if (encoding.active === false) normalizedEncoding.active = false; - if (typeof encoding.dtx === 'boolean') - normalizedEncoding.dtx = encoding.dtx; - if (typeof encoding.scalabilityMode === 'string') - normalizedEncoding.scalabilityMode = encoding.scalabilityMode; - if (typeof encoding.scaleResolutionDownBy === 'number') - normalizedEncoding.scaleResolutionDownBy = - encoding.scaleResolutionDownBy; - if (typeof encoding.maxBitrate === 'number') - normalizedEncoding.maxBitrate = encoding.maxBitrate; - if (typeof encoding.maxFramerate === 'number') - normalizedEncoding.maxFramerate = encoding.maxFramerate; - if (typeof encoding.adaptivePtime === 'boolean') - normalizedEncoding.adaptivePtime = encoding.adaptivePtime; - if (typeof encoding.priority === 'string') - normalizedEncoding.priority = encoding.priority; - if (typeof encoding.networkPriority === 'string') - normalizedEncoding.networkPriority = encoding.networkPriority; - return normalizedEncoding; - }); - } - const { localId, rtpParameters, rtpSender } = await this._handler.send({ - track, - encodings: normalizedEncodings, - codecOptions, - codec, - }); - try { - // This will fill rtpParameters's missing fields with default values. - ortc.validateRtpParameters(rtpParameters); - const { id } = await this.safeEmitAsPromise('produce', { - kind: track.kind, - rtpParameters, - appData, - }); - const producer = new Producer_1.Producer({ - id, - localId, - rtpSender, - track, - rtpParameters, - stopTracks, - disableTrackOnPause, - zeroRtpOnPause, - appData, - }); - this._producers.set(producer.id, producer); - this._handleProducer(producer); - return producer; - } catch (error) { - this._handler.stopSending(localId).catch(() => {}); - throw error; - } - }) - // This catch is needed to stop the given track if the command above - // failed due to closed Transport. - .catch((error) => { - if (stopTracks) { - try { - track.stop(); - } catch (error2) {} - } - throw error; - }) - ); - } - /** - * Create a Consumer to consume a remote Producer. - */ - async consume({ id, producerId, kind, rtpParameters, appData = {} }) { - logger.debug('consume()'); - if (this._closed) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); - else if (this._direction !== 'recv') - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not a receiving Transport'); - else if (typeof id !== 'string') throw new TypeError('missing id'); - else if (typeof producerId !== 'string') throw new TypeError('missing producerId'); - else if (kind !== 'audio' && kind !== 'video') throw new TypeError(`invalid kind '${kind}'`); - else if (this.listenerCount('connect') === 0 && this._connectionState === 'new') - throw new TypeError('no "connect" listener set into this transport'); - else if (appData && typeof appData !== 'object') - throw new TypeError('if given, appData must be an object'); - // Enqueue command. - return this._awaitQueue.push(async () => { - // Ensure the device can consume it. - const canConsume = ortc.canReceive(rtpParameters, this._extendedRtpCapabilities); - if (!canConsume) throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('cannot consume this Producer'); - const { localId, rtpReceiver, track } = await this._handler.receive({ - trackId: id, - kind, - rtpParameters, - }); - const consumer = new Consumer_1.Consumer({ - id, - localId, - producerId, - rtpReceiver, - track, - rtpParameters, - appData, - }); - this._consumers.set(consumer.id, consumer); - this._handleConsumer(consumer); - // If this is the first video Consumer and the Consumer for RTP probation - // has not yet been created, create it now. - if (!this._probatorConsumerCreated && kind === 'video') { - try { - const probatorRtpParameters = ortc.generateProbatorRtpParameters( - consumer.rtpParameters, - ); - await this._handler.receive({ - trackId: 'probator', - kind: 'video', - rtpParameters: probatorRtpParameters, - }); - logger.debug('consume() | Consumer for RTP probation created'); - this._probatorConsumerCreated = true; - } catch (error) { - logger.error('consume() | failed to create Consumer for RTP probation:%o', error); - } - } - return consumer; - }); - } - /** - * Create a DataProducer - */ - async produceData({ - ordered = true, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - priority = 'low', - label = '', - protocol = '', - appData = {}, - } = {}) { - logger.debug('produceData()'); - if (this._direction !== 'send') throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not a sending Transport'); - else if (!this._maxSctpMessageSize) - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('SCTP not enabled by remote Transport'); - else if (!['very-low', 'low', 'medium', 'high'].includes(priority)) - throw new TypeError('wrong priority'); - else if (this.listenerCount('connect') === 0 && this._connectionState === 'new') - throw new TypeError('no "connect" listener set into this transport'); - else if (this.listenerCount('producedata') === 0) - throw new TypeError('no "producedata" listener set into this transport'); - else if (appData && typeof appData !== 'object') - throw new TypeError('if given, appData must be an object'); - if (maxPacketLifeTime || maxRetransmits) ordered = false; - // Enqueue command. - return this._awaitQueue.push(async () => { - const { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters } = await this._handler.sendDataChannel({ - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - priority, - label, - protocol, - }); - // This will fill sctpStreamParameters's missing fields with default values. - ortc.validateSctpStreamParameters(sctpStreamParameters); - const { id } = await this.safeEmitAsPromise('producedata', { - sctpStreamParameters, - label, - protocol, - appData, - }); - const dataProducer = new DataProducer_1.DataProducer({ - id, - dataChannel, - sctpStreamParameters, - appData, - }); - this._dataProducers.set(dataProducer.id, dataProducer); - this._handleDataProducer(dataProducer); - return dataProducer; - }); - } - /** - * Create a DataConsumer - */ - async consumeData({ - id, - dataProducerId, - sctpStreamParameters, - label = '', - protocol = '', - appData = {}, - }) { - logger.debug('consumeData()'); - if (this._closed) throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); - else if (this._direction !== 'recv') - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not a receiving Transport'); - else if (!this._maxSctpMessageSize) - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('SCTP not enabled by remote Transport'); - else if (typeof id !== 'string') throw new TypeError('missing id'); - else if (typeof dataProducerId !== 'string') throw new TypeError('missing dataProducerId'); - else if (this.listenerCount('connect') === 0 && this._connectionState === 'new') - throw new TypeError('no "connect" listener set into this transport'); - else if (appData && typeof appData !== 'object') - throw new TypeError('if given, appData must be an object'); - // This may throw. - ortc.validateSctpStreamParameters(sctpStreamParameters); - // Enqueue command. - return this._awaitQueue.push(async () => { - const { dataChannel } = await this._handler.receiveDataChannel({ - sctpStreamParameters, - label, - protocol, - }); - const dataConsumer = new DataConsumer_1.DataConsumer({ - id, - dataProducerId, - dataChannel, - sctpStreamParameters, - appData, - }); - this._dataConsumers.set(dataConsumer.id, dataConsumer); - this._handleDataConsumer(dataConsumer); - return dataConsumer; - }); - } - _handleHandler() { - const handler = this._handler; - handler.on('@connect', ({ dtlsParameters }, callback, errback) => { - if (this._closed) { - errback(new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed')); - return; - } - this.safeEmit('connect', { dtlsParameters }, callback, errback); - }); - handler.on('@connectionstatechange', (connectionState) => { - if (connectionState === this._connectionState) return; - logger.debug('connection state changed to %s', connectionState); - this._connectionState = connectionState; - if (!this._closed) this.safeEmit('connectionstatechange', connectionState); - }); - } - _handleProducer(producer) { - producer.on('@close', () => { - this._producers.delete(producer.id); - if (this._closed) return; - this._awaitQueue - .push(async () => this._handler.stopSending(producer.localId)) - .catch((error) => logger.warn('producer.close() failed:%o', error)); - }); - producer.on('@replacetrack', (track, callback, errback) => { - this._awaitQueue - .push(async () => this._handler.replaceTrack(producer.localId, track)) - .then(callback) - .catch(errback); - }); - producer.on('@setmaxspatiallayer', (spatialLayer, callback, errback) => { - this._awaitQueue - .push(async () => this._handler.setMaxSpatialLayer(producer.localId, spatialLayer)) - .then(callback) - .catch(errback); - }); - producer.on('@setrtpencodingparameters', (params, callback, errback) => { - this._awaitQueue - .push(async () => this._handler.setRtpEncodingParameters(producer.localId, params)) - .then(callback) - .catch(errback); - }); - producer.on('@getstats', (callback, errback) => { - if (this._closed) return errback(new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed')); - this._handler.getSenderStats(producer.localId).then(callback).catch(errback); - }); - } - _handleConsumer(consumer) { - consumer.on('@close', () => { - this._consumers.delete(consumer.id); - if (this._closed) return; - this._awaitQueue - .push(async () => this._handler.stopReceiving(consumer.localId)) - .catch(() => {}); - }); - consumer.on('@getstats', (callback, errback) => { - if (this._closed) return errback(new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed')); - this._handler.getReceiverStats(consumer.localId).then(callback).catch(errback); - }); - } - _handleDataProducer(dataProducer) { - dataProducer.on('@close', () => { - this._dataProducers.delete(dataProducer.id); - }); - } - _handleDataConsumer(dataConsumer) { - dataConsumer.on('@close', () => { - this._dataConsumers.delete(dataConsumer.id); - }); - } - } - exports.Transport = Transport; - }, + } + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('newconsumer', consumer); + return consumer; + }, 'transport.consume()'); + } + /** + * Create a DataProducer + */ + async produceData({ ordered = true, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label = '', protocol = '', appData = {} } = {}) { + logger.debug('produceData()'); + if (this._direction !== 'send') + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not a sending Transport'); + else if (!this._maxSctpMessageSize) + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('SCTP not enabled by remote Transport'); + else if (this.listenerCount('connect') === 0 && this._connectionState === 'new') + throw new TypeError('no "connect" listener set into this transport'); + else if (this.listenerCount('producedata') === 0) + throw new TypeError('no "producedata" listener set into this transport'); + else if (appData && typeof appData !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('if given, appData must be an object'); + if (maxPacketLifeTime || maxRetransmits) + ordered = false; + // Enqueue command. + return this._awaitQueue.push(async () => { + const { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters } = await this._handler.sendDataChannel({ + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + label, + protocol + }); + // This will fill sctpStreamParameters's missing fields with default values. + ortc.validateSctpStreamParameters(sctpStreamParameters); + const { id } = await this.safeEmitAsPromise('producedata', { + sctpStreamParameters, + label, + protocol, + appData + }); + const dataProducer = new DataProducer_1.DataProducer({ id, dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters, appData }); + this._dataProducers.set(dataProducer.id, dataProducer); + this._handleDataProducer(dataProducer); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('newdataproducer', dataProducer); + return dataProducer; + }, 'transport.produceData()'); + } + /** + * Create a DataConsumer + */ + async consumeData({ id, dataProducerId, sctpStreamParameters, label = '', protocol = '', appData = {} }) { + logger.debug('consumeData()'); + sctpStreamParameters = utils.clone(sctpStreamParameters, undefined); + if (this._closed) + throw new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed'); + else if (this._direction !== 'recv') + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not a receiving Transport'); + else if (!this._maxSctpMessageSize) + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('SCTP not enabled by remote Transport'); + else if (typeof id !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('missing id'); + else if (typeof dataProducerId !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('missing dataProducerId'); + else if (this.listenerCount('connect') === 0 && this._connectionState === 'new') + throw new TypeError('no "connect" listener set into this transport'); + else if (appData && typeof appData !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('if given, appData must be an object'); + // This may throw. + ortc.validateSctpStreamParameters(sctpStreamParameters); + // Enqueue command. + return this._awaitQueue.push(async () => { + const { dataChannel } = await this._handler.receiveDataChannel({ + sctpStreamParameters, + label, + protocol + }); + const dataConsumer = new DataConsumer_1.DataConsumer({ + id, + dataProducerId, + dataChannel, + sctpStreamParameters, + appData + }); + this._dataConsumers.set(dataConsumer.id, dataConsumer); + this._handleDataConsumer(dataConsumer); + // Emit observer event. + this._observer.safeEmit('newdataconsumer', dataConsumer); + return dataConsumer; + }, 'transport.consumeData()'); + } + _handleHandler() { + const handler = this._handler; + handler.on('@connect', ({ dtlsParameters }, callback, errback) => { + if (this._closed) { + errback(new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed')); + return; + } + this.safeEmit('connect', { dtlsParameters }, callback, errback); + }); + handler.on('@connectionstatechange', (connectionState) => { + if (connectionState === this._connectionState) + return; + logger.debug('connection state changed to %s', connectionState); + this._connectionState = connectionState; + if (!this._closed) + this.safeEmit('connectionstatechange', connectionState); + }); + } + _handleProducer(producer) { + producer.on('@close', () => { + this._producers.delete(producer.id); + if (this._closed) + return; + this._awaitQueue.push(async () => this._handler.stopSending(producer.localId), 'producer @close event') + .catch((error) => logger.warn('producer.close() failed:%o', error)); + }); + producer.on('@replacetrack', (track, callback, errback) => { + this._awaitQueue.push(async () => this._handler.replaceTrack(producer.localId, track), 'producer @replacetrack event') + .then(callback) + .catch(errback); + }); + producer.on('@setmaxspatiallayer', (spatialLayer, callback, errback) => { + this._awaitQueue.push(async () => (this._handler.setMaxSpatialLayer(producer.localId, spatialLayer)), 'producer @setmaxspatiallayer event') + .then(callback) + .catch(errback); + }); + producer.on('@setrtpencodingparameters', (params, callback, errback) => { + this._awaitQueue.push(async () => (this._handler.setRtpEncodingParameters(producer.localId, params)), 'producer @setrtpencodingparameters event') + .then(callback) + .catch(errback); + }); + producer.on('@getstats', (callback, errback) => { + if (this._closed) + return errback(new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed')); + this._handler.getSenderStats(producer.localId) + .then(callback) + .catch(errback); + }); + } + _handleConsumer(consumer) { + consumer.on('@close', () => { + this._consumers.delete(consumer.id); + if (this._closed) + return; + this._awaitQueue.push(async () => this._handler.stopReceiving(consumer.localId), 'consumer @close event') + .catch(() => { }); + }); + consumer.on('@getstats', (callback, errback) => { + if (this._closed) + return errback(new errors_1.InvalidStateError('closed')); + this._handler.getReceiverStats(consumer.localId) + .then(callback) + .catch(errback); + }); + } + _handleDataProducer(dataProducer) { + dataProducer.on('@close', () => { + this._dataProducers.delete(dataProducer.id); + }); + } + _handleDataConsumer(dataConsumer) { + dataConsumer.on('@close', () => { + this._dataConsumers.delete(dataConsumer.id); + }); + } +} +exports.Transport = Transport; + +},{"./Consumer":8,"./DataConsumer":9,"./DataProducer":10,"./EnhancedEventEmitter":12,"./Logger":13,"./Producer":14,"./errors":18,"./ortc":36,"./utils":39,"awaitqueue":2}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.InvalidStateError = exports.UnsupportedError = void 0; +/** + * Error indicating not support for something. + */ +class UnsupportedError extends Error { + constructor(message) { + super(message); + this.name = 'UnsupportedError'; + if (Error.hasOwnProperty('captureStackTrace')) // Just in V8. + { + // @ts-ignore + Error.captureStackTrace(this, UnsupportedError); + } + else { + this.stack = (new Error(message)).stack; + } + } +} +exports.UnsupportedError = UnsupportedError; +/** + * Error produced when calling a method in an invalid state. + */ +class InvalidStateError extends Error { + constructor(message) { + super(message); + this.name = 'InvalidStateError'; + if (Error.hasOwnProperty('captureStackTrace')) // Just in V8. + { + // @ts-ignore + Error.captureStackTrace(this, InvalidStateError); + } + else { + this.stack = (new Error(message)).stack; + } + } +} +exports.InvalidStateError = InvalidStateError; + +},{}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Chrome55 = void 0; +const sdpTransform = __importStar(require("sdp-transform")); +const Logger_1 = require("../Logger"); +const errors_1 = require("../errors"); +const utils = __importStar(require("../utils")); +const ortc = __importStar(require("../ortc")); +const sdpCommonUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/commonUtils")); +const sdpPlanBUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/planBUtils")); +const HandlerInterface_1 = require("./HandlerInterface"); +const RemoteSdp_1 = require("./sdp/RemoteSdp"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Chrome55'); +const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; +class Chrome55 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { + constructor() { + super(); + // Local stream for sending. + this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); + // Map of sending MediaStreamTracks indexed by localId. + this._mapSendLocalIdTrack = new Map(); + // Next sending localId. + this._nextSendLocalId = 0; + // Map of MID, RTP parameters and RTCRtpReceiver indexed by local id. + // Value is an Object with mid, rtpParameters and rtpReceiver. + this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo = new Map(); + // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; + // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; + // Got transport local and remote parameters. + this._transportReady = false; + } + /** + * Creates a factory function. + */ + static createFactory() { + return () => new Chrome55(); + } + get name() { + return 'Chrome55'; + } + close() { + logger.debug('close()'); + // Close RTCPeerConnection. + if (this._pc) { + try { + this._pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + } + } + async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); + const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ + iceServers: [], + iceTransportPolicy: 'all', + bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', + rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', + sdpSemantics: 'plan-b' + }); + try { + const offer = await pc.createOffer({ + offerToReceiveAudio: true, + offerToReceiveVideo: true + }); + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); + return nativeRtpCapabilities; + } + catch (error) { + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error2) { } + throw error; + } + } + async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); + return { + numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS + }; + } + run({ direction, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, proprietaryConstraints, extendedRtpCapabilities }) { + logger.debug('run()'); + this._direction = direction; + this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ + iceParameters, + iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters, + planB: true + }); + this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - './Consumer': 7, - './DataConsumer': 8, - './DataProducer': 9, - './EnhancedEventEmitter': 11, - './Logger': 12, - './Producer': 13, - './errors': 15, - './ortc': 33, - './utils': 36, - awaitqueue: 1, - }, - ], - 15: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - /** - * Error indicating not support for something. - */ - class UnsupportedError extends Error { - constructor(message) { - super(message); - this.name = 'UnsupportedError'; - if (Error.hasOwnProperty('captureStackTrace')) { - // Just in V8. - // @ts-ignore - Error.captureStackTrace(this, UnsupportedError); - } else { - this.stack = new Error(message).stack; - } - } - } - exports.UnsupportedError = UnsupportedError; - /** - * Error produced when calling a method in an invalid state. - */ - class InvalidStateError extends Error { - constructor(message) { - super(message); - this.name = 'InvalidStateError'; - if (Error.hasOwnProperty('captureStackTrace')) { - // Just in V8. - // @ts-ignore - Error.captureStackTrace(this, InvalidStateError); - } else { - this.stack = new Error(message).stack; - } - } - } - exports.InvalidStateError = InvalidStateError; - }, - {}, - ], - 16: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const sdpTransform = require('sdp-transform'); - const Logger_1 = require('../Logger'); - const errors_1 = require('../errors'); - const utils = require('../utils'); - const ortc = require('../ortc'); - const sdpCommonUtils = require('./sdp/commonUtils'); - const sdpPlanBUtils = require('./sdp/planBUtils'); - const HandlerInterface_1 = require('./HandlerInterface'); - const RemoteSdp_1 = require('./sdp/RemoteSdp'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Chrome55'); - const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; - class Chrome55 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { - constructor() { - super(); - // Local stream for sending. - this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); - // Map of sending MediaStreamTracks indexed by localId. - this._mapSendLocalIdTrack = new Map(); - // Next sending localId. - this._nextSendLocalId = 0; - // Map of MID, RTP parameters and RTCRtpReceiver indexed by local id. - // Value is an Object with mid, rtpParameters and rtpReceiver. - this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo = new Map(); - // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; - // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; - // Got transport local and remote parameters. - this._transportReady = false; - } - /** - * Creates a factory function. - */ - static createFactory() { - return () => new Chrome55(); - } - get name() { - return 'Chrome55'; - } - close() { - logger.debug('close()'); - // Close RTCPeerConnection. - if (this._pc) { - try { - this._pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - } - } - async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); - const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ - iceServers: [], - iceTransportPolicy: 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - sdpSemantics: 'plan-b', - }); - try { - const offer = await pc.createOffer({ - offerToReceiveAudio: true, - offerToReceiveVideo: true, - }); - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); - return nativeRtpCapabilities; - } catch (error) { - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error2) {} - throw error; - } - } - async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); - return { - numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS, - }; - } - run({ - direction, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - extendedRtpCapabilities, - }) { - logger.debug('run()'); - this._direction = direction; - this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - planB: true, - }); - this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection( - { - iceServers: iceServers || [], - iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - sdpSemantics: 'plan-b', - ...additionalSettings, - }, - proprietaryConstraints, - ); - // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. - this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { - switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { - case 'checking': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); - break; - case 'connected': - case 'completed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); - break; - case 'failed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); - break; - case 'disconnected': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); - break; - case 'closed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); - break; - } - }); - } - async updateIceServers(iceServers) { - logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); - const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); - configuration.iceServers = iceServers; - this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); - } - async restartIce(iceParameters) { - logger.debug('restartIce()'); - // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. - this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); - if (!this._transportReady) return; - if (this._direction === 'send') { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } else { - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - } - async getTransportStats() { - return this._pc.getStats(); - } - async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); - if (codec) { - logger.warn('send() | codec selection is not available in %s handler', this.name); - } - this._sendStream.addTrack(track); - this._pc.addStream(this._sendStream); - let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - let offerMediaObject; - const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind]); - sendingRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs); - const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone( - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], - ); - sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs); - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - if (track.kind === 'video' && encodings && encodings.length > 1) { - logger.debug('send() | enabling simulcast'); - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'video'); - sdpPlanBUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ - offerMediaObject, - track, - numStreams: encodings.length, - }); - offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - } - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === track.kind); - // Set RTCP CNAME. - sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); - // Set RTP encodings. - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = sdpPlanBUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject, track }); - // Complete encodings with given values. - if (encodings) { - for (let idx = 0; idx < sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length; ++idx) { - if (encodings[idx]) Object.assign(sendingRtpParameters.encodings[idx], encodings[idx]); - } - } - // If VP8 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to each - // encoding. - if ( - sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && - sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' - ) { - for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { - encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; - } - } - this._remoteSdp.send({ - offerMediaObject, - offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, - codecOptions, - }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - const localId = String(this._nextSendLocalId); - this._nextSendLocalId++; - // Insert into the map. - this._mapSendLocalIdTrack.set(localId, track); - return { - localId: localId, - rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - }; - } - async stopSending(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); - const track = this._mapSendLocalIdTrack.get(localId); - if (!track) throw new Error('track not found'); - this._mapSendLocalIdTrack.delete(localId); - this._sendStream.removeTrack(track); - this._pc.addStream(this._sendStream); - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - try { - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - } catch (error) { - // NOTE: If there are no sending tracks, setLocalDescription() will fail with - // "Failed to create channels". If so, ignore it. - if (this._sendStream.getTracks().length === 0) { - logger.warn( - 'stopSending() | ignoring expected error due no sending tracks: %s', - error.toString(), - ); - return; - } - throw error; - } - if (this._pc.signalingState === 'stable') return; - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } - async replaceTrack( - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - localId, - track, - ) { - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError(' not implemented'); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not supported'); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - async getSenderStats(localId) { - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); - } - async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol, priority }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - priority, - }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // Increase next id. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'application'); - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - const sctpStreamParameters = { - streamId: options.id, - ordered: options.ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits, - }; - return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; - } - async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); - const localId = trackId; - const mid = kind; - const streamId = rtpParameters.rtcp.cname; - this._remoteSdp.receive({ - mid, - kind, - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - streamId, - trackId, - }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => String(m.mid) === mid); - // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec - // parameters in the offer. - sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - answerMediaObject, - }); - answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - const stream = this._pc.getRemoteStreams().find((s) => s.id === streamId); - const track = stream.getTrackById(localId); - if (!track) throw new Error('remote track not found'); - // Insert into the map. - this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.set(localId, { mid, rtpParameters }); - return { localId, track }; - } - async stopReceiving(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); - const { mid, rtpParameters } = this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.get(localId) || {}; - // Remove from the map. - this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.delete(localId); - this._remoteSdp.planBStopReceiving({ mid: mid, offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - async getReceiverStats(localId) { - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); - } - async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: streamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation({ oldDataChannelSpec: true }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - if (!this._transportReady) { - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - } - logger.debug( - 'receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', - answer, - ); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - return { dataChannel }; - } - async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { - if (!localSdpObject) localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - // Get our local DTLS parameters. - const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); - // Set our DTLS role. - dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; - // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. - this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); - // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. - await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); - this._transportReady = true; - } - _assertSendDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'send') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); - } - } - _assertRecvDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'recv') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); - } - } - } - exports.Chrome55 = Chrome55; - }, + audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = { - '../Logger': 12, - '../errors': 15, - '../ortc': 33, - '../utils': 36, - './HandlerInterface': 22, - './sdp/RemoteSdp': 28, - './sdp/commonUtils': 29, - './sdp/planBUtils': 30, - 'sdp-transform': 41, - }, - ], - 17: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const sdpTransform = require('sdp-transform'); - const Logger_1 = require('../Logger'); - const utils = require('../utils'); - const ortc = require('../ortc'); - const sdpCommonUtils = require('./sdp/commonUtils'); - const sdpPlanBUtils = require('./sdp/planBUtils'); - const HandlerInterface_1 = require('./HandlerInterface'); - const RemoteSdp_1 = require('./sdp/RemoteSdp'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Chrome67'); - const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; - class Chrome67 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { - constructor() { - super(); - // Local stream for sending. - this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); - // Map of RTCRtpSender indexed by localId. - this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender = new Map(); - // Next sending localId. - this._nextSendLocalId = 0; - // Map of MID, RTP parameters and RTCRtpReceiver indexed by local id. - // Value is an Object with mid, rtpParameters and rtpReceiver. - this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo = new Map(); - // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; - // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; - // Got transport local and remote parameters. - this._transportReady = false; - } - /** - * Creates a factory function. - */ - static createFactory() { - return () => new Chrome67(); - } - get name() { - return 'Chrome67'; - } - close() { - logger.debug('close()'); - // Close RTCPeerConnection. - if (this._pc) { - try { - this._pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - } - } - async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); - const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ - iceServers: [], - iceTransportPolicy: 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - sdpSemantics: 'plan-b', - }); - try { - const offer = await pc.createOffer({ - offerToReceiveAudio: true, - offerToReceiveVideo: true, - }); - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); - return nativeRtpCapabilities; - } catch (error) { - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error2) {} - throw error; - } - } - async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); - return { - numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS, - }; - } - run({ - direction, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - extendedRtpCapabilities, - }) { - logger.debug('run()'); - this._direction = direction; - this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - planB: true, - }); - this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection( - { - iceServers: iceServers || [], - iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - sdpSemantics: 'plan-b', - ...additionalSettings, - }, - proprietaryConstraints, - ); - // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. - this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { - switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { - case 'checking': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); - break; - case 'connected': - case 'completed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); - break; - case 'failed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); - break; - case 'disconnected': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); - break; - case 'closed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); - break; - } - }); - } - async updateIceServers(iceServers) { - logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); - const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); - configuration.iceServers = iceServers; - this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); - } - async restartIce(iceParameters) { - logger.debug('restartIce()'); - // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. - this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); - if (!this._transportReady) return; - if (this._direction === 'send') { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } else { - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - } - async getTransportStats() { - return this._pc.getStats(); - } - async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); - if (codec) { - logger.warn('send() | codec selection is not available in %s handler', this.name); - } - this._sendStream.addTrack(track); - this._pc.addTrack(track, this._sendStream); - let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - let offerMediaObject; - const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind]); - sendingRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs); - const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone( - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], - ); - sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs); - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - if (track.kind === 'video' && encodings && encodings.length > 1) { - logger.debug('send() | enabling simulcast'); - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'video'); - sdpPlanBUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ - offerMediaObject, - track, - numStreams: encodings.length, - }); - offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - } - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === track.kind); - // Set RTCP CNAME. - sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); - // Set RTP encodings. - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = sdpPlanBUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject, track }); - // Complete encodings with given values. - if (encodings) { - for (let idx = 0; idx < sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length; ++idx) { - if (encodings[idx]) Object.assign(sendingRtpParameters.encodings[idx], encodings[idx]); - } - } - // If VP8 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to each - // encoding. - if ( - sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && - sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' - ) { - for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { - encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; - } - } - this._remoteSdp.send({ - offerMediaObject, - offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, - codecOptions, - }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - const localId = String(this._nextSendLocalId); - this._nextSendLocalId++; - const rtpSender = this._pc.getSenders().find((s) => s.track === track); - // Insert into the map. - this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.set(localId, rtpSender); - return { - localId: localId, - rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - rtpSender, - }; - } - async stopSending(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); - const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); - this._pc.removeTrack(rtpSender); - if (rtpSender.track) this._sendStream.removeTrack(rtpSender.track); - this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.delete(localId); - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - try { - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - } catch (error) { - // NOTE: If there are no sending tracks, setLocalDescription() will fail with - // "Failed to create channels". If so, ignore it. - if (this._sendStream.getTracks().length === 0) { - logger.warn( - 'stopSending() | ignoring expected error due no sending tracks: %s', - error.toString(), - ); - return; - } - throw error; - } - if (this._pc.signalingState === 'stable') return; - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } - async replaceTrack(localId, track) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - if (track) { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); - } else { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); - } - const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); - const oldTrack = rtpSender.track; - await rtpSender.replaceTrack(track); - // Remove the old track from the local stream. - if (oldTrack) this._sendStream.removeTrack(oldTrack); - // Add the new track to the local stream. - if (track) this._sendStream.addTrack(track); - } - async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); - const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); - const parameters = rtpSender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - if (idx <= spatialLayer) encoding.active = true; - else encoding.active = false; - }); - await rtpSender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); - const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); - const parameters = rtpSender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - parameters.encodings[idx] = { ...encoding, ...params }; - }); - await rtpSender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async getSenderStats(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); - return rtpSender.getStats(); - } - async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol, priority }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - priority, - }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // Increase next id. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'application'); - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - const sctpStreamParameters = { - streamId: options.id, - ordered: options.ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits, - }; - return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; - } - async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); - const localId = trackId; - const mid = kind; - this._remoteSdp.receive({ - mid, - kind, - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - streamId: rtpParameters.rtcp.cname, - trackId, - }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => String(m.mid) === mid); - // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec - // parameters in the offer. - sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - answerMediaObject, - }); - answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - const rtpReceiver = this._pc.getReceivers().find((r) => r.track && r.track.id === localId); - if (!rtpReceiver) throw new Error('new RTCRtpReceiver not'); - // Insert into the map. - this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.set(localId, { mid, rtpParameters, rtpReceiver }); - return { - localId, - track: rtpReceiver.track, - rtpReceiver, - }; - } - async stopReceiving(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); - const { mid, rtpParameters } = this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.get(localId) || {}; - // Remove from the map. - this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.delete(localId); - this._remoteSdp.planBStopReceiving({ mid: mid, offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - async getReceiverStats(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const { rtpReceiver } = this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.get(localId) || {}; - if (!rtpReceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpReceiver not found'); - return rtpReceiver.getStats(); - } - async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: streamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation({ oldDataChannelSpec: true }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - if (!this._transportReady) { - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - } - logger.debug( - 'receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', - answer, - ); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - return { dataChannel }; - } - async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { - if (!localSdpObject) localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - // Get our local DTLS parameters. - const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); - // Set our DTLS role. - dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; - // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. - this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); - // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. - await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); - this._transportReady = true; - } - _assertSendDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'send') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); - } - } - _assertRecvDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'recv') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); - } - } - } - exports.Chrome67 = Chrome67; - }, - { - '../Logger': 12, - '../ortc': 33, - '../utils': 36, - './HandlerInterface': 22, - './sdp/RemoteSdp': 28, - './sdp/commonUtils': 29, - './sdp/planBUtils': 30, - 'sdp-transform': 41, - }, - ], - 18: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const sdpTransform = require('sdp-transform'); - const Logger_1 = require('../Logger'); - const utils = require('../utils'); - const ortc = require('../ortc'); - const sdpCommonUtils = require('./sdp/commonUtils'); - const sdpUnifiedPlanUtils = require('./sdp/unifiedPlanUtils'); - const HandlerInterface_1 = require('./HandlerInterface'); - const RemoteSdp_1 = require('./sdp/RemoteSdp'); - const scalabilityModes_1 = require('../scalabilityModes'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Chrome70'); - const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; - class Chrome70 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { - constructor() { - super(); - // Map of RTCTransceivers indexed by MID. - this._mapMidTransceiver = new Map(); - // Local stream for sending. - this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); - // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; - // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; - // Got transport local and remote parameters. - this._transportReady = false; - } - /** - * Creates a factory function. - */ - static createFactory() { - return () => new Chrome70(); - } - get name() { - return 'Chrome70'; - } - close() { - logger.debug('close()'); - // Close RTCPeerConnection. - if (this._pc) { - try { - this._pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - } - } - async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); - const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ - iceServers: [], - iceTransportPolicy: 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan', - }); - try { - pc.addTransceiver('audio'); - pc.addTransceiver('video'); - const offer = await pc.createOffer(); - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); - return nativeRtpCapabilities; - } catch (error) { - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error2) {} - throw error; - } - } - async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); - return { - numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS, - }; - } - run({ - direction, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - extendedRtpCapabilities, - }) { - logger.debug('run()'); - this._direction = direction; - this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - }); - this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection( - { - iceServers: iceServers || [], - iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan', - ...additionalSettings, - }, - proprietaryConstraints, - ); - // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. - this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { - switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { - case 'checking': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); - break; - case 'connected': - case 'completed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); - break; - case 'failed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); - break; - case 'disconnected': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); - break; - case 'closed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); - break; - } - }); - } - async updateIceServers(iceServers) { - logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); - const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); - configuration.iceServers = iceServers; - this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); - } - async restartIce(iceParameters) { - logger.debug('restartIce()'); - // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. - this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); - if (!this._transportReady) return; - if (this._direction === 'send') { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } else { - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - } - async getTransportStats() { - return this._pc.getStats(); - } - async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); - const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind]); - // This may throw. - sendingRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs, codec); - const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone( - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], - ); - // This may throw. - sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs, codec); - const mediaSectionIdx = this._remoteSdp.getNextMediaSectionIdx(); - const transceiver = this._pc.addTransceiver(track, { - direction: 'sendonly', - streams: [this._sendStream], - }); - let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - let offerMediaObject; - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - if (encodings && encodings.length > 1) { - logger.debug('send() | enabling legacy simulcast'); - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; - sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ - offerMediaObject, - numStreams: encodings.length, - }); - offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - } - // Special case for VP9 with SVC. - let hackVp9Svc = false; - const layers = scalabilityModes_1.parse((encodings || [{}])[0].scalabilityMode); - if ( - encodings && - encodings.length === 1 && - layers.spatialLayers > 1 && - sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp9' - ) { - logger.debug('send() | enabling legacy simulcast for VP9 SVC'); - hackVp9Svc = true; - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; - sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ - offerMediaObject, - numStreams: layers.spatialLayers, - }); - offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - } - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - // If encodings are given, apply them now. - if (encodings) { - logger.debug('send() | applying given encodings'); - const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); - for (let idx = 0; idx < (parameters.encodings || []).length; ++idx) { - const encoding = parameters.encodings[idx]; - const desiredEncoding = encodings[idx]; - // Should not happen but just in case. - if (!desiredEncoding) break; - parameters.encodings[idx] = Object.assign(encoding, desiredEncoding); - } - await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); - } - // We can now get the transceiver.mid. - const localId = transceiver.mid; - // Set MID. - sendingRtpParameters.mid = localId; - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; - // Set RTCP CNAME. - sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); - // Set RTP encodings. - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }); - // Complete encodings with given values. - if (encodings) { - for (let idx = 0; idx < sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length; ++idx) { - if (encodings[idx]) Object.assign(sendingRtpParameters.encodings[idx], encodings[idx]); - } - } - // Hack for VP9 SVC. - if (hackVp9Svc) { - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = [sendingRtpParameters.encodings[0]]; - } - // If VP8 or H264 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to - // each encoding. - if ( - sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && - (sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' || - sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264') - ) { - for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { - encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; - } - } - this._remoteSdp.send({ - offerMediaObject, - reuseMid: mediaSectionIdx.reuseMid, - offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, - codecOptions, - }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - // Store in the map. - this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); - return { - localId, - rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - rtpSender: transceiver.sender, - }; - } - async stopSending(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(null); - this._pc.removeTrack(transceiver.sender); - this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } - async replaceTrack(localId, track) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - if (track) { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); - } else { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); - } - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - await transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(track); - } - async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - if (idx <= spatialLayer) encoding.active = true; - else encoding.active = false; - }); - await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - parameters.encodings[idx] = { ...encoding, ...params }; - }); - await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async getSenderStats(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - return transceiver.sender.getStats(); - } - async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol, priority }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - priority, - }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // Increase next id. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'application'); - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - const sctpStreamParameters = { - streamId: options.id, - ordered: options.ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits, - }; - return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; - } - async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); - const localId = rtpParameters.mid || String(this._mapMidTransceiver.size); - this._remoteSdp.receive({ - mid: localId, - kind, - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - streamId: rtpParameters.rtcp.cname, - trackId, - }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => String(m.mid) === localId); - // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec - // parameters in the offer. - sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - answerMediaObject, - }); - answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - const transceiver = this._pc.getTransceivers().find((t) => t.mid === localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('new RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - // Store in the map. - this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); - return { - localId, - track: transceiver.receiver.track, - rtpReceiver: transceiver.receiver, - }; - } - async stopReceiving(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - async getReceiverStats(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - return transceiver.receiver.getStats(); - } - async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: streamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation(); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - if (!this._transportReady) { - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - } - logger.debug( - 'receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', - answer, - ); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - return { dataChannel }; - } - async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { - if (!localSdpObject) localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - // Get our local DTLS parameters. - const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); - // Set our DTLS role. - dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; - // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. - this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); - // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. - await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); - this._transportReady = true; - } - _assertSendDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'send') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); - } - } - _assertRecvDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'recv') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); - } - } - } - exports.Chrome70 = Chrome70; - }, + audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection(Object.assign({ iceServers: iceServers || [], iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', sdpSemantics: 'plan-b' }, additionalSettings), proprietaryConstraints); + // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. + this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { + switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { + case 'checking': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); + break; + case 'connected': + case 'completed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); + break; + case 'failed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); + break; + case 'disconnected': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); + break; + case 'closed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); + break; + } + }); + } + async updateIceServers(iceServers) { + logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); + const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); + configuration.iceServers = iceServers; + this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); + } + async restartIce(iceParameters) { + logger.debug('restartIce()'); + // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. + this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); + if (!this._transportReady) + return; + if (this._direction === 'send') { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + else { + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + } + async getTransportStats() { + return this._pc.getStats(); + } + async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); + if (codec) { + logger.warn('send() | codec selection is not available in %s handler', this.name); + } + this._sendStream.addTrack(track); + this._pc.addStream(this._sendStream); + let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + let offerMediaObject; + const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + sendingRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs); + const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + if (track.kind === 'video' && encodings && encodings.length > 1) { + logger.debug('send() | enabling simulcast'); + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'video'); + sdpPlanBUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ + offerMediaObject, + track, + numStreams: encodings.length + }); + offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + } + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === track.kind); + // Set RTCP CNAME. + sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = + sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); + // Set RTP encodings. + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = + sdpPlanBUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject, track }); + // Complete encodings with given values. + if (encodings) { + for (let idx = 0; idx < sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length; ++idx) { + if (encodings[idx]) + Object.assign(sendingRtpParameters.encodings[idx], encodings[idx]); + } + } + // If VP8 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to each + // encoding. + if (sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && + sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8') { + for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { + encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; + } + } + this._remoteSdp.send({ + offerMediaObject, + offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, + codecOptions + }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + const localId = String(this._nextSendLocalId); + this._nextSendLocalId++; + // Insert into the map. + this._mapSendLocalIdTrack.set(localId, track); + return { + localId: localId, + rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters + }; + } + async stopSending(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); + const track = this._mapSendLocalIdTrack.get(localId); + if (!track) + throw new Error('track not found'); + this._mapSendLocalIdTrack.delete(localId); + this._sendStream.removeTrack(track); + this._pc.addStream(this._sendStream); + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + try { + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + } + catch (error) { + // NOTE: If there are no sending tracks, setLocalDescription() will fail with + // "Failed to create channels". If so, ignore it. + if (this._sendStream.getTracks().length === 0) { + logger.warn('stopSending() | ignoring expected error due no sending tracks: %s', error.toString()); + return; + } + throw error; + } + if (this._pc.signalingState === 'stable') + return; + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + async replaceTrack( + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + localId, track) { + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError(' not implemented'); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not supported'); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + async getSenderStats(localId) { + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); + } + async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // Increase next id. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = + ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === 'application'); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + const sctpStreamParameters = { + streamId: options.id, + ordered: options.ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits + }; + return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; + } + async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); + const localId = trackId; + const mid = kind; + const streamId = rtpParameters.rtcp.cname; + this._remoteSdp.receive({ + mid, + kind, + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + streamId, + trackId + }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => String(m.mid) === mid); + // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec + // parameters in the offer. + sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + answerMediaObject + }); + answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + const stream = this._pc.getRemoteStreams() + .find((s) => s.id === streamId); + const track = stream.getTrackById(localId); + if (!track) + throw new Error('remote track not found'); + // Insert into the map. + this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.set(localId, { mid, rtpParameters }); + return { localId, track }; + } + async stopReceiving(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); + const { mid, rtpParameters } = this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.get(localId) || {}; + // Remove from the map. + this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.delete(localId); + this._remoteSdp.planBStopReceiving({ mid: mid, offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + async getReceiverStats(localId) { + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); + } + async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: streamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation({ oldDataChannelSpec: true }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + if (!this._transportReady) { + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + } + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + return { dataChannel }; + } + async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { + if (!localSdpObject) + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + // Get our local DTLS parameters. + const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); + // Set our DTLS role. + dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; + // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. + this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); + // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. + await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); + this._transportReady = true; + } + _assertSendDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'send') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); + } + } + _assertRecvDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'recv') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); + } + } +} +exports.Chrome55 = Chrome55; + +},{"../Logger":13,"../errors":18,"../ortc":36,"../utils":39,"./HandlerInterface":25,"./sdp/RemoteSdp":31,"./sdp/commonUtils":32,"./sdp/planBUtils":33,"sdp-transform":44}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Chrome67 = void 0; +const sdpTransform = __importStar(require("sdp-transform")); +const Logger_1 = require("../Logger"); +const utils = __importStar(require("../utils")); +const ortc = __importStar(require("../ortc")); +const sdpCommonUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/commonUtils")); +const sdpPlanBUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/planBUtils")); +const HandlerInterface_1 = require("./HandlerInterface"); +const RemoteSdp_1 = require("./sdp/RemoteSdp"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Chrome67'); +const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; +class Chrome67 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { + constructor() { + super(); + // Local stream for sending. + this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); + // Map of RTCRtpSender indexed by localId. + this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender = new Map(); + // Next sending localId. + this._nextSendLocalId = 0; + // Map of MID, RTP parameters and RTCRtpReceiver indexed by local id. + // Value is an Object with mid, rtpParameters and rtpReceiver. + this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo = new Map(); + // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; + // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; + // Got transport local and remote parameters. + this._transportReady = false; + } + /** + * Creates a factory function. + */ + static createFactory() { + return () => new Chrome67(); + } + get name() { + return 'Chrome67'; + } + close() { + logger.debug('close()'); + // Close RTCPeerConnection. + if (this._pc) { + try { + this._pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + } + } + async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); + const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ + iceServers: [], + iceTransportPolicy: 'all', + bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', + rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', + sdpSemantics: 'plan-b' + }); + try { + const offer = await pc.createOffer({ + offerToReceiveAudio: true, + offerToReceiveVideo: true + }); + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); + return nativeRtpCapabilities; + } + catch (error) { + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error2) { } + throw error; + } + } + async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); + return { + numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS + }; + } + run({ direction, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, proprietaryConstraints, extendedRtpCapabilities }) { + logger.debug('run()'); + this._direction = direction; + this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ + iceParameters, + iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters, + planB: true + }); + this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - '../Logger': 12, - '../ortc': 33, - '../scalabilityModes': 34, - '../utils': 36, - './HandlerInterface': 22, - './sdp/RemoteSdp': 28, - './sdp/commonUtils': 29, - './sdp/unifiedPlanUtils': 31, - 'sdp-transform': 41, - }, - ], - 19: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const sdpTransform = require('sdp-transform'); - const Logger_1 = require('../Logger'); - const utils = require('../utils'); - const ortc = require('../ortc'); - const sdpCommonUtils = require('./sdp/commonUtils'); - const sdpUnifiedPlanUtils = require('./sdp/unifiedPlanUtils'); - const HandlerInterface_1 = require('./HandlerInterface'); - const RemoteSdp_1 = require('./sdp/RemoteSdp'); - const scalabilityModes_1 = require('../scalabilityModes'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Chrome74'); - const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; - class Chrome74 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { - constructor() { - super(); - // Map of RTCTransceivers indexed by MID. - this._mapMidTransceiver = new Map(); - // Local stream for sending. - this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); - // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; - // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; - // Got transport local and remote parameters. - this._transportReady = false; - } - /** - * Creates a factory function. - */ - static createFactory() { - return () => new Chrome74(); - } - get name() { - return 'Chrome74'; - } - close() { - logger.debug('close()'); - // Close RTCPeerConnection. - if (this._pc) { - try { - this._pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - } - } - async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); - const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ - iceServers: [], - iceTransportPolicy: 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan', - }); - try { - pc.addTransceiver('audio'); - pc.addTransceiver('video'); - const offer = await pc.createOffer(); - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); - return nativeRtpCapabilities; - } catch (error) { - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error2) {} - throw error; - } - } - async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); - return { - numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS, - }; - } - run({ - direction, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - extendedRtpCapabilities, - }) { - logger.debug('run()'); - this._direction = direction; - this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - }); - this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection( - { - iceServers: iceServers || [], - iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan', - ...additionalSettings, - }, - proprietaryConstraints, - ); - // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. - this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { - switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { - case 'checking': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); - break; - case 'connected': - case 'completed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); - break; - case 'failed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); - break; - case 'disconnected': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); - break; - case 'closed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); - break; - } - }); - } - async updateIceServers(iceServers) { - logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); - const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); - configuration.iceServers = iceServers; - this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); - } - async restartIce(iceParameters) { - logger.debug('restartIce()'); - // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. - this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); - if (!this._transportReady) return; - if (this._direction === 'send') { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } else { - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - } - async getTransportStats() { - return this._pc.getStats(); - } - async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); - if (encodings && encodings.length > 1) { - encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - encoding.rid = `r${idx}`; - }); - } - const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind]); - // This may throw. - sendingRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs, codec); - const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone( - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], - ); - // This may throw. - sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs, codec); - const mediaSectionIdx = this._remoteSdp.getNextMediaSectionIdx(); - const transceiver = this._pc.addTransceiver(track, { - direction: 'sendonly', - streams: [this._sendStream], - sendEncodings: encodings, - }); - let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - let offerMediaObject; - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - // Special case for VP9 with SVC. - let hackVp9Svc = false; - const layers = scalabilityModes_1.parse((encodings || [{}])[0].scalabilityMode); - if ( - encodings && - encodings.length === 1 && - layers.spatialLayers > 1 && - sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp9' - ) { - logger.debug('send() | enabling legacy simulcast for VP9 SVC'); - hackVp9Svc = true; - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; - sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ - offerMediaObject, - numStreams: layers.spatialLayers, - }); - offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - } - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - // We can now get the transceiver.mid. - const localId = transceiver.mid; - // Set MID. - sendingRtpParameters.mid = localId; - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; - // Set RTCP CNAME. - sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); - // Set RTP encodings by parsing the SDP offer if no encodings are given. - if (!encodings) { - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }); - } - // Set RTP encodings by parsing the SDP offer and complete them with given - // one if just a single encoding has been given. - else if (encodings.length === 1) { - let newEncodings = sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }); - Object.assign(newEncodings[0], encodings[0]); - // Hack for VP9 SVC. - if (hackVp9Svc) newEncodings = [newEncodings[0]]; - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = newEncodings; - } - // Otherwise if more than 1 encoding are given use them verbatim. - else { - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = encodings; - } - // If VP8 or H264 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to - // each encoding. - if ( - sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && - (sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' || - sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264') - ) { - for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { - encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; - } - } - this._remoteSdp.send({ - offerMediaObject, - reuseMid: mediaSectionIdx.reuseMid, - offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, - codecOptions, - extmapAllowMixed: true, - }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - // Store in the map. - this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); - return { - localId, - rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - rtpSender: transceiver.sender, - }; - } - async stopSending(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(null); - this._pc.removeTrack(transceiver.sender); - this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } - async replaceTrack(localId, track) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - if (track) { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); - } else { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); - } - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - await transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(track); - } - async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - if (idx <= spatialLayer) encoding.active = true; - else encoding.active = false; - }); - await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - parameters.encodings[idx] = { ...encoding, ...params }; - }); - await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async getSenderStats(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - return transceiver.sender.getStats(); - } - async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol, priority }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - priority, - }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // Increase next id. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'application'); - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - const sctpStreamParameters = { - streamId: options.id, - ordered: options.ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits, - }; - return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; - } - async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); - const localId = rtpParameters.mid || String(this._mapMidTransceiver.size); - this._remoteSdp.receive({ - mid: localId, - kind, - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - streamId: rtpParameters.rtcp.cname, - trackId, - }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => String(m.mid) === localId); - // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec - // parameters in the offer. - sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - answerMediaObject, - }); - answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - const transceiver = this._pc.getTransceivers().find((t) => t.mid === localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('new RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - // Store in the map. - this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); - return { - localId, - track: transceiver.receiver.track, - rtpReceiver: transceiver.receiver, - }; - } - async stopReceiving(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - async getReceiverStats(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - return transceiver.receiver.getStats(); - } - async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: streamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation(); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - if (!this._transportReady) { - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - } - logger.debug( - 'receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', - answer, - ); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - return { dataChannel }; - } - async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { - if (!localSdpObject) localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - // Get our local DTLS parameters. - const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); - // Set our DTLS role. - dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; - // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. - this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); - // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. - await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); - this._transportReady = true; - } - _assertSendDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'send') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); - } - } - _assertRecvDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'recv') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); - } - } - } - exports.Chrome74 = Chrome74; - }, + audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = { - '../Logger': 12, - '../ortc': 33, - '../scalabilityModes': 34, - '../utils': 36, - './HandlerInterface': 22, - './sdp/RemoteSdp': 28, - './sdp/commonUtils': 29, - './sdp/unifiedPlanUtils': 31, - 'sdp-transform': 41, - }, - ], - 20: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const Logger_1 = require('../Logger'); - const errors_1 = require('../errors'); - const utils = require('../utils'); - const ortc = require('../ortc'); - const edgeUtils = require('./ortc/edgeUtils'); - const HandlerInterface_1 = require('./HandlerInterface'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Edge11'); - class Edge11 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { - constructor() { - super(); - // Map of RTCRtpSenders indexed by id. - this._rtpSenders = new Map(); - // Map of RTCRtpReceivers indexed by id. - this._rtpReceivers = new Map(); - // Next localId for sending tracks. - this._nextSendLocalId = 0; - // Got transport local and remote parameters. - this._transportReady = false; - } - /** - * Creates a factory function. - */ - static createFactory() { - return () => new Edge11(); - } - get name() { - return 'Edge11'; - } - close() { - logger.debug('close()'); - // Close the ICE gatherer. - // NOTE: Not yet implemented by Edge. - try { - this._iceGatherer.close(); - } catch (error) {} - // Close the ICE transport. - try { - this._iceTransport.stop(); - } catch (error) {} - // Close the DTLS transport. - try { - this._dtlsTransport.stop(); - } catch (error) {} - // Close RTCRtpSenders. - for (const rtpSender of this._rtpSenders.values()) { - try { - rtpSender.stop(); - } catch (error) {} - } - // Close RTCRtpReceivers. - for (const rtpReceiver of this._rtpReceivers.values()) { - try { - rtpReceiver.stop(); - } catch (error) {} - } - } - async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); - return edgeUtils.getCapabilities(); - } - async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); - return { - numStreams: { OS: 0, MIS: 0 }, - }; - } - run({ - direction, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - proprietaryConstraints, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - extendedRtpCapabilities, - }) { - logger.debug('run()'); - this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._remoteIceParameters = iceParameters; - this._remoteIceCandidates = iceCandidates; - this._remoteDtlsParameters = dtlsParameters; - this._cname = `CNAME-${utils.generateRandomNumber()}`; - this._setIceGatherer({ iceServers, iceTransportPolicy }); - this._setIceTransport(); - this._setDtlsTransport(); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - async updateIceServers(iceServers) { - // NOTE: Edge 11 does not implement iceGatherer.gater(). - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not supported'); - } - async restartIce(iceParameters) { - logger.debug('restartIce()'); - this._remoteIceParameters = iceParameters; - if (!this._transportReady) return; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling iceTransport.start()'); - this._iceTransport.start(this._iceGatherer, iceParameters, 'controlling'); - for (const candidate of this._remoteIceCandidates) { - this._iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate(candidate); - } - this._iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate({}); - } - async getTransportStats() { - return this._iceTransport.getStats(); - } - async send( - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - { track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }, - ) { - logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); - if (!this._transportReady) await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server' }); - logger.debug('send() | calling new RTCRtpSender()'); - const rtpSender = new RTCRtpSender(track, this._dtlsTransport); - const rtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind]); - rtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(rtpParameters.codecs, codec); - const useRtx = rtpParameters.codecs.some((_codec) => /.+\/rtx$/i.test(_codec.mimeType)); - if (!encodings) encodings = [{}]; - for (const encoding of encodings) { - encoding.ssrc = utils.generateRandomNumber(); - if (useRtx) encoding.rtx = { ssrc: utils.generateRandomNumber() }; - } - rtpParameters.encodings = encodings; - // Fill RTCRtpParameters.rtcp. - rtpParameters.rtcp = { - cname: this._cname, - reducedSize: true, - mux: true, - }; - // NOTE: Convert our standard RTCRtpParameters into those that Edge - // expects. - const edgeRtpParameters = edgeUtils.mangleRtpParameters(rtpParameters); - logger.debug('send() | calling rtpSender.send() [params:%o]', edgeRtpParameters); - await rtpSender.send(edgeRtpParameters); - const localId = String(this._nextSendLocalId); - this._nextSendLocalId++; - // Store it. - this._rtpSenders.set(localId, rtpSender); - return { localId, rtpParameters, rtpSender }; - } - async stopSending(localId) { - logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); - const rtpSender = this._rtpSenders.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('RTCRtpSender not found'); - this._rtpSenders.delete(localId); - try { - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling rtpSender.stop()'); - rtpSender.stop(); - } catch (error) { - logger.warn('stopSending() | rtpSender.stop() failed:%o', error); - throw error; - } - } - async replaceTrack(localId, track) { - if (track) { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); - } else { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); - } - const rtpSender = this._rtpSenders.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('RTCRtpSender not found'); - rtpSender.setTrack(track); - } - async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { - logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); - const rtpSender = this._rtpSenders.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('RTCRtpSender not found'); - const parameters = rtpSender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - if (idx <= spatialLayer) encoding.active = true; - else encoding.active = false; - }); - await rtpSender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { - logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); - const rtpSender = this._rtpSenders.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('RTCRtpSender not found'); - const parameters = rtpSender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - parameters.encodings[idx] = { ...encoding, ...params }; - }); - await rtpSender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async getSenderStats(localId) { - const rtpSender = this._rtpSenders.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('RTCRtpSender not found'); - return rtpSender.getStats(); - } - async sendDataChannel( - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - options, - ) { - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); - } - async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { - logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); - if (!this._transportReady) await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server' }); - logger.debug('receive() | calling new RTCRtpReceiver()'); - const rtpReceiver = new RTCRtpReceiver(this._dtlsTransport, kind); - rtpReceiver.addEventListener('error', (event) => { - logger.error('rtpReceiver "error" event [event:%o]', event); - }); - // NOTE: Convert our standard RTCRtpParameters into those that Edge - // expects. - const edgeRtpParameters = edgeUtils.mangleRtpParameters(rtpParameters); - logger.debug('receive() | calling rtpReceiver.receive() [params:%o]', edgeRtpParameters); - await rtpReceiver.receive(edgeRtpParameters); - const localId = trackId; - // Store it. - this._rtpReceivers.set(localId, rtpReceiver); - return { - localId, - track: rtpReceiver.track, - rtpReceiver, - }; - } - async stopReceiving(localId) { - logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); - const rtpReceiver = this._rtpReceivers.get(localId); - if (!rtpReceiver) throw new Error('RTCRtpReceiver not found'); - this._rtpReceivers.delete(localId); - try { - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling rtpReceiver.stop()'); - rtpReceiver.stop(); - } catch (error) { - logger.warn('stopReceiving() | rtpReceiver.stop() failed:%o', error); - } - } - async getReceiverStats(localId) { - const rtpReceiver = this._rtpReceivers.get(localId); - if (!rtpReceiver) throw new Error('RTCRtpReceiver not found'); - return rtpReceiver.getStats(); - } - async receiveDataChannel( - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - options, - ) { - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); - } - _setIceGatherer({ iceServers, iceTransportPolicy }) { - const iceGatherer = new RTCIceGatherer({ - iceServers: iceServers || [], - gatherPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', - }); - iceGatherer.addEventListener('error', (event) => { - logger.error('iceGatherer "error" event [event:%o]', event); - }); - // NOTE: Not yet implemented by Edge, which starts gathering automatically. - try { - iceGatherer.gather(); - } catch (error) { - logger.debug('_setIceGatherer() | iceGatherer.gather() failed: %s', error.toString()); - } - this._iceGatherer = iceGatherer; - } - _setIceTransport() { - const iceTransport = new RTCIceTransport(this._iceGatherer); - // NOTE: Not yet implemented by Edge. - iceTransport.addEventListener('statechange', () => { - switch (iceTransport.state) { - case 'checking': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); - break; - case 'connected': - case 'completed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); - break; - case 'failed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); - break; - case 'disconnected': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); - break; - case 'closed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); - break; - } - }); - // NOTE: Not standard, but implemented by Edge. - iceTransport.addEventListener('icestatechange', () => { - switch (iceTransport.state) { - case 'checking': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); - break; - case 'connected': - case 'completed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); - break; - case 'failed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); - break; - case 'disconnected': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); - break; - case 'closed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); - break; - } - }); - iceTransport.addEventListener('candidatepairchange', (event) => { - logger.debug('iceTransport "candidatepairchange" event [pair:%o]', event.pair); - }); - this._iceTransport = iceTransport; - } - _setDtlsTransport() { - const dtlsTransport = new RTCDtlsTransport(this._iceTransport); - // NOTE: Not yet implemented by Edge. - dtlsTransport.addEventListener('statechange', () => { - logger.debug('dtlsTransport "statechange" event [state:%s]', dtlsTransport.state); - }); - // NOTE: Not standard, but implemented by Edge. - dtlsTransport.addEventListener('dtlsstatechange', () => { - logger.debug('dtlsTransport "dtlsstatechange" event [state:%s]', dtlsTransport.state); - if (dtlsTransport.state === 'closed') this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); - }); - dtlsTransport.addEventListener('error', (event) => { - logger.error('dtlsTransport "error" event [event:%o]', event); - }); - this._dtlsTransport = dtlsTransport; - } - async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole }) { - logger.debug('_setupTransport()'); - // Get our local DTLS parameters. - const dtlsParameters = this._dtlsTransport.getLocalParameters(); - dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; - // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. - await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); - // Start the RTCIceTransport. - this._iceTransport.start(this._iceGatherer, this._remoteIceParameters, 'controlling'); - // Add remote ICE candidates. - for (const candidate of this._remoteIceCandidates) { - this._iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate(candidate); - } - // Also signal a 'complete' candidate as per spec. - // NOTE: It should be {complete: true} but Edge prefers {}. - // NOTE: If we don't signal end of candidates, the Edge RTCIceTransport - // won't enter the 'completed' state. - this._iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate({}); - // NOTE: Edge does not like SHA less than 256. - this._remoteDtlsParameters.fingerprints = this._remoteDtlsParameters.fingerprints.filter( - (fingerprint) => { - return ( - fingerprint.algorithm === 'sha-256' || - fingerprint.algorithm === 'sha-384' || - fingerprint.algorithm === 'sha-512' - ); - }, - ); - // Start the RTCDtlsTransport. - this._dtlsTransport.start(this._remoteDtlsParameters); - this._transportReady = true; - } - } - exports.Edge11 = Edge11; - }, - { - '../Logger': 12, - '../errors': 15, - '../ortc': 33, - '../utils': 36, - './HandlerInterface': 22, - './ortc/edgeUtils': 26, - }, - ], - 21: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const sdpTransform = require('sdp-transform'); - const Logger_1 = require('../Logger'); - const errors_1 = require('../errors'); - const utils = require('../utils'); - const ortc = require('../ortc'); - const sdpCommonUtils = require('./sdp/commonUtils'); - const sdpUnifiedPlanUtils = require('./sdp/unifiedPlanUtils'); - const HandlerInterface_1 = require('./HandlerInterface'); - const RemoteSdp_1 = require('./sdp/RemoteSdp'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Firefox60'); - const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 16, MIS: 2048 }; - class Firefox60 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { - constructor() { - super(); - // Map of RTCTransceivers indexed by MID. - this._mapMidTransceiver = new Map(); - // Local stream for sending. - this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); - // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; - // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; - // Got transport local and remote parameters. - this._transportReady = false; - } - /** - * Creates a factory function. - */ - static createFactory() { - return () => new Firefox60(); - } - get name() { - return 'Firefox60'; - } - close() { - logger.debug('close()'); - // Close RTCPeerConnection. - if (this._pc) { - try { - this._pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - } - } - async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); - const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ - iceServers: [], - iceTransportPolicy: 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - }); - // NOTE: We need to add a real video track to get the RID extension mapping. - const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); - // NOTE: Otherwise Firefox fails in next line. - canvas.getContext('2d'); - const fakeStream = canvas.captureStream(); - const fakeVideoTrack = fakeStream.getVideoTracks()[0]; - try { - pc.addTransceiver('audio', { direction: 'sendrecv' }); - const videoTransceiver = pc.addTransceiver(fakeVideoTrack, { direction: 'sendrecv' }); - const parameters = videoTransceiver.sender.getParameters(); - const encodings = [ - { rid: 'r0', maxBitrate: 100000 }, - { rid: 'r1', maxBitrate: 500000 }, - ]; - parameters.encodings = encodings; - await videoTransceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); - const offer = await pc.createOffer(); - try { - canvas.remove(); - } catch (error) {} - try { - fakeVideoTrack.stop(); - } catch (error) {} - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); - return nativeRtpCapabilities; - } catch (error) { - try { - canvas.remove(); - } catch (error2) {} - try { - fakeVideoTrack.stop(); - } catch (error2) {} - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error2) {} - throw error; - } - } - async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); - return { - numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS, - }; - } - run({ - direction, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - extendedRtpCapabilities, - }) { - logger.debug('run()'); - this._direction = direction; - this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - }); - this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection( - { - iceServers: iceServers || [], - iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - ...additionalSettings, - }, - proprietaryConstraints, - ); - // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. - this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { - switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { - case 'checking': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); - break; - case 'connected': - case 'completed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); - break; - case 'failed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); - break; - case 'disconnected': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); - break; - case 'closed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); - break; - } - }); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - async updateIceServers(iceServers) { - // NOTE: Firefox does not implement pc.setConfiguration(). - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not supported'); - } - async restartIce(iceParameters) { - logger.debug('restartIce()'); - // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. - this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); - if (!this._transportReady) return; - if (this._direction === 'send') { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } else { - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - } - async getTransportStats() { - return this._pc.getStats(); - } - async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); - let reverseEncodings; - if (encodings && encodings.length > 1) { - encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - encoding.rid = `r${idx}`; - }); - // Clone the encodings and reverse them because Firefox likes them - // from high to low. - reverseEncodings = utils.clone(encodings).reverse(); - } - const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind]); - // This may throw. - sendingRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs, codec); - const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone( - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], - ); - // This may throw. - sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs, codec); - // NOTE: Firefox fails sometimes to properly anticipate the closed media - // section that it should use, so don't reuse closed media sections. - // https://github.com/versatica/mediasoup-client/issues/104 - // - // const mediaSectionIdx = this._remoteSdp!.getNextMediaSectionIdx(); - const transceiver = this._pc.addTransceiver(track, { - direction: 'sendonly', - streams: [this._sendStream], - }); - // NOTE: This is not spec compliants. Encodings should be given in addTransceiver - // second argument, but Firefox does not support it. - if (reverseEncodings) { - const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings = reverseEncodings; - await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); - } - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - // In Firefox use DTLS role client even if we are the "offerer" since - // Firefox does not respect ICE-Lite. - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - // We can now get the transceiver.mid. - const localId = transceiver.mid; - // Set MID. - sendingRtpParameters.mid = localId; - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[localSdpObject.media.length - 1]; - // Set RTCP CNAME. - sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); - // Set RTP encodings by parsing the SDP offer if no encodings are given. - if (!encodings) { - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }); - } - // Set RTP encodings by parsing the SDP offer and complete them with given - // one if just a single encoding has been given. - else if (encodings.length === 1) { - const newEncodings = sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }); - Object.assign(newEncodings[0], encodings[0]); - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = newEncodings; - } - // Otherwise if more than 1 encoding are given use them verbatim. - else { - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = encodings; - } - // If VP8 or H264 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to - // each encoding. - if ( - sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && - (sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' || - sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264') - ) { - for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { - encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; - } - } - this._remoteSdp.send({ - offerMediaObject, - offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, - codecOptions, - extmapAllowMixed: true, - }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - // Store in the map. - this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); - return { - localId, - rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - rtpSender: transceiver.sender, - }; - } - async stopSending(localId) { - logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated transceiver not found'); - transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(null); - this._pc.removeTrack(transceiver.sender); - // NOTE: Cannot use closeMediaSection() due to the the note above in send() - // method. - // this._remoteSdp!.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); - this._remoteSdp.disableMediaSection(transceiver.mid); - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } - async replaceTrack(localId, track) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - if (track) { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); - } else { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); - } - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - await transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(track); - } - async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated transceiver not found'); - const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); - // NOTE: We require encodings given from low to high, however Firefox - // requires them in reverse order, so do magic here. - spatialLayer = parameters.encodings.length - 1 - spatialLayer; - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - if (idx >= spatialLayer) encoding.active = true; - else encoding.active = false; - }); - await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - parameters.encodings[idx] = { ...encoding, ...params }; - }); - await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async getSenderStats(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - return transceiver.sender.getStats(); - } - async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol, priority }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - priority, - }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // Increase next id. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'application'); - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - const sctpStreamParameters = { - streamId: options.id, - ordered: options.ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits, - }; - return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; - } - async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); - const localId = rtpParameters.mid || String(this._mapMidTransceiver.size); - this._remoteSdp.receive({ - mid: localId, - kind, - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - streamId: rtpParameters.rtcp.cname, - trackId, - }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => String(m.mid) === localId); - // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec - // parameters in the offer. - sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - answerMediaObject, - }); - answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - const transceiver = this._pc.getTransceivers().find((t) => t.mid === localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('new RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - // Store in the map. - this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); - return { - localId, - track: transceiver.receiver.track, - rtpReceiver: transceiver.receiver, - }; - } - async stopReceiving(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - async getReceiverStats(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - return transceiver.receiver.getStats(); - } - async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: streamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation(); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - if (!this._transportReady) { - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - } - logger.debug( - 'receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', - answer, - ); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - return { dataChannel }; - } - async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { - if (!localSdpObject) localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - // Get our local DTLS parameters. - const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); - // Set our DTLS role. - dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; - // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. - this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); - // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. - await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); - this._transportReady = true; - } - _assertSendDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'send') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); - } - } - _assertRecvDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'recv') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); - } - } - } - exports.Firefox60 = Firefox60; - }, + audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection(Object.assign({ iceServers: iceServers || [], iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', sdpSemantics: 'plan-b' }, additionalSettings), proprietaryConstraints); + // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. + this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { + switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { + case 'checking': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); + break; + case 'connected': + case 'completed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); + break; + case 'failed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); + break; + case 'disconnected': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); + break; + case 'closed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); + break; + } + }); + } + async updateIceServers(iceServers) { + logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); + const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); + configuration.iceServers = iceServers; + this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); + } + async restartIce(iceParameters) { + logger.debug('restartIce()'); + // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. + this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); + if (!this._transportReady) + return; + if (this._direction === 'send') { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + else { + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + } + async getTransportStats() { + return this._pc.getStats(); + } + async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); + if (codec) { + logger.warn('send() | codec selection is not available in %s handler', this.name); + } + this._sendStream.addTrack(track); + this._pc.addTrack(track, this._sendStream); + let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + let offerMediaObject; + const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + sendingRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs); + const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + if (track.kind === 'video' && encodings && encodings.length > 1) { + logger.debug('send() | enabling simulcast'); + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === 'video'); + sdpPlanBUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ + offerMediaObject, + track, + numStreams: encodings.length + }); + offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + } + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === track.kind); + // Set RTCP CNAME. + sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = + sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); + // Set RTP encodings. + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = + sdpPlanBUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject, track }); + // Complete encodings with given values. + if (encodings) { + for (let idx = 0; idx < sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length; ++idx) { + if (encodings[idx]) + Object.assign(sendingRtpParameters.encodings[idx], encodings[idx]); + } + } + // If VP8 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to each + // encoding. + if (sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && + sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8') { + for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { + encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; + } + } + this._remoteSdp.send({ + offerMediaObject, + offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, + codecOptions + }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + const localId = String(this._nextSendLocalId); + this._nextSendLocalId++; + const rtpSender = this._pc.getSenders() + .find((s) => s.track === track); + // Insert into the map. + this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.set(localId, rtpSender); + return { + localId: localId, + rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + rtpSender + }; + } + async stopSending(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); + const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); + this._pc.removeTrack(rtpSender); + if (rtpSender.track) + this._sendStream.removeTrack(rtpSender.track); + this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.delete(localId); + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + try { + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + } + catch (error) { + // NOTE: If there are no sending tracks, setLocalDescription() will fail with + // "Failed to create channels". If so, ignore it. + if (this._sendStream.getTracks().length === 0) { + logger.warn('stopSending() | ignoring expected error due no sending tracks: %s', error.toString()); + return; + } + throw error; + } + if (this._pc.signalingState === 'stable') + return; + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + async replaceTrack(localId, track) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + if (track) { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); + } + else { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); + } + const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); + const oldTrack = rtpSender.track; + await rtpSender.replaceTrack(track); + // Remove the old track from the local stream. + if (oldTrack) + this._sendStream.removeTrack(oldTrack); + // Add the new track to the local stream. + if (track) + this._sendStream.addTrack(track); + } + async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); + const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); + const parameters = rtpSender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + if (idx <= spatialLayer) + encoding.active = true; + else + encoding.active = false; + }); + await rtpSender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); + const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); + const parameters = rtpSender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + parameters.encodings[idx] = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, encoding), params); + }); + await rtpSender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async getSenderStats(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); + return rtpSender.getStats(); + } + async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // Increase next id. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = + ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === 'application'); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + const sctpStreamParameters = { + streamId: options.id, + ordered: options.ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits + }; + return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; + } + async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); + const localId = trackId; + const mid = kind; + this._remoteSdp.receive({ + mid, + kind, + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + streamId: rtpParameters.rtcp.cname, + trackId + }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => String(m.mid) === mid); + // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec + // parameters in the offer. + sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + answerMediaObject + }); + answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + const rtpReceiver = this._pc.getReceivers() + .find((r) => r.track && r.track.id === localId); + if (!rtpReceiver) + throw new Error('new RTCRtpReceiver not'); + // Insert into the map. + this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.set(localId, { mid, rtpParameters, rtpReceiver }); + return { + localId, + track: rtpReceiver.track, + rtpReceiver + }; + } + async stopReceiving(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); + const { mid, rtpParameters } = this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.get(localId) || {}; + // Remove from the map. + this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.delete(localId); + this._remoteSdp.planBStopReceiving({ mid: mid, offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + async getReceiverStats(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const { rtpReceiver } = this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.get(localId) || {}; + if (!rtpReceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpReceiver not found'); + return rtpReceiver.getStats(); + } + async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: streamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation({ oldDataChannelSpec: true }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + if (!this._transportReady) { + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + } + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + return { dataChannel }; + } + async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { + if (!localSdpObject) + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + // Get our local DTLS parameters. + const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); + // Set our DTLS role. + dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; + // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. + this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); + // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. + await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); + this._transportReady = true; + } + _assertSendDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'send') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); + } + } + _assertRecvDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'recv') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); + } + } +} +exports.Chrome67 = Chrome67; + +},{"../Logger":13,"../ortc":36,"../utils":39,"./HandlerInterface":25,"./sdp/RemoteSdp":31,"./sdp/commonUtils":32,"./sdp/planBUtils":33,"sdp-transform":44}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Chrome70 = void 0; +const sdpTransform = __importStar(require("sdp-transform")); +const Logger_1 = require("../Logger"); +const utils = __importStar(require("../utils")); +const ortc = __importStar(require("../ortc")); +const sdpCommonUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/commonUtils")); +const sdpUnifiedPlanUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/unifiedPlanUtils")); +const HandlerInterface_1 = require("./HandlerInterface"); +const RemoteSdp_1 = require("./sdp/RemoteSdp"); +const scalabilityModes_1 = require("../scalabilityModes"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Chrome70'); +const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; +class Chrome70 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { + constructor() { + super(); + // Map of RTCTransceivers indexed by MID. + this._mapMidTransceiver = new Map(); + // Local stream for sending. + this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); + // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; + // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; + // Got transport local and remote parameters. + this._transportReady = false; + } + /** + * Creates a factory function. + */ + static createFactory() { + return () => new Chrome70(); + } + get name() { + return 'Chrome70'; + } + close() { + logger.debug('close()'); + // Close RTCPeerConnection. + if (this._pc) { + try { + this._pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + } + } + async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); + const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ + iceServers: [], + iceTransportPolicy: 'all', + bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', + rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', + sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan' + }); + try { + pc.addTransceiver('audio'); + pc.addTransceiver('video'); + const offer = await pc.createOffer(); + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); + return nativeRtpCapabilities; + } + catch (error) { + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error2) { } + throw error; + } + } + async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); + return { + numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS + }; + } + run({ direction, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, proprietaryConstraints, extendedRtpCapabilities }) { + logger.debug('run()'); + this._direction = direction; + this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ + iceParameters, + iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters + }); + this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - '../Logger': 12, - '../errors': 15, - '../ortc': 33, - '../utils': 36, - './HandlerInterface': 22, - './sdp/RemoteSdp': 28, - './sdp/commonUtils': 29, - './sdp/unifiedPlanUtils': 31, - 'sdp-transform': 41, - }, - ], - 22: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require('../EnhancedEventEmitter'); - class HandlerInterface extends EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter { - /** - * @emits @connect - ( - * { dtlsParameters: DtlsParameters }, - * callback: Function, - * errback: Function - * ) - * @emits @connectionstatechange - (connectionState: ConnectionState) - */ - constructor() { - super(); - } - } - exports.HandlerInterface = HandlerInterface; - }, - { '../EnhancedEventEmitter': 11 }, - ], - 23: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const sdpTransform = require('sdp-transform'); - const Logger_1 = require('../Logger'); - const errors_1 = require('../errors'); - const utils = require('../utils'); - const ortc = require('../ortc'); - const sdpCommonUtils = require('./sdp/commonUtils'); - const sdpPlanBUtils = require('./sdp/planBUtils'); - const HandlerInterface_1 = require('./HandlerInterface'); - const RemoteSdp_1 = require('./sdp/RemoteSdp'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('ReactNative'); - const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; - class ReactNative extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { - constructor() { - super(); - // Local stream for sending. - this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); - // Map of sending MediaStreamTracks indexed by localId. - this._mapSendLocalIdTrack = new Map(); - // Next sending localId. - this._nextSendLocalId = 0; - // Map of MID, RTP parameters and RTCRtpReceiver indexed by local id. - // Value is an Object with mid, rtpParameters and rtpReceiver. - this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo = new Map(); - // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; - // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; - // Got transport local and remote parameters. - this._transportReady = false; - } - /** - * Creates a factory function. - */ - static createFactory() { - return () => new ReactNative(); - } - get name() { - return 'ReactNative'; - } - close() { - logger.debug('close()'); - // Close RTCPeerConnection. - if (this._pc) { - try { - this._pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - } - } - async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); - const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ - iceServers: [], - iceTransportPolicy: 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - sdpSemantics: 'plan-b', - }); - try { - const offer = await pc.createOffer({ - offerToReceiveAudio: true, - offerToReceiveVideo: true, - }); - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); - return nativeRtpCapabilities; - } catch (error) { - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error2) {} - throw error; - } - } - async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); - return { - numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS, - }; - } - run({ - direction, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - extendedRtpCapabilities, - }) { - logger.debug('run()'); - this._direction = direction; - this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - planB: true, - }); - this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection( - { - iceServers: iceServers || [], - iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - sdpSemantics: 'plan-b', - ...additionalSettings, - }, - proprietaryConstraints, - ); - // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. - this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { - switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { - case 'checking': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); - break; - case 'connected': - case 'completed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); - break; - case 'failed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); - break; - case 'disconnected': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); - break; - case 'closed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); - break; - } - }); - } - async updateIceServers(iceServers) { - logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); - const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); - configuration.iceServers = iceServers; - this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); - } - async restartIce(iceParameters) { - logger.debug('restartIce()'); - // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. - this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); - if (!this._transportReady) return; - if (this._direction === 'send') { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } else { - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - } - async getTransportStats() { - return this._pc.getStats(); - } - async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); - if (codec) { - logger.warn('send() | codec selection is not available in %s handler', this.name); - } - this._sendStream.addTrack(track); - this._pc.addStream(this._sendStream); - let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - let offerMediaObject; - const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind]); - sendingRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs); - const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone( - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], - ); - sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs); - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - if (track.kind === 'video' && encodings && encodings.length > 1) { - logger.debug('send() | enabling simulcast'); - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'video'); - sdpPlanBUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ - offerMediaObject, - track, - numStreams: encodings.length, - }); - offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - } - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === track.kind); - // Set RTCP CNAME. - sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); - // Set RTP encodings. - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = sdpPlanBUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject, track }); - // Complete encodings with given values. - if (encodings) { - for (let idx = 0; idx < sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length; ++idx) { - if (encodings[idx]) Object.assign(sendingRtpParameters.encodings[idx], encodings[idx]); - } - } - // If VP8 or H264 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to - // each encoding. - if ( - sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && - (sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' || - sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264') - ) { - for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { - encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; - } - } - this._remoteSdp.send({ - offerMediaObject, - offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, - codecOptions, - }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - const localId = String(this._nextSendLocalId); - this._nextSendLocalId++; - // Insert into the map. - this._mapSendLocalIdTrack.set(localId, track); - return { - localId: localId, - rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - }; - } - async stopSending(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); - const track = this._mapSendLocalIdTrack.get(localId); - if (!track) throw new Error('track not found'); - this._mapSendLocalIdTrack.delete(localId); - this._sendStream.removeTrack(track); - this._pc.addStream(this._sendStream); - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - try { - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - } catch (error) { - // NOTE: If there are no sending tracks, setLocalDescription() will fail with - // "Failed to create channels". If so, ignore it. - if (this._sendStream.getTracks().length === 0) { - logger.warn( - 'stopSending() | ignoring expected error due no sending tracks: %s', - error.toString(), - ); - return; - } - throw error; - } - if (this._pc.signalingState === 'stable') return; - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } - async replaceTrack( - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - localId, - track, - ) { - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - async getSenderStats(localId) { - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); - } - async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol, priority }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - priority, - }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // Increase next id. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'application'); - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - const sctpStreamParameters = { - streamId: options.id, - ordered: options.ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits, - }; - return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; - } - async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); - const localId = trackId; - const mid = kind; - let streamId = rtpParameters.rtcp.cname; - // NOTE: In React-Native we cannot reuse the same remote MediaStream for new - // remote tracks. This is because react-native-webrtc does not react on new - // tracks generated within already existing streams, so force the streamId - // to be different. - logger.debug( - 'receive() | forcing a random remote streamId to avoid well known bug in react-native-webrtc', - ); - streamId += `-hack-${utils.generateRandomNumber()}`; - this._remoteSdp.receive({ - mid, - kind, - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - streamId, - trackId, - }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => String(m.mid) === mid); - // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec - // parameters in the offer. - sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - answerMediaObject, - }); - answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - const stream = this._pc.getRemoteStreams().find((s) => s.id === streamId); - const track = stream.getTrackById(localId); - if (!track) throw new Error('remote track not found'); - // Insert into the map. - this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.set(localId, { mid, rtpParameters }); - return { localId, track }; - } - async stopReceiving(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); - const { mid, rtpParameters } = this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.get(localId) || {}; - // Remove from the map. - this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.delete(localId); - this._remoteSdp.planBStopReceiving({ mid: mid, offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - async getReceiverStats(localId) { - throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); - } - async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: streamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation({ oldDataChannelSpec: true }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - if (!this._transportReady) { - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - } - logger.debug( - 'receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', - answer, - ); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - return { dataChannel }; - } - async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { - if (!localSdpObject) localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - // Get our local DTLS parameters. - const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); - // Set our DTLS role. - dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; - // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. - this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); - // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. - await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); - this._transportReady = true; - } - _assertSendDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'send') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); - } - } - _assertRecvDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'recv') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); - } - } - } - exports.ReactNative = ReactNative; - }, + audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = { - '../Logger': 12, - '../errors': 15, - '../ortc': 33, - '../utils': 36, - './HandlerInterface': 22, - './sdp/RemoteSdp': 28, - './sdp/commonUtils': 29, - './sdp/planBUtils': 30, - 'sdp-transform': 41, - }, - ], - 24: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const sdpTransform = require('sdp-transform'); - const Logger_1 = require('../Logger'); - const utils = require('../utils'); - const ortc = require('../ortc'); - const sdpCommonUtils = require('./sdp/commonUtils'); - const sdpPlanBUtils = require('./sdp/planBUtils'); - const HandlerInterface_1 = require('./HandlerInterface'); - const RemoteSdp_1 = require('./sdp/RemoteSdp'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Safari11'); - const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; - class Safari11 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { - constructor() { - super(); - // Local stream for sending. - this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); - // Map of RTCRtpSender indexed by localId. - this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender = new Map(); - // Next sending localId. - this._nextSendLocalId = 0; - // Map of MID, RTP parameters and RTCRtpReceiver indexed by local id. - // Value is an Object with mid, rtpParameters and rtpReceiver. - this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo = new Map(); - // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; - // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; - // Got transport local and remote parameters. - this._transportReady = false; - } - /** - * Creates a factory function. - */ - static createFactory() { - return () => new Safari11(); - } - get name() { - return 'Safari11'; - } - close() { - logger.debug('close()'); - // Close RTCPeerConnection. - if (this._pc) { - try { - this._pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - } - } - async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); - const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ - iceServers: [], - iceTransportPolicy: 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - sdpSemantics: 'plan-b', - }); - try { - const offer = await pc.createOffer({ - offerToReceiveAudio: true, - offerToReceiveVideo: true, - }); - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); - return nativeRtpCapabilities; - } catch (error) { - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error2) {} - throw error; - } - } - async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); - return { - numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS, - }; - } - run({ - direction, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - extendedRtpCapabilities, - }) { - logger.debug('run()'); - this._direction = direction; - this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - planB: true, - }); - this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection( - { - iceServers: iceServers || [], - iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - ...additionalSettings, - }, - proprietaryConstraints, - ); - // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. - this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { - switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { - case 'checking': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); - break; - case 'connected': - case 'completed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); - break; - case 'failed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); - break; - case 'disconnected': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); - break; - case 'closed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); - break; - } - }); - } - async updateIceServers(iceServers) { - logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); - const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); - configuration.iceServers = iceServers; - this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); - } - async restartIce(iceParameters) { - logger.debug('restartIce()'); - // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. - this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); - if (!this._transportReady) return; - if (this._direction === 'send') { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } else { - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - } - async getTransportStats() { - return this._pc.getStats(); - } - async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); - if (codec) { - logger.warn('send() | codec selection is not available in %s handler', this.name); - } - this._sendStream.addTrack(track); - this._pc.addTrack(track, this._sendStream); - let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - let offerMediaObject; - const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind]); - sendingRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs); - const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone( - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], - ); - sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs); - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - if (track.kind === 'video' && encodings && encodings.length > 1) { - logger.debug('send() | enabling simulcast'); - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'video'); - sdpPlanBUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ - offerMediaObject, - track, - numStreams: encodings.length, - }); - offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - } - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === track.kind); - // Set RTCP CNAME. - sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); - // Set RTP encodings. - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = sdpPlanBUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject, track }); - // Complete encodings with given values. - if (encodings) { - for (let idx = 0; idx < sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length; ++idx) { - if (encodings[idx]) Object.assign(sendingRtpParameters.encodings[idx], encodings[idx]); - } - } - // If VP8 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to each - // encoding. - if ( - sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && - sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' - ) { - for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { - encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; - } - } - this._remoteSdp.send({ - offerMediaObject, - offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, - codecOptions, - }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - const localId = String(this._nextSendLocalId); - this._nextSendLocalId++; - const rtpSender = this._pc.getSenders().find((s) => s.track === track); - // Insert into the map. - this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.set(localId, rtpSender); - return { - localId: localId, - rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - rtpSender, - }; - } - async stopSending(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); - if (rtpSender.track) this._sendStream.removeTrack(rtpSender.track); - this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.delete(localId); - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - try { - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - } catch (error) { - // NOTE: If there are no sending tracks, setLocalDescription() will fail with - // "Failed to create channels". If so, ignore it. - if (this._sendStream.getTracks().length === 0) { - logger.warn( - 'stopSending() | ignoring expected error due no sending tracks: %s', - error.toString(), - ); - return; - } - throw error; - } - if (this._pc.signalingState === 'stable') return; - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } - async replaceTrack(localId, track) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - if (track) { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); - } else { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); - } - const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); - const oldTrack = rtpSender.track; - await rtpSender.replaceTrack(track); - // Remove the old track from the local stream. - if (oldTrack) this._sendStream.removeTrack(oldTrack); - // Add the new track to the local stream. - if (track) this._sendStream.addTrack(track); - } - async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); - const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); - const parameters = rtpSender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - if (idx <= spatialLayer) encoding.active = true; - else encoding.active = false; - }); - await rtpSender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); - const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); - const parameters = rtpSender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - parameters.encodings[idx] = { ...encoding, ...params }; - }); - await rtpSender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async getSenderStats(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); - if (!rtpSender) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); - return rtpSender.getStats(); - } - async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol, priority }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - priority, - }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // Increase next id. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'application'); - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - const sctpStreamParameters = { - streamId: options.id, - ordered: options.ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits, - }; - return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; - } - async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); - const localId = trackId; - const mid = kind; - this._remoteSdp.receive({ - mid, - kind, - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - streamId: rtpParameters.rtcp.cname, - trackId, - }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => String(m.mid) === mid); - // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec - // parameters in the offer. - sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - answerMediaObject, - }); - answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - const rtpReceiver = this._pc.getReceivers().find((r) => r.track && r.track.id === localId); - if (!rtpReceiver) throw new Error('new RTCRtpReceiver not'); - // Insert into the map. - this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.set(localId, { mid, rtpParameters, rtpReceiver }); - return { - localId, - track: rtpReceiver.track, - rtpReceiver, - }; - } - async stopReceiving(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); - const { mid, rtpParameters } = this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.get(localId) || {}; - // Remove from the map. - this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.delete(localId); - this._remoteSdp.planBStopReceiving({ mid: mid, offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - async getReceiverStats(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const { rtpReceiver } = this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.get(localId) || {}; - if (!rtpReceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpReceiver not found'); - return rtpReceiver.getStats(); - } - async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: streamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation({ oldDataChannelSpec: true }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - if (!this._transportReady) { - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - } - logger.debug( - 'receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', - answer, - ); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - return { dataChannel }; - } - async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { - if (!localSdpObject) localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - // Get our local DTLS parameters. - const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); - // Set our DTLS role. - dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; - // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. - this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); - // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. - await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); - this._transportReady = true; - } - _assertSendDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'send') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); - } - } - _assertRecvDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'recv') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); - } - } - } - exports.Safari11 = Safari11; - }, + audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection(Object.assign({ iceServers: iceServers || [], iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan' }, additionalSettings), proprietaryConstraints); + // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. + this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { + switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { + case 'checking': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); + break; + case 'connected': + case 'completed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); + break; + case 'failed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); + break; + case 'disconnected': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); + break; + case 'closed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); + break; + } + }); + } + async updateIceServers(iceServers) { + logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); + const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); + configuration.iceServers = iceServers; + this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); + } + async restartIce(iceParameters) { + logger.debug('restartIce()'); + // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. + this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); + if (!this._transportReady) + return; + if (this._direction === 'send') { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + else { + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + } + async getTransportStats() { + return this._pc.getStats(); + } + async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); + const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + // This may throw. + sendingRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs, codec); + const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + // This may throw. + sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs, codec); + const mediaSectionIdx = this._remoteSdp.getNextMediaSectionIdx(); + const transceiver = this._pc.addTransceiver(track, { direction: 'sendonly', streams: [this._sendStream] }); + let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + let offerMediaObject; + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + if (encodings && encodings.length > 1) { + logger.debug('send() | enabling legacy simulcast'); + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; + sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ + offerMediaObject, + numStreams: encodings.length + }); + offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + } + // Special case for VP9 with SVC. + let hackVp9Svc = false; + const layers = scalabilityModes_1.parse((encodings || [{}])[0].scalabilityMode); + if (encodings && + encodings.length === 1 && + layers.spatialLayers > 1 && + sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp9') { + logger.debug('send() | enabling legacy simulcast for VP9 SVC'); + hackVp9Svc = true; + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; + sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ + offerMediaObject, + numStreams: layers.spatialLayers + }); + offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + } + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + // If encodings are given, apply them now. + if (encodings) { + logger.debug('send() | applying given encodings'); + const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); + for (let idx = 0; idx < (parameters.encodings || []).length; ++idx) { + const encoding = parameters.encodings[idx]; + const desiredEncoding = encodings[idx]; + // Should not happen but just in case. + if (!desiredEncoding) + break; + parameters.encodings[idx] = Object.assign(encoding, desiredEncoding); + } + await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); + } + // We can now get the transceiver.mid. + const localId = transceiver.mid; + // Set MID. + sendingRtpParameters.mid = localId; + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; + // Set RTCP CNAME. + sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = + sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); + // Set RTP encodings. + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = + sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }); + // Complete encodings with given values. + if (encodings) { + for (let idx = 0; idx < sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length; ++idx) { + if (encodings[idx]) + Object.assign(sendingRtpParameters.encodings[idx], encodings[idx]); + } + } + // Hack for VP9 SVC. + if (hackVp9Svc) { + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = [sendingRtpParameters.encodings[0]]; + } + // If VP8 or H264 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to + // each encoding. + if (sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && + (sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' || + sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264')) { + for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { + encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; + } + } + this._remoteSdp.send({ + offerMediaObject, + reuseMid: mediaSectionIdx.reuseMid, + offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, + codecOptions + }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + // Store in the map. + this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); + return { + localId, + rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + rtpSender: transceiver.sender + }; + } + async stopSending(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(null); + this._pc.removeTrack(transceiver.sender); + this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + async replaceTrack(localId, track) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + if (track) { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); + } + else { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); + } + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + await transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(track); + } + async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + if (idx <= spatialLayer) + encoding.active = true; + else + encoding.active = false; + }); + await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + parameters.encodings[idx] = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, encoding), params); + }); + await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async getSenderStats(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + return transceiver.sender.getStats(); + } + async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // Increase next id. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = + ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === 'application'); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + const sctpStreamParameters = { + streamId: options.id, + ordered: options.ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits + }; + return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; + } + async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); + const localId = rtpParameters.mid || String(this._mapMidTransceiver.size); + this._remoteSdp.receive({ + mid: localId, + kind, + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + streamId: rtpParameters.rtcp.cname, + trackId + }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => String(m.mid) === localId); + // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec + // parameters in the offer. + sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + answerMediaObject + }); + answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + const transceiver = this._pc.getTransceivers() + .find((t) => t.mid === localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('new RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + // Store in the map. + this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); + return { + localId, + track: transceiver.receiver.track, + rtpReceiver: transceiver.receiver + }; + } + async stopReceiving(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + async getReceiverStats(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + return transceiver.receiver.getStats(); + } + async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: streamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation(); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + if (!this._transportReady) { + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + } + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + return { dataChannel }; + } + async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { + if (!localSdpObject) + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + // Get our local DTLS parameters. + const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); + // Set our DTLS role. + dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; + // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. + this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); + // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. + await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); + this._transportReady = true; + } + _assertSendDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'send') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); + } + } + _assertRecvDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'recv') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); + } + } +} +exports.Chrome70 = Chrome70; + +},{"../Logger":13,"../ortc":36,"../scalabilityModes":37,"../utils":39,"./HandlerInterface":25,"./sdp/RemoteSdp":31,"./sdp/commonUtils":32,"./sdp/unifiedPlanUtils":34,"sdp-transform":44}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Chrome74 = void 0; +const sdpTransform = __importStar(require("sdp-transform")); +const Logger_1 = require("../Logger"); +const utils = __importStar(require("../utils")); +const ortc = __importStar(require("../ortc")); +const sdpCommonUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/commonUtils")); +const sdpUnifiedPlanUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/unifiedPlanUtils")); +const HandlerInterface_1 = require("./HandlerInterface"); +const RemoteSdp_1 = require("./sdp/RemoteSdp"); +const scalabilityModes_1 = require("../scalabilityModes"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Chrome74'); +const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; +class Chrome74 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { + constructor() { + super(); + // Map of RTCTransceivers indexed by MID. + this._mapMidTransceiver = new Map(); + // Local stream for sending. + this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); + // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; + // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; + // Got transport local and remote parameters. + this._transportReady = false; + } + /** + * Creates a factory function. + */ + static createFactory() { + return () => new Chrome74(); + } + get name() { + return 'Chrome74'; + } + close() { + logger.debug('close()'); + // Close RTCPeerConnection. + if (this._pc) { + try { + this._pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + } + } + async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); + const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ + iceServers: [], + iceTransportPolicy: 'all', + bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', + rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', + sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan' + }); + try { + pc.addTransceiver('audio'); + pc.addTransceiver('video'); + const offer = await pc.createOffer(); + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); + return nativeRtpCapabilities; + } + catch (error) { + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error2) { } + throw error; + } + } + async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); + return { + numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS + }; + } + run({ direction, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, proprietaryConstraints, extendedRtpCapabilities }) { + logger.debug('run()'); + this._direction = direction; + this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ + iceParameters, + iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters + }); + this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - '../Logger': 12, - '../ortc': 33, - '../utils': 36, - './HandlerInterface': 22, - './sdp/RemoteSdp': 28, - './sdp/commonUtils': 29, - './sdp/planBUtils': 30, - 'sdp-transform': 41, - }, - ], - 25: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const sdpTransform = require('sdp-transform'); - const Logger_1 = require('../Logger'); - const utils = require('../utils'); - const ortc = require('../ortc'); - const sdpCommonUtils = require('./sdp/commonUtils'); - const sdpUnifiedPlanUtils = require('./sdp/unifiedPlanUtils'); - const HandlerInterface_1 = require('./HandlerInterface'); - const RemoteSdp_1 = require('./sdp/RemoteSdp'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Safari12'); - const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; - class Safari12 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { - constructor() { - super(); - // Map of RTCTransceivers indexed by MID. - this._mapMidTransceiver = new Map(); - // Local stream for sending. - this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); - // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; - // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; - // Got transport local and remote parameters. - this._transportReady = false; - } - /** - * Creates a factory function. - */ - static createFactory() { - return () => new Safari12(); - } - get name() { - return 'Safari12'; - } - close() { - logger.debug('close()'); - // Close RTCPeerConnection. - if (this._pc) { - try { - this._pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - } - } - async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); - const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ - iceServers: [], - iceTransportPolicy: 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - }); - try { - pc.addTransceiver('audio'); - pc.addTransceiver('video'); - const offer = await pc.createOffer(); - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error) {} - const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); - return nativeRtpCapabilities; - } catch (error) { - try { - pc.close(); - } catch (error2) {} - throw error; - } - } - async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { - logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); - return { - numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS, - }; - } - run({ - direction, - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - iceServers, - iceTransportPolicy, - additionalSettings, - proprietaryConstraints, - extendedRtpCapabilities, - }) { - logger.debug('run()'); - this._direction = direction; - this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - }); - this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = { - audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), - video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities), - }; - this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection( - { - iceServers: iceServers || [], - iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', - bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', - rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', - ...additionalSettings, - }, - proprietaryConstraints, - ); - // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. - this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { - switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { - case 'checking': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); - break; - case 'connected': - case 'completed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); - break; - case 'failed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); - break; - case 'disconnected': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); - break; - case 'closed': - this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); - break; - } - }); - } - async updateIceServers(iceServers) { - logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); - const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); - configuration.iceServers = iceServers; - this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); - } - async restartIce(iceParameters) { - logger.debug('restartIce()'); - // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. - this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); - if (!this._transportReady) return; - if (this._direction === 'send') { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } else { - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - } - async getTransportStats() { - return this._pc.getStats(); - } - async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); - const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind]); - // This may throw. - sendingRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs, codec); - const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone( - this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], - ); - // This may throw. - sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs, codec); - const mediaSectionIdx = this._remoteSdp.getNextMediaSectionIdx(); - const transceiver = this._pc.addTransceiver(track, { - direction: 'sendonly', - streams: [this._sendStream], - }); - let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - let offerMediaObject; - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - if (encodings && encodings.length > 1) { - logger.debug('send() | enabling legacy simulcast'); - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; - sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ - offerMediaObject, - numStreams: encodings.length, - }); - offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - } - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - // We can now get the transceiver.mid. - const localId = transceiver.mid; - // Set MID. - sendingRtpParameters.mid = localId; - localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; - // Set RTCP CNAME. - sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); - // Set RTP encodings. - sendingRtpParameters.encodings = sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }); - // Complete encodings with given values. - if (encodings) { - for (let idx = 0; idx < sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length; ++idx) { - if (encodings[idx]) Object.assign(sendingRtpParameters.encodings[idx], encodings[idx]); - } - } - // If VP8 or H264 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to - // each encoding. - if ( - sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && - (sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' || - sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264') - ) { - for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { - encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; - } - } - this._remoteSdp.send({ - offerMediaObject, - reuseMid: mediaSectionIdx.reuseMid, - offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, - codecOptions, - }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - // Store in the map. - this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); - return { - localId, - rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, - rtpSender: transceiver.sender, - }; - } - async stopSending(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(null); - this._pc.removeTrack(transceiver.sender); - this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - } - async replaceTrack(localId, track) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - if (track) { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); - } else { - logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); - } - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - await transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(track); - } - async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - if (idx <= spatialLayer) encoding.active = true; - else encoding.active = false; - }); - await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); - parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { - parameters.encodings[idx] = { ...encoding, ...params }; - }); - await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); - } - async getSenderStats(localId) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - return transceiver.sender.getStats(); - } - async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol, priority }) { - this._assertSendDirection(); - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - priority, - }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // Increase next id. - this._nextSendSctpStreamId = ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); - const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'application'); - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); - this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); - const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - const sctpStreamParameters = { - streamId: options.id, - ordered: options.ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits, - }; - return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; - } - async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); - const localId = rtpParameters.mid || String(this._mapMidTransceiver.size); - this._remoteSdp.receive({ - mid: localId, - kind, - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - streamId: rtpParameters.rtcp.cname, - trackId, - }); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => String(m.mid) === localId); - // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec - // parameters in the offer. - sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ - offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, - answerMediaObject, - }); - answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; - if (!this._transportReady) - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - const transceiver = this._pc.getTransceivers().find((t) => t.mid === localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('new RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - // Store in the map. - this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); - return { - localId, - track: transceiver.receiver.track, - rtpReceiver: transceiver.receiver, - }; - } - async stopReceiving(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - } - async getReceiverStats(localId) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); - if (!transceiver) throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); - return transceiver.receiver.getStats(); - } - async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { - this._assertRecvDirection(); - const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; - const options = { - negotiated: true, - id: streamId, - ordered, - maxPacketLifeTime, - maxRetransmits, - protocol, - }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); - const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); - // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with - // m=application section. - if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { - this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation(); - const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; - logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); - await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); - const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); - if (!this._transportReady) { - const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); - await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); - } - logger.debug( - 'receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', - answer, - ); - await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); - this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; - } - return { dataChannel }; - } - async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { - if (!localSdpObject) localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); - // Get our local DTLS parameters. - const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); - // Set our DTLS role. - dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; - // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. - this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); - // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. - await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); - this._transportReady = true; - } - _assertSendDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'send') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); - } - } - _assertRecvDirection() { - if (this._direction !== 'recv') { - throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); - } - } - } - exports.Safari12 = Safari12; - }, + audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = { - '../Logger': 12, - '../ortc': 33, - '../utils': 36, - './HandlerInterface': 22, - './sdp/RemoteSdp': 28, - './sdp/commonUtils': 29, - './sdp/unifiedPlanUtils': 31, - 'sdp-transform': 41, - }, - ], - 26: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const utils = require('../../utils'); - /** - * Normalize ORTC based Edge's RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities() to produce a full - * compliant ORTC RTCRtpCapabilities. - */ - function getCapabilities() { - const nativeCaps = RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities(); - const caps = utils.clone(nativeCaps); - for (const codec of caps.codecs) { - // Rename numChannels to channels. - codec.channels = codec.numChannels; - delete codec.numChannels; - // Add mimeType. - codec.mimeType = codec.mimeType || `${codec.kind}/${codec.name}`; - // NOTE: Edge sets some numeric parameters as string rather than number. Fix them. - if (codec.parameters) { - const parameters = codec.parameters; - if (parameters.apt) parameters.apt = Number(parameters.apt); - if (parameters['packetization-mode']) - parameters['packetization-mode'] = Number(parameters['packetization-mode']); - } - // Delete emty parameter String in rtcpFeedback. - for (const feedback of codec.rtcpFeedback || []) { - if (!feedback.parameter) feedback.parameter = ''; - } - } - return caps; - } - exports.getCapabilities = getCapabilities; - /** - * Generate RTCRtpParameters as ORTC based Edge likes. - */ - function mangleRtpParameters(rtpParameters) { - const params = utils.clone(rtpParameters); - // Rename mid to muxId. - if (params.mid) { - params.muxId = params.mid; - delete params.mid; - } - for (const codec of params.codecs) { - // Rename channels to numChannels. - if (codec.channels) { - codec.numChannels = codec.channels; - delete codec.channels; - } - // Add codec.name (requried by Edge). - if (codec.mimeType && !codec.name) codec.name = codec.mimeType.split('/')[1]; - // Remove mimeType. - delete codec.mimeType; - } - return params; - } - exports.mangleRtpParameters = mangleRtpParameters; - }, - { '../../utils': 36 }, - ], - 27: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const utils = require('../../utils'); - class MediaSection { - constructor({ iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, planB = false }) { - this._mediaObject = {}; - this._planB = planB; - if (iceParameters) { - this.setIceParameters(iceParameters); - } - if (iceCandidates) { - this._mediaObject.candidates = []; - for (const candidate of iceCandidates) { - const candidateObject = {}; - // mediasoup does mandates rtcp-mux so candidates component is always - // RTP (1). - candidateObject.component = 1; - candidateObject.foundation = candidate.foundation; - candidateObject.ip = candidate.ip; - candidateObject.port = candidate.port; - candidateObject.priority = candidate.priority; - candidateObject.transport = candidate.protocol; - candidateObject.type = candidate.type; - if (candidate.tcpType) candidateObject.tcptype = candidate.tcpType; - this._mediaObject.candidates.push(candidateObject); - } - this._mediaObject.endOfCandidates = 'end-of-candidates'; - this._mediaObject.iceOptions = 'renomination'; - } - if (dtlsParameters) { - this.setDtlsRole(dtlsParameters.role); - } - } - get mid() { - return String(this._mediaObject.mid); - } - get closed() { - return this._mediaObject.port === 0; - } - getObject() { - return this._mediaObject; - } - setIceParameters(iceParameters) { - this._mediaObject.iceUfrag = iceParameters.usernameFragment; - this._mediaObject.icePwd = iceParameters.password; - } - disable() { - this._mediaObject.direction = 'inactive'; - delete this._mediaObject.ext; - delete this._mediaObject.ssrcs; - delete this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups; - delete this._mediaObject.simulcast; - delete this._mediaObject.simulcast_03; - delete this._mediaObject.rids; - } - close() { - this._mediaObject.direction = 'inactive'; - this._mediaObject.port = 0; - delete this._mediaObject.ext; - delete this._mediaObject.ssrcs; - delete this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups; - delete this._mediaObject.simulcast; - delete this._mediaObject.simulcast_03; - delete this._mediaObject.rids; - delete this._mediaObject.extmapAllowMixed; - } - } - exports.MediaSection = MediaSection; - class AnswerMediaSection extends MediaSection { - constructor({ - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - plainRtpParameters, - planB = false, - offerMediaObject, - offerRtpParameters, - answerRtpParameters, - codecOptions, - extmapAllowMixed = false, - }) { - super({ iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, planB }); - this._mediaObject.mid = String(offerMediaObject.mid); - this._mediaObject.type = offerMediaObject.type; - this._mediaObject.protocol = offerMediaObject.protocol; - if (!plainRtpParameters) { - this._mediaObject.connection = { ip: '', version: 4 }; - this._mediaObject.port = 7; - } else { - this._mediaObject.connection = { - ip: plainRtpParameters.ip, - version: plainRtpParameters.ipVersion, - }; - this._mediaObject.port = plainRtpParameters.port; - } - switch (offerMediaObject.type) { - case 'audio': - case 'video': { - this._mediaObject.direction = 'recvonly'; - this._mediaObject.rtp = []; - this._mediaObject.rtcpFb = []; - this._mediaObject.fmtp = []; - for (const codec of answerRtpParameters.codecs) { - const rtp = { - payload: codec.payloadType, - codec: getCodecName(codec), - rate: codec.clockRate, - }; - if (codec.channels > 1) rtp.encoding = codec.channels; - this._mediaObject.rtp.push(rtp); - const codecParameters = utils.clone(codec.parameters || {}); - if (codecOptions) { - const { - opusStereo, - opusFec, - opusDtx, - opusMaxPlaybackRate, - opusPtime, - videoGoogleStartBitrate, - videoGoogleMaxBitrate, - videoGoogleMinBitrate, - } = codecOptions; - const offerCodec = offerRtpParameters.codecs.find( - (c) => c.payloadType === codec.payloadType, - ); - switch (codec.mimeType.toLowerCase()) { - case 'audio/opus': { - if (opusStereo !== undefined) { - offerCodec.parameters['sprop-stereo'] = opusStereo ? 1 : 0; - codecParameters.stereo = opusStereo ? 1 : 0; - } - if (opusFec !== undefined) { - offerCodec.parameters.useinbandfec = opusFec ? 1 : 0; - codecParameters.useinbandfec = opusFec ? 1 : 0; - } - if (opusDtx !== undefined) { - offerCodec.parameters.usedtx = opusDtx ? 1 : 0; - codecParameters.usedtx = opusDtx ? 1 : 0; - } - if (opusMaxPlaybackRate !== undefined) { - codecParameters.maxplaybackrate = opusMaxPlaybackRate; - } - if (opusPtime !== undefined) { - offerCodec.parameters.ptime = opusPtime; - codecParameters.ptime = opusPtime; - } - break; - } - case 'video/vp8': - case 'video/vp9': - case 'video/h264': - case 'video/h265': { - if (videoGoogleStartBitrate !== undefined) - codecParameters['x-google-start-bitrate'] = videoGoogleStartBitrate; - if (videoGoogleMaxBitrate !== undefined) - codecParameters['x-google-max-bitrate'] = videoGoogleMaxBitrate; - if (videoGoogleMinBitrate !== undefined) - codecParameters['x-google-min-bitrate'] = videoGoogleMinBitrate; - break; - } - } - } - const fmtp = { - payload: codec.payloadType, - config: '', - }; - for (const key of Object.keys(codecParameters)) { - if (fmtp.config) fmtp.config += ';'; - fmtp.config += `${key}=${codecParameters[key]}`; - } - if (fmtp.config) this._mediaObject.fmtp.push(fmtp); - for (const fb of codec.rtcpFeedback) { - this._mediaObject.rtcpFb.push({ - payload: codec.payloadType, - type: fb.type, - subtype: fb.parameter, - }); - } - } - this._mediaObject.payloads = answerRtpParameters.codecs - .map((codec) => codec.payloadType) - .join(' '); - this._mediaObject.ext = []; - for (const ext of answerRtpParameters.headerExtensions) { - // Don't add a header extension if not present in the offer. - const found = (offerMediaObject.ext || []).some( - (localExt) => localExt.uri === ext.uri, - ); - if (!found) continue; - this._mediaObject.ext.push({ - uri: ext.uri, - value: ext.id, - }); - } - // Allow both 1 byte and 2 bytes length header extensions. - if (extmapAllowMixed && offerMediaObject.extmapAllowMixed === 'extmap-allow-mixed') { - this._mediaObject.extmapAllowMixed = 'extmap-allow-mixed'; - } - // Simulcast. - if (offerMediaObject.simulcast) { - this._mediaObject.simulcast = { - dir1: 'recv', - list1: offerMediaObject.simulcast.list1, - }; - this._mediaObject.rids = []; - for (const rid of offerMediaObject.rids || []) { - if (rid.direction !== 'send') continue; - this._mediaObject.rids.push({ - id: rid.id, - direction: 'recv', - }); - } - } - // Simulcast (draft version 03). - else if (offerMediaObject.simulcast_03) { - // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase - this._mediaObject.simulcast_03 = { - value: offerMediaObject.simulcast_03.value.replace(/send/g, 'recv'), - }; - this._mediaObject.rids = []; - for (const rid of offerMediaObject.rids || []) { - if (rid.direction !== 'send') continue; - this._mediaObject.rids.push({ - id: rid.id, - direction: 'recv', - }); - } - } - this._mediaObject.rtcpMux = 'rtcp-mux'; - this._mediaObject.rtcpRsize = 'rtcp-rsize'; - if (this._planB && this._mediaObject.type === 'video') - this._mediaObject.xGoogleFlag = 'conference'; - break; - } - case 'application': { - // New spec. - if (typeof offerMediaObject.sctpPort === 'number') { - this._mediaObject.payloads = 'webrtc-datachannel'; - this._mediaObject.sctpPort = sctpParameters.port; - this._mediaObject.maxMessageSize = sctpParameters.maxMessageSize; - } - // Old spec. - else if (offerMediaObject.sctpmap) { - this._mediaObject.payloads = sctpParameters.port; - this._mediaObject.sctpmap = { - app: 'webrtc-datachannel', - sctpmapNumber: sctpParameters.port, - maxMessageSize: sctpParameters.maxMessageSize, - }; - } - break; - } - } - } - setDtlsRole(role) { - switch (role) { - case 'client': - this._mediaObject.setup = 'active'; - break; - case 'server': - this._mediaObject.setup = 'passive'; - break; - case 'auto': - this._mediaObject.setup = 'actpass'; - break; - } - } - } - exports.AnswerMediaSection = AnswerMediaSection; - class OfferMediaSection extends MediaSection { - constructor({ - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - plainRtpParameters, - planB = false, - mid, - kind, - offerRtpParameters, - streamId, - trackId, - oldDataChannelSpec = false, - }) { - super({ iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, planB }); - this._mediaObject.mid = String(mid); - this._mediaObject.type = kind; - if (!plainRtpParameters) { - this._mediaObject.connection = { ip: '', version: 4 }; - if (!sctpParameters) this._mediaObject.protocol = 'UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF'; - else this._mediaObject.protocol = 'UDP/DTLS/SCTP'; - this._mediaObject.port = 7; - } else { - this._mediaObject.connection = { - ip: plainRtpParameters.ip, - version: plainRtpParameters.ipVersion, - }; - this._mediaObject.protocol = 'RTP/AVP'; - this._mediaObject.port = plainRtpParameters.port; - } - switch (kind) { - case 'audio': - case 'video': { - this._mediaObject.direction = 'sendonly'; - this._mediaObject.rtp = []; - this._mediaObject.rtcpFb = []; - this._mediaObject.fmtp = []; - if (!this._planB) this._mediaObject.msid = `${streamId || '-'} ${trackId}`; - for (const codec of offerRtpParameters.codecs) { - const rtp = { - payload: codec.payloadType, - codec: getCodecName(codec), - rate: codec.clockRate, - }; - if (codec.channels > 1) rtp.encoding = codec.channels; - this._mediaObject.rtp.push(rtp); - const fmtp = { - payload: codec.payloadType, - config: '', - }; - for (const key of Object.keys(codec.parameters)) { - if (fmtp.config) fmtp.config += ';'; - fmtp.config += `${key}=${codec.parameters[key]}`; - } - if (fmtp.config) this._mediaObject.fmtp.push(fmtp); - for (const fb of codec.rtcpFeedback) { - this._mediaObject.rtcpFb.push({ - payload: codec.payloadType, - type: fb.type, - subtype: fb.parameter, - }); - } - } - this._mediaObject.payloads = offerRtpParameters.codecs - .map((codec) => codec.payloadType) - .join(' '); - this._mediaObject.ext = []; - for (const ext of offerRtpParameters.headerExtensions) { - this._mediaObject.ext.push({ - uri: ext.uri, - value: ext.id, - }); - } - this._mediaObject.rtcpMux = 'rtcp-mux'; - this._mediaObject.rtcpRsize = 'rtcp-rsize'; - const encoding = offerRtpParameters.encodings[0]; - const ssrc = encoding.ssrc; - const rtxSsrc = encoding.rtx && encoding.rtx.ssrc ? encoding.rtx.ssrc : undefined; - this._mediaObject.ssrcs = []; - this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups = []; - if (offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname) { - this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: ssrc, - attribute: 'cname', - value: offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname, - }); - } - if (this._planB) { - this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: ssrc, - attribute: 'msid', - value: `${streamId || '-'} ${trackId}`, - }); - } - if (rtxSsrc) { - if (offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname) { - this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: rtxSsrc, - attribute: 'cname', - value: offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname, - }); - } - if (this._planB) { - this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: rtxSsrc, - attribute: 'msid', - value: `${streamId || '-'} ${trackId}`, - }); - } - // Associate original and retransmission SSRCs. - this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups.push({ - semantics: 'FID', - ssrcs: `${ssrc} ${rtxSsrc}`, - }); - } - break; - } - case 'application': { - // New spec. - if (!oldDataChannelSpec) { - this._mediaObject.payloads = 'webrtc-datachannel'; - this._mediaObject.sctpPort = sctpParameters.port; - this._mediaObject.maxMessageSize = sctpParameters.maxMessageSize; - } - // Old spec. - else { - this._mediaObject.payloads = sctpParameters.port; - this._mediaObject.sctpmap = { - app: 'webrtc-datachannel', - sctpmapNumber: sctpParameters.port, - maxMessageSize: sctpParameters.maxMessageSize, - }; - } - break; - } - } - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - setDtlsRole(role) { - // Always 'actpass'. - this._mediaObject.setup = 'actpass'; - } - planBReceive({ offerRtpParameters, streamId, trackId }) { - const encoding = offerRtpParameters.encodings[0]; - const ssrc = encoding.ssrc; - const rtxSsrc = encoding.rtx && encoding.rtx.ssrc ? encoding.rtx.ssrc : undefined; - if (offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname) { - this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: ssrc, - attribute: 'cname', - value: offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname, - }); - } - this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: ssrc, - attribute: 'msid', - value: `${streamId || '-'} ${trackId}`, - }); - if (rtxSsrc) { - if (offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname) { - this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: rtxSsrc, - attribute: 'cname', - value: offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname, - }); - } - this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: rtxSsrc, - attribute: 'msid', - value: `${streamId || '-'} ${trackId}`, - }); - // Associate original and retransmission SSRCs. - this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups.push({ - semantics: 'FID', - ssrcs: `${ssrc} ${rtxSsrc}`, - }); - } - } - planBStopReceiving({ offerRtpParameters }) { - const encoding = offerRtpParameters.encodings[0]; - const ssrc = encoding.ssrc; - const rtxSsrc = encoding.rtx && encoding.rtx.ssrc ? encoding.rtx.ssrc : undefined; - this._mediaObject.ssrcs = this._mediaObject.ssrcs.filter( - (s) => s.id !== ssrc && s.id !== rtxSsrc, - ); - if (rtxSsrc) { - this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups = this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups.filter( - (group) => group.ssrcs !== `${ssrc} ${rtxSsrc}`, - ); - } - } - } - exports.OfferMediaSection = OfferMediaSection; - function getCodecName(codec) { - const MimeTypeRegex = new RegExp('^(audio|video)/(.+)', 'i'); - const mimeTypeMatch = MimeTypeRegex.exec(codec.mimeType); - if (!mimeTypeMatch) throw new TypeError('invalid codec.mimeType'); - return mimeTypeMatch[2]; - } - }, - { '../../utils': 36 }, - ], - 28: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const sdpTransform = require('sdp-transform'); - const Logger_1 = require('../../Logger'); - const MediaSection_1 = require('./MediaSection'); - const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('RemoteSdp'); - class RemoteSdp { - constructor({ - iceParameters, - iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters, - plainRtpParameters, - planB = false, - }) { - // MediaSection instances. - this._mediaSections = []; - // MediaSection indices indexed by MID. - this._midToIndex = new Map(); - this._iceParameters = iceParameters; - this._iceCandidates = iceCandidates; - this._dtlsParameters = dtlsParameters; - this._sctpParameters = sctpParameters; - this._plainRtpParameters = plainRtpParameters; - this._planB = planB; - this._sdpObject = { - version: 0, - origin: { - address: '', - ipVer: 4, - netType: 'IN', - sessionId: 10000, - sessionVersion: 0, - username: 'mediasoup-client', - }, - name: '-', - timing: { start: 0, stop: 0 }, - media: [], - }; - // If ICE parameters are given, add ICE-Lite indicator. - if (iceParameters && iceParameters.iceLite) { - this._sdpObject.icelite = 'ice-lite'; - } - // If DTLS parameters are given, assume WebRTC and BUNDLE. - if (dtlsParameters) { - this._sdpObject.msidSemantic = { semantic: 'WMS', token: '*' }; - // NOTE: We take the latest fingerprint. - const numFingerprints = this._dtlsParameters.fingerprints.length; - this._sdpObject.fingerprint = { - type: dtlsParameters.fingerprints[numFingerprints - 1].algorithm, - hash: dtlsParameters.fingerprints[numFingerprints - 1].value, - }; - this._sdpObject.groups = [{ type: 'BUNDLE', mids: '' }]; - } - // If there are plain RPT parameters, override SDP origin. - if (plainRtpParameters) { - this._sdpObject.origin.address = plainRtpParameters.ip; - this._sdpObject.origin.ipVer = plainRtpParameters.ipVersion; - } - } - updateIceParameters(iceParameters) { - logger.debug('updateIceParameters() [iceParameters:%o]', iceParameters); - this._iceParameters = iceParameters; - this._sdpObject.icelite = iceParameters.iceLite ? 'ice-lite' : undefined; - for (const mediaSection of this._mediaSections) { - mediaSection.setIceParameters(iceParameters); - } - } - updateDtlsRole(role) { - logger.debug('updateDtlsRole() [role:%s]', role); - this._dtlsParameters.role = role; - for (const mediaSection of this._mediaSections) { - mediaSection.setDtlsRole(role); - } - } - getNextMediaSectionIdx() { - // If a closed media section is found, return its index. - for (let idx = 0; idx < this._mediaSections.length; ++idx) { - const mediaSection = this._mediaSections[idx]; - if (mediaSection.closed) return { idx, reuseMid: mediaSection.mid }; - } - // If no closed media section is found, return next one. - return { idx: this._mediaSections.length }; - } - send({ - offerMediaObject, - reuseMid, - offerRtpParameters, - answerRtpParameters, - codecOptions, - extmapAllowMixed = false, - }) { - const mediaSection = new MediaSection_1.AnswerMediaSection({ - iceParameters: this._iceParameters, - iceCandidates: this._iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters: this._dtlsParameters, - plainRtpParameters: this._plainRtpParameters, - planB: this._planB, - offerMediaObject, - offerRtpParameters, - answerRtpParameters, - codecOptions, - extmapAllowMixed, - }); - // Unified-Plan with closed media section replacement. - if (reuseMid) { - this._replaceMediaSection(mediaSection, reuseMid); - } - // Unified-Plan or Plan-B with different media kind. - else if (!this._midToIndex.has(mediaSection.mid)) { - this._addMediaSection(mediaSection); - } - // Plan-B with same media kind. - else { - this._replaceMediaSection(mediaSection); - } - } - receive({ mid, kind, offerRtpParameters, streamId, trackId }) { - const idx = this._midToIndex.get(mid); - let mediaSection; - if (idx !== undefined) mediaSection = this._mediaSections[idx]; - // Unified-Plan or different media kind. - if (!mediaSection) { - mediaSection = new MediaSection_1.OfferMediaSection({ - iceParameters: this._iceParameters, - iceCandidates: this._iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters: this._dtlsParameters, - plainRtpParameters: this._plainRtpParameters, - planB: this._planB, - mid, - kind, - offerRtpParameters, - streamId, - trackId, - }); - this._addMediaSection(mediaSection); - } - // Plan-B. - else { - mediaSection.planBReceive({ offerRtpParameters, streamId, trackId }); - this._replaceMediaSection(mediaSection); - } - } - disableMediaSection(mid) { - const idx = this._midToIndex.get(mid); - if (idx === undefined) { - throw new Error(`no media section found with mid '${mid}'`); - } - const mediaSection = this._mediaSections[idx]; - mediaSection.disable(); - } - closeMediaSection(mid) { - const idx = this._midToIndex.get(mid); - if (idx === undefined) { - throw new Error(`no media section found with mid '${mid}'`); - } - const mediaSection = this._mediaSections[idx]; - // NOTE: Closing the first m section is a pain since it invalidates the - // bundled transport, so let's avoid it. - if (mid === this._firstMid) { - logger.debug( - 'closeMediaSection() | cannot close first media section, disabling it instead [mid:%s]', - mid, - ); - this.disableMediaSection(mid); - return; - } - mediaSection.close(); - // Regenerate BUNDLE mids. - this._regenerateBundleMids(); - } - planBStopReceiving({ mid, offerRtpParameters }) { - const idx = this._midToIndex.get(mid); - if (idx === undefined) { - throw new Error(`no media section found with mid '${mid}'`); - } - const mediaSection = this._mediaSections[idx]; - mediaSection.planBStopReceiving({ offerRtpParameters }); - this._replaceMediaSection(mediaSection); - } - sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }) { - const mediaSection = new MediaSection_1.AnswerMediaSection({ - iceParameters: this._iceParameters, - iceCandidates: this._iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters: this._dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters: this._sctpParameters, - plainRtpParameters: this._plainRtpParameters, - offerMediaObject, - }); - this._addMediaSection(mediaSection); - } - receiveSctpAssociation({ oldDataChannelSpec = false } = {}) { - const mediaSection = new MediaSection_1.OfferMediaSection({ - iceParameters: this._iceParameters, - iceCandidates: this._iceCandidates, - dtlsParameters: this._dtlsParameters, - sctpParameters: this._sctpParameters, - plainRtpParameters: this._plainRtpParameters, - mid: 'datachannel', - kind: 'application', - oldDataChannelSpec, - }); - this._addMediaSection(mediaSection); - } - getSdp() { - // Increase SDP version. - this._sdpObject.origin.sessionVersion++; - return sdpTransform.write(this._sdpObject); - } - _addMediaSection(newMediaSection) { - if (!this._firstMid) this._firstMid = newMediaSection.mid; - // Add to the vector. - this._mediaSections.push(newMediaSection); - // Add to the map. - this._midToIndex.set(newMediaSection.mid, this._mediaSections.length - 1); - // Add to the SDP object. - this._sdpObject.media.push(newMediaSection.getObject()); - // Regenerate BUNDLE mids. - this._regenerateBundleMids(); - } - _replaceMediaSection(newMediaSection, reuseMid) { - // Store it in the map. - if (typeof reuseMid === 'string') { - const idx = this._midToIndex.get(reuseMid); - if (idx === undefined) { - throw new Error(`no media section found for reuseMid '${reuseMid}'`); - } - const oldMediaSection = this._mediaSections[idx]; - // Replace the index in the vector with the new media section. - this._mediaSections[idx] = newMediaSection; - // Update the map. - this._midToIndex.delete(oldMediaSection.mid); - this._midToIndex.set(newMediaSection.mid, idx); - // Update the SDP object. - this._sdpObject.media[idx] = newMediaSection.getObject(); - // Regenerate BUNDLE mids. - this._regenerateBundleMids(); - } else { - const idx = this._midToIndex.get(newMediaSection.mid); - if (idx === undefined) { - throw new Error(`no media section found with mid '${newMediaSection.mid}'`); - } - // Replace the index in the vector with the new media section. - this._mediaSections[idx] = newMediaSection; - // Update the SDP object. - this._sdpObject.media[idx] = newMediaSection.getObject(); - } - } - _regenerateBundleMids() { - if (!this._dtlsParameters) return; - this._sdpObject.groups[0].mids = this._mediaSections - .filter((mediaSection) => !mediaSection.closed) - .map((mediaSection) => mediaSection.mid) - .join(' '); - } - } - exports.RemoteSdp = RemoteSdp; - }, - { '../../Logger': 12, './MediaSection': 27, 'sdp-transform': 41 }, - ], - 29: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const sdpTransform = require('sdp-transform'); - function extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }) { - // Map of RtpCodecParameters indexed by payload type. - const codecsMap = new Map(); - // Array of RtpHeaderExtensions. - const headerExtensions = []; - // Whether a m=audio/video section has been already found. - let gotAudio = false; - let gotVideo = false; - for (const m of sdpObject.media) { - const kind = m.type; - switch (kind) { - case 'audio': { - if (gotAudio) continue; - gotAudio = true; - break; - } - case 'video': { - if (gotVideo) continue; - gotVideo = true; - break; - } - default: { - continue; - } - } - // Get codecs. - for (const rtp of m.rtp) { - const codec = { - kind: kind, - mimeType: `${kind}/${rtp.codec}`, - preferredPayloadType: rtp.payload, - clockRate: rtp.rate, - channels: rtp.encoding, - parameters: {}, - rtcpFeedback: [], - }; - codecsMap.set(codec.preferredPayloadType, codec); - } - // Get codec parameters. - for (const fmtp of m.fmtp || []) { - const parameters = sdpTransform.parseParams(fmtp.config); - const codec = codecsMap.get(fmtp.payload); - if (!codec) continue; - // Specials case to convert parameter value to string. - if (parameters && parameters['profile-level-id']) - parameters['profile-level-id'] = String(parameters['profile-level-id']); - codec.parameters = parameters; - } - // Get RTCP feedback for each codec. - for (const fb of m.rtcpFb || []) { - const codec = codecsMap.get(fb.payload); - if (!codec) continue; - const feedback = { - type: fb.type, - parameter: fb.subtype, - }; - if (!feedback.parameter) delete feedback.parameter; - codec.rtcpFeedback.push(feedback); - } - // Get RTP header extensions. - for (const ext of m.ext || []) { - // Ignore encrypted extensions (not yet supported in mediasoup). - if (ext['encrypt-uri']) continue; - const headerExtension = { - kind: kind, - uri: ext.uri, - preferredId: ext.value, - }; - headerExtensions.push(headerExtension); - } - } - const rtpCapabilities = { - codecs: Array.from(codecsMap.values()), - headerExtensions: headerExtensions, - }; - return rtpCapabilities; - } - exports.extractRtpCapabilities = extractRtpCapabilities; - function extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject }) { - const mediaObject = (sdpObject.media || []).find((m) => m.iceUfrag && m.port !== 0); - if (!mediaObject) throw new Error('no active media section found'); - const fingerprint = mediaObject.fingerprint || sdpObject.fingerprint; - let role; - switch (mediaObject.setup) { - case 'active': - role = 'client'; - break; - case 'passive': - role = 'server'; - break; - case 'actpass': - role = 'auto'; - break; - } - const dtlsParameters = { - role, - fingerprints: [ - { - algorithm: fingerprint.type, - value: fingerprint.hash, - }, - ], - }; - return dtlsParameters; - } - exports.extractDtlsParameters = extractDtlsParameters; - function getCname({ offerMediaObject }) { - const ssrcCnameLine = (offerMediaObject.ssrcs || []).find((line) => line.attribute === 'cname'); - if (!ssrcCnameLine) return ''; - return ssrcCnameLine.value; - } - exports.getCname = getCname; - /** - * Apply codec parameters in the given SDP m= section answer based on the - * given RTP parameters of an offer. - */ - function applyCodecParameters({ offerRtpParameters, answerMediaObject }) { - for (const codec of offerRtpParameters.codecs) { - const mimeType = codec.mimeType.toLowerCase(); - // Avoid parsing codec parameters for unhandled codecs. - if (mimeType !== 'audio/opus') continue; - const rtp = (answerMediaObject.rtp || []).find((r) => r.payload === codec.payloadType); - if (!rtp) continue; - // Just in case. - answerMediaObject.fmtp = answerMediaObject.fmtp || []; - let fmtp = answerMediaObject.fmtp.find((f) => f.payload === codec.payloadType); - if (!fmtp) { - fmtp = { payload: codec.payloadType, config: '' }; - answerMediaObject.fmtp.push(fmtp); - } - const parameters = sdpTransform.parseParams(fmtp.config); - switch (mimeType) { - case 'audio/opus': { - const spropStereo = codec.parameters['sprop-stereo']; - if (spropStereo !== undefined) parameters.stereo = spropStereo ? 1 : 0; - break; - } - } - // Write the codec fmtp.config back. - fmtp.config = ''; - for (const key of Object.keys(parameters)) { - if (fmtp.config) fmtp.config += ';'; - fmtp.config += `${key}=${parameters[key]}`; - } - } - } - exports.applyCodecParameters = applyCodecParameters; - }, - { 'sdp-transform': 41 }, - ], - 30: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - function getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject, track }) { - // First media SSRC (or the only one). - let firstSsrc; - const ssrcs = new Set(); - for (const line of offerMediaObject.ssrcs || []) { - if (line.attribute !== 'msid') continue; - const trackId = line.value.split(' ')[1]; - if (trackId === track.id) { - const ssrc = line.id; - ssrcs.add(ssrc); - if (!firstSsrc) firstSsrc = ssrc; - } - } - if (ssrcs.size === 0) - throw new Error(`a=ssrc line with msid information not found [track.id:${track.id}]`); - const ssrcToRtxSsrc = new Map(); - // First assume RTX is used. - for (const line of offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups || []) { - if (line.semantics !== 'FID') continue; - let [ssrc, rtxSsrc] = line.ssrcs.split(/\s+/); - ssrc = Number(ssrc); - rtxSsrc = Number(rtxSsrc); - if (ssrcs.has(ssrc)) { - // Remove both the SSRC and RTX SSRC from the set so later we know that they - // are already handled. - ssrcs.delete(ssrc); - ssrcs.delete(rtxSsrc); - // Add to the map. - ssrcToRtxSsrc.set(ssrc, rtxSsrc); - } - } - // If the set of SSRCs is not empty it means that RTX is not being used, so take - // media SSRCs from there. - for (const ssrc of ssrcs) { - // Add to the map. - ssrcToRtxSsrc.set(ssrc, null); - } - const encodings = []; - for (const [ssrc, rtxSsrc] of ssrcToRtxSsrc) { - const encoding = { ssrc }; - if (rtxSsrc) encoding.rtx = { ssrc: rtxSsrc }; - encodings.push(encoding); - } - return encodings; - } - exports.getRtpEncodings = getRtpEncodings; - /** - * Adds multi-ssrc based simulcast into the given SDP media section offer. - */ - function addLegacySimulcast({ offerMediaObject, track, numStreams }) { - if (numStreams <= 1) throw new TypeError('numStreams must be greater than 1'); - let firstSsrc; - let firstRtxSsrc; - let streamId; - // Get the SSRC. - const ssrcMsidLine = (offerMediaObject.ssrcs || []).find((line) => { - if (line.attribute !== 'msid') return false; - const trackId = line.value.split(' ')[1]; - if (trackId === track.id) { - firstSsrc = line.id; - streamId = line.value.split(' ')[0]; - return true; - } else { - return false; - } - }); - if (!ssrcMsidLine) - throw new Error(`a=ssrc line with msid information not found [track.id:${track.id}]`); - // Get the SSRC for RTX. - (offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups || []).some((line) => { - if (line.semantics !== 'FID') return false; - const ssrcs = line.ssrcs.split(/\s+/); - if (Number(ssrcs[0]) === firstSsrc) { - firstRtxSsrc = Number(ssrcs[1]); - return true; - } else { - return false; - } - }); - const ssrcCnameLine = offerMediaObject.ssrcs.find( - (line) => line.attribute === 'cname' && line.id === firstSsrc, - ); - if (!ssrcCnameLine) - throw new Error(`a=ssrc line with cname information not found [track.id:${track.id}]`); - const cname = ssrcCnameLine.value; - const ssrcs = []; - const rtxSsrcs = []; - for (let i = 0; i < numStreams; ++i) { - ssrcs.push(firstSsrc + i); - if (firstRtxSsrc) rtxSsrcs.push(firstRtxSsrc + i); - } - offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups = offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups || []; - offerMediaObject.ssrcs = offerMediaObject.ssrcs || []; - offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups.push({ - semantics: 'SIM', - ssrcs: ssrcs.join(' '), - }); - for (let i = 0; i < ssrcs.length; ++i) { - const ssrc = ssrcs[i]; - offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: ssrc, - attribute: 'cname', - value: cname, - }); - offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: ssrc, - attribute: 'msid', - value: `${streamId} ${track.id}`, - }); - } - for (let i = 0; i < rtxSsrcs.length; ++i) { - const ssrc = ssrcs[i]; - const rtxSsrc = rtxSsrcs[i]; - offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: rtxSsrc, - attribute: 'cname', - value: cname, - }); - offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: rtxSsrc, - attribute: 'msid', - value: `${streamId} ${track.id}`, - }); - offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups.push({ - semantics: 'FID', - ssrcs: `${ssrc} ${rtxSsrc}`, - }); - } - } - exports.addLegacySimulcast = addLegacySimulcast; - }, - {}, - ], - 31: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - function getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }) { - const ssrcs = new Set(); - for (const line of offerMediaObject.ssrcs || []) { - const ssrc = line.id; - ssrcs.add(ssrc); - } - if (ssrcs.size === 0) throw new Error('no a=ssrc lines found'); - const ssrcToRtxSsrc = new Map(); - // First assume RTX is used. - for (const line of offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups || []) { - if (line.semantics !== 'FID') continue; - let [ssrc, rtxSsrc] = line.ssrcs.split(/\s+/); - ssrc = Number(ssrc); - rtxSsrc = Number(rtxSsrc); - if (ssrcs.has(ssrc)) { - // Remove both the SSRC and RTX SSRC from the set so later we know that they - // are already handled. - ssrcs.delete(ssrc); - ssrcs.delete(rtxSsrc); - // Add to the map. - ssrcToRtxSsrc.set(ssrc, rtxSsrc); - } - } - // If the set of SSRCs is not empty it means that RTX is not being used, so take - // media SSRCs from there. - for (const ssrc of ssrcs) { - // Add to the map. - ssrcToRtxSsrc.set(ssrc, null); - } - const encodings = []; - for (const [ssrc, rtxSsrc] of ssrcToRtxSsrc) { - const encoding = { ssrc }; - if (rtxSsrc) encoding.rtx = { ssrc: rtxSsrc }; - encodings.push(encoding); - } - return encodings; - } - exports.getRtpEncodings = getRtpEncodings; - /** - * Adds multi-ssrc based simulcast into the given SDP media section offer. - */ - function addLegacySimulcast({ offerMediaObject, numStreams }) { - if (numStreams <= 1) throw new TypeError('numStreams must be greater than 1'); - // Get the SSRC. - const ssrcMsidLine = (offerMediaObject.ssrcs || []).find((line) => line.attribute === 'msid'); - if (!ssrcMsidLine) throw new Error('a=ssrc line with msid information not found'); - const [streamId, trackId] = ssrcMsidLine.value.split(' ')[0]; - const firstSsrc = ssrcMsidLine.id; - let firstRtxSsrc; - // Get the SSRC for RTX. - (offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups || []).some((line) => { - if (line.semantics !== 'FID') return false; - const ssrcs = line.ssrcs.split(/\s+/); - if (Number(ssrcs[0]) === firstSsrc) { - firstRtxSsrc = Number(ssrcs[1]); - return true; - } else { - return false; - } - }); - const ssrcCnameLine = offerMediaObject.ssrcs.find((line) => line.attribute === 'cname'); - if (!ssrcCnameLine) throw new Error('a=ssrc line with cname information not found'); - const cname = ssrcCnameLine.value; - const ssrcs = []; - const rtxSsrcs = []; - for (let i = 0; i < numStreams; ++i) { - ssrcs.push(firstSsrc + i); - if (firstRtxSsrc) rtxSsrcs.push(firstRtxSsrc + i); - } - offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups = []; - offerMediaObject.ssrcs = []; - offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups.push({ - semantics: 'SIM', - ssrcs: ssrcs.join(' '), - }); - for (let i = 0; i < ssrcs.length; ++i) { - const ssrc = ssrcs[i]; - offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: ssrc, - attribute: 'cname', - value: cname, - }); - offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: ssrc, - attribute: 'msid', - value: `${streamId} ${trackId}`, - }); - } - for (let i = 0; i < rtxSsrcs.length; ++i) { - const ssrc = ssrcs[i]; - const rtxSsrc = rtxSsrcs[i]; - offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: rtxSsrc, - attribute: 'cname', - value: cname, - }); - offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ - id: rtxSsrc, - attribute: 'msid', - value: `${streamId} ${trackId}`, - }); - offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups.push({ - semantics: 'FID', - ssrcs: `${ssrc} ${rtxSsrc}`, - }); - } - } - exports.addLegacySimulcast = addLegacySimulcast; - }, - {}, - ], - 32: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const Device_1 = require('./Device'); - exports.Device = Device_1.Device; - exports.detectDevice = Device_1.detectDevice; - const types = require('./types'); - exports.types = types; - /** - * Expose mediasoup-client version. - */ - exports.version = '3.6.12'; - /** - * Expose parseScalabilityMode() function. - */ - var scalabilityModes_1 = require('./scalabilityModes'); - exports.parseScalabilityMode = scalabilityModes_1.parse; - }, - { './Device': 10, './scalabilityModes': 34, './types': 35 }, - ], - 33: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const h264 = require('h264-profile-level-id'); - const utils_1 = require('./utils'); - const RTP_PROBATOR_MID = 'probator'; - const RTP_PROBATOR_SSRC = 1234; - const RTP_PROBATOR_CODEC_PAYLOAD_TYPE = 127; - /** - * Validates RtpCapabilities. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateRtpCapabilities(caps) { - if (typeof caps !== 'object') throw new TypeError('caps is not an object'); - // codecs is optional. If unset, fill with an empty array. - if (caps.codecs && !Array.isArray(caps.codecs)) throw new TypeError('caps.codecs is not an array'); - else if (!caps.codecs) caps.codecs = []; - for (const codec of caps.codecs) { - validateRtpCodecCapability(codec); - } - // headerExtensions is optional. If unset, fill with an empty array. - if (caps.headerExtensions && !Array.isArray(caps.headerExtensions)) - throw new TypeError('caps.headerExtensions is not an array'); - else if (!caps.headerExtensions) caps.headerExtensions = []; - for (const ext of caps.headerExtensions) { - validateRtpHeaderExtension(ext); - } - } - exports.validateRtpCapabilities = validateRtpCapabilities; - /** - * Validates RtpCodecCapability. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateRtpCodecCapability(codec) { - const MimeTypeRegex = new RegExp('^(audio|video)/(.+)', 'i'); - if (typeof codec !== 'object') throw new TypeError('codec is not an object'); - // mimeType is mandatory. - if (!codec.mimeType || typeof codec.mimeType !== 'string') - throw new TypeError('missing codec.mimeType'); - const mimeTypeMatch = MimeTypeRegex.exec(codec.mimeType); - if (!mimeTypeMatch) throw new TypeError('invalid codec.mimeType'); - // Just override kind with media component of mimeType. - codec.kind = mimeTypeMatch[1].toLowerCase(); - // preferredPayloadType is optional. - if (codec.preferredPayloadType && typeof codec.preferredPayloadType !== 'number') - throw new TypeError('invalid codec.preferredPayloadType'); - // clockRate is mandatory. - if (typeof codec.clockRate !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing codec.clockRate'); - // channels is optional. If unset, set it to 1 (just if audio). - if (codec.kind === 'audio') { - if (typeof codec.channels !== 'number') codec.channels = 1; - } else { - delete codec.channels; - } - // parameters is optional. If unset, set it to an empty object. - if (!codec.parameters || typeof codec.parameters !== 'object') codec.parameters = {}; - for (const key of Object.keys(codec.parameters)) { - let value = codec.parameters[key]; - if (value === undefined) { - codec.parameters[key] = ''; - value = ''; - } - if (typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'number') { - throw new TypeError(`invalid codec parameter [key:${key}s, value:${value}]`); - } - // Specific parameters validation. - if (key === 'apt') { - if (typeof value !== 'number') throw new TypeError('invalid codec apt parameter'); - } - } - // rtcpFeedback is optional. If unset, set it to an empty array. - if (!codec.rtcpFeedback || !Array.isArray(codec.rtcpFeedback)) codec.rtcpFeedback = []; - for (const fb of codec.rtcpFeedback) { - validateRtcpFeedback(fb); - } - } - exports.validateRtpCodecCapability = validateRtpCodecCapability; - /** - * Validates RtcpFeedback. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateRtcpFeedback(fb) { - if (typeof fb !== 'object') throw new TypeError('fb is not an object'); - // type is mandatory. - if (!fb.type || typeof fb.type !== 'string') throw new TypeError('missing fb.type'); - // parameter is optional. If unset set it to an empty string. - if (!fb.parameter || typeof fb.parameter !== 'string') fb.parameter = ''; - } - exports.validateRtcpFeedback = validateRtcpFeedback; - /** - * Validates RtpHeaderExtension. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateRtpHeaderExtension(ext) { - if (typeof ext !== 'object') throw new TypeError('ext is not an object'); - // kind is optional. If unset set it to an empty string. - if (!ext.kind || typeof ext.kind !== 'string') ext.kind = ''; - if (ext.kind !== '' && ext.kind !== 'audio' && ext.kind !== 'video') - throw new TypeError('invalid ext.kind'); - // uri is mandatory. - if (!ext.uri || typeof ext.uri !== 'string') throw new TypeError('missing ext.uri'); - // preferredId is mandatory. - if (typeof ext.preferredId !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing ext.preferredId'); - // preferredEncrypt is optional. If unset set it to false. - if (ext.preferredEncrypt && typeof ext.preferredEncrypt !== 'boolean') - throw new TypeError('invalid ext.preferredEncrypt'); - else if (!ext.preferredEncrypt) ext.preferredEncrypt = false; - // direction is optional. If unset set it to sendrecv. - if (ext.direction && typeof ext.direction !== 'string') - throw new TypeError('invalid ext.direction'); - else if (!ext.direction) ext.direction = 'sendrecv'; - } - exports.validateRtpHeaderExtension = validateRtpHeaderExtension; - /** - * Validates RtpParameters. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateRtpParameters(params) { - if (typeof params !== 'object') throw new TypeError('params is not an object'); - // mid is optional. - if (params.mid && typeof params.mid !== 'string') throw new TypeError('params.mid is not a string'); - // codecs is mandatory. - if (!Array.isArray(params.codecs)) throw new TypeError('missing params.codecs'); - for (const codec of params.codecs) { - validateRtpCodecParameters(codec); - } - // headerExtensions is optional. If unset, fill with an empty array. - if (params.headerExtensions && !Array.isArray(params.headerExtensions)) - throw new TypeError('params.headerExtensions is not an array'); - else if (!params.headerExtensions) params.headerExtensions = []; - for (const ext of params.headerExtensions) { - validateRtpHeaderExtensionParameters(ext); - } - // encodings is optional. If unset, fill with an empty array. - if (params.encodings && !Array.isArray(params.encodings)) - throw new TypeError('params.encodings is not an array'); - else if (!params.encodings) params.encodings = []; - for (const encoding of params.encodings) { - validateRtpEncodingParameters(encoding); - } - // rtcp is optional. If unset, fill with an empty object. - if (params.rtcp && typeof params.rtcp !== 'object') - throw new TypeError('params.rtcp is not an object'); - else if (!params.rtcp) params.rtcp = {}; - validateRtcpParameters(params.rtcp); - } - exports.validateRtpParameters = validateRtpParameters; - /** - * Validates RtpCodecParameters. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateRtpCodecParameters(codec) { - const MimeTypeRegex = new RegExp('^(audio|video)/(.+)', 'i'); - if (typeof codec !== 'object') throw new TypeError('codec is not an object'); - // mimeType is mandatory. - if (!codec.mimeType || typeof codec.mimeType !== 'string') - throw new TypeError('missing codec.mimeType'); - const mimeTypeMatch = MimeTypeRegex.exec(codec.mimeType); - if (!mimeTypeMatch) throw new TypeError('invalid codec.mimeType'); - // payloadType is mandatory. - if (typeof codec.payloadType !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing codec.payloadType'); - // clockRate is mandatory. - if (typeof codec.clockRate !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing codec.clockRate'); - const kind = mimeTypeMatch[1].toLowerCase(); - // channels is optional. If unset, set it to 1 (just if audio). - if (kind === 'audio') { - if (typeof codec.channels !== 'number') codec.channels = 1; - } else { - delete codec.channels; - } - // parameters is optional. If unset, set it to an empty object. - if (!codec.parameters || typeof codec.parameters !== 'object') codec.parameters = {}; - for (const key of Object.keys(codec.parameters)) { - let value = codec.parameters[key]; - if (value === undefined) { - codec.parameters[key] = ''; - value = ''; - } - if (typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'number') { - throw new TypeError(`invalid codec parameter [key:${key}s, value:${value}]`); - } - // Specific parameters validation. - if (key === 'apt') { - if (typeof value !== 'number') throw new TypeError('invalid codec apt parameter'); - } - } - // rtcpFeedback is optional. If unset, set it to an empty array. - if (!codec.rtcpFeedback || !Array.isArray(codec.rtcpFeedback)) codec.rtcpFeedback = []; - for (const fb of codec.rtcpFeedback) { - validateRtcpFeedback(fb); - } - } - exports.validateRtpCodecParameters = validateRtpCodecParameters; - /** - * Validates RtpHeaderExtensionParameteters. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateRtpHeaderExtensionParameters(ext) { - if (typeof ext !== 'object') throw new TypeError('ext is not an object'); - // uri is mandatory. - if (!ext.uri || typeof ext.uri !== 'string') throw new TypeError('missing ext.uri'); - // id is mandatory. - if (typeof ext.id !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing ext.id'); - // encrypt is optional. If unset set it to false. - if (ext.encrypt && typeof ext.encrypt !== 'boolean') throw new TypeError('invalid ext.encrypt'); - else if (!ext.encrypt) ext.encrypt = false; - // parameters is optional. If unset, set it to an empty object. - if (!ext.parameters || typeof ext.parameters !== 'object') ext.parameters = {}; - for (const key of Object.keys(ext.parameters)) { - let value = ext.parameters[key]; - if (value === undefined) { - ext.parameters[key] = ''; - value = ''; - } - if (typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'number') - throw new TypeError('invalid header extension parameter'); - } - } - exports.validateRtpHeaderExtensionParameters = validateRtpHeaderExtensionParameters; - /** - * Validates RtpEncodingParameters. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateRtpEncodingParameters(encoding) { - if (typeof encoding !== 'object') throw new TypeError('encoding is not an object'); - // ssrc is optional. - if (encoding.ssrc && typeof encoding.ssrc !== 'number') - throw new TypeError('invalid encoding.ssrc'); - // rid is optional. - if (encoding.rid && typeof encoding.rid !== 'string') throw new TypeError('invalid encoding.rid'); - // rtx is optional. - if (encoding.rtx && typeof encoding.rtx !== 'object') { - throw new TypeError('invalid encoding.rtx'); - } else if (encoding.rtx) { - // RTX ssrc is mandatory if rtx is present. - if (typeof encoding.rtx.ssrc !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing encoding.rtx.ssrc'); - } - // dtx is optional. If unset set it to false. - if (!encoding.dtx || typeof encoding.dtx !== 'boolean') encoding.dtx = false; - // scalabilityMode is optional. - if (encoding.scalabilityMode && typeof encoding.scalabilityMode !== 'string') - throw new TypeError('invalid encoding.scalabilityMode'); - } - exports.validateRtpEncodingParameters = validateRtpEncodingParameters; - /** - * Validates RtcpParameters. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateRtcpParameters(rtcp) { - if (typeof rtcp !== 'object') throw new TypeError('rtcp is not an object'); - // cname is optional. - if (rtcp.cname && typeof rtcp.cname !== 'string') throw new TypeError('invalid rtcp.cname'); - // reducedSize is optional. If unset set it to true. - if (!rtcp.reducedSize || typeof rtcp.reducedSize !== 'boolean') rtcp.reducedSize = true; - } - exports.validateRtcpParameters = validateRtcpParameters; - /** - * Validates SctpCapabilities. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateSctpCapabilities(caps) { - if (typeof caps !== 'object') throw new TypeError('caps is not an object'); - // numStreams is mandatory. - if (!caps.numStreams || typeof caps.numStreams !== 'object') - throw new TypeError('missing caps.numStreams'); - validateNumSctpStreams(caps.numStreams); - } - exports.validateSctpCapabilities = validateSctpCapabilities; - /** - * Validates NumSctpStreams. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateNumSctpStreams(numStreams) { - if (typeof numStreams !== 'object') throw new TypeError('numStreams is not an object'); - // OS is mandatory. - if (typeof numStreams.OS !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing numStreams.OS'); - // MIS is mandatory. - if (typeof numStreams.MIS !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing numStreams.MIS'); - } - exports.validateNumSctpStreams = validateNumSctpStreams; - /** - * Validates SctpParameters. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateSctpParameters(params) { - if (typeof params !== 'object') throw new TypeError('params is not an object'); - // port is mandatory. - if (typeof params.port !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing params.port'); - // OS is mandatory. - if (typeof params.OS !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing params.OS'); - // MIS is mandatory. - if (typeof params.MIS !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing params.MIS'); - // maxMessageSize is mandatory. - if (typeof params.maxMessageSize !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing params.maxMessageSize'); - } - exports.validateSctpParameters = validateSctpParameters; - /** - * Validates SctpStreamParameters. It may modify given data by adding missing - * fields with default values. - * It throws if invalid. - */ - function validateSctpStreamParameters(params) { - if (typeof params !== 'object') throw new TypeError('params is not an object'); - // streamId is mandatory. - if (typeof params.streamId !== 'number') throw new TypeError('missing params.streamId'); - // ordered is optional. - let orderedGiven = false; - if (typeof params.ordered === 'boolean') orderedGiven = true; - else params.ordered = true; - // maxPacketLifeTime is optional. - if (params.maxPacketLifeTime && typeof params.maxPacketLifeTime !== 'number') - throw new TypeError('invalid params.maxPacketLifeTime'); - // maxRetransmits is optional. - if (params.maxRetransmits && typeof params.maxRetransmits !== 'number') - throw new TypeError('invalid params.maxRetransmits'); - if (params.maxPacketLifeTime && params.maxRetransmits) - throw new TypeError('cannot provide both maxPacketLifeTime and maxRetransmits'); - if (orderedGiven && params.ordered && (params.maxPacketLifeTime || params.maxRetransmits)) { - throw new TypeError('cannot be ordered with maxPacketLifeTime or maxRetransmits'); - } else if (!orderedGiven && (params.maxPacketLifeTime || params.maxRetransmits)) { - params.ordered = false; - } - // priority is optional. - if (params.priority && typeof params.priority !== 'string') - throw new TypeError('invalid params.priority'); - // label is optional. - if (params.label && typeof params.label !== 'string') throw new TypeError('invalid params.label'); - // protocol is optional. - if (params.protocol && typeof params.protocol !== 'string') - throw new TypeError('invalid params.protocol'); - } - exports.validateSctpStreamParameters = validateSctpStreamParameters; - /** - * Generate extended RTP capabilities for sending and receiving. - */ - function getExtendedRtpCapabilities(localCaps, remoteCaps) { - const extendedRtpCapabilities = { - codecs: [], - headerExtensions: [], - }; - // Match media codecs and keep the order preferred by remoteCaps. - for (const remoteCodec of remoteCaps.codecs || []) { - if (isRtxCodec(remoteCodec)) continue; - const matchingLocalCodec = (localCaps.codecs || []).find((localCodec) => - matchCodecs(localCodec, remoteCodec, { strict: true, modify: true }), - ); - if (!matchingLocalCodec) continue; - const extendedCodec = { - mimeType: matchingLocalCodec.mimeType, - kind: matchingLocalCodec.kind, - clockRate: matchingLocalCodec.clockRate, - channels: matchingLocalCodec.channels, - localPayloadType: matchingLocalCodec.preferredPayloadType, - localRtxPayloadType: undefined, - remotePayloadType: remoteCodec.preferredPayloadType, - remoteRtxPayloadType: undefined, - localParameters: matchingLocalCodec.parameters, - remoteParameters: remoteCodec.parameters, - rtcpFeedback: reduceRtcpFeedback(matchingLocalCodec, remoteCodec), - }; - extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs.push(extendedCodec); - } - // Match RTX codecs. - for (const extendedCodec of extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs) { - const matchingLocalRtxCodec = localCaps.codecs.find( - (localCodec) => - isRtxCodec(localCodec) && localCodec.parameters.apt === extendedCodec.localPayloadType, - ); - const matchingRemoteRtxCodec = remoteCaps.codecs.find( - (remoteCodec) => - isRtxCodec(remoteCodec) && - remoteCodec.parameters.apt === extendedCodec.remotePayloadType, - ); - if (matchingLocalRtxCodec && matchingRemoteRtxCodec) { - extendedCodec.localRtxPayloadType = matchingLocalRtxCodec.preferredPayloadType; - extendedCodec.remoteRtxPayloadType = matchingRemoteRtxCodec.preferredPayloadType; - } - } - // Match header extensions. - for (const remoteExt of remoteCaps.headerExtensions) { - const matchingLocalExt = localCaps.headerExtensions.find((localExt) => - matchHeaderExtensions(localExt, remoteExt), - ); - if (!matchingLocalExt) continue; - const extendedExt = { - kind: remoteExt.kind, - uri: remoteExt.uri, - sendId: matchingLocalExt.preferredId, - recvId: remoteExt.preferredId, - encrypt: matchingLocalExt.preferredEncrypt, - direction: 'sendrecv', - }; - switch (remoteExt.direction) { - case 'sendrecv': - extendedExt.direction = 'sendrecv'; - break; - case 'recvonly': - extendedExt.direction = 'sendonly'; - break; - case 'sendonly': - extendedExt.direction = 'recvonly'; - break; - case 'inactive': - extendedExt.direction = 'inactive'; - break; - } - extendedRtpCapabilities.headerExtensions.push(extendedExt); - } - return extendedRtpCapabilities; - } - exports.getExtendedRtpCapabilities = getExtendedRtpCapabilities; - /** - * Generate RTP capabilities for receiving media based on the given extended - * RTP capabilities. - */ - function getRecvRtpCapabilities(extendedRtpCapabilities) { - const rtpCapabilities = { - codecs: [], - headerExtensions: [], - }; - for (const extendedCodec of extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs) { - const codec = { - mimeType: extendedCodec.mimeType, - kind: extendedCodec.kind, - preferredPayloadType: extendedCodec.remotePayloadType, - clockRate: extendedCodec.clockRate, - channels: extendedCodec.channels, - parameters: extendedCodec.localParameters, - rtcpFeedback: extendedCodec.rtcpFeedback, - }; - rtpCapabilities.codecs.push(codec); - // Add RTX codec. - if (!extendedCodec.remoteRtxPayloadType) continue; - const rtxCodec = { - mimeType: `${extendedCodec.kind}/rtx`, - kind: extendedCodec.kind, - preferredPayloadType: extendedCodec.remoteRtxPayloadType, - clockRate: extendedCodec.clockRate, - parameters: { - apt: extendedCodec.remotePayloadType, - }, - rtcpFeedback: [], - }; - rtpCapabilities.codecs.push(rtxCodec); - // TODO: In the future, we need to add FEC, CN, etc, codecs. - } - for (const extendedExtension of extendedRtpCapabilities.headerExtensions) { - // Ignore RTP extensions not valid for receiving. - if (extendedExtension.direction !== 'sendrecv' && extendedExtension.direction !== 'recvonly') { - continue; - } - const ext = { - kind: extendedExtension.kind, - uri: extendedExtension.uri, - preferredId: extendedExtension.recvId, - preferredEncrypt: extendedExtension.encrypt, - direction: extendedExtension.direction, - }; - rtpCapabilities.headerExtensions.push(ext); - } - return rtpCapabilities; - } - exports.getRecvRtpCapabilities = getRecvRtpCapabilities; - /** - * Generate RTP parameters of the given kind for sending media. - * NOTE: mid, encodings and rtcp fields are left empty. - */ - function getSendingRtpParameters(kind, extendedRtpCapabilities) { - const rtpParameters = { - mid: undefined, - codecs: [], - headerExtensions: [], - encodings: [], - rtcp: {}, - }; - for (const extendedCodec of extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs) { - if (extendedCodec.kind !== kind) continue; - const codec = { - mimeType: extendedCodec.mimeType, - payloadType: extendedCodec.localPayloadType, - clockRate: extendedCodec.clockRate, - channels: extendedCodec.channels, - parameters: extendedCodec.localParameters, - rtcpFeedback: extendedCodec.rtcpFeedback, - }; - rtpParameters.codecs.push(codec); - // Add RTX codec. - if (extendedCodec.localRtxPayloadType) { - const rtxCodec = { - mimeType: `${extendedCodec.kind}/rtx`, - payloadType: extendedCodec.localRtxPayloadType, - clockRate: extendedCodec.clockRate, - parameters: { - apt: extendedCodec.localPayloadType, - }, - rtcpFeedback: [], - }; - rtpParameters.codecs.push(rtxCodec); - } - } - for (const extendedExtension of extendedRtpCapabilities.headerExtensions) { - // Ignore RTP extensions of a different kind and those not valid for sending. - if ( - (extendedExtension.kind && extendedExtension.kind !== kind) || - (extendedExtension.direction !== 'sendrecv' && extendedExtension.direction !== 'sendonly') - ) { - continue; - } - const ext = { - uri: extendedExtension.uri, - id: extendedExtension.sendId, - encrypt: extendedExtension.encrypt, - parameters: {}, - }; - rtpParameters.headerExtensions.push(ext); - } - return rtpParameters; - } - exports.getSendingRtpParameters = getSendingRtpParameters; - /** - * Generate RTP parameters of the given kind suitable for the remote SDP answer. - */ - function getSendingRemoteRtpParameters(kind, extendedRtpCapabilities) { - const rtpParameters = { - mid: undefined, - codecs: [], - headerExtensions: [], - encodings: [], - rtcp: {}, - }; - for (const extendedCodec of extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs) { - if (extendedCodec.kind !== kind) continue; - const codec = { - mimeType: extendedCodec.mimeType, - payloadType: extendedCodec.localPayloadType, - clockRate: extendedCodec.clockRate, - channels: extendedCodec.channels, - parameters: extendedCodec.remoteParameters, - rtcpFeedback: extendedCodec.rtcpFeedback, - }; - rtpParameters.codecs.push(codec); - // Add RTX codec. - if (extendedCodec.localRtxPayloadType) { - const rtxCodec = { - mimeType: `${extendedCodec.kind}/rtx`, - payloadType: extendedCodec.localRtxPayloadType, - clockRate: extendedCodec.clockRate, - parameters: { - apt: extendedCodec.localPayloadType, - }, - rtcpFeedback: [], - }; - rtpParameters.codecs.push(rtxCodec); - } - } - for (const extendedExtension of extendedRtpCapabilities.headerExtensions) { - // Ignore RTP extensions of a different kind and those not valid for sending. - if ( - (extendedExtension.kind && extendedExtension.kind !== kind) || - (extendedExtension.direction !== 'sendrecv' && extendedExtension.direction !== 'sendonly') - ) { - continue; - } - const ext = { - uri: extendedExtension.uri, - id: extendedExtension.sendId, - encrypt: extendedExtension.encrypt, - parameters: {}, + audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection(Object.assign({ iceServers: iceServers || [], iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan' }, additionalSettings), proprietaryConstraints); + // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. + this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { + switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { + case 'checking': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); + break; + case 'connected': + case 'completed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); + break; + case 'failed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); + break; + case 'disconnected': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); + break; + case 'closed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); + break; + } + }); + } + async updateIceServers(iceServers) { + logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); + const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); + configuration.iceServers = iceServers; + this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); + } + async restartIce(iceParameters) { + logger.debug('restartIce()'); + // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. + this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); + if (!this._transportReady) + return; + if (this._direction === 'send') { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + else { + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + } + async getTransportStats() { + return this._pc.getStats(); + } + async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); + if (encodings && encodings.length > 1) { + encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + encoding.rid = `r${idx}`; + }); + } + const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + // This may throw. + sendingRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs, codec); + const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + // This may throw. + sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs, codec); + const mediaSectionIdx = this._remoteSdp.getNextMediaSectionIdx(); + const transceiver = this._pc.addTransceiver(track, { + direction: 'sendonly', + streams: [this._sendStream], + sendEncodings: encodings + }); + let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + let offerMediaObject; + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + // Special case for VP9 with SVC. + let hackVp9Svc = false; + const layers = scalabilityModes_1.parse((encodings || [{}])[0].scalabilityMode); + if (encodings && + encodings.length === 1 && + layers.spatialLayers > 1 && + sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp9') { + logger.debug('send() | enabling legacy simulcast for VP9 SVC'); + hackVp9Svc = true; + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; + sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ + offerMediaObject, + numStreams: layers.spatialLayers + }); + offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + } + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + // We can now get the transceiver.mid. + const localId = transceiver.mid; + // Set MID. + sendingRtpParameters.mid = localId; + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; + // Set RTCP CNAME. + sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = + sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); + // Set RTP encodings by parsing the SDP offer if no encodings are given. + if (!encodings) { + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = + sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }); + } + // Set RTP encodings by parsing the SDP offer and complete them with given + // one if just a single encoding has been given. + else if (encodings.length === 1) { + let newEncodings = sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }); + Object.assign(newEncodings[0], encodings[0]); + // Hack for VP9 SVC. + if (hackVp9Svc) + newEncodings = [newEncodings[0]]; + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = newEncodings; + } + // Otherwise if more than 1 encoding are given use them verbatim. + else { + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = encodings; + } + // If VP8 or H264 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to + // each encoding. + if (sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && + (sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' || + sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264')) { + for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { + encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; + } + } + this._remoteSdp.send({ + offerMediaObject, + reuseMid: mediaSectionIdx.reuseMid, + offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, + codecOptions, + extmapAllowMixed: true + }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + // Store in the map. + this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); + return { + localId, + rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + rtpSender: transceiver.sender + }; + } + async stopSending(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(null); + this._pc.removeTrack(transceiver.sender); + this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + async replaceTrack(localId, track) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + if (track) { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); + } + else { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); + } + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + await transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(track); + } + async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + if (idx <= spatialLayer) + encoding.active = true; + else + encoding.active = false; + }); + await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + parameters.encodings[idx] = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, encoding), params); + }); + await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async getSenderStats(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + return transceiver.sender.getStats(); + } + async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // Increase next id. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = + ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === 'application'); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + const sctpStreamParameters = { + streamId: options.id, + ordered: options.ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits + }; + return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; + } + async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); + const localId = rtpParameters.mid || String(this._mapMidTransceiver.size); + this._remoteSdp.receive({ + mid: localId, + kind, + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + streamId: rtpParameters.rtcp.cname, + trackId + }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => String(m.mid) === localId); + // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec + // parameters in the offer. + sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + answerMediaObject + }); + answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + const transceiver = this._pc.getTransceivers() + .find((t) => t.mid === localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('new RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + // Store in the map. + this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); + return { + localId, + track: transceiver.receiver.track, + rtpReceiver: transceiver.receiver + }; + } + async stopReceiving(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + async getReceiverStats(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + return transceiver.receiver.getStats(); + } + async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: streamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation(); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + if (!this._transportReady) { + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + } + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + return { dataChannel }; + } + async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { + if (!localSdpObject) + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + // Get our local DTLS parameters. + const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); + // Set our DTLS role. + dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; + // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. + this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); + // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. + await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); + this._transportReady = true; + } + _assertSendDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'send') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); + } + } + _assertRecvDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'recv') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); + } + } +} +exports.Chrome74 = Chrome74; + +},{"../Logger":13,"../ortc":36,"../scalabilityModes":37,"../utils":39,"./HandlerInterface":25,"./sdp/RemoteSdp":31,"./sdp/commonUtils":32,"./sdp/unifiedPlanUtils":34,"sdp-transform":44}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Edge11 = void 0; +const Logger_1 = require("../Logger"); +const errors_1 = require("../errors"); +const utils = __importStar(require("../utils")); +const ortc = __importStar(require("../ortc")); +const edgeUtils = __importStar(require("./ortc/edgeUtils")); +const HandlerInterface_1 = require("./HandlerInterface"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Edge11'); +class Edge11 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { + constructor() { + super(); + // Map of RTCRtpSenders indexed by id. + this._rtpSenders = new Map(); + // Map of RTCRtpReceivers indexed by id. + this._rtpReceivers = new Map(); + // Next localId for sending tracks. + this._nextSendLocalId = 0; + // Got transport local and remote parameters. + this._transportReady = false; + } + /** + * Creates a factory function. + */ + static createFactory() { + return () => new Edge11(); + } + get name() { + return 'Edge11'; + } + close() { + logger.debug('close()'); + // Close the ICE gatherer. + // NOTE: Not yet implemented by Edge. + try { + this._iceGatherer.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + // Close the ICE transport. + try { + this._iceTransport.stop(); + } + catch (error) { } + // Close the DTLS transport. + try { + this._dtlsTransport.stop(); + } + catch (error) { } + // Close RTCRtpSenders. + for (const rtpSender of this._rtpSenders.values()) { + try { + rtpSender.stop(); + } + catch (error) { } + } + // Close RTCRtpReceivers. + for (const rtpReceiver of this._rtpReceivers.values()) { + try { + rtpReceiver.stop(); + } + catch (error) { } + } + } + async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); + return edgeUtils.getCapabilities(); + } + async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); + return { + numStreams: { OS: 0, MIS: 0 } + }; + } + run({ direction, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + proprietaryConstraints, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + extendedRtpCapabilities }) { + logger.debug('run()'); + this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = + { + audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._remoteIceParameters = iceParameters; + this._remoteIceCandidates = iceCandidates; + this._remoteDtlsParameters = dtlsParameters; + this._cname = `CNAME-${utils.generateRandomNumber()}`; + this._setIceGatherer({ iceServers, iceTransportPolicy }); + this._setIceTransport(); + this._setDtlsTransport(); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + async updateIceServers(iceServers) { + // NOTE: Edge 11 does not implement iceGatherer.gater(). + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not supported'); + } + async restartIce(iceParameters) { + logger.debug('restartIce()'); + this._remoteIceParameters = iceParameters; + if (!this._transportReady) + return; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling iceTransport.start()'); + this._iceTransport.start(this._iceGatherer, iceParameters, 'controlling'); + for (const candidate of this._remoteIceCandidates) { + this._iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate(candidate); + } + this._iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate({}); + } + async getTransportStats() { + return this._iceTransport.getStats(); + } + async send( + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + { track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { + logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server' }); + logger.debug('send() | calling new RTCRtpSender()'); + const rtpSender = new RTCRtpSender(track, this._dtlsTransport); + const rtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + rtpParameters.codecs = ortc.reduceCodecs(rtpParameters.codecs, codec); + const useRtx = rtpParameters.codecs + .some((_codec) => /.+\/rtx$/i.test(_codec.mimeType)); + if (!encodings) + encodings = [{}]; + for (const encoding of encodings) { + encoding.ssrc = utils.generateRandomNumber(); + if (useRtx) + encoding.rtx = { ssrc: utils.generateRandomNumber() }; + } + rtpParameters.encodings = encodings; + // Fill RTCRtpParameters.rtcp. + rtpParameters.rtcp = + { + cname: this._cname, + reducedSize: true, + mux: true + }; + // NOTE: Convert our standard RTCRtpParameters into those that Edge + // expects. + const edgeRtpParameters = edgeUtils.mangleRtpParameters(rtpParameters); + logger.debug('send() | calling rtpSender.send() [params:%o]', edgeRtpParameters); + await rtpSender.send(edgeRtpParameters); + const localId = String(this._nextSendLocalId); + this._nextSendLocalId++; + // Store it. + this._rtpSenders.set(localId, rtpSender); + return { localId, rtpParameters, rtpSender }; + } + async stopSending(localId) { + logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); + const rtpSender = this._rtpSenders.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('RTCRtpSender not found'); + this._rtpSenders.delete(localId); + try { + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling rtpSender.stop()'); + rtpSender.stop(); + } + catch (error) { + logger.warn('stopSending() | rtpSender.stop() failed:%o', error); + throw error; + } + } + async replaceTrack(localId, track) { + if (track) { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); + } + else { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); + } + const rtpSender = this._rtpSenders.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('RTCRtpSender not found'); + rtpSender.setTrack(track); + } + async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { + logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); + const rtpSender = this._rtpSenders.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('RTCRtpSender not found'); + const parameters = rtpSender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings + .forEach((encoding, idx) => { + if (idx <= spatialLayer) + encoding.active = true; + else + encoding.active = false; + }); + await rtpSender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { + logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); + const rtpSender = this._rtpSenders.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('RTCRtpSender not found'); + const parameters = rtpSender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + parameters.encodings[idx] = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, encoding), params); + }); + await rtpSender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async getSenderStats(localId) { + const rtpSender = this._rtpSenders.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('RTCRtpSender not found'); + return rtpSender.getStats(); + } + async sendDataChannel( + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + options) { + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); + } + async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { + logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server' }); + logger.debug('receive() | calling new RTCRtpReceiver()'); + const rtpReceiver = new RTCRtpReceiver(this._dtlsTransport, kind); + rtpReceiver.addEventListener('error', (event) => { + logger.error('rtpReceiver "error" event [event:%o]', event); + }); + // NOTE: Convert our standard RTCRtpParameters into those that Edge + // expects. + const edgeRtpParameters = edgeUtils.mangleRtpParameters(rtpParameters); + logger.debug('receive() | calling rtpReceiver.receive() [params:%o]', edgeRtpParameters); + await rtpReceiver.receive(edgeRtpParameters); + const localId = trackId; + // Store it. + this._rtpReceivers.set(localId, rtpReceiver); + return { + localId, + track: rtpReceiver.track, + rtpReceiver + }; + } + async stopReceiving(localId) { + logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); + const rtpReceiver = this._rtpReceivers.get(localId); + if (!rtpReceiver) + throw new Error('RTCRtpReceiver not found'); + this._rtpReceivers.delete(localId); + try { + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling rtpReceiver.stop()'); + rtpReceiver.stop(); + } + catch (error) { + logger.warn('stopReceiving() | rtpReceiver.stop() failed:%o', error); + } + } + async getReceiverStats(localId) { + const rtpReceiver = this._rtpReceivers.get(localId); + if (!rtpReceiver) + throw new Error('RTCRtpReceiver not found'); + return rtpReceiver.getStats(); + } + async receiveDataChannel( + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + options) { + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); + } + _setIceGatherer({ iceServers, iceTransportPolicy }) { + const iceGatherer = new RTCIceGatherer({ + iceServers: iceServers || [], + gatherPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all' + }); + iceGatherer.addEventListener('error', (event) => { + logger.error('iceGatherer "error" event [event:%o]', event); + }); + // NOTE: Not yet implemented by Edge, which starts gathering automatically. + try { + iceGatherer.gather(); + } + catch (error) { + logger.debug('_setIceGatherer() | iceGatherer.gather() failed: %s', error.toString()); + } + this._iceGatherer = iceGatherer; + } + _setIceTransport() { + const iceTransport = new RTCIceTransport(this._iceGatherer); + // NOTE: Not yet implemented by Edge. + iceTransport.addEventListener('statechange', () => { + switch (iceTransport.state) { + case 'checking': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); + break; + case 'connected': + case 'completed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); + break; + case 'failed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); + break; + case 'disconnected': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); + break; + case 'closed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); + break; + } + }); + // NOTE: Not standard, but implemented by Edge. + iceTransport.addEventListener('icestatechange', () => { + switch (iceTransport.state) { + case 'checking': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); + break; + case 'connected': + case 'completed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); + break; + case 'failed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); + break; + case 'disconnected': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); + break; + case 'closed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); + break; + } + }); + iceTransport.addEventListener('candidatepairchange', (event) => { + logger.debug('iceTransport "candidatepairchange" event [pair:%o]', event.pair); + }); + this._iceTransport = iceTransport; + } + _setDtlsTransport() { + const dtlsTransport = new RTCDtlsTransport(this._iceTransport); + // NOTE: Not yet implemented by Edge. + dtlsTransport.addEventListener('statechange', () => { + logger.debug('dtlsTransport "statechange" event [state:%s]', dtlsTransport.state); + }); + // NOTE: Not standard, but implemented by Edge. + dtlsTransport.addEventListener('dtlsstatechange', () => { + logger.debug('dtlsTransport "dtlsstatechange" event [state:%s]', dtlsTransport.state); + if (dtlsTransport.state === 'closed') + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); + }); + dtlsTransport.addEventListener('error', (event) => { + logger.error('dtlsTransport "error" event [event:%o]', event); + }); + this._dtlsTransport = dtlsTransport; + } + async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole }) { + logger.debug('_setupTransport()'); + // Get our local DTLS parameters. + const dtlsParameters = this._dtlsTransport.getLocalParameters(); + dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; + // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. + await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); + // Start the RTCIceTransport. + this._iceTransport.start(this._iceGatherer, this._remoteIceParameters, 'controlling'); + // Add remote ICE candidates. + for (const candidate of this._remoteIceCandidates) { + this._iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate(candidate); + } + // Also signal a 'complete' candidate as per spec. + // NOTE: It should be {complete: true} but Edge prefers {}. + // NOTE: If we don't signal end of candidates, the Edge RTCIceTransport + // won't enter the 'completed' state. + this._iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate({}); + // NOTE: Edge does not like SHA less than 256. + this._remoteDtlsParameters.fingerprints = this._remoteDtlsParameters.fingerprints + .filter((fingerprint) => { + return (fingerprint.algorithm === 'sha-256' || + fingerprint.algorithm === 'sha-384' || + fingerprint.algorithm === 'sha-512'); + }); + // Start the RTCDtlsTransport. + this._dtlsTransport.start(this._remoteDtlsParameters); + this._transportReady = true; + } +} +exports.Edge11 = Edge11; + +},{"../Logger":13,"../errors":18,"../ortc":36,"../utils":39,"./HandlerInterface":25,"./ortc/edgeUtils":29}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Firefox60 = void 0; +const sdpTransform = __importStar(require("sdp-transform")); +const Logger_1 = require("../Logger"); +const errors_1 = require("../errors"); +const utils = __importStar(require("../utils")); +const ortc = __importStar(require("../ortc")); +const sdpCommonUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/commonUtils")); +const sdpUnifiedPlanUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/unifiedPlanUtils")); +const HandlerInterface_1 = require("./HandlerInterface"); +const RemoteSdp_1 = require("./sdp/RemoteSdp"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Firefox60'); +const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 16, MIS: 2048 }; +class Firefox60 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { + constructor() { + super(); + // Map of RTCTransceivers indexed by MID. + this._mapMidTransceiver = new Map(); + // Local stream for sending. + this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); + // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; + // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; + // Got transport local and remote parameters. + this._transportReady = false; + } + /** + * Creates a factory function. + */ + static createFactory() { + return () => new Firefox60(); + } + get name() { + return 'Firefox60'; + } + close() { + logger.debug('close()'); + // Close RTCPeerConnection. + if (this._pc) { + try { + this._pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + } + } + async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); + const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ + iceServers: [], + iceTransportPolicy: 'all', + bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', + rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require' + }); + // NOTE: We need to add a real video track to get the RID extension mapping. + const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); + // NOTE: Otherwise Firefox fails in next line. + canvas.getContext('2d'); + const fakeStream = canvas.captureStream(); + const fakeVideoTrack = fakeStream.getVideoTracks()[0]; + try { + pc.addTransceiver('audio', { direction: 'sendrecv' }); + const videoTransceiver = pc.addTransceiver(fakeVideoTrack, { direction: 'sendrecv' }); + const parameters = videoTransceiver.sender.getParameters(); + const encodings = [ + { rid: 'r0', maxBitrate: 100000 }, + { rid: 'r1', maxBitrate: 500000 } + ]; + parameters.encodings = encodings; + await videoTransceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); + const offer = await pc.createOffer(); + try { + canvas.remove(); + } + catch (error) { } + try { + fakeVideoTrack.stop(); + } + catch (error) { } + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); + return nativeRtpCapabilities; + } + catch (error) { + try { + canvas.remove(); + } + catch (error2) { } + try { + fakeVideoTrack.stop(); + } + catch (error2) { } + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error2) { } + throw error; + } + } + async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); + return { + numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS + }; + } + run({ direction, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, proprietaryConstraints, extendedRtpCapabilities }) { + logger.debug('run()'); + this._direction = direction; + this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ + iceParameters, + iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters + }); + this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = + { + audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = + { + audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection(Object.assign({ iceServers: iceServers || [], iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require' }, additionalSettings), proprietaryConstraints); + // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. + this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { + switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { + case 'checking': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); + break; + case 'connected': + case 'completed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); + break; + case 'failed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); + break; + case 'disconnected': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); + break; + case 'closed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); + break; + } + }); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + async updateIceServers(iceServers) { + // NOTE: Firefox does not implement pc.setConfiguration(). + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not supported'); + } + async restartIce(iceParameters) { + logger.debug('restartIce()'); + // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. + this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); + if (!this._transportReady) + return; + if (this._direction === 'send') { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + else { + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + } + async getTransportStats() { + return this._pc.getStats(); + } + async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); + if (encodings) { + encodings = utils.clone(encodings, []); + if (encodings.length > 1) { + encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + encoding.rid = `r${idx}`; + }); + // Clone the encodings and reverse them because Firefox likes them + // from high to low. + encodings.reverse(); + } + } + const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + // This may throw. + sendingRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs, codec); + const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + // This may throw. + sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs, codec); + // NOTE: Firefox fails sometimes to properly anticipate the closed media + // section that it should use, so don't reuse closed media sections. + // https://github.com/versatica/mediasoup-client/issues/104 + // + // const mediaSectionIdx = this._remoteSdp!.getNextMediaSectionIdx(); + const transceiver = this._pc.addTransceiver(track, { direction: 'sendonly', streams: [this._sendStream] }); + // NOTE: This is not spec compliants. Encodings should be given in addTransceiver + // second argument, but Firefox does not support it. + if (encodings) { + const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings = encodings; + await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); + } + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + // In Firefox use DTLS role client even if we are the "offerer" since + // Firefox does not respect ICE-Lite. + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + // We can now get the transceiver.mid. + const localId = transceiver.mid; + // Set MID. + sendingRtpParameters.mid = localId; + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[localSdpObject.media.length - 1]; + // Set RTCP CNAME. + sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = + sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); + // Set RTP encodings by parsing the SDP offer if no encodings are given. + if (!encodings) { + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = + sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }); + } + // Set RTP encodings by parsing the SDP offer and complete them with given + // one if just a single encoding has been given. + else if (encodings.length === 1) { + const newEncodings = sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }); + Object.assign(newEncodings[0], encodings[0]); + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = newEncodings; + } + // Otherwise if more than 1 encoding are given use them verbatim (but + // reverse them back since we reversed them above to satisfy Firefox). + else { + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = encodings.reverse(); + } + // If VP8 or H264 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to + // each encoding. + if (sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && + (sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' || + sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264')) { + for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { + encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; + } + } + this._remoteSdp.send({ + offerMediaObject, + offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, + codecOptions, + extmapAllowMixed: true + }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + // Store in the map. + this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); + return { + localId, + rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + rtpSender: transceiver.sender + }; + } + async stopSending(localId) { + logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated transceiver not found'); + transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(null); + this._pc.removeTrack(transceiver.sender); + // NOTE: Cannot use closeMediaSection() due to the the note above in send() + // method. + // this._remoteSdp!.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); + this._remoteSdp.disableMediaSection(transceiver.mid); + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + async replaceTrack(localId, track) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + if (track) { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); + } + else { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); + } + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + await transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(track); + } + async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated transceiver not found'); + const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); + // NOTE: We require encodings given from low to high, however Firefox + // requires them in reverse order, so do magic here. + spatialLayer = parameters.encodings.length - 1 - spatialLayer; + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + if (idx >= spatialLayer) + encoding.active = true; + else + encoding.active = false; + }); + await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + parameters.encodings[idx] = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, encoding), params); + }); + await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async getSenderStats(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + return transceiver.sender.getStats(); + } + async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // Increase next id. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = + ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === 'application'); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + const sctpStreamParameters = { + streamId: options.id, + ordered: options.ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits + }; + return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; + } + async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); + const localId = rtpParameters.mid || String(this._mapMidTransceiver.size); + this._remoteSdp.receive({ + mid: localId, + kind, + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + streamId: rtpParameters.rtcp.cname, + trackId + }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => String(m.mid) === localId); + // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec + // parameters in the offer. + sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + answerMediaObject + }); + answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + const transceiver = this._pc.getTransceivers() + .find((t) => t.mid === localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('new RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + // Store in the map. + this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); + return { + localId, + track: transceiver.receiver.track, + rtpReceiver: transceiver.receiver + }; + } + async stopReceiving(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + async getReceiverStats(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + return transceiver.receiver.getStats(); + } + async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: streamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation(); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + if (!this._transportReady) { + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + } + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + return { dataChannel }; + } + async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { + if (!localSdpObject) + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + // Get our local DTLS parameters. + const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); + // Set our DTLS role. + dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; + // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. + this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); + // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. + await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); + this._transportReady = true; + } + _assertSendDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'send') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); + } + } + _assertRecvDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'recv') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); + } + } +} +exports.Firefox60 = Firefox60; + +},{"../Logger":13,"../errors":18,"../ortc":36,"../utils":39,"./HandlerInterface":25,"./sdp/RemoteSdp":31,"./sdp/commonUtils":32,"./sdp/unifiedPlanUtils":34,"sdp-transform":44}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.HandlerInterface = void 0; +const EnhancedEventEmitter_1 = require("../EnhancedEventEmitter"); +class HandlerInterface extends EnhancedEventEmitter_1.EnhancedEventEmitter { + /** + * @emits @connect - ( + * { dtlsParameters: DtlsParameters }, + * callback: Function, + * errback: Function + * ) + * @emits @connectionstatechange - (connectionState: ConnectionState) + */ + constructor() { + super(); + } +} +exports.HandlerInterface = HandlerInterface; + +},{"../EnhancedEventEmitter":12}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.ReactNative = void 0; +const sdpTransform = __importStar(require("sdp-transform")); +const Logger_1 = require("../Logger"); +const errors_1 = require("../errors"); +const utils = __importStar(require("../utils")); +const ortc = __importStar(require("../ortc")); +const sdpCommonUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/commonUtils")); +const sdpPlanBUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/planBUtils")); +const HandlerInterface_1 = require("./HandlerInterface"); +const RemoteSdp_1 = require("./sdp/RemoteSdp"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('ReactNative'); +const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; +class ReactNative extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { + constructor() { + super(); + // Local stream for sending. + this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); + // Map of sending MediaStreamTracks indexed by localId. + this._mapSendLocalIdTrack = new Map(); + // Next sending localId. + this._nextSendLocalId = 0; + // Map of MID, RTP parameters and RTCRtpReceiver indexed by local id. + // Value is an Object with mid, rtpParameters and rtpReceiver. + this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo = new Map(); + // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; + // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; + // Got transport local and remote parameters. + this._transportReady = false; + } + /** + * Creates a factory function. + */ + static createFactory() { + return () => new ReactNative(); + } + get name() { + return 'ReactNative'; + } + close() { + logger.debug('close()'); + // Free/dispose native stream and tracks. + // @ts-ignore (proprietary API in react-native-webrtc). + this._sendStream.release(); + // Close RTCPeerConnection. + if (this._pc) { + try { + this._pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + } + } + async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); + const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ + iceServers: [], + iceTransportPolicy: 'all', + bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', + rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', + sdpSemantics: 'plan-b' + }); + try { + const offer = await pc.createOffer({ + offerToReceiveAudio: true, + offerToReceiveVideo: true + }); + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); + return nativeRtpCapabilities; + } + catch (error) { + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error2) { } + throw error; + } + } + async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); + return { + numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS + }; + } + run({ direction, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, proprietaryConstraints, extendedRtpCapabilities }) { + logger.debug('run()'); + this._direction = direction; + this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ + iceParameters, + iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters, + planB: true + }); + this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = + { + audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = + { + audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection(Object.assign({ iceServers: iceServers || [], iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', sdpSemantics: 'plan-b' }, additionalSettings), proprietaryConstraints); + // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. + this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { + switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { + case 'checking': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); + break; + case 'connected': + case 'completed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); + break; + case 'failed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); + break; + case 'disconnected': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); + break; + case 'closed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); + break; + } + }); + } + async updateIceServers(iceServers) { + logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); + const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); + configuration.iceServers = iceServers; + this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); + } + async restartIce(iceParameters) { + logger.debug('restartIce()'); + // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. + this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); + if (!this._transportReady) + return; + if (this._direction === 'send') { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + else { + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + } + async getTransportStats() { + return this._pc.getStats(); + } + async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); + if (codec) { + logger.warn('send() | codec selection is not available in %s handler', this.name); + } + this._sendStream.addTrack(track); + this._pc.addStream(this._sendStream); + let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + let offerMediaObject; + const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + sendingRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs); + const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + if (track.kind === 'video' && encodings && encodings.length > 1) { + logger.debug('send() | enabling simulcast'); + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === 'video'); + sdpPlanBUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ + offerMediaObject, + track, + numStreams: encodings.length + }); + offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + } + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === track.kind); + // Set RTCP CNAME. + sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = + sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); + // Set RTP encodings. + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = + sdpPlanBUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject, track }); + // Complete encodings with given values. + if (encodings) { + for (let idx = 0; idx < sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length; ++idx) { + if (encodings[idx]) + Object.assign(sendingRtpParameters.encodings[idx], encodings[idx]); + } + } + // If VP8 or H264 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to + // each encoding. + if (sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && + (sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' || + sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264')) { + for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { + encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; + } + } + this._remoteSdp.send({ + offerMediaObject, + offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, + codecOptions + }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + const localId = String(this._nextSendLocalId); + this._nextSendLocalId++; + // Insert into the map. + this._mapSendLocalIdTrack.set(localId, track); + return { + localId: localId, + rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters + }; + } + async stopSending(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); + const track = this._mapSendLocalIdTrack.get(localId); + if (!track) + throw new Error('track not found'); + this._mapSendLocalIdTrack.delete(localId); + this._sendStream.removeTrack(track); + this._pc.addStream(this._sendStream); + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + try { + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + } + catch (error) { + // NOTE: If there are no sending tracks, setLocalDescription() will fail with + // "Failed to create channels". If so, ignore it. + if (this._sendStream.getTracks().length === 0) { + logger.warn('stopSending() | ignoring expected error due no sending tracks: %s', error.toString()); + return; + } + throw error; + } + if (this._pc.signalingState === 'stable') + return; + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + async replaceTrack( + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + localId, track) { + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + async getSenderStats(localId) { + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); + } + async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // Increase next id. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = + ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === 'application'); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + const sctpStreamParameters = { + streamId: options.id, + ordered: options.ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits + }; + return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; + } + async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); + const localId = trackId; + const mid = kind; + let streamId = rtpParameters.rtcp.cname; + // NOTE: In React-Native we cannot reuse the same remote MediaStream for new + // remote tracks. This is because react-native-webrtc does not react on new + // tracks generated within already existing streams, so force the streamId + // to be different. + logger.debug('receive() | forcing a random remote streamId to avoid well known bug in react-native-webrtc'); + streamId += `-hack-${utils.generateRandomNumber()}`; + this._remoteSdp.receive({ + mid, + kind, + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + streamId, + trackId + }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => String(m.mid) === mid); + // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec + // parameters in the offer. + sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + answerMediaObject + }); + answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + const stream = this._pc.getRemoteStreams() + .find((s) => s.id === streamId); + const track = stream.getTrackById(localId); + if (!track) + throw new Error('remote track not found'); + // Insert into the map. + this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.set(localId, { mid, rtpParameters }); + return { localId, track }; + } + async stopReceiving(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); + const { mid, rtpParameters } = this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.get(localId) || {}; + // Remove from the map. + this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.delete(localId); + this._remoteSdp.planBStopReceiving({ mid: mid, offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + async getReceiverStats(localId) { + throw new errors_1.UnsupportedError('not implemented'); + } + async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: streamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmitTime: maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation({ oldDataChannelSpec: true }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + if (!this._transportReady) { + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + } + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + return { dataChannel }; + } + async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { + if (!localSdpObject) + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + // Get our local DTLS parameters. + const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); + // Set our DTLS role. + dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; + // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. + this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); + // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. + await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); + this._transportReady = true; + } + _assertSendDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'send') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); + } + } + _assertRecvDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'recv') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); + } + } +} +exports.ReactNative = ReactNative; + +},{"../Logger":13,"../errors":18,"../ortc":36,"../utils":39,"./HandlerInterface":25,"./sdp/RemoteSdp":31,"./sdp/commonUtils":32,"./sdp/planBUtils":33,"sdp-transform":44}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Safari11 = void 0; +const sdpTransform = __importStar(require("sdp-transform")); +const Logger_1 = require("../Logger"); +const utils = __importStar(require("../utils")); +const ortc = __importStar(require("../ortc")); +const sdpCommonUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/commonUtils")); +const sdpPlanBUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/planBUtils")); +const HandlerInterface_1 = require("./HandlerInterface"); +const RemoteSdp_1 = require("./sdp/RemoteSdp"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Safari11'); +const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; +class Safari11 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { + constructor() { + super(); + // Local stream for sending. + this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); + // Map of RTCRtpSender indexed by localId. + this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender = new Map(); + // Next sending localId. + this._nextSendLocalId = 0; + // Map of MID, RTP parameters and RTCRtpReceiver indexed by local id. + // Value is an Object with mid, rtpParameters and rtpReceiver. + this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo = new Map(); + // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; + // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; + // Got transport local and remote parameters. + this._transportReady = false; + } + /** + * Creates a factory function. + */ + static createFactory() { + return () => new Safari11(); + } + get name() { + return 'Safari11'; + } + close() { + logger.debug('close()'); + // Close RTCPeerConnection. + if (this._pc) { + try { + this._pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + } + } + async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); + const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ + iceServers: [], + iceTransportPolicy: 'all', + bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', + rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', + sdpSemantics: 'plan-b' + }); + try { + const offer = await pc.createOffer({ + offerToReceiveAudio: true, + offerToReceiveVideo: true + }); + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); + return nativeRtpCapabilities; + } + catch (error) { + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error2) { } + throw error; + } + } + async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); + return { + numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS + }; + } + run({ direction, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, proprietaryConstraints, extendedRtpCapabilities }) { + logger.debug('run()'); + this._direction = direction; + this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ + iceParameters, + iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters, + planB: true + }); + this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = + { + audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = + { + audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection(Object.assign({ iceServers: iceServers || [], iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require' }, additionalSettings), proprietaryConstraints); + // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. + this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { + switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { + case 'checking': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); + break; + case 'connected': + case 'completed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); + break; + case 'failed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); + break; + case 'disconnected': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); + break; + case 'closed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); + break; + } + }); + } + async updateIceServers(iceServers) { + logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); + const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); + configuration.iceServers = iceServers; + this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); + } + async restartIce(iceParameters) { + logger.debug('restartIce()'); + // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. + this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); + if (!this._transportReady) + return; + if (this._direction === 'send') { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + else { + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + } + async getTransportStats() { + return this._pc.getStats(); + } + async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); + if (codec) { + logger.warn('send() | codec selection is not available in %s handler', this.name); + } + this._sendStream.addTrack(track); + this._pc.addTrack(track, this._sendStream); + let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + let offerMediaObject; + const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + sendingRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs); + const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + if (track.kind === 'video' && encodings && encodings.length > 1) { + logger.debug('send() | enabling simulcast'); + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media.find((m) => m.type === 'video'); + sdpPlanBUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ + offerMediaObject, + track, + numStreams: encodings.length + }); + offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + } + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === track.kind); + // Set RTCP CNAME. + sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = + sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); + // Set RTP encodings. + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = + sdpPlanBUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject, track }); + // Complete encodings with given values. + if (encodings) { + for (let idx = 0; idx < sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length; ++idx) { + if (encodings[idx]) + Object.assign(sendingRtpParameters.encodings[idx], encodings[idx]); + } + } + // If VP8 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to each + // encoding. + if (sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && + sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8') { + for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { + encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; + } + } + this._remoteSdp.send({ + offerMediaObject, + offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, + codecOptions + }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + const localId = String(this._nextSendLocalId); + this._nextSendLocalId++; + const rtpSender = this._pc.getSenders() + .find((s) => s.track === track); + // Insert into the map. + this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.set(localId, rtpSender); + return { + localId: localId, + rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + rtpSender + }; + } + async stopSending(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); + if (rtpSender.track) + this._sendStream.removeTrack(rtpSender.track); + this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.delete(localId); + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + try { + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + } + catch (error) { + // NOTE: If there are no sending tracks, setLocalDescription() will fail with + // "Failed to create channels". If so, ignore it. + if (this._sendStream.getTracks().length === 0) { + logger.warn('stopSending() | ignoring expected error due no sending tracks: %s', error.toString()); + return; + } + throw error; + } + if (this._pc.signalingState === 'stable') + return; + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + async replaceTrack(localId, track) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + if (track) { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); + } + else { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); + } + const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); + const oldTrack = rtpSender.track; + await rtpSender.replaceTrack(track); + // Remove the old track from the local stream. + if (oldTrack) + this._sendStream.removeTrack(oldTrack); + // Add the new track to the local stream. + if (track) + this._sendStream.addTrack(track); + } + async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); + const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); + const parameters = rtpSender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + if (idx <= spatialLayer) + encoding.active = true; + else + encoding.active = false; + }); + await rtpSender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); + const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); + const parameters = rtpSender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + parameters.encodings[idx] = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, encoding), params); + }); + await rtpSender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async getSenderStats(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const rtpSender = this._mapSendLocalIdRtpSender.get(localId); + if (!rtpSender) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpSender not found'); + return rtpSender.getStats(); + } + async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // Increase next id. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = + ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === 'application'); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + const sctpStreamParameters = { + streamId: options.id, + ordered: options.ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits + }; + return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; + } + async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); + const localId = trackId; + const mid = kind; + this._remoteSdp.receive({ + mid, + kind, + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + streamId: rtpParameters.rtcp.cname, + trackId + }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => String(m.mid) === mid); + // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec + // parameters in the offer. + sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + answerMediaObject + }); + answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + const rtpReceiver = this._pc.getReceivers() + .find((r) => r.track && r.track.id === localId); + if (!rtpReceiver) + throw new Error('new RTCRtpReceiver not'); + // Insert into the map. + this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.set(localId, { mid, rtpParameters, rtpReceiver }); + return { + localId, + track: rtpReceiver.track, + rtpReceiver + }; + } + async stopReceiving(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); + const { mid, rtpParameters } = this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.get(localId) || {}; + // Remove from the map. + this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.delete(localId); + this._remoteSdp.planBStopReceiving({ mid: mid, offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + async getReceiverStats(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const { rtpReceiver } = this._mapRecvLocalIdInfo.get(localId) || {}; + if (!rtpReceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpReceiver not found'); + return rtpReceiver.getStats(); + } + async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: streamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation({ oldDataChannelSpec: true }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + if (!this._transportReady) { + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + } + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + return { dataChannel }; + } + async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { + if (!localSdpObject) + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + // Get our local DTLS parameters. + const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); + // Set our DTLS role. + dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; + // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. + this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); + // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. + await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); + this._transportReady = true; + } + _assertSendDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'send') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); + } + } + _assertRecvDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'recv') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); + } + } +} +exports.Safari11 = Safari11; + +},{"../Logger":13,"../ortc":36,"../utils":39,"./HandlerInterface":25,"./sdp/RemoteSdp":31,"./sdp/commonUtils":32,"./sdp/planBUtils":33,"sdp-transform":44}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Safari12 = void 0; +const sdpTransform = __importStar(require("sdp-transform")); +const Logger_1 = require("../Logger"); +const utils = __importStar(require("../utils")); +const ortc = __importStar(require("../ortc")); +const sdpCommonUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/commonUtils")); +const sdpUnifiedPlanUtils = __importStar(require("./sdp/unifiedPlanUtils")); +const HandlerInterface_1 = require("./HandlerInterface"); +const RemoteSdp_1 = require("./sdp/RemoteSdp"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('Safari12'); +const SCTP_NUM_STREAMS = { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 }; +class Safari12 extends HandlerInterface_1.HandlerInterface { + constructor() { + super(); + // Map of RTCTransceivers indexed by MID. + this._mapMidTransceiver = new Map(); + // Local stream for sending. + this._sendStream = new MediaStream(); + // Whether a DataChannel m=application section has been created. + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = false; + // Sending DataChannel id value counter. Incremented for each new DataChannel. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = 0; + // Got transport local and remote parameters. + this._transportReady = false; + } + /** + * Creates a factory function. + */ + static createFactory() { + return () => new Safari12(); + } + get name() { + return 'Safari12'; + } + close() { + logger.debug('close()'); + // Close RTCPeerConnection. + if (this._pc) { + try { + this._pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + } + } + async getNativeRtpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeRtpCapabilities()'); + const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ + iceServers: [], + iceTransportPolicy: 'all', + bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', + rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require' + }); + try { + pc.addTransceiver('audio'); + pc.addTransceiver('video'); + const offer = await pc.createOffer(); + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error) { } + const sdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const nativeRtpCapabilities = sdpCommonUtils.extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }); + return nativeRtpCapabilities; + } + catch (error) { + try { + pc.close(); + } + catch (error2) { } + throw error; + } + } + async getNativeSctpCapabilities() { + logger.debug('getNativeSctpCapabilities()'); + return { + numStreams: SCTP_NUM_STREAMS + }; + } + run({ direction, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, additionalSettings, proprietaryConstraints, extendedRtpCapabilities }) { + logger.debug('run()'); + this._direction = direction; + this._remoteSdp = new RemoteSdp_1.RemoteSdp({ + iceParameters, + iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters + }); + this._sendingRtpParametersByKind = + { + audio: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind = + { + audio: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('audio', extendedRtpCapabilities), + video: ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters('video', extendedRtpCapabilities) + }; + this._pc = new RTCPeerConnection(Object.assign({ iceServers: iceServers || [], iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy || 'all', bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require' }, additionalSettings), proprietaryConstraints); + // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status. + this._pc.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', () => { + switch (this._pc.iceConnectionState) { + case 'checking': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connecting'); + break; + case 'connected': + case 'completed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'connected'); + break; + case 'failed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'failed'); + break; + case 'disconnected': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'disconnected'); + break; + case 'closed': + this.emit('@connectionstatechange', 'closed'); + break; + } + }); + } + async updateIceServers(iceServers) { + logger.debug('updateIceServers()'); + const configuration = this._pc.getConfiguration(); + configuration.iceServers = iceServers; + this._pc.setConfiguration(configuration); + } + async restartIce(iceParameters) { + logger.debug('restartIce()'); + // Provide the remote SDP handler with new remote ICE parameters. + this._remoteSdp.updateIceParameters(iceParameters); + if (!this._transportReady) + return; + if (this._direction === 'send') { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer({ iceRestart: true }); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + else { + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('restartIce() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + } + async getTransportStats() { + return this._pc.getStats(); + } + async send({ track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('send() [kind:%s, track.id:%s]', track.kind, track.id); + const sendingRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + // This may throw. + sendingRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRtpParameters.codecs, codec); + const sendingRemoteRtpParameters = utils.clone(this._sendingRemoteRtpParametersByKind[track.kind], {}); + // This may throw. + sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs = + ortc.reduceCodecs(sendingRemoteRtpParameters.codecs, codec); + const mediaSectionIdx = this._remoteSdp.getNextMediaSectionIdx(); + const transceiver = this._pc.addTransceiver(track, { direction: 'sendonly', streams: [this._sendStream] }); + let offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + let localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + let offerMediaObject; + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + if (encodings && encodings.length > 1) { + logger.debug('send() | enabling legacy simulcast'); + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; + sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.addLegacySimulcast({ + offerMediaObject, + numStreams: encodings.length + }); + offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + } + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + // We can now get the transceiver.mid. + const localId = transceiver.mid; + // Set MID. + sendingRtpParameters.mid = localId; + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media[mediaSectionIdx.idx]; + // Set RTCP CNAME. + sendingRtpParameters.rtcp.cname = + sdpCommonUtils.getCname({ offerMediaObject }); + // Set RTP encodings. + sendingRtpParameters.encodings = + sdpUnifiedPlanUtils.getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }); + // Complete encodings with given values. + if (encodings) { + for (let idx = 0; idx < sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length; ++idx) { + if (encodings[idx]) + Object.assign(sendingRtpParameters.encodings[idx], encodings[idx]); + } + } + // If VP8 or H264 and there is effective simulcast, add scalabilityMode to + // each encoding. + if (sendingRtpParameters.encodings.length > 1 && + (sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8' || + sendingRtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264')) { + for (const encoding of sendingRtpParameters.encodings) { + encoding.scalabilityMode = 'S1T3'; + } + } + this._remoteSdp.send({ + offerMediaObject, + reuseMid: mediaSectionIdx.reuseMid, + offerRtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + answerRtpParameters: sendingRemoteRtpParameters, + codecOptions + }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('send() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + // Store in the map. + this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); + return { + localId, + rtpParameters: sendingRtpParameters, + rtpSender: transceiver.sender + }; + } + async stopSending(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('stopSending() [localId:%s]', localId); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(null); + this._pc.removeTrack(transceiver.sender); + this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopSending() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + } + async replaceTrack(localId, track) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + if (track) { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, track.id:%s]', localId, track.id); + } + else { + logger.debug('replaceTrack() [localId:%s, no track]', localId); + } + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + await transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(track); + } + async setMaxSpatialLayer(localId, spatialLayer) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('setMaxSpatialLayer() [localId:%s, spatialLayer:%s]', localId, spatialLayer); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + if (idx <= spatialLayer) + encoding.active = true; + else + encoding.active = false; + }); + await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async setRtpEncodingParameters(localId, params) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + logger.debug('setRtpEncodingParameters() [localId:%s, params:%o]', localId, params); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + const parameters = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); + parameters.encodings.forEach((encoding, idx) => { + parameters.encodings[idx] = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, encoding), params); + }); + await transceiver.sender.setParameters(parameters); + } + async getSenderStats(localId) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + return transceiver.sender.getStats(); + } + async sendDataChannel({ ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, label, protocol }) { + this._assertSendDirection(); + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: this._nextSendSctpStreamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // Increase next id. + this._nextSendSctpStreamId = + ++this._nextSendSctpStreamId % SCTP_NUM_STREAMS.MIS; + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP answer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + const offer = await this._pc.createOffer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(offer.sdp); + const offerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => m.type === 'application'); + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'server', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(offer); + this._remoteSdp.sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }); + const answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('sendDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + const sctpStreamParameters = { + streamId: options.id, + ordered: options.ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime: options.maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits: options.maxRetransmits + }; + return { dataChannel, sctpStreamParameters }; + } + async receive({ trackId, kind, rtpParameters }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('receive() [trackId:%s, kind:%s]', trackId, kind); + const localId = rtpParameters.mid || String(this._mapMidTransceiver.size); + this._remoteSdp.receive({ + mid: localId, + kind, + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + streamId: rtpParameters.rtcp.cname, + trackId + }); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + let answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + const answerMediaObject = localSdpObject.media + .find((m) => String(m.mid) === localId); + // May need to modify codec parameters in the answer based on codec + // parameters in the offer. + sdpCommonUtils.applyCodecParameters({ + offerRtpParameters: rtpParameters, + answerMediaObject + }); + answer = { type: 'answer', sdp: sdpTransform.write(localSdpObject) }; + if (!this._transportReady) + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + logger.debug('receive() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + const transceiver = this._pc.getTransceivers() + .find((t) => t.mid === localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('new RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + // Store in the map. + this._mapMidTransceiver.set(localId, transceiver); + return { + localId, + track: transceiver.receiver.track, + rtpReceiver: transceiver.receiver + }; + } + async stopReceiving(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() [localId:%s]', localId); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + this._remoteSdp.closeMediaSection(transceiver.mid); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + logger.debug('stopReceiving() | calling pc.setLocalDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + } + async getReceiverStats(localId) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const transceiver = this._mapMidTransceiver.get(localId); + if (!transceiver) + throw new Error('associated RTCRtpTransceiver not found'); + return transceiver.receiver.getStats(); + } + async receiveDataChannel({ sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol }) { + this._assertRecvDirection(); + const { streamId, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits } = sctpStreamParameters; + const options = { + negotiated: true, + id: streamId, + ordered, + maxPacketLifeTime, + maxRetransmits, + protocol + }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() [options:%o]', options); + const dataChannel = this._pc.createDataChannel(label, options); + // If this is the first DataChannel we need to create the SDP offer with + // m=application section. + if (!this._hasDataChannelMediaSection) { + this._remoteSdp.receiveSctpAssociation(); + const offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: this._remoteSdp.getSdp() }; + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [offer:%o]', offer); + await this._pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); + const answer = await this._pc.createAnswer(); + if (!this._transportReady) { + const localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(answer.sdp); + await this._setupTransport({ localDtlsRole: 'client', localSdpObject }); + } + logger.debug('receiveDataChannel() | calling pc.setRemoteDescription() [answer:%o]', answer); + await this._pc.setLocalDescription(answer); + this._hasDataChannelMediaSection = true; + } + return { dataChannel }; + } + async _setupTransport({ localDtlsRole, localSdpObject }) { + if (!localSdpObject) + localSdpObject = sdpTransform.parse(this._pc.localDescription.sdp); + // Get our local DTLS parameters. + const dtlsParameters = sdpCommonUtils.extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject: localSdpObject }); + // Set our DTLS role. + dtlsParameters.role = localDtlsRole; + // Update the remote DTLS role in the SDP. + this._remoteSdp.updateDtlsRole(localDtlsRole === 'client' ? 'server' : 'client'); + // Need to tell the remote transport about our parameters. + await this.safeEmitAsPromise('@connect', { dtlsParameters }); + this._transportReady = true; + } + _assertSendDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'send') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "send" direction'); + } + } + _assertRecvDirection() { + if (this._direction !== 'recv') { + throw new Error('method can just be called for handlers with "recv" direction'); + } + } +} +exports.Safari12 = Safari12; + +},{"../Logger":13,"../ortc":36,"../utils":39,"./HandlerInterface":25,"./sdp/RemoteSdp":31,"./sdp/commonUtils":32,"./sdp/unifiedPlanUtils":34,"sdp-transform":44}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.mangleRtpParameters = exports.getCapabilities = void 0; +const utils = __importStar(require("../../utils")); +/** + * Normalize ORTC based Edge's RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities() to produce a full + * compliant ORTC RTCRtpCapabilities. + */ +function getCapabilities() { + const nativeCaps = RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities(); + const caps = utils.clone(nativeCaps, {}); + for (const codec of caps.codecs) { + // Rename numChannels to channels. + codec.channels = codec.numChannels; + delete codec.numChannels; + // Add mimeType. + codec.mimeType = codec.mimeType || `${codec.kind}/${codec.name}`; + // NOTE: Edge sets some numeric parameters as string rather than number. Fix them. + if (codec.parameters) { + const parameters = codec.parameters; + if (parameters.apt) + parameters.apt = Number(parameters.apt); + if (parameters['packetization-mode']) + parameters['packetization-mode'] = Number(parameters['packetization-mode']); + } + // Delete emty parameter String in rtcpFeedback. + for (const feedback of codec.rtcpFeedback || []) { + if (!feedback.parameter) + feedback.parameter = ''; + } + } + return caps; +} +exports.getCapabilities = getCapabilities; +/** + * Generate RTCRtpParameters as ORTC based Edge likes. + */ +function mangleRtpParameters(rtpParameters) { + const params = utils.clone(rtpParameters, {}); + // Rename mid to muxId. + if (params.mid) { + params.muxId = params.mid; + delete params.mid; + } + for (const codec of params.codecs) { + // Rename channels to numChannels. + if (codec.channels) { + codec.numChannels = codec.channels; + delete codec.channels; + } + // Add codec.name (requried by Edge). + if (codec.mimeType && !codec.name) + codec.name = codec.mimeType.split('/')[1]; + // Remove mimeType. + delete codec.mimeType; + } + return params; +} +exports.mangleRtpParameters = mangleRtpParameters; + +},{"../../utils":39}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.OfferMediaSection = exports.AnswerMediaSection = exports.MediaSection = void 0; +const utils = __importStar(require("../../utils")); +class MediaSection { + constructor({ iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, planB = false }) { + this._mediaObject = {}; + this._planB = planB; + if (iceParameters) { + this.setIceParameters(iceParameters); + } + if (iceCandidates) { + this._mediaObject.candidates = []; + for (const candidate of iceCandidates) { + const candidateObject = {}; + // mediasoup does mandates rtcp-mux so candidates component is always + // RTP (1). + candidateObject.component = 1; + candidateObject.foundation = candidate.foundation; + candidateObject.ip = candidate.ip; + candidateObject.port = candidate.port; + candidateObject.priority = candidate.priority; + candidateObject.transport = candidate.protocol; + candidateObject.type = candidate.type; + if (candidate.tcpType) + candidateObject.tcptype = candidate.tcpType; + this._mediaObject.candidates.push(candidateObject); + } + this._mediaObject.endOfCandidates = 'end-of-candidates'; + this._mediaObject.iceOptions = 'renomination'; + } + if (dtlsParameters) { + this.setDtlsRole(dtlsParameters.role); + } + } + get mid() { + return String(this._mediaObject.mid); + } + get closed() { + return this._mediaObject.port === 0; + } + getObject() { + return this._mediaObject; + } + setIceParameters(iceParameters) { + this._mediaObject.iceUfrag = iceParameters.usernameFragment; + this._mediaObject.icePwd = iceParameters.password; + } + disable() { + this._mediaObject.direction = 'inactive'; + delete this._mediaObject.ext; + delete this._mediaObject.ssrcs; + delete this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups; + delete this._mediaObject.simulcast; + delete this._mediaObject.simulcast_03; + delete this._mediaObject.rids; + } + close() { + this._mediaObject.direction = 'inactive'; + this._mediaObject.port = 0; + delete this._mediaObject.ext; + delete this._mediaObject.ssrcs; + delete this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups; + delete this._mediaObject.simulcast; + delete this._mediaObject.simulcast_03; + delete this._mediaObject.rids; + delete this._mediaObject.extmapAllowMixed; + } +} +exports.MediaSection = MediaSection; +class AnswerMediaSection extends MediaSection { + constructor({ iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, plainRtpParameters, planB = false, offerMediaObject, offerRtpParameters, answerRtpParameters, codecOptions, extmapAllowMixed = false }) { + super({ iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, planB }); + this._mediaObject.mid = String(offerMediaObject.mid); + this._mediaObject.type = offerMediaObject.type; + this._mediaObject.protocol = offerMediaObject.protocol; + if (!plainRtpParameters) { + this._mediaObject.connection = { ip: '', version: 4 }; + this._mediaObject.port = 7; + } + else { + this._mediaObject.connection = + { + ip: plainRtpParameters.ip, + version: plainRtpParameters.ipVersion + }; + this._mediaObject.port = plainRtpParameters.port; + } + switch (offerMediaObject.type) { + case 'audio': + case 'video': + { + this._mediaObject.direction = 'recvonly'; + this._mediaObject.rtp = []; + this._mediaObject.rtcpFb = []; + this._mediaObject.fmtp = []; + for (const codec of answerRtpParameters.codecs) { + const rtp = { + payload: codec.payloadType, + codec: getCodecName(codec), + rate: codec.clockRate }; - rtpParameters.headerExtensions.push(ext); - } - // Reduce codecs' RTCP feedback. Use Transport-CC if available, REMB otherwise. - if ( - rtpParameters.headerExtensions.some( - (ext) => - ext.uri === 'http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-holmer-rmcat-transport-wide-cc-extensions-01', - ) - ) { - for (const codec of rtpParameters.codecs) { - codec.rtcpFeedback = (codec.rtcpFeedback || []).filter((fb) => fb.type !== 'goog-remb'); - } - } else if ( - rtpParameters.headerExtensions.some( - (ext) => ext.uri === 'http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/abs-send-time', - ) - ) { - for (const codec of rtpParameters.codecs) { - codec.rtcpFeedback = (codec.rtcpFeedback || []).filter((fb) => fb.type !== 'transport-cc'); - } - } else { - for (const codec of rtpParameters.codecs) { - codec.rtcpFeedback = (codec.rtcpFeedback || []).filter( - (fb) => fb.type !== 'transport-cc' && fb.type !== 'goog-remb', - ); - } - } - return rtpParameters; - } - exports.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters = getSendingRemoteRtpParameters; - /** - * Reduce given codecs by returning an array of codecs "compatible" with the - * given capability codec. If no capability codec is given, take the first - * one(s). - * - * Given codecs must be generated by ortc.getSendingRtpParameters() or - * ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters(). - * - * The returned array of codecs also include a RTX codec if available. - */ - function reduceCodecs(codecs, capCodec) { - const filteredCodecs = []; - // If no capability codec is given, take the first one (and RTX). - if (!capCodec) { - filteredCodecs.push(codecs[0]); - if (isRtxCodec(codecs[1])) filteredCodecs.push(codecs[1]); - } - // Otherwise look for a compatible set of codecs. - else { - for (let idx = 0; idx < codecs.length; ++idx) { - if (matchCodecs(codecs[idx], capCodec)) { - filteredCodecs.push(codecs[idx]); - if (isRtxCodec(codecs[idx + 1])) filteredCodecs.push(codecs[idx + 1]); - break; - } - } - if (filteredCodecs.length === 0) throw new TypeError('no matching codec found'); - } - return filteredCodecs; - } - exports.reduceCodecs = reduceCodecs; - /** - * Create RTP parameters for a Consumer for the RTP probator. - */ - function generateProbatorRtpParameters(videoRtpParameters) { - // Clone given reference video RTP parameters. - videoRtpParameters = utils_1.clone(videoRtpParameters); - // This may throw. - validateRtpParameters(videoRtpParameters); - const rtpParameters = { - mid: RTP_PROBATOR_MID, - codecs: [], - headerExtensions: [], - encodings: [{ ssrc: RTP_PROBATOR_SSRC }], - rtcp: { cname: 'probator' }, - }; - rtpParameters.codecs.push(videoRtpParameters.codecs[0]); - rtpParameters.codecs[0].payloadType = RTP_PROBATOR_CODEC_PAYLOAD_TYPE; - rtpParameters.headerExtensions = videoRtpParameters.headerExtensions; - return rtpParameters; - } - exports.generateProbatorRtpParameters = generateProbatorRtpParameters; - /** - * Whether media can be sent based on the given RTP capabilities. - */ - function canSend(kind, extendedRtpCapabilities) { - return extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs.some((codec) => codec.kind === kind); - } - exports.canSend = canSend; - /** - * Whether the given RTP parameters can be received with the given RTP - * capabilities. - */ - function canReceive(rtpParameters, extendedRtpCapabilities) { - // This may throw. - validateRtpParameters(rtpParameters); - if (rtpParameters.codecs.length === 0) return false; - const firstMediaCodec = rtpParameters.codecs[0]; - return extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs.some( - (codec) => codec.remotePayloadType === firstMediaCodec.payloadType, - ); - } - exports.canReceive = canReceive; - function isRtxCodec(codec) { - if (!codec) return false; - return /.+\/rtx$/i.test(codec.mimeType); - } - function matchCodecs(aCodec, bCodec, { strict = false, modify = false } = {}) { - const aMimeType = aCodec.mimeType.toLowerCase(); - const bMimeType = bCodec.mimeType.toLowerCase(); - if (aMimeType !== bMimeType) return false; - if (aCodec.clockRate !== bCodec.clockRate) return false; - if (aCodec.channels !== bCodec.channels) return false; - // Per codec special checks. - switch (aMimeType) { - case 'video/h264': { - const aPacketizationMode = aCodec.parameters['packetization-mode'] || 0; - const bPacketizationMode = bCodec.parameters['packetization-mode'] || 0; - if (aPacketizationMode !== bPacketizationMode) return false; - // If strict matching check profile-level-id. - if (strict) { - if (!h264.isSameProfile(aCodec.parameters, bCodec.parameters)) return false; - let selectedProfileLevelId; - try { - selectedProfileLevelId = h264.generateProfileLevelIdForAnswer( - aCodec.parameters, - bCodec.parameters, - ); - } catch (error) { - return false; - } - if (modify) { - if (selectedProfileLevelId) - aCodec.parameters['profile-level-id'] = selectedProfileLevelId; - else delete aCodec.parameters['profile-level-id']; - } - } - break; - } - case 'video/vp9': { - // If strict matching check profile-id. - if (strict) { - const aProfileId = aCodec.parameters['profile-id'] || 0; - const bProfileId = bCodec.parameters['profile-id'] || 0; - if (aProfileId !== bProfileId) return false; + if (codec.channels > 1) + rtp.encoding = codec.channels; + this._mediaObject.rtp.push(rtp); + const codecParameters = utils.clone(codec.parameters, {}); + if (codecOptions) { + const { opusStereo, opusFec, opusDtx, opusMaxPlaybackRate, opusMaxAverageBitrate, opusPtime, videoGoogleStartBitrate, videoGoogleMaxBitrate, videoGoogleMinBitrate } = codecOptions; + const offerCodec = offerRtpParameters.codecs + .find((c) => (c.payloadType === codec.payloadType)); + switch (codec.mimeType.toLowerCase()) { + case 'audio/opus': + { + if (opusStereo !== undefined) { + offerCodec.parameters['sprop-stereo'] = opusStereo ? 1 : 0; + codecParameters.stereo = opusStereo ? 1 : 0; + } + if (opusFec !== undefined) { + offerCodec.parameters.useinbandfec = opusFec ? 1 : 0; + codecParameters.useinbandfec = opusFec ? 1 : 0; + } + if (opusDtx !== undefined) { + offerCodec.parameters.usedtx = opusDtx ? 1 : 0; + codecParameters.usedtx = opusDtx ? 1 : 0; + } + if (opusMaxPlaybackRate !== undefined) { + codecParameters.maxplaybackrate = opusMaxPlaybackRate; + } + if (opusMaxAverageBitrate !== undefined) { + codecParameters.maxaveragebitrate = opusMaxAverageBitrate; + } + if (opusPtime !== undefined) { + offerCodec.parameters.ptime = opusPtime; + codecParameters.ptime = opusPtime; + } + break; + } + case 'video/vp8': + case 'video/vp9': + case 'video/h264': + case 'video/h265': + { + if (videoGoogleStartBitrate !== undefined) + codecParameters['x-google-start-bitrate'] = videoGoogleStartBitrate; + if (videoGoogleMaxBitrate !== undefined) + codecParameters['x-google-max-bitrate'] = videoGoogleMaxBitrate; + if (videoGoogleMinBitrate !== undefined) + codecParameters['x-google-min-bitrate'] = videoGoogleMinBitrate; + break; + } } - break; } - } - return true; - } - function matchHeaderExtensions(aExt, bExt) { - if (aExt.kind && bExt.kind && aExt.kind !== bExt.kind) return false; - if (aExt.uri !== bExt.uri) return false; - return true; - } - function reduceRtcpFeedback(codecA, codecB) { - const reducedRtcpFeedback = []; - for (const aFb of codecA.rtcpFeedback || []) { - const matchingBFb = (codecB.rtcpFeedback || []).find( - (bFb) => - bFb.type === aFb.type && - (bFb.parameter === aFb.parameter || (!bFb.parameter && !aFb.parameter)), - ); - if (matchingBFb) reducedRtcpFeedback.push(matchingBFb); - } - return reducedRtcpFeedback; - } - }, - { './utils': 36, 'h264-profile-level-id': 3 }, - ], - 34: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - const ScalabilityModeRegex = new RegExp('^[LS]([1-9]\\d{0,1})T([1-9]\\d{0,1})'); - function parse(scalabilityMode) { - const match = ScalabilityModeRegex.exec(scalabilityMode || ''); - if (match) { - return { - spatialLayers: Number(match[1]), - temporalLayers: Number(match[2]), - }; - } else { - return { - spatialLayers: 1, - temporalLayers: 1, + const fmtp = { + payload: codec.payloadType, + config: '' }; - } - } - exports.parse = parse; - }, - {}, - ], - 35: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - function __export(m) { - for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p]; - } - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - __export(require('./Device')); - __export(require('./Transport')); - __export(require('./Producer')); - __export(require('./Consumer')); - __export(require('./DataProducer')); - __export(require('./DataConsumer')); - __export(require('./handlers/HandlerInterface')); - __export(require('./errors')); - }, - { - './Consumer': 7, - './DataConsumer': 8, - './DataProducer': 9, - './Device': 10, - './Producer': 13, - './Transport': 14, - './errors': 15, - './handlers/HandlerInterface': 22, - }, - ], - 36: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - 'use strict'; - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - /** - * Clones the given object/array. - * - * @param {Object|Array} obj - * - * @returns {Object|Array} - */ - function clone(data) { - if (typeof data !== 'object') return {}; - return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); - } - exports.clone = clone; - /** - * Generates a random positive integer. - */ - function generateRandomNumber() { - return Math.round(Math.random() * 10000000); - } - exports.generateRandomNumber = generateRandomNumber; - }, - {}, - ], - 37: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - arguments[4][4][0].apply(exports, arguments); - }, - { './common': 38, _process: 46, dup: 4 }, - ], - 38: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - arguments[4][5][0].apply(exports, arguments); - }, - { dup: 5, ms: 39 }, - ], - 39: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - arguments[4][6][0].apply(exports, arguments); - }, - { dup: 6 }, - ], - 40: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - var grammar = (module.exports = { - v: [ - { - name: 'version', - reg: /^(\d*)$/, - }, - ], - o: [ - { - // o=- 20518 0 IN IP4 - // NB: sessionId will be a String in most cases because it is huge - name: 'origin', - reg: /^(\S*) (\d*) (\d*) (\S*) IP(\d) (\S*)/, - names: ['username', 'sessionId', 'sessionVersion', 'netType', 'ipVer', 'address'], - format: '%s %s %d %s IP%d %s', - }, - ], - // default parsing of these only (though some of these feel outdated) - s: [{ name: 'name' }], - i: [{ name: 'description' }], - u: [{ name: 'uri' }], - e: [{ name: 'email' }], - p: [{ name: 'phone' }], - z: [{ name: 'timezones' }], // TODO: this one can actually be parsed properly... - r: [{ name: 'repeats' }], // TODO: this one can also be parsed properly - // k: [{}], // outdated thing ignored - t: [ - { - // t=0 0 - name: 'timing', - reg: /^(\d*) (\d*)/, - names: ['start', 'stop'], - format: '%d %d', - }, - ], - c: [ - { - // c=IN IP4 - name: 'connection', - reg: /^IN IP(\d) (\S*)/, - names: ['version', 'ip'], - format: 'IN IP%d %s', - }, - ], - b: [ - { - // b=AS:4000 - push: 'bandwidth', - reg: /^(TIAS|AS|CT|RR|RS):(\d*)/, - names: ['type', 'limit'], - format: '%s:%s', - }, - ], - m: [ - { - // m=video 51744 RTP/AVP 126 97 98 34 31 - // NB: special - pushes to session - // TODO: rtp/fmtp should be filtered by the payloads found here? - reg: /^(\w*) (\d*) ([\w/]*)(?: (.*))?/, - names: ['type', 'port', 'protocol', 'payloads'], - format: '%s %d %s %s', - }, - ], - a: [ - { - // a=rtpmap:110 opus/48000/2 - push: 'rtp', - reg: /^rtpmap:(\d*) ([\w\-.]*)(?:\s*\/(\d*)(?:\s*\/(\S*))?)?/, - names: ['payload', 'codec', 'rate', 'encoding'], - format: function (o) { - return o.encoding ? 'rtpmap:%d %s/%s/%s' : o.rate ? 'rtpmap:%d %s/%s' : 'rtpmap:%d %s'; - }, - }, - { - // a=fmtp:108 profile-level-id=24;object=23;bitrate=64000 - // a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1 - push: 'fmtp', - reg: /^fmtp:(\d*) ([\S| ]*)/, - names: ['payload', 'config'], - format: 'fmtp:%d %s', - }, - { - // a=control:streamid=0 - name: 'control', - reg: /^control:(.*)/, - format: 'control:%s', - }, - { - // a=rtcp:65179 IN IP4 - name: 'rtcp', - reg: /^rtcp:(\d*)(?: (\S*) IP(\d) (\S*))?/, - names: ['port', 'netType', 'ipVer', 'address'], - format: function (o) { - return o.address != null ? 'rtcp:%d %s IP%d %s' : 'rtcp:%d'; - }, - }, - { - // a=rtcp-fb:98 trr-int 100 - push: 'rtcpFbTrrInt', - reg: /^rtcp-fb:(\*|\d*) trr-int (\d*)/, - names: ['payload', 'value'], - format: 'rtcp-fb:%d trr-int %d', - }, - { - // a=rtcp-fb:98 nack rpsi - push: 'rtcpFb', - reg: /^rtcp-fb:(\*|\d*) ([\w-_]*)(?: ([\w-_]*))?/, - names: ['payload', 'type', 'subtype'], - format: function (o) { - return o.subtype != null ? 'rtcp-fb:%s %s %s' : 'rtcp-fb:%s %s'; - }, - }, - { - // a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset - // a=extmap:1/recvonly URI-gps-string - // a=extmap:3 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:encrypt urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:smpte-tc 25@600/24 - push: 'ext', - reg: /^extmap:(\d+)(?:\/(\w+))?(?: (urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:encrypt))? (\S*)(?: (\S*))?/, - names: ['value', 'direction', 'encrypt-uri', 'uri', 'config'], - format: function (o) { - return ( - 'extmap:%d' + - (o.direction ? '/%s' : '%v') + - (o['encrypt-uri'] ? ' %s' : '%v') + - ' %s' + - (o.config ? ' %s' : '') - ); - }, - }, - { - // a=extmap-allow-mixed - name: 'extmapAllowMixed', - reg: /^(extmap-allow-mixed)/, - }, - { - // a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:PS1uQCVeeCFCanVmcjkpPywjNWhcYD0mXXtxaVBR|2^20|1:32 - push: 'crypto', - reg: /^crypto:(\d*) ([\w_]*) (\S*)(?: (\S*))?/, - names: ['id', 'suite', 'config', 'sessionConfig'], - format: function (o) { - return o.sessionConfig != null ? 'crypto:%d %s %s %s' : 'crypto:%d %s %s'; - }, - }, - { - // a=setup:actpass - name: 'setup', - reg: /^setup:(\w*)/, - format: 'setup:%s', - }, - { - // a=connection:new - name: 'connectionType', - reg: /^connection:(new|existing)/, - format: 'connection:%s', - }, - { - // a=mid:1 - name: 'mid', - reg: /^mid:([^\s]*)/, - format: 'mid:%s', - }, - { - // a=msid:0c8b064d-d807-43b4-b434-f92a889d8587 98178685-d409-46e0-8e16-7ef0db0db64a - name: 'msid', - reg: /^msid:(.*)/, - format: 'msid:%s', - }, - { - // a=ptime:20 - name: 'ptime', - reg: /^ptime:(\d*(?:\.\d*)*)/, - format: 'ptime:%d', - }, - { - // a=maxptime:60 - name: 'maxptime', - reg: /^maxptime:(\d*(?:\.\d*)*)/, - format: 'maxptime:%d', - }, - { - // a=sendrecv - name: 'direction', - reg: /^(sendrecv|recvonly|sendonly|inactive)/, - }, - { - // a=ice-lite - name: 'icelite', - reg: /^(ice-lite)/, - }, - { - // a=ice-ufrag:F7gI - name: 'iceUfrag', - reg: /^ice-ufrag:(\S*)/, - format: 'ice-ufrag:%s', - }, - { - // a=ice-pwd:x9cml/YzichV2+XlhiMu8g - name: 'icePwd', - reg: /^ice-pwd:(\S*)/, - format: 'ice-pwd:%s', - }, - { - // a=fingerprint:SHA-1 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:00:11:22:33 - name: 'fingerprint', - reg: /^fingerprint:(\S*) (\S*)/, - names: ['type', 'hash'], - format: 'fingerprint:%s %s', - }, - { - // a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2113667327 54400 typ host - // a=candidate:1162875081 1 udp 2113937151 60017 typ host generation 0 network-id 3 network-cost 10 - // a=candidate:3289912957 2 udp 1845501695 60017 typ srflx raddr rport 60017 generation 0 network-id 3 network-cost 10 - // a=candidate:229815620 1 tcp 1518280447 60017 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 3 network-cost 10 - // a=candidate:3289912957 2 tcp 1845501695 60017 typ srflx raddr rport 60017 tcptype passive generation 0 network-id 3 network-cost 10 - push: 'candidates', - reg: /^candidate:(\S*) (\d*) (\S*) (\d*) (\S*) (\d*) typ (\S*)(?: raddr (\S*) rport (\d*))?(?: tcptype (\S*))?(?: generation (\d*))?(?: network-id (\d*))?(?: network-cost (\d*))?/, - names: [ - 'foundation', - 'component', - 'transport', - 'priority', - 'ip', - 'port', - 'type', - 'raddr', - 'rport', - 'tcptype', - 'generation', - 'network-id', - 'network-cost', - ], - format: function (o) { - var str = 'candidate:%s %d %s %d %s %d typ %s'; - - str += o.raddr != null ? ' raddr %s rport %d' : '%v%v'; - - // NB: candidate has three optional chunks, so %void middles one if it's missing - str += o.tcptype != null ? ' tcptype %s' : '%v'; - - if (o.generation != null) { - str += ' generation %d'; - } - - str += o['network-id'] != null ? ' network-id %d' : '%v'; - str += o['network-cost'] != null ? ' network-cost %d' : '%v'; - return str; - }, - }, - { - // a=end-of-candidates (keep after the candidates line for readability) - name: 'endOfCandidates', - reg: /^(end-of-candidates)/, - }, - { - // a=remote-candidates:1 54400 2 54401 ... - name: 'remoteCandidates', - reg: /^remote-candidates:(.*)/, - format: 'remote-candidates:%s', - }, - { - // a=ice-options:google-ice - name: 'iceOptions', - reg: /^ice-options:(\S*)/, - format: 'ice-options:%s', - }, - { - // a=ssrc:2566107569 cname:t9YU8M1UxTF8Y1A1 - push: 'ssrcs', - reg: /^ssrc:(\d*) ([\w_-]*)(?::(.*))?/, - names: ['id', 'attribute', 'value'], - format: function (o) { - var str = 'ssrc:%d'; - if (o.attribute != null) { - str += ' %s'; - if (o.value != null) { - str += ':%s'; - } - } - return str; - }, - }, - { - // a=ssrc-group:FEC 1 2 - // a=ssrc-group:FEC-FR 3004364195 1080772241 - push: 'ssrcGroups', - // token-char = %x21 / %x23-27 / %x2A-2B / %x2D-2E / %x30-39 / %x41-5A / %x5E-7E - reg: /^ssrc-group:([\x21\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27\x2A\x2B\x2D\x2E\w]*) (.*)/, - names: ['semantics', 'ssrcs'], - format: 'ssrc-group:%s %s', - }, - { - // a=msid-semantic: WMS Jvlam5X3SX1OP6pn20zWogvaKJz5Hjf9OnlV - name: 'msidSemantic', - reg: /^msid-semantic:\s?(\w*) (\S*)/, - names: ['semantic', 'token'], - format: 'msid-semantic: %s %s', // space after ':' is not accidental - }, - { - // a=group:BUNDLE audio video - push: 'groups', - reg: /^group:(\w*) (.*)/, - names: ['type', 'mids'], - format: 'group:%s %s', - }, - { - // a=rtcp-mux - name: 'rtcpMux', - reg: /^(rtcp-mux)/, - }, - { - // a=rtcp-rsize - name: 'rtcpRsize', - reg: /^(rtcp-rsize)/, - }, - { - // a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024 - name: 'sctpmap', - reg: /^sctpmap:([\w_/]*) (\S*)(?: (\S*))?/, - names: ['sctpmapNumber', 'app', 'maxMessageSize'], - format: function (o) { - return o.maxMessageSize != null ? 'sctpmap:%s %s %s' : 'sctpmap:%s %s'; - }, - }, - { - // a=x-google-flag:conference - name: 'xGoogleFlag', - reg: /^x-google-flag:([^\s]*)/, - format: 'x-google-flag:%s', - }, - { - // a=rid:1 send max-width=1280;max-height=720;max-fps=30;depend=0 - push: 'rids', - reg: /^rid:([\d\w]+) (\w+)(?: ([\S| ]*))?/, - names: ['id', 'direction', 'params'], - format: function (o) { - return o.params ? 'rid:%s %s %s' : 'rid:%s %s'; - }, - }, - { - // a=imageattr:97 send [x=800,y=640,sar=1.1,q=0.6] [x=480,y=320] recv [x=330,y=250] - // a=imageattr:* send [x=800,y=640] recv * - // a=imageattr:100 recv [x=320,y=240] - push: 'imageattrs', - reg: new RegExp( - // a=imageattr:97 - '^imageattr:(\\d+|\\*)' + - // send [x=800,y=640,sar=1.1,q=0.6] [x=480,y=320] - '[\\s\\t]+(send|recv)[\\s\\t]+(\\*|\\[\\S+\\](?:[\\s\\t]+\\[\\S+\\])*)' + - // recv [x=330,y=250] - '(?:[\\s\\t]+(recv|send)[\\s\\t]+(\\*|\\[\\S+\\](?:[\\s\\t]+\\[\\S+\\])*))?', - ), - names: ['pt', 'dir1', 'attrs1', 'dir2', 'attrs2'], - format: function (o) { - return 'imageattr:%s %s %s' + (o.dir2 ? ' %s %s' : ''); - }, - }, - { - // a=simulcast:send 1,2,3;~4,~5 recv 6;~7,~8 - // a=simulcast:recv 1;4,5 send 6;7 - name: 'simulcast', - reg: new RegExp( - // a=simulcast: - '^simulcast:' + - // send 1,2,3;~4,~5 - '(send|recv) ([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_~;,]+)' + - // space + recv 6;~7,~8 - '(?:\\s?(send|recv) ([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_~;,]+))?' + - // end - '$', - ), - names: ['dir1', 'list1', 'dir2', 'list2'], - format: function (o) { - return 'simulcast:%s %s' + (o.dir2 ? ' %s %s' : ''); - }, - }, - { - // old simulcast draft 03 (implemented by Firefox) - // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-simulcast-03 - // a=simulcast: recv pt=97;98 send pt=97 - // a=simulcast: send rid=5;6;7 paused=6,7 - name: 'simulcast_03', - reg: /^simulcast:[\s\t]+([\S+\s\t]+)$/, - names: ['value'], - format: 'simulcast: %s', - }, - { - // a=framerate:25 - // a=framerate:29.97 - name: 'framerate', - reg: /^framerate:(\d+(?:$|\.\d+))/, - format: 'framerate:%s', - }, - { - // RFC4570 - // a=source-filter: incl IN IP4 - name: 'sourceFilter', - reg: /^source-filter: *(excl|incl) (\S*) (IP4|IP6|\*) (\S*) (.*)/, - names: ['filterMode', 'netType', 'addressTypes', 'destAddress', 'srcList'], - format: 'source-filter: %s %s %s %s %s', - }, - { - // a=bundle-only - name: 'bundleOnly', - reg: /^(bundle-only)/, - }, - { - // a=label:1 - name: 'label', - reg: /^label:(.+)/, - format: 'label:%s', - }, - { - // RFC version 26 for SCTP over DTLS - // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-mmusic-sctp-sdp-26#section-5 - name: 'sctpPort', - reg: /^sctp-port:(\d+)$/, - format: 'sctp-port:%s', - }, - { - // RFC version 26 for SCTP over DTLS - // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-mmusic-sctp-sdp-26#section-6 - name: 'maxMessageSize', - reg: /^max-message-size:(\d+)$/, - format: 'max-message-size:%s', - }, - { - // RFC7273 - // a=ts-refclk:ptp=IEEE1588-2008:39-A7-94-FF-FE-07-CB-D0:37 - push: 'tsRefClocks', - reg: /^ts-refclk:([^\s=]*)(?:=(\S*))?/, - names: ['clksrc', 'clksrcExt'], - format: function (o) { - return 'ts-refclk:%s' + (o.clksrcExt != null ? '=%s' : ''); - }, - }, - { - // RFC7273 - // a=mediaclk:direct=963214424 - name: 'mediaClk', - reg: /^mediaclk:(?:id=(\S*))? *([^\s=]*)(?:=(\S*))?(?: *rate=(\d+)\/(\d+))?/, - names: ['id', 'mediaClockName', 'mediaClockValue', 'rateNumerator', 'rateDenominator'], - format: function (o) { - var str = 'mediaclk:'; - str += o.id != null ? 'id=%s %s' : '%v%s'; - str += o.mediaClockValue != null ? '=%s' : ''; - str += o.rateNumerator != null ? ' rate=%s' : ''; - str += o.rateDenominator != null ? '/%s' : ''; - return str; - }, - }, - { - // a=keywds:keywords - name: 'keywords', - reg: /^keywds:(.+)$/, - format: 'keywds:%s', - }, - { - // a=content:main - name: 'content', - reg: /^content:(.+)/, - format: 'content:%s', - }, - // BFCP https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4583 - { - // a=floorctrl:c-s - name: 'bfcpFloorCtrl', - reg: /^floorctrl:(c-only|s-only|c-s)/, - format: 'floorctrl:%s', - }, - { - // a=confid:1 - name: 'bfcpConfId', - reg: /^confid:(\d+)/, - format: 'confid:%s', - }, - { - // a=userid:1 - name: 'bfcpUserId', - reg: /^userid:(\d+)/, - format: 'userid:%s', - }, - { - // a=floorid:1 - name: 'bfcpFloorId', - reg: /^floorid:(.+) (?:m-stream|mstrm):(.+)/, - names: ['id', 'mStream'], - format: 'floorid:%s mstrm:%s', - }, - { - // any a= that we don't understand is kept verbatim on media.invalid - push: 'invalid', - names: ['value'], - }, - ], - }); - - // set sensible defaults to avoid polluting the grammar with boring details - Object.keys(grammar).forEach(function (key) { - var objs = grammar[key]; - objs.forEach(function (obj) { - if (!obj.reg) { - obj.reg = /(.*)/; - } - if (!obj.format) { - obj.format = '%s'; - } - }); - }); - }, - {}, - ], - 41: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - var parser = require('./parser'); - var writer = require('./writer'); - - exports.write = writer; - exports.parse = parser.parse; - exports.parseParams = parser.parseParams; - exports.parseFmtpConfig = parser.parseFmtpConfig; // Alias of parseParams(). - exports.parsePayloads = parser.parsePayloads; - exports.parseRemoteCandidates = parser.parseRemoteCandidates; - exports.parseImageAttributes = parser.parseImageAttributes; - exports.parseSimulcastStreamList = parser.parseSimulcastStreamList; - }, - { './parser': 42, './writer': 43 }, - ], - 42: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - var toIntIfInt = function (v) { - return String(Number(v)) === v ? Number(v) : v; - }; - - var attachProperties = function (match, location, names, rawName) { - if (rawName && !names) { - location[rawName] = toIntIfInt(match[1]); - } else { - for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i += 1) { - if (match[i + 1] != null) { - location[names[i]] = toIntIfInt(match[i + 1]); - } + for (const key of Object.keys(codecParameters)) { + if (fmtp.config) + fmtp.config += ';'; + fmtp.config += `${key}=${codecParameters[key]}`; + } + if (fmtp.config) + this._mediaObject.fmtp.push(fmtp); + for (const fb of codec.rtcpFeedback) { + this._mediaObject.rtcpFb.push({ + payload: codec.payloadType, + type: fb.type, + subtype: fb.parameter + }); } } - }; - - var parseReg = function (obj, location, content) { - var needsBlank = obj.name && obj.names; - if (obj.push && !location[obj.push]) { - location[obj.push] = []; - } else if (needsBlank && !location[obj.name]) { - location[obj.name] = {}; - } - var keyLocation = obj.push - ? {} // blank object that will be pushed - : needsBlank - ? location[obj.name] - : location; // otherwise, named location or root - - attachProperties(content.match(obj.reg), keyLocation, obj.names, obj.name); - - if (obj.push) { - location[obj.push].push(keyLocation); - } - }; - - var grammar = require('./grammar'); - var validLine = RegExp.prototype.test.bind(/^([a-z])=(.*)/); - - exports.parse = function (sdp) { - var session = {}, - media = [], - location = session; // points at where properties go under (one of the above) - - // parse lines we understand - sdp.split(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/) - .filter(validLine) - .forEach(function (l) { - var type = l[0]; - var content = l.slice(2); - if (type === 'm') { - media.push({ rtp: [], fmtp: [] }); - location = media[media.length - 1]; // point at latest media line - } - - for (var j = 0; j < (grammar[type] || []).length; j += 1) { - var obj = grammar[type][j]; - if (obj.reg.test(content)) { - return parseReg(obj, location, content); - } - } + this._mediaObject.payloads = answerRtpParameters.codecs + .map((codec) => codec.payloadType) + .join(' '); + this._mediaObject.ext = []; + for (const ext of answerRtpParameters.headerExtensions) { + // Don't add a header extension if not present in the offer. + const found = (offerMediaObject.ext || []) + .some((localExt) => localExt.uri === ext.uri); + if (!found) + continue; + this._mediaObject.ext.push({ + uri: ext.uri, + value: ext.id }); - - session.media = media; // link it up - return session; - }; - - var paramReducer = function (acc, expr) { - var s = expr.split(/=(.+)/, 2); - if (s.length === 2) { - acc[s[0]] = toIntIfInt(s[1]); - } else if (s.length === 1 && expr.length > 1) { - acc[s[0]] = undefined; } - return acc; - }; - - exports.parseParams = function (str) { - return str.split(/;\s?/).reduce(paramReducer, {}); - }; - - // For backward compatibility - alias will be removed in 3.0.0 - exports.parseFmtpConfig = exports.parseParams; - - exports.parsePayloads = function (str) { - return str.toString().split(' ').map(Number); - }; - - exports.parseRemoteCandidates = function (str) { - var candidates = []; - var parts = str.split(' ').map(toIntIfInt); - for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 3) { - candidates.push({ - component: parts[i], - ip: parts[i + 1], - port: parts[i + 2], - }); + // Allow both 1 byte and 2 bytes length header extensions. + if (extmapAllowMixed && + offerMediaObject.extmapAllowMixed === 'extmap-allow-mixed') { + this._mediaObject.extmapAllowMixed = 'extmap-allow-mixed'; } - return candidates; - }; - - exports.parseImageAttributes = function (str) { - return str.split(' ').map(function (item) { - return item - .substring(1, item.length - 1) - .split(',') - .reduce(paramReducer, {}); - }); - }; - - exports.parseSimulcastStreamList = function (str) { - return str.split(';').map(function (stream) { - return stream.split(',').map(function (format) { - var scid, - paused = false; - - if (format[0] !== '~') { - scid = toIntIfInt(format); - } else { - scid = toIntIfInt(format.substring(1, format.length)); - paused = true; - } - - return { - scid: scid, - paused: paused, + // Simulcast. + if (offerMediaObject.simulcast) { + this._mediaObject.simulcast = + { + dir1: 'recv', + list1: offerMediaObject.simulcast.list1 }; - }); - }); - }; - }, - { './grammar': 40 }, - ], - 43: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - var grammar = require('./grammar'); - - // customized util.format - discards excess arguments and can void middle ones - var formatRegExp = /%[sdv%]/g; - var format = function (formatStr) { - var i = 1; - var args = arguments; - var len = args.length; - return formatStr.replace(formatRegExp, function (x) { - if (i >= len) { - return x; // missing argument + this._mediaObject.rids = []; + for (const rid of offerMediaObject.rids || []) { + if (rid.direction !== 'send') + continue; + this._mediaObject.rids.push({ + id: rid.id, + direction: 'recv' + }); } - var arg = args[i]; - i += 1; - switch (x) { - case '%%': - return '%'; - case '%s': - return String(arg); - case '%d': - return Number(arg); - case '%v': - return ''; + } + // Simulcast (draft version 03). + else if (offerMediaObject.simulcast_03) { + // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase + this._mediaObject.simulcast_03 = + { + value: offerMediaObject.simulcast_03.value.replace(/send/g, 'recv') + }; + this._mediaObject.rids = []; + for (const rid of offerMediaObject.rids || []) { + if (rid.direction !== 'send') + continue; + this._mediaObject.rids.push({ + id: rid.id, + direction: 'recv' + }); } - }); - // NB: we discard excess arguments - they are typically undefined from makeLine + } + this._mediaObject.rtcpMux = 'rtcp-mux'; + this._mediaObject.rtcpRsize = 'rtcp-rsize'; + if (this._planB && this._mediaObject.type === 'video') + this._mediaObject.xGoogleFlag = 'conference'; + break; + } + case 'application': + { + // New spec. + if (typeof offerMediaObject.sctpPort === 'number') { + this._mediaObject.payloads = 'webrtc-datachannel'; + this._mediaObject.sctpPort = sctpParameters.port; + this._mediaObject.maxMessageSize = sctpParameters.maxMessageSize; + } + // Old spec. + else if (offerMediaObject.sctpmap) { + this._mediaObject.payloads = sctpParameters.port; + this._mediaObject.sctpmap = + { + app: 'webrtc-datachannel', + sctpmapNumber: sctpParameters.port, + maxMessageSize: sctpParameters.maxMessageSize + }; + } + break; + } + } + } + setDtlsRole(role) { + switch (role) { + case 'client': + this._mediaObject.setup = 'active'; + break; + case 'server': + this._mediaObject.setup = 'passive'; + break; + case 'auto': + this._mediaObject.setup = 'actpass'; + break; + } + } +} +exports.AnswerMediaSection = AnswerMediaSection; +class OfferMediaSection extends MediaSection { + constructor({ iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, plainRtpParameters, planB = false, mid, kind, offerRtpParameters, streamId, trackId, oldDataChannelSpec = false }) { + super({ iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, planB }); + this._mediaObject.mid = String(mid); + this._mediaObject.type = kind; + if (!plainRtpParameters) { + this._mediaObject.connection = { ip: '', version: 4 }; + if (!sctpParameters) + this._mediaObject.protocol = 'UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF'; + else + this._mediaObject.protocol = 'UDP/DTLS/SCTP'; + this._mediaObject.port = 7; + } + else { + this._mediaObject.connection = + { + ip: plainRtpParameters.ip, + version: plainRtpParameters.ipVersion }; - - var makeLine = function (type, obj, location) { - var str = - obj.format instanceof Function - ? obj.format(obj.push ? location : location[obj.name]) - : obj.format; - - var args = [type + '=' + str]; - if (obj.names) { - for (var i = 0; i < obj.names.length; i += 1) { - var n = obj.names[i]; - if (obj.name) { - args.push(location[obj.name][n]); - } else { - // for mLine and push attributes - args.push(location[obj.names[i]]); - } + this._mediaObject.protocol = 'RTP/AVP'; + this._mediaObject.port = plainRtpParameters.port; + } + switch (kind) { + case 'audio': + case 'video': + { + this._mediaObject.direction = 'sendonly'; + this._mediaObject.rtp = []; + this._mediaObject.rtcpFb = []; + this._mediaObject.fmtp = []; + if (!this._planB) + this._mediaObject.msid = `${streamId || '-'} ${trackId}`; + for (const codec of offerRtpParameters.codecs) { + const rtp = { + payload: codec.payloadType, + codec: getCodecName(codec), + rate: codec.clockRate + }; + if (codec.channels > 1) + rtp.encoding = codec.channels; + this._mediaObject.rtp.push(rtp); + const fmtp = { + payload: codec.payloadType, + config: '' + }; + for (const key of Object.keys(codec.parameters)) { + if (fmtp.config) + fmtp.config += ';'; + fmtp.config += `${key}=${codec.parameters[key]}`; + } + if (fmtp.config) + this._mediaObject.fmtp.push(fmtp); + for (const fb of codec.rtcpFeedback) { + this._mediaObject.rtcpFb.push({ + payload: codec.payloadType, + type: fb.type, + subtype: fb.parameter + }); } - } else { - args.push(location[obj.name]); } - return format.apply(null, args); - }; - - // RFC specified order - // TODO: extend this with all the rest - var defaultOuterOrder = ['v', 'o', 's', 'i', 'u', 'e', 'p', 'c', 'b', 't', 'r', 'z', 'a']; - var defaultInnerOrder = ['i', 'c', 'b', 'a']; - - module.exports = function (session, opts) { - opts = opts || {}; - // ensure certain properties exist - if (session.version == null) { - session.version = 0; // 'v=0' must be there (only defined version atm) + this._mediaObject.payloads = offerRtpParameters.codecs + .map((codec) => codec.payloadType) + .join(' '); + this._mediaObject.ext = []; + for (const ext of offerRtpParameters.headerExtensions) { + this._mediaObject.ext.push({ + uri: ext.uri, + value: ext.id + }); + } + this._mediaObject.rtcpMux = 'rtcp-mux'; + this._mediaObject.rtcpRsize = 'rtcp-rsize'; + const encoding = offerRtpParameters.encodings[0]; + const ssrc = encoding.ssrc; + const rtxSsrc = (encoding.rtx && encoding.rtx.ssrc) + ? encoding.rtx.ssrc + : undefined; + this._mediaObject.ssrcs = []; + this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups = []; + if (offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname) { + this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: ssrc, + attribute: 'cname', + value: offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname + }); } - if (session.name == null) { - session.name = ' '; // 's= ' must be there if no meaningful name set + if (this._planB) { + this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: ssrc, + attribute: 'msid', + value: `${streamId || '-'} ${trackId}` + }); } - session.media.forEach(function (mLine) { - if (mLine.payloads == null) { - mLine.payloads = ''; + if (rtxSsrc) { + if (offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname) { + this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: rtxSsrc, + attribute: 'cname', + value: offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname + }); } - }); - - var outerOrder = opts.outerOrder || defaultOuterOrder; - var innerOrder = opts.innerOrder || defaultInnerOrder; - var sdp = []; - - // loop through outerOrder for matching properties on session - outerOrder.forEach(function (type) { - grammar[type].forEach(function (obj) { - if (obj.name in session && session[obj.name] != null) { - sdp.push(makeLine(type, obj, session)); - } else if (obj.push in session && session[obj.push] != null) { - session[obj.push].forEach(function (el) { - sdp.push(makeLine(type, obj, el)); - }); - } - }); - }); - - // then for each media line, follow the innerOrder - session.media.forEach(function (mLine) { - sdp.push(makeLine('m', grammar.m[0], mLine)); - - innerOrder.forEach(function (type) { - grammar[type].forEach(function (obj) { - if (obj.name in mLine && mLine[obj.name] != null) { - sdp.push(makeLine(type, obj, mLine)); - } else if (obj.push in mLine && mLine[obj.push] != null) { - mLine[obj.push].forEach(function (el) { - sdp.push(makeLine(type, obj, el)); - }); - } + if (this._planB) { + this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: rtxSsrc, + attribute: 'msid', + value: `${streamId || '-'} ${trackId}` }); + } + // Associate original and retransmission SSRCs. + this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups.push({ + semantics: 'FID', + ssrcs: `${ssrc} ${rtxSsrc}` }); - }); - - return sdp.join('\r\n') + '\r\n'; - }; - }, - { './grammar': 40 }, - ], - 44: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - window.mediasoupClient = require('mediasoup-client'); - }, - { 'mediasoup-client': 32 }, - ], - 45: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. - // - // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a - // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the - // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including - // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, - // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit - // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the - // following conditions: - // - // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included - // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - // - // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS - // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF - // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN - // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, - // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR - // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE - // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - - var objectCreate = Object.create || objectCreatePolyfill; - var objectKeys = Object.keys || objectKeysPolyfill; - var bind = Function.prototype.bind || functionBindPolyfill; - - function EventEmitter() { - if (!this._events || !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this, '_events')) { - this._events = objectCreate(null); - this._eventsCount = 0; } - - this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || undefined; - } - module.exports = EventEmitter; - - // Backwards-compat with node 0.10.x - EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter; - - EventEmitter.prototype._events = undefined; - EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = undefined; - - // By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are - // added to it. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks. - var defaultMaxListeners = 10; - - var hasDefineProperty; - try { - var o = {}; - if (Object.defineProperty) Object.defineProperty(o, 'x', { value: 0 }); - hasDefineProperty = o.x === 0; - } catch (err) { - hasDefineProperty = false; - } - if (hasDefineProperty) { - Object.defineProperty(EventEmitter, 'defaultMaxListeners', { - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return defaultMaxListeners; - }, - set: function (arg) { - // check whether the input is a positive number (whose value is zero or - // greater and not a NaN). - if (typeof arg !== 'number' || arg < 0 || arg !== arg) - throw new TypeError('"defaultMaxListeners" must be a positive number'); - defaultMaxListeners = arg; - }, - }); - } else { - EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = defaultMaxListeners; + break; } - - // Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows - // that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited. - EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function setMaxListeners(n) { - if (typeof n !== 'number' || n < 0 || isNaN(n)) - throw new TypeError('"n" argument must be a positive number'); - this._maxListeners = n; - return this; - }; - - function $getMaxListeners(that) { - if (that._maxListeners === undefined) return EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners; - return that._maxListeners; - } - - EventEmitter.prototype.getMaxListeners = function getMaxListeners() { - return $getMaxListeners(this); - }; - - // These standalone emit* functions are used to optimize calling of event - // handlers for fast cases because emit() itself often has a variable number of - // arguments and can be deoptimized because of that. These functions always have - // the same number of arguments and thus do not get deoptimized, so the code - // inside them can execute faster. - function emitNone(handler, isFn, self) { - if (isFn) handler.call(self); + case 'application': + { + // New spec. + if (!oldDataChannelSpec) { + this._mediaObject.payloads = 'webrtc-datachannel'; + this._mediaObject.sctpPort = sctpParameters.port; + this._mediaObject.maxMessageSize = sctpParameters.maxMessageSize; + } + // Old spec. else { - var len = handler.length; - var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len); - for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) listeners[i].call(self); + this._mediaObject.payloads = sctpParameters.port; + this._mediaObject.sctpmap = + { + app: 'webrtc-datachannel', + sctpmapNumber: sctpParameters.port, + maxMessageSize: sctpParameters.maxMessageSize + }; } + break; } - function emitOne(handler, isFn, self, arg1) { - if (isFn) handler.call(self, arg1); - else { - var len = handler.length; - var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len); - for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) listeners[i].call(self, arg1); - } + } + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars + setDtlsRole(role) { + // Always 'actpass'. + this._mediaObject.setup = 'actpass'; + } + planBReceive({ offerRtpParameters, streamId, trackId }) { + const encoding = offerRtpParameters.encodings[0]; + const ssrc = encoding.ssrc; + const rtxSsrc = (encoding.rtx && encoding.rtx.ssrc) + ? encoding.rtx.ssrc + : undefined; + const payloads = this._mediaObject.payloads.split(' '); + for (const codec of offerRtpParameters.codecs) { + if (payloads.includes(String(codec.payloadType))) { + continue; + } + const rtp = { + payload: codec.payloadType, + codec: getCodecName(codec), + rate: codec.clockRate + }; + if (codec.channels > 1) + rtp.encoding = codec.channels; + this._mediaObject.rtp.push(rtp); + const fmtp = { + payload: codec.payloadType, + config: '' + }; + for (const key of Object.keys(codec.parameters)) { + if (fmtp.config) + fmtp.config += ';'; + fmtp.config += `${key}=${codec.parameters[key]}`; + } + if (fmtp.config) + this._mediaObject.fmtp.push(fmtp); + for (const fb of codec.rtcpFeedback) { + this._mediaObject.rtcpFb.push({ + payload: codec.payloadType, + type: fb.type, + subtype: fb.parameter + }); + } + } + this._mediaObject.payloads += ` ${offerRtpParameters + .codecs + .filter((codec) => !this._mediaObject.payloads.includes(codec.payloadType)) + .map((codec) => codec.payloadType) + .join(' ')}`; + this._mediaObject.payloads = this._mediaObject.payloads.trim(); + if (offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname) { + this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: ssrc, + attribute: 'cname', + value: offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname + }); + } + this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: ssrc, + attribute: 'msid', + value: `${streamId || '-'} ${trackId}` + }); + if (rtxSsrc) { + if (offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname) { + this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: rtxSsrc, + attribute: 'cname', + value: offerRtpParameters.rtcp.cname + }); + } + this._mediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: rtxSsrc, + attribute: 'msid', + value: `${streamId || '-'} ${trackId}` + }); + // Associate original and retransmission SSRCs. + this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups.push({ + semantics: 'FID', + ssrcs: `${ssrc} ${rtxSsrc}` + }); + } + } + planBStopReceiving({ offerRtpParameters }) { + const encoding = offerRtpParameters.encodings[0]; + const ssrc = encoding.ssrc; + const rtxSsrc = (encoding.rtx && encoding.rtx.ssrc) + ? encoding.rtx.ssrc + : undefined; + this._mediaObject.ssrcs = this._mediaObject.ssrcs + .filter((s) => s.id !== ssrc && s.id !== rtxSsrc); + if (rtxSsrc) { + this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups = this._mediaObject.ssrcGroups + .filter((group) => group.ssrcs !== `${ssrc} ${rtxSsrc}`); + } + } +} +exports.OfferMediaSection = OfferMediaSection; +function getCodecName(codec) { + const MimeTypeRegex = new RegExp('^(audio|video)/(.+)', 'i'); + const mimeTypeMatch = MimeTypeRegex.exec(codec.mimeType); + if (!mimeTypeMatch) + throw new TypeError('invalid codec.mimeType'); + return mimeTypeMatch[2]; +} + +},{"../../utils":39}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.RemoteSdp = void 0; +const sdpTransform = __importStar(require("sdp-transform")); +const Logger_1 = require("../../Logger"); +const MediaSection_1 = require("./MediaSection"); +const logger = new Logger_1.Logger('RemoteSdp'); +class RemoteSdp { + constructor({ iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters, plainRtpParameters, planB = false }) { + // MediaSection instances with same order as in the SDP. + this._mediaSections = []; + // MediaSection indices indexed by MID. + this._midToIndex = new Map(); + this._iceParameters = iceParameters; + this._iceCandidates = iceCandidates; + this._dtlsParameters = dtlsParameters; + this._sctpParameters = sctpParameters; + this._plainRtpParameters = plainRtpParameters; + this._planB = planB; + this._sdpObject = + { + version: 0, + origin: { + address: '', + ipVer: 4, + netType: 'IN', + sessionId: 10000, + sessionVersion: 0, + username: 'mediasoup-client' + }, + name: '-', + timing: { start: 0, stop: 0 }, + media: [] + }; + // If ICE parameters are given, add ICE-Lite indicator. + if (iceParameters && iceParameters.iceLite) { + this._sdpObject.icelite = 'ice-lite'; + } + // If DTLS parameters are given, assume WebRTC and BUNDLE. + if (dtlsParameters) { + this._sdpObject.msidSemantic = { semantic: 'WMS', token: '*' }; + // NOTE: We take the latest fingerprint. + const numFingerprints = this._dtlsParameters.fingerprints.length; + this._sdpObject.fingerprint = + { + type: dtlsParameters.fingerprints[numFingerprints - 1].algorithm, + hash: dtlsParameters.fingerprints[numFingerprints - 1].value + }; + this._sdpObject.groups = [{ type: 'BUNDLE', mids: '' }]; + } + // If there are plain RPT parameters, override SDP origin. + if (plainRtpParameters) { + this._sdpObject.origin.address = plainRtpParameters.ip; + this._sdpObject.origin.ipVer = plainRtpParameters.ipVersion; + } + } + updateIceParameters(iceParameters) { + logger.debug('updateIceParameters() [iceParameters:%o]', iceParameters); + this._iceParameters = iceParameters; + this._sdpObject.icelite = iceParameters.iceLite ? 'ice-lite' : undefined; + for (const mediaSection of this._mediaSections) { + mediaSection.setIceParameters(iceParameters); + } + } + updateDtlsRole(role) { + logger.debug('updateDtlsRole() [role:%s]', role); + this._dtlsParameters.role = role; + for (const mediaSection of this._mediaSections) { + mediaSection.setDtlsRole(role); + } + } + getNextMediaSectionIdx() { + // If a closed media section is found, return its index. + for (let idx = 0; idx < this._mediaSections.length; ++idx) { + const mediaSection = this._mediaSections[idx]; + if (mediaSection.closed) + return { idx, reuseMid: mediaSection.mid }; + } + // If no closed media section is found, return next one. + return { idx: this._mediaSections.length }; + } + send({ offerMediaObject, reuseMid, offerRtpParameters, answerRtpParameters, codecOptions, extmapAllowMixed = false }) { + const mediaSection = new MediaSection_1.AnswerMediaSection({ + iceParameters: this._iceParameters, + iceCandidates: this._iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters: this._dtlsParameters, + plainRtpParameters: this._plainRtpParameters, + planB: this._planB, + offerMediaObject, + offerRtpParameters, + answerRtpParameters, + codecOptions, + extmapAllowMixed + }); + // Unified-Plan with closed media section replacement. + if (reuseMid) { + this._replaceMediaSection(mediaSection, reuseMid); + } + // Unified-Plan or Plan-B with different media kind. + else if (!this._midToIndex.has(mediaSection.mid)) { + this._addMediaSection(mediaSection); + } + // Plan-B with same media kind. + else { + this._replaceMediaSection(mediaSection); + } + } + receive({ mid, kind, offerRtpParameters, streamId, trackId }) { + const idx = this._midToIndex.get(mid); + let mediaSection; + if (idx !== undefined) + mediaSection = this._mediaSections[idx]; + // Unified-Plan or different media kind. + if (!mediaSection) { + mediaSection = new MediaSection_1.OfferMediaSection({ + iceParameters: this._iceParameters, + iceCandidates: this._iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters: this._dtlsParameters, + plainRtpParameters: this._plainRtpParameters, + planB: this._planB, + mid, + kind, + offerRtpParameters, + streamId, + trackId + }); + // Let's try to recycle a closed media section (if any). + // NOTE: Yes, we can recycle a closed m=audio section with a new m=video. + const oldMediaSection = this._mediaSections.find((m) => (m.closed)); + if (oldMediaSection) { + this._replaceMediaSection(mediaSection, oldMediaSection.mid); + } + else { + this._addMediaSection(mediaSection); + } + } + // Plan-B. + else { + mediaSection.planBReceive({ offerRtpParameters, streamId, trackId }); + this._replaceMediaSection(mediaSection); + } + } + disableMediaSection(mid) { + const idx = this._midToIndex.get(mid); + if (idx === undefined) { + throw new Error(`no media section found with mid '${mid}'`); + } + const mediaSection = this._mediaSections[idx]; + mediaSection.disable(); + } + closeMediaSection(mid) { + const idx = this._midToIndex.get(mid); + if (idx === undefined) { + throw new Error(`no media section found with mid '${mid}'`); + } + const mediaSection = this._mediaSections[idx]; + // NOTE: Closing the first m section is a pain since it invalidates the + // bundled transport, so let's avoid it. + if (mid === this._firstMid) { + logger.debug('closeMediaSection() | cannot close first media section, disabling it instead [mid:%s]', mid); + this.disableMediaSection(mid); + return; + } + mediaSection.close(); + // Regenerate BUNDLE mids. + this._regenerateBundleMids(); + } + planBStopReceiving({ mid, offerRtpParameters }) { + const idx = this._midToIndex.get(mid); + if (idx === undefined) { + throw new Error(`no media section found with mid '${mid}'`); + } + const mediaSection = this._mediaSections[idx]; + mediaSection.planBStopReceiving({ offerRtpParameters }); + this._replaceMediaSection(mediaSection); + } + sendSctpAssociation({ offerMediaObject }) { + const mediaSection = new MediaSection_1.AnswerMediaSection({ + iceParameters: this._iceParameters, + iceCandidates: this._iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters: this._dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters: this._sctpParameters, + plainRtpParameters: this._plainRtpParameters, + offerMediaObject + }); + this._addMediaSection(mediaSection); + } + receiveSctpAssociation({ oldDataChannelSpec = false } = {}) { + const mediaSection = new MediaSection_1.OfferMediaSection({ + iceParameters: this._iceParameters, + iceCandidates: this._iceCandidates, + dtlsParameters: this._dtlsParameters, + sctpParameters: this._sctpParameters, + plainRtpParameters: this._plainRtpParameters, + mid: 'datachannel', + kind: 'application', + oldDataChannelSpec + }); + this._addMediaSection(mediaSection); + } + getSdp() { + // Increase SDP version. + this._sdpObject.origin.sessionVersion++; + return sdpTransform.write(this._sdpObject); + } + _addMediaSection(newMediaSection) { + if (!this._firstMid) + this._firstMid = newMediaSection.mid; + // Add to the vector. + this._mediaSections.push(newMediaSection); + // Add to the map. + this._midToIndex.set(newMediaSection.mid, this._mediaSections.length - 1); + // Add to the SDP object. + this._sdpObject.media.push(newMediaSection.getObject()); + // Regenerate BUNDLE mids. + this._regenerateBundleMids(); + } + _replaceMediaSection(newMediaSection, reuseMid) { + // Store it in the map. + if (typeof reuseMid === 'string') { + const idx = this._midToIndex.get(reuseMid); + if (idx === undefined) { + throw new Error(`no media section found for reuseMid '${reuseMid}'`); + } + const oldMediaSection = this._mediaSections[idx]; + // Replace the index in the vector with the new media section. + this._mediaSections[idx] = newMediaSection; + // Update the map. + this._midToIndex.delete(oldMediaSection.mid); + this._midToIndex.set(newMediaSection.mid, idx); + // Update the SDP object. + this._sdpObject.media[idx] = newMediaSection.getObject(); + // Regenerate BUNDLE mids. + this._regenerateBundleMids(); + } + else { + const idx = this._midToIndex.get(newMediaSection.mid); + if (idx === undefined) { + throw new Error(`no media section found with mid '${newMediaSection.mid}'`); + } + // Replace the index in the vector with the new media section. + this._mediaSections[idx] = newMediaSection; + // Update the SDP object. + this._sdpObject.media[idx] = newMediaSection.getObject(); + } + } + _regenerateBundleMids() { + if (!this._dtlsParameters) + return; + this._sdpObject.groups[0].mids = this._mediaSections + .filter((mediaSection) => !mediaSection.closed) + .map((mediaSection) => mediaSection.mid) + .join(' '); + } +} +exports.RemoteSdp = RemoteSdp; + +},{"../../Logger":13,"./MediaSection":30,"sdp-transform":44}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.applyCodecParameters = exports.getCname = exports.extractDtlsParameters = exports.extractRtpCapabilities = void 0; +const sdpTransform = __importStar(require("sdp-transform")); +function extractRtpCapabilities({ sdpObject }) { + // Map of RtpCodecParameters indexed by payload type. + const codecsMap = new Map(); + // Array of RtpHeaderExtensions. + const headerExtensions = []; + // Whether a m=audio/video section has been already found. + let gotAudio = false; + let gotVideo = false; + for (const m of sdpObject.media) { + const kind = m.type; + switch (kind) { + case 'audio': + { + if (gotAudio) + continue; + gotAudio = true; + break; } - function emitTwo(handler, isFn, self, arg1, arg2) { - if (isFn) handler.call(self, arg1, arg2); - else { - var len = handler.length; - var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len); - for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) listeners[i].call(self, arg1, arg2); - } + case 'video': + { + if (gotVideo) + continue; + gotVideo = true; + break; } - function emitThree(handler, isFn, self, arg1, arg2, arg3) { - if (isFn) handler.call(self, arg1, arg2, arg3); - else { - var len = handler.length; - var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len); - for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) listeners[i].call(self, arg1, arg2, arg3); - } + default: + { + continue; } - - function emitMany(handler, isFn, self, args) { - if (isFn) handler.apply(self, args); - else { - var len = handler.length; - var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len); - for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) listeners[i].apply(self, args); - } + } + // Get codecs. + for (const rtp of m.rtp) { + const codec = { + kind: kind, + mimeType: `${kind}/${rtp.codec}`, + preferredPayloadType: rtp.payload, + clockRate: rtp.rate, + channels: rtp.encoding, + parameters: {}, + rtcpFeedback: [] + }; + codecsMap.set(codec.preferredPayloadType, codec); + } + // Get codec parameters. + for (const fmtp of m.fmtp || []) { + const parameters = sdpTransform.parseParams(fmtp.config); + const codec = codecsMap.get(fmtp.payload); + if (!codec) + continue; + // Specials case to convert parameter value to string. + if (parameters && parameters.hasOwnProperty('profile-level-id')) + parameters['profile-level-id'] = String(parameters['profile-level-id']); + codec.parameters = parameters; + } + // Get RTCP feedback for each codec. + for (const fb of m.rtcpFb || []) { + const codec = codecsMap.get(fb.payload); + if (!codec) + continue; + const feedback = { + type: fb.type, + parameter: fb.subtype + }; + if (!feedback.parameter) + delete feedback.parameter; + codec.rtcpFeedback.push(feedback); + } + // Get RTP header extensions. + for (const ext of m.ext || []) { + // Ignore encrypted extensions (not yet supported in mediasoup). + if (ext['encrypt-uri']) + continue; + const headerExtension = { + kind: kind, + uri: ext.uri, + preferredId: ext.value + }; + headerExtensions.push(headerExtension); + } + } + const rtpCapabilities = { + codecs: Array.from(codecsMap.values()), + headerExtensions: headerExtensions + }; + return rtpCapabilities; +} +exports.extractRtpCapabilities = extractRtpCapabilities; +function extractDtlsParameters({ sdpObject }) { + const mediaObject = (sdpObject.media || []) + .find((m) => (m.iceUfrag && m.port !== 0)); + if (!mediaObject) + throw new Error('no active media section found'); + const fingerprint = mediaObject.fingerprint || sdpObject.fingerprint; + let role; + switch (mediaObject.setup) { + case 'active': + role = 'client'; + break; + case 'passive': + role = 'server'; + break; + case 'actpass': + role = 'auto'; + break; + } + const dtlsParameters = { + role, + fingerprints: [ + { + algorithm: fingerprint.type, + value: fingerprint.hash + } + ] + }; + return dtlsParameters; +} +exports.extractDtlsParameters = extractDtlsParameters; +function getCname({ offerMediaObject }) { + const ssrcCnameLine = (offerMediaObject.ssrcs || []) + .find((line) => line.attribute === 'cname'); + if (!ssrcCnameLine) + return ''; + return ssrcCnameLine.value; +} +exports.getCname = getCname; +/** + * Apply codec parameters in the given SDP m= section answer based on the + * given RTP parameters of an offer. + */ +function applyCodecParameters({ offerRtpParameters, answerMediaObject }) { + for (const codec of offerRtpParameters.codecs) { + const mimeType = codec.mimeType.toLowerCase(); + // Avoid parsing codec parameters for unhandled codecs. + if (mimeType !== 'audio/opus') + continue; + const rtp = (answerMediaObject.rtp || []) + .find((r) => r.payload === codec.payloadType); + if (!rtp) + continue; + // Just in case. + answerMediaObject.fmtp = answerMediaObject.fmtp || []; + let fmtp = answerMediaObject.fmtp + .find((f) => f.payload === codec.payloadType); + if (!fmtp) { + fmtp = { payload: codec.payloadType, config: '' }; + answerMediaObject.fmtp.push(fmtp); + } + const parameters = sdpTransform.parseParams(fmtp.config); + switch (mimeType) { + case 'audio/opus': + { + const spropStereo = codec.parameters['sprop-stereo']; + if (spropStereo !== undefined) + parameters.stereo = spropStereo ? 1 : 0; + break; } - - EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(type) { - var er, handler, len, args, i, events; - var doError = type === 'error'; - - events = this._events; - if (events) doError = doError && events.error == null; - else if (!doError) return false; - - // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw. - if (doError) { - if (arguments.length > 1) er = arguments[1]; - if (er instanceof Error) { - throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event - } else { - // At least give some kind of context to the user - var err = new Error('Unhandled "error" event. (' + er + ')'); - err.context = er; - throw err; - } + } + // Write the codec fmtp.config back. + fmtp.config = ''; + for (const key of Object.keys(parameters)) { + if (fmtp.config) + fmtp.config += ';'; + fmtp.config += `${key}=${parameters[key]}`; + } + } +} +exports.applyCodecParameters = applyCodecParameters; + +},{"sdp-transform":44}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.addLegacySimulcast = exports.getRtpEncodings = void 0; +function getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject, track }) { + // First media SSRC (or the only one). + let firstSsrc; + const ssrcs = new Set(); + for (const line of offerMediaObject.ssrcs || []) { + if (line.attribute !== 'msid') + continue; + const trackId = line.value.split(' ')[1]; + if (trackId === track.id) { + const ssrc = line.id; + ssrcs.add(ssrc); + if (!firstSsrc) + firstSsrc = ssrc; + } + } + if (ssrcs.size === 0) + throw new Error(`a=ssrc line with msid information not found [track.id:${track.id}]`); + const ssrcToRtxSsrc = new Map(); + // First assume RTX is used. + for (const line of offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups || []) { + if (line.semantics !== 'FID') + continue; + let [ssrc, rtxSsrc] = line.ssrcs.split(/\s+/); + ssrc = Number(ssrc); + rtxSsrc = Number(rtxSsrc); + if (ssrcs.has(ssrc)) { + // Remove both the SSRC and RTX SSRC from the set so later we know that they + // are already handled. + ssrcs.delete(ssrc); + ssrcs.delete(rtxSsrc); + // Add to the map. + ssrcToRtxSsrc.set(ssrc, rtxSsrc); + } + } + // If the set of SSRCs is not empty it means that RTX is not being used, so take + // media SSRCs from there. + for (const ssrc of ssrcs) { + // Add to the map. + ssrcToRtxSsrc.set(ssrc, null); + } + const encodings = []; + for (const [ssrc, rtxSsrc] of ssrcToRtxSsrc) { + const encoding = { ssrc }; + if (rtxSsrc) + encoding.rtx = { ssrc: rtxSsrc }; + encodings.push(encoding); + } + return encodings; +} +exports.getRtpEncodings = getRtpEncodings; +/** + * Adds multi-ssrc based simulcast into the given SDP media section offer. + */ +function addLegacySimulcast({ offerMediaObject, track, numStreams }) { + if (numStreams <= 1) + throw new TypeError('numStreams must be greater than 1'); + let firstSsrc; + let firstRtxSsrc; + let streamId; + // Get the SSRC. + const ssrcMsidLine = (offerMediaObject.ssrcs || []) + .find((line) => { + if (line.attribute !== 'msid') + return false; + const trackId = line.value.split(' ')[1]; + if (trackId === track.id) { + firstSsrc = line.id; + streamId = line.value.split(' ')[0]; + return true; + } + else { + return false; + } + }); + if (!ssrcMsidLine) + throw new Error(`a=ssrc line with msid information not found [track.id:${track.id}]`); + // Get the SSRC for RTX. + (offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups || []) + .some((line) => { + if (line.semantics !== 'FID') + return false; + const ssrcs = line.ssrcs.split(/\s+/); + if (Number(ssrcs[0]) === firstSsrc) { + firstRtxSsrc = Number(ssrcs[1]); + return true; + } + else { + return false; + } + }); + const ssrcCnameLine = offerMediaObject.ssrcs + .find((line) => (line.attribute === 'cname' && line.id === firstSsrc)); + if (!ssrcCnameLine) + throw new Error(`a=ssrc line with cname information not found [track.id:${track.id}]`); + const cname = ssrcCnameLine.value; + const ssrcs = []; + const rtxSsrcs = []; + for (let i = 0; i < numStreams; ++i) { + ssrcs.push(firstSsrc + i); + if (firstRtxSsrc) + rtxSsrcs.push(firstRtxSsrc + i); + } + offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups = offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups || []; + offerMediaObject.ssrcs = offerMediaObject.ssrcs || []; + offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups.push({ + semantics: 'SIM', + ssrcs: ssrcs.join(' ') + }); + for (let i = 0; i < ssrcs.length; ++i) { + const ssrc = ssrcs[i]; + offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: ssrc, + attribute: 'cname', + value: cname + }); + offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: ssrc, + attribute: 'msid', + value: `${streamId} ${track.id}` + }); + } + for (let i = 0; i < rtxSsrcs.length; ++i) { + const ssrc = ssrcs[i]; + const rtxSsrc = rtxSsrcs[i]; + offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: rtxSsrc, + attribute: 'cname', + value: cname + }); + offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: rtxSsrc, + attribute: 'msid', + value: `${streamId} ${track.id}` + }); + offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups.push({ + semantics: 'FID', + ssrcs: `${ssrc} ${rtxSsrc}` + }); + } +} +exports.addLegacySimulcast = addLegacySimulcast; + +},{}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.addLegacySimulcast = exports.getRtpEncodings = void 0; +function getRtpEncodings({ offerMediaObject }) { + const ssrcs = new Set(); + for (const line of offerMediaObject.ssrcs || []) { + const ssrc = line.id; + ssrcs.add(ssrc); + } + if (ssrcs.size === 0) + throw new Error('no a=ssrc lines found'); + const ssrcToRtxSsrc = new Map(); + // First assume RTX is used. + for (const line of offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups || []) { + if (line.semantics !== 'FID') + continue; + let [ssrc, rtxSsrc] = line.ssrcs.split(/\s+/); + ssrc = Number(ssrc); + rtxSsrc = Number(rtxSsrc); + if (ssrcs.has(ssrc)) { + // Remove both the SSRC and RTX SSRC from the set so later we know that they + // are already handled. + ssrcs.delete(ssrc); + ssrcs.delete(rtxSsrc); + // Add to the map. + ssrcToRtxSsrc.set(ssrc, rtxSsrc); + } + } + // If the set of SSRCs is not empty it means that RTX is not being used, so take + // media SSRCs from there. + for (const ssrc of ssrcs) { + // Add to the map. + ssrcToRtxSsrc.set(ssrc, null); + } + const encodings = []; + for (const [ssrc, rtxSsrc] of ssrcToRtxSsrc) { + const encoding = { ssrc }; + if (rtxSsrc) + encoding.rtx = { ssrc: rtxSsrc }; + encodings.push(encoding); + } + return encodings; +} +exports.getRtpEncodings = getRtpEncodings; +/** + * Adds multi-ssrc based simulcast into the given SDP media section offer. + */ +function addLegacySimulcast({ offerMediaObject, numStreams }) { + if (numStreams <= 1) + throw new TypeError('numStreams must be greater than 1'); + // Get the SSRC. + const ssrcMsidLine = (offerMediaObject.ssrcs || []) + .find((line) => line.attribute === 'msid'); + if (!ssrcMsidLine) + throw new Error('a=ssrc line with msid information not found'); + const [streamId, trackId] = ssrcMsidLine.value.split(' '); + const firstSsrc = ssrcMsidLine.id; + let firstRtxSsrc; + // Get the SSRC for RTX. + (offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups || []) + .some((line) => { + if (line.semantics !== 'FID') + return false; + const ssrcs = line.ssrcs.split(/\s+/); + if (Number(ssrcs[0]) === firstSsrc) { + firstRtxSsrc = Number(ssrcs[1]); + return true; + } + else { + return false; + } + }); + const ssrcCnameLine = offerMediaObject.ssrcs + .find((line) => line.attribute === 'cname'); + if (!ssrcCnameLine) + throw new Error('a=ssrc line with cname information not found'); + const cname = ssrcCnameLine.value; + const ssrcs = []; + const rtxSsrcs = []; + for (let i = 0; i < numStreams; ++i) { + ssrcs.push(firstSsrc + i); + if (firstRtxSsrc) + rtxSsrcs.push(firstRtxSsrc + i); + } + offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups = []; + offerMediaObject.ssrcs = []; + offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups.push({ + semantics: 'SIM', + ssrcs: ssrcs.join(' ') + }); + for (let i = 0; i < ssrcs.length; ++i) { + const ssrc = ssrcs[i]; + offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: ssrc, + attribute: 'cname', + value: cname + }); + offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: ssrc, + attribute: 'msid', + value: `${streamId} ${trackId}` + }); + } + for (let i = 0; i < rtxSsrcs.length; ++i) { + const ssrc = ssrcs[i]; + const rtxSsrc = rtxSsrcs[i]; + offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: rtxSsrc, + attribute: 'cname', + value: cname + }); + offerMediaObject.ssrcs.push({ + id: rtxSsrc, + attribute: 'msid', + value: `${streamId} ${trackId}` + }); + offerMediaObject.ssrcGroups.push({ + semantics: 'FID', + ssrcs: `${ssrc} ${rtxSsrc}` + }); + } +} +exports.addLegacySimulcast = addLegacySimulcast; + +},{}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { + return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.debug = exports.detectDevice = exports.Device = exports.version = exports.types = void 0; +const debug_1 = __importDefault(require("debug")); +exports.debug = debug_1.default; +const Device_1 = require("./Device"); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "Device", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return Device_1.Device; } }); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "detectDevice", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return Device_1.detectDevice; } }); +const types = __importStar(require("./types")); +exports.types = types; +/** + * Expose mediasoup-client version. + */ +exports.version = '3.6.37'; +/** + * Expose parseScalabilityMode() function. + */ +var scalabilityModes_1 = require("./scalabilityModes"); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "parseScalabilityMode", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return scalabilityModes_1.parse; } }); + +},{"./Device":11,"./scalabilityModes":37,"./types":38,"debug":40}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.canReceive = exports.canSend = exports.generateProbatorRtpParameters = exports.reduceCodecs = exports.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters = exports.getSendingRtpParameters = exports.getRecvRtpCapabilities = exports.getExtendedRtpCapabilities = exports.validateSctpStreamParameters = exports.validateSctpParameters = exports.validateNumSctpStreams = exports.validateSctpCapabilities = exports.validateRtcpParameters = exports.validateRtpEncodingParameters = exports.validateRtpHeaderExtensionParameters = exports.validateRtpCodecParameters = exports.validateRtpParameters = exports.validateRtpHeaderExtension = exports.validateRtcpFeedback = exports.validateRtpCodecCapability = exports.validateRtpCapabilities = void 0; +const h264 = __importStar(require("h264-profile-level-id")); +const utils = __importStar(require("./utils")); +const RTP_PROBATOR_MID = 'probator'; +const RTP_PROBATOR_SSRC = 1234; +const RTP_PROBATOR_CODEC_PAYLOAD_TYPE = 127; +/** + * Validates RtpCapabilities. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateRtpCapabilities(caps) { + if (typeof caps !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('caps is not an object'); + // codecs is optional. If unset, fill with an empty array. + if (caps.codecs && !Array.isArray(caps.codecs)) + throw new TypeError('caps.codecs is not an array'); + else if (!caps.codecs) + caps.codecs = []; + for (const codec of caps.codecs) { + validateRtpCodecCapability(codec); + } + // headerExtensions is optional. If unset, fill with an empty array. + if (caps.headerExtensions && !Array.isArray(caps.headerExtensions)) + throw new TypeError('caps.headerExtensions is not an array'); + else if (!caps.headerExtensions) + caps.headerExtensions = []; + for (const ext of caps.headerExtensions) { + validateRtpHeaderExtension(ext); + } +} +exports.validateRtpCapabilities = validateRtpCapabilities; +/** + * Validates RtpCodecCapability. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateRtpCodecCapability(codec) { + const MimeTypeRegex = new RegExp('^(audio|video)/(.+)', 'i'); + if (typeof codec !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('codec is not an object'); + // mimeType is mandatory. + if (!codec.mimeType || typeof codec.mimeType !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('missing codec.mimeType'); + const mimeTypeMatch = MimeTypeRegex.exec(codec.mimeType); + if (!mimeTypeMatch) + throw new TypeError('invalid codec.mimeType'); + // Just override kind with media component of mimeType. + codec.kind = mimeTypeMatch[1].toLowerCase(); + // preferredPayloadType is optional. + if (codec.preferredPayloadType && typeof codec.preferredPayloadType !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('invalid codec.preferredPayloadType'); + // clockRate is mandatory. + if (typeof codec.clockRate !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing codec.clockRate'); + // channels is optional. If unset, set it to 1 (just if audio). + if (codec.kind === 'audio') { + if (typeof codec.channels !== 'number') + codec.channels = 1; + } + else { + delete codec.channels; + } + // parameters is optional. If unset, set it to an empty object. + if (!codec.parameters || typeof codec.parameters !== 'object') + codec.parameters = {}; + for (const key of Object.keys(codec.parameters)) { + let value = codec.parameters[key]; + if (value === undefined) { + codec.parameters[key] = ''; + value = ''; + } + if (typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'number') { + throw new TypeError(`invalid codec parameter [key:${key}s, value:${value}]`); + } + // Specific parameters validation. + if (key === 'apt') { + if (typeof value !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('invalid codec apt parameter'); + } + } + // rtcpFeedback is optional. If unset, set it to an empty array. + if (!codec.rtcpFeedback || !Array.isArray(codec.rtcpFeedback)) + codec.rtcpFeedback = []; + for (const fb of codec.rtcpFeedback) { + validateRtcpFeedback(fb); + } +} +exports.validateRtpCodecCapability = validateRtpCodecCapability; +/** + * Validates RtcpFeedback. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateRtcpFeedback(fb) { + if (typeof fb !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('fb is not an object'); + // type is mandatory. + if (!fb.type || typeof fb.type !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('missing fb.type'); + // parameter is optional. If unset set it to an empty string. + if (!fb.parameter || typeof fb.parameter !== 'string') + fb.parameter = ''; +} +exports.validateRtcpFeedback = validateRtcpFeedback; +/** + * Validates RtpHeaderExtension. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateRtpHeaderExtension(ext) { + if (typeof ext !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('ext is not an object'); + // kind is mandatory. + if (ext.kind !== 'audio' && ext.kind !== 'video') + throw new TypeError('invalid ext.kind'); + // uri is mandatory. + if (!ext.uri || typeof ext.uri !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('missing ext.uri'); + // preferredId is mandatory. + if (typeof ext.preferredId !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing ext.preferredId'); + // preferredEncrypt is optional. If unset set it to false. + if (ext.preferredEncrypt && typeof ext.preferredEncrypt !== 'boolean') + throw new TypeError('invalid ext.preferredEncrypt'); + else if (!ext.preferredEncrypt) + ext.preferredEncrypt = false; + // direction is optional. If unset set it to sendrecv. + if (ext.direction && typeof ext.direction !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('invalid ext.direction'); + else if (!ext.direction) + ext.direction = 'sendrecv'; +} +exports.validateRtpHeaderExtension = validateRtpHeaderExtension; +/** + * Validates RtpParameters. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateRtpParameters(params) { + if (typeof params !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('params is not an object'); + // mid is optional. + if (params.mid && typeof params.mid !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('params.mid is not a string'); + // codecs is mandatory. + if (!Array.isArray(params.codecs)) + throw new TypeError('missing params.codecs'); + for (const codec of params.codecs) { + validateRtpCodecParameters(codec); + } + // headerExtensions is optional. If unset, fill with an empty array. + if (params.headerExtensions && !Array.isArray(params.headerExtensions)) + throw new TypeError('params.headerExtensions is not an array'); + else if (!params.headerExtensions) + params.headerExtensions = []; + for (const ext of params.headerExtensions) { + validateRtpHeaderExtensionParameters(ext); + } + // encodings is optional. If unset, fill with an empty array. + if (params.encodings && !Array.isArray(params.encodings)) + throw new TypeError('params.encodings is not an array'); + else if (!params.encodings) + params.encodings = []; + for (const encoding of params.encodings) { + validateRtpEncodingParameters(encoding); + } + // rtcp is optional. If unset, fill with an empty object. + if (params.rtcp && typeof params.rtcp !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('params.rtcp is not an object'); + else if (!params.rtcp) + params.rtcp = {}; + validateRtcpParameters(params.rtcp); +} +exports.validateRtpParameters = validateRtpParameters; +/** + * Validates RtpCodecParameters. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateRtpCodecParameters(codec) { + const MimeTypeRegex = new RegExp('^(audio|video)/(.+)', 'i'); + if (typeof codec !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('codec is not an object'); + // mimeType is mandatory. + if (!codec.mimeType || typeof codec.mimeType !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('missing codec.mimeType'); + const mimeTypeMatch = MimeTypeRegex.exec(codec.mimeType); + if (!mimeTypeMatch) + throw new TypeError('invalid codec.mimeType'); + // payloadType is mandatory. + if (typeof codec.payloadType !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing codec.payloadType'); + // clockRate is mandatory. + if (typeof codec.clockRate !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing codec.clockRate'); + const kind = mimeTypeMatch[1].toLowerCase(); + // channels is optional. If unset, set it to 1 (just if audio). + if (kind === 'audio') { + if (typeof codec.channels !== 'number') + codec.channels = 1; + } + else { + delete codec.channels; + } + // parameters is optional. If unset, set it to an empty object. + if (!codec.parameters || typeof codec.parameters !== 'object') + codec.parameters = {}; + for (const key of Object.keys(codec.parameters)) { + let value = codec.parameters[key]; + if (value === undefined) { + codec.parameters[key] = ''; + value = ''; + } + if (typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'number') { + throw new TypeError(`invalid codec parameter [key:${key}s, value:${value}]`); + } + // Specific parameters validation. + if (key === 'apt') { + if (typeof value !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('invalid codec apt parameter'); + } + } + // rtcpFeedback is optional. If unset, set it to an empty array. + if (!codec.rtcpFeedback || !Array.isArray(codec.rtcpFeedback)) + codec.rtcpFeedback = []; + for (const fb of codec.rtcpFeedback) { + validateRtcpFeedback(fb); + } +} +exports.validateRtpCodecParameters = validateRtpCodecParameters; +/** + * Validates RtpHeaderExtensionParameteters. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateRtpHeaderExtensionParameters(ext) { + if (typeof ext !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('ext is not an object'); + // uri is mandatory. + if (!ext.uri || typeof ext.uri !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('missing ext.uri'); + // id is mandatory. + if (typeof ext.id !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing ext.id'); + // encrypt is optional. If unset set it to false. + if (ext.encrypt && typeof ext.encrypt !== 'boolean') + throw new TypeError('invalid ext.encrypt'); + else if (!ext.encrypt) + ext.encrypt = false; + // parameters is optional. If unset, set it to an empty object. + if (!ext.parameters || typeof ext.parameters !== 'object') + ext.parameters = {}; + for (const key of Object.keys(ext.parameters)) { + let value = ext.parameters[key]; + if (value === undefined) { + ext.parameters[key] = ''; + value = ''; + } + if (typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('invalid header extension parameter'); + } +} +exports.validateRtpHeaderExtensionParameters = validateRtpHeaderExtensionParameters; +/** + * Validates RtpEncodingParameters. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateRtpEncodingParameters(encoding) { + if (typeof encoding !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('encoding is not an object'); + // ssrc is optional. + if (encoding.ssrc && typeof encoding.ssrc !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('invalid encoding.ssrc'); + // rid is optional. + if (encoding.rid && typeof encoding.rid !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('invalid encoding.rid'); + // rtx is optional. + if (encoding.rtx && typeof encoding.rtx !== 'object') { + throw new TypeError('invalid encoding.rtx'); + } + else if (encoding.rtx) { + // RTX ssrc is mandatory if rtx is present. + if (typeof encoding.rtx.ssrc !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing encoding.rtx.ssrc'); + } + // dtx is optional. If unset set it to false. + if (!encoding.dtx || typeof encoding.dtx !== 'boolean') + encoding.dtx = false; + // scalabilityMode is optional. + if (encoding.scalabilityMode && typeof encoding.scalabilityMode !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('invalid encoding.scalabilityMode'); +} +exports.validateRtpEncodingParameters = validateRtpEncodingParameters; +/** + * Validates RtcpParameters. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateRtcpParameters(rtcp) { + if (typeof rtcp !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('rtcp is not an object'); + // cname is optional. + if (rtcp.cname && typeof rtcp.cname !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('invalid rtcp.cname'); + // reducedSize is optional. If unset set it to true. + if (!rtcp.reducedSize || typeof rtcp.reducedSize !== 'boolean') + rtcp.reducedSize = true; +} +exports.validateRtcpParameters = validateRtcpParameters; +/** + * Validates SctpCapabilities. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateSctpCapabilities(caps) { + if (typeof caps !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('caps is not an object'); + // numStreams is mandatory. + if (!caps.numStreams || typeof caps.numStreams !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('missing caps.numStreams'); + validateNumSctpStreams(caps.numStreams); +} +exports.validateSctpCapabilities = validateSctpCapabilities; +/** + * Validates NumSctpStreams. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateNumSctpStreams(numStreams) { + if (typeof numStreams !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('numStreams is not an object'); + // OS is mandatory. + if (typeof numStreams.OS !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing numStreams.OS'); + // MIS is mandatory. + if (typeof numStreams.MIS !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing numStreams.MIS'); +} +exports.validateNumSctpStreams = validateNumSctpStreams; +/** + * Validates SctpParameters. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateSctpParameters(params) { + if (typeof params !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('params is not an object'); + // port is mandatory. + if (typeof params.port !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing params.port'); + // OS is mandatory. + if (typeof params.OS !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing params.OS'); + // MIS is mandatory. + if (typeof params.MIS !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing params.MIS'); + // maxMessageSize is mandatory. + if (typeof params.maxMessageSize !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing params.maxMessageSize'); +} +exports.validateSctpParameters = validateSctpParameters; +/** + * Validates SctpStreamParameters. It may modify given data by adding missing + * fields with default values. + * It throws if invalid. + */ +function validateSctpStreamParameters(params) { + if (typeof params !== 'object') + throw new TypeError('params is not an object'); + // streamId is mandatory. + if (typeof params.streamId !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('missing params.streamId'); + // ordered is optional. + let orderedGiven = false; + if (typeof params.ordered === 'boolean') + orderedGiven = true; + else + params.ordered = true; + // maxPacketLifeTime is optional. + if (params.maxPacketLifeTime && typeof params.maxPacketLifeTime !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('invalid params.maxPacketLifeTime'); + // maxRetransmits is optional. + if (params.maxRetransmits && typeof params.maxRetransmits !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('invalid params.maxRetransmits'); + if (params.maxPacketLifeTime && params.maxRetransmits) + throw new TypeError('cannot provide both maxPacketLifeTime and maxRetransmits'); + if (orderedGiven && + params.ordered && + (params.maxPacketLifeTime || params.maxRetransmits)) { + throw new TypeError('cannot be ordered with maxPacketLifeTime or maxRetransmits'); + } + else if (!orderedGiven && (params.maxPacketLifeTime || params.maxRetransmits)) { + params.ordered = false; + } + // label is optional. + if (params.label && typeof params.label !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('invalid params.label'); + // protocol is optional. + if (params.protocol && typeof params.protocol !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('invalid params.protocol'); +} +exports.validateSctpStreamParameters = validateSctpStreamParameters; +/** + * Generate extended RTP capabilities for sending and receiving. + */ +function getExtendedRtpCapabilities(localCaps, remoteCaps) { + const extendedRtpCapabilities = { + codecs: [], + headerExtensions: [] + }; + // Match media codecs and keep the order preferred by remoteCaps. + for (const remoteCodec of remoteCaps.codecs || []) { + if (isRtxCodec(remoteCodec)) + continue; + const matchingLocalCodec = (localCaps.codecs || []) + .find((localCodec) => (matchCodecs(localCodec, remoteCodec, { strict: true, modify: true }))); + if (!matchingLocalCodec) + continue; + const extendedCodec = { + mimeType: matchingLocalCodec.mimeType, + kind: matchingLocalCodec.kind, + clockRate: matchingLocalCodec.clockRate, + channels: matchingLocalCodec.channels, + localPayloadType: matchingLocalCodec.preferredPayloadType, + localRtxPayloadType: undefined, + remotePayloadType: remoteCodec.preferredPayloadType, + remoteRtxPayloadType: undefined, + localParameters: matchingLocalCodec.parameters, + remoteParameters: remoteCodec.parameters, + rtcpFeedback: reduceRtcpFeedback(matchingLocalCodec, remoteCodec) + }; + extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs.push(extendedCodec); + } + // Match RTX codecs. + for (const extendedCodec of extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs) { + const matchingLocalRtxCodec = localCaps.codecs + .find((localCodec) => (isRtxCodec(localCodec) && + localCodec.parameters.apt === extendedCodec.localPayloadType)); + const matchingRemoteRtxCodec = remoteCaps.codecs + .find((remoteCodec) => (isRtxCodec(remoteCodec) && + remoteCodec.parameters.apt === extendedCodec.remotePayloadType)); + if (matchingLocalRtxCodec && matchingRemoteRtxCodec) { + extendedCodec.localRtxPayloadType = matchingLocalRtxCodec.preferredPayloadType; + extendedCodec.remoteRtxPayloadType = matchingRemoteRtxCodec.preferredPayloadType; + } + } + // Match header extensions. + for (const remoteExt of remoteCaps.headerExtensions) { + const matchingLocalExt = localCaps.headerExtensions + .find((localExt) => (matchHeaderExtensions(localExt, remoteExt))); + if (!matchingLocalExt) + continue; + const extendedExt = { + kind: remoteExt.kind, + uri: remoteExt.uri, + sendId: matchingLocalExt.preferredId, + recvId: remoteExt.preferredId, + encrypt: matchingLocalExt.preferredEncrypt, + direction: 'sendrecv' + }; + switch (remoteExt.direction) { + case 'sendrecv': + extendedExt.direction = 'sendrecv'; + break; + case 'recvonly': + extendedExt.direction = 'sendonly'; + break; + case 'sendonly': + extendedExt.direction = 'recvonly'; + break; + case 'inactive': + extendedExt.direction = 'inactive'; + break; + } + extendedRtpCapabilities.headerExtensions.push(extendedExt); + } + return extendedRtpCapabilities; +} +exports.getExtendedRtpCapabilities = getExtendedRtpCapabilities; +/** + * Generate RTP capabilities for receiving media based on the given extended + * RTP capabilities. + */ +function getRecvRtpCapabilities(extendedRtpCapabilities) { + const rtpCapabilities = { + codecs: [], + headerExtensions: [] + }; + for (const extendedCodec of extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs) { + const codec = { + mimeType: extendedCodec.mimeType, + kind: extendedCodec.kind, + preferredPayloadType: extendedCodec.remotePayloadType, + clockRate: extendedCodec.clockRate, + channels: extendedCodec.channels, + parameters: extendedCodec.localParameters, + rtcpFeedback: extendedCodec.rtcpFeedback + }; + rtpCapabilities.codecs.push(codec); + // Add RTX codec. + if (!extendedCodec.remoteRtxPayloadType) + continue; + const rtxCodec = { + mimeType: `${extendedCodec.kind}/rtx`, + kind: extendedCodec.kind, + preferredPayloadType: extendedCodec.remoteRtxPayloadType, + clockRate: extendedCodec.clockRate, + parameters: { + apt: extendedCodec.remotePayloadType + }, + rtcpFeedback: [] + }; + rtpCapabilities.codecs.push(rtxCodec); + // TODO: In the future, we need to add FEC, CN, etc, codecs. + } + for (const extendedExtension of extendedRtpCapabilities.headerExtensions) { + // Ignore RTP extensions not valid for receiving. + if (extendedExtension.direction !== 'sendrecv' && + extendedExtension.direction !== 'recvonly') { + continue; + } + const ext = { + kind: extendedExtension.kind, + uri: extendedExtension.uri, + preferredId: extendedExtension.recvId, + preferredEncrypt: extendedExtension.encrypt, + direction: extendedExtension.direction + }; + rtpCapabilities.headerExtensions.push(ext); + } + return rtpCapabilities; +} +exports.getRecvRtpCapabilities = getRecvRtpCapabilities; +/** + * Generate RTP parameters of the given kind for sending media. + * NOTE: mid, encodings and rtcp fields are left empty. + */ +function getSendingRtpParameters(kind, extendedRtpCapabilities) { + const rtpParameters = { + mid: undefined, + codecs: [], + headerExtensions: [], + encodings: [], + rtcp: {} + }; + for (const extendedCodec of extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs) { + if (extendedCodec.kind !== kind) + continue; + const codec = { + mimeType: extendedCodec.mimeType, + payloadType: extendedCodec.localPayloadType, + clockRate: extendedCodec.clockRate, + channels: extendedCodec.channels, + parameters: extendedCodec.localParameters, + rtcpFeedback: extendedCodec.rtcpFeedback + }; + rtpParameters.codecs.push(codec); + // Add RTX codec. + if (extendedCodec.localRtxPayloadType) { + const rtxCodec = { + mimeType: `${extendedCodec.kind}/rtx`, + payloadType: extendedCodec.localRtxPayloadType, + clockRate: extendedCodec.clockRate, + parameters: { + apt: extendedCodec.localPayloadType + }, + rtcpFeedback: [] + }; + rtpParameters.codecs.push(rtxCodec); + } + } + for (const extendedExtension of extendedRtpCapabilities.headerExtensions) { + // Ignore RTP extensions of a different kind and those not valid for sending. + if ((extendedExtension.kind && extendedExtension.kind !== kind) || + (extendedExtension.direction !== 'sendrecv' && + extendedExtension.direction !== 'sendonly')) { + continue; + } + const ext = { + uri: extendedExtension.uri, + id: extendedExtension.sendId, + encrypt: extendedExtension.encrypt, + parameters: {} + }; + rtpParameters.headerExtensions.push(ext); + } + return rtpParameters; +} +exports.getSendingRtpParameters = getSendingRtpParameters; +/** + * Generate RTP parameters of the given kind suitable for the remote SDP answer. + */ +function getSendingRemoteRtpParameters(kind, extendedRtpCapabilities) { + const rtpParameters = { + mid: undefined, + codecs: [], + headerExtensions: [], + encodings: [], + rtcp: {} + }; + for (const extendedCodec of extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs) { + if (extendedCodec.kind !== kind) + continue; + const codec = { + mimeType: extendedCodec.mimeType, + payloadType: extendedCodec.localPayloadType, + clockRate: extendedCodec.clockRate, + channels: extendedCodec.channels, + parameters: extendedCodec.remoteParameters, + rtcpFeedback: extendedCodec.rtcpFeedback + }; + rtpParameters.codecs.push(codec); + // Add RTX codec. + if (extendedCodec.localRtxPayloadType) { + const rtxCodec = { + mimeType: `${extendedCodec.kind}/rtx`, + payloadType: extendedCodec.localRtxPayloadType, + clockRate: extendedCodec.clockRate, + parameters: { + apt: extendedCodec.localPayloadType + }, + rtcpFeedback: [] + }; + rtpParameters.codecs.push(rtxCodec); + } + } + for (const extendedExtension of extendedRtpCapabilities.headerExtensions) { + // Ignore RTP extensions of a different kind and those not valid for sending. + if ((extendedExtension.kind && extendedExtension.kind !== kind) || + (extendedExtension.direction !== 'sendrecv' && + extendedExtension.direction !== 'sendonly')) { + continue; + } + const ext = { + uri: extendedExtension.uri, + id: extendedExtension.sendId, + encrypt: extendedExtension.encrypt, + parameters: {} + }; + rtpParameters.headerExtensions.push(ext); + } + // Reduce codecs' RTCP feedback. Use Transport-CC if available, REMB otherwise. + if (rtpParameters.headerExtensions.some((ext) => (ext.uri === 'http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-holmer-rmcat-transport-wide-cc-extensions-01'))) { + for (const codec of rtpParameters.codecs) { + codec.rtcpFeedback = (codec.rtcpFeedback || []) + .filter((fb) => fb.type !== 'goog-remb'); + } + } + else if (rtpParameters.headerExtensions.some((ext) => (ext.uri === 'http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/abs-send-time'))) { + for (const codec of rtpParameters.codecs) { + codec.rtcpFeedback = (codec.rtcpFeedback || []) + .filter((fb) => fb.type !== 'transport-cc'); + } + } + else { + for (const codec of rtpParameters.codecs) { + codec.rtcpFeedback = (codec.rtcpFeedback || []) + .filter((fb) => (fb.type !== 'transport-cc' && + fb.type !== 'goog-remb')); + } + } + return rtpParameters; +} +exports.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters = getSendingRemoteRtpParameters; +/** + * Reduce given codecs by returning an array of codecs "compatible" with the + * given capability codec. If no capability codec is given, take the first + * one(s). + * + * Given codecs must be generated by ortc.getSendingRtpParameters() or + * ortc.getSendingRemoteRtpParameters(). + * + * The returned array of codecs also include a RTX codec if available. + */ +function reduceCodecs(codecs, capCodec) { + const filteredCodecs = []; + // If no capability codec is given, take the first one (and RTX). + if (!capCodec) { + filteredCodecs.push(codecs[0]); + if (isRtxCodec(codecs[1])) + filteredCodecs.push(codecs[1]); + } + // Otherwise look for a compatible set of codecs. + else { + for (let idx = 0; idx < codecs.length; ++idx) { + if (matchCodecs(codecs[idx], capCodec)) { + filteredCodecs.push(codecs[idx]); + if (isRtxCodec(codecs[idx + 1])) + filteredCodecs.push(codecs[idx + 1]); + break; + } + } + if (filteredCodecs.length === 0) + throw new TypeError('no matching codec found'); + } + return filteredCodecs; +} +exports.reduceCodecs = reduceCodecs; +/** + * Create RTP parameters for a Consumer for the RTP probator. + */ +function generateProbatorRtpParameters(videoRtpParameters) { + // Clone given reference video RTP parameters. + videoRtpParameters = utils.clone(videoRtpParameters, {}); + // This may throw. + validateRtpParameters(videoRtpParameters); + const rtpParameters = { + mid: RTP_PROBATOR_MID, + codecs: [], + headerExtensions: [], + encodings: [{ ssrc: RTP_PROBATOR_SSRC }], + rtcp: { cname: 'probator' } + }; + rtpParameters.codecs.push(videoRtpParameters.codecs[0]); + rtpParameters.codecs[0].payloadType = RTP_PROBATOR_CODEC_PAYLOAD_TYPE; + rtpParameters.headerExtensions = videoRtpParameters.headerExtensions; + return rtpParameters; +} +exports.generateProbatorRtpParameters = generateProbatorRtpParameters; +/** + * Whether media can be sent based on the given RTP capabilities. + */ +function canSend(kind, extendedRtpCapabilities) { + return extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs. + some((codec) => codec.kind === kind); +} +exports.canSend = canSend; +/** + * Whether the given RTP parameters can be received with the given RTP + * capabilities. + */ +function canReceive(rtpParameters, extendedRtpCapabilities) { + // This may throw. + validateRtpParameters(rtpParameters); + if (rtpParameters.codecs.length === 0) + return false; + const firstMediaCodec = rtpParameters.codecs[0]; + return extendedRtpCapabilities.codecs + .some((codec) => codec.remotePayloadType === firstMediaCodec.payloadType); +} +exports.canReceive = canReceive; +function isRtxCodec(codec) { + if (!codec) + return false; + return /.+\/rtx$/i.test(codec.mimeType); +} +function matchCodecs(aCodec, bCodec, { strict = false, modify = false } = {}) { + const aMimeType = aCodec.mimeType.toLowerCase(); + const bMimeType = bCodec.mimeType.toLowerCase(); + if (aMimeType !== bMimeType) + return false; + if (aCodec.clockRate !== bCodec.clockRate) + return false; + if (aCodec.channels !== bCodec.channels) + return false; + // Per codec special checks. + switch (aMimeType) { + case 'video/h264': + { + const aPacketizationMode = aCodec.parameters['packetization-mode'] || 0; + const bPacketizationMode = bCodec.parameters['packetization-mode'] || 0; + if (aPacketizationMode !== bPacketizationMode) + return false; + // If strict matching check profile-level-id. + if (strict) { + if (!h264.isSameProfile(aCodec.parameters, bCodec.parameters)) return false; + let selectedProfileLevelId; + try { + selectedProfileLevelId = + h264.generateProfileLevelIdForAnswer(aCodec.parameters, bCodec.parameters); } - - handler = events[type]; - - if (!handler) return false; - - var isFn = typeof handler === 'function'; - len = arguments.length; - switch (len) { - // fast cases - case 1: - emitNone(handler, isFn, this); - break; - case 2: - emitOne(handler, isFn, this, arguments[1]); - break; - case 3: - emitTwo(handler, isFn, this, arguments[1], arguments[2]); - break; - case 4: - emitThree(handler, isFn, this, arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); - break; - // slower - default: - args = new Array(len - 1); - for (i = 1; i < len; i++) args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; - emitMany(handler, isFn, this, args); - } - - return true; - }; - - function _addListener(target, type, listener, prepend) { - var m; - var events; - var existing; - - if (typeof listener !== 'function') throw new TypeError('"listener" argument must be a function'); - - events = target._events; - if (!events) { - events = target._events = objectCreate(null); - target._eventsCount = 0; - } else { - // To avoid recursion in the case that type === "newListener"! Before - // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListener". - if (events.newListener) { - target.emit('newListener', type, listener.listener ? listener.listener : listener); - - // Re-assign `events` because a newListener handler could have caused the - // this._events to be assigned to a new object - events = target._events; - } - existing = events[type]; - } - - if (!existing) { - // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object. - existing = events[type] = listener; - ++target._eventsCount; - } else { - if (typeof existing === 'function') { - // Adding the second element, need to change to array. - existing = events[type] = prepend ? [listener, existing] : [existing, listener]; - } else { - // If we've already got an array, just append. - if (prepend) { - existing.unshift(listener); - } else { - existing.push(listener); - } - } - - // Check for listener leak - if (!existing.warned) { - m = $getMaxListeners(target); - if (m && m > 0 && existing.length > m) { - existing.warned = true; - var w = new Error( - 'Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. ' + - existing.length + - ' "' + - String(type) + - '" listeners ' + - 'added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to ' + - 'increase limit.', - ); - w.name = 'MaxListenersExceededWarning'; - w.emitter = target; - w.type = type; - w.count = existing.length; - if (typeof console === 'object' && console.warn) { - console.warn('%s: %s', w.name, w.message); - } - } - } + catch (error) { + return false; } - - return target; - } - - EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function addListener(type, listener) { - return _addListener(this, type, listener, false); - }; - - EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener; - - EventEmitter.prototype.prependListener = function prependListener(type, listener) { - return _addListener(this, type, listener, true); - }; - - function onceWrapper() { - if (!this.fired) { - this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn); - this.fired = true; - switch (arguments.length) { - case 0: - return this.listener.call(this.target); - case 1: - return this.listener.call(this.target, arguments[0]); - case 2: - return this.listener.call(this.target, arguments[0], arguments[1]); - case 3: - return this.listener.call(this.target, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); - default: - var args = new Array(arguments.length); - for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) args[i] = arguments[i]; - this.listener.apply(this.target, args); + if (modify) { + if (selectedProfileLevelId) { + aCodec.parameters['profile-level-id'] = selectedProfileLevelId; + bCodec.parameters['profile-level-id'] = selectedProfileLevelId; + } + else { + delete aCodec.parameters['profile-level-id']; + delete bCodec.parameters['profile-level-id']; } } } - - function _onceWrap(target, type, listener) { - var state = { fired: false, wrapFn: undefined, target: target, type: type, listener: listener }; - var wrapped = bind.call(onceWrapper, state); - wrapped.listener = listener; - state.wrapFn = wrapped; - return wrapped; + break; + } + case 'video/vp9': + { + // If strict matching check profile-id. + if (strict) { + const aProfileId = aCodec.parameters['profile-id'] || 0; + const bProfileId = bCodec.parameters['profile-id'] || 0; + if (aProfileId !== bProfileId) + return false; } + break; + } + } + return true; +} +function matchHeaderExtensions(aExt, bExt) { + if (aExt.kind && bExt.kind && aExt.kind !== bExt.kind) + return false; + if (aExt.uri !== bExt.uri) + return false; + return true; +} +function reduceRtcpFeedback(codecA, codecB) { + const reducedRtcpFeedback = []; + for (const aFb of codecA.rtcpFeedback || []) { + const matchingBFb = (codecB.rtcpFeedback || []) + .find((bFb) => (bFb.type === aFb.type && + (bFb.parameter === aFb.parameter || (!bFb.parameter && !aFb.parameter)))); + if (matchingBFb) + reducedRtcpFeedback.push(matchingBFb); + } + return reducedRtcpFeedback; +} + +},{"./utils":39,"h264-profile-level-id":4}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.parse = void 0; +const ScalabilityModeRegex = new RegExp('^[LS]([1-9]\\d{0,1})T([1-9]\\d{0,1})'); +function parse(scalabilityMode) { + const match = ScalabilityModeRegex.exec(scalabilityMode || ''); + if (match) { + return { + spatialLayers: Number(match[1]), + temporalLayers: Number(match[2]) + }; + } + else { + return { + spatialLayers: 1, + temporalLayers: 1 + }; + } +} +exports.parse = parse; + +},{}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __exportStar = (this && this.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) { + for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p); +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +__exportStar(require("./Device"), exports); +__exportStar(require("./Transport"), exports); +__exportStar(require("./Producer"), exports); +__exportStar(require("./Consumer"), exports); +__exportStar(require("./DataProducer"), exports); +__exportStar(require("./DataConsumer"), exports); +__exportStar(require("./RtpParameters"), exports); +__exportStar(require("./SctpParameters"), exports); +__exportStar(require("./handlers/HandlerInterface"), exports); +__exportStar(require("./errors"), exports); + +},{"./Consumer":8,"./DataConsumer":9,"./DataProducer":10,"./Device":11,"./Producer":14,"./RtpParameters":15,"./SctpParameters":16,"./Transport":17,"./errors":18,"./handlers/HandlerInterface":25}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.generateRandomNumber = exports.clone = void 0; +/** + * Clones the given data. + */ +function clone(data, defaultValue) { + if (typeof data === 'undefined') + return defaultValue; + return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); +} +exports.clone = clone; +/** + * Generates a random positive integer. + */ +function generateRandomNumber() { + return Math.round(Math.random() * 10000000); +} +exports.generateRandomNumber = generateRandomNumber; + +},{}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][5][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"./common":41,"_process":48,"dup":5}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][6][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"dup":6,"ms":42}],42:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][7][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"dup":7}],43:[function(require,module,exports){ +var grammar = module.exports = { + v: [{ + name: 'version', + reg: /^(\d*)$/ + }], + o: [{ + // o=- 20518 0 IN IP4 + // NB: sessionId will be a String in most cases because it is huge + name: 'origin', + reg: /^(\S*) (\d*) (\d*) (\S*) IP(\d) (\S*)/, + names: ['username', 'sessionId', 'sessionVersion', 'netType', 'ipVer', 'address'], + format: '%s %s %d %s IP%d %s' + }], + // default parsing of these only (though some of these feel outdated) + s: [{ name: 'name' }], + i: [{ name: 'description' }], + u: [{ name: 'uri' }], + e: [{ name: 'email' }], + p: [{ name: 'phone' }], + z: [{ name: 'timezones' }], // TODO: this one can actually be parsed properly... + r: [{ name: 'repeats' }], // TODO: this one can also be parsed properly + // k: [{}], // outdated thing ignored + t: [{ + // t=0 0 + name: 'timing', + reg: /^(\d*) (\d*)/, + names: ['start', 'stop'], + format: '%d %d' + }], + c: [{ + // c=IN IP4 + name: 'connection', + reg: /^IN IP(\d) (\S*)/, + names: ['version', 'ip'], + format: 'IN IP%d %s' + }], + b: [{ + // b=AS:4000 + push: 'bandwidth', + reg: /^(TIAS|AS|CT|RR|RS):(\d*)/, + names: ['type', 'limit'], + format: '%s:%s' + }], + m: [{ + // m=video 51744 RTP/AVP 126 97 98 34 31 + // NB: special - pushes to session + // TODO: rtp/fmtp should be filtered by the payloads found here? + reg: /^(\w*) (\d*) ([\w/]*)(?: (.*))?/, + names: ['type', 'port', 'protocol', 'payloads'], + format: '%s %d %s %s' + }], + a: [ + { + // a=rtpmap:110 opus/48000/2 + push: 'rtp', + reg: /^rtpmap:(\d*) ([\w\-.]*)(?:\s*\/(\d*)(?:\s*\/(\S*))?)?/, + names: ['payload', 'codec', 'rate', 'encoding'], + format: function (o) { + return (o.encoding) + ? 'rtpmap:%d %s/%s/%s' + : o.rate + ? 'rtpmap:%d %s/%s' + : 'rtpmap:%d %s'; + } + }, + { + // a=fmtp:108 profile-level-id=24;object=23;bitrate=64000 + // a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1 + push: 'fmtp', + reg: /^fmtp:(\d*) ([\S| ]*)/, + names: ['payload', 'config'], + format: 'fmtp:%d %s' + }, + { + // a=control:streamid=0 + name: 'control', + reg: /^control:(.*)/, + format: 'control:%s' + }, + { + // a=rtcp:65179 IN IP4 + name: 'rtcp', + reg: /^rtcp:(\d*)(?: (\S*) IP(\d) (\S*))?/, + names: ['port', 'netType', 'ipVer', 'address'], + format: function (o) { + return (o.address != null) + ? 'rtcp:%d %s IP%d %s' + : 'rtcp:%d'; + } + }, + { + // a=rtcp-fb:98 trr-int 100 + push: 'rtcpFbTrrInt', + reg: /^rtcp-fb:(\*|\d*) trr-int (\d*)/, + names: ['payload', 'value'], + format: 'rtcp-fb:%s trr-int %d' + }, + { + // a=rtcp-fb:98 nack rpsi + push: 'rtcpFb', + reg: /^rtcp-fb:(\*|\d*) ([\w-_]*)(?: ([\w-_]*))?/, + names: ['payload', 'type', 'subtype'], + format: function (o) { + return (o.subtype != null) + ? 'rtcp-fb:%s %s %s' + : 'rtcp-fb:%s %s'; + } + }, + { + // a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset + // a=extmap:1/recvonly URI-gps-string + // a=extmap:3 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:encrypt urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:smpte-tc 25@600/24 + push: 'ext', + reg: /^extmap:(\d+)(?:\/(\w+))?(?: (urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:encrypt))? (\S*)(?: (\S*))?/, + names: ['value', 'direction', 'encrypt-uri', 'uri', 'config'], + format: function (o) { + return ( + 'extmap:%d' + + (o.direction ? '/%s' : '%v') + + (o['encrypt-uri'] ? ' %s' : '%v') + + ' %s' + + (o.config ? ' %s' : '') + ); + } + }, + { + // a=extmap-allow-mixed + name: 'extmapAllowMixed', + reg: /^(extmap-allow-mixed)/ + }, + { + // a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:PS1uQCVeeCFCanVmcjkpPywjNWhcYD0mXXtxaVBR|2^20|1:32 + push: 'crypto', + reg: /^crypto:(\d*) ([\w_]*) (\S*)(?: (\S*))?/, + names: ['id', 'suite', 'config', 'sessionConfig'], + format: function (o) { + return (o.sessionConfig != null) + ? 'crypto:%d %s %s %s' + : 'crypto:%d %s %s'; + } + }, + { + // a=setup:actpass + name: 'setup', + reg: /^setup:(\w*)/, + format: 'setup:%s' + }, + { + // a=connection:new + name: 'connectionType', + reg: /^connection:(new|existing)/, + format: 'connection:%s' + }, + { + // a=mid:1 + name: 'mid', + reg: /^mid:([^\s]*)/, + format: 'mid:%s' + }, + { + // a=msid:0c8b064d-d807-43b4-b434-f92a889d8587 98178685-d409-46e0-8e16-7ef0db0db64a + name: 'msid', + reg: /^msid:(.*)/, + format: 'msid:%s' + }, + { + // a=ptime:20 + name: 'ptime', + reg: /^ptime:(\d*(?:\.\d*)*)/, + format: 'ptime:%d' + }, + { + // a=maxptime:60 + name: 'maxptime', + reg: /^maxptime:(\d*(?:\.\d*)*)/, + format: 'maxptime:%d' + }, + { + // a=sendrecv + name: 'direction', + reg: /^(sendrecv|recvonly|sendonly|inactive)/ + }, + { + // a=ice-lite + name: 'icelite', + reg: /^(ice-lite)/ + }, + { + // a=ice-ufrag:F7gI + name: 'iceUfrag', + reg: /^ice-ufrag:(\S*)/, + format: 'ice-ufrag:%s' + }, + { + // a=ice-pwd:x9cml/YzichV2+XlhiMu8g + name: 'icePwd', + reg: /^ice-pwd:(\S*)/, + format: 'ice-pwd:%s' + }, + { + // a=fingerprint:SHA-1 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:00:11:22:33 + name: 'fingerprint', + reg: /^fingerprint:(\S*) (\S*)/, + names: ['type', 'hash'], + format: 'fingerprint:%s %s' + }, + { + // a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2113667327 54400 typ host + // a=candidate:1162875081 1 udp 2113937151 60017 typ host generation 0 network-id 3 network-cost 10 + // a=candidate:3289912957 2 udp 1845501695 60017 typ srflx raddr rport 60017 generation 0 network-id 3 network-cost 10 + // a=candidate:229815620 1 tcp 1518280447 60017 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 3 network-cost 10 + // a=candidate:3289912957 2 tcp 1845501695 60017 typ srflx raddr rport 60017 tcptype passive generation 0 network-id 3 network-cost 10 + push:'candidates', + reg: /^candidate:(\S*) (\d*) (\S*) (\d*) (\S*) (\d*) typ (\S*)(?: raddr (\S*) rport (\d*))?(?: tcptype (\S*))?(?: generation (\d*))?(?: network-id (\d*))?(?: network-cost (\d*))?/, + names: ['foundation', 'component', 'transport', 'priority', 'ip', 'port', 'type', 'raddr', 'rport', 'tcptype', 'generation', 'network-id', 'network-cost'], + format: function (o) { + var str = 'candidate:%s %d %s %d %s %d typ %s'; + + str += (o.raddr != null) ? ' raddr %s rport %d' : '%v%v'; + + // NB: candidate has three optional chunks, so %void middles one if it's missing + str += (o.tcptype != null) ? ' tcptype %s' : '%v'; + + if (o.generation != null) { + str += ' generation %d'; + } - EventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(type, listener) { - if (typeof listener !== 'function') throw new TypeError('"listener" argument must be a function'); - this.on(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener)); - return this; - }; - - EventEmitter.prototype.prependOnceListener = function prependOnceListener(type, listener) { - if (typeof listener !== 'function') throw new TypeError('"listener" argument must be a function'); - this.prependListener(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener)); - return this; - }; - - // Emits a 'removeListener' event if and only if the listener was removed. - EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(type, listener) { - var list, events, position, i, originalListener; - - if (typeof listener !== 'function') throw new TypeError('"listener" argument must be a function'); - - events = this._events; - if (!events) return this; - - list = events[type]; - if (!list) return this; - - if (list === listener || list.listener === listener) { - if (--this._eventsCount === 0) this._events = objectCreate(null); - else { - delete events[type]; - if (events.removeListener) this.emit('removeListener', type, list.listener || listener); - } - } else if (typeof list !== 'function') { - position = -1; - - for (i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - if (list[i] === listener || list[i].listener === listener) { - originalListener = list[i].listener; - position = i; - break; - } - } - - if (position < 0) return this; - - if (position === 0) list.shift(); - else spliceOne(list, position); + str += (o['network-id'] != null) ? ' network-id %d' : '%v'; + str += (o['network-cost'] != null) ? ' network-cost %d' : '%v'; + return str; + } + }, + { + // a=end-of-candidates (keep after the candidates line for readability) + name: 'endOfCandidates', + reg: /^(end-of-candidates)/ + }, + { + // a=remote-candidates:1 54400 2 54401 ... + name: 'remoteCandidates', + reg: /^remote-candidates:(.*)/, + format: 'remote-candidates:%s' + }, + { + // a=ice-options:google-ice + name: 'iceOptions', + reg: /^ice-options:(\S*)/, + format: 'ice-options:%s' + }, + { + // a=ssrc:2566107569 cname:t9YU8M1UxTF8Y1A1 + push: 'ssrcs', + reg: /^ssrc:(\d*) ([\w_-]*)(?::(.*))?/, + names: ['id', 'attribute', 'value'], + format: function (o) { + var str = 'ssrc:%d'; + if (o.attribute != null) { + str += ' %s'; + if (o.value != null) { + str += ':%s'; + } + } + return str; + } + }, + { + // a=ssrc-group:FEC 1 2 + // a=ssrc-group:FEC-FR 3004364195 1080772241 + push: 'ssrcGroups', + // token-char = %x21 / %x23-27 / %x2A-2B / %x2D-2E / %x30-39 / %x41-5A / %x5E-7E + reg: /^ssrc-group:([\x21\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27\x2A\x2B\x2D\x2E\w]*) (.*)/, + names: ['semantics', 'ssrcs'], + format: 'ssrc-group:%s %s' + }, + { + // a=msid-semantic: WMS Jvlam5X3SX1OP6pn20zWogvaKJz5Hjf9OnlV + name: 'msidSemantic', + reg: /^msid-semantic:\s?(\w*) (\S*)/, + names: ['semantic', 'token'], + format: 'msid-semantic: %s %s' // space after ':' is not accidental + }, + { + // a=group:BUNDLE audio video + push: 'groups', + reg: /^group:(\w*) (.*)/, + names: ['type', 'mids'], + format: 'group:%s %s' + }, + { + // a=rtcp-mux + name: 'rtcpMux', + reg: /^(rtcp-mux)/ + }, + { + // a=rtcp-rsize + name: 'rtcpRsize', + reg: /^(rtcp-rsize)/ + }, + { + // a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024 + name: 'sctpmap', + reg: /^sctpmap:([\w_/]*) (\S*)(?: (\S*))?/, + names: ['sctpmapNumber', 'app', 'maxMessageSize'], + format: function (o) { + return (o.maxMessageSize != null) + ? 'sctpmap:%s %s %s' + : 'sctpmap:%s %s'; + } + }, + { + // a=x-google-flag:conference + name: 'xGoogleFlag', + reg: /^x-google-flag:([^\s]*)/, + format: 'x-google-flag:%s' + }, + { + // a=rid:1 send max-width=1280;max-height=720;max-fps=30;depend=0 + push: 'rids', + reg: /^rid:([\d\w]+) (\w+)(?: ([\S| ]*))?/, + names: ['id', 'direction', 'params'], + format: function (o) { + return (o.params) ? 'rid:%s %s %s' : 'rid:%s %s'; + } + }, + { + // a=imageattr:97 send [x=800,y=640,sar=1.1,q=0.6] [x=480,y=320] recv [x=330,y=250] + // a=imageattr:* send [x=800,y=640] recv * + // a=imageattr:100 recv [x=320,y=240] + push: 'imageattrs', + reg: new RegExp( + // a=imageattr:97 + '^imageattr:(\\d+|\\*)' + + // send [x=800,y=640,sar=1.1,q=0.6] [x=480,y=320] + '[\\s\\t]+(send|recv)[\\s\\t]+(\\*|\\[\\S+\\](?:[\\s\\t]+\\[\\S+\\])*)' + + // recv [x=330,y=250] + '(?:[\\s\\t]+(recv|send)[\\s\\t]+(\\*|\\[\\S+\\](?:[\\s\\t]+\\[\\S+\\])*))?' + ), + names: ['pt', 'dir1', 'attrs1', 'dir2', 'attrs2'], + format: function (o) { + return 'imageattr:%s %s %s' + (o.dir2 ? ' %s %s' : ''); + } + }, + { + // a=simulcast:send 1,2,3;~4,~5 recv 6;~7,~8 + // a=simulcast:recv 1;4,5 send 6;7 + name: 'simulcast', + reg: new RegExp( + // a=simulcast: + '^simulcast:' + + // send 1,2,3;~4,~5 + '(send|recv) ([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_~;,]+)' + + // space + recv 6;~7,~8 + '(?:\\s?(send|recv) ([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_~;,]+))?' + + // end + '$' + ), + names: ['dir1', 'list1', 'dir2', 'list2'], + format: function (o) { + return 'simulcast:%s %s' + (o.dir2 ? ' %s %s' : ''); + } + }, + { + // old simulcast draft 03 (implemented by Firefox) + // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-simulcast-03 + // a=simulcast: recv pt=97;98 send pt=97 + // a=simulcast: send rid=5;6;7 paused=6,7 + name: 'simulcast_03', + reg: /^simulcast:[\s\t]+([\S+\s\t]+)$/, + names: ['value'], + format: 'simulcast: %s' + }, + { + // a=framerate:25 + // a=framerate:29.97 + name: 'framerate', + reg: /^framerate:(\d+(?:$|\.\d+))/, + format: 'framerate:%s' + }, + { + // RFC4570 + // a=source-filter: incl IN IP4 + name: 'sourceFilter', + reg: /^source-filter: *(excl|incl) (\S*) (IP4|IP6|\*) (\S*) (.*)/, + names: ['filterMode', 'netType', 'addressTypes', 'destAddress', 'srcList'], + format: 'source-filter: %s %s %s %s %s' + }, + { + // a=bundle-only + name: 'bundleOnly', + reg: /^(bundle-only)/ + }, + { + // a=label:1 + name: 'label', + reg: /^label:(.+)/, + format: 'label:%s' + }, + { + // RFC version 26 for SCTP over DTLS + // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-mmusic-sctp-sdp-26#section-5 + name: 'sctpPort', + reg: /^sctp-port:(\d+)$/, + format: 'sctp-port:%s' + }, + { + // RFC version 26 for SCTP over DTLS + // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-mmusic-sctp-sdp-26#section-6 + name: 'maxMessageSize', + reg: /^max-message-size:(\d+)$/, + format: 'max-message-size:%s' + }, + { + // RFC7273 + // a=ts-refclk:ptp=IEEE1588-2008:39-A7-94-FF-FE-07-CB-D0:37 + push:'tsRefClocks', + reg: /^ts-refclk:([^\s=]*)(?:=(\S*))?/, + names: ['clksrc', 'clksrcExt'], + format: function (o) { + return 'ts-refclk:%s' + (o.clksrcExt != null ? '=%s' : ''); + } + }, + { + // RFC7273 + // a=mediaclk:direct=963214424 + name:'mediaClk', + reg: /^mediaclk:(?:id=(\S*))? *([^\s=]*)(?:=(\S*))?(?: *rate=(\d+)\/(\d+))?/, + names: ['id', 'mediaClockName', 'mediaClockValue', 'rateNumerator', 'rateDenominator'], + format: function (o) { + var str = 'mediaclk:'; + str += (o.id != null ? 'id=%s %s' : '%v%s'); + str += (o.mediaClockValue != null ? '=%s' : ''); + str += (o.rateNumerator != null ? ' rate=%s' : ''); + str += (o.rateDenominator != null ? '/%s' : ''); + return str; + } + }, + { + // a=keywds:keywords + name: 'keywords', + reg: /^keywds:(.+)$/, + format: 'keywds:%s' + }, + { + // a=content:main + name: 'content', + reg: /^content:(.+)/, + format: 'content:%s' + }, + // BFCP https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4583 + { + // a=floorctrl:c-s + name: 'bfcpFloorCtrl', + reg: /^floorctrl:(c-only|s-only|c-s)/, + format: 'floorctrl:%s' + }, + { + // a=confid:1 + name: 'bfcpConfId', + reg: /^confid:(\d+)/, + format: 'confid:%s' + }, + { + // a=userid:1 + name: 'bfcpUserId', + reg: /^userid:(\d+)/, + format: 'userid:%s' + }, + { + // a=floorid:1 + name: 'bfcpFloorId', + reg: /^floorid:(.+) (?:m-stream|mstrm):(.+)/, + names: ['id', 'mStream'], + format: 'floorid:%s mstrm:%s' + }, + { + // any a= that we don't understand is kept verbatim on media.invalid + push: 'invalid', + names: ['value'] + } + ] +}; + +// set sensible defaults to avoid polluting the grammar with boring details +Object.keys(grammar).forEach(function (key) { + var objs = grammar[key]; + objs.forEach(function (obj) { + if (!obj.reg) { + obj.reg = /(.*)/; + } + if (!obj.format) { + obj.format = '%s'; + } + }); +}); + +},{}],44:[function(require,module,exports){ +var parser = require('./parser'); +var writer = require('./writer'); + +exports.write = writer; +exports.parse = parser.parse; +exports.parseParams = parser.parseParams; +exports.parseFmtpConfig = parser.parseFmtpConfig; // Alias of parseParams(). +exports.parsePayloads = parser.parsePayloads; +exports.parseRemoteCandidates = parser.parseRemoteCandidates; +exports.parseImageAttributes = parser.parseImageAttributes; +exports.parseSimulcastStreamList = parser.parseSimulcastStreamList; + +},{"./parser":45,"./writer":46}],45:[function(require,module,exports){ +var toIntIfInt = function (v) { + return String(Number(v)) === v ? Number(v) : v; +}; + +var attachProperties = function (match, location, names, rawName) { + if (rawName && !names) { + location[rawName] = toIntIfInt(match[1]); + } + else { + for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i += 1) { + if (match[i+1] != null) { + location[names[i]] = toIntIfInt(match[i+1]); + } + } + } +}; + +var parseReg = function (obj, location, content) { + var needsBlank = obj.name && obj.names; + if (obj.push && !location[obj.push]) { + location[obj.push] = []; + } + else if (needsBlank && !location[obj.name]) { + location[obj.name] = {}; + } + var keyLocation = obj.push ? + {} : // blank object that will be pushed + needsBlank ? location[obj.name] : location; // otherwise, named location or root + + attachProperties(content.match(obj.reg), keyLocation, obj.names, obj.name); + + if (obj.push) { + location[obj.push].push(keyLocation); + } +}; + +var grammar = require('./grammar'); +var validLine = RegExp.prototype.test.bind(/^([a-z])=(.*)/); + +exports.parse = function (sdp) { + var session = {} + , media = [] + , location = session; // points at where properties go under (one of the above) + + // parse lines we understand + sdp.split(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/).filter(validLine).forEach(function (l) { + var type = l[0]; + var content = l.slice(2); + if (type === 'm') { + media.push({rtp: [], fmtp: []}); + location = media[media.length-1]; // point at latest media line + } - if (list.length === 1) events[type] = list[0]; + for (var j = 0; j < (grammar[type] || []).length; j += 1) { + var obj = grammar[type][j]; + if (obj.reg.test(content)) { + return parseReg(obj, location, content); + } + } + }); + + session.media = media; // link it up + return session; +}; + +var paramReducer = function (acc, expr) { + var s = expr.split(/=(.+)/, 2); + if (s.length === 2) { + acc[s[0]] = toIntIfInt(s[1]); + } else if (s.length === 1 && expr.length > 1) { + acc[s[0]] = undefined; + } + return acc; +}; + +exports.parseParams = function (str) { + return str.split(/;\s?/).reduce(paramReducer, {}); +}; + +// For backward compatibility - alias will be removed in 3.0.0 +exports.parseFmtpConfig = exports.parseParams; + +exports.parsePayloads = function (str) { + return str.toString().split(' ').map(Number); +}; + +exports.parseRemoteCandidates = function (str) { + var candidates = []; + var parts = str.split(' ').map(toIntIfInt); + for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 3) { + candidates.push({ + component: parts[i], + ip: parts[i + 1], + port: parts[i + 2] + }); + } + return candidates; +}; + +exports.parseImageAttributes = function (str) { + return str.split(' ').map(function (item) { + return item.substring(1, item.length-1).split(',').reduce(paramReducer, {}); + }); +}; + +exports.parseSimulcastStreamList = function (str) { + return str.split(';').map(function (stream) { + return stream.split(',').map(function (format) { + var scid, paused = false; + + if (format[0] !== '~') { + scid = toIntIfInt(format); + } else { + scid = toIntIfInt(format.substring(1, format.length)); + paused = true; + } + + return { + scid: scid, + paused: paused + }; + }); + }); +}; + +},{"./grammar":43}],46:[function(require,module,exports){ +var grammar = require('./grammar'); + +// customized util.format - discards excess arguments and can void middle ones +var formatRegExp = /%[sdv%]/g; +var format = function (formatStr) { + var i = 1; + var args = arguments; + var len = args.length; + return formatStr.replace(formatRegExp, function (x) { + if (i >= len) { + return x; // missing argument + } + var arg = args[i]; + i += 1; + switch (x) { + case '%%': + return '%'; + case '%s': + return String(arg); + case '%d': + return Number(arg); + case '%v': + return ''; + } + }); + // NB: we discard excess arguments - they are typically undefined from makeLine +}; + +var makeLine = function (type, obj, location) { + var str = obj.format instanceof Function ? + (obj.format(obj.push ? location : location[obj.name])) : + obj.format; + + var args = [type + '=' + str]; + if (obj.names) { + for (var i = 0; i < obj.names.length; i += 1) { + var n = obj.names[i]; + if (obj.name) { + args.push(location[obj.name][n]); + } + else { // for mLine and push attributes + args.push(location[obj.names[i]]); + } + } + } + else { + args.push(location[obj.name]); + } + return format.apply(null, args); +}; + +// RFC specified order +// TODO: extend this with all the rest +var defaultOuterOrder = [ + 'v', 'o', 's', 'i', + 'u', 'e', 'p', 'c', + 'b', 't', 'r', 'z', 'a' +]; +var defaultInnerOrder = ['i', 'c', 'b', 'a']; + + +module.exports = function (session, opts) { + opts = opts || {}; + // ensure certain properties exist + if (session.version == null) { + session.version = 0; // 'v=0' must be there (only defined version atm) + } + if (session.name == null) { + session.name = ' '; // 's= ' must be there if no meaningful name set + } + session.media.forEach(function (mLine) { + if (mLine.payloads == null) { + mLine.payloads = ''; + } + }); + + var outerOrder = opts.outerOrder || defaultOuterOrder; + var innerOrder = opts.innerOrder || defaultInnerOrder; + var sdp = []; + + // loop through outerOrder for matching properties on session + outerOrder.forEach(function (type) { + grammar[type].forEach(function (obj) { + if (obj.name in session && session[obj.name] != null) { + sdp.push(makeLine(type, obj, session)); + } + else if (obj.push in session && session[obj.push] != null) { + session[obj.push].forEach(function (el) { + sdp.push(makeLine(type, obj, el)); + }); + } + }); + }); + + // then for each media line, follow the innerOrder + session.media.forEach(function (mLine) { + sdp.push(makeLine('m', grammar.m[0], mLine)); + + innerOrder.forEach(function (type) { + grammar[type].forEach(function (obj) { + if (obj.name in mLine && mLine[obj.name] != null) { + sdp.push(makeLine(type, obj, mLine)); + } + else if (obj.push in mLine && mLine[obj.push] != null) { + mLine[obj.push].forEach(function (el) { + sdp.push(makeLine(type, obj, el)); + }); + } + }); + }); + }); + + return sdp.join('\r\n') + '\r\n'; +}; + +},{"./grammar":43}],47:[function(require,module,exports){ +// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. +// +// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a +// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit +// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the +// following conditions: +// +// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included +// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +// +// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS +// OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN +// NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, +// DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR +// OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE +// USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +'use strict'; + +var R = typeof Reflect === 'object' ? Reflect : null +var ReflectApply = R && typeof R.apply === 'function' + ? R.apply + : function ReflectApply(target, receiver, args) { + return Function.prototype.apply.call(target, receiver, args); + } + +var ReflectOwnKeys +if (R && typeof R.ownKeys === 'function') { + ReflectOwnKeys = R.ownKeys +} else if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { + ReflectOwnKeys = function ReflectOwnKeys(target) { + return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target) + .concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target)); + }; +} else { + ReflectOwnKeys = function ReflectOwnKeys(target) { + return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target); + }; +} + +function ProcessEmitWarning(warning) { + if (console && console.warn) console.warn(warning); +} + +var NumberIsNaN = Number.isNaN || function NumberIsNaN(value) { + return value !== value; +} + +function EventEmitter() { + EventEmitter.init.call(this); +} +module.exports = EventEmitter; +module.exports.once = once; + +// Backwards-compat with node 0.10.x +EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter; + +EventEmitter.prototype._events = undefined; +EventEmitter.prototype._eventsCount = 0; +EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = undefined; + +// By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are +// added to it. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks. +var defaultMaxListeners = 10; + +function checkListener(listener) { + if (typeof listener !== 'function') { + throw new TypeError('The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof listener); + } +} + +Object.defineProperty(EventEmitter, 'defaultMaxListeners', { + enumerable: true, + get: function() { + return defaultMaxListeners; + }, + set: function(arg) { + if (typeof arg !== 'number' || arg < 0 || NumberIsNaN(arg)) { + throw new RangeError('The value of "defaultMaxListeners" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + arg + '.'); + } + defaultMaxListeners = arg; + } +}); + +EventEmitter.init = function() { + + if (this._events === undefined || + this._events === Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events) { + this._events = Object.create(null); + this._eventsCount = 0; + } + + this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || undefined; +}; + +// Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows +// that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited. +EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function setMaxListeners(n) { + if (typeof n !== 'number' || n < 0 || NumberIsNaN(n)) { + throw new RangeError('The value of "n" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + n + '.'); + } + this._maxListeners = n; + return this; +}; + +function _getMaxListeners(that) { + if (that._maxListeners === undefined) + return EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners; + return that._maxListeners; +} + +EventEmitter.prototype.getMaxListeners = function getMaxListeners() { + return _getMaxListeners(this); +}; + +EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(type) { + var args = []; + for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) args.push(arguments[i]); + var doError = (type === 'error'); + + var events = this._events; + if (events !== undefined) + doError = (doError && events.error === undefined); + else if (!doError) + return false; + + // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw. + if (doError) { + var er; + if (args.length > 0) + er = args[0]; + if (er instanceof Error) { + // Note: The comments on the `throw` lines are intentional, they show + // up in Node's output if this results in an unhandled exception. + throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event + } + // At least give some kind of context to the user + var err = new Error('Unhandled error.' + (er ? ' (' + er.message + ')' : '')); + err.context = er; + throw err; // Unhandled 'error' event + } + + var handler = events[type]; + + if (handler === undefined) + return false; + + if (typeof handler === 'function') { + ReflectApply(handler, this, args); + } else { + var len = handler.length; + var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len); + for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) + ReflectApply(listeners[i], this, args); + } + + return true; +}; + +function _addListener(target, type, listener, prepend) { + var m; + var events; + var existing; + + checkListener(listener); + + events = target._events; + if (events === undefined) { + events = target._events = Object.create(null); + target._eventsCount = 0; + } else { + // To avoid recursion in the case that type === "newListener"! Before + // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListener". + if (events.newListener !== undefined) { + target.emit('newListener', type, + listener.listener ? listener.listener : listener); + + // Re-assign `events` because a newListener handler could have caused the + // this._events to be assigned to a new object + events = target._events; + } + existing = events[type]; + } + + if (existing === undefined) { + // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object. + existing = events[type] = listener; + ++target._eventsCount; + } else { + if (typeof existing === 'function') { + // Adding the second element, need to change to array. + existing = events[type] = + prepend ? [listener, existing] : [existing, listener]; + // If we've already got an array, just append. + } else if (prepend) { + existing.unshift(listener); + } else { + existing.push(listener); + } - if (events.removeListener) this.emit('removeListener', type, originalListener || listener); - } + // Check for listener leak + m = _getMaxListeners(target); + if (m > 0 && existing.length > m && !existing.warned) { + existing.warned = true; + // No error code for this since it is a Warning + // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax + var w = new Error('Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. ' + + existing.length + ' ' + String(type) + ' listeners ' + + 'added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to ' + + 'increase limit'); + w.name = 'MaxListenersExceededWarning'; + w.emitter = target; + w.type = type; + w.count = existing.length; + ProcessEmitWarning(w); + } + } + + return target; +} + +EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function addListener(type, listener) { + return _addListener(this, type, listener, false); +}; + +EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener; + +EventEmitter.prototype.prependListener = + function prependListener(type, listener) { + return _addListener(this, type, listener, true); + }; + +function onceWrapper() { + if (!this.fired) { + this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn); + this.fired = true; + if (arguments.length === 0) + return this.listener.call(this.target); + return this.listener.apply(this.target, arguments); + } +} + +function _onceWrap(target, type, listener) { + var state = { fired: false, wrapFn: undefined, target: target, type: type, listener: listener }; + var wrapped = onceWrapper.bind(state); + wrapped.listener = listener; + state.wrapFn = wrapped; + return wrapped; +} + +EventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(type, listener) { + checkListener(listener); + this.on(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener)); + return this; +}; + +EventEmitter.prototype.prependOnceListener = + function prependOnceListener(type, listener) { + checkListener(listener); + this.prependListener(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener)); + return this; + }; + +// Emits a 'removeListener' event if and only if the listener was removed. +EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = + function removeListener(type, listener) { + var list, events, position, i, originalListener; + + checkListener(listener); + + events = this._events; + if (events === undefined) + return this; + + list = events[type]; + if (list === undefined) + return this; + + if (list === listener || list.listener === listener) { + if (--this._eventsCount === 0) + this._events = Object.create(null); + else { + delete events[type]; + if (events.removeListener) + this.emit('removeListener', type, list.listener || listener); + } + } else if (typeof list !== 'function') { + position = -1; + + for (i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (list[i] === listener || list[i].listener === listener) { + originalListener = list[i].listener; + position = i; + break; + } + } - return this; - }; + if (position < 0) + return this; - EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(type) { - var listeners, events, i; + if (position === 0) + list.shift(); + else { + spliceOne(list, position); + } - events = this._events; - if (!events) return this; + if (list.length === 1) + events[type] = list[0]; - // not listening for removeListener, no need to emit - if (!events.removeListener) { - if (arguments.length === 0) { - this._events = objectCreate(null); - this._eventsCount = 0; - } else if (events[type]) { - if (--this._eventsCount === 0) this._events = objectCreate(null); - else delete events[type]; - } - return this; - } + if (events.removeListener !== undefined) + this.emit('removeListener', type, originalListener || listener); + } - // emit removeListener for all listeners on all events - if (arguments.length === 0) { - var keys = objectKeys(events); - var key; - for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { - key = keys[i]; - if (key === 'removeListener') continue; - this.removeAllListeners(key); - } - this.removeAllListeners('removeListener'); - this._events = objectCreate(null); - this._eventsCount = 0; - return this; - } + return this; + }; - listeners = events[type]; +EventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener; - if (typeof listeners === 'function') { - this.removeListener(type, listeners); - } else if (listeners) { - // LIFO order - for (i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - this.removeListener(type, listeners[i]); - } - } +EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = + function removeAllListeners(type) { + var listeners, events, i; - return this; - }; + events = this._events; + if (events === undefined) + return this; - function _listeners(target, type, unwrap) { - var events = target._events; + // not listening for removeListener, no need to emit + if (events.removeListener === undefined) { + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._events = Object.create(null); + this._eventsCount = 0; + } else if (events[type] !== undefined) { + if (--this._eventsCount === 0) + this._events = Object.create(null); + else + delete events[type]; + } + return this; + } + + // emit removeListener for all listeners on all events + if (arguments.length === 0) { + var keys = Object.keys(events); + var key; + for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { + key = keys[i]; + if (key === 'removeListener') continue; + this.removeAllListeners(key); + } + this.removeAllListeners('removeListener'); + this._events = Object.create(null); + this._eventsCount = 0; + return this; + } + + listeners = events[type]; + + if (typeof listeners === 'function') { + this.removeListener(type, listeners); + } else if (listeners !== undefined) { + // LIFO order + for (i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + this.removeListener(type, listeners[i]); + } + } - if (!events) return []; + return this; + }; - var evlistener = events[type]; - if (!evlistener) return []; +function _listeners(target, type, unwrap) { + var events = target._events; - if (typeof evlistener === 'function') - return unwrap ? [evlistener.listener || evlistener] : [evlistener]; + if (events === undefined) + return []; - return unwrap ? unwrapListeners(evlistener) : arrayClone(evlistener, evlistener.length); - } + var evlistener = events[type]; + if (evlistener === undefined) + return []; - EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(type) { - return _listeners(this, type, true); - }; + if (typeof evlistener === 'function') + return unwrap ? [evlistener.listener || evlistener] : [evlistener]; - EventEmitter.prototype.rawListeners = function rawListeners(type) { - return _listeners(this, type, false); - }; + return unwrap ? + unwrapListeners(evlistener) : arrayClone(evlistener, evlistener.length); +} - EventEmitter.listenerCount = function (emitter, type) { - if (typeof emitter.listenerCount === 'function') { - return emitter.listenerCount(type); - } else { - return listenerCount.call(emitter, type); - } - }; +EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(type) { + return _listeners(this, type, true); +}; - EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = listenerCount; - function listenerCount(type) { - var events = this._events; +EventEmitter.prototype.rawListeners = function rawListeners(type) { + return _listeners(this, type, false); +}; - if (events) { - var evlistener = events[type]; +EventEmitter.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) { + if (typeof emitter.listenerCount === 'function') { + return emitter.listenerCount(type); + } else { + return listenerCount.call(emitter, type); + } +}; - if (typeof evlistener === 'function') { - return 1; - } else if (evlistener) { - return evlistener.length; - } - } +EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = listenerCount; +function listenerCount(type) { + var events = this._events; - return 0; - } + if (events !== undefined) { + var evlistener = events[type]; - EventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() { - return this._eventsCount > 0 ? Reflect.ownKeys(this._events) : []; - }; + if (typeof evlistener === 'function') { + return 1; + } else if (evlistener !== undefined) { + return evlistener.length; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +EventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() { + return this._eventsCount > 0 ? ReflectOwnKeys(this._events) : []; +}; + +function arrayClone(arr, n) { + var copy = new Array(n); + for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) + copy[i] = arr[i]; + return copy; +} + +function spliceOne(list, index) { + for (; index + 1 < list.length; index++) + list[index] = list[index + 1]; + list.pop(); +} + +function unwrapListeners(arr) { + var ret = new Array(arr.length); + for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i) { + ret[i] = arr[i].listener || arr[i]; + } + return ret; +} + +function once(emitter, name) { + return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { + function errorListener(err) { + emitter.removeListener(name, resolver); + reject(err); + } - // About 1.5x faster than the two-arg version of Array#splice(). - function spliceOne(list, index) { - for (var i = index, k = i + 1, n = list.length; k < n; i += 1, k += 1) list[i] = list[k]; - list.pop(); - } + function resolver() { + if (typeof emitter.removeListener === 'function') { + emitter.removeListener('error', errorListener); + } + resolve([].slice.call(arguments)); + }; - function arrayClone(arr, n) { - var copy = new Array(n); - for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) copy[i] = arr[i]; - return copy; - } + eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, name, resolver, { once: true }); + if (name !== 'error') { + addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(emitter, errorListener, { once: true }); + } + }); +} + +function addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(emitter, handler, flags) { + if (typeof emitter.on === 'function') { + eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, 'error', handler, flags); + } +} + +function eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, name, listener, flags) { + if (typeof emitter.on === 'function') { + if (flags.once) { + emitter.once(name, listener); + } else { + emitter.on(name, listener); + } + } else if (typeof emitter.addEventListener === 'function') { + // EventTarget does not have `error` event semantics like Node + // EventEmitters, we do not listen for `error` events here. + emitter.addEventListener(name, function wrapListener(arg) { + // IE does not have builtin `{ once: true }` support so we + // have to do it manually. + if (flags.once) { + emitter.removeEventListener(name, wrapListener); + } + listener(arg); + }); + } else { + throw new TypeError('The "emitter" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type ' + typeof emitter); + } +} + +},{}],48:[function(require,module,exports){ +// shim for using process in browser +var process = module.exports = {}; + +// cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it +// don't break things. But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is +// wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals. It's inside a +// function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines. + +var cachedSetTimeout; +var cachedClearTimeout; + +function defaultSetTimout() { + throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined'); +} +function defaultClearTimeout () { + throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined'); +} +(function () { + try { + if (typeof setTimeout === 'function') { + cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout; + } else { + cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout; + } + } catch (e) { + cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout; + } + try { + if (typeof clearTimeout === 'function') { + cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout; + } else { + cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout; + } + } catch (e) { + cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout; + } +} ()) +function runTimeout(fun) { + if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) { + //normal enviroments in sane situations + return setTimeout(fun, 0); + } + // if setTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined + if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) { + cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout; + return setTimeout(fun, 0); + } + try { + // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness + return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0); + } catch(e){ + try { + // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally + return cachedSetTimeout.call(null, fun, 0); + } catch(e){ + // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error + return cachedSetTimeout.call(this, fun, 0); + } + } - function unwrapListeners(arr) { - var ret = new Array(arr.length); - for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i) { - ret[i] = arr[i].listener || arr[i]; - } - return ret; - } - function objectCreatePolyfill(proto) { - var F = function () {}; - F.prototype = proto; - return new F(); - } - function objectKeysPolyfill(obj) { - var keys = []; - for (var k in obj) - if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, k)) { - keys.push(k); - } - return k; - } - function functionBindPolyfill(context) { - var fn = this; - return function () { - return fn.apply(context, arguments); - }; - } - }, - {}, - ], - 46: [ - function (require, module, exports) { - // shim for using process in browser - var process = (module.exports = {}); - - // cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it - // don't break things. But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is - // wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals. It's inside a - // function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines. - - var cachedSetTimeout; - var cachedClearTimeout; - - function defaultSetTimout() { - throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined'); - } - function defaultClearTimeout() { - throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined'); - } - (function () { - try { - if (typeof setTimeout === 'function') { - cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout; - } else { - cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout; - } - } catch (e) { - cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout; - } - try { - if (typeof clearTimeout === 'function') { - cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout; - } else { - cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout; - } - } catch (e) { - cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout; - } - })(); - function runTimeout(fun) { - if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) { - //normal enviroments in sane situations - return setTimeout(fun, 0); - } - // if setTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined - if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) { - cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout; - return setTimeout(fun, 0); - } - try { - // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness - return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0); - } catch (e) { - try { - // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally - return cachedSetTimeout.call(null, fun, 0); - } catch (e) { - // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error - return cachedSetTimeout.call(this, fun, 0); - } - } - } - function runClearTimeout(marker) { - if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) { - //normal enviroments in sane situations - return clearTimeout(marker); - } - // if clearTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined - if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) { - cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout; - return clearTimeout(marker); - } - try { - // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness - return cachedClearTimeout(marker); - } catch (e) { - try { - // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally - return cachedClearTimeout.call(null, marker); - } catch (e) { - // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error. - // Some versions of I.E. have different rules for clearTimeout vs setTimeout - return cachedClearTimeout.call(this, marker); - } - } - } - var queue = []; - var draining = false; - var currentQueue; - var queueIndex = -1; - - function cleanUpNextTick() { - if (!draining || !currentQueue) { - return; - } - draining = false; - if (currentQueue.length) { - queue = currentQueue.concat(queue); - } else { - queueIndex = -1; - } - if (queue.length) { - drainQueue(); - } - } +} +function runClearTimeout(marker) { + if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) { + //normal enviroments in sane situations + return clearTimeout(marker); + } + // if clearTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined + if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) { + cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout; + return clearTimeout(marker); + } + try { + // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness + return cachedClearTimeout(marker); + } catch (e){ + try { + // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally + return cachedClearTimeout.call(null, marker); + } catch (e){ + // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error. + // Some versions of I.E. have different rules for clearTimeout vs setTimeout + return cachedClearTimeout.call(this, marker); + } + } - function drainQueue() { - if (draining) { - return; - } - var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick); - draining = true; - - var len = queue.length; - while (len) { - currentQueue = queue; - queue = []; - while (++queueIndex < len) { - if (currentQueue) { - currentQueue[queueIndex].run(); - } - } - queueIndex = -1; - len = queue.length; - } - currentQueue = null; - draining = false; - runClearTimeout(timeout); - } - process.nextTick = function (fun) { - var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1); - if (arguments.length > 1) { - for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { - args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; - } - } - queue.push(new Item(fun, args)); - if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) { - runTimeout(drainQueue); - } - }; - // v8 likes predictible objects - function Item(fun, array) { - this.fun = fun; - this.array = array; - } - Item.prototype.run = function () { - this.fun.apply(null, this.array); - }; - process.title = 'browser'; - process.browser = true; - process.env = {}; - process.argv = []; - process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues - process.versions = {}; - - function noop() {} - - process.on = noop; - process.addListener = noop; - process.once = noop; - process.off = noop; - process.removeListener = noop; - process.removeAllListeners = noop; - process.emit = noop; - process.prependListener = noop; - process.prependOnceListener = noop; - - process.listeners = function (name) { - return []; - }; +} +var queue = []; +var draining = false; +var currentQueue; +var queueIndex = -1; - process.binding = function (name) { - throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); - }; +function cleanUpNextTick() { + if (!draining || !currentQueue) { + return; + } + draining = false; + if (currentQueue.length) { + queue = currentQueue.concat(queue); + } else { + queueIndex = -1; + } + if (queue.length) { + drainQueue(); + } +} - process.cwd = function () { - return '/'; - }; - process.chdir = function (dir) { - throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); - }; - process.umask = function () { - return 0; - }; - }, - {}, - ], - }, - {}, - [44], -); +function drainQueue() { + if (draining) { + return; + } + var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick); + draining = true; + + var len = queue.length; + while(len) { + currentQueue = queue; + queue = []; + while (++queueIndex < len) { + if (currentQueue) { + currentQueue[queueIndex].run(); + } + } + queueIndex = -1; + len = queue.length; + } + currentQueue = null; + draining = false; + runClearTimeout(timeout); +} + +process.nextTick = function (fun) { + var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1); + if (arguments.length > 1) { + for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { + args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; + } + } + queue.push(new Item(fun, args)); + if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) { + runTimeout(drainQueue); + } +}; + +// v8 likes predictible objects +function Item(fun, array) { + this.fun = fun; + this.array = array; +} +Item.prototype.run = function () { + this.fun.apply(null, this.array); +}; +process.title = 'browser'; +process.browser = true; +process.env = {}; +process.argv = []; +process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues +process.versions = {}; + +function noop() {} + +process.on = noop; +process.addListener = noop; +process.once = noop; +process.off = noop; +process.removeListener = noop; +process.removeAllListeners = noop; +process.emit = noop; +process.prependListener = noop; +process.prependOnceListener = noop; + +process.listeners = function (name) { return [] } + +process.binding = function (name) { + throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); +}; + +process.cwd = function () { return '/' }; +process.chdir = function (dir) { + throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); +}; +process.umask = function() { return 0; }; + +},{}]},{},[1]);