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Debugging TestRun

Ivan Nikulin edited this page Apr 18, 2016 · 4 revisions

You can debug TestRun workflow using DEBUG environment variable. If debugging enabled tescafe will log following events to console:

  • tescafe:test-run:{userAgent}:driver-message - incoming message from Driver.
  • tescafe:test-run:{userAgent}:command - command given to TestRun.
  • tescafe:test-run:{userAgent}:error - error sent by Driver, e.g. uncaught JS error.

Using locally

You can enable debugging by specifying environment variable.

Example using gulp:

DEBUG=testcafe:test-run:* gulp test-functional

This will log all kinds of messages for all user-agents. As you see you can use wildcards (*) to filter messages.

Filtering examples:

DEBUG=testcafe:test-run:Chrome*:* gulp test-functional

Will log only message for Chrome only.

DEBUG=testcafe:test-run:*:error gulp test-functional

Will log only error messages.

Using in Travis tasks

Just like in local usage you need to specify environment variable. You can do it for the specific task in .travis.yml file.


language: node_js
  - node_js: "0.10"
    env: GULP_TASK="test-server"
  - node_js: "4"
    env: GULP_TASK="test-server"
  - node_js: "stable"
    env: GULP_TASK="test-server"
  - node_js: "stable"
    env: GULP_TASK="test-client-travis"
  - node_js: "stable"
    env: GULP_TASK="test-functional" DEBUG="testcafe:test-run:*"
 fast_finish: true

    - /^greenkeeper-.*$/

 email: false
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