From 87d42a3ae6ed6e72f9fdf15fa7fbcfd0863ae43e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Popov Aleksey <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2023 04:41:05 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] refactor: removed IE leftovers from src\client\core\utils
 (part 2) (#7999)

Thank you for your contribution.

Before making a PR, please read our contributing guidelines at

We recommend creating a *draft* PR, so that you can mark it as 'ready
for review' when you are done.

## Purpose
_Describe the problem you want to address or the feature you want to

## Approach
_Describe how your changes address the issue or implement the desired
functionality in as much detail as possible._

## References
_Provide a link to the existing issue(s), if any._

## Pre-Merge TODO
- [ ] Write tests for your proposed changes
- [ ] Make sure that existing tests do not fail
 src/client/core/utils/key-maps.js       |  10 +-
 src/client/core/utils/position.ts       |   3 +-
 src/client/core/utils/scroll.ts         |  19 +---
 src/client/core/utils/text-selection.js | 125 +-----------------------
 4 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/client/core/utils/key-maps.js b/src/client/core/utils/key-maps.js
index 243ffbc4f1e..8f6347cf7d7 100644
--- a/src/client/core/utils/key-maps.js
+++ b/src/client/core/utils/key-maps.js
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ const SPECIAL_KEYS = {
 const KEY_PROPERTY = {
-    left:      browserUtils.isIE ? 'Left' : 'ArrowLeft',
-    down:      browserUtils.isIE ? 'Down' : 'ArrowDown',
-    right:     browserUtils.isIE ? 'Right' : 'ArrowRight',
-    up:        browserUtils.isIE ? 'Up' : 'ArrowUp',
+    left:      'ArrowLeft',
+    down:      'ArrowDown',
+    right:     'ArrowRight',
+    up:        'ArrowUp',
     backspace: 'Backspace',
     capslock:  'CapsLock',
     delete:    'Delete',
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ const KEY_PROPERTY = {
     ins:       'Insert',
     pagedown:  'PageDown',
     pageup:    'PageUp',
-    space:     browserUtils.isIE ? 'Spacebar' : ' ',
+    space:     ' ',
     tab:       'Tab',
     alt:       'Alt',
     ctrl:      'Control',
diff --git a/src/client/core/utils/position.ts b/src/client/core/utils/position.ts
index 11762ce3b31..717092d4aa8 100644
--- a/src/client/core/utils/position.ts
+++ b/src/client/core/utils/position.ts
@@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ export function getClientDimensions (target: HTMLElement): Dimensions {
 export function getElementFromPoint ({ x, y }: AxisValuesData<number>): Element | null {
     // @ts-ignore
-    const ieFn = document.getElementFromPoint;
-    const func = ieFn || document.elementFromPoint;
+    const func = document.elementFromPoint;
     let el: Element | null = null;
diff --git a/src/client/core/utils/scroll.ts b/src/client/core/utils/scroll.ts
index 5f8d78ef980..c6e5b50de45 100644
--- a/src/client/core/utils/scroll.ts
+++ b/src/client/core/utils/scroll.ts
@@ -4,22 +4,13 @@ import { utils, nativeMethods } from '../deps/hammerhead';
 import * as domUtils from './dom';
 import * as styleUtils from './style';
-const SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_RE               = /auto|scroll|hidden/i;
+const SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_RE = /auto|scroll|hidden/i;
 function getScrollable (el: Element): AxisValues<boolean> {
-    const overflowX            = styleUtils.get(el, 'overflowX') as string;
-    const overflowY            = styleUtils.get(el, 'overflowY') as string;
-    let scrollableHorizontally = SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_RE.test(overflowX);
-    let scrollableVertically   = SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_RE.test(overflowY);
-    // IE11 and MS Edge bug: There are two properties: overflow-x and overflow-y.
-    // If one property is set so that the browser may show scrollbars (`auto` or `scroll`) and the second one is set to 'visible',
-    // then the second one will work as if it had the 'auto' value.
-    if (utils.browser.isIE) {
-        scrollableHorizontally = scrollableHorizontally || scrollableVertically && overflowX === DEFAULT_IE_SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_VALUE;
-        scrollableVertically   = scrollableVertically || scrollableHorizontally && overflowY === DEFAULT_IE_SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_VALUE;
-    }
+    const overflowX              = styleUtils.get(el, 'overflowX') as string;
+    const overflowY              = styleUtils.get(el, 'overflowY') as string;
+    const scrollableHorizontally = SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_RE.test(overflowX);
+    const scrollableVertically   = SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_RE.test(overflowY);
     return new AxisValues(scrollableHorizontally, scrollableVertically);
diff --git a/src/client/core/utils/text-selection.js b/src/client/core/utils/text-selection.js
index 1ec70385033..1c5c53f1bff 100644
--- a/src/client/core/utils/text-selection.js
+++ b/src/client/core/utils/text-selection.js
@@ -1,133 +1,18 @@
 import hammerhead from '../deps/hammerhead';
 import * as domUtils from './dom';
 import * as contentEditable from './content-editable';
-import * as eventUtils from './event';
 const browserUtils     = hammerhead.utils.browser;
-const nativeMethods    = hammerhead.nativeMethods;
 const selectionSandbox = hammerhead.eventSandbox.selection;
-//NOTE: we can't determine selection direction in ie from dom api. Therefore we should listen selection changes,
-// and calculate direction using it.
 const NONE_SELECTION_DIRECTION     = 'none';
-let selectionDirection  = NONE_SELECTION_DIRECTION;
-let initialLeft         = 0;
-let initialTop          = 0;
-let lastSelectionHeight = 0;
-let lastSelectionLeft   = 0;
-let lastSelectionLength = 0;
-let lastSelectionTop    = 0;
-function stateChanged (left, top, height, width, selectionLength) {
-    if (!selectionLength) {
-        initialLeft        = left;
-        initialTop         = top;
-        selectionDirection = NONE_SELECTION_DIRECTION;
-    }
-    else {
-        switch (selectionDirection) {
-                if (top === lastSelectionTop && (left === lastSelectionLeft || height > lastSelectionHeight))
-                    selectionDirection = FORWARD_SELECTION_DIRECTION;
-                else if (left < lastSelectionLeft || top < lastSelectionTop)
-                    selectionDirection = BACKWARD_SELECTION_DIRECTION;
-                break;
-                if (left === lastSelectionLeft && top === lastSelectionTop ||
-                    left < lastSelectionLeft && height > lastSelectionHeight ||
-                    top === lastSelectionTop && height === lastSelectionHeight &&
-                    selectionLength > lastSelectionLength &&
-                    left + width !== initialLeft)
-                    break;
-                else if (left < lastSelectionLeft || top < lastSelectionTop)
-                    selectionDirection = BACKWARD_SELECTION_DIRECTION;
-                break;
-                if ((left < lastSelectionLeft || top < lastSelectionTop) && selectionLength > lastSelectionLength)
-                    break;
-                else if (top === initialTop && (left >= initialLeft || height > lastSelectionHeight))
-                    selectionDirection = FORWARD_SELECTION_DIRECTION;
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    lastSelectionHeight = height;
-    lastSelectionLeft   = left;
-    lastSelectionLength = selectionLength;
-    lastSelectionTop    = top;
-function onSelectionChange () {
-    let activeElement  = null;
-    let endSelection   = null;
-    let range          = null;
-    let rect           = null;
-    let startSelection = null;
-    try {
-        if (this.selection)
-            range = this.selection.createRange();
-        else {
-            //HACK: we need do this for IE11 because otherwise we can not get TextRange properties
-            activeElement =;
-            if (!activeElement || !domUtils.isTextEditableElement(activeElement)) {
-                selectionDirection = NONE_SELECTION_DIRECTION;
-                return;
-            }
-            startSelection = getSelectionStart(activeElement);
-            endSelection   = getSelectionEnd(activeElement);
-            if (activeElement.createTextRange) {
-                range = activeElement.createTextRange();
-                range.collapse(true);
-                range.moveStart('character', startSelection);
-                range.moveEnd('character', endSelection - startSelection);
-            }
-            else if (document.createRange) {
-                //NOTE: for MSEdge
-                range = document.createRange();
-                const textNode =;
-                range.setStart(textNode, startSelection);
-                range.setEnd(textNode, endSelection);
-                rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    catch (e) {
-        //NOTE: in ie it raises error when there are not a real selection
-        selectionDirection = NONE_SELECTION_DIRECTION;
-        return;
-    }
-    const rangeLeft           = rect ? Math.ceil(rect.left) : range.offsetLeft;
-    const rangeTop            = rect ? Math.ceil( : range.offsetTop;
-    const rangeHeight         = rect ? Math.ceil(rect.height) : range.boundingHeight;
-    const rangeWidth          = rect ? Math.ceil(rect.width) : range.boundingWidth;
-    const rangeHTMLTextLength = range.htmlText ? range.htmlText.length : 0;
-    const rangeTextLength     = rect ? range.toString().length : rangeHTMLTextLength;
-    stateChanged(rangeLeft, rangeTop, rangeHeight, rangeWidth, rangeTextLength);
-if (browserUtils.isIE)
-    eventUtils.bind(document, 'selectionchange', onSelectionChange, true);
+let selectionDirection = NONE_SELECTION_DIRECTION;
 //utils for contentEditable
 function selectContentEditable (el, from, to, needFocus) {
@@ -212,7 +97,7 @@ function correctContentEditableSelectionBeforeDelete (el) {
             newEndOffset = endNode.nodeValue.length;
-    if (browserUtils.isWebKit || browserUtils.isIE && browserUtils.version > 11) {
+    if (browserUtils.isWebKit) {
         if (newStartOffset !== null) {
             if (newStartOffset === 0)
                 startNode.nodeValue = startNode.nodeValue.substring(startNodeFirstNonWhitespaceSymbol);
@@ -369,17 +254,11 @@ export function selectByNodesAndOffsets (startPos, endPos, needFocus) {
     const selectionSetter = function () {
-        //NOTE: For IE we can't create inverse selection
         if (!inverse) {
             range.setStart(startNode, startOffset);
             range.setEnd(endNode, endOffset);
-        else if (browserUtils.isIE) {
-            range.setStart(endNode, endOffset);
-            range.setEnd(startNode, startOffset);
-            selection.addRange(range);
-        }
         else {
             range.setStart(startNode, startOffset);
             range.setEnd(startNode, startOffset);