- New Modules
- Added "Orangered" module, for managing and syncing unread notifications (locally). Does not replace reddit message notifiers. (thanks @andytuba)
- Added dropdown menu to envelope (notification) button linking to various parts of inbox (thanks @andytuba)
- Added global spoiler tag module. Currently only works on user profiles. Any markdown pointing to /spoiler, #spoiler, /s or #s will be hidden. Hovering shows the text (thanks @SirCmpwn and @andytuba)
- Added stylesheet module - load stylesheets from existing subreddits or arbitrary CSS on specific pages (big thanks @andytuba, thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Added Backup & Restore module - manually backup your RES settings (thanks @thybag)
- ...and a few more due to breaking up and refactoring existing modules
- filteReddit enhancements
- Added custom filters to filteReddit module (big thanks @gamefreak)
- Extended subreddit filter to everywhere by default, with an option to go back to /r/all and /domain (thanks @allewun and @andytuba)
- Header / Userbar enhancements
- Added custom toggles to RES dropdown menu, particularly for turning custom-loaded subreddit stylesheets on/off (thanks @andytuba)
- Added a back to top button (thanks @andytuba)
- Added gold icon to accounts listed in Account Switcher dropdown menu (thanks @coreyja)
- Added a "New RES announcement" notification in RES dropdown menu (thanks @andytuba)
- Added a subreddit manager option for lowercase/mixed-case shortcuts in top bar (thanks @andytuba)
- Added a subreddit manager option to use different/same set of shortcuts for different accounts (thanks @andytuba)
- Added a dropdown to the inbox icon for sending messages and quickly navigating to inbox sections (thanks @andytuba)
- Added option for reddit logo to link to /r/Dashboard (thanks @cathcart)
- Settings Console enhancements
- Added serious gussying-up, usability, and nightmode styling improvements to settings console (thanks @githue a lot, also @andytuba and @gamefreak)
- Added new settings presets - one button press to apply different presets to RES settings. (thanks @andytuba)
- Added a prompt before abandoning changes to settings options you haven't saved (thanks @andytuba)
- Quick Message enhancements
- Added the ability to send messages from subreddits you moderate (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Added options to automatically select a user or subreddit to send from (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Added the option to automatically add the page link/comment link when opening quickMessage (thanks @andytuba and @erikdesjardins)
- Can now handle arbitrary reddit.com/message/compose links in the content and sidebar (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Message Menu dropdown menu for quick access to various parts of inbox (thanks @andytuba)
- New Expandos (Inline Image Viewer)
- steamusercontent.com (thanks @JonBons)
- futurism.co (thanks @mverderese)
- pastebin.com, gist.github.com (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- drscdn.500px.org (thanks @erikdesjardins, @andytuba) ^(not full 500px support, only direct links)
- Microsoft OneDrive (thanks @sgtfrankieboy and @andytuba)
- oddshot.tv (thanks @sgtfrankieboy and @nicememe)
- Support for some imgur subdomains (stack.imgur, yahoo.imgur) (thanks @andytuba)
- Misc enhancements
- Added repost warning on submit page (thanks @erikdesjardins and @andytuba) ^(Attempts to determine via search whether the link on the "submit a post" page has already been submitted to the current subreddit. Not 100% accurate.)
- Tabs to visually segregate subreddits/filters/help on new search page (thanks @githue)
- Subreddit Info now shows when hovering over trending subreddit listings (thanks @andytuba)
- Improved readability/clickability on subreddit shortcut dropdown (thanks @githue)
- Added the ability to customize keyboard shortcuts for comment tools (bold, italic, etc.) (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Added options to show full timestamps by default (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Added the number of children to "show child comments" (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Improved image/gif/video expando buttons (thanks @githue)
- Highlight expando buttons of NSFW posts (thanks @andytuba, @githue)
- Added option to change case of post titles (thanks @andytuba)
- Command line "/r" to navigate to rising posts (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Split "move up/down" keyboard shortcuts into seperate keys for comments and link lists (thanks @andytuba)
- Added option to automatically use the old search page (thanks @andytuba)
- Increased /r/dashboard height capacity (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Added warnings to reload other tabs after switching accounts (thanks @andytuba)
- Admin/mod/friend/OP highlighting overrides improved (thanks @githue)
- Added .RES-keyNav-activeThing class to "currently selected thing" (not just the element, but all its children) (thanks @githue)
- Vote weight tracking (RES tracking upvotes/downvotes you give to each user) works again (thanks @matheod)
- Updated styling of certain elements and pages in nightmode (code blocks, quotes, etc..) to work with reddit's new markdown. (thanks @gavin19)
- Updated nightmode styling for lots of things, including reddit's new search layout (thanks @githue)
- rts and save-RES buttons and some other things should now work with newly loaded comments (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Fixed beta flask covering username (thanks @githue)
- Username Hider hides username with correct displayText in header and taglines (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Username Highlighter adds colored background to hidden (usernameHider) usernames (e.g. OP, mod, admin, etc.) (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- New tabs will open in the foreground/background according to browser preference now. (Used to only open in background) (thanks @mc10)
- Fixed Modmail keyboard shortcut not being able to be customized (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Changed: some expando types which used to rewrite the post URL no longer do so (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Fixed subreddit detection with /r/keys for post title tagging and hover info (thanks @jsayol)
- Fixed quickMessage not respecting usernameHider (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Fixed albums switching back to image 1 when scrolling and getting weird aspect ratios (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Fixed tumblr photo captions not showing for single-image posts (thanks @andytuba)
- Fixed logging in using account switcher in Opera Blink (thanks @mryanmurphy)
- Fixed account switcher not closing properly sometimes (thanks @Shraymonks)
- Fixed multiple entries for the same subreddit appearing in "My subreddits" dropdown (thanks @andytuba)
- Fixed comment box disappearing because pushed below sidebar (thanks @githue)
- Fixed RES running on reddit toolbar pages (thanks @andytuba)
- Fixed nightmode styling on login popup (thanks @yangzihe)
- Fixed sorting by usernames in dashboard (thanks @githue, @andytuba)
- Fixed wrong account age near first of the month in user info hover popup (thanks @yangzihe)
- Fixed friend button and loading icon on user info popup (thanks @githue)
- Fixed NoParticipation EscapeNP on links starting with "/" (thanks @andytuba, @mc10)
- Fixed duplicate expando buttons - RES will now simply replace reddit's expando if it exists (thanks @andytuba)
- Stop the Never Ending Reddit progress indicator from being pushed below the sidebar (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Fixed quickMessage messages getting truncated (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Fixed shift-L ("View link and comments in new background tabs") not opening in background tabs (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Fixed some characters not being unescaped in comment source (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Fixed fadeSpeed options having behavior opposite of their description (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Fixed some user tags being unreadable in nightmode and superscript (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Fixed pinned header from jumping late after pageload (thanks @Shraymonks)
- Fixed defaultContext option not applying to profile pages (thanks @thybag)
- Fixed new comment count not working in Japanese (thanks @svjharris)
- Fixed NSFW stamp not being red in nightmode (thanks @igglyboo)
- Fixed some misc nightmode issues (thanks @mc10)
- Updated various icons and buttons to use a flat look (thanks @erikdesjardins, @githue)
- Tidied up galeryimage gallery text and controls (thanks @githue)
- Consolidated and improved button and toggle button styling (thanks @githue)
- Improved styling and usability of pop-up notifications, hover info, dropdown menus, bunches of things (thanks @githue)
- Made the new announcement notification on the RES Gear Icon stand out a bit more (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Moved uncheckSendReplies from betteReddit to submitHelper
- Default macros are now editable - Look of Disapproval removed from default macro list
- {{reply_to}} placeholder gets parent comment's author, not current username (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Cleaned up accountSwitcher menu and error code (thanks @andytuba)
- Console fixes (thanks @matheod)
- Add less verbose versions of RESStorage commands in console (thanks @andytuba)
- Remove (non-functional) autocomplete from console (thanks @gmcclure382)
- Fewer ajax calls to check for moderated subreddits (thanks @JordanMilne, @andytuba)
- Fewer ajax calls for subreddit info (thanks @githue, @andytuba)
- Update jQuery and guiders.js (thanks @mc10)
- Update favico.js (thanks @benwa)
- Refactored showImages.js - All hosts now have their own file, allowing for easier fixing and creation of expando supporting hosts. (thanks @andytuba @erikdesjardins and more)
- Remove MediaCrush host (now defunct)
- Factor out Twitter support from the core files (thanks @andytuba and @erikdesjardins)
- Greatly refactored KeyboardNav (thanks @andytuba)
- Some RES added elements (such as keyboardNav numbers and usertags) will no longer get copied when you select text (thanks @arresteddevelopment)
- Removed toolbarFix since reddit toolbar is gone (thanks @andytuba)
- Major refactor of init process (big thanks @andytuba)
- Cleaned up gulp (thanks @mc10)
- Refactored gulp a bit (thanks @andytuba)
- Refactored gulp a lot (thanks @erikdesjardins)
- Bugfixes to gulp scripts (thanks @danieljl)
- Update and maintain readme (thanks @allthefoxes and @mc10)
- Cleanup and linting of many modules (big thanks @mc10, thanks @andytuba, @erikdesjardins, others)
- Automatic linting of pull requests (Travis CI) (thanks @mc10)
- Other miscellaneous refactoring
- Big thanks to @allthefoxes and others for maintaining this changelog.
- A few typo commits as always - and these too.