This document provides the user guide to the functionality provided by the Basic Branch Build Strategies plugin.
The Branch API plugin provides an extension point that allows control over whether to build a branch (or branch like things such as change requests and tags) whenever it is discovered initially or a change from the previous revision has been detected.
By design, the plugin does not provide any concrete implementations of this extension point, leaving the actual implementation to extension plugins.
In the absence of any configured BranchBuildStrategy
the default for the Branch API plugin is to build everything except tags.
This plugin is an extension plugin for Branch API that provides some basic BranchBuildStrategy
As soon as you add any strategy to your Multibranch project or Organization folder, you disable the defaults of "build everything except tags". |
This strategy will build "regular" branches (also known as streams in some source control systems). In otherwords, if it is not a change request and if it is not a tag, then it should be built on initial discovery and every time a revision change is detected.
This strategy will build "regular" branches (also known as streams in some source control systems) if the name of the branch matches one of an ordered list of match rules.
There name matching rules are an extension point. This plugin provides three implementations:
- Exact name
Matches the branch name exactly without any wildcard or special character substitution.
- Regular expression
Matches the branch name against a Java regular expression.
- Wildcard include/exclude
Matches the branch name against pair of simple wildcard style include/exclude rules.
This strategy will build change requests (also known as pull requests in some source control systems).
There is one configuration option available:
- Ignore rebuilding merge branches when only the target branch changed
If the change request / pull request is a merge, there are two reasons for a revision change:
The origin of the change request may have changed
The target of the change request may have changed
Selecting this option will ignore revision changes if the only difference between the last built revision is the target of the change request.
Notethis option only applies if the change request is building a merge of the origin onto the target. -
This strategy will build tags (also known as snapshots in some source control systems).
There are two configuration option available:
- Ignore tags newer than
The number of days since the tag was created before it is eligible for automatic building.
Noteif you select this option, the build may only be triggered during a full scan / index of the multibranch project. For some distributed source control systems, it may be possible to create the tag with a timestamp and then push the tag to the scanned repository at a later date, in which case event notification could trigger a build of such a tag providing it is eligible. - Ignore tags older than
The number of days since the tag was created after which it is no longer eligible for automatic building.