🚀🚀 Welcome to the Online Cassandra Workshop 🚀🚀
🔈 Join the video stream on TWITCH https://www.twitch.tv/datastaxdevs/ or on YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAIQY251avaMv7bBv5PCo-A/featured) or entering the discord [MAIN SESSION] and Double click on [Aleks Volochnev] name but this last option is limited to 50 people.
📧 You should have received an email from [email protected]. Could you please reply to the email confirming your attendance and allowing you to get the free voucher to pass the Cassandra certification later this year.
😎 Relax watch and listen, you don't have to install anything, exercises will be web-based and Cassandra instances will be in the cloud.
❓ To ASK your questions please use #questions. WE try to keep #main-chat clean for exercises textbook.
📺 If you don't know how to use Discord ? here is an introductory video : https://youtu.be/IMEl4XCfd-c
📘 We will give you instructions and attachment in #main-chat. Please use 👍 when you are done with it to help us move forward
The magic number is 423, if you don't know the magic number, you didn't read the instructions :)
✨ Your Datastax Crew for today
@EricZietlow#3564, and @David Jones-Gilardi#6710, Developer Advocate, will be PRESENTERS
@Cedrick Lunven#3320 would answer your questions in channels #questions (or #main-chat)
@Aleks Volochnev#2098, Developer Advocate, is our guru for Audio and video, ping him iffyou experience some issues.
@Jack Fryer#4525 is our Community Manager, you should have received an email from him yesterday with a link and credentials
🚀🚀 Welcome Everyone to this Online Cassandra Workshop 🚀🚀
Please join us on the stream by entering the [🔈 Main Session]
🧑🏫 Double click on Cedrick LUNVEN name
ℹ️ General Infos :
- 😎 Relax, you don't have to install anything
- ❓ Ask all your questions in #questions
📘 Exercices :
- We will give you instructions here and attachment when needed.
- Please use 👍 when you are done with it to help us move forward
❓❓ Welcome Everyone to this Online Cassandra Workshop ❓❓
You can ask any questions here.
ℹ️ We do have multiple moderator to give you 1-1 answers
😎 Enjoy !!
📘 EXERCISE 0 : Bootstraping
1. 📥 📦 Download materials on GITUHB
URL: https://github.com/DataStax-Academy/cassandra-workshop-online
You can either download the repo as a ZIP or cloning with GIT if so :
`git clone https://github.com/DataStax-Academy/cassandra-workshop-online.git`
2. Send an email to Jack Fryer : 📧 [email protected]
If so, we would not only track attendees but also would be able to send you all questions
and answers from today and a voucher to be pass the Cassandra certifications.
👉 https://github.com/DataStax-Academy/cassandra-workshop-online
1. 📥 📦 Please follow instructions on
URL: https://github.com/DataStax-Academy/cassandra-workshop-online/blob/master/exercises/1_-_Create_Astra_Instance.md
I will go it in front of you.
📕 EXERCISE 2 : DataStax Studio
1. Launch Studio in your Astra instance
2. Upload the notebook 2_-_Datastax_Studio.tar into running instance of DataStax Studio
to import it and follow the instructions.
📙 EXERCISE 3 : Working with CQL
1. Launch Studio in your Astra instance
2. Upload the notebook 3_-_Working_with_CQL into running instance of DataStax Studio
to import it and follow the instructions.
📘 EXERCISE 4 : Data Modelling
1. Launch Studio in your Astra instance
2. Upload the notebook 4_-_Data_Modelling into running instance of DataStax Studio
to import it and follow the instructions.
📗 EXERCISE 5 : Advanced Data Types
1. Launch Studio in your Astra instance
2. Upload the notebook 5_-_Advanced_Data_Type into running instance of DataStax Studio
to import it and follow the instructions.
📕 EXERCISE 6 : Batches and LightWeight Transactions
1. Launch Studio in your Astra instance
2. Upload the notebook 6_-_Lwt_and_Batches.tar into running instance of DataStax Studio
to import it and follow the instructions.
📙 EXERCISE 7 : Coding
1. Launch Studio in your Astra instance
2. Upload the notebook 7_-_Coding.tarnto running instance of DataStax Studio
to import it and follow the instructions.