特別注意:我有時會粗心把輸入/輸出格式寫錯,請以作業上跟助教補充說明的格式為主,尤其用 diff
./a.out < input_file > output_file
diff my_output_file your_output_file
hw0404 test cases link
hw0405 test cases link
12/20 fix hw0501 test program and update hw0505 test case.
12/17 fix hw0504 test cases (but 03~06 may overflow).
12/16 fix hw0504 test cases (but 03~06 may overflow).
12/15 Update hw0504 test cases(but 03~06 still not sure) and hw0505 test cases and test program.
12/9 Update hw0504 test cases.
12/8 Update hw0503 test cases.
12/7 Update hw0503 and hw0502 test cases.
12/6 Upload hw0503 test cases (is the base of the cap) and hw0504 test cases and update test program.And hw0502 test cases is not ready yet (solution is promised is interger)
12/3 Upload hw0504 and hw0505 test program and hw0505 test cases.
12/1 Upload hw0501 hw0502 hw0503 test cases and test program.
11/28 update hw0405 test cases of Two sets of identical sequences.
11/27 update hw0405 test cases and upload hw0404 test cases for error input.
11/26 upload hw0405 test cases(TA's examples and yaku.pdf without 國士無雙 and honor, wind) and add hw0405 hyperlink from others.
11/25 update hyperlink of hw0404 test cases.
11/23 upload hw0401 test program and upadte hw0402 test case.
11/20 update hw0403 and hw0402 test cases.
11/19 upload hw0402 test cases.
11/18 update hw0403 test case for a 100 person data.
11/17 upload hw0403 test cases(gsat.h). (need write shell script to test or other method)
11/16 upload hw0401 test cases and test program.
11/5 update hw0302 test cases of print
: posion :
to posion:
and update hw0304 delete Please enter the number:
and only remain Please enter the disk number (2-20):
11/4 There are some problem in hw0301. Maybe fix hw0301.
11/3 update hw0301.c hw0302.c add stdio and fix get_inner_regular_polygon_area in hw0301.
10/28 upload hw0301 hw0302 test cases and update hw0303 hw0304 test cases.
10/23 upload hw0303 hw0304 test cases and hw0301 hw0302 test program.
10/17 upload.
12/22 upload.