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Releases: Daltron/NotificationBanner

Swift 4.2 Support

19 Sep 13:04
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• Swift 4.2 Support 🎉 🎉 🎉 Thanks @spadafiva!
• Can now remove banners from the banner queue. Thanks @mixo44!
• Better notch support handling for iPhones. Thanks @joseantoniogarciay!

NotificationBanner Release v1.6.1

25 Jan 16:10
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• Fixed a bug causing notification banners not to auto rotate correctly if their bannerPosition was .bottom. Thanks @valexa! 👍 👍 👍

NotificationBanner Release v1.6.0

25 Jan 04:11
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Multiple Banner Queue Support

By default, each notification banner is placed onto a singleton of an auto-managed NotificationBannerQueue. This allows an infinite amount of banners to be displayed without one hiding the other. If you have multiple controllers within your navigation stack that need to be managed by a seperate queue (like a tab bar controller), simply create an instance of a NotificationBannerQueue and pass it in to the show function: customQueue)

Thanks to @t4ec for the feature request! 👍 👍 👍

NotificationBanner Release v1.5.4

08 Jan 18:13
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StatusBarNotificationBanner's are now 50px tall on iPhone X by default. Thanks @btelintelo! 👍

NotificationBanner Release v1.5.3

19 Dec 15:38
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• Fixed a bug causing notification banners not to appear correctly on iPhone X's if the navigation bar was hidden. Thanks @pikachu987! 👍 🎉

NotificationBanner Release v1.5.0

24 Sep 03:16
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Swift 4 Support 🎉 🎉 🎉

NotificationBanner Release v1.4.4

19 Sep 17:49
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• iPhoneX is now supported

Closes #49 🎉
Thanks @JoniVR! 👍

NotificationBanner Release v1.4.2

07 Aug 16:54
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NotificationCenter Notifications

The following banner related notifications will be posted to NotificationCenter:


The banner object can be retrieved from the notification as follows:

func onBannerNotification(notification: Notification) {
     guard let banner = notification.userInfo?[NotificationBanner.BannerObjectKey] as? BaseNotificationBanner else {
     // Do something with the banner

NotificationBanner Release v1.4.1

03 Aug 17:52
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• Can now remove all banners from the NotificationBannerQueue by calling NotificationBannerQueue .default.removeAll()

Closes #44 🎉
Thanks @ashokkumars! 👍

NotificationBanner Release v1.4.0

25 Jun 04:01
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Banners can now be shown from the bottom

If you are wanting to show a banner from the bottom, simply: .bottom)

All existing properties that the show function takes can be mixed and matched to work flawlessly with each other!
Closes #31 🎉
Thanks @scottcc! 👍

Banner Events

You can choose to opt into a notification banner's events by registering as its delegate:

banner.delegate = self

Then just make sure to implement the following methods:

internal func notificationBannerWillAppear(_ banner: BaseNotificationBanner)
internal func notificationBannerDidAppear(_ banner: BaseNotificationBanner)
internal func notificationBannerWillDisappear(_ banner: BaseNotificationBanner)
internal func notificationBannerDidDisappear(_ banner: BaseNotificationBanner)

Closes #32 🎉
Thanks @Marlon-Monroy! 👍

New CocoaPods Release: v1.4.0 ✅