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Installation Instructions

Asandru edited this page Dec 25, 2014 · 14 revisions

Installation Instructions

How to install Corona Core from scratch.

Supported client version Version 2.4.3 (8606) The Burning Crusade expansion.

This Guide will help you for the following operating system:

  • Windows platform
  • *nix platform
  • Linux based platforms

If you run into issues during installation or need help understanding one of the following steps, please visit Corona Core Forum to look for solutions and ask questions. These Installation Instructions are expected to be current, so please read through every step again to ensure that you didn't skip or misunderstand something before going to the forums.

Useful Links

Corona Core: Forum | Repository | Hipchat

ScriptDev2: Forum | Repository | IRC ( #scriptdev2)

Software requirements (Windows)

I. Clone Corona Core & ScriptDev2

On windows platform open Git Bash and type this command:

git clone

After the progress done, type the following commands:

cd OneServer

git clone src/bindings/ScriptDev2

II. Clone Database Stuff

On windows platform open Git Bash and type this command:

git clone

Directory Structure

Now you should have the following folders:

  • OneServer (containing the sources and ScriptDev2)
  • OneDatabase (containing the database stuff)

I. Compiling Corona Core (Windows)

  • Navigate to the location of cloned subfolders and open *OneServer\win*

  • Open the "sln" file that fits your version of Visual C++

    • mangosdVC120.sln for Visual C++ 2013

    • mangosdVC110.sln for Visual C++ 2012

    • mangosdVC100.sln for Visual C++ 2010

  • Wait for Visual C++ to finish loading.

  • Open the menu "Build" → "Configuration Manager"

    • Choose "Release" in the drop down box for "Active Solution Configuration"

    • The drop down box "Active Solution Platform" should already be set to "Win32"

    • Close the window

  • Click the menu "Build" → "Build Solution"

II. Compiling ScriptDev2 (Windows)

  • Navigate to the location of cloned subfolders and open *OneServer\src\bindings\ScriptDev2*

  • Open the "sln" file that fits your version of Visual C++

    • scriptVC120.sln for Visual C++ 2013

    • scriptVC110.sln for Visual C++ 2012

    • scriptVC100.sln for Visual C++ 2010

  • Wait for Visual C++ to finish loading.

  • Open the menu "Build" → "Configuration Manager"

    • Choose "Release" in the drop down box for "Active Solution Configuration"

    • The drop down box "Active Solution Platform" should already be set to "Win32"

    • Close the window

  • Click the menu "Build" → "Build Solution"

Extract files from the client

Copy the content of *OneServer\contrib\extractor_binary* into your client directory.

Then just run

This file will ask you what you want to extract.

You can chose from the following:

  • Extract DBCs/ maps (required for Corona Core to work)
  • Extract vmaps (expected for Corona Core to work)
  • Extract mmaps (optional, and will require very long time to create)
  • Update mmaps with data from offmesh.txt (suggested after updates of this file)

In case you want to extract mmaps you will be asked how many processes should be used for mmap-extraction; Recommanded is to use the number of CPUs

By default the scripts will create log files MaNGOSExtractor.log for overall progress of the extraction, and MaNGOSExtractor_detailed.log which includes all the information about the extraction.

If you want to toggle some parts in the extraction process, there are a few internal variables in the extraction scripts, that can be modified.

Consider the Readme's in the directories extractor, vmap_assembler, vmap_extractor and mmap for further information about detail.

Also especially related to mmaps updating you might be interested in using the script.

Installing Database

Create Empty Databases

Either use a GUI tool for mysql and open the SQL-files, or do it by command-line as this guide shows.

From the OneServer folder invoke (in Git bash):

mysql -u root -p < OneServer/sql/create_mysql.sql

And enter your password in the following dialogue (similar in all other next steps)

This will create a user (name mangos, password mangos) with rights to the databases "mangos" (world-db), characters and realmd

mysql -u root -p < OneServer/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_create_database.sql

This will create the database "scriptdev2" which can be used by the "mangos" user created with the commands above

mysql -u root -p scriptdev2 < OneServer/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_create_structure_mysql.sql

Initialize Corona Core database

From the OneServer folder invoke (in Git bash):

mysql -u root -p mangos < OneServer/sql/mangos.sql

This will create and fill the Corona Core database with some values.

Initialize characters database:

From the **OneServer **folder invoke (in Git bash):

mysql -u root -p characters < OneServer/sql/characters.sql

This will create an empty characters database.

Initialize realmd database:

From the **OneServer **folder invoke (in Git bash):

mysql -u root -p realmd < OneServer/sql/realmd.sql

This will create an empty realmd database.

Fill world database:

Navigate to *OneDatabase_tools* folder and run make_full_db.bat

Navigate to **OneDatabase **folder and invoke (in Git bash):

mysql -u root -p mangos < OneDatabase/_tools/full_db.sql

Fill ScriptDev2 database:

Navigate to *OneServer\src\bindings\ScriptDev2\sql* folder and run the following files in order:

  1. run scriptdev2_create_database.sql

  2. select scriptdev2 database and run scriptdev2_create_structure_mysql.sql

  3. select scriptdev2 database and run scriptdev2_script_full.sql

Starting server & connect

  • Navigate to OneServer\bin\Win32_Release and rename the following files:

    • to ahbot.conf

    • to mangosd.conf

    • to realmd.conf

  • Copy the following folders from world of warcraft folder to OneServer\bin\Win32_Release folder after the extractors finish job

    • Buildings, dbc, maps, vmaps, mmaps
  • Run realmd.exe

  • Run mangosd.exe

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