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  • Install opam through your favourite means.
  • Double-check that no Coq-related environment variables like COQBIN or COQPATH are set.
  • Launch the following commands in the folder of this development.
opam switch create . --empty
eval $(opam env)
opam install ocaml-base-compiler=4.11.2
opam repo --this-switch add coq-released
opam install . --deps-only


The coqdocjs and coq-partialfun subfolders are not part of this development, but independent projects vendored here for simplicity of the build process. The upstream repositories can be respectively found at:


This repo contains the formalisation work accompangy the paper Martin-Löf à la Coq.

The formalisation follows a similar Agda formalization (described in Decidability of conversion for Type Theory in Type Theory, 2018). In order to avoid some work on the syntax, this project uses the AutoSubst project to generate syntax-related boilerplate.


The project builds on Coq version 8.16.1, see the opam file for complete dependencies. Since they are not available as opam packages, coq-partialfun and coqdocjs are simply included.

Once the dependencies have been installed, you can simply issue make in the root folder. The development should build within 10 minutes (around 3 minutes on a modern laptop).

Apart from a few harmless warnings, and the output of some examples, the build reports on the assumptions of our main theorems, using Print Assumptions. The message Closed under the global context indicates that all of them are axiom-free.

For simplicity, the html documentation built using coqdoc is included in the artefact. It can be built again by invoking make coqdoc.

Browsing the development

The development, rendered using the coqdoc utility, can be then browsed (as html files). To start navigating the sources, the best entry point is probably the the table of content. A short description of the file contents is also provided to make the navigation easier.

Files of interest


The abstract syntax tree of terms is in Ast, the declarative typing and conversion predicates are in [DeclarativeTyping], reduction is in UntypedReduction, and algorithmic typing is in AlgorithmicTyping.

The logical relation is defined with respect to a generic notion of typing, given in GenericTyping.


The logical relation is defined in LogicalRelation. It is first defined component by component, before the components are all brought together by inductive LR at the end of the file. The fundamental lemma of the logical relation, saying that every well-typed term is reducible, is in Fundamental.

Injectivity and no-confusion of type constructor, and subject reduction, are proven in TypeConstructorsInj. typing_SN, in Normalisation, shows that reduction on well-typed terms is normalizing; this is phrased in a constructively acceptable way, as accessibility of every well-typed term under reduction, i.e. as well-foundation of the reduction relation.

Consistency and canonicity are derived in Consequences.

algo_typing_sound in BundledAlgorithmicTyping says that algorithmic typing (assuming its inputs are well-formed), is sound with respect to declarative typing, and algo_typing_complete in AlgorithmicTypingProperties says that it is complete.

Finally, check_full in file Decidability, says that typing is decidable.

Execution examples

Some sample execution of our certified checker are given in Execution.

Ast: ./theories/AutoSubst/Ast.v DeclarativeTyping: ./theories/DeclarativeTyping.v UntypedReduction: ./theories/UntypedReduction.v AlgorithmicTyping: ./theories/AlgorithmicTyping.v GenericTyping: ./theories/GenericTyping.v LogicalRelation: ./theories/LogicalRelation.v Fundamental: ./theories/Fundamental.v TypeConstructorsInj: ./theories/TypeConstructorsInj.v Normalisation: ./theories/Normalisation.v BundledAlgorithmicTyping: ./theories/BundledAlgorithmicTyping.v AlgorithmicTypingProperties: ./theories/AlgorithmicTypingProperties.v Decidability: ./theories/Decidability.v Execution: ./theories/Decidability/Execution.v Consequences: ./theories/Consequences.v


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