diff --git a/.idea/.idea.MW/.idea/contentModel.xml b/.idea/.idea.MW/.idea/contentModel.xml
index dda9267..d43eaec 100644
--- a/.idea/.idea.MW/.idea/contentModel.xml
+++ b/.idea/.idea.MW/.idea/contentModel.xml
@@ -1244,6 +1244,9 @@
@@ -1271,6 +1274,8 @@
diff --git a/OpenRA.Mods.MW/Traits/MWAttackOrderPower.cs b/OpenRA.Mods.MW/Traits/MWAttackOrderPower.cs
index d27bedd..ec5bf9a 100644
--- a/OpenRA.Mods.MW/Traits/MWAttackOrderPower.cs
+++ b/OpenRA.Mods.MW/Traits/MWAttackOrderPower.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#region Copyright & License Information
* Copyright 2007-2018 The OpenRA Developers (see AUTHORS)
* This file is part of OpenRA, which is free software. It is made
@@ -7,6 +8,7 @@
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. For more
* information, see COPYING.
using System.Collections.Generic;
@@ -22,179 +24,191 @@
namespace OpenRa.Mods.MW.Traits
- class MwAttackOrderPowerInfo : SupportPowerInfo, Requires
- {
- [Desc("Range of cells the camera should reveal around target cell.")]
- public readonly WDist CameraRange = WDist.Zero;
- [Desc("Can the camera reveal shroud generated by the GeneratesShroud trait?")]
- public readonly bool RevealGeneratedShroud = true;
- [Desc("Reveal cells to players with these stances only.")]
- public readonly Stance CameraStances = Stance.Ally;
- [Desc("Amount of time before detonation to spawn the camera.")]
- public readonly int CameraSpawnAdvance = 25;
- [Desc("Amount of time after detonation to remove the camera.")]
- public readonly int CameraRemoveDelay = 25;
- [Desc("Amount of time before detonation to remove the beacon.")]
- public readonly int BeaconRemoveAdvance = 25;
- public override object Create(ActorInitializer init) { return new MwAttackOrderPower(init.Self, this); }
- }
- class MwAttackOrderPower : SupportPower, INotifyCreated, INotifyBurstComplete, IResolveOrder
- {
- readonly MwAttackOrderPowerInfo info;
- AttackBase attack;
- public MwAttackOrderPower(Actor self, MwAttackOrderPowerInfo info)
- : base(self, info)
- {
- this.info = info;
- }
- public override void SelectTarget(Actor self, string order, SupportPowerManager manager)
- {
- Game.Sound.PlayToPlayer(SoundType.UI, manager.Self.Owner, Info.SelectTargetSound);
- self.World.OrderGenerator = new SelectAttackPowerTarget(self, order, manager, info.Cursor, MouseButton.Left, attack);
- }
- public override void Activate(Actor self, Order order, SupportPowerManager manager)
- {
- base.Activate(self, order, manager);
- attack.AttackTarget(Target.FromCell(self.World, order.TargetLocation), false, false, true);
- if (info.CameraRange != WDist.Zero)
- {
- var type = info.RevealGeneratedShroud ? Shroud.SourceType.Visibility
- : Shroud.SourceType.PassiveVisibility;
- self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(new RevealShroudEffect(self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(order.TargetLocation), info.CameraRange, type, self.Owner,
- info.CameraStances, info.CameraSpawnAdvance, info.CameraSpawnAdvance + info.CameraRemoveDelay)));
- }
- if (Info.DisplayBeacon)
- {
- var beacon = new Beacon(
- self.Owner,
- self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(order.TargetLocation),
- Info.BeaconPaletteIsPlayerPalette,
- Info.BeaconPalette,
- Info.BeaconImage,
- Info.BeaconPoster,
- Info.BeaconPosterPalette,
- Info.ArrowSequence,
- Info.CircleSequence,
- Info.ClockSequence,
- null,
- Info.BeaconDelay,
- info.BeaconRemoveAdvance + info.CameraSpawnAdvance);
- self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
- {
- w.Add(beacon);
- });
- }
- }
- protected override void Created(Actor self)
- {
- attack = self.Trait();
- base.Created(self);
- }
- void INotifyBurstComplete.FiredBurst(Actor self, Target target, Armament a)
- {
- self.World.IssueOrder(new Order("Stop", self, false));
- }
- void IResolveOrder.ResolveOrder(Actor self, Order order)
- {
- if (order.OrderString == "Stop")
- self.CancelActivity();
- }
- }
- public class SelectAttackPowerTarget : IOrderGenerator
- {
- readonly SupportPowerManager manager;
- readonly SupportPowerInstance instance;
- readonly string order;
- readonly string cursor;
- readonly string cursorBlocked;
- readonly MouseButton expectedButton;
- readonly AttackBase attack;
- public SelectAttackPowerTarget(Actor self, string order, SupportPowerManager manager, string cursor, MouseButton button, AttackBase attack)
- {
- // Clear selection if using Left-Click Orders
- if (Game.Settings.Game.UseClassicMouseStyle)
- manager.Self.World.Selection.Clear();
- instance = manager.GetPowersForActor(self).FirstOrDefault();
- this.manager = manager;
- this.order = order;
- this.cursor = cursor;
- expectedButton = button;
- this.attack = attack;
- cursorBlocked = cursor + "-blocked";
- }
- bool IsValidTarget(World world, CPos cell)
- {
- var pos = world.Map.CenterOfCell(cell);
- var range = attack.GetMaximumRange().LengthSquared;
- return world.Map.Contains(cell) && instance.Instances.Any(a => !a.IsTraitPaused && (a.Self.CenterPosition - pos).HorizontalLengthSquared < range);
- }
- IEnumerable IOrderGenerator.Order(World world, CPos cell, int2 worldPixel, MouseInput mi)
- {
- world.CancelInputMode();
- if (mi.Button == expectedButton && IsValidTarget(world, cell))
- yield return new Order(order, manager.Self, Target.FromCell(world, cell), false)
- {
- SuppressVisualFeedback = true
- };
- }
- void IOrderGenerator.Tick(World world)
- {
- // Cancel the OG if we can't use the power
- if (!manager.Powers.ContainsKey(order))
- world.CancelInputMode();
- }
- IEnumerable IOrderGenerator.Render(WorldRenderer wr, World world) { yield break; }
- IEnumerable IOrderGenerator.RenderAboveShroud(WorldRenderer wr, World world)
- {
- foreach (var a in instance.Instances.Where(i => !i.IsTraitPaused))
- {
- yield return new RangeCircleRenderable(
- a.Self.CenterPosition,
- attack.GetMinimumRange(),
- 0,
- Color.Red,
- Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));
- yield return new RangeCircleRenderable(
- a.Self.CenterPosition,
- attack.GetMaximumRange(),
- 0,
- Color.Red,
- Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));
- }
- }
- string IOrderGenerator.GetCursor(World world, CPos cell, int2 worldPixel, MouseInput mi)
- {
- return IsValidTarget(world, cell) ? cursor : cursorBlocked;
- }
- }
+ class MwAttackOrderPowerInfo : SupportPowerInfo, Requires
+ {
+ [Desc("Range of cells the camera should reveal around target cell.")]
+ public readonly WDist CameraRange = WDist.Zero;
+ [Desc("Can the camera reveal shroud generated by the GeneratesShroud trait?")]
+ public readonly bool RevealGeneratedShroud = true;
+ [Desc("Reveal cells to players with these stances only.")]
+ public readonly Stance CameraStances = Stance.Ally;
+ [Desc("Amount of time before detonation to spawn the camera.")]
+ public readonly int CameraSpawnAdvance = 25;
+ [Desc("Amount of time after detonation to remove the camera.")]
+ public readonly int CameraRemoveDelay = 25;
+ [Desc("Amount of time before detonation to remove the beacon.")]
+ public readonly int BeaconRemoveAdvance = 25;
+ public readonly WDist Speed = new WDist(89);
+ public override object Create(ActorInitializer init)
+ {
+ return new MwAttackOrderPower(init.Self, this);
+ }
+ }
+ class MwAttackOrderPower : SupportPower, INotifyCreated, INotifyBurstComplete, IResolveOrder
+ {
+ readonly MwAttackOrderPowerInfo info;
+ AttackBase attack;
+ private bool callStop;
+ public MwAttackOrderPower(Actor self, MwAttackOrderPowerInfo info)
+ : base(self, info)
+ {
+ this.info = info;
+ }
+ public override void SelectTarget(Actor self, string order, SupportPowerManager manager)
+ {
+ Game.Sound.PlayToPlayer(SoundType.UI, manager.Self.Owner, Info.SelectTargetSound);
+ self.World.OrderGenerator = new SelectAttackPowerTarget(self, order, manager, info.Cursor, MouseButton.Left, attack);
+ }
+ public override void Activate(Actor self, Order order, SupportPowerManager manager)
+ {
+ base.Activate(self, order, manager);
+ callStop = false;
+ attack.AttackTarget(Target.FromCell(self.World, order.TargetLocation), false, false, true);
+ if (info.CameraRange != WDist.Zero)
+ {
+ var type = info.RevealGeneratedShroud
+ ? Shroud.SourceType.Visibility
+ : Shroud.SourceType.PassiveVisibility;
+ self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(new RevealShroudEffect(self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(order.TargetLocation), info.CameraRange, type, self.Owner,
+ info.CameraStances, +(self.CenterPosition - self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(order.TargetLocation)).Length / info.Speed.Length - info.CameraSpawnAdvance,
+ info.CameraSpawnAdvance + info.CameraRemoveDelay)));
+ }
+ if (Info.DisplayBeacon)
+ {
+ var beacon = new Beacon(
+ self.Owner,
+ self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(order.TargetLocation),
+ Info.BeaconPaletteIsPlayerPalette,
+ Info.BeaconPalette,
+ Info.BeaconImage,
+ Info.BeaconPoster,
+ Info.BeaconPosterPalette,
+ Info.ArrowSequence,
+ Info.CircleSequence,
+ Info.ClockSequence,
+ null,
+ Info.BeaconDelay,
+ info.BeaconRemoveAdvance + info.CameraSpawnAdvance + (self.CenterPosition - self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(order.TargetLocation)).Length / info.Speed.Length);
+ self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => { w.Add(beacon); });
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void Created(Actor self)
+ {
+ attack = self.Trait();
+ base.Created(self);
+ }
+ void INotifyBurstComplete.FiredBurst(Actor self, Target target, Armament a)
+ {
+ if (!callStop)
+ {
+ self.World.IssueOrder(new Order("Stop", self, false));
+ callStop = true;
+ }
+ }
+ void IResolveOrder.ResolveOrder(Actor self, Order order)
+ {
+ if (order.OrderString == "Stop")
+ self.CancelActivity();
+ }
+ }
+ public class SelectAttackPowerTarget : IOrderGenerator
+ {
+ readonly SupportPowerManager manager;
+ readonly SupportPowerInstance instance;
+ readonly string order;
+ readonly string cursor;
+ readonly string cursorBlocked;
+ readonly MouseButton expectedButton;
+ readonly AttackBase attack;
+ public SelectAttackPowerTarget(Actor self, string order, SupportPowerManager manager, string cursor, MouseButton button, AttackBase attack)
+ {
+ // Clear selection if using Left-Click Orders
+ if (Game.Settings.Game.UseClassicMouseStyle)
+ manager.Self.World.Selection.Clear();
+ instance = manager.GetPowersForActor(self).FirstOrDefault();
+ this.manager = manager;
+ this.order = order;
+ this.cursor = cursor;
+ expectedButton = button;
+ this.attack = attack;
+ cursorBlocked = cursor + "-blocked";
+ }
+ bool IsValidTarget(World world, CPos cell)
+ {
+ var pos = world.Map.CenterOfCell(cell);
+ var range = attack.GetMaximumRange().LengthSquared;
+ return world.Map.Contains(cell) && instance.Instances.Any(a => !a.IsTraitPaused && (a.Self.CenterPosition - pos).HorizontalLengthSquared < range);
+ }
+ IEnumerable IOrderGenerator.Order(World world, CPos cell, int2 worldPixel, MouseInput mi)
+ {
+ world.CancelInputMode();
+ if (mi.Button == expectedButton && IsValidTarget(world, cell))
+ yield return new Order(order, manager.Self, Target.FromCell(world, cell), false)
+ {
+ SuppressVisualFeedback = true
+ };
+ }
+ void IOrderGenerator.Tick(World world)
+ {
+ // Cancel the OG if we can't use the power
+ if (!manager.Powers.ContainsKey(order))
+ world.CancelInputMode();
+ }
+ IEnumerable IOrderGenerator.Render(WorldRenderer wr, World world)
+ {
+ yield break;
+ }
+ IEnumerable IOrderGenerator.RenderAboveShroud(WorldRenderer wr, World world)
+ {
+ foreach (var a in instance.Instances.Where(i => !i.IsTraitPaused))
+ {
+ yield return new RangeCircleRenderable(
+ a.Self.CenterPosition,
+ attack.GetMinimumRange(),
+ 0,
+ Color.Red,
+ Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));
+ yield return new RangeCircleRenderable(
+ a.Self.CenterPosition,
+ attack.GetMaximumRange(),
+ 0,
+ Color.Red,
+ Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));
+ }
+ }
+ string IOrderGenerator.GetCursor(World world, CPos cell, int2 worldPixel, MouseInput mi)
+ {
+ return IsValidTarget(world, cell) ? cursor : cursorBlocked;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/mw/maps/act01m02/map.yaml b/mods/mw/maps/act01m02/map.yaml
index 051cc09..6f9cd12 100644
--- a/mods/mw/maps/act01m02/map.yaml
+++ b/mods/mw/maps/act01m02/map.yaml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Author: CombinE
MapSize: 46,46
Bounds: 1,1,44,44
-Visibility: Lobby, MissionSelector
+Visibility: MissionSelector
Categories: Conquest
diff --git a/mods/mw/maps/act01m03/map.bin b/mods/mw/maps/act01m03/map.bin
index 9f9520b..7d655e3 100644
Binary files a/mods/mw/maps/act01m03/map.bin and b/mods/mw/maps/act01m03/map.bin differ
diff --git a/mods/mw/maps/act01m03/map.yaml b/mods/mw/maps/act01m03/map.yaml
index 546a408..cd5ef60 100644
--- a/mods/mw/maps/act01m03/map.yaml
+++ b/mods/mw/maps/act01m03/map.yaml
@@ -66,9 +66,6 @@ Actors:
Actor7: t05
Owner: Neutral
Location: 14,59
- Actor8: tc02
- Owner: Neutral
- Location: 10,56
Actor9: t16
Owner: Neutral
Location: 11,64
@@ -791,6 +788,295 @@ Actors:
Actor210: idoorsnorth
Owner: Neutral
Location: 35,2
+ Actor231: t16
+ Owner: Neutral
+ Location: 4,24
+ Actor232: t17
+ Owner: Neutral
+ Location: 12,23
+ Actor233: t17a
+ Owner: Neutral
+ Location: 16,22
+ Actor234: t17
+ Owner: Neutral
+ Location: 27,38
+ Actor235: t17a
+ Owner: Neutral
+ Location: 36,36
+ Actor237: t07
+ Owner: Neutral
+ Location: 43,31
+ Actor236: tc01
+ Owner: Neutral
+ Location: 8,30
+ Actor238: split4b
+ Owner: Neutral
+ Location: 3,33
+ Actor239: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 9,50
+ Actor240: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 10,50
+ Actor241: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 11,50
+ Actor242: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 11,49
+ Actor243: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 4,50
+ Actor244: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 5,50
+ Actor245: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 4,49
+ Actor247: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 4,48
+ Actor248: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 4,47
+ Actor246: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 13,31
+ Actor249: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 14,31
+ Actor250: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 15,31
+ Actor251: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 15,32
+ Actor252: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 15,33
+ Actor253: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 9,36
+ Actor254: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 9,37
+ Actor255: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 9,38
+ Actor256: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 10,38
+ Actor257: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 11,38
+ Actor258: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 15,38
+ Actor259: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 15,37
+ Actor260: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 15,36
+ Actor261: wdwll
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 14,38
+ Actor262: gtwnew
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 14,37
+ TurretFacing: 92
+ Actor263: gtwnew
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 10,49
+ TurretFacing: 92
+ Actor264: e3newv2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 8,50
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor265: e3newv2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 5,51
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor266: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 5,49
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor267: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 5,49
+ SubCell: 1
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor268: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 10,48
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor269: frmge
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 9,49
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor270: frmge
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 13,37
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor271: e3newv2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 16,36
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor272: e3newv2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 16,36
+ SubCell: 1
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor273: e3newv2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 16,33
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor274: e3newv2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 12,39
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor275: e3newv2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 12,39
+ SubCell: 1
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor276: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 10,37
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor277: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 10,37
+ SubCell: 1
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor278: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 14,36
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor279: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 14,33
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor280: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 14,33
+ SubCell: 1
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor281: ntent2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 12,32
+ Actor282: ntent4
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 10,35
+ Actor283: lodge
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 5,48
+ Actor284: split7
+ Owner: Neutral
+ Location: 14,43
+ Actor285: tc02
+ Owner: Neutral
+ Location: 9,56
+ Actor286: ross1
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 38,17
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor287: ross1
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 32,16
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor288: ross1
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 29,13
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor289: ross1
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 38,11
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor290: ross1
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 43,10
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor291: ross4c
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 17,6
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor292: ross4
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 18,5
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor293: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 19,5
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor294: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 19,5
+ SubCell: 1
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor295: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 16,5
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor296: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 16,5
+ SubCell: 1
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor297: e3newv2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 18,7
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor298: e3newv2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 17,7
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor299: e3newv2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 16,25
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor300: e3newv2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 15,25
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor301: e3newv2
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 15,26
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor302: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 15,24
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor303: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 14,24
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
+ Actor304: e4new
+ Owner: Baron
+ Location: 14,25
+ SubCell: 3
+ Facing: 92
MapInfoNode@ND01: MapInfoNode
Pos: -720,-191
@@ -1064,7 +1350,6 @@ Nodes:
Actor: Actor140
ConnectionType: ActorList
- Actor: Actor140
Actors: Actor140
TimerStop@ND25: TimerStop
Pos: 1195,-938
@@ -1091,7 +1376,6 @@ Nodes:
Actor: Actor138
ConnectionType: ActorList
- Actor: Actor138
Actors: Actor138
TimerStop@ND28: TimerStop
Pos: 1393,-8
@@ -1118,7 +1402,6 @@ Nodes:
Actor: Actor139
ConnectionType: ActorList
- Actor: Actor139
Actors: Actor139
TimerStop@ND31: TimerStop
Pos: 1280,763
@@ -1274,7 +1557,6 @@ Nodes:
Actor: Actor79
ConnectionType: ActorList
- Actor: Actor79
Actors: Actor79
TimerStop@ND44: TimerStop
Pos: 3241,77
@@ -1289,6 +1571,1005 @@ Nodes:
ConnectionType: ActorInfo
ActorInfo: e2new
+ MapInfoActorReference@ND46: MapInfoActorReference
+ Pos: 2746,778
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Actor: Actor77
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Actors: Actor77
+ TriggerOnKilled@ND47: TriggerOnKilled
+ Pos: 3045,887
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Node@ND46: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND48: Con1
+ TriggerWorldLoaded@ND48: TriggerWorldLoaded
+ Pos: 2488,1034
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ ActorCreateActor@ND49: ActorCreateActor
+ Pos: 3841,746
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND53: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Node@ND52: Con1
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Node@ND52: Con2
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ In@Con5:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND51: Con2
+ TriggerCreateTimer@ND51: TriggerCreateTimer
+ Pos: 3326,826
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: TimerConnection
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Node@ND54: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND47: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND52: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 3563,706
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Player: Baron
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Location: 32,23
+ MapInfoActorInfoNode@ND53: MapInfoActorInfoNode
+ Pos: 3556,503
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ ActorInfo: gtwnew.scaff
+ MapInfoNode@ND54: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 3046,658
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Num: 10
+ TriggerOnKilled@ND55: TriggerOnKilled
+ Pos: 3079,1460
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Node@ND61: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND48: Con1
+ ActorCreateActor@ND56: ActorCreateActor
+ Pos: 3875,1319
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND59: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Node@ND58: Con1
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Node@ND58: Con2
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ In@Con5:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND57: Con2
+ TriggerCreateTimer@ND57: TriggerCreateTimer
+ Pos: 3360,1399
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: TimerConnection
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Node@ND60: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND55: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND58: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 3597,1279
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Player: Baron
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Location: 27,24
+ MapInfoActorInfoNode@ND59: MapInfoActorInfoNode
+ Pos: 3590,1076
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ ActorInfo: gtwnew.scaff
+ MapInfoNode@ND60: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 3080,1231
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Num: 10
+ MapInfoActorReference@ND61: MapInfoActorReference
+ Pos: 2780,1351
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Actor: Actor76
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Actors: Actor76
+ TriggerWorldLoaded@ND62: TriggerWorldLoaded
+ Pos: 483,1652
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ TriggerCreateTimer@ND63: TriggerCreateTimer
+ Pos: 1228,1558
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: TimerConnection
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Node@ND64: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND62: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND64: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 916,1264
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Num: 5
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ String: Objective
+ Out@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ String: There is a small camp of the baron nearby. We need to destory it to secure our Base.
+ UiTextMessage@ND65: UiTextMessage
+ Pos: 1531,1460
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ Node@ND64: Con2
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ Node@ND64: Con3
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND63: Con2
+ UiNewObjective@ND66: UiNewObjective
+ Pos: 1526,1736
+ Item: Primary
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Objective
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ Node@ND67: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND63: Con2
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Node@ND67: Con2
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: PlayerGroup
+ MapInfoNode@ND67: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 1055,1862
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ String: Destroy the nearby camp!
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Player: King
+ MapInfoActorReference@ND68: MapInfoActorReference
+ Pos: 1854,1351
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Actor: Actor140
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Actors: Actor140,Actor138,Actor139
+ TriggerOnAllKilled@ND69: TriggerOnAllKilled
+ Pos: 2165,1349
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Node@ND68: Con2
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND63: Con2
+ UiCompleteObjective@ND70: UiCompleteObjective
+ Pos: 2440,1344
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Objective
+ Node@ND66: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND69: Con1
+ UiNewObjective@ND71: UiNewObjective
+ Pos: 1535,2050
+ Item: Primary
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Objective
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ Node@ND72: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND63: Con2
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Node@ND72: Con2
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: PlayerGroup
+ MapInfoNode@ND72: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 1043,2162
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ String: Explore the nearby area,
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Player: King
+ TriggerOnEnteredFootprint@ND73: TriggerOnEnteredFootprint
+ Pos: 1094,2541
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: PlayerGroup
+ Node@ND75: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: CellArray
+ Node@ND74: Con2
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ MapInfoNode@ND74: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 496,2457
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Player: King
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: CellArray
+ Cells: 19,31|19,32|19,33|19,34|19,35|19,36|19,37|27,30|26,29|26,28|25,28|24,28|24,29|25,29|25,30|26,30|23,28|22,28|22,29|21,29|20,29|20,30|19,30|19,29|21,28|24,27|27,29|23,27|22,27|23,29|20,28|19,28|20,31|20,32|20,33|20,34|20,35|20,36|20,37|20,38|20,39|20,40|19,40|19,41|18,41|17,41|17,42|16,42|15,42|15,43|15,44|15,45|14,45|14,44|16,43|17,43|18,40|19,39|19,38|14,49|14,50|14,51|14,52|14,53|13,53|12,53|11,53|10,53|9,53|8,53|7,53|6,53|5,53|4,53|3,53|2,53|1,53|0,53|0,54|1,54|2,54|3,54|4,54|5,54|6,54|7,54|8,54|9,54|10,54|11,54|12,54|13,54|14,54|15,54|15,53|15,52|15,51|15,49|15,50|14,48|14,47|15,47|15,46|14,46|15,48
+ GroupPlayerGroup@ND75: GroupPlayerGroup
+ Pos: 806,2448
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: PlayerGroup
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Node@ND74: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ UiTextMessage@ND76: UiTextMessage
+ Pos: 1860,2543
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ Node@ND77: Con2
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ Node@ND77: Con3
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND73: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND77: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 1403,2423
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Num: 5
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ String: Objective
+ Out@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ String: The baron has fortified well in this area. We need to gain control of it.
+ UiNewObjective@ND78: UiNewObjective
+ Pos: 1867,2870
+ Item: Primary
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Objective
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ Node@ND79: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND73: Con1
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Node@ND79: Con2
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: PlayerGroup
+ MapInfoNode@ND79: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 1412,2834
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ String: Gain controle of the nearby area!
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Player: King
+ TriggerOnAllKilled@ND80: TriggerOnAllKilled
+ Pos: 2433,2781
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Node@ND81: Con2
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND73: Con1
+ MapInfoActorReference@ND81: MapInfoActorReference
+ Pos: 2120,2672
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Actor: Actor262
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Actors: Actor262,Actor270,Actor271,Actor278,Actor279,Actor280,Actor273,Actor281,Actor282,Actor277,Actor276,Actor274,Actor275,Actor269,Actor263,Actor268,Actor264,Actor265,Actor283,Actor267,Actor266
+ UiCompleteObjective@ND82: UiCompleteObjective
+ Pos: 2724,2758
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Objective
+ Node@ND78: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND80: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND83: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 235,1794
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ String: Objective
+ Out@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ String: Explore the sorrounding area
+ UiTextMessage@ND84: UiTextMessage
+ Pos: 754,1777
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ Node@ND83: Con2
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ Node@ND83: Con3
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND62: Con1
+ TriggerOnEnteredFootprint@ND85: TriggerOnEnteredFootprint
+ Pos: 2414,2037
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: PlayerGroup
+ Node@ND86: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: CellArray
+ Node@ND87: Con3
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ GroupPlayerGroup@ND86: GroupPlayerGroup
+ Pos: 2126,1944
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: PlayerGroup
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Node@ND87: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ MapInfoNode@ND87: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 1816,1953
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Player: King
+ Out@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: CellArray
+ Cells: 27,29|27,28|27,27|28,27|28,26|28,28|28,29|28,30|27,30|27,26|29,26|29,27|29,28|29,29|29,30
+ UiNewObjective@ND88: UiNewObjective
+ Pos: 2809,1993
+ Item: Primary
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Objective
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ Node@ND89: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND85: Con1
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Node@ND89: Con2
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: PlayerGroup
+ MapInfoNode@ND89: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 2462,1732
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ String: Destroy the base to gain control of the castle entry.
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Player: King
+ TriggerOnAllKilled@ND90: TriggerOnAllKilled
+ Pos: 3349,1925
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Node@ND92: Con2
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND91: Con1
+ TriggerWorldLoaded@ND91: TriggerWorldLoaded
+ Pos: 2822,1793
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ MapInfoActorReference@ND92: MapInfoActorReference
+ Pos: 3078,1760
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Actor: Actor83
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Actors: Actor83,Actor79,Actor94,Actor93,Actor82,Actor87,Actor88,Actor89,Actor90,Actor92,Actor91,Actor80,Actor81,Actor84,Actor86,Actor85,Actor78
+ UiCompleteObjective@ND93: UiCompleteObjective
+ Pos: 3788,2082
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Objective
+ Node@ND71: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND90: Con1
+ UiCompleteObjective@ND94: UiCompleteObjective
+ Pos: 3753,1849
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Objective
+ Node@ND88: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND90: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND95: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 2348,2316
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ String: Objective
+ Out@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ String: Destroy the base to gain control of the castle entry.
+ UiTextMessage@ND96: UiTextMessage
+ Pos: 2759,2306
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ Node@ND95: Con2
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: String
+ Node@ND95: Con3
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND85: Con1
+ ActorQueueAttackMoveActivity@ND97: ActorQueueAttackMoveActivity
+ Pos: 3795,2601
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Node@ND98: Con2
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Node@ND102: Con1
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND99: Con2
+ MapInfoActorReference@ND98: MapInfoActorReference
+ Pos: 3155,2473
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Actor: Actor300
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Actors: Actor300,Actor299,Actor302,Actor303,Actor304,Actor301
+ TriggerCreateTimer@ND99: TriggerCreateTimer
+ Pos: 3321,2774
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: TimerConnection
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Node@ND100: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ Node@ND100: Con2
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND101: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND100: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 2981,2689
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Num: 60
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ TriggerWorldLoaded@ND101: TriggerWorldLoaded
+ Pos: 3016,2943
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ MapInfoNode@ND102: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 3491,2502
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Location: 20,29
+ ActorQueueAttackMoveActivity@ND103: ActorQueueAttackMoveActivity
+ Pos: 4306,2617
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Node@ND98: Con2
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Node@ND104: Con1
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND97: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND104: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 4037,2491
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Location: 23,40
+ ActorQueueAttackMoveActivity@ND105: ActorQueueAttackMoveActivity
+ Pos: 4788,2598
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Node@ND98: Con2
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Node@ND106: Con1
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND103: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND106: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 4519,2472
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Location: 7,42
+ ActorQueueAttackMoveActivity@ND107: ActorQueueAttackMoveActivity
+ Pos: 5308,2605
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Node@ND98: Con2
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Node@ND108: Con1
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND105: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND108: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 5047,2468
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Location: 10,26
+ TriggerOnAllKilled@ND109: TriggerOnAllKilled
+ Pos: 3642,2986
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Node@ND98: Con2
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND101: Con1
+ TimerStop@ND110: TimerStop
+ Pos: 4017,2972
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: TimerConnection
+ Node@ND99: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND109: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND111: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 4086,-405
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Player: Baron
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: CellPath
+ Cells: 41,11|41,12|38,13
+ Out@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ Out@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Location: 23,29
+ GroupActorInfoGroup@ND112: GroupActorInfoGroup
+ Pos: 4477,-704
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfoArray
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND115: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND113: Con1
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND113: Con1
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND114: Con1
+ In@Con5:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND115: Con1
+ In@Con6:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND114: Con1
+ In@Con7:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND116: Con1
+ In@Con8:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND116: Con1
+ In@Con9:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND116: Con1
+ In@Con10:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND116: Con1
+ In@Con11:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ MapInfoActorInfoNode@ND113: MapInfoActorInfoNode
+ Pos: 4084,-812
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ ActorInfo: e3newv2
+ MapInfoActorInfoNode@ND114: MapInfoActorInfoNode
+ Pos: 4084,-623
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ ActorInfo: e4new
+ MapInfoActorInfoNode@ND115: MapInfoActorInfoNode
+ Pos: 4082,-997
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ ActorInfo: frmge
+ MapInfoActorInfoNode@ND116: MapInfoActorInfoNode
+ Pos: 3858,-622
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ ActorInfo: e2new
+ Reinforcements@ND117: Reinforcements
+ Pos: 4799,-311
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Node@ND111: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfoArray
+ Node@ND112: Con1
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: CellPath
+ Node@ND111: Con2
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ In@Con5:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND120: Con2
+ ActorQueueHunt@ND119: ActorQueueHunt
+ Pos: 5489,-259
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Node@ND117: Con1
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ Node@ND111: Con3
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND128: Con1
+ TriggerCreateTimer@ND120: TriggerCreateTimer
+ Pos: 4138,22
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: TimerConnection
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Node@ND121: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ Node@ND121: Con2
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND125: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND121: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 3757,-156
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Num: 80
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ TriggerOnKilled@ND122: TriggerOnKilled
+ Pos: 4753,216
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Node@ND123: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND125: Con1
+ MapInfoActorReference@ND123: MapInfoActorReference
+ Pos: 4440,212
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Actor: Actor80
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Actors: Actor80
+ TimerStop@ND124: TimerStop
+ Pos: 5093,192
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: TimerConnection
+ Node@ND120: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND122: Con1
+ TriggerOnAllKilled@ND125: TriggerOnAllKilled
+ Pos: 3841,161
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Node@ND127: Con2
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND126: Con1
+ TriggerWorldLoaded@ND126: TriggerWorldLoaded
+ Pos: 3538,276
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ MapInfoActorReference@ND127: MapInfoActorReference
+ Pos: 3525,46
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Actor: Actor281
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Actors: Actor281,Actor282,Actor283,Actor262,Actor263
+ ActorQueueAttackMoveActivity@ND128: ActorQueueAttackMoveActivity
+ Pos: 5183,-482
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Node@ND117: Con1
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Location
+ Node@ND111: Con4
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND117: Con2
+ TriggerOnEnteredFootprint@ND129: TriggerOnEnteredFootprint
+ Pos: 4844,2112
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: PlayerGroup
+ Node@ND131: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: CellArray
+ Node@ND130: Con2
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ MapInfoNode@ND130: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 4321,1965
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Player: King
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: CellArray
+ Cells: 18,10|17,10|17,9|18,9|16,9|16,10|19,10|19,9|29,29|29,28|28,27|28,26|29,26|29,27|30,28|30,29|31,29
+ GroupPlayerGroup@ND131: GroupPlayerGroup
+ Pos: 4606,1955
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: PlayerGroup
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Node@ND130: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ TriggerCreateTimer@ND132: TriggerCreateTimer
+ Pos: 5369,2000
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: TimerConnection
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Node@ND133: Con3
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND129: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND133: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 4954,1768
+ Out@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ Num: 100
+ Out@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ Reinforcements@ND134: Reinforcements
+ Pos: 6003,1840
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Node@ND135: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfoArray
+ Node@ND136: Con1
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: CellPath
+ Node@ND135: Con2
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Integer
+ In@Con5:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND143: Con1
+ MapInfoNode@ND135: MapInfoNode
+ Pos: 5433,1654
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Player
+ Player: Baron
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: CellPath
+ Cells: 42,19|42,21|38,19
+ GroupActorInfoGroup@ND136: GroupActorInfoGroup
+ Pos: 5704,1310
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfoArray
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND137: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND137: Con1
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND137: Con1
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND138: Con1
+ In@Con5:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND138: Con1
+ In@Con6:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ Node@ND138: Con1
+ In@Con7:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ MapInfoActorInfoNode@ND137: MapInfoActorInfoNode
+ Pos: 5266,1244
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ ActorInfo: ross4c
+ MapInfoActorInfoNode@ND138: MapInfoActorInfoNode
+ Pos: 5256,1435
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: ActorInfo
+ ActorInfo: ross1
+ ActorQueueHunt@ND139: ActorQueueHunt
+ Pos: 6401,1837
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Node@ND134: Con1
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ Node@ND133: Con4
+ In@Con4:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND134: Con2
+ TriggerOnKilled@ND140: TriggerOnKilled
+ Pos: 5959,2241
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Node@ND141: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND129: Con1
+ MapInfoActorReference@ND141: MapInfoActorReference
+ Pos: 5674,2208
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Actor
+ Actor: Actor89
+ Out@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: ActorList
+ Actors: Actor89
+ TimerStop@ND142: TimerStop
+ Pos: 6279,2207
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: TimerConnection
+ Node@ND132: Con1
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND140: Con1
+ ArithmeticsOr@ND143: ArithmeticsOr
+ Pos: 5654,1943
+ Out@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ In@Con1:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND132: Con2
+ In@Con2:
+ ConnectionType: Exec
+ Node@ND129: Con1
+ In@Con3:
+ ConnectionType: Repeatable
+ Node@ND133: Con4
Rules: mw|rules/campaign-maprules.yaml
diff --git a/mods/mw/rules/baronbuildings.yaml b/mods/mw/rules/baronbuildings.yaml
index bf4ac56..5ee7000 100644
--- a/mods/mw/rules/baronbuildings.yaml
+++ b/mods/mw/rules/baronbuildings.yaml
@@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ CASTLE:
ArrowSequence: arrow
ClockSequence: clock
CircleSequence: circles
- CameraRemoveDelay: 200
- CameraSpawnAdvance: 150
+ CameraRemoveDelay: 400
+ CameraSpawnAdvance: 50
Except: Sell, Repair, Stop
diff --git a/mods/mw/rules/miscinfantry.yaml b/mods/mw/rules/miscinfantry.yaml
index ee78a63..39df3bb 100644
--- a/mods/mw/rules/miscinfantry.yaml
+++ b/mods/mw/rules/miscinfantry.yaml
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ MWLUMBEREROWNED:
IgnoresVisibility: true
- TargetTypes: Ground, Infantry, Hunterer
+ TargetTypes: Ground, Infantry, Hunterer, LLumber
Condition: DeerHunter
diff --git a/mods/mw/tilesets/temperat.yaml b/mods/mw/tilesets/temperat.yaml
index 0bfeca4..e0cc1c2 100644
--- a/mods/mw/tilesets/temperat.yaml
+++ b/mods/mw/tilesets/temperat.yaml
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ General:
HeightDebugColors: AA0000
SheetSize: 1024
+ TerrainType@ClearNoSmudges:
+ Type: ClearNoSmudges
+ TargetTypes: Ground
+ Color: 000000
Type: Beach
TargetTypes: Ground
@@ -191,6 +195,16 @@ Templates:
33: Clear
34: Clear
35: Clear
+ Template@2555:
+ Id: 2555
+ Images: bits/interior/shadow.png
+ Palette: terrainmw
+ Frames: 6
+ Size: 1,1
+ PickAny: True
+ Categories: Terrain
+ Tiles:
+ 0: ClearNoSmudges
Images: bits/terrain/terrainset.png
Palette: terrainmw