Better slideshow navigation
Intervals section
Scale fingerings
Improve self-paced scale/chord mastery
Lock part of course based on whether user has paid or not.
- Visual indicators on home page
- Lock in slideshow
- Buttons to buy
Improve profile page
- Better logout button position
- Highlight unowned products available for purchase
Improve user icon
- Indicate logged in vs logged off?
- Login button when logged off?
- same user icon taking you to profile when logged in?
- Indicate logged in vs logged off?
Make mobile usable
Review content
- "Quiz" -> "Exercise"?
- scale & chord capitalization
MIDI keyboard recommendations
Search bar?
Hide "Learn More" links?
- YouTube ads
- "Stop memorizing piano music and start understanding it
- Pay influencers?
- Get good standing on social website, share
- Facebook groups
- Forums
- Review & discount codes
roman numerals quiz
Add degree #'s to self paced chord mastery
improve self-paced pages
Make sure everything in essential music theory is also in new course
Understanding the Piano Keyboard
- Self-Paced Scale Mastery
- Improve scale type select
- MIDI piano integration
- Fingering
- Multiple mastery steps:
- Play scale in 2nds, 3rd, etc.
- Diatonic chord inversions
- Chords Section
- Self-Paced Chord Mastery
- For all root notes
- Inversions
- Note name -> scale degree
- Know intervals
- Know major scale based formula?
- For all root notes
- Self-Paced Chord Mastery
- Chord Progressions Section
- Review content
- MIDI piano integration
- ??? Advanced Chords Section ???
- Extended chords, omissions
- Chord-scale equivalence
- Improve navigation (enable easy jumping between sections).
- Improve URLs (use slashes instead of ?)
- document title changes?
- Move navigation buttons to bottom on mobile.
- Improve layout
- Self-Paced Scale Mastery
Debug & fix scale viewer & chord viewer
Fix level not being detected properly when disabling & re-enabling in piano notes exercise (orders don't match due to toggle).
Improve Quizzes
- Save quiz completion?
Account system
- Email confirmation
- 2FA?
- Save data
- Ear Training/Sight Singing Course
- Singing notes after hearing them
- Singing intervals (hear note, go up & down in random order)
- Singing scales
- Up & down
- Major
- Minor
- Self-paced
- Singing degrees
- Singing chords (really arpeggios)
- Triads -> 7 -> etc.
- Inversions
- Up/down
- Singing degrees
- Scoped stylesheets
- Fix on mobile
- Improve chord finder (E G B D F is Emin7b9)
- Turn exercises into "active" exercises
- Piano Intervals
- Piano Scales
- Guitar Intervals
- Guitar Scales
- Guitar Chords
- Future Lessons:
- Rhythm
- Sheet Music
- Rhythm
- Clefs
- Notes
- Accidentals
- Key Signatures
- Intervals
- Chords
- Dynamics
- Other markings
- Sight Singing
- Intervals (ascending & descending)
- Diatonic Intervals
- Chords
- Diatonic chords
- Scales
- Scale Degrees
- Chord "Degrees"
- Chord progressions
- Understanding the Piano Keyboard
- Piano scale drone player release stop playing?
- Pressing the correct note doesn't play the sound...
- Get rid of flash card set container height.
- Split scale types up into files.
- Refactor pitch class into multiple (canonical, ambiguous)
- Improve chord types (support arbitrary pitch integers)
- Add key signature support to:
- Sheet Music Notes
- Sheet Music Intervals
- Sheet Music Chords
- New Exercises
- Sheet Music Scales
- Add chord inversion support to (or new exercises):
- Piano Chords
- Guitar Chords
- Sheet Music Chords
- Separate "Sheet Music Chord Types" (the current "Sheet Music Chords" exercise) and "Sheet Music Chord" (which makes the user identify the chord root as well) exercises
- Base "Learn the notes on guitar in 10 steps" on the A minor scale for less steps in total. Redirect the URL.
- Number & link to figures in lessons
- Glossary
- Expand content
- Display synonyms
- ScaleViewer render()
- Get rid of material UI