From ab6c624567197ca52a0ec78be3b80ca5b50fd3d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sambidh Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 15:08:43 +0545 Subject: [PATCH] Added Sambidh photo --- Gemfile | 36 +- _data/fellowship.yml | 56 +- _data/hackathon.yml | 28 +- _data/team.yml | 4 + _drafts/ | 8 - | 16 - | 20 - | 16 - | 69 -- | 61 -- | 67 -- | 67 -- | 34 - _drafts/ | 23 - | 38 -- _drafts/ | 40 -- | 41 -- | 48 -- _drafts/ | 41 -- | 42 -- | 22 - | 22 - | 32 - | 32 - | 31 - _drafts/ | 33 - | 30 - | 28 - _drafts/ | 17 - | 27 - | 20 - | 18 - | 20 - | 20 - | 40 -- | 40 -- | 40 -- | 40 -- | 41 -- | 140 ---- _drafts/ | 137 ---- | 140 ---- | 64 -- | 64 -- | 64 -- | 50 -- | 44 -- _drafts/ | 19 - _drafts/ | 15 - | 10 - | 14 - | 56 -- | 19 - | 56 -- | 20 - | 20 - _drafts/ | 9 - | 12 - | 27 - _drafts/ | 80 --- _drafts/ | 79 --- | 48 -- | 38 -- | 38 -- | 38 -- | 9 - | 32 - | 30 - | 10 - | 69 -- | 69 -- | 69 -- _drafts/ | 9 - | 9 - .../ | 10 - | 65 -- | 65 -- | 65 -- | 65 -- _drafts/ | 10 - _drafts/ | 10 - | 40 -- | 24 - 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- | 96 --- | 80 --- | 80 --- ...60\340\245\215\340\244\250\340\245\" | 35 - | 48 -- | 49 -- | 48 -- | 100 --- | 100 --- | 38 -- | 36 -- | 55 -- | 51 -- ...0\223-A-Nepali-girl\342\200\" | 40 -- ...0\223-A-Nepali-Girl\342\200\" | 18 - ...0\223-A-Nepali-girl\342\200\" | 18 - | 29 - | 29 - | 103 --- | 103 --- | 103 --- _drafts/ | 48 -- _drafts/ | 48 -- | 38 -- | 38 -- | 9 -\342\200\" | 83 ---\342\200\" | 83 --- | 38 -- | 30 - | 38 -- | 22 - | 22 - | 40 -- | 51 -- | 40 -- | 40 -- | 40 -- | 38 -- | 14 - | 10 - | 9 - ...e-deaths-injured-\342\200\" | 43 -- ...e-deaths-injured-\342\200\" | 32 - | 320 ---------- | 36 -- | 245 ------- | 320 ---------- | 48 -- _drafts/md | 9 - | 22 - _drafts/ | 22 - | 70 -- | 70 -- | 9 - | 26 - | 26 - | 24 - | 19 - | 24 - | 74 --- | 37 -- | 33 - | 33 - | 18 - | 18 - | 18 - | 62 -- | 91 --- | 91 --- | 22 - | 24 - | 28 - | 28 - | 18 - | 18 - | 19 - | 12 - | 19 - | 35 - | 39 -- | 35 - | 35 - | 39 -- | 33 - | 33 - | 180 ------ | 180 ------ | 180 ------ | 35 - | 34 - | 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"jekyll-feed", "~> 0.12" - gem "jekyll-paginate-v2" -end - -platforms :mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin, :jruby do - gem "tzinfo", "~> 1.2" - gem "tzinfo-data" -end - -gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.1", :platforms => [:mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin] - +source "" + +gem "jekyll", "~> 4.1.1" +gem "jekyll-agency" +gem "minima", "~> 2.5" + +group :jekyll_plugins do + gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.12" + gem "jekyll-paginate-v2" +end + +platforms :mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin, :jruby do + gem "tzinfo", "~> 1.2" + gem "tzinfo-data" +end + +gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.1", :platforms => [:mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin] + gem "webrick", "~> 1.7" diff --git a/_data/fellowship.yml b/_data/fellowship.yml index bca4dfe0..672b5cff 100644 --- a/_data/fellowship.yml +++ b/_data/fellowship.yml @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ -about: - title: "Data Fellowship 2023" - image: "assets/about.svg" - template: "default" - text: " - We are pleased to announce that applications are open for Data Fellowship. The objective of this fellowship organized by Code for Nepal with support from **[DataCamp](** is to help anyone, especially those who are impacted by COVID-19, build their data skills and make progress in their lives. -

- Eligibility: **Nepalis in and outside of Nepal.** Especially, Nepali women around the world, youths and professionals, from Provinces 2 and 6 are highly encouraged to apply. -

-_Data Fellows will get access to Premium **DataCamp** subscription (usually it costs $149/year) and support for career opportunities, & networking._ -

-We are grateful to DataCamp for donating access to their expert-led data skill training. DataCamp offers online training for all data skills and levels, from non-coding essentials for business to data science and machine learning, all taught by leading experts in the field. DataCamp is used by 1,600+ companies such as Google, Uber, PayPal and others to build skills of their employees. -

-**Every Nepali interested in learning new skills can apply. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. See below for details about the Fellowship and apply!** - - " - - about_program: " - The Data Fellowship includes: -
  1. A DataCamp Premium subscription to take courses and earn certificates.
  2. -
  3. Opportunity to publish data visualizations and blog posts via Code for Nepal site. (When data visualizations and or blog posts of fellows who have earned DataCamp certificate will be selected to be published by Code for Nepal.)
  4. -
  5. Industry/academia expert teaching assistants (offline and online) to support learning, community participation.
  6. -
  7. Involvement in Open Source Projects.
  8. -
  9. A digital certificate from Code for Nepal after the completion of the fellowship.
  10. -
  11. Opportunity to contribute to amazing open source data projects after completion of the program.
  12. -
  13. Opportunity be part of Code For Nepal Community.
  14. -
+about: + title: "Data Fellowship 2023" + image: "assets/about.svg" + template: "default" + text: " + We are pleased to announce that applications are open for Data Fellowship. The objective of this fellowship organized by Code for Nepal with support from **[DataCamp](** is to help anyone, especially those who are impacted by COVID-19, build their data skills and make progress in their lives. +

+ Eligibility: **Nepalis in and outside of Nepal.** Especially, Nepali women around the world, youths and professionals, from Provinces 2 and 6 are highly encouraged to apply. +

+_Data Fellows will get access to Premium **DataCamp** subscription (usually it costs $149/year) and support for career opportunities, & networking._ +

+We are grateful to DataCamp for donating access to their expert-led data skill training. DataCamp offers online training for all data skills and levels, from non-coding essentials for business to data science and machine learning, all taught by leading experts in the field. DataCamp is used by 1,600+ companies such as Google, Uber, PayPal and others to build skills of their employees. +

+**Every Nepali interested in learning new skills can apply. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. See below for details about the Fellowship and apply!** + + " + + about_program: " + The Data Fellowship includes: +
  1. A DataCamp Premium subscription to take courses and earn certificates.
  2. +
  3. Opportunity to publish data visualizations and blog posts via Code for Nepal site. (When data visualizations and or blog posts of fellows who have earned DataCamp certificate will be selected to be published by Code for Nepal.)
  4. +
  5. Industry/academia expert teaching assistants (offline and online) to support learning, community participation.
  6. +
  7. Involvement in Open Source Projects.
  8. +
  9. A digital certificate from Code for Nepal after the completion of the fellowship.
  10. +
  11. Opportunity to contribute to amazing open source data projects after completion of the program.
  12. +
  13. Opportunity be part of Code For Nepal Community.
  14. +
" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_data/hackathon.yml b/_data/hackathon.yml index 6cd307ec..35ea94fd 100644 --- a/_data/hackathon.yml +++ b/_data/hackathon.yml @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ -about: - title: "Data Crunch 2024" - image: "assets/about.svg" - template: "default" - text: " - Step into the world of Data Crunch 2024, an exhilarating hackathon proudly brought to you by Code For Nepal. Immerse yourself in this dynamic event, where creativity meets innovation. Join us in crafting a cutting-edge Prototype/MVP for a transformative data project centered around the rich and diverse data landscape of Nepal. Unleash your potential, connect with like-minded enthusiasts, and pave the way for data-driven solutions that can make a real impact. The future of data awaits, and it starts with you at Data Crunch 2024! - " - - about_program: " -Assemble a dynamic team of 3-6 members to pioneer the transformation of Nepal's future through data exploration in diverse domains such as environment, healthcare, transportation, and more. Immerse yourselves in the wealth of non-proprietary data, crafting open-sourced and meticulously documented projects that range from dynamic prototypes to actionable solutions, all housed in Code For Nepal's repository. -

-During the hackathon, the emphasis is not on execution but on the creation of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Present a compelling argument showcasing your understanding of the problem, innovative approach, proposed solution, and potential impact. Following the event, you stand a chance to be awarded cash incentives, providing you with the means to advance and refine your ideas beyond the hackathon. This is an opportunity to not only ideate but to embark on a journey of continued development and real-world impact. Your vision for a data-driven Nepal begins here. - - +about: + title: "Data Crunch 2024" + image: "assets/about.svg" + template: "default" + text: " + Step into the world of Data Crunch 2024, an exhilarating hackathon proudly brought to you by Code For Nepal. Immerse yourself in this dynamic event, where creativity meets innovation. Join us in crafting a cutting-edge Prototype/MVP for a transformative data project centered around the rich and diverse data landscape of Nepal. Unleash your potential, connect with like-minded enthusiasts, and pave the way for data-driven solutions that can make a real impact. The future of data awaits, and it starts with you at Data Crunch 2024! + " + + about_program: " +Assemble a dynamic team of 3-6 members to pioneer the transformation of Nepal's future through data exploration in diverse domains such as environment, healthcare, transportation, and more. Immerse yourselves in the wealth of non-proprietary data, crafting open-sourced and meticulously documented projects that range from dynamic prototypes to actionable solutions, all housed in Code For Nepal's repository. +

+During the hackathon, the emphasis is not on execution but on the creation of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Present a compelling argument showcasing your understanding of the problem, innovative approach, proposed solution, and potential impact. Following the event, you stand a chance to be awarded cash incentives, providing you with the means to advance and refine your ideas beyond the hackathon. This is an opportunity to not only ideate but to embark on a journey of continued development and real-world impact. Your vision for a data-driven Nepal begins here. + + " \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_data/team.yml b/_data/team.yml index 40e53a3e..234fc992 100644 --- a/_data/team.yml +++ b/_data/team.yml @@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ people: image: "/assets/img/team/ravi_kumar.jpg" linkedin_url: + - name: Sambidh Rai + image: "/assets/img/team/sambidh.png" + linkedin_url: + - name: Shreeya Khadka image: "/assets/img/team/placeholder.png" linkedin_url: diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8c702ff6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1027 -date: 2016-03-14T00:16:44-04:00 -author: Prashish Rajbhandari -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1026-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 666fd996..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1160 -title: More than 7 in 10 road accidents in Nepal are caused by negligent drivers -date: 2016-03-24T22:14:09-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1157-autosave-v1/ ---- -Road accidents in Nepal have increased over the last few years. We looked at a report published by Nepal Police in 2015 to see what causes most accidents in Nepal. More than 7 in 10 accidents in Nepal are caused by negligence of drivers in Nepal, according the data published by Nepal Police. “Data covers the range of July, 2014 to June 2015, provided & verified by PHQ Traffic Directorate.” - -There were over 8,700 accidents in Nepal between July 2014 and June 2015. Over 6.600 were caused by negligent drivers. Check out the chart below to see what else caused accidents. - - - -Data source: Nepal Police (PDF) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index ea59bd7d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1164 -title: More than 7 in 10 road accidents in Nepal are caused by negligent drivers -date: 2016-03-24T22:35:45-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1157-revision-v1/ ---- -Road accidents in Nepal have increased over the last few years. - -We looked at a report published by Nepal Police in 2015 to see what causes most accidents in Nepal. **More than 7 in 10 accidents in Nepal are caused by negligent drivers**, according to the data published by Nepal Police. - -“Data covers the range of July, 2014 to June 2015, provided & verified by PHQ Traffic Directorate.” - -There were over 8,700 accidents in Nepal between July 2014 and June 2015. Over 6,600 were caused by negligent drivers. Check out the chart below to see what else caused accidents. - - - -Data source: Nepal Police (PDF) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b605214d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1159 -title: More than 7 in 10 road accidents in Nepal are causes by negligence of drivers in Nepal -date: 2016-03-24T22:08:10-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1157-revision-v1/ ---- -Road accidents in Nepal has increased over the last few years. We looked at a report published by Nepal Police in 2015 to see what causes most accidents in Nepal. More than 7 in 10 accidents in Nepal are caused by negligence of drivers in Nepal, according the data published by Nepal Police. “Data covers the range of July, 2014 to June 2015, provided & verified by PHQ Traffic Directorate.” - -There were over 8,700 accidents in Nepal between July 2014 and June 2015. Over 6.600 were caused by negligent drivers. Check out the chart below to see what else caused accidents. - - - -Data source: Nepal Police (PDF) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7d5a5e77..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 437 -title: 14 promises the Nepal Government has made to improve health conditions for people affected by the Earthquake -date: 2015-06-14T22:00:47-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/06/433-autosave-v1/ ---- -
- Government goal to improve health sector in post quake Nepal - -

- Source: Gov of Nepal. (Excuse typos.) -

- -On April 25 and May 12, Nepal was hit by devastating earthquakes. There have been more than 8,700 deaths, and more than 22,000 injuries, according to the Government of Nepal (GoN). - -Ministry of Health and Population in Nepal has a network of 4,188 health facilities, according to the Post Disaster Needs Assessment and Recovery Plan of Health and Population Sector report (pdf). - -They range from specialized hospitals to health posts in village development committees to urban health centers in municipalities. Also there are more than 350 private health facilities in the country. - -446 public health facilities including administrative building and 16 private facilities are completely destroyed. 765 health facility or administrative building are partially damaged. - -Nearly 84% (375 out of 446) of the completely damaged health facilities are from the 14 most affected districts. - -**COST:** - -The government has estimated that 11.27 billion NPR (approx 110 million USD) is needed for the recovery and reconstruction of the health sector. - -Costs for intermediate (over the FY of 2015/16) and medium term (2015/16- 2019/20) needs are estimated to be 1.36 billion and 9.75 billion respectively. - -_**Here are the promises the Nepal Government has made to improve health conditions for people affected by the earthquake in Nepal. **_ - -**Deadline set by GoN for these immediate plans: JULY 15, 2015  ** - - 1. Provision of rent or tent for damaged facilities - 2. Demolition of fully damaged facilities - 3. Provision of additional human resources - 4. Repair of partial damaged buildings - 5. Ensure drugs and supplies - 6. Reinstitute information management system - 7. Continue surveillance system - -****Estimated cost: 153 million NPR (approx 150,000 USD)**** - -  - -**Deadline set by GoN for **these intermediate plans**: FY 2015/2016  ** - - 1. Repair and retrofitting of building - 2. Establish pre fabricated structures - 3. Provision of longer term human resources & capacity building - 4. Establish shelter and rehabilitation homes - 5. Strengthen surveillance system and improve quality of services - 6. Initiate process for reconstruction of concrete infrastructure - -****Estimated cost: 1.36 billion NPR (13.3 million USD) **** - -  - -**Deadline set by GoN for these medium plans: Medium term FY 2015-16-2019/2020 ** - - 1. Assessment of existing health facility networks and capacity - 2. Planning of health facilities based on population and geographic consideration - 3. Strengthening of health facility networks and service delivery by reconstructing as per the concept of build back better - -**Estimated cost: 9.75 billion NPR(approx 97 million USD) ** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 72cf7e7b..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 439 -title: '14 promises Nepal Government has made to improve health condition of people affected by Earthquake' -date: 2015-06-14T21:51:13-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/06/433-revision-v1/ ---- -
- Government goal to improve health sector in post quake Nepal - -

- Source: Gov of Nepal. (Excuse typos.) -

- -On April 25 and May 12, Nepal was hit by devastating earthquakes. There have been more than 8,700 deaths, and more than 22,000 injuries, according to the Government of Nepal (GoN). - -Ministry of Health and Population in Nepal has a network of 4,188 health facilities, according to the Post Disaster Needs Assessment and Recovery Plan of Health and Population Sector report (pdf). - -They range from specialized hospitals, to health posts in village development committees to urban health centers in municipalities. Also there are more than 350 private health facilities in the country. - -446 public health facilities including administrative building and 16 private facilities are completely destroyed. 765 health facility or administrative building are partially damaged. - -Nearly 84% (375 out of 446) of the completely damaged health facilities are from the 14 most affected districts. - -**COST:** - -The government has estimated that 11.27 billion NPR (approx 110 million USD) is needed for the recovery and reconstruction of health sector. - -Costs for intermediate (over the FY of 2015/16) and medium term (2015/16- 2019/20) needs are estimated to be 1.36 billion and 9.75 billion respectively. - -**Here are the promises the Nepal Government has made to improve health condition of people affected by earthquake in Nepal. ** - -  - -**DEADLINE set by GoN for these immediate plans: JULY 15, 2015 // ESTIMATED COST: 153 million NPR (approx 150,000 USD)** - - 1. Provision of rent or tent for damaged facilities - 2. Demolition of fully damaged facilities - 3. Provision of additional human resources - 4. Repair of partial damaged buildings - 5. Ensure drugs and supplies - 6. Reinstitute information management system - 7. Continue surveillance system - -**DEADLINE set by GoN for **these intermediate plans**: FY 2015/2016 // ESTIMATED COST: 1.36 billion NPR (13.3 million USD) ** - - 1. Repair and retrofitting of building - 2. Establishing pre fabricated structures - 3. Provision of longer term human resources & capacity building - 4. Establish shelter and rehabilitation homes - 5. Strengthen surveillance system and improve quality of services - 6. Initiate process for reconstruction of concrete infrastructure - -**DEADLINE set by GoN for these medium plans: Medium term FY 2015-16-2019/2020 ESTIMATED COST: 9.75 billion NPR(approx 97 million USD) ** - - 1. Assessment of existing health facility networks and capacity - 2. Planning of health facilities based on population and geographic consideration - 3. Strengthening of health facility networks and service delivery by reconstructing as per the concept of build back better \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 93a2aafe..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 443 -title: 14 promises the Nepal Government has made to improve health conditions for people affected by the Earthquake -date: 2015-06-14T22:23:23-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/06/433-revision-v1/ ---- -
- Government goal to improve health sector in post quake Nepal - -

- Source: Gov of Nepal. (Excuse typos.) -

- -On April 25 and May 12, Nepal was hit by devastating earthquakes. There have been more than 8,700 deaths, and more than 22,000 injuries, according to the Government of Nepal (GoN). - -Ministry of Health and Population in Nepal has a network of 4,188 health facilities, according to the Post Disaster Needs Assessment and Recovery Plan of Health and Population Sector report (pdf). - -They range from specialized hospitals to health posts in village development committees to urban health centers in municipalities. Also there are more than 350 private health facilities in the country. - -446 public health facilities including administrative building and 16 private facilities are completely destroyed. 765 health facility or administrative building are partially damaged. - -Nearly 84% (375 out of 446) of the completely damaged health facilities are from the 14 most affected districts. - -**COST:** - -The government has estimated that 11.27 billion NPR (approx 110 million USD) is needed for the recovery and reconstruction of the health sector. - -_**Here are the promises the Nepal Government has made to improve health conditions for people affected by the earthquake in Nepal. **_ - -**Deadline set by GoN for these immediate plans: JULY 15, 2015  ** - - 1. Provision of rent or tent for damaged facilities - 2. Demolition of fully damaged facilities - 3. Provision of additional human resources - 4. Repair of partial damaged buildings - 5. Ensure drugs and supplies - 6. Reinstitute information management system - 7. Continue surveillance system - -****Estimated cost: 153 million NPR (approx 150,000 USD)**** - -  - -**Deadline set by GoN for **these intermediate plans**: FY 2015/2016  ** - - 1. Repair and retrofitting of building - 2. Establish pre fabricated structures - 3. Provision of longer term human resources & capacity building - 4. Establish shelter and rehabilitation homes - 5. Strengthen surveillance system and improve quality of services - 6. Initiate process for reconstruction of concrete infrastructure - -****Estimated cost: 1.36 billion NPR (13.3 million USD) **** - -  - -**Deadline set by GoN for these medium plans: Medium term FY 2015-16-2019/2020 ** - - 1. Assessment of existing health facility networks and capacity - 2. Planning of health facilities based on population and geographic consideration - 3. Strengthening of health facility networks and service delivery by reconstructing as per the concept of build back better - -**Estimated cost: 9.75 billion NPR(approx 97 million USD) ** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index bf7ef4de..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 444 -title: 16 promises the Nepal Government has made to improve health conditions for people affected by the Earthquake -date: 2015-06-15T07:42:05-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/06/433-revision-v1/ ---- -
- Government goal to improve health sector in post quake Nepal - -

- Source: Gov of Nepal. (Excuse typos.) -

- -On April 25 and May 12, Nepal was hit by devastating earthquakes. There have been more than 8,700 deaths, and more than 22,000 injuries, according to the Government of Nepal (GoN). - -Ministry of Health and Population in Nepal has a network of 4,188 health facilities, according to the Post Disaster Needs Assessment and Recovery Plan of Health and Population Sector report (pdf). - -They range from specialized hospitals to health posts in village development committees to urban health centers in municipalities. Also there are more than 350 private health facilities in the country. - -446 public health facilities including administrative building and 16 private facilities are completely destroyed. 765 health facility or administrative building are partially damaged. - -Nearly 84% (375 out of 446) of the completely damaged health facilities are from the 14 most affected districts. - -**COST:** - -The government has estimated that 11.27 billion NPR (approx 110 million USD) is needed for the recovery and reconstruction of the health sector. - -_**Here are the promises the Nepal Government has made to improve health conditions for people affected by the earthquake in Nepal. **_ - -**Deadline set by GoN for these immediate plans: JULY 15, 2015  ** - - 1. Provision of rent or tent for damaged facilities - 2. Demolition of fully damaged facilities - 3. Provision of additional human resources - 4. Repair of partial damaged buildings - 5. Ensure drugs and supplies - 6. Reinstitute information management system - 7. Continue surveillance system - -****Estimated cost: 153 million NPR (approx 150,000 USD)**** - -  - -**Deadline set by GoN for **these intermediate plans**: FY 2015/2016  ** - - 1. Repair and retrofitting of building - 2. Establish pre fabricated structures - 3. Provision of longer term human resources & capacity building - 4. Establish shelter and rehabilitation homes - 5. Strengthen surveillance system and improve quality of services - 6. Initiate process for reconstruction of concrete infrastructure - -****Estimated cost: 1.36 billion NPR (13.3 million USD) **** - -  - -**Deadline set by GoN for these medium plans: Medium term FY 2015-16-2019/2020 ** - - 1. Assessment of existing health facility networks and capacity - 2. Planning of health facilities based on population and geographic consideration - 3. Strengthening of health facility networks and service delivery by reconstructing as per the concept of build back better - -**Estimated cost: 9.75 billion NPR(approx 97 million USD) ** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8e0b96a7..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1469 -title: 4 charts that show Nepal has made progress -date: 2018-06-02T06:06:03-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/06/1464-autosave-v1/ ---- -[Subarna Tandukar]( - -_Photo: Subarna Tandukar_ - -When a country is struggling on a daily basis to meet its basic needs, it’s hard to believe that over the last few decades, Nepal has made progress. Here are four charts that show how Nepal progressed. Check it out and share with others! - -**In 1960, the life expectancy of an average Nepali was just a little more than 35 years. In 2015, it’s almost 70 years. Life expectancy has doubled in the last 50+ years in Nepal! ** - - - -**In 2005, only about 1 in 100 Nepalis had a subscription to a cellular mobile. In 2015, just 10 years later later, all most all Nepalis have a cellular mobile phone.** - - - -**In 1960, 32 out of every 100 babies born died before they turned five. In 2015, three out of every 100 babies died before they turned five. The infant mortality rate has drastically decreased. There’s still a lot of progress to make! ** - - - -**We know youth are the future of a country. In 1981, the youth literacy rate was about 30 percent. In 2015, the youth literacy rate was 90 percent. That means 9 in 10 Nepalis between ages 15 and 24 can read and write! That’s progress!** - - - -To be clear, Nepal is still one of the poorest countries in the world. There are a lot of challenges in Nepal. These charts show that Nepal has the potential to do better! - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6da163b3..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1465 -date: 2016-09-27T21:33:21-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/09/1464-revision-v1/ ---- -When a country is struggling on a daily basis to meet its basic needs, it’s hard to believe that over the last few decades, Nepal has made progress. Here are four charts that show how Nepal has made progress! Check it and share with others! - -**In 1960, the life expectancy of an average Nepal was just a little more than 35 years! In 2014, it’s almost 70 years! Life expectancy has doubled in the last fifty-four years in Nepal! ** - - - -**In 2005, only just about 1 in 100 Nepali had a subscription to cellular mobile. In 2014, less than a decade later, more than 80 in 100 Nepalis has a subscription to cellular mobile. ** - - - -  - -
- In 1960, out of every 10 babies born in three die before they turned five. In 2014, out of every 100 babies three die before they turn five. The infant mortality rate has  drastically decreased. There’s still a lot to make progress!  -
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 697a6bbd..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2146 -title: 4 charts that show Nepal has made progress -date: 2018-06-02T06:07:54-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/06/1464-revision-v1/ ---- -[Subarna Tandukar]( - -_Photo: Subarna Tandukar_ - -When a country is struggling on a daily basis to meet its basic needs, it’s hard to believe that over the last few decades, Nepal has made progress. Here are four charts that show how Nepal progressed. Check it out and share with others! - -**In 1960, the life expectancy of an average Nepali was just a little more than 35 years. In 2015, it’s almost 70 years. Life expectancy has doubled in the last 50+ years in Nepal! ** - - - -**In 2005, only about 1 in 100 Nepalis had a subscription to a cellular mobile. In 2015, just 10 years later later, all most all Nepalis have a cellular mobile phone.** - - - -**In 1960, 32 out of every 100 babies born died before they turned five. In 2015, three out of every 100 babies died before they turned five. The infant mortality rate has drastically decreased. There’s still a lot of progress to make! ** - - - -**We know youth are the future of a country. In 1981, the youth literacy rate was about 30 percent. In 2015, the youth literacy rate was 90 percent. That means 9 in 10 Nepalis between ages 15 and 24 can read and write! That’s progress!** - - - -To be clear, Nepal is still one of the poorest countries in the world. There are a lot of challenges in Nepal. These charts show that Nepal has the potential to do better! - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. - -  - -**This was originally published in Sept. 2016, and recently updated in June 2018. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 82fe6bca..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 696 -date: 2016-02-15T15:46:12-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/02/692-revision-v1/ ---- -Kids in Barpark. Photo: Code for Nepal - -Barpark, a town of 7,900 people was on its way to be a model village in Nepal. It had relatively good infrastructure and uninterrupted electricity. There were six schools, a health post, a police station, and about 20 small businesses. - -There are not many villages like this in Nepal. - -Like many other parts of Nepal, however, the primary source of income in Barpark is remittances from family members who are working abroad. Located about 1,900 meters above sea level, Barpark has gorgeous views of the Himalayas, and was a popular destination for tourists before the earthquake, which brought additional income to locals. - -But on April 25, 2015 things changed forever. Barpark, a town inhabited by ethnic groups like Gurungs and Sunuwars, became the epicenter of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal. - -Compared to other parts of Nepal, there was relatively higher media attention toward Barpark. But reliable data about the situation in Barpark wasn’t readily available. As part of Code for Nepal’s multi-year project, _Rahat Payo_, a group of surveyors visited Barpark in January 2016 — nine months after the earthquake — to assess whether relief efforts have been efficient and equitable, and what the immediate and long-term needs of people are, in Barpark. - -barpark_2 - -_Rahat Payo_ aims to fill a gap that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake that killed over [8,500 people, destroyed more than 600,000 houses]( and affected at least 8 million people in Nepal. Our survey in Barpark follows Code for Nepal’s initial Rahat Payo pilot project conducted in August 2015 in 40 locations across five districts, covering 776 earthquake-affected people. - -In Barpark, Code for Nepal’s team of four surveyed 703 people, approximately 9% of the total population. 400 of the respondents (57%) were female. In the village, there were more women than men. Locals told us that it’s because men have left the village in search of jobs. The average age of the respondents was 42. - -While over 98% of the respondents said they received some form of relief within 1-8 weeks of the earthquake, most of them continued to live in temporary shelters, even as temperatures dropped below zero degrees celsius during the winter. Virtually everyone — 99.4% of respondents — said their house was destroyed or damaged. Over 18% were injured, and 5% had lost a relative. - -Even though most people don’t have houses to live in yet, over 97% of the respondents said the local government had the capacity to respond. - -Over 97% of the respondents said that they received relief materials from NGOs or INGOs. 32% also said that they received help from the government. - -Over 68% said that immediately after the earthquake, food supplies were the most important relief item to them, while 71% said sanitation supplies, 22% said medical supplies, and 66% said tents. - -When asked what was not available to them immediately, 81% said building materials, and 61% said cash. - -When asked about their priorities over the next five years, more than 26% said they would look for employment, more than 12% said they would seek foreign employment specifically, more than 63% said they would focus on their farms, and over 61% said rebuilding would be a priority. -A few respondents, who commented on how relief could be improved in the future, emphasized the need for quick disbursement of cash and fairness when it comes to distributing relief materials. - -Data: Rahat Payo survey in Barkpark (Google Doc) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 22e61367..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 706 -title: Results from Barpark Rahat Payo survey of 703 earthquake survivors in Nepal -date: 2016-02-15T16:27:30-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/02/692-revision-v1/ ---- -Kids in Barpark. Photo: Code for Nepal - -Barpark, a town of 7,900 people in Gorkha, Nepal, was on its way to be a model village in Nepal. It had relatively good infrastructure and uninterrupted electricity. There were six schools, a health post, a police station, and about 20 small businesses. - -There are not many villages like this in Nepal. - -Like many other parts of Nepal, however, the primary source of income in Barpark is remittances from family members who are working abroad. Located about 1,900 meters above sea level, Barpark has gorgeous views of the Himalayas, and was a popular destination for tourists before the earthquake, which brought additional income to locals. - -But on April 25, 2015 things changed forever. Barpark, a town inhabited by ethnic groups like Gurungs and Sunuwars, became the epicenter of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal. - -Compared to other parts of Nepal, there was relatively higher media attention toward Barpark. But reliable data about the situation in Barpark wasn’t readily available. As part of Code for Nepal’s multi-year project, _Rahat Payo_, a group of surveyors visited Barpark in January 2016 — nine months after the earthquake — to assess whether relief efforts have been efficient and equitable, and what the immediate and long-term needs of people are, in Barpark. - -barpark_2 - -_Rahat Payo_ aims to fill a gap that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake that killed over [8,500 people, destroyed more than 600,000 houses]( and affected at least 8 million people in Nepal. Our survey in Barpark follows Code for Nepal’s initial Rahat Payo pilot project conducted in August 2015 in 40 locations across five districts, covering 776 earthquake-affected people. - -In Barpark, Code for Nepal’s team of four surveyed 703 people, approximately 9% of the total population. 400 of the respondents (57%) were female. In the village, there were more women than men. Locals told us that it’s because men have left the village in search of jobs. The average age of the respondents was 42. - -While over 98% of the respondents said they received some form of relief within 1-8 weeks of the earthquake, most of them continued to live in temporary shelters, even as temperatures dropped below zero degrees celsius during the winter. Virtually everyone — 99.4% of respondents — said their house was destroyed or damaged. Over 18% were injured, and 5% had lost a relative. - -Even though most people don’t have houses to live in yet, over 97% of the respondents said the local government had the capacity to respond. - -Over 97% of the respondents said that they received relief materials from NGOs or INGOs. 32% also said that they received help from the government. - -Over 68% said that immediately after the earthquake, food supplies were the most important relief item to them, while 71% said sanitation supplies, 22% said medical supplies, and 66% said tents. - -When asked what was not available to them immediately, 81% said building materials, and 61% said cash. - -When asked about their priorities over the next five years, more than 26% said they would look for employment, more than 12% said they would seek foreign employment specifically, more than 63% said they would focus on their farms, and over 61% said rebuilding would be a priority. -A few respondents, who commented on how relief could be improved in the future, emphasized the need for quick disbursement of cash and fairness when it comes to distributing relief materials. - -Data: Rahat Payo survey in Barkpark (Google Doc) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c4b5db1d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1281 -title: Results from Rahat Payo survey of 703 earthquake survivors in Barpark, Nepal -date: 2016-05-01T15:42:03-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/05/692-revision-v1/ ---- -
- Kids in Barpark. Photo: Code for Nepal - -

- Kids playing in Barpark, Gorkha. December 2015. -

- -Barpark, a town of 7,900 people in Gorkha, Nepal, was on its way to be a model village in Nepal. It had relatively good infrastructure and uninterrupted electricity. There were six schools, a health post, a police station, and about 20 small businesses. - -There are not many villages like this in Nepal. - -Like many other parts of Nepal, however, the primary source of income in Barpark is remittances from family members who are working abroad. Located about 1,900 meters above sea level, Barpark has gorgeous views of the Himalayas, and was a popular destination for tourists before the earthquake, which brought additional income to locals. - -But on April 25, 2015 things changed forever. Barpark, a town inhabited by ethnic groups like Gurungs and Sunuwars, became the epicenter of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal. - -Compared to other parts of Nepal, there was relatively higher media attention toward Barpark. But reliable data about the situation in Barpark wasn’t readily available. As part of Code for Nepal’s multi-year project, _Rahat Payo_, a group of surveyors visited Barpark in January 2016 — nine months after the earthquake — to assess whether relief efforts have been efficient and equitable, and what the immediate and long-term needs of people are, in Barpark. - -barpark_2 - -_Rahat Payo_ aims to fill a gap that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake that killed over [8,500 people, destroyed more than 600,000 houses]( and affected at least 8 million people in Nepal. Our survey in Barpark follows Code for Nepal’s initial Rahat Payo pilot project conducted in August 2015 in 40 locations across five districts, covering 776 earthquake-affected people. - -In Barpark, Code for Nepal’s team of four surveyed 703 people, approximately 9% of the total population. 400 of the respondents (57%) were female. In the village, there were more women than men. Locals told us that it’s because men have left the village in search of jobs. The average age of the respondents was 42. - -While over 98% of the respondents said they received some form of relief within 1-8 weeks of the earthquake, most of them continued to live in temporary shelters, even as temperatures dropped below zero degrees celsius during the winter. Virtually everyone — 99.4% of respondents — said their house was destroyed or damaged. Over 18% were injured, and 5% had lost a relative. - -Even though most people don’t have houses to live in yet, over 97% of the respondents said the local government had the capacity to respond. - -Over 97% of the respondents said that they received relief materials from NGOs or INGOs. 32% also said that they received help from the government. - -Over 68% said that immediately after the earthquake, food supplies were the most important relief item to them, while 71% said sanitation supplies, 22% said medical supplies, and 66% said tents. - -When asked what was not available to them immediately, 81% said building materials, and 61% said cash. - -When asked about their priorities over the next five years, more than 26% said they would look for employment, more than 12% said they would seek foreign employment specifically, more than 63% said they would focus on their farms, and over 61% said rebuilding would be a priority. -A few respondents, who commented on how relief could be improved in the future, emphasized the need for quick disbursement of cash and fairness when it comes to distributing relief materials. - -Data: Rahat Payo survey in Barkpark (Google Doc) -Survey: []( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 523e1499..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1591 -date: 2016-12-12T12:52:08-05:00 -author: Asmita Gauchan -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/12/1588-revision-v1/ ---- -_**Note: **This piece was first published on [Nepali Times](,3389). _ - -That women are harassed at home, in the workplace and in the streets of Nepal is well known. What was hidden was the true extent of the problem. - -Now, an online survey by Code For Nepal #IWalkFreely has shown not just the shocking extent of the problem but even more disturbing are the testimonies which speak of the horror Nepali girls and women face daily. - -‘I was once harassed by my own relative,’ wrote a 12-year-old girl. Another 13-year-old female respondent said: ‘I was walking alone in an alley in the evening and a man (not so old) groped me. I was totally shocked, couldn’t process what had just happened and he ran away.’ - -By staying silent when a woman is being teased on the streets, bystanders accept that women will always be oppressed and let it flourish. - -‘Verbal teasing and unwanted looks are things that I don’t go a day without facing. Molestation has happened so many times you can’t count it on 5 fingers. Because that doesn’t mean this is only happening to me, thousands of other females in Nepal are just like me — and that shocks me,” wrote another respondent. - -There is little repressed anger in their words because what is happening to the girls and women is unfair and unjust. There is hurt, resignation. - -‘Once I was returning from school and some vagrant was flashing. Another time I was returning home from college in a bus and a guy was running his fingers over my thigh. I scolded him and he left the bus. I was walking in a crowd during Machindranath Jatra and an old man pinched my ass. Every day as I leave home I hear comments from people, no matter if I dress up in shorts and a tight dress or in a kurta,” wrote another. - -The #IWalkFreely survey collected over 1,000 responses and 98 percent of all women said they had been harassed. Besides the streets, 71 percent of respondents of both genders also reported harassment in public transportation, 63 percent said they were subjected to physical harassment of some form, and 20 percent reported sexual harassment. - -[iwalkfreely_yes-no-chart]( - -Here is another respondent in the Code for Nepal survey: ‘During the India-Nepal Blockade, it was 7pm and carpooling was a highly chosen option. I also chose to take a lift at RNAC. My home was 30 minutes far and with a bike it can take only 10 minutes. So the motorcyclist and I were talking and going. Just some simple conversation. Then on the way there was a place where there was a bit of dark. He began to touch my legs. I told him to stop there and then. But he didn’t stop. Then he advanced his hands backwards again and touched my thighs. I screamed and he told me not to. I lied to him and said that my father is a DIG then he halted. I jumped off his bike and ran away. Crying and crying. I didn’t stop till I was near my home and didn’t even look back. I didn’t have the guts to tell anyone at home. I just cried all night and promised myself never to take a lift from strangers.’ - -[iwalkfreely_age-chart]( - -Nearly half the participants who said they had faced harassment were between 20-29 years old, and 41 percent were between 13 and 19. It isn’t only the figurative abduction of girls and women that we should fight against as a society. Street harassment, so often mistakenly seen as harmless, is a precursor to more severe forms of violence against women.  So many of the stories respondents shared didn’t stop at confessing to being harassed on the streets. As illustrated by the sampling of anecdotes in this piece, girls and women in Nepal are exposed to greater dangers than cat calls and wolf whistles. - -‘As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned to become more straightforward and unafraid of such men and stare directly at them and tell them exactly what I’m thinking or just throw up the middle finger and a dirty look,’ wrote one. It may be time to take some pointers from this brave young woman. - -Don’t shrug at these horrifying, heartbreaking stories. It is upon every man and woman to think of what can be done to change how these stories are shaped, to ensure they do not end with helpless rage or leave scars. - -_Source: [#IWalkFreely Survey Data]( - -_Infographics by Bhinnata Piya_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d2c1cc08..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1596 -title: '#IWalkFreely – Real Life Horror Stories' -date: 2016-12-12T13:13:41-05:00 -author: Asmita Gauchan -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/12/1588-revision-v1/ ---- -_**Note: **This piece was first published on [Nepali Times](,3389). _ - -That women are harassed at home, in the workplace and in the streets of Nepal is well known. What was hidden was the true extent of the problem. - -Code For Nepal’s #IWalkFreely has shown not just the shocking extent of the problem but even more disturbing are the testimonies which speak of the horror Nepali girls and women face daily. - - - -‘I was once harassed by my own relative,’ wrote a 12-year-old girl. Another 13-year-old female respondent said: ‘I was walking alone in an alley in the evening and a man (not so old) groped me. I was totally shocked, couldn’t process what had just happened and he ran away.’ - -By staying silent when a woman is being teased on the streets, bystanders accept that women will always be oppressed and let it flourish. - -‘Verbal teasing and unwanted looks are things that I don’t go a day without facing. Molestation has happened so many times you can’t count it on 5 fingers. Because that doesn’t mean this is only happening to me, thousands of other females in Nepal are just like me — and that shocks me,” wrote another respondent. - -There is little repressed anger in their words because what is happening to the girls and women is unfair and unjust. There is hurt, resignation. - -‘Once I was returning from school and some vagrant was flashing. Another time I was returning home from college in a bus and a guy was running his fingers over my thigh. I scolded him and he left the bus. I was walking in a crowd during Machindranath Jatra and an old man pinched my ass. Every day as I leave home I hear comments from people, no matter if I dress up in shorts and a tight dress or in a kurta,” wrote another. - -The #IWalkFreely survey collected over 1,000 responses and 97 percent of all women said they had been harassed. Besides the streets, 71 percent of respondents of both genders also reported harassment in public transportation, 63 percent said they were subjected to physical harassment of some form, and 20 percent reported sexual harassment. - -[iwalkfreely_yes-no-chart]( - -Here is another respondent in the Code for Nepal survey: ‘During the India-Nepal Blockade, it was 7pm and carpooling was a highly chosen option. I also chose to take a lift at RNAC. My home was 30 minutes far and with a bike it can take only 10 minutes. So the motorcyclist and I were talking and going. Just some simple conversation. Then on the way there was a place where there was a bit of dark. He began to touch my legs. I told him to stop there and then. But he didn’t stop. Then he advanced his hands backwards again and touched my thighs. I screamed and he told me not to. I lied to him and said that my father is a DIG then he halted. I jumped off his bike and ran away. Crying and crying. I didn’t stop till I was near my home and didn’t even look back. I didn’t have the guts to tell anyone at home. I just cried all night and promised myself never to take a lift from strangers.’ - -[iwalkfreely_age-chart]( - -Nearly half the participants who said they had faced harassment were between 20-29 years old, and 41 percent were between 13 and 19. It isn’t only the figurative abduction of girls and women that we should fight against as a society. Street harassment, so often mistakenly seen as harmless, is a precursor to more severe forms of violence against women.  So many of the stories respondents shared didn’t stop at confessing to being harassed on the streets. As illustrated by the sampling of anecdotes in this piece, girls and women in Nepal are exposed to greater dangers than cat calls and wolf whistles. - -‘As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned to become more straightforward and unafraid of such men and stare directly at them and tell them exactly what I’m thinking or just throw up the middle finger and a dirty look,’ wrote one. It may be time to take some pointers from this brave young woman. - -Don’t shrug at these horrifying, heartbreaking stories. It is upon every man and woman to think of what can be done to change how these stories are shaped, to ensure they do not end with helpless rage or leave scars. - -_Source: [#IWalkFreely Survey Data]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d004b743..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1725 -title: 'Meet Susan Sunuwar – a recipient of the Women in Tech Scholarship' -date: 2017-06-02T18:50:09-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/06/1720-autosave-v1/ ---- -Meet our first recipient of the Code for Nepal Women in Tech Scholarship! - -“My name is Susan Sunuwar. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor degree in CSIT, 7th semester running. I always had interest in Web Development, so I decided to apply for the scholarship as soon as I saw the notice on facebook. I hope to improve my current knowledge and skill in programming.” - -Congratulations Susan! -We are looking forward to introduce the four other recipients of the scholarship over the next few weeks! - -
- -
-  (This was originally published by TechRise. -
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8ae44af0..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1728 -title: 'Meet Susan Sunuwar – a recipient of the Women in Tech Scholarship' -date: 2017-06-02T18:52:51-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/06/1720-revision-v1/ ---- -Meet our first recipient of the Code for Nepal Women in Tech Scholarship! - -“My name is Susan Sunuwar. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor degree in CSIT, 7th semester running. I always had interest in Web Development, so I decided to apply for the scholarship as soon as I saw the notice on facebook. I hope to improve my current knowledge and skill in programming.” - -Congratulations Susan! -We are looking forward to introduce the four other recipients of the scholarship over the next few weeks! - -
- -
-  (This was originally published by TechRise.) -
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 95fca7d3..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1780 -title: The six districts in Nepal with the highest female populations in 2031 -date: 2017-07-15T18:13:28-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1772-autosave-v1/ ---- -
- Monica Jha - -

- Photo: Monica Jha -

- -According to [NepalMap](, a data reporting tool by Code for Nepal, six districts to have the highest projected female concentration in Nepal 2031 are: - -[Manang]( -[Parsa]( -[ Mugu]( - Bhaktapur - Lalitpur - Kathmandu - -Districts such as Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, and Kathmandu are known for high literacy rate -and gender equality, which could make them favorable living options for women. - -On the other hand, male counterparts in districts such as Manang, Parsa, and Mugu are known to travel gulf countries and India as migrant workers, which could explain for more female concentration left in such districts. - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d4ade638..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1774 -title: Six districts to have the highest projected female concentration in Nepal 2031 -date: 2017-07-15T18:06:27-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1772-revision-v1/ ---- -
- Monica Jha - -

- Photo: Monia Jha -

- -According to [NepalMap](, a data reporting tool by Code for Nepal, six districts to have the highest projected female concentration in Nepal 2031 are: - -Manang -Parsa -Mugu -Bhaktapur -Lalitpur -Kathmandu - -Districts such as Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, and Kathmandu are known for high literacy rate -and gender equality, which could make them favorable living options for women. - -On the other hand, male counterparts in districts such as Manang, Parsa, and Mugu are known to travel gulf countries and India as migrant workers, which could explain for more female concentration left in such districts. - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 149a60a1..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1787 -title: The six districts in Nepal with the highest female populations in 2031 -date: 2017-07-16T07:38:20-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1772-revision-v1/ ---- -[Monica Jha]( - -According to [NepalMap](, a data reporting tool by Code for Nepal, six districts to have the highest projected female concentration in Nepal 2031 are: - -[Manang]( -[Parsa]( -[ Mugu]( -[ Bhaktapur]( -[ Lalitpur]( - Kathmandu - -Districts such as Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, and Kathmandu are known for high literacy rate -and gender equality, which could make them favorable living options for women. - -On the other hand, male counterparts in districts such as Manang, Parsa, and Mugu are known to travel gulf countries and India as migrant workers, which could explain for more female concentration left in such districts. - -Check out this interactive chart to learn more: - - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. - -If you are looking for data we used in this post, check out this [Google document]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 978072db..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1897 -date: 2017-08-21T23:10:41-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/08/1895-revision-v1/ ---- -With huge urban-rural disparity in use of electricity, solar based lighting has been beneficial in rural areas where infrastructure for electricity has not yet been developed. - -The data from []( shows that 67% of people use electricity for lighting whereas while 18% people are dependent upon kerosene and 7% rely on solar energy. Browsing through data on []( the following five district relies mostly on solar energy for lighting purposes: - -[Mugu]( - -[Dolpa]( - -[Rolpa]( - -[Rukum]( - -[Jumla]( - -[]( - -Check out this [**interactive map**]( to see how many people in your district uses solar energy. Based on the [data]( collected by the Government of Nepal, there has been an exponential rise in the number of installation of solar home system in Nepal over the last 15 years. Use of solar in those places where there is no electricity is popular because of portability and low-cost. This has not only helped in lighting households but also has helped to raise living standard in many cases. - -For instance, students can have more study time on proper light at night, people can have access to tv, radio and hence get informed. The perspective of solar based technology not only serves for lighting but also for thermal generation. Though not hugely practiced, there is a huge prospect of using solar thermal technology for cooking also. - -As an initiative, [Nepal government]( has introduced more than 40%  subsidiary scheme to promote Solar Thermal System, which could be used as an alternative for firewood for cooking purposes, Institutional cooker or dryer. - -This can promote solar based cooking in those areas too.Thus, reducing strain on forests and vegetation for firewood. - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b95a2ebe..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1900 -title: In these five districts, almost half the population uses solar energy -date: 2017-08-21T23:24:54-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/08/1895-revision-v1/ ---- -With the huge urban-rural disparity in use of electricity, solar based lighting has been beneficial in rural areas where infrastructure for electricity has not yet been developed.The data from []( shows that 67% of people use electricity for lighting whereas while 18% people are dependent upon kerosene and 7% rely on solar energy. Browsing through data on []( the following five district relies mostly on solar energy for lighting purposes: - -[Mugu]( - -[Dolpa]( - -[Rolpa]( - -[Rukum]( - -[Jumla]( - -Check out this [**interactive map**]( to see how many people in your district uses solar energy. Based on the [data]( collected by the Government of Nepal, there has been an exponential rise in the number of installation of solar home system in Nepal over the last 15 years. Use of solar in those places where there is no electricity is popular because of portability and low-cost. This has not only helped in lighting households but also has helped to raise living standard in many cases.For instance, students can have more study time on proper light at night, people can have access to tv, radio and hence get informed. The perspective of solar based technology not only serves for lighting but also for thermal generation. Though not hugely practiced, there is a huge prospect of using solar thermal technology for cooking also. - -As an initiative, [Nepal government]( has introduced more than 40%  subsidiary scheme to promote Solar Thermal System, which could be used as an alternative for firewood for cooking purposes, Institutional cooker or dryer.This can promote solar based cooking in those areas too.Thus, reducing strain on forests and vegetation for firewood. - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. - -  - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d8eb1f2e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1927 -title: Which subjects are popular in higher education in Nepal -date: 2017-09-11T12:03:40-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/09/1920-autosave-v1/ ---- -[ -]( -[]( - -

- The demographics data from shows that 66% of Nepalese can read and write. However, only 39% of Nepalese have passed the primary level. To further break it down, only 10% have passed SLC, 6% have passed intermediate, 3% have graduated and only 1% have acquired a postgraduate degree. -

- -This means only 1 out of 100 Nepali has a Master’s degree and only  3 in 100 have a bachelor’s degree. The [data ]( the study major for higher education reveals that business as a study of the subject is the most popular for higher studies. [25%]( of those who pursue higher education in Nepal study business. Engineering, Law, Mathematics, Journalism, Agriculture and computing has the least numbers of students enrolled in. - -[]( - -_**Photo Credit: Peter Davis/Flickr**_ - -Furthermore, the data distribution shows a wide discrepancy in the male to female ratio within the classes such as mathematics and statistics, law, engineering manufacturing and construction, computing, agriculture forestry and fishery. - -In these fields, the ratio is such that for every two males in the classroom there exists only a single female attending the same class. This discrepancy can be ascribed to several reasons. Fewer number of female enrolled in higher education, already existing disproportionate male-to-female ratio in higher educational status, social bias towards the education of female and prevalence of stereotypical mindset on fields of study that are “suitable” for females could be few of possible reasons. - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index df084574..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1922 -date: 2017-09-11T11:49:21-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/09/1920-revision-v1/ ---- -

The demographics data from shows that 66% of Nepalese can read and write. However, only 39% of Nepalese have passed the primary level. To further break it down, only 10% have passed SLC, 6% have passed intermediate, 3% have graduated and only 1% have acquired a postgraduate degree. -

- -This means only 1 out of 100 Nepali has a Master’s degree and only  3 in 100 have a bachelor’s degree. The [data ]( the study major for higher education reveals that business as a study of the subject is the most popular for higher studies. [25%]( of those who pursue higher education in Nepal study business. Engineering, Law, Mathematics, Journalism, Agriculture and computing has the least numbers of students enrolled in. - -Furthermore, the data distribution shows a wide discrepancy in the male to female ratio within the classes such as mathematics and statistics, law, engineering manufacturing and construction, computing, agriculture forestry and fishery. - -In these field, the ratio is such that for every two males in the classroom there exist only a single female attending the same class. This discrepancy can be ascribed to several reasons. Fewer number of female enrolled in higher education, already existing disproportionate male-to-female ratio in higher educational status, social bias towards the education of female and prevalence of stereotypical mindset on fields of study that are “suitable” for females could be few of possible reasons. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b829239b..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1931 -title: Which subjects are popular in higher education in Nepal -date: 2017-09-11T20:40:17-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/09/1920-revision-v1/ ---- - - - -

- The demographics data from shows that 66% of Nepalese can read and write. However, only 39% of Nepalese have passed the primary level. To further break it down, only 10% have passed SLC, 6% have passed intermediate, 3% have graduated and only 1% have acquired a postgraduate degree. -

- -This means only 1 out of 100 Nepali has a Master’s degree and only  3 in 100 have a bachelor’s degree. The [data ]( the study major for higher education reveals that business as a study of the subject is the most popular for higher studies. [25%]( of those who pursue higher education in Nepal study business. Engineering, Law, Mathematics, Journalism, Agriculture, and computing has the least numbers of students enrolled in. - -[]( - -_**Photo Credit: Peter Davis/Flickr**_ - -Furthermore, the data distribution shows a wide discrepancy in the male to female ratio within the classes such as mathematics and statistics, law, engineering manufacturing and construction, computing, agriculture forestry and fishery. - -In these fields, the ratio is such that for every two males in the classroom there exists only a single female attending the same class. This discrepancy can be ascribed to several reasons. Fewer number of female enrolled in higher education, already existing disproportionate male-to-female ratio in higher educational status, social bias towards the education of female and prevalence of stereotypical mindset on fields of study that are “suitable” for females could be few of possible reasons. - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0660b945..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1945 -title: Kerosene usage by districts in province two of Nepal -date: 2017-09-29T06:32:41-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/09/1940-autosave-v1/ ---- -[Main type of lighting fuel in Nepal. Source:]( - -Kerosene is still used as the primary source of **lighting fuel** in districts such as Saptari, Rautahat, and Sarlahi with usage rate being close to 50% and higher. It is also used for cooking, heating, and other household purposes. - -WHO reports that breathing large quantities of kerosene vapor and drinking kerosene-based liquids may cause dizziness, headache, and vomiting. Continuous skin exposure to kerosene may result in dermatitis (eczema) and a severe form of lung injury called pneumonitis may occur if liquid kerosene is directly inhaled into the lungs. It also states that exposure to kerosene for a brief amount of time is unlikely to produce any long-term health hazards. - -A study funded by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and published in 2012 suggested that high black carbon emissions from kerosene contribute to global warming. - -Electricity seems to be another popular choice of lighting fuel in most of the districts in province two. - -Sustainable sources of fuels such as biogas and solar are least used across all districts in the province 2. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 205398b5..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1942 -title: Kerosene usage as lighting fuel by districts in province two in Nepal -date: 2017-09-26T19:55:51-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/09/1940-revision-v1/ ---- -Kerosene is still used as the primary source of lighting fuel in districts such as Saptari, Rautahat, and Sarlahi with usage rate being close to 50% and higher. It is also used for cooking, heating, and other household purposes. - -WHO reports that breathing large quantities of kerosene vapor and drinking kerosene-based liquids may cause dizziness, headache, and vomiting. Continuous skin exposure to kerosene may result in dermatitis (eczema) and a severe form of lung injury called pneumonitis may occur if liquid kerosene is directly inhaled into the lungs. It also states that exposure to kerosene for a brief amount of time is unlikely to produce any long-term health hazards. - -A study funded by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and published in 2012 suggested that high black carbon emissions from kerosene contribute to global warming. - -Electricity seems to be another popular choice of lighting fuel in most of the districts in province two. - -Sustainable sources of fuels such as biogas and solar are least used across all districts. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e9466b80..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1944 -title: Kerosene usage by districts in province two in Nepal -date: 2017-09-26T19:58:45-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/09/1940-revision-v1/ ---- -[Main type of lighting fuel in Nepal. Source:]( - -Kerosene is still used as the primary source of lighting fuel in districts such as Saptari, Rautahat, and Sarlahi with usage rate being close to 50% and higher. It is also used for cooking, heating, and other household purposes. - -WHO reports that breathing large quantities of kerosene vapor and drinking kerosene-based liquids may cause dizziness, headache, and vomiting. Continuous skin exposure to kerosene may result in dermatitis (eczema) and a severe form of lung injury called pneumonitis may occur if liquid kerosene is directly inhaled into the lungs. It also states that exposure to kerosene for a brief amount of time is unlikely to produce any long-term health hazards. - -A study funded by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and published in 2012 suggested that high black carbon emissions from kerosene contribute to global warming. - -Electricity seems to be another popular choice of lighting fuel in most of the districts in province two. - -Sustainable sources of fuels such as biogas and solar are least used across all districts. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 099befb5..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1947 -title: Kerosene usage by districts in province two of Nepal -date: 2017-09-29T06:32:48-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/09/1940-revision-v1/ ---- -[Main type of lighting fuel in Nepal. Source:]( - -Kerosene is still used as the primary source of **lighting fuel** in districts such as Saptari, Rautahat, and Sarlahi with usage rate being close to 50% and higher. It is also used for cooking, heating, and other household purposes. - -WHO reports that breathing large quantities of kerosene vapor and drinking kerosene-based liquids may cause dizziness, headache, and vomiting. Continuous skin exposure to kerosene may result in dermatitis (eczema) and a severe form of lung injury called pneumonitis may occur if liquid kerosene is directly inhaled into the lungs. It also states that exposure to kerosene for a brief amount of time is unlikely to produce any long-term health hazards. - -A study funded by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and published in 2012 suggested that high black carbon emissions from kerosene contribute to global warming. - -Electricity seems to be another popular choice of lighting fuel in most of the districts in province two. - -Sustainable sources of fuels such as biogas and solar are least used across all districts in the province 2. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4e376a90..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1955 -title: 'Majority of the #breathefreely survey respondents said 76% stated their health has been affected by the air pollution in Nepal' -date: 2017-11-14T07:26:47-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/11/1952-autosave-v1/ ---- -[Air pollution Nepal]( - -Winter usually signals the time when mountains start appearing in view from the outskirts of the Valley. But that hasn’t quite been the case these spast several years. - -This year, Kathmandu did not even have to wait for winter for the air pollution to become hazardous thanks to a combination of smoke from [crop residue burning in the Indian plains](,841), and dust from Kathmandu’s earthquake reconstruction and never-ending road-widening project. - -What is most alarming is the looming [health catastrophe triggered by this perpetual pollution](,844). Hospitals report a surge in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and even lung cancer. - -[An online survey by Code For Nepal, #BreatheFreely](, sheds light on the negative consequences of breathing this toxic air. Not surprisingly, most of the responses were from Kathmandu Valley. - -Of the 789 answers collected earlier this year, a staggering 76% stated that their health has been affected by the air pollution. Most cited were breathing problems, chest pain and eye infection. - -‘I can’t walk or ride my motorbike freely. I have to cover my whole body, from head to toe, just to block out the dust. If I don’t use a mask, I’ll have to suffer from the ensuing tonsilitis and dust allergy,’ wrote one respondent. - -The situation is even more difficult for people with existing respiratory problems: ‘I am an asthma patient and also have an allergy to dust and cold. So I have to think twice before I go out for a walk or even ride a scooter. Because of the pollution I have increased my meds to twice a day.’ - -One respondent even stated that the primary motive behind his decision to study abroad was to get away from Kathmandu’s worsening pollution. Others noted that it is not only physical health that is impacted: ‘The pollution increases my stress level and I become irritated very easily when travelling between home and work.’ - -Nearly 64% of respondents stated that they used masks on a daily basis. While air pollution is a round-the-clock problem, most said the period between 12-4pm was when the air quality was worst, probably because that is when they were out and about. Data collected from air monitoring stations by the group, Drishti, showed daily peaks in PM2.5 (the most harmful particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter) in the mornings and evenings in winter at 10 measurement stations in Kathmandu Valley. - -Drishti’s data also show that PM2.5 levels were highest from January to March 2016, reinforcing how inversion during winter months creates a dust-bowl effect, increasing the concentration of pollutants. The levels of fine particles were significantly higher between 8-11am. - -On 1 January 2017, PM 2.5 levels saw a high of 170.28µg/m³, much higher than the universally-accepted level of 15µg/m³. Between 7am-11am, PM 2.5 stayed consistently above 104µg/m³. With 10% more vehicles on the roads than last year, pollution will be even worse this winter. - -One respondent pointed out: ‘There isn’t a single hour when Kathmandu air is clean, except while it’s raining.’ - -  - -Survey data: [Google Doc]( - -Note: A similar version of this article was first published on Nepali Times. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 70dc0729..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1956 -title: 'Majority of the #breathefreely survey respondents said 76% stated their health has been affected by the air pollution in Nepal' -date: 2017-11-14T07:27:06-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/11/1952-revision-v1/ ---- -[Air pollution Nepal]( - -Winter usually signals the time when mountains start appearing in view from the outskirts of the Valley. But that hasn’t quite been the case these spast several years. - -This year, Kathmandu did not even have to wait for winter for the air pollution to become hazardous thanks to a combination of smoke from [crop residue burning in the Indian plains](,841), and dust from Kathmandu’s earthquake reconstruction and never-ending road-widening project. - -What is most alarming is the looming [health catastrophe triggered by this perpetual pollution](,844). Hospitals report a surge in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and even lung cancer. - -[An online survey by Code For Nepal, #BreatheFreely](, sheds light on the negative consequences of breathing this toxic air. Not surprisingly, most of the responses were from Kathmandu Valley. - -Of the 789 answers collected earlier this year, a staggering 76% stated that their health has been affected by the air pollution. Most cited were breathing problems, chest pain and eye infection. - -‘I can’t walk or ride my motorbike freely. I have to cover my whole body, from head to toe, just to block out the dust. If I don’t use a mask, I’ll have to suffer from the ensuing tonsilitis and dust allergy,’ wrote one respondent. - -The situation is even more difficult for people with existing respiratory problems: ‘I am an asthma patient and also have an allergy to dust and cold. So I have to think twice before I go out for a walk or even ride a scooter. Because of the pollution I have increased my meds to twice a day.’ - -One respondent even stated that the primary motive behind his decision to study abroad was to get away from Kathmandu’s worsening pollution. Others noted that it is not only physical health that is impacted: ‘The pollution increases my stress level and I become irritated very easily when travelling between home and work.’ - -Nearly 64% of respondents stated that they used masks on a daily basis. While air pollution is a round-the-clock problem, most said the period between 12-4pm was when the air quality was worst, probably because that is when they were out and about. Data collected from air monitoring stations by the group, Drishti, showed daily peaks in PM2.5 (the most harmful particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter) in the mornings and evenings in winter at 10 measurement stations in Kathmandu Valley. - -Drishti’s data also show that PM2.5 levels were highest from January to March 2016, reinforcing how inversion during winter months creates a dust-bowl effect, increasing the concentration of pollutants. The levels of fine particles were significantly higher between 8-11am. - -On 1 January 2017, PM 2.5 levels saw a high of 170.28µg/m³, much higher than the universally-accepted level of 15µg/m³. Between 7am-11am, PM 2.5 stayed consistently above 104µg/m³. With 10% more vehicles on the roads than last year, pollution will be even worse this winter. - -One respondent pointed out: ‘There isn’t a single hour when Kathmandu air is clean, except while it’s raining.’ - -  - -Survey data: [Google Doc]( - -Note: A similar version of this article was first published in [Nepali Times](,3998). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 325eea33..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1957 -title: 'Majority of the #breathefreely survey respondents said their health has been affected by the air pollution in Nepal' -date: 2017-11-14T07:29:28-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/11/1952-revision-v1/ ---- -[Air pollution Nepal]( - -Winter usually signals the time when mountains start appearing in view from the outskirts of the Valley. But that hasn’t quite been the case these spast several years. - -This year, Kathmandu did not even have to wait for winter for the air pollution to become hazardous thanks to a combination of smoke from [crop residue burning in the Indian plains](,841), and dust from Kathmandu’s earthquake reconstruction and never-ending road-widening project. - -What is most alarming is the looming [health catastrophe triggered by this perpetual pollution](,844). Hospitals report a surge in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and even lung cancer. - -[An online survey by Code For Nepal, #BreatheFreely](, sheds light on the negative consequences of breathing this toxic air. Not surprisingly, most of the responses were from Kathmandu Valley. - -Of the 789 answers collected earlier this year, a staggering 76% stated that their health has been affected by the air pollution. Most cited were breathing problems, chest pain and eye infection. - -‘I can’t walk or ride my motorbike freely. I have to cover my whole body, from head to toe, just to block out the dust. If I don’t use a mask, I’ll have to suffer from the ensuing tonsilitis and dust allergy,’ wrote one respondent. - -The situation is even more difficult for people with existing respiratory problems: ‘I am an asthma patient and also have an allergy to dust and cold. So I have to think twice before I go out for a walk or even ride a scooter. Because of the pollution I have increased my meds to twice a day.’ - -One respondent even stated that the primary motive behind his decision to study abroad was to get away from Kathmandu’s worsening pollution. Others noted that it is not only physical health that is impacted: ‘The pollution increases my stress level and I become irritated very easily when travelling between home and work.’ - -Nearly 64% of respondents stated that they used masks on a daily basis. While air pollution is a round-the-clock problem, most said the period between 12-4pm was when the air quality was worst, probably because that is when they were out and about. Data collected from air monitoring stations by the group, Drishti, showed daily peaks in PM2.5 (the most harmful particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter) in the mornings and evenings in winter at 10 measurement stations in Kathmandu Valley. - -Drishti’s data also show that PM2.5 levels were highest from January to March 2016, reinforcing how inversion during winter months creates a dust-bowl effect, increasing the concentration of pollutants. The levels of fine particles were significantly higher between 8-11am. - -On 1 January 2017, PM 2.5 levels saw a high of 170.28µg/m³, much higher than the universally-accepted level of 15µg/m³. Between 7am-11am, PM 2.5 stayed consistently above 104µg/m³. With 10% more vehicles on the roads than last year, pollution will be even worse this winter. - -One respondent pointed out: ‘There isn’t a single hour when Kathmandu air is clean, except while it’s raining.’ - -  - -Survey data: [Google Doc]( - -Note: A similar version of this article was first published in [Nepali Times](,3998). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9dfd0ef9..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1958 -title: 'The majority of the #breathefreely survey respondents said their health has been affected by the air pollution in Nepal' -date: 2017-11-14T07:31:02-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/11/1952-revision-v1/ ---- -[Air pollution Nepal]( - -Winter usually signals the time when mountains start appearing in view from the outskirts of the Valley. But that hasn’t quite been the case these spast several years. - -This year, Kathmandu did not even have to wait for winter for the air pollution to become hazardous thanks to a combination of smoke from [crop residue burning in the Indian plains](,841), and dust from Kathmandu’s earthquake reconstruction and never-ending road-widening project. - -What is most alarming is the looming [health catastrophe triggered by this perpetual pollution](,844). Hospitals report a surge in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and even lung cancer. - -[An online survey by Code For Nepal, #BreatheFreely](, sheds light on the negative consequences of breathing this toxic air. Not surprisingly, most of the responses were from Kathmandu Valley. - -Of the 789 answers collected earlier this year, a staggering 76% stated that their health has been affected by the air pollution. Most cited were breathing problems, chest pain and eye infection. - -‘I can’t walk or ride my motorbike freely. I have to cover my whole body, from head to toe, just to block out the dust. If I don’t use a mask, I’ll have to suffer from the ensuing tonsilitis and dust allergy,’ wrote one respondent. - -The situation is even more difficult for people with existing respiratory problems: ‘I am an asthma patient and also have an allergy to dust and cold. So I have to think twice before I go out for a walk or even ride a scooter. Because of the pollution I have increased my meds to twice a day.’ - -One respondent even stated that the primary motive behind his decision to study abroad was to get away from Kathmandu’s worsening pollution. Others noted that it is not only physical health that is impacted: ‘The pollution increases my stress level and I become irritated very easily when travelling between home and work.’ - -Nearly 64% of respondents stated that they used masks on a daily basis. While air pollution is a round-the-clock problem, most said the period between 12-4pm was when the air quality was worst, probably because that is when they were out and about. Data collected from air monitoring stations by the group, Drishti, showed daily peaks in PM2.5 (the most harmful particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter) in the mornings and evenings in winter at 10 measurement stations in Kathmandu Valley. - -Drishti’s data also show that PM2.5 levels were highest from January to March 2016, reinforcing how inversion during winter months creates a dust-bowl effect, increasing the concentration of pollutants. The levels of fine particles were significantly higher between 8-11am. - -On 1 January 2017, PM 2.5 levels saw a high of 170.28µg/m³, much higher than the universally-accepted level of 15µg/m³. Between 7am-11am, PM 2.5 stayed consistently above 104µg/m³. With 10% more vehicles on the roads than last year, pollution will be even worse this winter. - -One respondent pointed out: ‘There isn’t a single hour when Kathmandu air is clean, except while it’s raining.’ - -  - -Survey data: [Google Doc]( - -Note: A similar version of this article was first published in [Nepali Times](,3998). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 03acd3e3..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2291 -title: One thing to do and six things to know before saying goodbye to 2018 -date: 2018-12-24T03:44:09-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/12/2288-revision-v1/ ---- -
- -

- Happy Holidays!

- -We hope you had a great year and are enjoying the holiday season. We have been grateful for your support. As 2018 comes to an end, we wanted to thank you for supporting Code for Nepal, seek [end of year donations](, and share updates on our work over the past year. - - -Overview of what we were up to in 2018: - - -**Building the digital footprint of a city**: Janakpur is a historical and religious city in southern Nepal. By working with partners, we launched an initiative to digitize the city to attract more tourists, local businesses and people in Nepal: - -**Increasing digital and data literacy**: This year, as in the past, we continued to [analyze and visualize data]( related to Nepal. We also organized an [event in Pokhara]( and supported a young teacher’s hope to buy a [projector]( to increase digital literacy in Janakpur and [computational linguistic competition]( in Kathmandu. - -**Supporting entrepreneurs:** In collaboration with [Open Knowledge Nepal](, we launched the [Hack for Nepal]( initiative and hosted [AngelHack Hackathon]( for the first time in Nepal. This was our first experience of hosting an overnight hackathon, where more than 70 participants competed to build ‘Seamless Technology for Humanitarian Response’. - -**Increasing access to federal level data:** Nepal has new administrative boundaries. In 2016, we launched [NepalMap]( to put Nepal’s data at your fingertips. Now we are working to create a new version of [NepalMap]( to reflect the new administrative boundaries of Nepal. [Join us](! - -[**Blankets4Nepal**](**:** In early 2018, extreme cold waves affected Nepal. Many lost their lives. Code for Nepal and partners raised over $1,500 to donate blankets to those affected. - -**#KataNepali Video Competition**: After the grand success of #[KoNepali]( video and photo competition, in 2018, we organized “KataNepali” video competition asking Nepali youth all around the world their vision and aspiration for Nepal. In March, we distributed the award to the winners in Kathamandu. If you haven’t watched the [#KataNepali]( videos, please do and let’s continue to discuss the future of Nepal. - - - -Looking forward: - - -

- Scholarships for women: We are working to launch a scholarship initiative for young women to strengthen their coding skills and make them more competitive candidates for technology sector jobs in Nepal. Please donate to the scholarship fund. -

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 95e41526..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2163 -title: Which districts in Nepal produce the most milk? -date: 2018-06-10T12:59:58-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/06/2156-autosave-v1/ ---- -[]( - -Do you use milk or yogurt? Have you thought about where that milk comes from? - -Nepal produced 1,854,249 metrics tons (1,854,249,000 liters) of milk in 2016, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. - -Curious about which districts produced the most milk? Here are the top 10 districts.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- District - - Total Milk (Metric tons) -
- Kavrepalanchok - - 83509 -
- Morang - - 73207 -
- Kailali - - 64582 -
- Jhapa - - 62124 -
- Syangja - - 56080 -
- Nawalparasi - - 52047 -
- Kanchanpur - - 49022 -
- Chitwan - - 45177 -
- Makwanpur - - 43214 -
- Sunsari - - 42858 -
- -  - -To learn how much milk your district produced, check out our [interactive map on NepalMap](|country-NP&primary_geo_id=country-NP#column%7CBUFFALO_MILK%2Csumlev%7Cdistrict). - -Data source: - -[Ministry of Agriculture (PDF)]( - -or check out - -[Google doc by Code for Nepal]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6fe5b7db..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2159 -date: 2018-06-10T12:46:53-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/06/2156-revision-v1/ ---- -
- - -

- Map of districts that produced buffalo milk in 2016. Source: -

- -Do you use milk or yogurt? Have you thought about where that milk comes from? - -Nepal produced 1,854,249 metrics tons or1,854,249,000 liters of milk in 2016, according to Ministry of agriculture. - -Curious about which districts produced the most milk in Nepal? Here are the top 10 districts.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- District - - Total Milk (Metric tons) -
- Morang - - 73207 -
- Jhapa - - 62124 -
- Kailali - - 64582 -
- Kanchanpur - - 49022 -
- Ilam - - 34996 -
- Nawalparasi - - 52047 -
- Kavrepalanchok - - 83509 -
- Saptari - - 41882 -
- Sarlahi - - 33199 -
- Sunsari - - 42858 -
- -To learn how much milk your district produced, check out our [interactive map on NepalMap](|country-NP&primary_geo_id=country-NP#column%7CBUFFALO_MILK%2Csumlev%7Cdistrict). - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 10a9832e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2164 -title: Which districts in Nepal produce the most milk? -date: 2018-06-10T13:00:29-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/06/2156-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -Do you use milk or yogurt? Have you thought about where that milk comes from? - -Nepal produced 1,854,249 metrics tons (1,854,249,000 liters) of milk in 2016, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. - -Curious about which districts produced the most milk? Here are the top 10 districts.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- District - - Total Milk (Metric tons) -
- Kavrepalanchok - - 83509 -
- Morang - - 73207 -
- Kailali - - 64582 -
- Jhapa - - 62124 -
- Syangja - - 56080 -
- Nawalparasi - - 52047 -
- Kanchanpur - - 49022 -
- Chitwan - - 45177 -
- Makwanpur - - 43214 -
- Sunsari - - 42858 -
- -  - -To learn how much milk your district produced, check out our [interactive map on NepalMap](|country-NP&primary_geo_id=country-NP#column%7CBUFFALO_MILK%2Csumlev%7Cdistrict). - -Data source: - -[Ministry of Agriculture (PDF)]( - -or check out - -[Google doc by Code for Nepal]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index a25cfd85..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2173 -title: Which districts in Nepal has the most forested land? -date: 2018-07-29T12:19:31-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/07/2170-autosave-v1/ ---- -[]( - -Forests are of great importance to any country. They contribute significantly to the environment, economic and social well being of the country. Owing to the numerous benefits and the products of the forests it can be easily stated that forests are one of the invaluable gifts of nature to humankind. They are an indispensable part of our earth’s ecological system. - -A joint five-year survey conducted by the Department of Forest Research and Survey and the National Forest Products Survey Project in between 2067 to 2071 BS, shows that of the total 147,181 square kilometers area of Nepal, forest area makes up 44.74 percent. Of it, 40.36 percent is covered by forest and remaining 4.38 percent is scrubland. It is necessary for a developing country like Nepal to conserve its forest resources as forest plays a significant role in the development of a nation. - -**The top 10 list of districts with abundant forest land are as follows:** - -Districts                         Forested land (In square kilometres) - -Kailali                            2008 - -Dang                              2007 - -Sankhuwasabha           1920 - -Surkhet                         1746 - -Sindhuli                         1668 - -Taplejung                      1577 - -Makwanpur                   1527 - -Udaypur                        1501 - -Bajhang                        1487 - -Doti                               1440 - -**Top 10 list of districts with least amount of forest are as follows:** - -Districts              Forested land (In square kilometres) - -Bhaktapur            25 - -Kathmandu         152 - -Parsa                   173 - -Jhapa                   177 - -Siraha                  181 - -Saptari                 204 - -Sunsari                 219 - -Mahottari             222 - -Lalitpur                245 - -Rupandehi           251 - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index fa841951..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2174 -title: Which district in Nepal has the most forested land? -date: 2018-07-29T12:25:46-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/07/2170-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -Forests are of great importance to any country. They contribute significantly to the environment, economic and social well being of the country. Owing to the numerous benefits and the products of the forests it can be easily stated that forests are one of the invaluable gifts of nature to humankind. They are an indispensable part of our earth’s ecological system. - -A joint five-year survey conducted by the Department of Forest Research and Survey and the National Forest Products Survey Project in between 2067 to 2071 BS, shows that of the total 147,181 square kilometers area of Nepal, forest area makes up 44.74 percent. Of it, 40.36 percent is covered by forest and remaining 4.38 percent is scrubland. It is necessary for a developing country like Nepal to conserve its forest resources as forest plays a significant role in the development of a nation. - -**The top 10 list of districts with abundant forest land are as follows:** - -Districts                         Forested land (In square kilometres) - -Kailali                            2008 - -Dang                              2007 - -Sankhuwasabha           1920 - -Surkhet                         1746 - -Sindhuli                         1668 - -Taplejung                      1577 - -Makwanpur                   1527 - -Udaypur                        1501 - -Bajhang                        1487 - -Doti                               1440 - -**Top 10 list of districts with least amount of forest are as follows:** - -Districts              Forested land (In square kilometres) - -Bhaktapur            25 - -Kathmandu         152 - -Parsa                   173 - -Jhapa                   177 - -Siraha                  181 - -Saptari                 204 - -Sunsari                 219 - -Mahottari             222 - -Lalitpur                245 - -Rupandehi           251 - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index ffc7ba13..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2172 -title: Which districts in Nepal has the most forested land? -date: 2018-07-29T12:07:23-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/07/2170-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -Forests are of great importance to any country. They contribute significantly to the environment, economic and social well being of the country. Owing to the numerous benefits and the products of the forests it can be easily stated that forests are one of the invaluable gifts of nature to humankind. They are an indispensable part of our earth’s ecological system. - -A joint five-year survey conducted by the Department of Forest Research and Survey and the National Forest Products Survey Project in between 2067 to 2071 BS, shows that of the total 147,181 square kilometers area of Nepal, forest area makes up 44.74 percent. Of it, 40.36 percent is covered by forest and remaining 4.38 percent is scrubland. It is necessary for a developing country like Nepal to conserve its forest resources as forest plays a significant role in the development of a nation. - -**The top 10 list of districts with abundant forest land are as follows:** - -Districts                         Forested land (In square kilometres) - -Kailali                            2008 - -Dang                              2007 - -Sankhuwasabha           1920 - -Surkhet                         1746 - -Sindhuli                         1668 - -Taplejung                      1577 - -Makwanpur                   1527 - -Udaypur                        1501 - -Bajhang                        1487 - -Doti                               1440 - -**Top 10 list of districts with least amount of forest are as follows:** - -Districts              Forested land (In square kilometres) - -Bhaktapur            25 - -Kathmandu         152 - -Parsa                   173 - -Jhapa                   177 - -Siraha                  181 - -Saptari                 204 - -Sunsari                 219 - -Mahottari             222 - -Lalitpur                245 - -Rupandehi           251 - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4fec8c38..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2196 -title: How I had fun this summer increasing digital literacy even though I could have just limited myself to eating Mo:Mos -date: 2018-09-08T18:47:33-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/09/2194-autosave-v1/ ---- -
- - -

- High school students at a digital literacy session organized by Code for Nepal in Pokhara. -

- -Hi, I am Nischal Poudel—a Nepali student currently in a high school in the UK. This summer, I volunteered with Code for Nepal, a non-profit working to increase digital literacy and the use of open data. Our plan for the summer was to initiate projects of digital literacy and open data in Pokhara, a beautiful city in Nepal. - -To finance these plans, I first organized a fundraiser. We were able to raise $290 (Rs. 31500), and I am really grateful to the donors who contributed online and offline. Then, I started to work. - -At first, I went to two public schools (Shree Ram Jyoti Secondary school and Amar Jyoti Gau-Farka Secondary School) and had a session titled ‘Make the most out of IT’ with the class 10 students. The goal was to enable them to get the most use out of whatever technology they currently have access to. - -In the session, we discussed how today’s digital offerings can break Nepal’s infrastructural limitations, and how the students could use technology for various purposes like: - - * learning a new skill or completing a full academic degree online from Western universities; - * doing jobs remotely in the tech field; - * operating a business and using technology to sell products locally and globally. - -Next, I organized a mini-workshop on open data. At Code for Nepal, we believe that people need to have access to accurate data so that they can make better decisions. In addition to increasing access to data through , we organize workshops as well to increase data literacy. - -Titled ‘Open Data Pokhara: Initiating data-driven development’, the workshop was a success. It was organized in the ICT building of GBS (Gandaki Boarding School) thanks to the generous support of the school administration. More than 30 students and teachers participated. We looked at what open data is, how big a role it plays in our daily life, and how it can act as a catalyst in development. - -We also looked at how we can find various business opportunities in statistics by having a practical session of looking at the most searched keywords in Nepal. Based on this exercise, we came up with business ideas that ranged from making simulation games along the lines of ‘Clash of Parties’ to manufacturing Motu-Patlu (a popular video series) merchandise. - -We concluded the workshop with a session on data scraping: extracting data from the Pokhara metropolitan website, converting it to machine-readable format, and using various tools to visually represent them, while also experiencing lots of problems in the conversion process because of the way the data was published. - -A total cost of Rs. 5500 ($55) was incurred to organize the digital literacy sessions and the open data workshop. The rest of the fundraiser money ($235) will be utilized to provide scholarships to students in various IT courses. - -All in all, our plan was successful, and it was tons of fun. - -But why did I do all of this? I was a high school student on his summer holidays. I could be comfortable spending my time eating momos and sipping cold drinks by the lake in Pokhara. (I did eat momos though.) - -I did this because I believe in the potential of Nepal. Nepal can make a lot of progress by increasing access to digital technology and enabling people to make the best use of digital technology they already have. Digital literacy can bring about a big change, and address problems like brain drain, corruption, superstition, and gender and ethnic inequality in Nepal. - -I had a great summer, and I am really grateful to my support system in Pokhara that comprised of Code for Nepal members, teachers, and my friends that helped me make this possible. - -But I also realized that I need more time to make the level of impact I want to make. With the lessons I’ve learned this summer, I will keep moving forward, keep pushing Code for Nepal forward, and we will continue to deliver on our mission for a digitally literate and technically capable Nepal. - -Are you a high school student interested in joining us or organizing a program like this? Send us a message via our Facebook page, comment \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6fecd2fa..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2202 -title: How I had fun this summer increasing digital literacy even though I could have just limited myself to eating Mo:Mos -date: 2018-09-08T18:54:40-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/09/2194-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -Hi, I am Nischal Poudel—a Nepali student currently in a high school in the UK. This summer, I volunteered with Code for Nepal, a non-profit working to increase digital literacy and the use of open data. Our plan for the summer was to initiate projects of digital literacy and open data in Pokhara, a beautiful city in Nepal. - -To finance these plans, I first organized a fundraiser. We were able to raise $290 (Rs. 31500), and I am really grateful to the donors who contributed online and offline. Then, I started to work. - -At first, I went to two public schools (Shree Ram Jyoti Secondary school and Amar Jyoti Gau-Farka Secondary School) and had a session titled ‘Make the most out of IT’ with the class 10 students. The goal was to enable them to get the most use out of whatever technology they currently have access to. - -In the session, we discussed how today’s digital offerings can break Nepal’s infrastructural limitations, and how the students could use technology for various purposes like: - - * learning a new skill or completing a full academic degree online from Western universities; - * doing jobs remotely in the tech field; - * operating a business and using technology to sell products locally and globally. - -Next, I organized a mini-workshop on open data. At Code for Nepal, we believe that people need to have access to accurate data so that they can make better decisions. In addition to increasing access to data through , we organize workshops as well to increase data literacy. - -Titled ‘Open Data Pokhara: Initiating data-driven development’, the workshop was a success. It was organized in the ICT building of GBS (Gandaki Boarding School) thanks to the generous support of the school administration. More than 30 students and teachers participated. We looked at what open data is, how big a role it plays in our daily life, and how it can act as a catalyst in development. - -We also looked at how we can find various business opportunities in statistics by having a practical session of looking at the most searched keywords in Nepal. Based on this exercise, we came up with business ideas that ranged from making simulation games along the lines of ‘Clash of Parties’ to manufacturing Motu-Patlu (a popular video series) merchandise. - -We concluded the workshop with a session on data scraping: extracting data from the Pokhara metropolitan website, converting it to machine-readable format, and using various tools to visually represent them, while also experiencing lots of problems in the conversion process because of the way the data was published. - -A total cost of Rs. 5500 ($55) was incurred to organize the digital literacy sessions and the open data workshop. The rest of the fundraiser money ($235) will be utilized to provide scholarships to students in various IT courses. - -All in all, our plan was successful, and it was tons of fun. - -But why did I do all of this? I was a high school student on his summer holidays. I could be comfortable spending my time eating momos and sipping cold drinks by the lake in Pokhara. (I did eat momos though.) - -I did this because I believe in the potential of Nepal. Nepal can make a lot of progress by increasing access to digital technology and enabling people to make the best use of digital technology they already have. Digital literacy can bring about a big change, and address problems like brain drain, corruption, superstition, and gender and ethnic inequality in Nepal. - -I had a great summer, and I am really grateful to my support system in Pokhara that comprised of Code for Nepal members, teachers, and my friends that helped me make this possible. - -But I also realized that I need more time to make the level of impact I want to make. With the lessons I’ve learned this summer, I will keep moving forward, keep pushing Code for Nepal forward, and we will continue to deliver on our mission for a digitally literate and technically capable Nepal. - -Are you a high school student interested in joining us or organizing a program like this? Send us a message via our [Facebook page](, comment below or email us at contact[@] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c08559eb..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2262 -date: 2018-11-30T20:35:01-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: post -guid: -permalink: /?p=2262 -sidebar: - - choice -categories: - - General ---- -
- - -

- Pay gap in Nepal, based on ILO report. -

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e9a740f7..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2264 -date: 2018-11-30T20:35:01-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/11/2262-revision-v1/ ---- -
- - -

- Pay gap in Nepal, based on ILO report. -

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7b61c6f7..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2329 -title: Communicable disease outbreaks in 2017 in Nepal -date: 2019-02-21T08:25:21-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/02/2328-revision-v1/ ---- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7e4e9e92..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1672 -title: 'Apply now for Women in Tech Scholarship – Code for Nepal' -date: 2017-03-13T10:52:28-04:00 -author: Asmita Gauchan -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/03/1620-revision-v1/ ---- -Thank you for your interest. - -We, at Code for Nepal, believe gender should not be a determinant in the kind of career opportunities that one gets to pursue. As things stand in Nepal, however, women are severely disadvantaged in virtually all aspects of life. Glaring gender gaps in employment within various fields is a bleak reality. In an effort to tip the scales in favor of promising, motivated young women who do not get as many opportunities as their male counterparts, we are partnering with TECHRISE, a local private entity in Nepal to equip young women with advanced web development skills. - -Code for Nepal’s **Women in Tech Scholarship** will award selected recipients with the opportunity to attend TECHRISE’s _[8-week Immersive Core Program](, wherein they will have access to mentors as well as the chance to connect with other aspiring developers. - -Applicants do not need to have any prior programming background, but a good understanding of how to use a computer is a must. The scholarship is being planned to roll out in batches of 5, so our first batch of recipients will comprise of 5 students. An additional 5 recipients will be selected when the first batch has completed training, and we will continue this process until we have funded 25 women. - -Additionally, applicants will also need to fulfill the following minimum requirements to be considered for the scholarship: - -1) Applicants must have their own computers/laptops. - -2) Must be able to read English. - -3) Applicants should be able to devote approximately 15 hours a week on the program. - -**Application deadline is March 12, 2017.** Code for Nepal is anticipating great things from this collaboration with TECHRISE. - -For more information, please check out this [post]( - -**Applications have now been closed for this round of Code for Nepal’s Women in Tech Scholarship.** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 89fc4ffe..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1621 -title: 'Apply now for Women in Tech Scholarship Application – Code for Nepal' -date: 2017-02-05T11:24:40-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/02/1620-revision-v1/ ---- -Thank you for your interest. [Asmita adds awesome text here and provides context or links to another post.] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8e2825f4..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1271 -title: Application form for Ko Nepali video and photo competition -date: 2016-04-11T13:38:30-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/04/1109-autosave-v1/ ---- -Thank you for your interest in Code for Nepal’s “**Ko Nepali**” competition. We are giving away Rs 55,000 in total. The **first prize for video is Rs 25,000**. We will **award cash prizes to 6 applicants**! Before you submit, we would like you to carefully read the **instructions and eligibility** criteria! The **deadline t**o submit the application is **April 27, 2016. ** - -Instructions on how to prepare your application: - -**For video submissions:** - -
  • - Think about what it means to be a Nepali? Discuss with your friends and family. Write one or two paragraphs on what do you think it means to be a Nepali! -
  • -
  • - Find a quiet and bright place. Give your smartphone/video camera to a relative/friend. Ask her/him to record your thoughts while you speak. -
  • -
  • - You could also create a documentary/film that is 3 min or less that shows what it means to be a Nepali. -
  • -
  • - Upload it on YouTube. Complete and submit the form below. -
  • - -**For photo submissions:** - -
  • - Use your camera/smartphone to take a photo of people that you think  shows diversity of  Nepal. -
  • -
  • - Upload it on Google Drive or Dropbox. Complete and submit the form below. -
  • - -Also if you have questions on what kind of submissions we are looking for, watch this video! - -And check out this video for tips on **how to take good photos/videos with your smartphone**! - -### **Eligibility** - -The competition is open to all Nepali videographers and photographers, living in Nepal or abroad, who are 14 years old or more. Professional videographers and photojournalists  for are not eligible. Videos can be submitted in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. - -### **Rules** {.ng-scope} - -
    • - There is no charge or fee to participate in this competition. -
    • -
    • - The video or photo should respond to the question: Who is a Nepali? -
    • -
    • - Videos should be no longer than 3 minutes (180 seconds). Videos can be in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. -
    • -
    • - Stealing or copying others’ work is plagiarism, and those submissions will automatically disqualify participants from the competition. -
    • -
    • - Participants can submit up to 1 photo or 1 video for consideration, not both. -
    • -
    • - Code for Nepal staff, interns, advisors, and their immediate relatives are not eligible to apply. -
    • -
    - -### **Application form** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e47d7c07..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1243 -title: 'Application form for “Ko Nepali?” video and photo competition' -date: 2016-03-27T14:35:43-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1109-revision-v1/ ---- -Thank you for your interest in Code for Nepal’s “Ko Nepali” competition. We are giving away Rs 75,000 in total. The **first prize for video is Rs 25,000**. We will **award cash prizes to 10 applicants**! Before you submit, we would like you to carefully read the **instructions and eligibility** criteria! The **deadline t**o submit the application is **April 27, 2016. ** - -Instructions on how to prepare your application: - -**For video submissions:** - -
  • - Think about what it means to be a Nepali? Discuss with your friends and family. Write one or two paragraphs on what do you think it means to be a Nepali! -
  • -
  • - Find a quiet and bright place. Give your smartphone/video camera to a relative/friend. Ask her/him to record your thoughts while you speak. -
  • -
  • - You could also create a documentary/film that is 3 min or less that shows what it means to be a Nepali. -
  • -
  • - Upload it on YouTube. Complete and submit the form below. -
  • - -**For photo submissions:** - -
  • - Use your camera/smartphone to take a photo of people that you think represents Nepal. -
  • -
  • - Upload it on Google Drive or Dropbox. Complete and submit the form below. -
  • - -Also if you have questions on what kind of submissions we are looking for, watch this video! - -And check out this video for tips on **how to take good photos/videos with your smartphone**! - -### **Eligibility** - -The competition is open to Nepali amateur videographers and photographers, living in Nepal or abroad, who are 14 years old or more. Professional videographers and photographers are not eligible. Videos can be submitted in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. - -### **Rules** {.ng-scope} - -
    • - There is no charge or fee to participate in this competition. -
    • -
    • - The video or photo should respond to the question: Who is a Nepali? -
    • -
    • - Videos should be no longer than 3 minutes (180 seconds). Videos can be in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. -
    • -
    • - Stealing or copying others’ work is plagiarism, and those submissions will automatically disqualify participants from the competition. -
    • -
    • - Participants can submit up to 1 photo or 1 video for consideration, not both. -
    • -
    • - Code for Nepal staff, interns, advisors, and their immediate relatives are not eligible to apply. -
    • -
    - -### **Application form** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index deaabffc..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1276 -title: Application form for Ko Nepali video and photo competition -date: 2016-04-26T20:12:17-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/04/1109-revision-v1/ ---- -Thank you for your interest in Code for Nepal’s “**Ko Nepali**” competition. We are giving away Rs 55,000 in total. The **first prize for video is Rs 25,000**. We will **award cash prizes to 6 applicants**! Before you submit, we would like you to carefully read the **instructions and eligibility** criteria! The **deadline** to submit the application is** May 11, 2016. ** - -Instructions on how to prepare your application: - -**For video submissions:** - -
  • - Think about what it means to be a Nepali? Discuss with your friends and family. Write one or two paragraphs on what do you think it means to be a Nepali! -
  • -
  • - Find a quiet and bright place. Give your smartphone/video camera to a relative/friend. Ask her/him to record your thoughts while you speak. -
  • -
  • - You could also create a documentary/film that is 3 min or less that shows what it means to be a Nepali. -
  • -
  • - Upload it on YouTube. Complete and submit the form below. -
  • - -**For photo submissions:** - -
  • - Use your camera/smartphone to take a photo of people that you think  shows cultural and ethnic diversity of  Nepal. -
  • -
  • - Upload it on Google Drive or Dropbox. Complete and submit the form below. -
  • - -Also if you have questions on what kind of submissions we are looking for, watch this video! - -And check out this video for tips on **how to take good photos/videos with your smartphone**! - -### **Eligibility** - -The competition is open to all Nepali videographers and photographers, living in Nepal or abroad, who are 14 years old or more. Professional videographers and photojournalists  for are not eligible. Videos can be submitted in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. - -### **Rules** {.ng-scope} - -
    • - There is no charge or fee to participate in this competition. -
    • -
    • - The video or photo should respond to the question: Who is a Nepali? -
    • -
    • - Videos should be no longer than 3 minutes (180 seconds). Videos can be in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. -
    • -
    • - Stealing or copying others’ work is plagiarism, and those submissions will automatically disqualify participants from the competition. -
    • -
    • - Participants can submit up to 1 photo or 1 video for consideration, not both. -
    • -
    • - Code for Nepal staff, interns, advisors, and their immediate relatives are not eligible to apply. -
    • -
    - -### **Application form** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 82768261..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1185 -title: TEST -date: 2016-03-25T22:34:08-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1109-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6fd4f119..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1021 -title: Application Form -date: 2016-03-13T19:27:10-04:00 -author: Ajesh Mahto -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/916-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 88f0e2ae..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 993 -title: Form Test -date: 2016-03-13T14:05:33-04:00 -author: Ajesh Mahto -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/916-revision-v1/ ---- -[ninja_form id=5] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2e2ca88a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2516 -title: Apply by April 12 for Hawkins Fellowship to learn how to excel in the tech market in Nepal -date: 2020-03-07T12:00:31-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2020/03/2356-autosave-v1/ ---- -

    - We are pleased to announce that applications are open for the first batch of Hawkins Fellows. The objective of the 12 week fellowship program organized by Code for Nepal in partnership with Insight Workshop is to help increase female talent in the technology job market in Nepal. -

    - -#### **About the fellowship program** - -The Hawkins Fellowship by Code for Nepal in partnership with Insight Workshop Academy includes: - -**A. A twelve-week program at the Insight Workshop Academy** - -Fellows will be engaged full-time from Monday to Friday 10 am to 4 pm in the Insight Workshop classes - -**B. A four-week capstone program** - -For the capstone project Fellows can either build from their own ideas and interests or they can be involved in one of the following Code for Nepal projects - - * [AskNepal]( - * [Visit Janakpur]( - * [Sangraha]( - * [NepalMap]( - * [Code for Nepal website]( - * Other special projects - - - - -**Learning outcomes of the fellowship: -–** Leadership and communications skills -– Access to network with established leaders in the field -– Project Management: Portfolio-building with Code for Nepal and Insight Workshop** -–**Technical skills: Open source and web development - -**Deadline to Apply :  **April 12 - -**Number of Fellows for April intake:** 3 - - -#### **Applicants must meet the following criteria to apply:** - - * able to commit full-time - - * background in basic programming - - * identify as female - - * young professional or final year Bachelor’s student - -We will call for interviews if you are shortlisted. Three fellows will work alongside the April batch of trainees of Insight Workshop Academy. To know more about the curriculum visit []( - - -**Fellowship timeline:** April 15, 2019 to August 15,  2019 - - -**You only have to fill one application form. Please fill and submit the form below by April 12.** - -If you have questions that have not been answered in this page, please ask using the comments section below. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 996c66bb..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2364 -title: Apply by April 12 for Hawkins Fellowship to learn how to excel in the tech market in Nepal -date: 2019-04-06T09:31:14-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/04/2356-revision-v1/ ---- -

    - We are pleased to announce that applications are open for the first batch of Hawkins Fellows. The objective of the 12 week fellowship program organized by Code for Nepal in partnership with Insight Workshop is to help increase female talent in the technology job market in Nepal. -

    - -#### **About the fellowship program** - -The Hawkins Fellowship by Code for Nepal in partnership with Insight Workshop Academy includes: - -**A. A twelve-week program at the Insight Workshop Academy** - -Fellows will be engaged full-time from Monday to Friday 10 am to 4 pm in the Insight Workshop classes - -**B. A four-week capstone program** - -For the capstone project Fellows can either build from their own ideas and interests or they can be involved in one of the following Code for Nepal projects - - * [AskNepal]( - * [Visit Janakpur]( - * [Sangraha]( - * [NepalMap]( - * [Code for Nepal website]( - * Other special projects - -**C. A Monetary reward of Nrs 15,000 after the fellow successfully completes the program.** (The fellowship award including the training, networking and more is worth Nrs 60,000.) - - -**Learning outcomes of the fellowship: -–** Leadership and communications skills -– Access to network with established leaders in the field -– Project Management: Portfolio-building with Code for Nepal and Insight Workshop** -–**Technical skills: Open source and web development - -**Deadline to Apply :  **April 12 - -**Number of Fellows for April intake:** 3 - - -#### **Applicants must meet the following criteria to apply:** - - * able to commit full-time - - * background in basic programming - - * identify as female - - * young professional or final year Bachelor’s student - -We will call for interviews if you are shortlisted. Three fellows will work alongside the April batch of trainees of Insight Workshop Academy. To know more about the curriculum visit []( - - -**Fellowship timeline:** April 15, 2019 to August 15,  2019 - - -**You only have to fill one application form. Please fill and submit the form below by April 12.** - -If you have questions that has not been answered in this page, please ask using the comments section below. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index a35e01e7..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2357 -title: Apply for Hawkins Fellowship to excel in the tech market in Nepal -date: 2019-04-05T12:50:51-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/04/2356-revision-v1/ ---- -

    - We are pleased to announce that applications are open for the first batch of Hawkins Fellows. The objective of the 12 week fellowship program organized by Code for Nepal in partnership with Insight Workshop is to help increase female talent in the technology job market in Nepal. -

    - -## **About the fellowship program** - -The Hawkins Fellowship by Code for Nepal in partnership with Insight Workshop Academy includes: - -**A twelve-week program at the Insight Workshop Academy** - -Fellows will be engaged full-time from Monday to Friday 10 am to 4 pm in the Insight Workshop classes - - 1. **A four-week capstone program** - -For the capstone project Fellows can either build from their own ideas and interests or they can be involved in one of the following Code for Nepal projects - - * [AskNepal]( - * [Visit Janakpur]( - * [Sangraha]( - * [NepalMap]( - * [Code for Nepal website]( - * Other special projects - -3.  A Monetary reward of Nrs 15,000 after the fellow successfully completes the program. (The fellowship award including the training, networking and more is worth Nrs 60,000.) - - -**Learning outcomes of the fellowship: -–** Leadership and communications skills -— Access to network with established leaders in the field -– Project Management: Portfolio-building with Code for Nepal and Insight Workshop** -–**Technical skills: Open source and web development - -**Deadline to Apply :  **April 12 - -**Number of Fellows for April intake:** 3 - - -## **Applicants must meet the following criteria to apply:** - - * able to commit full-time - - * background in basic programming - - * identify as female - - * young professional or final year Bachelor’s students - -We will call for interviews if you are shortlisted. Three fellows will work alongside the April batch of trainees of Insight Workshop Academy. To know more about the curriculum visit []( - - -**Fellowship timeline:** April 15, 2019 to August 15,  2019 - - -**You only have to fill one application form. Please click** [**here**]( **to fill and submit the form by April 12.** - -If you have questions that has not been answered comment below. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d937131c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2359 -title: Apply for Hawkins Fellowship to learn how to excel in the tech market in Nepal -date: 2019-04-05T13:00:32-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/04/2356-revision-v1/ ---- -

    - We are pleased to announce that applications are open for the first batch of Hawkins Fellows. The objective of the 12 week fellowship program organized by Code for Nepal in partnership with Insight Workshop is to help increase female talent in the technology job market in Nepal. -

    - -#### **About the fellowship program** - -The Hawkins Fellowship by Code for Nepal in partnership with Insight Workshop Academy includes: - -**A. A twelve-week program at the Insight Workshop Academy** - -Fellows will be engaged full-time from Monday to Friday 10 am to 4 pm in the Insight Workshop classes - -**B. A four-week capstone program** - -For the capstone project Fellows can either build from their own ideas and interests or they can be involved in one of the following Code for Nepal projects - - * [AskNepal]( - * [Visit Janakpur]( - * [Sangraha]( - * [NepalMap]( - * [Code for Nepal website]( - * Other special projects - -**C. A Monetary reward of Nrs 15,000 after the fellow successfully completes the program.** (The fellowship award including the training, networking and more is worth Nrs 60,000.) - - -**Learning outcomes of the fellowship: -–** Leadership and communications skills -— Access to network with established leaders in the field -– Project Management: Portfolio-building with Code for Nepal and Insight Workshop** -–**Technical skills: Open source and web development - -**Deadline to Apply :  **April 12 - -**Number of Fellows for April intake:** 3 - - -#### **Applicants must meet the following criteria to apply:** - - * able to commit full-time - - * background in basic programming - - * identify as female - - * young professional or final year Bachelor’s students - -We will call for interviews if you are shortlisted. Three fellows will work alongside the April batch of trainees of Insight Workshop Academy. To know more about the curriculum visit []( - - -**Fellowship timeline:** April 15, 2019 to August 15,  2019 - - -**You only have to fill one application form. Please click** [**here**]( **to fill and submit the form by April 12.** - -If you have questions that has not been answered in this page, please ask using the comments section below. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 51efa1d4..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 205 -title: Apps -date: 2015-01-04T20:47:55-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/01/165-autosave-v1/ ---- -Here is a proty \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 36fc9b7a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 213 -title: Apps -date: 2015-01-06T01:34:35-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/01/165-revision-v1/ ---- -Here is a [prototype of an app]( we built to rank schools in Nepal. Check it out and tell us what you think. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 98d163de..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2286 -title: Read why Asmita Gauchan leads strategy at Code for Nepal -date: 2018-12-20T10:17:22-05:00 -author: ravi -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/12/2280-revision-v1/ ---- -
    Asmita Gauchan - Director Code for Nepal
    Asmita Gauchan, Director of Strategy at Code for Nepal.
    - -

    - Who are you and tell us how/where did you grow up?
    Born in Pokhara and raised in Kathmandu, I hold both places close to my heart. I grew up in a big joint family which included my grandparents, uncles, parents, and siblings.  Being away from home has been a challenge to say the least. My parents instilled the importance of education and personal independence in me from an early age, so I have them to thank for who and where I am today. I realize not everyone is as privileged as I have been; therefore, working towards leveling the playing field for Nepali girls and women has always been a priority for me. -

    - -**How did you become involved with Code for Nepal?** -I learned about a lot of cool things that Code for Nepal does through their Facebook page. As an IT professional, Code for Nepal’s mission to promote digital literacy in Nepal really resonated with me. - -**Code for Nepal is a volunteer-run organization, many of the volunteers have daytime jobs outside of Code for Nepal. Therefore, where is your passion and dedication for this organization derived from?** -Opportunity should be indiscriminate, not based on gender or social class, as it is so often in Nepal. Digital literacy is a powerful tool that can enforce this principle by empowering Nepali women and girls, which is why I chose to work with this organization. - -**What is your role in Code for Nepal? Do you see yourself changing this role anytime in the future?** -I was previously a Scholarship Manager at Code for Nepal, and helped raise scholarship funds for web design courses for Nepali girls who were interested in learning web development. Recently, I took on the role of Director of Strategy. I intend to support the organization by managing the various projects that make Code for Nepal impactful. - -

    Opportunity should be indiscriminate, not based on gender or social class, as it is so often in Nepal. Digital literacy is a powerful tool that can enforce this principle by empowering Nepali women and girls, which is why I chose to work with this organization. -

    - - Asmita Gauchan, Director of Strategy, Code for Nepal -
    - -**Where do you see Code for Nepal in the next few years and what can it do to improve?** -I think Code for Nepal will continue its great work by bringing together like-minded, proponents of digital literacy. In a few years’ time, I hope our work will have have increased in both scale and reach. - -**How is Code for Nepal different or special from other non-profits? -** I think Code for Nepal’s work in mobilizing youth in the country to promote the merits of technology, and support various avenues they pursue to spread digital literacy is quite special. We work with many extremely passionate young adults and expreience professionals, who constantly inspire me with their enthusiasm and dedication. Some of them are working to create change in their own home districts, so the projects our volunteers initiate and lead are not only impactful but also highly personal. - -**How can others become more aware or involved with Code for Nepal?** -Follow us on [social media](, and our blog! We do our best to share our progress, victories, and struggles with the public through these platforms. If you are interested in getting involved, you can reach out to us via our [Join Code for Nepal form]( We welcome all who share the same vision of creating a Nepal that leverages digital literacy and technological innovations to ensure its citizens are thriving. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f70e7d6a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2084 -title: What is the average size of a family in Nepal? -date: 2018-03-25T19:56:30-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/03/2078-revision-v1/ ---- -[Family in Jajarkot District]( - -Family in Jajarkot District. Credit:lepetitNicolas - -  - -Families are important to all of us. Some of us come from big families. Some of us come from smaller families. - -Are you curious what the average size of a family in Nepal is? - -According to the latest[ Annual Household survey]( (PDF) by the Government of Nepal, it’s 4.6 people. - -Families in rural area are slightly bigger on average (4.8 people) than families in urban areas (4.2 people). - -What do you think? Are you surprised? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 19794dd8..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 294 -date: 2015-02-28T21:40:47-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: page -guid: -sidebar: - - choice ---- -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9f500279..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 118 -title: Blog -date: 2014-12-22T20:21:41-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/116-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 38e5ab7e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 117 -title: Blogs -date: 2014-12-22T20:21:35-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/116-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index fe04517a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 295 -date: 2015-02-28T21:40:47-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/02/294-revision-v1/ ---- -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b95c514c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1821 -title: '#breathefreely- How polluted is Nepal? Tell us.' -date: 2017-07-23T14:04:14-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1814-autosave-v1/ ---- -Looking at old photos of Nepal makes me strangely nostalgic of a past I never saw. Pristine hills and mountains, clear blue skies, acres upon acres of greenery, the list pretty much goes on. While parts of the country still remains intact in its natural beauty, the same cannot be said for our cities. Rampant urban development have turned our major cities into dust bowls, with Kathmandu being impacted the most, and earning itself the most unfortunate nickname: _Dustmandu_. - -Nepal’s air quality ranked 177th out of 178 countries according to Yale University’s 2014 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) and it has only been a downward spiral since then. Cities are choking under layers of dust, most prominently since the 2015 earthquake and the reconstruction efforts that followed. The level of pollutants in the atmosphere have been steadily increasing and remain dangerously above the norm. - -[Air pollution Nepal]( Photo: Gopen Rai[/caption] - -But we’re not just talking about air pollution in Kathmandu here: the increase in the level of pollutants have dire consequences in health and environment across Nepal and beyond. It is a worrying thought that more people over time feel the need to wear masks on a daily basis to protect themselves. - -We’ve seen the scientific numbers behind the air pollution but now we want to hear directly from you on how you have been affected by the degrading air quality. This survey called “How polluted is Nepal?” aims to understand the situation of air pollution, focusing on its long-term impacts, and finding solutions beyond just the numbers. - -We need to start having an evidence-based conversation surrounding air pollution so that prompt actions can be taken to improve the quality of the air we live in. - -Please share this survey with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or email so we can gather more data. If you want to share photos or videos depicting air pollution in your cities, please use the hashtag #breathefreely when you share them. - -We want to hear how you have been impacted and what we can do together to make our cities and our country clean again. After all, we all deserve a chance to #breathefreely. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d3445f1d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1842 -title: '#breathefreely- How polluted is Nepal? Tell us.' -date: 2017-07-23T14:05:22-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1814-revision-v1/ ---- -Looking at old photos of Nepal makes me strangely nostalgic of a past I never saw. Pristine hills and mountains, clear blue skies, acres upon acres of greenery, the list pretty much goes on. While parts of the country still remains intact in its natural beauty, the same cannot be said for our cities. Rampant urban development have turned our major cities into dust bowls, with Kathmandu being impacted the most, and earning itself the most unfortunate nickname: _Dustmandu_. - -Nepal’s air quality ranked 177th out of 178 countries according to Yale University’s 2014 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) and it has only been a downward spiral since then. Cities are choking under layers of dust, most prominently since the 2015 earthquake and the reconstruction efforts that followed. The level of pollutants in the atmosphere have been steadily increasing and remain dangerously above the norm. - -[Air pollution Nepal]( Photo: Gopen Rai - -But we’re not just talking about air pollution in Kathmandu here: the increase in the level of pollutants have dire consequences in health and environment across Nepal and beyond. It is a worrying thought that more people over time feel the need to wear masks on a daily basis to protect themselves. - -We’ve seen the scientific numbers behind the air pollution but now we want to hear directly from you on how you have been affected by the degrading air quality. This survey called “How polluted is Nepal?” aims to understand the situation of air pollution, focusing on its long-term impacts, and finding solutions beyond just the numbers. - -We need to start having an evidence-based conversation surrounding air pollution so that prompt actions can be taken to improve the quality of the air we live in. - -Please share this survey with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or email so we can gather more data. If you want to share photos or videos depicting air pollution in your cities, please use the hashtag #breathefreely when you share them. - -We want to hear how you have been impacted and what we can do together to make our cities and our country clean again. After all, we all deserve a chance to #breathefreely. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3112c59f..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1837 -title: '#breathefreely- How polluted is Nepal? Tell us' -date: 2017-07-23T13:58:22-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1814-revision-v1/ ---- -Looking at old photos of Nepal makes me strangely nostalgic of a past I never saw. Pristine hills and mountains, clear blue skies, acres upon acres of greenery, the list pretty much goes on. While parts of the country still remains intact in its natural beauty, the same cannot be said for our cities. Rampant urban development have turned our major cities into dust bowls, with Kathmandu being impacted the most, and earning itself the most unfortunate nickname: _Dustmandu_. - -Nepal’s air quality ranked 177th out of 178 countries according to Yale University’s 2014 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) and it has only been a downward spiral since then. Cities are choking under layers of dust, most prominently since the 2015 earthquake and the reconstruction efforts that followed. The level of pollutants in the atmosphere have been steadily increasing and remain dangerously above the norm. - -
    - Air pollution Nepal - -

    - Photo: Gopen Rai -

    - -But we’re not just talking about air pollution in Kathmandu here: the increase in the level of pollutants have dire consequences in health and environment across Nepal and beyond. It is a worrying thought that more people over time feel the need to wear masks on a daily basis to protect themselves. - -We’ve seen the scientific numbers behind the air pollution but now we want to hear directly from you on how you have been affected by the degrading air quality. This survey called “How polluted is Nepal?” aims to understand the situation of air pollution, focusing on its long-term impacts, and finding solutions beyond just the numbers. - -We need to start having an evidence-based conversation surrounding air pollution so that prompt actions can be taken to improve the quality of the air we live in. - -Please share this survey with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or email so we can gather more data. If you want to share photos or videos depicting air pollution in your cities, please use the hashtag #breathefreely when you share them. - -We want to hear how you have been impacted and what we can do together to make our cities and our country clean again. After all, we all deserve a chance to #breathefreely. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index a9d382cf..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1824 -title: '#breathefreely- How polluted is Nepal?' -date: 2017-07-23T12:26:50-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1814-revision-v1/ ---- -Looking at old photos of Nepal makes me strangely nostalgic of a past I never saw. Pristine hills and mountains, clear blue skies, acres upon acres of greenery, the list pretty much goes on. While parts of the country still remains intact in its natural beauty, the same cannot be said for our cities. Rampant urban development have turned our major cities into dust bowls, with Kathmandu being impacted the most, and earning itself the most unfortunate nickname: _Dustmandu_. - -Nepal’s air quality ranked 177th out of 178 countries according to Yale University’s 2014 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) and it has only been a downward spiral since then. Cities are choking under layers of dust, most prominently since the 2015 earthquake and the reconstruction efforts that followed. The level of pollutants in the atmosphere have been steadily increasing and remain dangerously above the norm. - -[Air pollution Nepal]( - -But we’re not just talking about air pollution in Kathmandu here: the increase in the level of pollutants have dire consequences in health and environment across Nepal and beyond. It is a worrying thought that more people over time feel the need to wear masks on a daily basis to protect themselves. - -We’ve seen the scientific numbers behind the air pollution but now we want to hear directly from you on how you have been affected by the degrading air quality. This survey called “How polluted is Nepal?” aims to understand the situation of air pollution, focusing on its long-term impacts, and finding solutions beyond just the numbers. - -We need to start having an evidence-based conversation surrounding air pollution so that prompt actions can be taken to improve the quality of the air we live in. - -Please share this survey with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or email so we can gather more data. If you want to share photos or videos depicting air pollution in your cities, please use the hashtag #breathefreely when you share them. - -We want to hear how you have been impacted and what we can do together to make our cities and our country clean again. After all, we all deserve a chance to #breathefreely. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index baab7e5c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 112 -title: Building apps to improve services -date: 2015-11-05T13:38:09-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/11/37-autosave-v1/ ---- -Rahat Payo:  - -In August-September 2015, [**Code for Nepal**]( conducted a pilot survey project in Nepal to gather data on earthquake survivors’ receipt of relief in the initial weeks and months following the April and May 2015 earthquakes. We designed the pilot survey to capture how the involved stakeholders provided immediate relief and to identify any unmet needs among survivors. - -
    This pilot was the first step in Code for Nepal’s larger initiative “Rahat Payo?” (Did you get relief?). Rahat Payo is a multi-year project. It aims to fill the gaps that exist in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake. Our intent is to start critical conversations in Nepal around earthquake relief and reconstruction efforts, to ensure that aid reaches those in need in an equitable and efficient manner.
    - -Code of Nepal strongly supports technological advancement that improves services. The organization has launched a [prototype of an application]( to rank schools in Nepal on its website. The application illustrates the average school scores based on the ranking by districts situated in  Nepal. It is an open data that can be accessed and shared by general public. - -  - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index da1d9106..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 243 -title: census -date: 2015-02-21T20:03:36-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: page -guid: ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f11c7b53..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2466 -title: 'Chart: Companies are in Provinces of Nepal' -date: 2019-10-19T08:03:18-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/10/2465-revision-v1/ ---- -The total number of companies in Nepal are 923,356. Among, them just about only half (50.1%) of them are registered. And on average companies in Nepal employ less than 4 people.  - -Kathmandu, Jhapa, Rupandehi, Morang and Sunsari are the districts with the most number of companies in Nepal.  - -Province 3 has the most number of companies or establishments, followed by Province 1 and Province 5. Check out the chart below to see how many companies are in each province.  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 392960f6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2469 -title: 'Chart: Companies in Provinces of Nepal' -date: 2019-10-20T20:21:21-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/10/2465-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - -
    - Fruit vendor waiting for customers in Kathmandu, Nepal -
    Fruit vendor waiting for customers in Kathmandu, Nepal. By - -[Bryon Lippincott]( -
    - -The total number of companies in Nepal is 923,356. Among, them just about half (50.1%) are registered. And on average, companies in Nepal employ less than 4 people.  - -Kathmandu, Jhapa, Rupandehi, Morang, and Sunsari are the districts with the highest number of companies in Nepal.  - -Province 3 has the most companies or establishments, followed by Province 1 and Province 5. Check out the chart below to see how many companies are in each province. 
    - -Source: [Nepal Economic Census, 2018]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6e73b22c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1640 -title: Cliff McIntosh -date: 2017-02-10T03:22:30-05:00 -author: Amit Chaudhary -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/02/1634-autosave-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 85d589c6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2240 -title: Cliff McIntosh talks about how he uses his software development skills for social good through Code for Nepal -date: 2018-11-10T10:18:12-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/11/2235-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - - -

    - Photo: Cliff McIntosh -

    - -Code for Nepal is made by volunteers. We believe everyone can contribute. If you would like to join Code for Nepal, [contact us]( Read about Pratima Kandel, a member of Code for Nepal. - -**_Who are you and tell us how/where did you grow up? -_** -I am Cliff McIntosh. I grew up in west Texas in the U.S. These days, I live in Chicago and work as a software developer. - -**_How did you become involved with Code for Nepal? -_** -I have had an interest in Nepal from the time that I was a Peace Corps volunteer teaching English in Dadeldhura district. I was looking for a volunteer opportunity and answered a call for volunteers on the Code for Nepal website. Ravi Nepal asked if I would be interested in helping launch a tool that makes census and other data available. That’s how I became involved with Code for Nepal and our NepalMap project. - -**_Code for Nepal is a volunteer-run organization, many of the volunteers have daytime jobs outside of Code for Nepal. Therefore, where is your passion and dedication for this organization derived from? -_** -I want to be able to use my software development skills for social good. Working with Code for Nepal on the NepalMap project allows me to do that. - -****_What is your role in Code for Nepal? Do you see yourself changing this role anytime in the future?_****I am a developer on the NepalMap project. Amit Chaudhary and I worked closely with other Code for Nepal team members and volunteers to launch the first version of the project. I am the team member who serves as the primary resource for working with the Wazimap framework that we use for NepalMap. I hope to continue to serve as a developer with NepalMap, but I would also like to have the opportunity to mentor other developers so that responsibility and skills can be shared. - -**_How is Code for Nepal different or special from other non-profits? -_** **_ -_** Code for Nepal is different because it allows us to get involved by using our technical skills to serve a social good. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0d638f37..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2244 -title: Cliff McIntosh uses his software development skills for social good through Code for Nepal -date: 2018-11-10T10:39:18-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/11/2235-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - - -

    - Photo: Cliff McIntosh -

    - -Code for Nepal is made by volunteers. We believe everyone can contribute. If you would like to join Code for Nepal, [contact us]( - -Read about **Cliff McIntosh**, a member of Code for Nepal who leads the development of [NepalMap](, a web app that puts Nepal’s data at your fingertips. - -**_Who are you and tell us how/where did you grow up? -_** -I am Cliff McIntosh. I grew up in west Texas in the U.S. These days, I live in Chicago and work as a software developer. - -**_How did you become involved with Code for Nepal? -_** -I have had an interest in Nepal from the time that I was a Peace Corps volunteer teaching English in Dadeldhura district. I was looking for a volunteer opportunity and answered a call for volunteers on the Code for Nepal website. Ravi Nepal asked if I would be interested in helping launch a tool that makes census and other data available. That’s how I became involved with Code for Nepal and our NepalMap project. - -**_Code for Nepal is a volunteer-run organization, many of the volunteers have daytime jobs outside of Code for Nepal. Therefore, where is your passion and dedication for this organization derived from? -_** -I want to be able to use my software development skills for social good. Working with Code for Nepal on the NepalMap project allows me to do that. - -****_What is your role in Code for Nepal? Do you see yourself changing this role anytime in the future?_**** - -I am a developer on the NepalMap project. Amit Chaudhary and I worked closely with other Code for Nepal team members and volunteers to launch the first version of the project. I am the team member who serves as the primary resource for working with the Wazimap framework that we use for NepalMap. I hope to continue to serve as a developer with NepalMap, but I would also like to have the opportunity to mentor other developers so that responsibility and skills can be shared. - -**_How is Code for Nepal different or special from other non-profits? -_** **_ -_** Code for Nepal is different because it allows us to get involved by using our technical skills to serve a social good. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6685014e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1604 -title: 1 thing to do and 6 things to know about Code for Nepal before the year ends -date: 2016-12-23T00:58:37-05:00 -author: Prashish Rajbhandari -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/12/1599-autosave-v1/ ---- -[Subarna Tandukar]( - -

    - In 2016, we scaled up our commitment to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal to empower women and minorities. Make tax deductible donations now to digitally empower Nepal. 100% of the funds will go towards our operations. -

    - -
    1. - NepalMap: We launched NepalMap, a web app to make data on Nepal easily accessible, understandable, and sharable. On average 8,500 people use the app every month. -
    2. -
    3. - Scholarship for up to 25 Nepali women to learn coding: We have partnered with TECHRISE, a local private entity in Nepal that offers bootcamp training for various programming languages, to equip young women with advanced web development skills. We are raising funds to provide full scholarships to 25 young women in Nepal to learn web development skills. Donate now to empower women in Nepal. -
    4. -
    5. - Increasing Digital Literacy in Dhanusha: We funded a study in Dhanusha district about the status of computer literacy in public schools. We are partnering with a local non-profit in Nepal to operate a digital literacy center in Janakpur, and train at least 150 youth from a disadvantaged background to be digitally equipped to tackle professional as well as personal challenges. -
    6. -
    7. - Documenting and helping end street harassment in Nepal: We launched the  #IWalkFreely campaign to gather data on the status of street harassment in Nepal and raise awareness to end street harassment. We published our findings in Nepali Times and Setopati based on 1,100+ responses. -
    8. -
    9. - Using photos and videos to help build inclusive Nepal: In a bid to raise awareness on digital literacy and generate culture-driven creative content, we launched the “Ko Nepali?” Video and Photo Competition in February. The competition was open to Nepalis all around the world, and in true spirit of inclusivism, entries were accepted in four of the most spoken native tongues in the country as well as in English. Over 150 submissions were received. Check out the winners! -
    10. -
    11. - Rahat Payo: Rahat Payo was a survey we initiated to assess the state of relief distribution in post-earthquake Nepal. In February, we released results from the survey we conducted in Barpark, Gorkha, the epicenter of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit the country on April 25th, 2015. 98% of the respondents (out of sample population of 703) said they had received relief aid within 1-8 weeks of the earthquake. However, after ten months of the incident, most of the locals were still living in temporary shelters, even in the prevailing sub-zero temperatures. We shared the data with a local non-profit working to help the people of Barpark so their efforts can be directed by the voice of the local residents and their needs. -
    12. -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0607db21..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1605 -title: 1 thing to do and 6 things to know about Code for Nepal before the year ends -date: 2016-12-23T00:57:21-05:00 -author: Prashish Rajbhandari -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/12/1599-revision-v1/ ---- -[Subarna Tandukar]( - -

    - In 2016, we scaled up our commitment to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal to empower women and minorities. Make tax deductible donations now to digitally empower Nepal. 100% of the funds will go towards our operations. -

    - -
    1. - NepalMap: We launched NepalMap, a web app to make data on Nepal easily accessible, understandable, and sharable. On average 8,500 people use the app every month. -
    2. -
    3. - Scholarship for up to 25 Nepali women to learn coding: We have partnered with TECHRISE, a local private entity in Nepal that offers bootcamp training for various programming languages, to equip young women with advanced web development skills. We are raising funds to provide full scholarships to 25 young women in Nepal to learn web development skills. Donate now to empower women in Nepal. -
    4. -
    5. - Increasing Digital Literacy in Dhanusha: We funded a study in Dhanusha district about the status of computer literacy in public schools. We are partnering with a local non-profit in Nepal to operate a digital literacy center in Janakpur, and train at least 150 youth from a disadvantaged background to be digitally equipped to tackle professional as well as personal challenges. -
    6. -
    7. - Documenting and helping end street harassment in Nepal: We launched the  #IWalkFreely campaign to gather data on the status of street harassment in Nepal and raise awareness to end street harassment. We published our findings in Nepali Times and Setopati based on 1,100+ responses. -
    8. -
    9. - Using photos and videos to help build inclusive Nepal: In a bid to raise awareness on digital literacy and generate culture-driven creative content, we launched the “Ko Nepali?” Video and Photo Competition in February. The competition was open to Nepalis all around the world, and in true spirit of inclusivism, entries were accepted in four of the most spoken native tongues in the country as well as in English. Over 150 submissions were received. Check out the winners! -
    10. -
    11. - Rahat Payo: Rahat Payo was a survey we initiated to assess the state of relief distribution in post-earthquake Nepal. In February, we released results from the survey we conducted in Barpark, Gorkha, the epicenter of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit the country on April 25th, 2015. 98% of the respondents (out of sample population of 703) said they had received relief aid within 1-8 weeks of the earthquake. However, after ten months of the incident, most of the locals were still living in temporary shelters, even in the prevailing sub-zero temperatures. We shared the data with a local non-profit working to help the people of Barpark so their efforts can be directed by the voice of the local residents and their needs. -
    12. -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 801ba2d6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 126 -title: Code for Nepal Empowers Women, 15 photos -date: 2014-12-22T21:16:01-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/11-autosave-v1/ ---- -From July 21st to August 1st, we organized a digital empowerment training for 21 young women in Nepal. The two-week training boosted their digital skills and empowered them as future leaders. - -**1.** On the first day of the training, we introduced each other and asked the Code for Nepal Fellows to interview one of their classmates and publish a profile of her on their blogs. [digital_literacy]( - -  - -**2.** One of our goals was to help students develop a digital toolkit over the course of the training. On the second day, Rajneesh Bhandari, gave a lecture about digital journalism and helped students create accounts on YouTube, SoundCloud, and other social media platforms. - -![image]( - -**3.** We know it’s not easy to thrive in the digital world without being entrepreneurial. On the third day of the class, - -Amit Agrawal, CEO of Janaki Technology Pvt. Ltd., a growing tech company in Nepal, talked about launching a startup. - -![image]( - -**4.** There are millions of blogs in the world but very few gain traction among their audience. An exceptional blogger, Jemima Sherpa, shared her experience of gaining an audience and finding a voice on her blog, []( - -![image]( - -**5.** During the past few years, thanks to social media, more people have been able to express their opinions and shape public debate in Nepal. Last year, #OccupyBaluwatar was organized by a group of young, civic minded and social media savvy individuals. -One of the key organizers of the movement, Pranika Koyu, shared her experience of how people used social media to organize themselves and protest against violence against women in Nepal. - -![image]( - -**6.** To provide a larger context of how social media is being used in Nepal, Aakar Anil also guest lectured. - -![image]( - -**7.** We invited Shailendra Raj Giri, a human resource expert and entrepreneur in Nepal to talk about professional development and what it takes to get hired in Nepal. He shared his inspiring journey about working to reform the human resources industry in Nepal. He is also the founder of [](, Nepal’s top online job site. - -![image]( - -**8**. The digital empowerment training was specifically for women, but like most industries in Nepal, the social media market is heavily dominated by men. Shilpa Singhal is a social media and marketing expert with Janaki Technology. She shared her experience and talked about social media marketing strategies. - -![image]( - -**9.** Our digital empowerment training was not just about social media and digital skills but also about leadership. Our students practiced public speaking with Smarika KC, a leading Nepalese debater who competes internationally. - -![image]( - -**10.** Mia Mitchell, Co-founder of Code for Nepal, taught students about Wikipedia and the gender disparity among Wikipedia editors. She also showed students how to set up their own accounts and make edits to the online encyclopedia.![image]( - -**11.** We know that you can’t be fully digitally empowered if you don’t know how to access, clean and visualize data. Ravi Kumar, Co-founder of Code for Nepal, gave students hands-on training on how to use open data to create visualizations that can aid policymakers. - -![image]( - - **12.** If 10 years ago, English was the most important language to learn to do well in the world, now, the equivalent of English is coding. Prerana Paudel, a computer science student gave an introductory HTML/CSS presentation to our fellows. After the presentation, our fellows created accounts on Codecademy. - -![image]( - -**13.** After all these wonderful workshops, the big moment came: it was time to complete any remaining any assignments and get certificates. We hosted our graduation ceremony at Fuji Hotel in Thamel. - -![image]( - -**14.** [Ammu Kannampilly](, AFP Bureau Chief in Kathmandu, spoke about journalism and the digital age during our graduation ceremony. - -![image]( - -**15.** We are grateful for everyone’s help and support with the Digital Empowerment Training! We are working to organize more workshops like this in Nepal. Connect us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with the latest news. And last, we leave you with some beautiful art by Sabnam Shrestha, one of our trainees.![image]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6277d8f8..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 127 -title: Code for Nepal Empowers Women, 15 photos -date: 2014-12-22T21:24:02-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/11-revision-v1/ ---- -From July 21st to August 1st, we organized a digital empowerment training for 21 young women in Nepal. The two-week training boosted their digital skills and empowered them as future leaders. - -**1.** On the first day of the training, we introduced each other and asked the Code for Nepal Fellows to interview one of their classmates and publish a profile of her on their blogs. [digital_literacy]( - -  - -**2.** One of our goals was to help students develop a digital toolkit over the course of the training. On the second day, Rajneesh Bhandari, gave a lecture about digital journalism and helped students create accounts on YouTube, SoundCloud, and other social media platforms. - -![image]( - -**3.** We know it’s not easy to thrive in the digital world without being entrepreneurial. On the third day of the class, - -Amit Agrawal, CEO of Janaki Technology Pvt. Ltd., a growing tech company in Nepal, talked about launching a startup. - -![image]( - -**4.** There are millions of blogs in the world but very few gain traction among their audience. An exceptional blogger, Jemima Sherpa, shared her experience of gaining an audience and finding a voice on her blog, []( - -![image]( - -**5.** During the past few years, thanks to social media, more people have been able to express their opinions and shape public debate in Nepal. Last year, #OccupyBaluwatar was organized by a group of young, civic minded and social media savvy individuals. -One of the key organizers of the movement, Pranika Koyu, shared her experience of how people used social media to organize themselves and protest against violence against women in Nepal. - -![image]( - -**6.** To provide a larger context of how social media is being used in Nepal, Aakar Anil also guest lectured. - -![image]( - -**7.** We invited Shailendra Raj Giri, a human resource expert and entrepreneur in Nepal to talk about professional development and what it takes to get hired in Nepal. He shared his inspiring journey about working to reform the human resources industry in Nepal. He is also the founder of [](, Nepal’s top online job site. - -![image]( - -**8**. The digital empowerment training was specifically for women, but like most industries in Nepal, the social media market is heavily dominated by men. Shilpa Singhal is a social media and marketing expert with Janaki Technology. She shared her experience and talked about social media marketing strategies. - -![image]( - -**9.** Our digital empowerment training was not just about social media and digital skills but also about leadership. Our students practiced public speaking with Smarika KC, a leading Nepalese debater who competes internationally. - -![image]( - -**10.** Mia Mitchell, Co-founder of Code for Nepal, taught students about Wikipedia and the gender disparity among Wikipedia editors. She also showed students how to set up their own accounts and make edits to the online encyclopedia.![image]( - -**11.** We know that you can’t be fully digitally empowered if you don’t know how to access, clean and visualize data. Ravi Kumar, Co-founder of Code for Nepal, gave students hands-on training on how to use open data to create visualizations that can aid policymakers. - -![image]( - - **12.** If 10 years ago, English was the most important language to learn to do well in the world, now, the equivalent of English is coding. Prerana Paudel, a computer science student gave an introductory HTML/CSS presentation to our fellows. After the presentation, our fellows created accounts on Codecademy. - -![image]( - -**13.** After all these wonderful workshops, the big moment came: it was time to complete any remaining any assignments and get certificates. We hosted our graduation ceremony at Fuji Hotel in Thamel. - -![image]( - -**14.** [Ammu Kannampilly](, AFP Bureau Chief in Kathmandu, spoke about journalism and the digital age during our graduation ceremony. - -![image]( - -**15.** We are grateful for everyone’s help and support with the Digital Empowerment Training! We are working to organize more workshops like this in Nepal. Connect us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with the latest news. And last, we leave you with some beautiful art by Sabnam Shrestha, one of our trainees.![image]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f653427c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 47 -title: Code for Nepal Launches Digital Empowerment Training for Women Today -date: 2014-12-15T03:20:15-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/12-revision-v1/ ---- -

    - image -

    - -

    - For Immediate Release: 21 July 2014 -

    - -

    -  Contact:          Mia Mitchell -

    - -

    - Cell Phone:      9818751154 -

    - -

    - Email:     -

    - -

    - Code for Nepal Launches Digital Empowerment Training for Women Today -

    - -

    - Non-profit initiative trains women in digital skills to expand their professional opportunities -

    - -

    - Kathmandu, NEPAL: Code for Nepal, a U.S.-based initiative working to increase open data and digital skills in Nepal, especially for women, began a Digital Empowerment Training for women today in Kathmandu. The training will run for the next two weeks in partnership with Subisu Cablenet, the Internet service provider, and Wigan and Leigh College. Subisu has provided participants with wifi to support their learning throughout the training. Wigan and Leigh College has provided a classroom space for the 21 students to meet daily and learn from leading journalists, social media strategists, and entrepreneurs in Nepal. -

    - -

    - Guest lecturers to the program include: Amit Agrawal, CEO of Janaki Technology Pvt. Ltd; Rajneesh Bhandari, multimedia journalist; Jemima Sherpa, blogger; and Pranika Koya, writer and activist, among others. Students will gain valuable digital skills during the program, including social media management, blogging, and coding. Twenty-one young women are attending the training in order to boost their digital skills. One woman wrote for her application that she was “keen to bring forward the female part of population to contribute to the development of the nation.” -

    - -

    - The training was designed based on a nationwide survey that Code for Nepal conducted in June and July of this year to better understand what women are interested in learning about computers and the Internet. More than 200 women took the survey, which was conducted online and offline. The Digital Empowerment Training in Kathmandu this month incorporates their input and comes at a key time for women in Nepal. As Ravi Kumar, Code for Nepal Co-Founder, puts it: “Digitally empowering young women will be key to tackling challenges such as gender-based violence and slow economic growth in Nepal.” -

    - -

    - About Code for Nepal: Code for Nepal ( is a U.S.-based organization that works to inform, inspire, and equip Nepalis, especially women, to use technology and social media to improve their lives and help tackle challenges in their communities. It was founded in 2014 by Ravi Kumar, a Nepali living and working in the U.S., and Mia Mitchell, a graduate student at Harvard University. -

    - -

    - ### -

    - -

    - For more information, you can reach Mia Mitchell at 9818751154, or  -

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f653427c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 47 -title: Code for Nepal Launches Digital Empowerment Training for Women Today -date: 2014-12-15T03:20:15-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/12-revision-v1/ ---- -

    - image -

    - -

    - For Immediate Release: 21 July 2014 -

    - -

    -  Contact:          Mia Mitchell -

    - -

    - Cell Phone:      9818751154 -

    - -

    - Email:     -

    - -

    - Code for Nepal Launches Digital Empowerment Training for Women Today -

    - -

    - Non-profit initiative trains women in digital skills to expand their professional opportunities -

    - -

    - Kathmandu, NEPAL: Code for Nepal, a U.S.-based initiative working to increase open data and digital skills in Nepal, especially for women, began a Digital Empowerment Training for women today in Kathmandu. The training will run for the next two weeks in partnership with Subisu Cablenet, the Internet service provider, and Wigan and Leigh College. Subisu has provided participants with wifi to support their learning throughout the training. Wigan and Leigh College has provided a classroom space for the 21 students to meet daily and learn from leading journalists, social media strategists, and entrepreneurs in Nepal. -

    - -

    - Guest lecturers to the program include: Amit Agrawal, CEO of Janaki Technology Pvt. Ltd; Rajneesh Bhandari, multimedia journalist; Jemima Sherpa, blogger; and Pranika Koya, writer and activist, among others. Students will gain valuable digital skills during the program, including social media management, blogging, and coding. Twenty-one young women are attending the training in order to boost their digital skills. One woman wrote for her application that she was “keen to bring forward the female part of population to contribute to the development of the nation.” -

    - -

    - The training was designed based on a nationwide survey that Code for Nepal conducted in June and July of this year to better understand what women are interested in learning about computers and the Internet. More than 200 women took the survey, which was conducted online and offline. The Digital Empowerment Training in Kathmandu this month incorporates their input and comes at a key time for women in Nepal. As Ravi Kumar, Code for Nepal Co-Founder, puts it: “Digitally empowering young women will be key to tackling challenges such as gender-based violence and slow economic growth in Nepal.” -

    - -

    - About Code for Nepal: Code for Nepal ( is a U.S.-based organization that works to inform, inspire, and equip Nepalis, especially women, to use technology and social media to improve their lives and help tackle challenges in their communities. It was founded in 2014 by Ravi Kumar, a Nepali living and working in the U.S., and Mia Mitchell, a graduate student at Harvard University. -

    - -

    - ### -

    - -

    - For more information, you can reach Mia Mitchell at 9818751154, or  -

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d5f0cbed..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1617 -title: 'A New Code for Nepal Initiative: Women in Tech Scholarship' -date: 2017-01-28T11:57:50-05:00 -author: Asmita Gauchan -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/01/1614-autosave-v1/ ---- -Women are majority of [Nepal’s population]( But they are the most underutilized talent in Nepal. To help develop skills of young women, especially in tech industry, we are launching a scholarship program. - -Code for Nepal is partnering with TECHRISE, a local private entity in Nepal to equip young women with advanced web development skills. - -We have raised funds to provide full scholarships to 25 bright, young women to participate in this program. Each of them will receive scholarship support of $100 to complete this program. - -Recipients will enroll in an 8 week web development training program, wherein they will have access to mentors as well as an opportunity to connect with other aspiring developers. Code for Nepal will start accepting scholarship applications for this program in early February. We will be working closely with TECHRISE to select recipients based on merit. Women from underserved and minority groups are especially encouraged to apply. - -Applicants do not need to have any prior programming background, but a good understanding of how to use a computer is a must. The scholarship is being planned to roll out in batches of 5, so our first batch of recipients will comprise of 5 students. An additional 5 recipients will be selected when the first batch has completed training, and we will continue this process until we have funded 25 women. - -Additionally, applicants will also need to fulfill the following minimum requirements to be considered for the scholarship: - -1) Applicants must have their own computers/laptops - -2) Must be able to read English - -3) Applicants should be able to devote approximately 15 hours a week on the program - -Code for Nepal is anticipating great things from this collaboration with TECHRISE. - -Past students have spoken greatly of their experience with the program, like Puja Poudyal from Bhaktapur, who shared, “Going into the world of technology has always been a great passion for me. But whenever I tried to learn new things by myself, I faced all sorts of problems and would get frustrated. After enrolling in TECHRISE, I started exploring my potential with 1 on 1 mentor sessions, and building real web applications. I was able to learn from anywhere and get help from my mentor whenever I got stuck.” - -Only 50% of Nepali women were active in the country’s labor force in 2014. Additionally, in the same year, only 28.2% of the households in the country were headed by women and only 29.9% of the seats in the parliament were taken by women. These dreary numbers are one of numerous reasons why Nepal trails behind in development despite several efforts made to push the nation forward. - -When half of the nation’s labor force is not able to contribute to the economy, it should come as no surprise that the economy continues to struggle. - -Code for Nepal’s initiative to facilitate personal focus based learning experience with TECHRISE for 25 bright and motivated Nepali women is a step in the right direction to create a bigger space and greater opportunities for women in the country’s job market. Information Technology is a largely male dominated field, not just in Nepal but throughout the world. It is our hope that with similar efforts to support and encourage women who pursue Information Technology based careers, we will be seeing this pattern overturn in the coming years. - -Stay tuned for the application by visiting []( or liking us on Facebook: [](, or Twitter: []( - -And yes, please spread the word! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index cc0f9c55..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1618 -title: 'A New Code for Nepal Initiative: Women in Tech Scholarship' -date: 2017-01-28T11:58:13-05:00 -author: Asmita Gauchan -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/01/1614-revision-v1/ ---- -Women are majority of [Nepal’s population]( But they are the most underutilized talent in Nepal. To help develop skills of young women, especially in tech industry, we are launching a scholarship program. - -Code for Nepal is partnering with TECHRISE, a local private entity in Nepal to equip young women with advanced web development skills. - -We have raised funds to provide full scholarships to 25 bright, young women to participate in this program. Each of them will receive scholarship support of $100 to complete this program. - -Recipients will enroll in an 8 week web development training program, wherein they will have access to mentors as well as an opportunity to connect with other aspiring developers. Code for Nepal will start accepting scholarship applications for this program in early February. We will be working closely with TECHRISE to select recipients based on merit. Women from underserved and minority groups are especially encouraged to apply. - -Applicants do not need to have any prior programming background, but a good understanding of how to use a computer is a must. The scholarship is being planned to roll out in batches of 5, so our first batch of recipients will comprise of 5 students. An additional 5 recipients will be selected when the first batch has completed training, and we will continue this process until we have funded 25 women. - -Additionally, applicants will also need to fulfill the following minimum requirements to be considered for the scholarship: - -1) Applicants must have their own computers/laptops - -2) Must be able to read English - -3) Applicants should be able to devote approximately 15 hours a week on the program - -Code for Nepal is anticipating great things from this collaboration with TECHRISE. - -Past students have spoken greatly of their experience with the program, like Puja Poudyal from Bhaktapur, who shared, “Going into the world of technology has always been a great passion for me. But whenever I tried to learn new things by myself, I faced all sorts of problems and would get frustrated. After enrolling in TECHRISE, I started exploring my potential with 1 on 1 mentor sessions, and building real web applications. I was able to learn from anywhere and get help from my mentor whenever I got stuck.” - -Only 50% of Nepali women were active in the country’s labor force in 2014. Additionally, in the same year, only 28.2% of the households in the country were headed by women and only 29.9% of the seats in the parliament were taken by women. These dreary numbers are one of numerous reasons why Nepal trails behind in development despite several efforts made to push the nation forward. - -When half of the nation’s labor force is not able to contribute to the economy, it should come as no surprise that the economy continues to struggle. - -Code for Nepal’s initiative to facilitate personal focus based learning experience with TECHRISE for 25 bright and motivated Nepali women is a step in the right direction to create a bigger space and greater opportunities for women in the country’s job market. Information Technology is a largely male dominated field, not just in Nepal but throughout the world. It is our hope that with similar efforts to support and encourage women who pursue Information Technology based careers, we will be seeing this pattern overturn in the coming years. - -Stay tuned for the application by visiting []( or liking us on Facebook: [](, or Twitter: []( - -And yes, please spread the word! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index bcc21b54..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1615 -title: Code for Nepal Launches Scholarship Program to Empower Women in Nepal -date: 2017-01-28T11:37:17-05:00 -author: Asmita Gauchan -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/01/1614-revision-v1/ ---- -Women are majority of [Nepal’s population]( But they are the most underutilized talent in Nepal. To help develop skills of young women, especially in tech industry, we are launching a scholarship program. - -Code for Nepal is partnering with TECHRISE, a local private entity in Nepal to equip young women with advanced web development skills. - -We have raised funds to provide full scholarships to 25 bright, young women to participate in this program. Each of them will receive scholarship support of $100 to complete this program. - -Recipients will enroll in an 8 week web development training program, wherein they will have access to mentors as well as an opportunity to connect with other aspiring developers. Code for Nepal will start accepting scholarship applications for this program in early February. We will be working closely with TECHRISE to select recipients based on merit. Women from underserved and minority groups are especially encouraged to apply. - -Applicants do not need to have any prior programming background, but a good understanding of how to use a computer is a must. The scholarship is being planned to roll out in batches of 5, so our first batch of recipients will comprise of 5 students. An additional 5 recipients will be selected when the first batch has completed training, and we will continue this process until we have funded 25 women. - -Additionally, applicants will also need to fulfill the following minimum requirements to be considered for the scholarship: - -1) Applicants must have their own computers/laptops - -2) Must be able to read English - -3) Applicants should be able to devote approximately 15 hours a week on the program - -Code for Nepal is anticipating great things from this collaboration with TECHRISE. - -Past students have spoken greatly of their experience with the program, like Puja Poudyal from Bhaktapur, who shared, “Going into the world of technology has always been a great passion for me. But whenever I tried to learn new things by myself, I faced all sorts of problems and would get frustrated. After enrolling in TECHRISE, I started exploring my potential with 1 on 1 mentor sessions, and building real web applications. I was able to learn from anywhere and get help from my mentor whenever I got stuck.” - -Only 50% of Nepali women were active in the country’s labor force in 2014. Additionally, in the same year, only 28.2% of the households in the country were headed by women and only 29.9% of the seats in the parliament were taken by women. These dreary numbers are one of numerous reasons why Nepal trails behind in development despite several efforts made to push the nation forward. - -When half of the nation’s labor force is not able to contribute to the economy, it should come as no surprise that the economy continues to struggle. - -Code for Nepal’s initiative to facilitate personal focus based learning experience with TECHRISE for 25 bright and motivated Nepali women is a step in the right direction to create a bigger space and greater opportunities for women in the country’s job market. Information Technology is a largely male dominated field, not just in Nepal but throughout the world. It is our hope that with similar efforts to support and encourage women who pursue Information Technology based careers, we will be seeing this pattern overturn in the coming years. - -Stay tuned for the application by visiting []( or liking us on Facebook: [](, or Twitter: []( - -And yes, please spread the word! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index abe7a7af..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1682 -title: 'Code for Nepal organizes #DigitalNepal conference to empower youth in Nepal' -date: 2017-04-02T20:17:26-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/04/1681-revision-v1/ ---- -Press Release- 20 February 2017 - - -Washington, D.C. - -United States of America -FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - -Contact: Roshan Ghimire - -Email: -Code for Nepal organizes #DigitalNepal conference to empower youth in Nepal -Washington, D.C. – Today the nonprofit Code for Nepal announced that it will organize a digital conference in Janakpur, Nepal, in partnership with local organizations. The conference will empower youth, support a local digital literacy center and promote scholarship programs for women to learn coding, by granting Rs. 4.5 lakhs over the next year. -This event brings together international and national speakers in Janakpur for the first time to discuss how young people in Nepal can prepare themselves to use digital tools for making their dreams a reality and finding a job. -Honorable Dr. Ram Baran Yadav, first president of Nepal is the chief guest of the conference. Biswas Dhakal, from F1Soft International, Yogina Shakya, from the CloudFactory, Dietrich Ayala from Mozilla, Anusha Yadav from Accountability Lab, are some of the speakers at the conference. -120+ of college students, journalists, and civil society leaders are expected to participate. “Technology can play instrumental role in empowering youth. This conference in Janakpur hopes to do that,” said Ravi Kumar, founder of Code for Nepal. -Attendees will learn about how to use social media responsibly, launch a successful business, citizen journalism, data visualization, multimedia storytelling, and virtual reality. The conference will also allow participants to network and connect with possible future mentors. -To find out more details about the conference, please see: -The conference is supported by Mozilla, the technology company that supports free and open-source web, and Eejot, the non-profit that helps students in villages of Nepal with education. -The conference is co-organized by Women Development Advocacy Center (WDAC), a social enterprise that enables sustainable livelihoods for disadvantaged women and youth in urban and rural areas. -Madhesi Youth, Association of Youth Organization in Nepal, Open Knowledge Nepal, Janakpur youth Network are partners for the conference. -About Code for Nepal -Code for Nepal is an all-volunteer non-profit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to digitally empower Nepal by increasing digital literacy and the use of open data. -For more information, contact our communications team at \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 31aceeeb..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 50 -title: Code for Nepal Runs Digital Empowerment Training for Women -date: 2014-12-15T03:20:34-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/13-revision-v1/ ---- -

    - imageContact:          Mia Mitchell -

    - -

    - Cell Phone:      9818751154 -

    - -

    - Email:     -

    - -

    - Code for Nepal Runs Digital Empowerment Training for Women -

    - -

    - Non-profit initiative seeks to train more women in digital skills to expand their professional opportunities -

    - -

    - Kathmandu, NEPAL: Code for Nepal, a U.S.-based initiative working to increase open data and digital skills in Nepal, especially for women, will run a Digital Empowerment Training for women from July 21 to August 1, 2014, at Wigan and Leigh College in Kathmandu. Twenty young women are expected to attend the two-week training, where they will learn from some of Nepal’s top journalists, social media strategists, and entrepreneurs. Guest lecturers for the workshop include: Amit Agrawal, CEO of Janaki Technology Pvt. Ltd; Rajneesh Bhandari, multimedia journalist; Jemima Sherpa, blogger; and Pranika Koya, writer and activist, among others. Students will gain valuable digital skills during the program, including social media management, blogging, and coding. -

    - -

    - The 20 young women applied to attend the training in order to boost their digital skills, noting in their applications that they were especially interested in coding and using the Internet for their career growth. One woman wrote for her application that she was “keen to bring forward the female part of population to contribute to the development of the nation.” -

    - -

    - The training was designed based on a nationwide survey that Code for Nepal conducted in June and July of this year to better understand what women are interested in learning about computers and the Internet. More than 200 women took the survey, which was conducted online and offline. The Digital Empowerment Training in Kathmandu this month incorporates their input and comes at a key time for women in Nepal. As Ravi Kumar, Code for Nepal Co-Founder, puts it: “Digitally empowering young women will be key to tackling challenges such as gender-based violence and slow economic growth in Nepal.” -

    - -

    - About Code for Nepal: Code for Nepal ( is a U.S.-based organization that works to inform, inspire, and equip Nepalis, especially women, to use technology and social media to improve their lives and help tackle challenges in their communities. It was founded in 2014 by Ravi Kumar, a Nepali living and working in the U.S., and Mia Mitchell, a graduate student at Harvard University. -

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    - For more information, you can reach Mia Mitchell at 9818751154, or  -

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 31aceeeb..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 50 -title: Code for Nepal Runs Digital Empowerment Training for Women -date: 2014-12-15T03:20:34-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/13-revision-v1/ ---- -

    - imageContact:          Mia Mitchell -

    - -

    - Cell Phone:      9818751154 -

    - -

    - Email:     -

    - -

    - Code for Nepal Runs Digital Empowerment Training for Women -

    - -

    - Non-profit initiative seeks to train more women in digital skills to expand their professional opportunities -

    - -

    - Kathmandu, NEPAL: Code for Nepal, a U.S.-based initiative working to increase open data and digital skills in Nepal, especially for women, will run a Digital Empowerment Training for women from July 21 to August 1, 2014, at Wigan and Leigh College in Kathmandu. Twenty young women are expected to attend the two-week training, where they will learn from some of Nepal’s top journalists, social media strategists, and entrepreneurs. Guest lecturers for the workshop include: Amit Agrawal, CEO of Janaki Technology Pvt. Ltd; Rajneesh Bhandari, multimedia journalist; Jemima Sherpa, blogger; and Pranika Koya, writer and activist, among others. Students will gain valuable digital skills during the program, including social media management, blogging, and coding. -

    - -

    - The 20 young women applied to attend the training in order to boost their digital skills, noting in their applications that they were especially interested in coding and using the Internet for their career growth. One woman wrote for her application that she was “keen to bring forward the female part of population to contribute to the development of the nation.” -

    - -

    - The training was designed based on a nationwide survey that Code for Nepal conducted in June and July of this year to better understand what women are interested in learning about computers and the Internet. More than 200 women took the survey, which was conducted online and offline. The Digital Empowerment Training in Kathmandu this month incorporates their input and comes at a key time for women in Nepal. As Ravi Kumar, Code for Nepal Co-Founder, puts it: “Digitally empowering young women will be key to tackling challenges such as gender-based violence and slow economic growth in Nepal.” -

    - -

    - About Code for Nepal: Code for Nepal ( is a U.S.-based organization that works to inform, inspire, and equip Nepalis, especially women, to use technology and social media to improve their lives and help tackle challenges in their communities. It was founded in 2014 by Ravi Kumar, a Nepali living and working in the U.S., and Mia Mitchell, a graduate student at Harvard University. -

    - -

    - ### -

    - -

    - For more information, you can reach Mia Mitchell at 9818751154, or  -

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 554be3e2..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2096 -title: Supporting computational linguistic competition in Nepal -date: 2018-04-21T18:42:17-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/04/2093-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( Credit: Himalayan Computational Linguistic Olympiad Nepal. - -Recently, Code for Nepal supported the [Himalayan Computational Linguistic Olympiad Nepal (HLON)](, which is simply a computational linguistic competition. The competition happened in March in Kathmandu. - -8 teams from various schools and colleges participated in the competition. About 80 people including the participants, volunteers, organizers, sponsors, and observers attended the event. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 16acb96c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1459 -title: Status of computer education in Dhanusha district of Nepal -date: 2016-09-18T08:17:28-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/09/1457-autosave-v1/ ---- -Recently we supported and partnered with Women Development Advocacy Centre (WDAC), a non-profit in Nepal to conduct a study in Dhanusha district about the status of computer literacy in public schools.  - -Read the **full report** (Google doc), and check out the infographic below for summary! We welcome your feedback in the comments! - -  - -[infographic of dhanusha district]( - -  - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 28dc60de..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1462 -title: Status of computer education in Dhanusha district of Nepal -date: 2016-09-18T08:52:37-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/09/1457-revision-v1/ ---- -Recently we supported and partnered with Women Development Advocacy Centre (WDAC), a non-profit in Nepal to conduct a study in Dhanusha district about the status of computer literacy in public schools.  - -Read the **full report** (Google doc), and check out the infographic below for summary! We welcome your feedback in the comments! - -  - -[infographic of dhanusha district]( - -  - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5f7d5e3f..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 192 -title: Contact -date: 2014-12-31T02:13:55-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/99-autosave-v1/ ---- -We would love to hear from you. Email us at contact[at] - -You can also tweet us at @codefornepal or on our Facebook page: \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f91ddeec..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 113 -title: Apps -date: 2014-12-22T20:17:42-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/99-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c79234da..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 709 -title: Contact -date: 2016-02-15T16:44:50-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/02/99-revision-v1/ ---- -We would love to hear from you. Email us at contact[at] - -You can also tweet us at [@codefornepal]( or on our Facebook page: []( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 255709f5..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 613 -title: Seven facts about the status of corruption in Nepal -date: 2016-05-01T15:45:39-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/05/605-autosave-v1/ ---- -
    - Dandidada - -

    - Corruption impacts everyone, especially poor people in villages. -

    - -There is hardly anyone in Nepal who is not affected by corruption. Here are seven facts on how corruption impacts firms in Nepal based on World Bank data. These data were collected in 2013–latest data available for Nepal. - -**More than 1 in 10 transactions involves a bribe.** -**Almost half of firms identify corruption as a major constraint.** -**3 in 5 firms are expected to give “gifts” to secure government contracts.** -**Almost 2 in 5 firms are expected to give “gifts” to get an import license.** -**Almost 1 in 5 firms are expected to give “gifts” to get an operating license.** -**Almost 1 in 5 firms are expected to give “gifts” to get a construction permit.** -**More than 1 in 5 firms are expected to give “gifts” to get an electrical connection.** - -  - -_**What do you think? Are you surprised? Tell us in the comments!**_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0c7e186b..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 609 -title: 8 facts about the status of corruption in Nepal -date: 2015-12-08T20:58:02-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/12/605-revision-v1/ ---- -[Dandidada]( - -There is hardly anyone in Nepal who is not impacted by corruption in Nepal. Here are a 8 facts on how corruption impacts firms in Nepal based on World Bank data. These data were collected in 2013. - - * More than 1 in 10 transactions involves a bribe in Nepal. - * Almost half of firms identify corruption as a major constraint in Nepal. - * 3 in 5 firms were expected to give “gifts” to secure government contract. - * Almost 2 in 5 firms expected to give gifts to get an import license. - * Almost 1 in 5 are expected to give “gifts” to get an operating license. - * Almost 1 in 5 of firms expected to give gifts to get a construction permit. - * More than 1 in 5 firms are expected to give gifts to get an electrical connection.What do you think? - **Are you surprised? Tell us in the comments!** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f5647220..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1283 -title: Seven facts about the status of corruption in Nepal -date: 2016-05-01T15:45:40-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/05/605-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - Dandidada - -

    - Corruption impacts everyone, especially poor people in villages. -

    - -There is hardly anyone in Nepal who is not affected by corruption. Here are seven facts on how corruption impacts firms in Nepal based on World Bank data. These data were collected in 2013–latest data available for Nepal. - -**More than 1 in 10 transactions involves a bribe.** -**Almost half of firms identify corruption as a major constraint.** -**3 in 5 firms are expected to give “gifts” to secure government contracts.** -**Almost 2 in 5 firms are expected to give “gifts” to get an import license.** -**Almost 1 in 5 firms are expected to give “gifts” to get an operating license.** -**Almost 1 in 5 firms are expected to give “gifts” to get a construction permit.** -**More than 1 in 5 firms are expected to give “gifts” to get an electrical connection.** - -  - -_**What do you think? Are you surprised? Tell us in the comments!**_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c55e45d8..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1566 -title: 'NepalMap: Data about Nepal at your fingertips' -date: 2016-11-07T20:35:12-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/11/1562-autosave-v1/ ---- -[NepalMap]( - -When I was a kid, I wondered how many other people lived in Dhanusa, my home district on the southern border of Nepal. I asked my parents. They had no idea. They guessed. I remained curious. - -Years later, when I was in college in the U.S., I wanted to look up data on Nepal to write research papers or to tell my friends about my home country. There were existing resources with data but often it was incomplete, or would only include national averages. I was not able to find out how many people lived in each district, for example. - -The data must have existed somewhere, as Nepal has been conducting censuses for at least a century, starting in 1911. But it’s only been with the rise of the Internet that data has been, in theory, more widely available. However, most of the Nepal census data online today is still locked in PDF format, making it inconvenient for users to analyze and share. We wanted to change that. - -In 2014, my wife and I co-founded Code for Nepal, a non-profit to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. This month, Code for Nepal is excited to launch the beta version of, a web app that puts data about Nepal at your fingertips! - -NepalMap helps users to find and understand data on Nepal easily, and will be useful to anyone who seeks to learn more about Nepal via data. - -Whether you live in Morang or Mahottari, you can use NepalMap to find out how many people in your district have passed School Leaving Certificate (SLC), or how many people still use wood to cook food. - -You can compare two districts and find out which one has a higher life expectancy or more toilets. Very soon, Village Development Committee data will be available too. - -Journalists, researchers, and students will find NepalMap to be one of their best friends as they are looking for data. Entrepreneurs and businesses can better understand an area in which they are looking to do business by using NepalMap. Anyone can embed charts from NepalMap on their websites or download the data for their own use. - -Building a tool is just the first step. I believe for us to better understand our challenges, we have to have an evidence-based conversation. I hope all of us can use an app like NepalMap to explore and understand Nepal better. - -NepalMap would not have been possible without the generosity of many people. It is based on Wazimap, which is based on Census Reporter. At Code for Nepal, we are especially grateful to Clifton McIntosh, for serving as the lead developer for NepalMap. Amit Chaudhary and other Code for Nepal volunteers along with Clifton, continue to work to make NepalMap better. - -Next time someone asks you how they can look for data on Nepal, I hope you will refer them to Had I and my parents had NepalMap, when I was a kid, it would have helped me to better understand where I came from. Better late than never. - -Onward. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 89f5738d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1567 -title: 'NepalMap: Data about Nepal at your fingertips' -date: 2016-11-07T20:35:30-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/11/1562-revision-v1/ ---- -[NepalMap]( - -When I was a kid, I wondered how many other people lived in Dhanusa, my home district on the southern border of Nepal. I asked my parents. They had no idea. They guessed. I remained curious. - -Years later, when I was in college in the U.S., I wanted to look up data on Nepal to write research papers or to tell my friends about my home country. There were existing resources with data but often it was incomplete, or would only include national averages. I was not able to find out how many people lived in each district, for example. - -The data must have existed somewhere, as Nepal has been conducting censuses for at least a century, starting in 1911. But it’s only been with the rise of the Internet that data has been, in theory, more widely available. However, most of the Nepal census data online today is still locked in PDF format, making it inconvenient for users to analyze and share. We wanted to change that. - -In 2014, my wife and I co-founded Code for Nepal, a non-profit to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. This month, Code for Nepal is excited to launch the beta version of, a web app that puts data about Nepal at your fingertips! - -NepalMap helps users to find and understand data on Nepal easily, and will be useful to anyone who seeks to learn more about Nepal via data. - -Whether you live in Morang or Mahottari, you can use NepalMap to find out how many people in your district have passed School Leaving Certificate (SLC), or how many people still use wood to cook food. - -You can compare two districts and find out which one has a higher life expectancy or more toilets. Very soon, Village Development Committee data will be available too. - -Journalists, researchers, and students will find NepalMap to be one of their best friends as they are looking for data. Entrepreneurs and businesses can better understand an area in which they are looking to do business by using NepalMap. Anyone can embed charts from NepalMap on their websites or download the data for their own use. - -Building a tool is just the first step. I believe for us to better understand our challenges, we have to have an evidence-based conversation. I hope all of us can use an app like NepalMap to explore and understand Nepal better. - -NepalMap would not have been possible without the generosity of many people. It is based on Wazimap, which is based on Census Reporter. At Code for Nepal, we are especially grateful to Clifton McIntosh, for serving as the lead developer for NepalMap. Amit Chaudhary and other Code for Nepal volunteers along with Clifton, continue to work to make NepalMap better. - -Next time someone asks you how they can look for data on Nepal, I hope you will refer them to Had I and my parents had NepalMap, when I was a kid, it would have helped me to better understand where I came from. Better late than never. - -Onward. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 52ebddf6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2457 -title: 'DataHack 2019- crowdsourcing map data to ease the humanitarian and relief activities' -date: 2019-07-26T08:57:28-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/07/2453-revision-v1/ ---- -On July 20 and 21, fifteen humanitarian tech enthusiasts came to the [DataHack 2019 – Map the districts affected by monsoon in Nepal]( at Outside’s office in Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur. The aim of the DataHack was to map the several districts which have been affected by monsoon rains in Nepal. - - -
    - -**Day 1, July 20:** The event Started with participants’ introduction. Our project coordinator Nikesh Balami kicked off the event and introduced [OpenStreetMap]( (OSM) to the participants and gave a hands-on overview on how to edit the map. He talked about the importance of open mapping and how OSM platform acts as a resource for humanitarian & social causes, giving the users the flexibility to  contribute on their own time as well as have an offline access through the app [MAPS.ME]( - -After the overview and some basic discussion, participants started mapping the affected areas. On the first day,, participants contributed to the [mapping tasks]( created by Kathmandu Living Labs. Although all participants were editing the OSM for the first time, they completely mapped around 38 tasks within 5 hours. Participants mapped the roads, landmarks, residential areas, waterways, etc in the monsoon affected districts. According to Roshan Ghimire, program director at Code for Nepal, learning about the basics and importance of open mapping was crucial. Participants also stopped for a lovely lunch break and a Table Tennis game.  - - -
    - -**Day 2, July 21:** ****On the second day, participants worked on the mapping of Janakpur city and its surrounding areas on OpenStreetMap. The [mapping tasks of Janakpur area]( was created by Code for Nepal. In between mapping, Nikesh Balami shared how such mapping of disaster prone areas helps ease the humanitarian and relief activities with participants. It helps relief workers and disaster preparedness planners to conduct their programs in these areas more smoothly. - -
    - -In an informal discussion, the participants gave feedback that the mapping process would be more effective if local people of these disaster prone areas were also involved in the DataHack. On the second day, a total of five participants completely mapped around 30 tasks.  - -Many participants have pledged to continue mapping. Being able to remotely contribute to the disaster preparedness work have motivated all the participants. However, just two days of mapping is not enough to complete all tasks. - -You can also contribute by first getting familiar with the OSM platform and then getting started with these tasks.  - -To map flood and landslide prone areas:   - -To map Janakpur city & surrounding areas:   \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index ff46e447..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2354 -title: David Caprara -date: 2019-04-05T12:20:05-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/04/1403-autosave-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index eb9bf29b..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 551 -title: '#DidUGetRelief: Initial findings from Code for Nepal #RahatPayo pilot project on earthquake relief' -date: 2015-10-18T19:25:44-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/10/547-autosave-v1/ ---- -
    - Sindhupalchowk, Nepal, in early September. Photo by Code for Nepal volunteer. - -

    - Sindhupalchowk, Nepal. September 2015. Photo by Code for Nepal volunteer. -

    - -During August and September 2015, Code for Nepal conducted a pilot survey project in Nepal to gather data on earthquake survivors’ receipt of relief in the initial weeks and months following the April and May 2015 earthquakes. - -The pilot survey was designed to capture how immediate relief was provided by the involved stakeholders and to identify any unmet needs among survivors. - -This pilot was the first step in Code for Nepal’s larger initiative Rahat Payo (Did you get relief?). Rahat Payo is a multi-year project of Code for Nepal. It aims to fill the gaps that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake that killed over 8,500 people, destroyed more than 600,000 houses and affected at least 8 million people in Nepal.  - -Through the initial Rahat Payo pilot in August-September 2015, Code for Nepal volunteers surveyed **767 earthquake survivors in four districts (Gorkha, Bhaktapur, Rasuwa and Sindhupalchowk) in Nepal.** Over the span of **14 days, eight volunteers went to at least 40** locations to find out whether earthquake survivors had been helped and what their immediate and long-term needs were. - -In this post, we share the initial summary statistics and findings of the August 2015 survey. Our intent is to start a conversation in Nepal around earthquake relief and reconstruction efforts, to ensure that aid reaches those in need in an equitable and efficient manner. - -In the coming weeks, we’ll share additional data that was gathered in Village Development Committees (VDCs) through this pilot survey. - -We are also launching an online version of the Rahat Payo survey, at: **[](**, to continue collecting data on earthquake relief efforts. - -Please help us improve our survey and methodology. You can comment below, or on social media using hashtag #didugetrelief & #rahatpayo. - -## **Methodology** - -Code for Nepal used [Kobo Toolbox]( to conduct the August-September 2015 pilot. The survey that we used can be found here: []( We are continuing to refine these questions based on the pilot, in order to improve the online Rahat Payo survey as well as future survey work in Nepal. - -Eight Nepali volunteers were recruited to conduct the pilot in August-September. After an initial training on Kobo, volunteers traveled to at least 40 sites within Nepal to conduct the survey and gather data using mobile devices. - -The locations volunteers traveled to were determined based on feasibility of travel, and so were non-random. However, once in a town or village to conduct the survey, volunteers sought to randomize data collection by using an object such as a bottle to choose a random starting point from the village center, and the proceeding to the nearest houses from the village center to the village outskirts, interviewing each head of household who was home and seeking to alternate male and female survey respondents. - -When visiting homes, volunteers explained their purpose and clearly stated that they were there to conduct surveys and not provide relief. After an introductory conversation and with the consent of respondents, surveyors took approximately 10 minutes per household to administer the survey verbally. - -## **Findings** - -The survey sample included **476 males and 300 females**. The average age of respondents was 44 years old. Of the 767 total respondents, **642 (84%) said they received some form of** **relief. Most** **respondents who received relief (573 out of 642, or 89%) had to wait more than 8 days to get any form of help**, according to the survey. - -However, in reality, the amount of time participants waited to receive relief was often longer than eight days (the upper limit included in the survey questions). Anecdotally, numerous participants noted that it took two to three months to receive relief. - -The survey also included questions on the sources of earthquake relief, including the government, NGOs, youth groups, etc. Among survey respondents who received relief, 474 (74%) said they received help from the government, 391 (61%) reported receiving aid from NGOs, and 45 (7%) said they received help from youth groups. However, in practice, many respondents were not entirely sure if they had received aid from the government or an NGO. Often they didn’t know who they received aid from at all.
    - -Respondents were also asked about their priorities post-earthquake. In response, 437 (57%) said rebuilding their homes was their top priority, while 643 (84%) of said employment was their top priority, and 116 (15%) said they might also look for foreign employment. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3612df34..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 550 -title: '#DidUGetRelief: Initial findings from Code for Nepal Rahat Payo pilot project on earthquake relief' -date: 2015-10-18T17:04:56-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/10/547-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - Sindhupalchowk, Nepal, in early September. Photo by Code for Nepal volunteer. - -

    - Sindhupalchowk, Nepal. September 2015. Photo by Code for Nepal volunteer. -

    - -During August and September 2015, Code for Nepal conducted a pilot survey project in Nepal to gather data on earthquake survivors’ receipt of relief in the initial weeks and months following the April and May 2015 earthquakes. - -The pilot survey was designed to capture how immediate relief was provided by the involved stakeholders and to identify any unmet needs among survivors. - -This pilot was the first step in Code for Nepal’s larger initiative Rahat Payo (Did you get relief?). Rahat Payo is a multi-year project of Code for Nepal. It aims to fill the gaps that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake. - -Through the initial Rahat Payo pilot in August 2015, Code for Nepal volunteers surveyed **767 earthquake survivors in four districts in Nepal.** Over the span of **14 days, eight volunteers went to at least 40** locations to find out whether earthquake survivors had been helped and what their immediate and long-term needs were. - -In this post, we share the initial summary statistics and findings of the August 2015 survey. Our intent is to start a conversation in Nepal around earthquake relief and reconstruction efforts, to ensure that aid reaches those in need in an equitable and efficient manner. - -In the coming weeks, we’ll share additional data that was gathered in Village Development Committees (VDCs) through this pilot survey. - -We are also launching an online version of the Rahat Payo survey, at: **[](**, to continue collecting data on earthquake relief efforts. - -Please help spread the word about our survey, share our data, and let us know your questions. You can comment below, or on social media using hashtag #didugetrelief. - -## **Methodology** - -Code for Nepal used [Kobo Toolbox]( to conduct the August-September 2015 pilot. The survey that we used can be found here: []( We are continuing to refine these questions based on the pilot, for input into the online Rahat Payo survey as well as future survey work in Nepal. - -Eight Nepali volunteers were recruited to conduct the pilot in August-September. After an initial training on Kobo, volunteers traveled to at least 40 sites within Nepal to conduct the survey and gather data using mobile devices. - -The locations volunteers traveled to were determined based on feasibility of travel, and so were non-random. However, once in a town or village to conduct the survey, volunteers sought to randomize data collection by using an object such as a bottle to choose a random starting point from the village center, and the proceeding to the nearest houses from the village center to the village outskirts, interviewing each head of household who was home and seeking to alternate male and female survey respondents. - -When visiting homes, volunteers explained their purpose and clearly stated that they were there to conduct surveys and not provide relief. After an introductory conversation and with the consent of respondents, surveyors took approximately 10 minutes per household to administer the survey verbally. - -## **Findings** - -The survey sample included **476 males and 300 females**. The average age of respondents was 44 years old. Of the 767 total respondents, **642 (84%) said they received some form of relie**f. M**ost respondents who received relief (573 out of 642, or 89%) had to wait more than 8 days to get any form of help**, according to the survey. - -However, in reality, the amount of time participants waited to receive relief was often longer than eight days (the upper limit included in the survey questions). Anecdotally, numerous participants noted that it took two to three months to receive relief. - -The survey also included questions on the sources of earthquake relief, including the government, NGOs, youth groups, etc. Among survey respondents who received relief, 474 (74%) said they received help from the government, 391 (61%) reported receiving aid from NGOs, and 45 (7%) said they received help from youth groups. However, in practice, many respondents were not entirely sure if they had received aid from the government or an NGO. Often they didn’t know who they received aid from at all.
    - -Respondents were also asked about their priorities post-earthquake. In response, 437 (57%) said rebuilding their homes was their top priority, while 643 (84%) of said employment was their top priority, and 116 (15%) said they might also look for foreign employment. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 54166ec4..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1285 -title: '#DidUGetRelief: Initial findings from Code for Nepal #RahatPayo pilot project on earthquake relief' -date: 2016-05-01T15:47:48-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/05/547-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - Sindhupalchowk, Nepal, in early September. Photo by Code for Nepal volunteer. - -

    - Sindhupalchowk, Nepal, in early September. Photo by Code for Nepal volunteer. -

    - -During August and September 2015, Code for Nepal conducted a pilot survey project in Nepal to gather data on earthquake survivors’ receipt of relief in the initial weeks and months following the April and May 2015 earthquakes. - -The pilot survey was designed to capture how immediate relief was provided by the involved stakeholders and to identify any unmet needs among survivors. - -This pilot was the first step in Code for Nepal’s larger initiative Rahat Payo (Did you get relief?). Rahat Payo is a multi-year project of Code for Nepal. It aims to fill the gaps that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake that killed over 8,500 people, destroyed more than 600,000 houses and affected at least 8 million people in Nepal.  - -Through the initial Rahat Payo pilot in August-September 2015, Code for Nepal volunteers surveyed **767 earthquake survivors in five districts (Kathmandu, Gorkha, Bhaktapur, Rasuwa and Sindhupalchowk) in Nepal.** Over the span of **14 days, eight volunteers went to at least 40** locations to find out whether earthquake survivors had been helped and what their immediate and long-term needs were. - -In this post, we share the initial summary statistics and findings of the August 2015 survey. Our intent is to start a conversation in Nepal around earthquake relief and reconstruction efforts, to ensure that aid reaches those in need in an equitable and efficient manner. - -In the coming weeks, we’ll share additional data that was gathered in Village Development Committees (VDCs) through this pilot survey. - -We are also launching an online version of the Rahat Payo survey, at: **[](**, to continue collecting data on earthquake relief efforts. - -Please help us improve our survey and methodology. You can comment below, or on social media using hashtag #didugetrelief & #rahatpayo. - -## **Methodology** - -Code for Nepal used [Kobo Toolbox]( to conduct the August-September 2015 pilot. The survey that we used can be found here: []( We are continuing to refine these questions based on the pilot, in order to improve the online Rahat Payo survey as well as future survey work in Nepal. - -Eight Nepali volunteers were recruited to conduct the pilot in August-September. After an initial training on Kobo, volunteers traveled to at least 40 sites within Nepal to conduct the survey and gather data using mobile devices. - -The locations volunteers traveled to were determined based on feasibility of travel, and so were non-random. However, once in a town or village to conduct the survey, volunteers sought to randomize data collection by using an object such as a bottle to choose a random starting point from the village center, and the proceeding to the nearest houses from the village center to the village outskirts, interviewing each head of household who was home and seeking to alternate male and female survey respondents. - -When visiting homes, volunteers explained their purpose and clearly stated that they were there to conduct surveys and not provide relief. After an introductory conversation and with the consent of respondents, surveyors took approximately 10 minutes per household to administer the survey verbally. - -## **Findings** - -The survey sample included **467 males and 300 females**. The average age of respondents was 44 years old. Of the 767 total respondents, **642 (84%) said they received some form of relief. Most respondents who received relief (573 out of 642, or 89%) had to wait more than 8 days to get any form of help**, according to the survey. - -However, in reality, the amount of time participants waited to receive relief was often longer than eight days (the upper limit included in the survey questions). Anecdotally, numerous participants noted that it took two to three months to receive relief. - -The survey also included questions on the sources of earthquake relief, including the government, NGOs, youth groups, etc. Among survey respondents who received relief, 474 (74%) said they received help from the government, 391 (61%) reported receiving aid from NGOs, and 45 (7%) said they received help from youth groups. However, in practice, many respondents were not entirely sure if they had received aid from the government or an NGO. Often they didn’t know who they received aid from at all.
    - -Respondents were also asked about their priorities post-earthquake. In response, 437 (57%) said rebuilding their homes was their top priority, while 643 (84%) said employment was their top priority, and 116 (15%) said they might also look for foreign employment. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 901192ad..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 132 -title: 'Digital Empowerment Training – Summer 2014' -date: 2014-12-22T21:37:01-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/15-revision-v1/ ---- -code for nepal - -Dear Fellows, - -Congratulations!! - -Below you will find your tentative syllabus, readings and resources to excel in this training. Continue to check this page frequently. We will update it as we finalize more details. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d0726dfd..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1645 -title: Digital Governance Hackathon 2017 in Kathmandu -date: 2017-02-10T07:22:04-05:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/02/1643-autosave-v1/ ---- -**Code for Nepal** is pleased to support Digital Governance Hackathon 2017. The hackathon is being organized in Kathmandu, Nepal on 11-12 February 2017 at Hotel Hardik, Bagbazaar. - -The aim of the hackathon is to connect software developers to government and nonprofit organizations to produce digital products around issues of Civic Engagement, Open Government and Open Data, Financial Technology, Accountability, Democratic Policy Making, Education and Health and Digital Services to Public. - -The event is being hosted by American Embassy, with support from Ministry of Education, Hello Sarkar Nepal, National Federation of Disabled-Nepal(NFD-N), Federation of Nepali Journalists(FNJ), [MaxConnect](,, Code For Nepal and [Programiz]( - -Hackathons are one of many initiatives going on to promote digital governance in Nepal. Code for Nepal recently released [](, a platform to explore and understand Nepal using data. We recently partnered with Women Development Advocacy Center (WDAC), a non-profit in Nepal, to support a computer learning center in Janakpur, a town in southern borders of Nepal. - -We hope that the hackathon is able to provide much needed technological support to projects initiated by government and non-profits. - -## **Program Schedule** - -## **Day 1** - -[]( - -## Day 2 - -[]( - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 709e94ae..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1651 -title: Digital Governance Hackathon 2017 in Kathmandu -date: 2017-02-10T07:22:10-05:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/02/1643-revision-v1/ ---- -**Code for Nepal** is pleased to support Digital Governance Hackathon 2017. The hackathon is being organized in Kathmandu, Nepal on 11-12 February 2017 at Hotel Hardik, Bagbazaar. - -The aim of the hackathon is to connect software developers to government and nonprofit organizations to produce digital products around issues of Civic Engagement, Open Government and Open Data, Financial Technology, Accountability, Democratic Policy Making, Education and Health and Digital Services to Public. - -The event is being hosted by American Embassy, with support from Ministry of Education, Hello Sarkar Nepal, National Federation of Disabled-Nepal(NFD-N), Federation of Nepali Journalists(FNJ), [MaxConnect](,, Code For Nepal and [Programiz]( - -Hackathons are one of many initiatives going on to promote digital governance in Nepal. Code for Nepal recently released [](, a platform to explore and understand Nepal using data. We recently partnered with Women Development Advocacy Center (WDAC), a non-profit in Nepal, to support a computer learning center in Janakpur, a town in southern borders of Nepal. - -We hope that the hackathon is able to provide much needed technological support to projects initiated by government and non-profits. - -## **Program Schedule** - -## **Day 1** - -[]( - -## Day 2 - -[]( - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8e0b452e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1612 -title: Supporting digital literacy in Janakpur -date: 2017-01-16T20:40:10-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/01/1608-revision-v1/ ---- - - -We have partnered with Women Development Advocacy Center (WDAC), a non-profit in Nepal, to support a computer learning center in Janakpur, a town in southern borders of Nepal. - -The learning center will train local youth from the disadvantaged background, especially those from rural areas. - -  - -At Code for Nepal, we believe in increasing digital literacy especially among women and minorities. By partnering with WDAC we are supporting the mission. We are supporting by providing the salary of a trainer who will teach youth. - -We are grateful for Mitrapath, Inc, a non-profit based in the U.S. for their donations to support to this digital literacy center. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8782567a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1452 -title: 7 reasons why digital literacy is important in Nepal -date: 2016-09-05T12:51:19-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/09/1439-autosave-v1/ ---- -[tumblr_inline_ndck4pOZTf1qb9ga0]( - - 1. Computers are the uncontested source of knowledge. - 2. Computers are gateway to information and the potential to learn through them are vast. Having a computer can expand the resources available to the school as well as facilitate the much-needed computer literacy. - 3. It is our right, sanctioned by the constitution. The constitution of Nepal promulgated in 2015 states that the public should be able to easily access information. The policy also adds that this ease of access to information should be ensured through expansion of information technology as it is in necessary for accelerating the nation’s development. Having computer literacy at school level is aligned with this policy and imparts computer literacy among the Nepali population. - 4. Keeping up with the changing world. With the current expansion of information technology and its reach, it is only fair that computer literacy is prioritized. Countries around the world have incorporated computer classes in the core curriculum of schools and when every academic field has an extension rooted in computer technology, it is only logical to attain computer literacy to keep up with the changing world. - 5. Skill development. Computer literacy is a very crucial skill to have in the 21st century. If computer literacy is incorporated in school curriculum, it allows students to attain computer skills which they can utilize for academic, employment or even developmental opportunities. - 6. Increased employment opportunity. As mentioned earlier, knowledge of computer skills or proficiency in computer literacy allows a person to pursue more job opportunities. - 7. Earlier the better. The earlier the students are introduced to computers, the easier it will be for them to grasp the concepts and be able to pursue it. - -Having computers is a win-win situation for all. However, the current state of computer literacy in Nepal is still in its nascent stage. Many schools across the nation are still struggling to afford a computer, let alone offer articulate courses. Following info-graphs gives us a glimpse of the current status of computer literacy in Nepal. - -[1]( [2]( - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -On the brighter side, implementation of Information-Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructures in school education have been recognized by the policymakers. - -Initiatives like one Laptop per Child (OLPC), Lab Model (computer sharing mechanism) and internet access to schools have started to get implemented. There is still a lot to be done and it takes a combined contribution and support from both private and public sector to change that. - -Spread the word! - -  - -  - -  - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index bc6e38bc..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1455 -title: 7 reasons why digital literacy is important in Nepal -date: 2016-09-05T12:52:08-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/09/1439-revision-v1/ ---- -[tumblr_inline_ndck4pOZTf1qb9ga0]( - - 1. Computers are the uncontested source of knowledge. - 2. Computers are gateway to information and the potential to learn through them are vast. Having a computer can expand the resources available to the school as well as facilitate the much-needed computer literacy. - 3. It is our right, sanctioned by the constitution. The constitution of Nepal promulgated in 2015 states that the public should be able to easily access information. The policy also adds that this ease of access to information should be ensured through expansion of information technology as it is in necessary for accelerating the nation’s development. Having computer literacy at school level is aligned with this policy and imparts computer literacy among the Nepali population. - 4. Keeping up with the changing world. With the current expansion of information technology and its reach, it is only fair that computer literacy is prioritized. Countries around the world have incorporated computer classes in the core curriculum of schools and when every academic field has an extension rooted in computer technology, it is only logical to attain computer literacy to keep up with the changing world. - 5. Skill development. Computer literacy is a very crucial skill to have in the 21st century. If computer literacy is incorporated in school curriculum, it allows students to attain computer skills which they can utilize for academic, employment or even developmental opportunities. - 6. Increased employment opportunity. As mentioned earlier, knowledge of computer skills or proficiency in computer literacy allows a person to pursue more job opportunities. - 7. Earlier the better. The earlier the students are introduced to computers, the easier it will be for them to grasp the concepts and be able to pursue it. - - - - - - - - - -Having computers is a win-win situation for all. However, the current state of computer literacy in Nepal is still in its nascent stage. Many schools across the nation are still struggling to afford a computer, let alone offer articulate courses. Following info-graphs gives us a glimpse of the current status of computer literacy in Nepal. - -[1]( [2]( - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -On the brighter side, implementation of Information-Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructures in school education have been recognized by the policymakers. - -Initiatives like one Laptop per Child (OLPC), Lab Model (computer sharing mechanism) and internet access to schools have started to get implemented. There is still a lot to be done and it takes a combined contribution and support from both private and public sector to change that. - -Spread the word! - -  - -  - -  - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/digital-literacy-in-nepal1439-revision-v1-Computer-Literacy-in-Schools-7-Reasons-Why-it\342\200\" "b/_drafts/digital-literacy-in-nepal1439-revision-v1-Computer-Literacy-in-Schools-7-Reasons-Why-it\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 432eb899..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/digital-literacy-in-nepal1439-revision-v1-Computer-Literacy-in-Schools-7-Reasons-Why-it\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1447 -title: 'Computer Literacy in Schools: 7 Reasons Why it’s Important' -date: 2016-09-05T11:03:19-04:00 -author: Sudeshana Karki -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/09/1439-revision-v1/ ---- - 1. Computers are uncontested source of knowledge - 2. Computers are gateway to information and the potential to learn through these machines are numerous. Having a computer can expand the resources available to the school as well as facilitate the much needed computer literacy. - 3. It is our right, sanctioned by the constitution - The constitution of Nepal promulgated in 2015 states that the public should be able to easily access information. The policy also adds that this ease of access to information should be ensured through expansion of information technology as it is in necessary for accelerating the nation’s development. Having computer literacy at school level is aligned with this policy and imparts computer literacy among the Nepali population. - 4. Keeping up with the changing world - With the current expansion of information technology and its reach, it is only fair that computer literacy is prioritized. Countries around the world have incorporated computer classes in the core curriculum of schools and when every academic field has an extension rooted in computer technology, it is only logical to attain computer literacy to keep up with the changing world. - 5. Skill Development - Computer literacy is a very crucial skill to have in the 21st century. If computer literacy is incorporated in school curriculum, it allows students to attain computer skills which they can utilize for academic, employment or even developmental opportunities. - 6. Increased Employment Opportunity - As mentioned earlier, knowledge of computer skills or proficiency in computer literacy allows a person to pursue more job opportunities. Especially in today’s world dominated by computers, there are more computer related jobs than ever. - 7. Earlier the better - The earlier the students are introduced to computers, the easier it will be for them to grasp the concepts and be able to pursue it. - 8. Development - Computers and its knowledge can be used to organize information regarding the school administration ensuring its smooth running and proper documentation as well as can be used as aide to educate the teachers. - -Having computers is a win-win situation for all. However, the current state of computer literacy in Nepal is still in its nascent stage. Many schools across the nation are still struggling to afford computer, let alone offer articulate courses. Following info-graphs gives us a glimpse of the current status of computer literacy in Nepal. - -  - -[1]( - -[2]( - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -n - -the brighter side, implementation of Information-Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructures in school education have been recognized by the policymakers. - -Initiatives like one Laptop per Child (OLPC), Lab Model (computer sharing mechanism) and internet access to schools have started to get implemented. There is still a lot to be done and it takes a combined contribution and support from both private and public sector to change that. - -Spread the word! - -

    - - - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/digital-literacy-in-nepal1439-revision-v1-Computer-literacy-in-schools-7-reasons-why-it\342\200\" "b/_drafts/digital-literacy-in-nepal1439-revision-v1-Computer-literacy-in-schools-7-reasons-why-it\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 432eb899..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/digital-literacy-in-nepal1439-revision-v1-Computer-literacy-in-schools-7-reasons-why-it\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1447 -title: 'Computer Literacy in Schools: 7 Reasons Why it’s Important' -date: 2016-09-05T11:03:19-04:00 -author: Sudeshana Karki -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/09/1439-revision-v1/ ---- - 1. Computers are uncontested source of knowledge - 2. Computers are gateway to information and the potential to learn through these machines are numerous. Having a computer can expand the resources available to the school as well as facilitate the much needed computer literacy. - 3. It is our right, sanctioned by the constitution - The constitution of Nepal promulgated in 2015 states that the public should be able to easily access information. The policy also adds that this ease of access to information should be ensured through expansion of information technology as it is in necessary for accelerating the nation’s development. Having computer literacy at school level is aligned with this policy and imparts computer literacy among the Nepali population. - 4. Keeping up with the changing world - With the current expansion of information technology and its reach, it is only fair that computer literacy is prioritized. Countries around the world have incorporated computer classes in the core curriculum of schools and when every academic field has an extension rooted in computer technology, it is only logical to attain computer literacy to keep up with the changing world. - 5. Skill Development - Computer literacy is a very crucial skill to have in the 21st century. If computer literacy is incorporated in school curriculum, it allows students to attain computer skills which they can utilize for academic, employment or even developmental opportunities. - 6. Increased Employment Opportunity - As mentioned earlier, knowledge of computer skills or proficiency in computer literacy allows a person to pursue more job opportunities. Especially in today’s world dominated by computers, there are more computer related jobs than ever. - 7. Earlier the better - The earlier the students are introduced to computers, the easier it will be for them to grasp the concepts and be able to pursue it. - 8. Development - Computers and its knowledge can be used to organize information regarding the school administration ensuring its smooth running and proper documentation as well as can be used as aide to educate the teachers. - -Having computers is a win-win situation for all. However, the current state of computer literacy in Nepal is still in its nascent stage. Many schools across the nation are still struggling to afford computer, let alone offer articulate courses. Following info-graphs gives us a glimpse of the current status of computer literacy in Nepal. - -  - -[1]( - -[2]( - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -  - -n - -the brighter side, implementation of Information-Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructures in school education have been recognized by the policymakers. - -Initiatives like one Laptop per Child (OLPC), Lab Model (computer sharing mechanism) and internet access to schools have started to get implemented. There is still a lot to be done and it takes a combined contribution and support from both private and public sector to change that. - -Spread the word! - -

    - - - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 938e996a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 151 -title: 'Increasing digital literacy & open data' -date: 2015-11-05T13:34:57-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/11/40-autosave-v1/ ---- -**U**Code for Nepal has identified the importance of open data and since its establishments the organization has been proactively providing data on its website related to various sectors like education, women empowerment and so on. Code for Nepal has been successfully able to synthesize the open data and reach the masses with important and critical information worldwide. - -Code for Nepal conducted a pilot research and data collection project in the first half of 2015 to assess the presence of women in Nepal’s online media. The data collection and infographic published by Code for Nepal, was well received by [Nepali Times]( and Setopati. Code for Nepal also received a media mention for the data mining by Nepali Times on [Twitter]( - -The organization also partners with other media houses and journalists in Nepal to formulate databases stories. Report prepared by Center for Public Expenditure and was analyzed to publish an infographic on [“How much does it cost to run Kathmandu?”]( by Code for Nepal. Similarly, key data about [status of women]( based on a report by World Bank was also published by Code for Nepal on International Women’s day in 2015. -Moreover, Code for Nepal has also published important data about [Women Prisoners in Nepal ]( has shed light on the issue. By sharing the embed code to the interested parties, Code for Nepal promotes the use of open data and sharing quality information on the web. - -We are conducting workshops to increase digital literacy, especially among women and minorities. Watch these videos to find out what  participants have to say about our workshops. - -
    - -  - -
    - -  - - - -  - -
    - -  - -
    - -  - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index db3efcee..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1498 -title: 'Youth Empowerment: The Perfect Wedding Gift' -date: 2017-08-14T19:47:27-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/08/1491-autosave-v1/ ---- -
    - - - -
    - -Couples often have wedding registries. Mia and Ravi just want to empower young Nepalis. - -**To celebrate their upcoming wedding in Nepal, their non-profit [Code for Nepal]( is hosting a conference in March 2017 to teach young Nepalis to use digital tools. Additionally, [Code for Nepal]( plans to provide scholarships for 25 young women to learn to code over the course of two months.** - -They are raising funds through Code for Nepal, the non-profit they co-founded in 2014. 100% of your donations will go to the conference and coding scholarships. - -Their goal: $11,250 - -The conference will take place in Janakpur, Ravi’s hometown, but they are expecting attendees from all parts of the country. The main objective of the conference is to train attendees to use everyday digital tools – whether Excel, Word, Google, YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter – to boost their skills, connections, and opportunities. Participants will leave the conference well-acquainted with social media platforms that will empower and equip them to dream bigger and better. Attendees will also hear from successful Nepali entrepreneurs on how to build companies and aim high. - -But to make this happen, we need to rent a conference space. We need to help attendees travel there and also provide room and board during the conference. - -Additionally, 25 young women will get scholarships in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, to undertake two months of training in coding and problem solving. - -**About Ravi and Mia** - -[Ravi and Mia]( - -Ravi and Mia met four years ago in Washington, D.C. They have full-time day jobs in D.C., and volunteer with Code for Nepal in their free time. Among the many things they have in common is their passion to help young people through Code for Nepal. - -Ravi is from Janakpur, a small town in the southern border of Nepal. Many generous people and the Internet improved his odds in life. Aside from cooking, traveling and reading with Mia, Ravi uses his free time to work with awesome volunteers on [really cool projects](! - -Mia is from a small town in Massachusetts. She is a policy nerd who taught economics at Harvard. She enjoys travel, photography, writing, reading, and cooking momos (Nepali dumplings) with Ravi. - -Both Mia and Ravi feel enormously lucky and want to do all they can to help others. That’s why they are celebrating their wedding by empowering young people in Nepal. - -**Check out their wedding registry:** - -Scholarships for 20 women to learn coding for $100 each ($2000) -Food for 100 participants for $30 each ($3,000) -Travel support for 25 participants for $100 each ($2500) -Room and board for 10 speakers for $100 each ($1000) -Logistics for the conference ($1000) -Awards to 3 participants for $250 each ($750) -Cost of venue $1000 - -For all donations, if possible, please include your Twitter handle and your email address. - -**What are the goals of this conference** - -First, the conference will include hands-on training. Attendees will come out of the conference inspired, with actionable next steps and digital tools for making their dreams a reality. For example, they will learn how to take photos, use Facebook and other social media outlets, and use Excel to organize data and create a budget. - -Second, young people will hear from other successful entrepreneurs in Nepal, who have used technology to create businesses or brands to help others. Young people will also be asked to pitch ideas ahead of the conference, and several winners will be awarded grants to help turn their ideas turn into reality. - -This is the first time a digital conference like this will be organized in Janakpur, which will hopefully inspire many youths. - -  - -If you would like to **help sponsor our conference or partner** with us, please **email us at contact[at]** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index faecf7a6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1519 -title: 'Digital Nepal: A conference for youth empowerement' -date: 2016-10-16T16:28:49-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/10/1491-revision-v1/ ---- -To celebrate their wedding, Ravi and Mia, co-founders of Code for Nepal, are organizing a two-day digital conference in March 2017 in Ravi’s hometown of Janakpur to digitally empower and train **100-200 Nepali youth**. - -The conference will include **hands-on training**. Attendees will come out of the conference inspired, with actionable next steps and digital tools for making their dreams a reality. - -Participants from all parts of the country will be invited to the conference. At least 25 women and men from the lower socio-economic backgrounds will be given **scholarships** to cover the cost of travel and housing for the conference. - -Code for Nepal is **seeking to raise US $ 8,000** to organize this conference**. In lieu of wedding gifts, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Code for Nepal.** 100% of the funds will go towards the conference! - -If you would like to **help sponsor our conference or partner** with us, please **email us at contact[at]** - - - -Conference Budget: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - Item - - - - Total (US $) -
    - Venue - - - - 1000 -
    - Travel support for local speakers  - - - - 1000 -
    - Support for out of town participants - - - - 1250 -
    - Food  - - - - 3000 -
    - Logistics  - - - - 1000 -
    - Award for entrepreneurs/groups - - - - 750 -
    - Total - - - - 8000 -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index daae3727..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1495 -title: 'Digital Nepal: A conference to empower youth' -date: 2016-10-15T16:01:41-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/10/1491-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 09922808..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1497 -title: Digital Nepal -date: 2016-10-15T16:07:00-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/10/1491-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index cbc74522..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1598 -title: 'Youth Empowerment: The Perfect Wedding Gift' -date: 2016-12-22T15:34:47-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/12/1491-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - - - -
    - -Couples often have wedding registries. Mia and Ravi just want to empower young Nepalis. - -**To celebrate their upcoming wedding in Nepal, their non-profit [Code for Nepal]( is hosting a conference in March 2017 to teach young Nepalis to use digital tools. Additionally, [Code for Nepal]( plans to provide scholarships for 25 young women to learn to code over the course of two months.** - -They are raising funds through Code for Nepal, the non-profit they co-founded in 2014. 100% of your donations will go to the conference and coding scholarships. - -Their goal: $11,250 - -The conference will take place in Janakpur, Ravi’s hometown, but they are expecting attendees from all parts of the country. The main objective of the conference is to train attendees to use everyday digital tools – whether Excel, Word, Google, YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter – to boost their skills, connections, and opportunities. Participants will leave the conference well-acquainted with social media platforms that will empower and equip them to dream bigger and better. Attendees will also hear from successful Nepali entrepreneurs on how to build companies and aim high. - -But to make this happen, we need to rent a conference space. We need to help attendees travel there and also provide room and board during the conference. - -Additionally, 25 young women will get scholarships in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, to undertake two months of training in coding and problem solving. - -**About Ravi and Mia** - -[Ravi and Mia]( - -Ravi and Mia met four years ago in Washington, D.C. They have full-time day jobs in D.C., and volunteer with Code for Nepal in their free time. Among the many things they have in common is their passion to help young people through Code for Nepal. - -Ravi is from Janakpur, a small town in the southern border of Nepal. Many generous people and the Internet improved his odds in life. Aside from cooking, traveling and reading with Mia, Ravi uses his free time to work with awesome volunteers on [really cool projects](! - -Mia is from a small town in Massachusetts. She is a policy nerd who taught economics at Harvard. She enjoys travel, photography, writing, reading, and cooking momos (Nepali dumplings) with Ravi. - -Both Mia and Ravi feel enormously lucky and want to do all they can to help others. That’s why they are celebrating their wedding by empowering young people in Nepal. - -**Check out their wedding registry:** - -Scholarships for 20 women to learn coding for $100 each ($2000) -Food for 100 participants for $30 each ($3,000) -Travel support for 25 participants for $100 each ($2500) -Room and board for 10 speakers for $100 each ($1000) -Logistics for the conference ($1000) -Awards to 3 participants for $250 each ($750) -Cost of venue $1000 - -For all donations, if possible, please include your Twitter handle and your email address. - -**What are the goals of this conference** - -First, the conference will include hands-on training. Attendees will come out of the conference inspired, with actionable next steps and digital tools for making their dreams a reality. For example, they will learn how to take photos, use Facebook and other social media outlets, and use Excel to organize data and create a budget. - -Second, young people will hear from other successful entrepreneurs in Nepal, who have used technology to create businesses or brands to help others. Young people will also be asked to pitch ideas ahead of the conference, and several winners will be awarded grants to help turn their ideas turn into reality. - -This is the first time a digital conference like this will be organized in Janakpur, which will hopefully inspire many youths. - -  - -If you would like to **help sponsor our conference or partner** with us, please **email us at contact[at]** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7cc2cc20..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1389 -title: Interactive map of disabled population in Nepal -date: 2016-08-03T09:06:02-04:00 -author: Ajesh Mahto -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/08/1351-autosave-v1/ ---- -_Disable population in NepalPhoto Credit: Idex World_ - -In 2011, two percent (1.94%; 513,321) of the total population of Nepal reported having “some kind of disability,” according to the Nepal Census. - -**Here’s a breakdown of the different types of disabilities: ** - - * Physical disability: 36.3 percent of the disabled population - * Blindness/Low vision: 18.5 percent - * Deaf/Hard of hearing: 15.4 percent - * Speech problem: 11.5 percent - * Multiple disabilities: 7.5 percent - * Mental disability: 6 percent - * Intellectual disability: 2.9 percent - * Deaf-Blind: 1.8% - -**Here are the five districts with the highest of number of physically disabled people, based on the 2011 Census:** - - 1. Kathmandu 6,030 - 2. Morang 6,029 - 3. Kailali 5,631 - 4. Jhapa 5,524 - 5. Surkhet 4,627 - -**It’s estimated that after the [earthquakes in 2015](, the number of disabled persons in Nepal has likely increased.** Because of the earthquakes, [thousands of Nepalis]( were “temporarily or permanently disabled through crush or other injuries.” - -Nepal has historically lacked the capacity to assist the disabled population either by creating accessible infrastructure or providing support in other ways. After the earthquake, the National Federation of the Disabled, Nepal (NFDN), released an [urgent appeal]( to advocate for the “inclusion of persons with disabilities in Disaster Response Programs.” - -**Check out the number of disabled persons in districts of Nepal by clicking on the interactive map below.** - - - -To increase awareness of the challenges faced by disabled persons in Nepal and to promote inclusive tourism, [International Development Institute (IDI)](, is organizing an [accessible tourism program]( in Nepal, in collaboration with [Soarway Foundation](, and others. - -Have anything to add to this story? Comment below! - -Data source: [Nepal Census (Google Doc)]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 64a471e8..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1391 -title: Interactive map of disabled population in Nepal -date: 2016-08-03T09:06:20-04:00 -author: Ajesh Mahto -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/08/1351-revision-v1/ ---- -_Disable population in NepalPhoto Credit: Idex World_ - -In 2011, two percent (1.94%; 513,321) of the total population of Nepal reported having “some kind of disability,” according to the Nepal Census. - -**Here’s a breakdown of the different types of disabilities: ** - - * Physical disability: 36.3 percent of the disabled population - * Blindness/Low vision: 18.5 percent - * Deaf/Hard of hearing: 15.4 percent - * Speech problem: 11.5 percent - * Multiple disabilities: 7.5 percent - * Mental disability: 6 percent - * Intellectual disability: 2.9 percent - * Deaf-Blind: 1.8% - -**Here are the five districts with the highest of number of physically disabled people, based on the 2011 Census:** - - 1. Kathmandu 6,030 - 2. Morang 6,029 - 3. Kailali 5,631 - 4. Jhapa 5,524 - 5. Surkhet 4,627 - -**It’s estimated that after the [earthquakes in 2015](, the number of disabled persons in Nepal has likely increased.** Because of the earthquakes, [thousands of Nepalis]( were “temporarily or permanently disabled through crush or other injuries.” - -Nepal has historically lacked the capacity to assist the disabled population either by creating accessible infrastructure or providing support in other ways. After the earthquake, the National Federation of the Disabled, Nepal (NFDN), released an [urgent appeal]( to advocate for the “inclusion of persons with disabilities in Disaster Response Programs.” - -**Check out the number of disabled persons in districts of Nepal by clicking on the interactive map below.** - - - -To increase awareness of the challenges faced by disabled persons in Nepal and to promote inclusive tourism, [International Development Institute (IDI)](, is organizing an [accessible tourism program]( in Nepal, in collaboration with [Soarway Foundation](, and others. - -Have anything to add to this story? Comment below! - -Data source: [Nepal Census (Google Doc)]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index baa53fef..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1353 -title: Map of disabled population in Nepal per district -date: 2016-07-23T14:38:07-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/07/1351-revision-v1/ ---- -Disable Center Nepal - -_Photo Credit: Idex World_ - -In 2011, two percent (1.94%; 513,321) of the total population of Nepal reported to have “some kind of disability,” according to Nepal Census. - -  - -Disability: About two percent (1.94%; 513,321) of the total population reported to have -some kind of disability. Physical disability constitutes 36.3 percent of the population with -disability followed by Blindness/Low Vision (18.5%), Deaf/Hard to hearing (15.4%), Speech -problem (11.5%), Multiple Disability (7.5%), Mental Disability (6%), Intellectual Disability -(2.9%) and Deaf-Blind (1.8%). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 06074394..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1704 -title: 'Diversity and Enthusiasm: My take on Digital Nepal Conference, Janakpur' -date: 2017-04-27T12:56:43-04:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/04/1698-autosave-v1/ ---- -As we know, things are pretty unpredictable in Nepal. Right before the [Digital Nepal Conference – Janakpur](, because of unfortunate and tragic events, a strike was announced. After monitoring the situation closely, talking to people, and considering the high demand from youths in the region, [Code for Nepal]( decided that it would be OK to go forward with the conference. - -I had only been to Janakpur once as a child many years ago. As someone who had not really explored the southern parts of the country, I decided to go to Janakpur despite the challenges of the strike. Frankly, my friend, Avinash, and I were both a bit nervous. However, we were also very excited. - -We decided to fly on March 8. I almost did not make it to the airport on time because of heavy traffic on the road in Kathmandu. After all the hassle, when we landed safely in Janakpur, Ravi and the Code for Nepal team were there to greet us at the airport. It was so reassuring to see familiar faces. Half of the passengers who traveled on that plane were attending the conference. Isn’t that amazing? - -From the airport, we took a Tuk Tuk. It was my first time riding a Tuk Tuk. On the way to the hotel, I realized how clean and beautiful Janakpur had become (Ravi says the town used to be cleaner when he was growing up there). Most importantly, the weather was perfect. Later that day, we also visited Janaki Mandir and surrounding ponds. Janakpur is such a religious and historical town. People are friendly. - -That evening, there was a journalism workshop for local journalists of Janakpur. It was a normal kind of workshop, similar to ones I used to see more frequently while attending events in Kathmandu. The workshop was facilitated by Dietrich Ayala, David and Ravi Kumar Nepal, where participants learned about using technology for storytelling. But it was when the team of Accountability Lab started the discussion about Open Government, that I saw the enthusiasm of participants. They openly discussed how the concept of Open Government can be helpful for all Nepalese citizens. Some also shared problems that they are facing, which can only be solved by governments. - -[]( - -Since there was a strike that day, there was nothing much to expect. But thanks to Pratap Adhikari from [Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON)]( who made our night awesome. He took us on a Janakpur tour, during which we visited almost all the important temples and ponds of Janakpur. We also enjoyed watching puja happening at Ganga Sagar, and more importantly enjoying the taste of Janakpur lassi was an awesome feeling. - -On the 2nd day of the conference, I joined Alisha Chettri from the [Women Development Advocacy Center]( at the registration desk. This gave me a chance to understand how diverse the conference was going to be. Yes, diverse – which is hard to see in Kathmandu-based events. Young students, housewives, shopkeepers, journalists and community leaders were there to attend the conference. Female participants were also in a good number. - -The conference started and as usual, I started snapping photos to post them on our social media account, which I believe is one of the best ways to do documentation of an event. Taking photos, listening to speakers and going Facebook Live sometimes, I was enjoying it. However, I found it interesting when participants started asking questions to presenters. This showed how enthusiastic they were. They were engaged in all presentations and panel discussions. Asking questions, sharing their views, interactions were from both sides. After all the presentations and panel discussions, a token of love was given to each presenter, and t-shirts were given to all participants. Some left the venue and the rest of us went for a group photo. Ohh, group photo and my selfie 😛 - -[]( - -After the conference ended, we caught up with Pratap Adhikari again and went to taste Janakpur fish. Don’t know whether I should be saying it or not, but that evening I came to know that strong beer is found only in Terai districts. After enjoying the fish, we went for dinner where Ravi gave us a treat, and I must say that the food was amazing. Later that night, Dietrich and I enjoyed an omelet of a duck egg also. - -[]( - -I must say that my three-day-visit of Janakpur was awesome, and this time my experience was different. My contribution at [Digital Nepal Conference]( was limited, but the conference gave me an opportunity to enjoy and interact with nice people of Janakpur. Hope this kind of event will be organized outside of the valley more frequently. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b5c91a62..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1707 -title: 'Diversity and Enthusiasm: My take on Digital Nepal Conference, Janakpur' -date: 2017-04-27T12:57:12-04:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/04/1698-revision-v1/ ---- -As we know, things are pretty unpredictable in Nepal. Right before the [Digital Nepal Conference – Janakpur](, because of unfortunate and tragic events, a strike was announced. After monitoring the situation closely, talking to people, and considering the high demand from youths in the region, [Code for Nepal]( decided that it would be OK to go forward with the conference. - -I had only been to Janakpur once as a child many years ago. As someone who had not really explored the southern parts of the country, I decided to go to Janakpur despite the challenges of the strike. Frankly, my friend, Avinash, and I were both a bit nervous. However, we were also very excited. - -We decided to fly on March 8. I almost did not make it to the airport on time because of heavy traffic on the road in Kathmandu. After all the hassle, when we landed safely in Janakpur, Ravi and the Code for Nepal team were there to greet us at the airport. It was so reassuring to see familiar faces. Half of the passengers who traveled on that plane were attending the conference. Isn’t that amazing? - -From the airport, we took a Tuk Tuk. It was my first time riding a Tuk Tuk. On the way to the hotel, I realized how clean and beautiful Janakpur had become (Ravi says the town used to be cleaner when he was growing up there). Most importantly, the weather was perfect. Later that day, we also visited Janaki Mandir and surrounding ponds. Janakpur is such a religious and historical town. People are friendly. - -That evening, there was a journalism workshop for local journalists of Janakpur. It was a normal kind of workshop, similar to ones I used to see more frequently while attending events in Kathmandu. The workshop was facilitated by Dietrich Ayala, David and Ravi Kumar Nepal, where participants learned about using technology for storytelling. But it was when the team of Accountability Lab started the discussion about Open Government, that I saw the enthusiasm of participants. They openly discussed how the concept of Open Government can be helpful for all Nepalese citizens. Some also shared problems that they are facing, which can only be solved by governments. - -[]( - -Since there was a strike that day, there was nothing much to expect. But thanks to Pratap Adhikari from [Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON)]( who made our night awesome. He took us on a Janakpur tour, during which we visited almost all the important temples and ponds of Janakpur. We also enjoyed watching puja happening at Ganga Sagar, and more importantly enjoying the taste of Janakpur lassi was an awesome feeling. - -On the 2nd day of the conference, I joined Alisha Chettri from the [Women Development Advocacy Center]( at the registration desk. This gave me a chance to understand how diverse the conference was going to be. Yes, diverse – which is hard to see in Kathmandu-based events. Young students, housewives, shopkeepers, journalists and community leaders were there to attend the conference. Female participants were also in a good number. - -[]( - -The conference started and as usual, I started snapping photos to post them on our social media account, which I believe is one of the best ways to do documentation of an event. Taking photos, listening to speakers and going Facebook Live sometimes, I was enjoying it. However, I found it interesting when participants started asking questions to presenters. This showed how enthusiastic they were. They were engaged in all presentations and panel discussions. Asking questions, sharing their views, interactions were from both sides. After all the presentations and panel discussions, a token of love was given to each presenter, and t-shirts were given to all participants. Some left the venue and the rest of us went for a group photo. Ohh, group photo and my selfie 😛 - -[]( - -After the conference ended, we caught up with Pratap Adhikari again and went to taste Janakpur fish. Don’t know whether I should be saying it or not, but that evening I came to know that strong beer is found only in Terai districts. After enjoying the fish, we went for dinner where Ravi gave us a treat, and I must say that the food was amazing. Later that night, Dietrich and I enjoyed an omelet of a duck egg also. - -[]( - -I must say that my three-day-visit of Janakpur was awesome, and this time my experience was different. My contribution at [Digital Nepal Conference]( was limited, but the conference gave me an opportunity to enjoy and interact with nice people of Janakpur. Hope this kind of event will be organized outside of the valley more frequently. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b5c91a62..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1707 -title: 'Diversity and Enthusiasm: My take on Digital Nepal Conference, Janakpur' -date: 2017-04-27T12:57:12-04:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/04/1698-revision-v1/ ---- -As we know, things are pretty unpredictable in Nepal. Right before the [Digital Nepal Conference – Janakpur](, because of unfortunate and tragic events, a strike was announced. After monitoring the situation closely, talking to people, and considering the high demand from youths in the region, [Code for Nepal]( decided that it would be OK to go forward with the conference. - -I had only been to Janakpur once as a child many years ago. As someone who had not really explored the southern parts of the country, I decided to go to Janakpur despite the challenges of the strike. Frankly, my friend, Avinash, and I were both a bit nervous. However, we were also very excited. - -We decided to fly on March 8. I almost did not make it to the airport on time because of heavy traffic on the road in Kathmandu. After all the hassle, when we landed safely in Janakpur, Ravi and the Code for Nepal team were there to greet us at the airport. It was so reassuring to see familiar faces. Half of the passengers who traveled on that plane were attending the conference. Isn’t that amazing? - -From the airport, we took a Tuk Tuk. It was my first time riding a Tuk Tuk. On the way to the hotel, I realized how clean and beautiful Janakpur had become (Ravi says the town used to be cleaner when he was growing up there). Most importantly, the weather was perfect. Later that day, we also visited Janaki Mandir and surrounding ponds. Janakpur is such a religious and historical town. People are friendly. - -That evening, there was a journalism workshop for local journalists of Janakpur. It was a normal kind of workshop, similar to ones I used to see more frequently while attending events in Kathmandu. The workshop was facilitated by Dietrich Ayala, David and Ravi Kumar Nepal, where participants learned about using technology for storytelling. But it was when the team of Accountability Lab started the discussion about Open Government, that I saw the enthusiasm of participants. They openly discussed how the concept of Open Government can be helpful for all Nepalese citizens. Some also shared problems that they are facing, which can only be solved by governments. - -[]( - -Since there was a strike that day, there was nothing much to expect. But thanks to Pratap Adhikari from [Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON)]( who made our night awesome. He took us on a Janakpur tour, during which we visited almost all the important temples and ponds of Janakpur. We also enjoyed watching puja happening at Ganga Sagar, and more importantly enjoying the taste of Janakpur lassi was an awesome feeling. - -On the 2nd day of the conference, I joined Alisha Chettri from the [Women Development Advocacy Center]( at the registration desk. This gave me a chance to understand how diverse the conference was going to be. Yes, diverse – which is hard to see in Kathmandu-based events. Young students, housewives, shopkeepers, journalists and community leaders were there to attend the conference. Female participants were also in a good number. - -[]( - -The conference started and as usual, I started snapping photos to post them on our social media account, which I believe is one of the best ways to do documentation of an event. Taking photos, listening to speakers and going Facebook Live sometimes, I was enjoying it. However, I found it interesting when participants started asking questions to presenters. This showed how enthusiastic they were. They were engaged in all presentations and panel discussions. Asking questions, sharing their views, interactions were from both sides. After all the presentations and panel discussions, a token of love was given to each presenter, and t-shirts were given to all participants. Some left the venue and the rest of us went for a group photo. Ohh, group photo and my selfie 😛 - -[]( - -After the conference ended, we caught up with Pratap Adhikari again and went to taste Janakpur fish. Don’t know whether I should be saying it or not, but that evening I came to know that strong beer is found only in Terai districts. After enjoying the fish, we went for dinner where Ravi gave us a treat, and I must say that the food was amazing. Later that night, Dietrich and I enjoyed an omelet of a duck egg also. - -[]( - -I must say that my three-day-visit of Janakpur was awesome, and this time my experience was different. My contribution at [Digital Nepal Conference]( was limited, but the conference gave me an opportunity to enjoy and interact with nice people of Janakpur. Hope this kind of event will be organized outside of the valley more frequently. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4509d0c9..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 142 -title: Does educating girls reduce fertility rates in South Asia? -date: 2014-12-22T22:28:00-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/20-autosave-v1/ ---- -Numbers from World Development Indicators show that the higher the level of female education, the lower the fertility rate. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5d02a43d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 143 -title: Does educating girls reduce fertility rates in South Asia? -date: 2014-12-22T22:28:13-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/20-revision-v1/ ---- -Numbers from World Development Indicators show that the higher the level of female education, the lower the fertility rate. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e5afe238..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1882 -title: Donate to help flood victims in Nepal -date: 2017-08-16T11:25:55-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/08/1859-autosave-v1/ ---- -
    - - - -
    - -Heavy monsoon floods across southern Nepal have [killed 91 people](, destroyed over 3000 homes, and displaced thousands of Nepalis. At least [six million]( people are affected by the floods in the southern plains of Nepal. - -Weather forecasters have predicted more rain in some areas. Scores of people reported are still missing, and over 48,000 homes flooded. Electricity and phone service have been cut off, making relief effort harder for volunteers. Nepal Red Cross warned that shortages of drinking water and food could create a [humanitarian crisis]( - -We need funds to support victims with relief. Flood survivors immediately need food, safe drinking water, first aid, temporary shelter and toilet and care package for women and children. Please chip in to fund our campaign. We are closely working with [volunteers]( on the ground to bring support directly to the victims. - -As always, Code for Nepal team will maintain transparency and accountability. -Your generous contribution will be appreciated. - -*The amount raised here includes the funds raised via our [Facebook page]( as well.* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e3fff3a9..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1893 -title: Donate to help flood victims in Nepal -date: 2017-08-20T07:46:54-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/08/1859-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - - - -
    - -Heavy monsoon floods across southern Nepal have [killed 91 people](, destroyed over 3000 homes, and displaced thousands of Nepalis. At least [six million]( people are affected by the floods in the southern plains of Nepal. - -Weather forecasters have predicted more rain in some areas. Scores of people reported are still missing, and over 48,000 homes flooded. Electricity and phone service have been cut off, making relief effort harder for volunteers. Nepal Red Cross warned that shortages of drinking water and food could create a [humanitarian crisis]( - -We need funds to support victims with relief. Flood survivors immediately need food, safe drinking water, first aid, temporary shelter and toilet and care package for women and children. Please chip in to fund our campaign. We are closely working with [volunteers]( on the ground to bring support directly to the victims. - -As always, Code for Nepal team will maintain transparency and accountability. -Your generous contribution will be appreciated. - -*The amount raised here includes the funds raised via our [Facebook page]( as well.* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c6e0d14a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 604 -title: Donate -date: 2015-11-29T13:26:05-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/11/93-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index ace5168c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1667 -title: 'The six districts in Nepal where nearly half of all people don’t have safe drinking water' -date: 2017-02-18T21:43:53-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/02/1661-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - Safe drinking water map - -

    - Source: -

    - -**Over** the last few decades, Nepal has made significant progress in providing people with safe drinking water. [83.4% of Nepalis]( have access to safe drinking water, according to UNDP Development Human Development Report, 2014, - -That means more than 8 in 10 Nepalis have safe drinking water. - -But there are some districts where almost half of the people still don’t have safe drinking water. Here are those districts: - - 1. [Achham]( - 2. [Dang]( - 3. [Salyan]( - 4. [Dailekh]( - 5. [Kalikot]( - 6. [Jajarkot]( - -Check out this interactive map to explore how many people in your district have access to safe drinking water. - -Comment below if you are surprised by what you find. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f1bc9412..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1691 -title: 'Election Nepal – A mediator between Citizens and Government for Election Data' -date: 2017-04-17T20:30:59-04:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/04/1688-autosave-v1/ ---- -On 20th February 2017, A Cabinet meeting held at the [Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers]( in Singha Durbar announced the date of Local Elections to be held on May 14. Nearly after the 20 years, this election is being held. The last local elections in Nepal were held in 1997 for municipalities and village councils. And, Local elections which was held in 2005 by King Gyanendra during his direct rule which was widely boycotted by the major political parties. That was ineffective because of the ongoing civil war. - -[Election Commission Nepal]( is responsible government body for conducting and managing all activities of Local Elections. This is the first election after Nepal being recognized as a Federal Nation. For the preparation of the election, the government decided to provide Rs 10.296 billion to the Election Commission Nepal immediately for the polls. Thus, [Election Commission Nepal]( has already started exploring the logistic requirements, updating the voters’ list, estimation of the human resources. According to the Election Commission Nepal, the preparation has been 90% completed. Commission had also received the financial and technical support from the major donor countries, who did support in past elections regularly. - -The Commission had already started to generate an enormous amount of election data so, to maximize the reach of those data, last with in collaboration with [Open Knowledge Nepal]( we launched the first Beta version of [**Election Nepal Portal**]( Election Nepal is a crowdsourced open portal that brings all kind of Data related to Nepal’s Local Election together in Open and Visual Format. Those accumulated data can be easily reused in future for various purposes. The portal will be focusing on three different areas, such as: visualization, datasets, and Twitter feed. Visualization will consist different kinds of visualization which can be easily shared, reuse and embed. Datasets will consist data published by different government source regarding the election in an open format and Twitter feed will bring social buzz happening at social media regarding local elections. -&nsb -For more information please visit the project website: []( and find out how the project started and journey behind from [here]( - -
    - - -

    - Election Nepal Portal -

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index bb1891d9..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1695 -title: 'Election Nepal – A mediator between Citizens and Government for Election Data' -date: 2017-04-17T20:32:36-04:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/04/1688-revision-v1/ ---- -On 20th February 2017, A Cabinet meeting held at the [Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers]( in Singha Durbar announced the date of Local Elections to be held on May 14. Nearly after the 20 years, this election is being held. The last local elections in Nepal were held in 1997 for municipalities and village councils. And, Local elections which was held in 2005 by King Gyanendra during his direct rule which was widely boycotted by the major political parties. That was ineffective because of the ongoing civil war. - -[Election Commission Nepal]( is responsible government body for conducting and managing all activities of Local Elections. This is the first election after Nepal being recognized as a Federal Nation. For the preparation of the election, the government decided to provide Rs 10.296 billion to the Election Commission Nepal immediately for the polls. Thus, [Election Commission Nepal]( has already started exploring the logistic requirements, updating the voters’ list, estimation of the human resources. According to the Election Commission Nepal, the preparation has been 90% completed. Commission had also received the financial and technical support from the major donor countries, who did support in past elections regularly. - -The Commission had already started to generate an enormous amount of election data so, to maximize the reach of those data, last week in collaboration with Open Knowledge Nepal, we launched the first Beta version of [**Election Nepal Portal**]( Election Nepal is a crowdsourced open portal that brings all kind of Data related to Nepal’s Local Election together in Open and Visual Format. Those accumulated data can be easily reused in future for various purposes. The portal will be focusing on three different areas, such as: visualization, datasets, and Twitter feed. Visualization will consist different kinds of visualization which can be easily shared, reuse and embed. Datasets will consist data published by different government source regarding the election in an open format and Twitter feed will bring social buzz happening at social media regarding local elections. - -For more information please visit the project website: []( and find out how the project started and journey behind from [here]( - -
    - - -

    - Election Nepal Portal -

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3f3df5eb..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2304 -title: Digitally empowering women in Nepal will have transformational impact on everybody. Please donate to help women -date: 2019-01-15T21:07:52-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/01/2301-revision-v1/ ---- -
    Photo by Rob Tinworth
    - -

    - Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. We give scholarships to young women and men, especially from underprivileged  background. We organize conferences where we ensure 50% of our speakers are women.

    - -Women make majority of Nepal’s population. Traditionally they have been marginalized. They have lacked access to education, jobs or any kind of opportunities. In recent decades, many have gained education. Some have jobs. While reliable data is not available, gender digital divide is huge in Nepal. - - -Code for Nepal is a volunteer-led non-profit. 100% of your donations will be used for our projects to digitally empower women. Please make tax deductible donations. - -Watch Yogina Shakya, a Code for Nepal fellow had to say about our digital empowerment program that she participated in. - -Thank you for your help. If you have questions, please email us at \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1ef69151..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2307 -title: Digitally empowering women in Nepal -date: 2019-01-15T21:12:25-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/01/2301-revision-v1/ ---- -
    Photo by Rob Tinworth
    - -

    - Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. We give scholarships to young women and men, especially from underprivileged  background. We organize conferences where we ensure 50% of our speakers are women.

    - -Women make majority of Nepal’s population. Traditionally they have been marginalized. They have lacked access to education, jobs or any kind of opportunities. In recent decades, many have gained education. Some have jobs. While reliable data is not available, gender digital divide is huge in Nepal. - - -Code for Nepal is a volunteer-led non-profit. 100% of your donations will be used for our projects to digitally empower women. Please make tax deductible donations. - -Watch Yogina Shakya, a Code for Nepal fellow had to say about our digital empowerment program that she participated in. - - - - - -Thank you for your help. If you have questions, please email us at \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4ed9abc1..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2514 -title: If you are a woman and excel in the tech market in Nepal, apply for this fellowship by March 19 -date: 2020-03-07T11:46:59-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2020/03/2513-revision-v1/ ---- -We are pleased to announce that applications are open for the first batch of [Hawkins Fellows]( The objective of the 12-week fellowship program organized by Code for Nepal in partnership with [Insight Workshop]( is to help increase female talent in the technology job market in Nepal. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 09a1bebd..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2517 -title: If you are a woman and want to excel in the tech market in Nepal, apply for this fellowship by March 19 -date: 2020-03-07T12:00:05-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2020/03/2513-revision-v1/ ---- -We are pleased to announce that applications are open for the first batch of [Hawkins Fellows]( The objective of the 12-week fellowship program organized by Code for Nepal in partnership with [Insight Workshop]( is to help increase female talent in the technology job market in Nepal. - -#### **About the fellowship program** - -The Hawkins Fellowship by Code for Nepal in partnership with Insight Workshop Academy includes: - -**A. A twelve-week program at the Insight Workshop Academy** - -Fellows will be engaged full-time from Monday to Friday 10 am to 4 pm in the Insight Workshop classes - -**B. A four-week capstone program** - -For the capstone project Fellows can either build from their own ideas and interests or they can be involved in one of the following Code for Nepal projects - - * [AskNepal]( - * [Visit Janakpur]( - * [Sangraha]( - * [NepalMap]( - * [Code for Nepal website]( - * Other special projects - -**C. A Monetary reward of Nrs 5,000 after the fellow successfully completes the program.** (The fellowship award including the training, networking and more is worth Nrs 60,000.) - -**Learning outcomes of the fellowship: -–** Leadership and communications skills -– Access to network with established leaders in the field -– Project Management: Portfolio-building with Code for Nepal and Insight Workshop** -–**Technical skills: Open source and web development - -**Deadline to Apply :  **March 19 - -**Number of Fellows for April intake:** 3 - -### A**pplicants must meet the following criteria to apply:** - - * able to commit full-time - - * background in basic programming - - * identify as female - - * young professional or final year Bachelor’s student - -We will call for interviews if you are shortlisted. Three fellows will work alongside the April batch of trainees of Insight Workshop Academy. To know more about the curriculum visit []( - -**Fellowship timeline:** April 6, 2019 to August 30,  2019 - -**You only have to fill one application form. Please fill and submit the form below by April 12.** - -If you have questions that have not been answered on this page, please ask using the comments section below. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 99c65721..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2523 -title: You are a young woman and want to excel in the tech market in Nepal? Apply for this fellowship by March 19 -date: 2020-03-07T12:45:32-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2020/03/2513-revision-v1/ ---- -
    Hawkins Fellows from the class of 2019.
    - -We are pleased to announce that applications are open for the 2nd batch of [Hawkins Fellows]( The objective of the 12-week fellowship program organized by Code for Nepal in partnership with [Insight Workshop]( is to help increase female talent in the technology job market in Nepal. - -_(This is a rolling application process which works on a “first come first served basis”. The sooner you apply, you have a higher chance of being accepted.)_ - -#### **About the fellowship program** - -The Hawkins Fellowship by Code for Nepal in partnership with Insight Workshop Academy includes: - -**A. A twelve-week program at the Insight Workshop Academy** - -Fellows will be engaged full-time from Monday to Friday 10 am to 4 pm in the Insight Workshop classes - -**B. A four-week capstone program** - -For the capstone project Fellows can either build from their own ideas and interests or they can be involved in one of the following Code for Nepal projects - - * [AskNepal]( - * [Visit Janakpur]( - * [Sangraha]( - * [NepalMap]( - * [Code for Nepal website]( - * Other special projects - -**C. A Monetary reward of Nrs 5,000 after the fellow successfully completes the program.** (The fellowship award including the training, networking and more is worth Nrs 60,000.) - -**Learning outcomes of the fellowship: -–** Leadership and communications skills -– Access to network with established leaders in the field -– Project Management: Portfolio-building with Code for Nepal and Insight Workshop** -–**Technical skills: Open source and web development - -**Deadline to Apply:  **March 19 - -**Number of Fellows for April intake:** 3 - -### A**pplicants must meet the following criteria to apply:** - - * able to commit full-time for this Fellowship in Kathmandu - - * background in basic programming - - * identify as female - - * young professional or final year Bachelor’s student - -We will call for interviews if you are shortlisted. Three fellows will work alongside the April batch of trainees of Insight Workshop Academy. To know more about the curriculum visit []( - -**Fellowship timeline:** April 6, 2019 to August 30,  2019 - -**You only have to fill one application form. Please fill and submit the form below by April 12.** - -If you have questions that have not been answered on this page, please ask using the comments section below. Also, here are [more blog posts]( related to Hawkins Fellowship including a few by our Fellows from 2019. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c990df49..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1386 -title: Financial reports -date: 2016-08-02T11:28:59-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: page -guid: -sidebar: - - choice ---- -Code for Nepal believes in complete transparency and accountability. We are working to find an auditor and organize our finances. In the meantime, we are publishing our financial summary from PayPal, as we conduct almost all \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index a0ff1e0c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1387 -title: Financial reports -date: 2016-08-02T11:28:59-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/08/1386-revision-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal believes in complete transparency and accountability. We are working to find an auditor and organize our finances. In the meantime, we are publishing our financial summary from PayPal, as we conduct almost all \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e508d07e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2443 -title: First month as a Software Engineer Trainee at Insight Workshop -date: 2019-05-28T02:34:45-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/05/2421-revision-v1/ ---- -I applied for this workshop from both Insight website as well as from Code for Nepal fellowship. It was an amazing feeling to know that I had got selected for both. I thought “WOW! I can do this.” I felt more energetic: all I could feel was positive vibes. - -From the very first day I was feeling very lucky to be part of this workshop. I took this as an opportunity to learn and groom myself in a real office environment. This was the time to implement my theoretical knowledge into practical world. I saw my big picture world i.e future through these tiny steps. I dreamt of being a software engineer since my school days. So this was a starting of my journey. - -Talking about my first day at Insight Workshop, everyone was so welcoming.We were introduced with the previous batch of students, mentors and everyone else there. They shared their Experiences. There were more than 50% girls; it was a happy feeling. Everyone had the same dreams and these were tech enthusiasts with same passion to learn. There were positive vibes coming from everyone that we should learn and there was a team working environment. It was a different feeling. - -The first month went by so fast.We learnt the basics of everything from Html, Css to Django Framework. We learnt how they work in real world and also learned project management basics from tools to practicals.We were assigned assignments and tasks. There were exams. And I even got chocolate and highest marks in the third test. I felt happy. Every Friday we had guest lectures from industry experts who shared their experiences. I loved how they shared everything with us, making us feel like their own family. They want us to grow and we were all motivated and learnt so many things from each and every person every single day. Every day was productive. It wasn’t hectic at all. The time was feasible and the environment was co-operative. - -For the ongoing second month we are divided into team of two members.We have already been assigned projects to implement all our learnings. We have been given time about 4 weeks to complete this project. My only goal for this month is to complete this project with all the hard work I can put in and learn many things each and everyday to make it more productive. - -I am grateful to Code for Nepal for selecting me as one of the Hawkins Fellow and giving me this opportunity. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e96c13c8..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2441 -title: FIRST MONTH AS A SOFTWARE ENGINEERING TRAINEE -date: 2019-05-28T02:28:56-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/05/2430-revision-v1/ ---- -After being selected as one of the Hawkins fellow, I searched for Insight workshop’s further background, course curriculum outline and its location to make sure I am going to the right place. In my view, most of the Nepali students get internship experiences where they just come to complete the syllabus of internship or the internship becomes a phase where students begin to lose their zeal in technology. Often, interns do not learn anything due to lack of guidance. I had a slight skepticism whether the workshop would be as promising as it looked. But when I entered Insight Workshop, it was nothing like what I have encountered in the past. It was fairly disparate from any other technology companies in Nepal. It was an ecstatic moment for me when I could see the academy was professionally equipped, provided with well defined resources and supported by highly experienced mentors. - -I joined workshop one week behind the actual schedule which gave me a push to work extra hard to recover my absence. I remember meeting Basna, one of the other Hawkins fellows welcoming me with a sweet gesture and I could feel every other members being cooperative and competent on the first day of workshop. - -The second week was productive in learning how to use Linux, Source Code maintenance in Git, how to use Skype effectively for communication and how to get access to full stack development tools and technologies. I got familiar with daily practices such as stand up session at sharp 10 AM in the morning with group members, using SCRUM board for personal and project development, mundane update of our progress at the end of day, Friday’s guest lectures and retro discussions on reflecting what went well or not over a week. It was completely a modern reality to perform task by teaming up with other members to solve problems both technical and non-technical. - -On the third and fourth week, we were given Python assignments, Front end designs to clone and do objective tests. I learned to delegate my tasks and I planned to accomplish my objectives by the deadline using Trello and we were provided online learning materials by our instructors.  I don’t like to miss a single day; I love being on time and every moment, I am learning something new. I am not exaggerating about how tough and high yielding our profession is. However, I genuinely sensed my daily six hours at work. Though, nothing comes easy, we have to train ourselves to become auto-didactic, brainstorm ideas, comprehend programming skills, follow stern and unanimous working environment. Last week, we learned to do basic crucial features of web development and I believe that I can develop my very own project with required functionality. - -Over the coming months, I have planned to upgrade my programming skills to take my project to next level, give my foremost at workplace, redraft my professional subjects like CV, LinkedIn profile and build an effective communication and networking environment. Overall, I have attained additional confidence and motivation to work harder in the tech field. I am pursuing this notion in the coming days to complete my purpose of being a Hawkins Fellow and a software engineering trainee. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d79284fc..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2431 -title: FIRST MONTH AT INSIGHT WORKSHOP -date: 2019-05-28T00:31:56-04:00 -author: Seema Thapa -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/05/2430-revision-v1/ ---- -After being selected as one of the Hawkins fellow, I searched for Insight workshop’s further background, course curriculum outline and its location to make sure I am going to the place. In my view, most of the Nepali students get intern experiences where trainees just come to complete the syllabus of internship or the internship becomes a phase where students begin to lose their zeal in technology or interns do not learn anything due to lack of guidance and get no new entities to learn. I had a slight skepticism whether the workshop would be promising as it looks. But when I entered Insight Workshop, it was nothing like what I have encountered at past. It was fairly disparate from any other Tech companies in Nepal. It was an ecstatic moment for me where I could see the working background is professionally equipped, provided with well defined resources and supported by highly experienced mentors. - -I joined workshop one week behind the actual schedule which gave me a push to work extra hard to recover my absence. I remember meeting Basna, one of the Hawkins fellow member welcoming me with a sweet gesture and I could feel every other members being cooperative and competent on my first day of workshop. I got to talk with Sumi and Maunata later on while working on the assignments and at Code for Nepal official meeting. - -The second week was productive in learning how to use Linux, Source Code maintenance in Git, use Skype effectively for communication, get access to full stack development tools and technologies. I got familiar with daily practices such as stand up session at sharp 10 AM in the morning with group members, using SCRUM board for personal and project development, mundane update of our progress at the end of day, Friday’s guest lectures and retro discussions on reflecting what went well or not over a week. It was completely a modern reality to perform task by teaming up with other members to solve problems both technical and non-technical. - -On the third and fourth week, we were given Python assignments, Front end designs to clone and do objective tests. I learned to delegate my tasks and plan to accomplish my objectives by the deadline using Trello and we were provided online learning materials by our instructors. I can feel that I don’t like to miss my workshop, I love being on time and every moment, I am learning something new. I am not exaggerating about how tough and high yielding our profession is. However, I genuinely sensed my daily six hours at work. Though, nothing comes easy, we have to train ourselves to become auto-didactic brainstorm ideas, comprehend programming skills, follow stern and unanimous working environment. Last week, we have learned to do basic crucial features of web development and I can believe that I can -develop my very own project with required functionality. Over the coming months, I have planned to upgrade my programming skills to take my project to next level, give my foremost at workplace, redraft my professional subjects like CV, Linkedin profile and build an effective Communication and Networking environment. Overall, I have attained additional confidence and motivation to work harder in Tech field. I am pursuing this notion in coming days to complete my purpose of being a Hawkins Fellow and a software engineering trainee. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e96c13c8..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2441 -title: FIRST MONTH AS A SOFTWARE ENGINEERING TRAINEE -date: 2019-05-28T02:28:56-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/05/2430-revision-v1/ ---- -After being selected as one of the Hawkins fellow, I searched for Insight workshop’s further background, course curriculum outline and its location to make sure I am going to the right place. In my view, most of the Nepali students get internship experiences where they just come to complete the syllabus of internship or the internship becomes a phase where students begin to lose their zeal in technology. Often, interns do not learn anything due to lack of guidance. I had a slight skepticism whether the workshop would be as promising as it looked. But when I entered Insight Workshop, it was nothing like what I have encountered in the past. It was fairly disparate from any other technology companies in Nepal. It was an ecstatic moment for me when I could see the academy was professionally equipped, provided with well defined resources and supported by highly experienced mentors. - -I joined workshop one week behind the actual schedule which gave me a push to work extra hard to recover my absence. I remember meeting Basna, one of the other Hawkins fellows welcoming me with a sweet gesture and I could feel every other members being cooperative and competent on the first day of workshop. - -The second week was productive in learning how to use Linux, Source Code maintenance in Git, how to use Skype effectively for communication and how to get access to full stack development tools and technologies. I got familiar with daily practices such as stand up session at sharp 10 AM in the morning with group members, using SCRUM board for personal and project development, mundane update of our progress at the end of day, Friday’s guest lectures and retro discussions on reflecting what went well or not over a week. It was completely a modern reality to perform task by teaming up with other members to solve problems both technical and non-technical. - -On the third and fourth week, we were given Python assignments, Front end designs to clone and do objective tests. I learned to delegate my tasks and I planned to accomplish my objectives by the deadline using Trello and we were provided online learning materials by our instructors.  I don’t like to miss a single day; I love being on time and every moment, I am learning something new. I am not exaggerating about how tough and high yielding our profession is. However, I genuinely sensed my daily six hours at work. Though, nothing comes easy, we have to train ourselves to become auto-didactic, brainstorm ideas, comprehend programming skills, follow stern and unanimous working environment. Last week, we learned to do basic crucial features of web development and I believe that I can develop my very own project with required functionality. - -Over the coming months, I have planned to upgrade my programming skills to take my project to next level, give my foremost at workplace, redraft my professional subjects like CV, LinkedIn profile and build an effective communication and networking environment. Overall, I have attained additional confidence and motivation to work harder in the tech field. I am pursuing this notion in the coming days to complete my purpose of being a Hawkins Fellow and a software engineering trainee. \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/five-reasons1099-revision-v1-8220\340\244\225\340\245\213-\340\244\250\340\245\207\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\262\340\245\2008221-\340\244\255\340\244\277\340\244\241\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213-\340\244\260-\340\244\253\340\245\213\340\244\237\340\245\213-\340\244\252\340\245\215\340\244\260\340\244\244\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213\340\244\227\340\244\277\340\244\244\340\244\276\340\244\256\340\244\276-\340\244\244\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\210\340\244\262\340\245\207-\340\244\255\340\244\276\340\244\227-\340\244\262\340\244\277\340\244\250\340\245\201-\340\244\252\340\244\260\340\245\215\340\244\250\340\245\207-\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\201\340\244\232-\340\244\225\340\244\276\340\244\260\340\244\" "b/_drafts/five-reasons1099-revision-v1-8220\340\244\225\340\245\213-\340\244\250\340\245\207\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\262\340\245\2008221-\340\244\255\340\244\277\340\244\241\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213-\340\244\260-\340\244\253\340\245\213\340\244\237\340\245\213-\340\244\252\340\245\215\340\244\260\340\244\244\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213\340\244\227\340\244\277\340\244\244\340\244\276\340\244\256\340\244\276-\340\244\244\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\210\340\244\262\340\245\207-\340\244\255\340\244\276\340\244\227-\340\244\262\340\244\277\340\244\250\340\245\201-\340\244\252\340\244\260\340\245\215\340\244\250\340\245\207-\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\201\340\244\232-\340\244\225\340\244\276\340\244\260\340\244\" deleted file mode 100644 index e57a0291..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/five-reasons1099-revision-v1-8220\340\244\225\340\245\213-\340\244\250\340\245\207\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\262\340\245\2008221-\340\244\255\340\244\277\340\244\241\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213-\340\244\260-\340\244\253\340\245\213\340\244\237\340\245\213-\340\244\252\340\245\215\340\244\260\340\244\244\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213\340\244\227\340\244\277\340\244\244\340\244\276\340\244\256\340\244\276-\340\244\244\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\210\340\244\262\340\245\207-\340\244\255\340\244\276\340\244\227-\340\244\262\340\244\277\340\244\250\340\245\201-\340\244\252\340\244\260\340\245\215\340\244\250\340\245\207-\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\201\340\244\232-\340\244\225\340\244\276\340\244\260\340\244\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1114 -title: '“को नेपाली” भिडियो र फोटो प्रतियोगितामा तपाईले भाग लिनु पर्ने पाँच कारण !!' -date: 2016-03-16T22:19:43-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1099-revision-v1/ ---- -तपाईहरु धेरैले कोड फर नेपालले “[को नेपाली]( ?” शिर्षक भएको एक भिडियो तथा फोटो प्रतियोगिता आयोजना गर्दैछ भनेर त सुन्नु भएको नै होला | - -छैन भने, चिन्ता नगर्नुस, म छोटकरीमा फेरी भन्छु| -हामी भिडियो तथा फोटो प्रतियोगिता आयोजना गर्दै छौ जसको उदेश्य नेपालमा डिजिटल साक्षरताको कौशलता पहिचान गर्ने तथा “नेपाली हुनु भनेको के हो?” भन्ने बिषयमा रचनात्मक छलफल, साथसाथै नेपाली नागरिकबीच बहसको संस्कृति बलियो बनाउनु हो | धेरैले हामीले आयोजना गर्न थालेको प्रतियोगिताको बारेमा चासो देखाउनु भएको छ| हामी चाहन्छु धेरै भन्दा धेरै नेपाली हाम्रो संबादमा सरिक हुन | - -कति जानेले त किन यो प्रतियोगितामा भाग लिने भनेर प्रश्न पनि गर्नु भो ! यो रमाइलो पोस्टमा मैले ” [को नेपाली ?](” प्रतियोगितामा किन नेपालीहरुले भाग लिनै पर्छ भनेर ५ वटा तर्क पेश गरेको छु है ! - -१) देश र विदेशमा बस्ने नेपालीहरु, जो १४ वर्ष वा माथिको उमेरका छन्, ति सबैले भाग लिन पाउने पहिलो खुला भिडियो र फोटो प्रतियोगिता होला यो |* - -२) नेपाली, भोजपुरी,अंग्रेजी, मैथिली वा तामाङ मध्ये जुन भाषामा पनि भिडियो बनाउन पाइने| यस्तो प्रतियोगिता त नेपालको इतिहासमा कहिले पनि आयोजना भएको थिएन होला |* यी पाँच मध्ये एक भाषामा भिडियो बनाउन तपाईलै के नै गार्हो भो र ? भिडियो कस्तो बनाउने, फोटो कस्तो खिच्ने बन्ने कुरा त हामीले यता भनेको छौ/ इमेल दर्ता गर्नु भो भने तेहा पनि पठाई दिउला, सजिलोको लागि ! ल दर्ता गर्ने ठाउँ भने यो लिंकमा **** - -३) अवसरको कुरा गरौ न त अब, देश र विदेशमा बस्ने बस्ने नेपाली बीच अहिले को २१ सौ शताब्दीमा नेपाली हुनु भनेको के हो, हाम्रो सहि पहिचान के भो बनेर दरो र अनुशासित संबाद चलाउन सक्यो भने, हाम्रो जस्तो नया गणतान्त्रिक देशलाइ कति फाइदा होला ? - -४) सबैको हातमा फोन छ आजकल ! धेरै संग त भिडियो खिच्न मिल्ने क्यामेरा पनि छ| अब साधन छ, नया नया सोच छ, येस्तो मौकामा आफु संग भएको सिप “को नेपाली?” प्रतियोगितामा प्रयोग नगरे कहिले गर्ने त ? हाम्रो हजुरबा मौकामा हिरा फोड्नु है बाबु भन्नु हुन्थ्यो ! 🙂 - -५) कुरा छोटो तर मिठो गर्नु भन्छन, तेसैले अन्तिममा, ” को नेपाली?” भिडियो र फोटो प्रतियोगितामा पहिलो, दोस्रो र तेश्रो हुनेलाइ पुरस्कार पनि छ| हामी १० जनालाइ २ विधामा गरेर रु. ७५,००० दिदैछौ | तपाईहरुको राम्रो सिर्जनाले “को नेपाली ?” प्रतियोगिता जित्ने प्रबल सम्भावना देख्छौ हामी ! ल अब भिडियो बनाउन, फोटो खिच्न र साथीभाइ, परिवारजनसंग “को हो त नेपाली?” भने कुरामा संबाद सुरु गरीहालौ | - -तपाईहरुले प्रतियोगितामा भाग लिनु हुन्छ भन्ने ठुलो आस छ हामी लाई | प्रतियोगिताको बारेमा अन्य जानकारी यता:
    -प्रश्न छन् भने कमेन्ट गर्दा पनि हुन्छ| इमेल नै गर्छु भन्नुहुन्छ भने गर्नु होला | हामी छिटो भन्दा छिटो जवाफ पठाउने छौ | - -**साथीहरु, हाम्रो गफ सेयेर गर्दा हुन्छ | यो कुरा, एक कान, दुइ कान गरेर सबै नेपालीकोमा घरमा पुर्याउनु छ |** -*१) सार्बजनिक रुपमा पुष्टी गर्न बाकी -*२) यो त ठोकुवा गरेर भन्न मिल्छ | 🙂 \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/five-reasons1099-revision-v1-8221-\340\244\225\340\245\213-\340\244\250\340\245\207\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\262\340\245\2008221-\340\244\255\340\244\277\340\244\241\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213-\340\244\260-\340\244\253\340\245\213\340\244\237\340\245\213-\340\244\252\340\245\215\340\244\260\340\244\244\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213\340\244\227\340\244\277\340\244\244\340\244\276\340\244\256\340\244\276-\340\244\244\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\210\340\244\262\340\245\207-\340\244\255\340\244\276\340\244\227-\340\244\262\340\244\277\340\244\250\340\245\201-\340\244\252\340\244\260\340\245\215\340\244\250\340\245\207-\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\201\340\244\232-\340\244\225\340\244\276\340\244\260\340\244\" "b/_drafts/five-reasons1099-revision-v1-8221-\340\244\225\340\245\213-\340\244\250\340\245\207\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\262\340\245\2008221-\340\244\255\340\244\277\340\244\241\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213-\340\244\260-\340\244\253\340\245\213\340\244\237\340\245\213-\340\244\252\340\245\215\340\244\260\340\244\244\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213\340\244\227\340\244\277\340\244\244\340\244\276\340\244\256\340\244\276-\340\244\244\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\210\340\244\262\340\245\207-\340\244\255\340\244\276\340\244\227-\340\244\262\340\244\277\340\244\250\340\245\201-\340\244\252\340\244\260\340\245\215\340\244\250\340\245\207-\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\201\340\244\232-\340\244\225\340\244\276\340\244\260\340\244\" deleted file mode 100644 index edd18310..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/five-reasons1099-revision-v1-8221-\340\244\225\340\245\213-\340\244\250\340\245\207\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\262\340\245\2008221-\340\244\255\340\244\277\340\244\241\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213-\340\244\260-\340\244\253\340\245\213\340\244\237\340\245\213-\340\244\252\340\245\215\340\244\260\340\244\244\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213\340\244\227\340\244\277\340\244\244\340\244\276\340\244\256\340\244\276-\340\244\244\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\210\340\244\262\340\245\207-\340\244\255\340\244\276\340\244\227-\340\244\262\340\244\277\340\244\250\340\245\201-\340\244\252\340\244\260\340\245\215\340\244\250\340\245\207-\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\201\340\244\232-\340\244\225\340\244\276\340\244\260\340\244\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1104 -title: '” को नेपाली” भिडियो र फोटो प्रतियोगितामा तपाईले भाग लिनु पर्ने पाँच कारण !!' -date: 2016-03-16T11:12:37-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1099-revision-v1/ ---- -तपाईहरु धेरैले कोड फर नेपालले “[को नेपाली]( ?” शिर्षक भएको एक भिडियो तथा फोटो प्रतियोगिता आयोजना गर्दैछ भनेर त सुन्नु भएको नै होला | - -छैन भने, चिन्ता नगर्नुस, म छोटकरीमा फेरी भन्छु| -हामी भिडियो तथा फोटो प्रतियोगिता आयोजना गर्दै छौ जसको उदेश्य नेपालमा डिजिटल साक्षरताको कौशलता पहिचान गर्ने तथा “नेपाली हुनु भनेको के हो?” भन्ने बिषयमा रचनात्मक छलफल, साथसाथै नेपाली नागरिकबीच बहसको संस्कृति बलियो बनाउनु हो | धेरैले हामीले आयोजना गर्न थालेको प्रतियोगिताको बारेमा चासो देखाउनु भएको छ| हामी चाहन्छु धेरै भन्दा धेरै नेपाली हाम्रो संबादमा सरिक हुन | - -कति जानेले त किन यो प्रतियोगितामा भाग लिने भनेर प्रश्न पनि गर्नु भो ! यो रमाइलो पोस्टमा मैले ” [को नेपाली ?](” प्रतियोगितामा किन नेपालीहरुले भाग लिनै पर्छ भनेर ५ वटा तर्क पेश गरेको छु है ! - -१) देश र विदेशमा बस्ने नेपालीहरु, जो १४ वर्ष वा माथिको उमेरका छन्, ति सबैले भाग लिन पाउने पहिलो खुला भिडियो र फोटो प्रतियोगिता होला यो |* - -२) नेपाली, भोजपुरी,अंग्रेजी, मैथिली वा तामाङ मध्ये जुन भाषामा पनि भिडियो बनाउन पाइने| यस्तो प्रतियोगिता त नेपालको इतिहासमा कहिले पनि आयोजना भएको थिएन होला |* यी पाँच मध्ये एक भाषामा भिडियो बनाउन तपाईलै के नै गार्हो भो र ? भिडियो कस्तो बनाउने, फोटो कस्तो खिच्ने बन्ने कुरा त हामीले यता भनेको छौ/ इमेल दर्ता गर्नु भो भने तेहा पनि पठाई दिउला, सजिलोको लागि ! ल दर्ता गर्ने ठाउँ भने यो लिंकमा **** - -३) अवसरको कुरा गरौ न त अब, देश र विदेशमा बस्ने बस्ने नेपाली बीच अहिले को २१ सौ शताब्दीमा नेपाली हुनु भनेको के हो, हाम्रो सहि पहिचान के भो बनेर दरो र अनुशासित संबाद चलाउन सक्यो भने, हाम्रो जस्तो नया गणतान्त्रिक देशलाइ कति फाइदा होला ? - -४) सबैको हातमा फोन छ आजकल ! धेरै संग त भिडियो खिच्न मिल्ने क्यामेरा पनि छ| अब साधन छ, नया नया सोच छ, येस्तो मौकामा आफु संग भएको सिप “को नेपाली?” प्रतियोगितामा प्रयोग नगरे कहिले गर्ने त ? हाम्रो हजुरबा मौकामा हिरा फोड्नु है बाबु भन्नु हुन्थ्यो ! 🙂 - -५) कुरा छोटो तर मिठो गर्नु भन्छन, तेसैले अन्तिममा, ” को नेपाली?” भिडियो र फोटो प्रतियोगितामा पहिलो, दोस्रो र तेश्रो हुनेलाइ पुरस्कार पनि छ| हामी १० जनालाइ २ विधामा गरेर रु. ७५,००० दिदैछौ | तपाईहरुको राम्रो सिर्जनाले “को नेपाली ?” प्रतियोगिता जित्ने प्रबल सम्भावना देख्छौ हामी ! ल अब भिडियो बनाउन, फोटो खिच्न र साथीभाइ, परिवारजनसंग “को हो त नेपाली?” भने कुरामा संबाद सुरु गरीहालौ | - -तपाईहरुले प्रतियोगितामा भाग लिनु हुन्छ भन्ने ठुलो आस छ हामी लाई | प्रतियोगिताको बारेमा अन्य जानकारी यता:
    -प्रश्न छन् भने कमेन्ट गर्दा पनि हुन्छ| इमेल नै गर्छु भन्नुहुन्छ भने ……….. गर्नु होला | हामी छिटो भन्दा छिटो जवाफ पठाउने छौ | - -**साथीहरु, हाम्रो गफ सेयेर गर्दा हुन्छ | यो कुरा, एक कान, दुइ कान गरेर सबै नेपालीकोमा घरमा पुर्याउनु छ |** -*१) सार्बजनिक रुपमा पुष्टी गर्न बाकी -*२) यो त ठोकुवा गरेर भन्न मिल्छ | 🙂 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 96b985d5..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1686 -title: 'Code for Nepal is named in Forbes 30 Under 30’s list of social entrepreneurs in Asia' -date: 2017-04-16T10:56:50-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/04/1684-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - Forbes 30 Under 30's list of social entrepreneurs in Asia - -

    - We are honored and humbled to be named in Forbes 30 Under 30’s list of social entrepreneurs in Asia -

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    - This week we found out we have been named to Forbes as 30 under 30 social entrepreneurs in Asia. -
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    - We are a small group of volunteers building meaningful products and helping people learn skills to improve their lives. We are truly grateful and humbled by the honor! Read more about it on Forbes:

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    - With love, -
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    - Code for Nepal team -
    - -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5fa9c0cc..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2534 -title: Google data now shows fewer people in Nepal are staying indoors amid the Coronavirus pandemic -date: 2020-05-19T19:30:53-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2020/05/2530-revision-v1/ ---- -The [Government of Nepal]( has reported over 350 COVID-19 positive cases and two deaths due to this novel coronavirus as of this writing. To prevent the mass spread, Nepal has been under a national lockdown since March 24. - -In late March, Google released its [COVID-19 Community Mobility Report]( to help users “understand responses to social distancing guidance related to COVID-19.” Code for Nepal compared Google’s reports from March 29 and May 9 and found fewer people in Nepal are staying indoors amid the coronavirus pandemic.  - -Mobility trends for places categorized as “retail and recreation” or places such as restaurants, shopping centers, or movie theatres on March 29 decreased sharply (-78%) compared to February 16. Mobility trends for places categorized as “grocery and pharmacy” or places such as grocery markets, food shops, or pharmacies decreased by 69%.  - -Almost six weeks later, on May 9, mobility trends to “retail and recreation” have increased by 11% compared to the March 29 trend. And mobility trends for “grocery and pharmacy” have increased by 17%. Similarly, mobility trends for workplaces increased by 37%.  - -For details, check out this chart.  - -It is important to note that this data is not representative of all Nepalis. According to Google, “insights in these reports are created with aggregated, anonymized sets of data from users who have turned on Google’s [Location History setting](” - -We welcome your thoughts and comments below. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 20596407..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1424 -title: 'I Got the Power #IWalkFreely' -date: 2016-08-18T02:33:04-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/08/1420-autosave-v1/ ---- -~ [**Stuti Sharma**]( - -_He put his hand on my thighs throughout the whole journey, but I did nothing. I was nervous, scared, angry, all at the same time, but I did nothing. He got down on the same stop that I got down at, and sensing that he was following me, I ran as fast as I could until he was out of sight. I did NOTHING!_ - -_It was a microbus packed with people. So much that one had to breathe in the smell of sweat mixed with traces of female perfume, alcohol and cigarette instead of air. I felt someone rubbing their groin against my butt as I was standing. I could have turned around, screamed and slapped the person, but I just moved some steps away from that place and did NOTHING!_ - -[IMG_20160816_195305]( - -_I get into the bus; it was all empty except for a group of 6-7 men in their thirties I suppose. As I pass through them to occupy an empty seat at the back, I feel someone pinching my butt. It was so sudden, painful, infuriating and embarrassing. I could have turned around, punched the person who did it on the face and broke his nose, but I stayed quiet and occupied a seat. I did NOTHING!_ - -These are some real-life experiences of women who travel (or have traveled) in a public vehicle. Some have been shared by friends and some are my own. Often, I tend to think about the times that I have been through these horrifying experiences. The ones who have been through this would clearly know how frustrating it is to be treated like an object to taunt, have fun with. What’s more infuriating is not being able to reply back to them or to take a stand for yourself, enduring it all the way. This feeling breaks you up, eats you alive and even with that, you manage to put a smile on your face like nothing has happened. People around you give you the tag of an arrogant, rude woman and you don’t try to explain because they wouldn’t understand. - -Even if you’re one of those who have learned to take a stand for themselves, and vent out their anger upon the shit-headed perverted minds (excuse my use of language here), get ready to be treated with stares and whispers from the pathetic audience (to whom it may concern) who judge you or are entertained by what’s going on, instead of giving you a big round of applause. - -Not that I blame only the society for this, but it’s us individuals who need to learn to fight, to help ourselves. I know how hard it is (been there, done that) to counter-attack the person who attacked you (thanks to fear and a lack of confidence, thanks to Crime Patrol, thanks to the people who stuffed us with the “keti manche bhayepachi estai huncha, chod deu” philosophy). I still remember a question that was asked on a Facebook page: “What would you do if you were a parent?” to which I had replied, “I would send my kids to self-defense classes.” It would be good to have a karate kid of your own, wouldn’t it? - -It took me long to build up courage, to realize that I have got the power in me and that I should stop expecting others to be good. It took me long to become the strong person that I am today. What I have realized is that you don’t even need to try so hard. For example, I had a similar encounter about a year ago. A man in his 50’s probably, sat beside me on a public vehicle and was very keen to poke on my breast repeatedly, with his elbow. I politely told him Uncle, afno haat lai samhalera rakhnus in a voice loud enough for everyone in the vehicle to hear. In a second, he got up and jumped off the moving vehicle. Not bad, eh? - -What I am trying to say with all these rants is that YOU are the one! YOU are the one who can bring about change. YOU are the one who has got the power to end this. YOU are the hope and YOU are the danger. You’ve got the power. Utilize it. Be a fighter, not a victim. - -_I was walking on the road when someone put their hands on my shoulders. I turned around to see if it was someone I knew but instead got a “k cha soltini?” from the stranger. I punched him on the back as a reply, and the guy left, without turning back. Today, I did SOMETHING_ - -**~This blog is cross-posted from Stuti’s blog [NepaliTantrums]( Stuti is a volunteer with Code for Nepal. ** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 28bebea6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1428 -title: 'I Got the Power #IWalkFreely' -date: 2016-08-18T02:33:29-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/08/1420-revision-v1/ ---- -~ [**Stuti Sharma**]( - -_He put his hand on my thighs throughout the whole journey, but I did nothing. I was nervous, scared, angry, all at the same time, but I did nothing. He got down on the same stop that I got down at, and sensing that he was following me, I ran as fast as I could until he was out of sight. I did NOTHING!_ - -_It was a microbus packed with people. So much that one had to breathe in the smell of sweat mixed with traces of female perfume, alcohol and cigarette instead of air. I felt someone rubbing their groin against my butt as I was standing. I could have turned around, screamed and slapped the person, but I just moved some steps away from that place and did NOTHING!_ - -[IMG_20160816_195305]( - -_I get into the bus; it was all empty except for a group of 6-7 men in their thirties I suppose. As I pass through them to occupy an empty seat at the back, I feel someone pinching my butt. It was so sudden, painful, infuriating and embarrassing. I could have turned around, punched the person who did it on the face and broke his nose, but I stayed quiet and occupied a seat. I did NOTHING!_ - -These are some real-life experiences of women who travel (or have traveled) in a public vehicle. Some have been shared by friends and some are my own. Often, I tend to think about the times that I have been through these horrifying experiences. The ones who have been through this would clearly know how frustrating it is to be treated like an object to taunt, have fun with. What’s more infuriating is not being able to reply back to them or to take a stand for yourself, enduring it all the way. This feeling breaks you up, eats you alive and even with that, you manage to put a smile on your face like nothing has happened. People around you give you the tag of an arrogant, rude woman and you don’t try to explain because they wouldn’t understand. - -Even if you’re one of those who have learned to take a stand for themselves, and vent out their anger upon the shit-headed perverted minds (excuse my use of language here), get ready to be treated with stares and whispers from the pathetic audience (to whom it may concern) who judge you or are entertained by what’s going on, instead of giving you a big round of applause. - -Not that I blame only the society for this, but it’s us individuals who need to learn to fight, to help ourselves. I know how hard it is (been there, done that) to counter-attack the person who attacked you (thanks to fear and a lack of confidence, thanks to Crime Patrol, thanks to the people who stuffed us with the “keti manche bhayepachi estai huncha, chod deu” philosophy). I still remember a question that was asked on a Facebook page: “What would you do if you were a parent?” to which I had replied, “I would send my kids to self-defense classes.” It would be good to have a karate kid of your own, wouldn’t it? - -It took me long to build up courage, to realize that I have got the power in me and that I should stop expecting others to be good. It took me long to become the strong person that I am today. What I have realized is that you don’t even need to try so hard. For example, I had a similar encounter about a year ago. A man in his 50’s probably, sat beside me on a public vehicle and was very keen to poke on my breast repeatedly, with his elbow. I politely told him Uncle, afno haat lai samhalera rakhnus in a voice loud enough for everyone in the vehicle to hear. In a second, he got up and jumped off the moving vehicle. Not bad, eh? - -What I am trying to say with all these rants is that YOU are the one! YOU are the one who can bring about change. YOU are the one who has got the power to end this. YOU are the hope and YOU are the danger. You’ve got the power. Utilize it. Be a fighter, not a victim. - -_I was walking on the road when someone put their hands on my shoulders. I turned around to see if it was someone I knew but instead got a “k cha soltini?” from the stranger. I punched him on the back as a reply, and the guy left, without turning back. Today, I did SOMETHING_ - -**~This blog is cross-posted from Stuti’s blog [NepaliTantrums]( Stuti is a volunteer with Code for Nepal. ** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 28bebea6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1428 -title: 'I Got the Power #IWalkFreely' -date: 2016-08-18T02:33:29-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/08/1420-revision-v1/ ---- -~ [**Stuti Sharma**]( - -_He put his hand on my thighs throughout the whole journey, but I did nothing. I was nervous, scared, angry, all at the same time, but I did nothing. He got down on the same stop that I got down at, and sensing that he was following me, I ran as fast as I could until he was out of sight. I did NOTHING!_ - -_It was a microbus packed with people. So much that one had to breathe in the smell of sweat mixed with traces of female perfume, alcohol and cigarette instead of air. I felt someone rubbing their groin against my butt as I was standing. I could have turned around, screamed and slapped the person, but I just moved some steps away from that place and did NOTHING!_ - -[IMG_20160816_195305]( - -_I get into the bus; it was all empty except for a group of 6-7 men in their thirties I suppose. As I pass through them to occupy an empty seat at the back, I feel someone pinching my butt. It was so sudden, painful, infuriating and embarrassing. I could have turned around, punched the person who did it on the face and broke his nose, but I stayed quiet and occupied a seat. I did NOTHING!_ - -These are some real-life experiences of women who travel (or have traveled) in a public vehicle. Some have been shared by friends and some are my own. Often, I tend to think about the times that I have been through these horrifying experiences. The ones who have been through this would clearly know how frustrating it is to be treated like an object to taunt, have fun with. What’s more infuriating is not being able to reply back to them or to take a stand for yourself, enduring it all the way. This feeling breaks you up, eats you alive and even with that, you manage to put a smile on your face like nothing has happened. People around you give you the tag of an arrogant, rude woman and you don’t try to explain because they wouldn’t understand. - -Even if you’re one of those who have learned to take a stand for themselves, and vent out their anger upon the shit-headed perverted minds (excuse my use of language here), get ready to be treated with stares and whispers from the pathetic audience (to whom it may concern) who judge you or are entertained by what’s going on, instead of giving you a big round of applause. - -Not that I blame only the society for this, but it’s us individuals who need to learn to fight, to help ourselves. I know how hard it is (been there, done that) to counter-attack the person who attacked you (thanks to fear and a lack of confidence, thanks to Crime Patrol, thanks to the people who stuffed us with the “keti manche bhayepachi estai huncha, chod deu” philosophy). I still remember a question that was asked on a Facebook page: “What would you do if you were a parent?” to which I had replied, “I would send my kids to self-defense classes.” It would be good to have a karate kid of your own, wouldn’t it? - -It took me long to build up courage, to realize that I have got the power in me and that I should stop expecting others to be good. It took me long to become the strong person that I am today. What I have realized is that you don’t even need to try so hard. For example, I had a similar encounter about a year ago. A man in his 50’s probably, sat beside me on a public vehicle and was very keen to poke on my breast repeatedly, with his elbow. I politely told him Uncle, afno haat lai samhalera rakhnus in a voice loud enough for everyone in the vehicle to hear. In a second, he got up and jumped off the moving vehicle. Not bad, eh? - -What I am trying to say with all these rants is that YOU are the one! YOU are the one who can bring about change. YOU are the one who has got the power to end this. YOU are the hope and YOU are the danger. You’ve got the power. Utilize it. Be a fighter, not a victim. - -_I was walking on the road when someone put their hands on my shoulders. I turned around to see if it was someone I knew but instead got a “k cha soltini?” from the stranger. I punched him on the back as a reply, and the guy left, without turning back. Today, I did SOMETHING_ - -**~This blog is cross-posted from Stuti’s blog [NepaliTantrums]( Stuti is a volunteer with Code for Nepal. ** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index dca68883..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1421 -title: I Got the -date: 2016-08-18T02:02:41-04:00 -author: Kavyaa Rizal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/08/1420-revision-v1/ ---- -_He put his hand on my thighs throughout the whole journey, but I did nothing. I was nervous, scared, angry, all at the same time, but I did nothing. He got down on the same stop that I got down at, and sensing that he was following me, I ran as fast as I could until he was out of sight. I did NOTHING!_ - -_It was a microbus packed with people. So much that one had to breathe in the smell of sweat mixed with traces of female perfume, alcohol and cigarette instead of air. I felt someone rubbing their groin against my butt as I was standing. I could have turned around, screamed and slapped the person, but I just moved some steps away from that place and did NOTHING!_ - -_I get into the bus; it was all empty except for a group of 6-7 men in their thirties I suppose. As I pass through them to occupy an empty seat at the back, I feel someone pinching my butt. It was so sudden, painful, infuriating and embarrassing. I could have turned around, punched the person who did it on the face and broke his nose, but I stayed quiet and occupied a seat. I did NOTHING!_ - -These are some real-life experiences of women who travel (or have traveled) in a public vehicle. Some have been shared by friends and some are my own. Often, I tend to think about the times that I have been through these horrifying experiences. The ones who have been through this would clearly know how frustrating it is to be treated like an object to taunt, have fun with. What’s more infuriating is not being able to reply back to them or to take a stand for yourself, enduring it all the way. This feeling breaks you up, eats you alive and even with that, you manage to put a smile on your face like nothing has happened. People around you give you the tag of an arrogant, rude woman and you don’t try to explain because they wouldn’t understand. - -Even if you’re one of those who have learned to take a stand for themselves, and vent out their anger upon the shit-headed perverted minds (excuse my use of language here), get ready to be treated with stares and whispers from the pathetic audience (to whom it may concern) who judge you or are entertained by what’s going on, instead of giving you a big round of applause. - -Not that I blame only the society for this, but it’s us individuals who need to learn to fight, to help ourselves. I know how hard it is (been there, done that) to counter-attack the person who attacked you (thanks to fear and a lack of confidence, thanks to Crime Patrol, thanks to the people who stuffed us with the _“keti manche bhayepachi estai huncha, chod deu” _philosophy). I still remember a question that was asked on a Facebook page: “What would you do if you were a parent?” to which I had replied, “I would send my kids to self-defense classes.” It would be good to have a karate kid of your own, wouldn’t it? - -It took me long to build up courage, to realize that I have got the power in me and that I should stop expecting others to be good. It took me long to become the strong person that I am today. What I have realized is that you don’t even need to try so hard. For example, I had a similar encounter about a year ago. A man in his 50’s probably, sat beside me on a public vehicle and was very keen to poke on my breast repeatedly, with his elbow. I politely told him “_Uncle, afno haat lai samhalera rakhnus_” in a voice loud enough for everyone in the vehicle to hear. In a second, he got up and jumped off the moving vehicle. Not bad, eh? - -What I am trying to say with all these rants is that YOU are the one! YOU are the one who can bring about change. YOU are the one who has got the power to end this. YOU are the hope and YOU are the danger. You’ve got the power. Utilize it. Be a fighter, not a victim. - -_I was walking on the road when someone put their hands on my shoulders. I turned around to see if it was someone I knew but instead got a “k cha soltini?” from the stranger. I punched him on the back as a reply, and the guy left, without turning back. Today, I did SOMETHING_ - -**~This blog is cross-posted from Stuti’s blog [NepaliTantrums]( Stuti is a volunteer with Code for Nepal. ** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6174a319..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2346 -title: Code for Nepal launches Hawkins Fellowship for Young Women in Partnership with Insight Workshop -date: 2019-03-04T12:40:48-05:00 -author: Prashish Rajbhandari -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/03/2340-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - -**Contact**: Roshan Ghimire - -**Email**: - - -**Code for Nepal launches Hawkins Fellowship in Partnership with Insight Workshop to Help Increase Women Talent in Tech Job Market in Nepal** - - -**_Code for Nepal_** and **Insight Workshop** are pleased to announce the partnership  to launch Hawkins Fellowship to help increase women talent in the tech job market in Nepal. - - -Code for Nepal and Insight Workshop will select 15 women fellows in five batches, train them on open source and web development and soft skills and help them build their portfolio with hands-on training to enable them to compete in the job market. After successfully completing the fellowship, the fellows will also receive a monetary award. - - -“The rising demand for talent in the rapidly growing tech job market is a sign that we need to mobilize women, who are the population majority in Nepal, to seek the same opportunities that their male counterparts do. We are pleased to be able to continue supporting this movement in empowering women with knowledge and experience”, said Asmita Gauchan, Director of Strategy at Code for Nepal. - - -“Insight Workshop is extremely delighted to partner with Code for Nepal to train young and energetic women to become future leaders in product and technology,” said Sitaram Gautam, Chief Executive Officer, Insight Workshop - - -“We are glad to be able to continue our partnership with Insight Workshop to build talent for the future in the country,” said Roshan Ghimire, Director of Partnerships and Operations at Code for Nepal. - - -Details of the fellowship will be announced in early April. - - - -\***** - -About Code for Nepal: - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. - - -About Insight Workshop: - -Insight Workshop is a Kathmandu-based engineering company that primarily consults technology solutions to partners and companies around the world. Insight Workshop also runs an Academy to train future engineers and invests in local product development. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1317a2fb..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2344 -title: Code for Nepal launches Hawkins Fellowship in Partnership with Insight Workshop -date: 2019-03-04T10:32:33-05:00 -author: Prashish Rajbhandari -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/03/2340-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - -**Contact**: Roshan Ghimire - -**Email**: - - -**Code for Nepal launches Hawkins Fellowship in Partnership with Insight Workshop to Help Increase Women Talent in Tech Job Market in Nepal** - - -**_Code for Nepal_** and **Insight Workshop** are pleased to announce the partnership  to launch Hawkins Fellowship to help increase women talent in the tech job market in Nepal. - - -Code for Nepal and Insight Workshop will select 15 women fellows in five batches, train them on open source and web development and soft skills and help them build their portfolio with hands-on training to enable them to compete in the job market. After successfully completing the fellowship, the fellows will also receive a monetary award. - - -“The rising demand for talent in the rapidly growing tech job market is a sign that we need to mobilize women, who are the population majority in Nepal, to seek the same opportunities that their male counterparts do. We are pleased to be able to continue supporting this movement in empowering women with knowledge and experience”, said Asmita Gauchan, Director of Strategy at Code for Nepal. - - -“Insight Workshop is extremely delighted to partner with Code for Nepal to train young and energetic women to become future leaders in product and technology,” said Sitaram Gauram, Chief Executive Officer, Insight Workshop - - -“We are glad to be able to continue our partnership with Insight Workshop to build talent for the future in the country,” said Roshan Ghimire, Director of Partnerships and Operations at Code for Nepal. - - -Details of the fellowship will be announced in early April. - - - -\***** - -About Code for Nepal: - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. - - -About Insight Workshop: - -Insight Workshop is a Kathmandu-based engineering company that primarily consults technology solutions to partners and companies around the world. Insight Workshop also runs an Academy to train future engineers and invests in local product development. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1a5be119..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 452 -title: Get Involved -date: 2015-07-19T12:38:04-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/07/169-revision-v1/ ---- -All of your donations are tax deductible and 100% of funds received are used for our operations. - -If you are on this page, you already know that you can make a difference right from your couch, by building tools, scrapping data or helping us crowdsource  and verify information. If you would like to volunteer, intern or advise us, please complete this form and we will get back to you soon with more information. - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1a5be119..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 452 -title: Get Involved -date: 2015-07-19T12:38:04-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/07/169-revision-v1/ ---- -All of your donations are tax deductible and 100% of funds received are used for our operations. - -If you are on this page, you already know that you can make a difference right from your couch, by building tools, scrapping data or helping us crowdsource  and verify information. If you would like to volunteer, intern or advise us, please complete this form and we will get back to you soon with more information. - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 821760b7..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2542 -title: Help us -date: 2020-07-05T11:11:32-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2020/07/169-revision-v1/ ---- -There are a few ways to help us! See below for details! Also, if you prefer to chat with someone from our team, please connect with us on [Slack]( or email us at contact[at] - -### 1. Please donate - -All of your donations are **tax deductible** and 100% of funds received are used for our operations. - -### **2. Help us when you shop on Amazon ** - -
    - -### **3. Volunteer** - -If you are on this page, you already know you can make a difference right from your couch, by building tools, scrapping data or helping us crowdsource  and verify information. If you would like to volunteer, intern or want to help us in another way, please complete this form and we will get back to you soon with more information. - -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 627ccbc6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 96 -title: Apply -date: 2014-12-15T04:24:14-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/95-revision-v1/ ---- -_Thank you for your interest in Code for Nepal’s Digital Empowerment Program. We are no longer accepting applications for Summer 2014. Please check back soon and follow us on Twitter for the latest news_ [_@codefornepal_]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7884d1f6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1737 -title: The 5 most populous caste or ethnic groups in Kathmandu -date: 2017-06-04T21:02:31-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/06/1729-autosave-v1/ ---- -2: Thamel, Kathmandu - - - -The district of Kathmandu’s population was more than 1.7 million people in 2011. - -
    - These were the five most populous caste or ethnic groups at that time: -
    - -
    1. - Brahman-Hill (24%) -
    2. -
    3. - Newar (22%) -
    4. -
    5. - Chhetree (20%) -
    6. -
    7. - Tamang (11%) -
    8. -
    9. - Magar (4%) -
    10. -
    - -
    - Check out this data visualization from NepalMap to learn more about caste and ethnic groups in Kathmandu! -
    - -


    - -

    - In 2031, the population of Kathmandu will likely be over 2.7 million. That means there will be over 50% increase in the population of the district. -

    - -

    - What do you think will be the ethnic/caste makeup of the Kathmandu in 2031? Tell us in the comment -

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 46a7b004..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1731 -title: 5 most populous caste or ethnic groups in Kathmandu City -date: 2017-06-04T20:38:59-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/06/1729-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - Kathmandu city had population of more than 1,744,000 in 2011. -
    - -
    - -
    - These were the five most populous caste or ethnic groups in Kathmandu City in 2011: -
    - -
    - -
    1. - Brahman-Hill (24%) -
    2. -
    3. - Newar (22%) -
    4. -
    5. - Chhetree (20%) -
    6. -
    7. - Tamang (11%) -
    8. -
    9. - Magar (4%) -
    10. -
    - -
    - Check out this data vizualization from NepalMap to learn more about the caste or ethnic groups in Kathmandu City! -
    - -


    - -
    - -
    - In 2031, the population will likely be over 2,720,000. -
    - -
    - -
    - That means there will be over 50% increase in the population of the city. -
    - -
    - -
    - What do you think will be the ethnic/caste makeup of the city will change in 2031? -
    - -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index bc0a279e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1738 -title: The 5 most populous caste or ethnic groups in Kathmandu -date: 2017-06-04T21:03:37-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/06/1729-revision-v1/ ---- -2: Thamel, Kathmandu - - - -The district of Kathmandu’s population was more than 1.7 million people in 2011. - -
    - These were the five most populous caste or ethnic groups at that time: -
    - -
    1. - Brahman-Hill (24%) -
    2. -
    3. - Newar (22%) -
    4. -
    5. - Chhetree (20%) -
    6. -
    7. - Tamang (11%) -
    8. -
    9. - Magar (4%) -
    10. -
    - -
    - Check out this data visualization from NepalMap to learn more about caste and ethnic groups in Kathmandu! -
    - -


    - -

    - In 2031, the population of Kathmandu will likely be over 2.7 million. That means there will be over 50% increase in the population of the district. -

    - -

    - What do you think will be the ethnic/caste makeup of the Kathmandu in 2031? Tell us in the comment -

    - -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index a3d047b9..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 541 -title: How much does it cost to run Kathmandu? -date: 2015-08-28T12:33:50-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/08/534-autosave-v1/ ---- -
    This data contributed by Nikesh Balami at
    []( helps visualize the spending by Nepal government on the city of Kathmandu.  A similar visualization and analysis was done in 2013 by Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal. NRs. 2.9 billion is being prepared for Kathmandu’s public expenditure for the year 2015-2016. - -According to a 2013 [report]( by the Center for Public Expenditure, the budget preparation process of Nepal is inefficient and untimely. There is a lack of internal auditing process. - -Researcher Chandan Sapkota’s report [mentions]( that the city district of Kathmandu accounts for 15.8% of the total share of Nepal’s GDP. - -Here are some questions we would like to explore and welcome our readers’ help: - -
  • - What is the total income of Kathmandu metropolitan city and how much do different sectors account for? -
  • -
  • - How does this compare to Pokhara, Lalitpur, Biratnagar and other cities? -
  • - -Accessibility of such comprehensive information with the help of the government or related organizations in the coming years would be beneficial to those trying to understand Nepal’s progress. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index bbb6f2ec..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 542 -title: How much does it cost to run Kathmandu? -date: 2015-08-28T12:36:23-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/08/534-revision-v1/ ---- -This data contributed by Nikesh Balami at []( helps visualize the spending by Nepal government on the city of Kathmandu.  A similar visualization and analysis was done in 2013 by Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal. NRs. 2.9 billion is being prepared for Kathmandu’s public expenditure for the year 2015-2016. - -According to a 2013 [report]( by the Center for Public Expenditure, the budget preparation process of Nepal is inefficient and untimely. There is a lack of internal auditing process. - -Researcher Chandan Sapkota’s report [mentions]( that the city district of Kathmandu accounts for 15.8% of the total share of Nepal’s GDP. - -Here are some questions we would like to explore and welcome our readers’ help: - -
  • - What is the total income of Kathmandu metropolitan city and how much do different sectors account for? -
  • -
  • - How does this compare to Pokhara, Lalitpur, Biratnagar and other cities? -
  • - -Accessibility of such comprehensive information with the help of the government or related organizations in the coming years would be beneficial to those trying to understand Nepal’s progress. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index aa323be0..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2251 -title: Improving the digital footprints of Janakpur -date: 2018-11-22T20:41:26-05:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/11/2247-autosave-v1/ ---- -**In October** Code for Nepal organized the “_Digitizing Janakpur Workshop_” in collaboration with [Appan TV](, [Internet Market Today](, [SotryCycle]( and other stakeholders to digitize Janakpur using photos and videos so, that we can attract more tourist supporting the Nepal Government “[Visit Nepal 2020](” initiative and also launch Visit Janakpur ([]( project in partnership with [Nepal Tourism Board](,  Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Environment of Province 2 and [Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitan City]( in Nepal. Here is the brief overview of what happened in the two and half days workshop. - -**Day 1** - -The workshop was hands on. It included many field visits. Hence we selected only 25 participants out of which 13 were young women. All of them checked-in and Nikesh Balami, Project Manager of Code for Nepal gave the name tag to everyone so it would be easier to remember their name during the time of the workshop. Ravi Nepal, Founder of Code of Nepal, welcomed the workshop participants and share about the aim of organizing the event, the kind of opportunities and the impact which can be made to create more jobs and attract more tourist in Janakpur. - -Saurav Dhakal from StoryCycle shared a brief overview of what participants will be doing for the 2 and half days. Navin from Appan TV talks briefly about civic responsibility to promote local tourism, where he encouraged the youths to get involved in the community activities. - -Sudhan Subedi from Nepal Tourism Board talked about digital tourism and the Visit Nepal 2020 initiative. He was joined by Roshan Ghimire form Code for Nepal, where he highlighted the importance of digitizing Janakpur and the type of impact the workshop can make by promoting the local collaboration and resource sharing. - -The workshop was made special by the presence of Mr. Lal Kishor Sah, Mayor of Janakpurdham Sub Municipality. He joined the team to launch the Visit Janakpur project and also assured the long-term support from the Municipality side for its promotion. The participants were excited to hear about the work done by the Municipality to promote the tourism sector, preserve historic places and ongoing renovation in Janakpur Dham. - -[]( - -Soon Survar Dhakal started the session on “_Mapping your Story_“, where he first asked participant introduce his/her partner with the help of paper maps which were provided to them. They were asked to locate the location of the hometown, school, favorite hangout place of their partners. He also talked about using digital tools to map the stories so that it will make an impact and highlighted the importance of hazard mapping to save lives during the time of natural disasters like floods and earthquake. He also shared some examples of using the mapping for the development and promotion of places. - -He was joined by Prijun Koirala, Web Developer of StoryCycle, where they talked about making the proper use of available equipment and applications like using Google Street View to capture 360 photos, Snapseed to edit photos from the mobile, which will help to make the stories attractive and beautiful. - -The basic concept of _Mobile Photography_ was shared by the Roshan Ghimire in a separate session, where he shared some tips and tricks to take good quality photos using smartphones. He discussed on focusing on the stories and photo angle, rather than clicking randomly for the fun. After the session on Mobile Photography, Sudhan Subedi joined the participants to talk about gathering accurate information, which can help tourists or grow sales of the existing business. He talked about discouraging incomplete or meaningless information and asked participants to publish the photos and stories they collected as a blog so that visitor will find a complete information online. - - - - - -Amita Sharma, Teach of Nepal Fellow, led the discussion on “_Digital Content Ethics_” in the afternoon. She shared about Dos and Don’t of publishing and told participants to be very careful while publishing any kinds of content on the internet. - -After all the session, participants were divided into a smaller group for a field visit to map Janakpur using photos and videos. Four group were made and briefed on how to collect the map coordinates and photos of the important places and were sent for the trial mapping session, accompanied by members of Code for Nepal and StoryCycle. - -**Day 2** - -On the second day, participants traveled parts of Janakpur to collect stories. Early morning in around 8 AM everyone gathered at the Monastic School and Ravi conducted a short recap session, where he asked the participant to share his/her first day experiences. Many of them requested to organize similar kinds of workshop and events frequently on a timely basis. - -  - -After the recap session and tea, Saurav divided the participants into 4 groups by making few changes in the day first group for the field mapping and assigned them with a task to cover and complete. All the four teams were accompanied by members of Code for Nepal and StoryCycle. Participants spent more than 3 hours in the field, collecting map coordinates, photos, and videos. Once they returned to the workshop venue, they were taught how to upload the collected photos and coordinates on Google Maps. The basic of Google Local Guide platform was also shared to encourage participants to continue their contribution after the workshop. - -  - -Then participants took some rest over lunch. Soon Mr. Sumit Shekhar Shah, a Digital Photography enthusiast, who has been working in Janakpur for the grassroots awareness joined the participants to talk about how they can promote the history of Janakpur by highlighting the culture, temples, foods etc. He told participants to reach out to him anytime for help. - -  - - - - - -  - -Participants went to the field again. This time they were asked to focus on 360 photos and video stories. They identified the stories like the making of the Janakpur Lassi, Yummy Samosa, Mithal Arts etc. These videos will be published soon by StoryCycle. - -  - -**Day 3** - -  - -Like Day 2, participants gathered in the venue early in the morning and Ravi conducted the short review session. After the review, the team was dispatched again for the field mapping of parts of Janakpurdham. - -  - -At the end to the three and half days workshop, we built 542 map points, 55 plus 360-degree imageries and 12 video stories. - -  - -Mr. Ram Naresh Ray form Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Environment of Province 2 joined us. In his remarks, he congratulated all the participants and organizers for the hard work and said that the government is working to advance the tourism sector in Province 2. - -[]( - -Data, photos and videos collected from the workshop are still being processed. Some of them have been published []( - -#VisitJanakpur #VisitNepal2020 #Code4Nepal \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index a650a093..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2254 -title: Improving digital footprint of Janakpur -date: 2018-11-23T04:24:10-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/11/2247-revision-v1/ ---- -**In October** Code for Nepal organized the “_Digitizing Janakpur Workshop_” in collaboration with [Appan TV](, [Internet Market Today](, [SotryCycle]( and other stakeholders to digitize Janakpur using photos and videos so, that we can attract more tourist supporting the Nepal Government “[Visit Nepal 2020](” initiative and also launch Visit Janakpur ([]( project in partnership with [Nepal Tourism Board](,  Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Environment of Province 2 and [Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitan City]( in Nepal. Here is the brief overview of what happened in the two and half days workshop. - -**Day 1** - -The workshop was hands on. It included many field visits. Hence we selected only 25 participants out of which 13 were young women. All of them checked-in and Nikesh Balami, Project Manager of Code for Nepal gave the name tag to everyone so it would be easier to remember their name during the time of the workshop. Ravi Nepal, Founder of Code of Nepal, welcomed the workshop participants and share about the aim of organizing the event, the kind of opportunities and the impact which can be made to create more jobs and attract more tourist in Janakpur. - -Saurav Dhakal from StoryCycle shared a brief overview of what participants will be doing for the 2 and half days. Navin from Appan TV talks briefly about civic responsibility to promote local tourism, where he encouraged the youths to get involved in the community activities. - -Sudhan Subedi from Nepal Tourism Board talked about digital tourism and the Visit Nepal 2020 initiative. He was joined by Roshan Ghimire form Code for Nepal, where he highlighted the importance of digitizing Janakpur and the type of impact the workshop can make by promoting the local collaboration and resource sharing. - -The workshop was made special by the presence of Mr. Lal Kishor Sah, Mayor of Janakpurdham Sub Municipality. He joined the team to launch the Visit Janakpur project and also assured the long-term support from the Municipality side for its promotion. The participants were excited to hear about the work done by the Municipality to promote the tourism sector, preserve historic places and ongoing renovation in Janakpur Dham. - -[]( - -Soon Survar Dhakal started the session on “_Mapping your Story_“, where he first asked participant introduce his/her partner with the help of paper maps which were provided to them. They were asked to locate the location of the hometown, school, favorite hangout place of their partners. He also talked about using digital tools to map the stories so that it will make an impact and highlighted the importance of hazard mapping to save lives during the time of natural disasters like floods and earthquake. He also shared some examples of using the mapping for the development and promotion of places. - -He was joined by Prijun Koirala, Web Developer of StoryCycle, where they talked about making the proper use of available equipment and applications like using Google Street View to capture 360 photos, Snapseed to edit photos from the mobile, which will help to make the stories attractive and beautiful. - -The basic concept of _Mobile Photography_ was shared by the Roshan Ghimire in a separate session, where he shared some tips and tricks to take good quality photos using smartphones. He discussed on focusing on the stories and photo angle, rather than clicking randomly for the fun. After the session on Mobile Photography, Sudhan Subedi joined the participants to talk about gathering accurate information, which can help tourists or grow sales of the existing business. He talked about discouraging incomplete or meaningless information and asked participants to publish the photos and stories they collected as a blog so that visitor will find a complete information online. - - - - - -Amita Sharma, Teach of Nepal Fellow, led the discussion on “_Digital Content Ethics_” in the afternoon. She shared about Dos and Don’t of publishing and told participants to be very careful while publishing any kinds of content on the internet. - -After all the session, participants were divided into a smaller group for a field visit to map Janakpur using photos and videos. Four group were made and briefed on how to collect the map coordinates and photos of the important places and were sent for the trial mapping session, accompanied by members of Code for Nepal and StoryCycle. - -**Day 2** - -On the second day, participants traveled parts of Janakpur to collect stories. Early morning in around 8 AM everyone gathered at the Monastic School and Ravi conducted a short recap session, where he asked the participant to share his/her first day experiences. Many of them requested to organize similar kinds of workshop and events frequently on a timely basis. - -After the recap session and tea, Saurav divided the participants into 4 groups by making few changes in the day first group for the field mapping and assigned them with a task to cover and complete. All the four teams were accompanied by members of Code for Nepal and StoryCycle. Participants spent more than 3 hours in the field, collecting map coordinates, photos, and videos. Once they returned to the workshop venue, they were taught how to upload the collected photos and coordinates on Google Maps. The basic of Google Local Guide platform was also shared to encourage participants to continue their contribution after the workshop. - -Then participants took some rest over lunch. Soon Mr. Sumit Shekhar Shah, a Digital Photography enthusiast, who has been working in Janakpur for the grassroots awareness joined the participants to talk about how they can promote the history of Janakpur by highlighting the culture, temples, foods etc. He told participants to reach out to him anytime for help. - - - - - -Participants went to the field again. This time they were asked to focus on 360 photos and video stories. They identified the stories like the making of the Janakpur Lassi, Yummy Samosa, Mithal Arts etc. These videos will be published soon by StoryCycle. - -**Day 3** - -Like Day 2, participants gathered in the venue early in the morning and Ravi conducted the short review session. After the review, the team was dispatched again for the field mapping of parts of Janakpurdham. - -At the end to the three and half days workshop, we built 542 map points, 55 plus 360-degree imageries and 12 video stories. - -Mr. Ram Naresh Ray form Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Environment of Province 2 joined us. In his remarks, he congratulated all the participants and organizers for the hard work and said that the government is working to advance the tourism sector in Province 2. - -[]( - -Data, photos and videos collected from the workshop are still being processed. Some of them have been published []( - -#VisitJanakpur #VisitNepal2020 #Code4Nepal \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8be1538d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2253 -title: Improving the digital footprints of Janakpur -date: 2018-11-22T20:41:59-05:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/11/2247-revision-v1/ ---- -**In October** Code for Nepal organized the “_Digitizing Janakpur Workshop_” in collaboration with [Appan TV](, [Internet Market Today](, [SotryCycle]( and other stakeholders to digitize Janakpur using photos and videos so, that we can attract more tourist supporting the Nepal Government “[Visit Nepal 2020](” initiative and also launch Visit Janakpur ([]( project in partnership with [Nepal Tourism Board](,  Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Environment of Province 2 and [Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitan City]( in Nepal. Here is the brief overview of what happened in the two and half days workshop. - -**Day 1** - -The workshop was hands on. It included many field visits. Hence we selected only 25 participants out of which 13 were young women. All of them checked-in and Nikesh Balami, Project Manager of Code for Nepal gave the name tag to everyone so it would be easier to remember their name during the time of the workshop. Ravi Nepal, Founder of Code of Nepal, welcomed the workshop participants and share about the aim of organizing the event, the kind of opportunities and the impact which can be made to create more jobs and attract more tourist in Janakpur. - -Saurav Dhakal from StoryCycle shared a brief overview of what participants will be doing for the 2 and half days. Navin from Appan TV talks briefly about civic responsibility to promote local tourism, where he encouraged the youths to get involved in the community activities. - -Sudhan Subedi from Nepal Tourism Board talked about digital tourism and the Visit Nepal 2020 initiative. He was joined by Roshan Ghimire form Code for Nepal, where he highlighted the importance of digitizing Janakpur and the type of impact the workshop can make by promoting the local collaboration and resource sharing. - -The workshop was made special by the presence of Mr. Lal Kishor Sah, Mayor of Janakpurdham Sub Municipality. He joined the team to launch the Visit Janakpur project and also assured the long-term support from the Municipality side for its promotion. The participants were excited to hear about the work done by the Municipality to promote the tourism sector, preserve historic places and ongoing renovation in Janakpur Dham. - -[]( - -Soon Survar Dhakal started the session on “_Mapping your Story_“, where he first asked participant introduce his/her partner with the help of paper maps which were provided to them. They were asked to locate the location of the hometown, school, favorite hangout place of their partners. He also talked about using digital tools to map the stories so that it will make an impact and highlighted the importance of hazard mapping to save lives during the time of natural disasters like floods and earthquake. He also shared some examples of using the mapping for the development and promotion of places. - -He was joined by Prijun Koirala, Web Developer of StoryCycle, where they talked about making the proper use of available equipment and applications like using Google Street View to capture 360 photos, Snapseed to edit photos from the mobile, which will help to make the stories attractive and beautiful. - -The basic concept of _Mobile Photography_ was shared by the Roshan Ghimire in a separate session, where he shared some tips and tricks to take good quality photos using smartphones. He discussed on focusing on the stories and photo angle, rather than clicking randomly for the fun. After the session on Mobile Photography, Sudhan Subedi joined the participants to talk about gathering accurate information, which can help tourists or grow sales of the existing business. He talked about discouraging incomplete or meaningless information and asked participants to publish the photos and stories they collected as a blog so that visitor will find a complete information online. - - - - - -Amita Sharma, Teach of Nepal Fellow, led the discussion on “_Digital Content Ethics_” in the afternoon. She shared about Dos and Don’t of publishing and told participants to be very careful while publishing any kinds of content on the internet. - -After all the session, participants were divided into a smaller group for a field visit to map Janakpur using photos and videos. Four group were made and briefed on how to collect the map coordinates and photos of the important places and were sent for the trial mapping session, accompanied by members of Code for Nepal and StoryCycle. - -**Day 2** - -On the second day, participants traveled parts of Janakpur to collect stories. Early morning in around 8 AM everyone gathered at the Monastic School and Ravi conducted a short recap session, where he asked the participant to share his/her first day experiences. Many of them requested to organize similar kinds of workshop and events frequently on a timely basis. - -After the recap session and tea, Saurav divided the participants into 4 groups by making few changes in the day first group for the field mapping and assigned them with a task to cover and complete. All the four teams were accompanied by members of Code for Nepal and StoryCycle. Participants spent more than 3 hours in the field, collecting map coordinates, photos, and videos. Once they returned to the workshop venue, they were taught how to upload the collected photos and coordinates on Google Maps. The basic of Google Local Guide platform was also shared to encourage participants to continue their contribution after the workshop. - -Then participants took some rest over lunch. Soon Mr. Sumit Shekhar Shah, a Digital Photography enthusiast, who has been working in Janakpur for the grassroots awareness joined the participants to talk about how they can promote the history of Janakpur by highlighting the culture, temples, foods etc. He told participants to reach out to him anytime for help. - - - - - -Participants went to the field again. This time they were asked to focus on 360 photos and video stories. They identified the stories like the making of the Janakpur Lassi, Yummy Samosa, Mithal Arts etc. These videos will be published soon by StoryCycle. - -**Day 3** - -Like Day 2, participants gathered in the venue early in the morning and Ravi conducted the short review session. After the review, the team was dispatched again for the field mapping of parts of Janakpurdham. - -At the end to the three and half days workshop, we built 542 map points, 55 plus 360-degree imageries and 12 video stories. - -Mr. Ram Naresh Ray form Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Environment of Province 2 joined us. In his remarks, he congratulated all the participants and organizers for the hard work and said that the government is working to advance the tourism sector in Province 2. - -[]( - -Data, photos and videos collected from the workshop are still being processed. Some of them have been published []( - -#VisitJanakpur #VisitNepal2020 #Code4Nepal \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/in-nepali1008-revision-v1-\340\244\225\340\245\213\340\244\241-\340\244\253\340\244\260-\340\244\250\340\245\207\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\262\340\244\262\340\245\207-\340\244\255\340\244\277\340\244\241\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213-\340\244\260-\340\244\253\340\245\213\340\244\237\340\245\213-\340\244\252\340\245\215\340\244\260\340\244\244\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213\340\244\227\340\244\277\340\244\244\340\244\276-\340\244\206\340\244\257\340\245\213\340\244\234\340\244\250\340\244\276-\340\244\227\340\244\260\340\245\215\340\244\250\340\245\" "b/_drafts/in-nepali1008-revision-v1-\340\244\225\340\245\213\340\244\241-\340\244\253\340\244\260-\340\244\250\340\245\207\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\262\340\244\262\340\245\207-\340\244\255\340\244\277\340\244\241\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213-\340\244\260-\340\244\253\340\245\213\340\244\237\340\245\213-\340\244\252\340\245\215\340\244\260\340\244\244\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213\340\244\227\340\244\277\340\244\244\340\244\276-\340\244\206\340\244\257\340\245\213\340\244\234\340\244\250\340\244\276-\340\244\227\340\244\260\340\245\215\340\244\250\340\245\" deleted file mode 100644 index 1ecf089e..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/in-nepali1008-revision-v1-\340\244\225\340\245\213\340\244\241-\340\244\253\340\244\260-\340\244\250\340\245\207\340\244\252\340\244\276\340\244\262\340\244\262\340\245\207-\340\244\255\340\244\277\340\244\241\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213-\340\244\260-\340\244\253\340\245\213\340\244\237\340\245\213-\340\244\252\340\245\215\340\244\260\340\244\244\340\244\277\340\244\257\340\245\213\340\244\227\340\244\277\340\244\244\340\244\276-\340\244\206\340\244\257\340\245\213\340\244\234\340\244\250\340\244\276-\340\244\227\340\244\260\340\245\215\340\244\250\340\245\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1040 -title: 'कोड फर नेपालले भिडियो र फोटो प्रतियोगिता आयोजना गर्ने' -date: 2016-03-14T21:04:05-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1008-revision-v1/ ---- -प्रेस विज्ञप्ति – 26 February 2016 -वाशिंगटन डी सी -संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका - -तत्काल जारीका लागि -सम्पर्क : रोसन घिमिरे -इमेल: - -कोड फर नेपालले भिडियो र फोटो प्रतियोगिता आयोजना गर्ने - -वाशिंगटन डि.सी. – गैर सरकारी संस्था कोड फर नेपालले रु. ७५,००० पुरस्कार राशी सहितको एक भिडियो तथा फोटो प्रतियोगिता आयोजना गर्ने भएको छ | प्रतियोगिताको शीर्षक “को नेपाली ?” राखिएको छ | यस प्रतियोगिता मार्फत कोड फर नेपालले डिजिटल साक्षरताको कौशलता पहिचान गर्ने तथा “नेपाली हुनु भनेको के हो?” भन्ने बिषयमा रचनात्मक छलफल, साथसाथै नेपाली नागरिकबीच बहसको संस्कृति बलियो बनाउने लक्ष्य लिएको छ| - -कोड फर नेपालले यस प्रतियोगितामा, नेपाल तथा विदेश मा बस्ने १४ वर्ष वा सो भन्दा माथिका सिकारु नेपाली भिडियोग्राफर तथा फोटोग्राफरहरुबाट सहभागिताको आशा गरेको छ| भिडियो भोजपुरी, अंग्रेजी, नेपाली, मैथिली, वा तामाङ भाषामा पेश गर्न पाइनेछ| - -प्रतियोगितामा मार्च २५ – अप्रिल २५ २०१६ को समयाबधि भित्र पेश गरिएका भिडियो तथा फोटोहरु मात्र स्वीकार गरिनेछ | प्रतियोगिताका लागि पेश गरिएका प्रस्तुतिहरु मार्फत संकलन गरिनेछ| प्रतियोगिताका बारे विवरण मार्च महिना को अन्त्यतिर सार्वजनिक गरिनेछ| - -रोसन घिमिरे, कोड फर नेपालका साझेदारी तथा मिडिया प्रबन्धक भन्छन् “विजेताको चयन मौलिकता तथा फोटो वा भिडियोले दिन खोजेको सन्देशको स्पष्टताका आधारमा हुनेछ” | घिमिरे भन्छन ” हामी सहभागीहरुद्वारा पेश गरिएका फोटो वा भिडियोको स्तरीयता भन्दा तत्व र भाव लाइ महत्व दिनेछौ | यसको उद्देश्य सिकारु नेपाली फोटोग्राफर तथा भिडियोग्राफरलाइ प्रोत्साहन गर्नु नै हो|” - -विजेताहरुको नाम २०१६, जून महिनाको १५ तारिख घोषणा गरिनेछ| भिडियो प्रतियोगिता अन्तर्गत प्रथम पुरस्कार विजेतालाई रु. २५,००० प्रदान गरिनेछ भने द्वितीय र तृतीय स्थानका विजेतालाई पनि नगद पुरस्कारको व्यवस्था गरिएको छ| - -घिमिरे भन्छन् “यस प्रतियोगिताले डिजिटल साक्षरताका बारेमा जागरुकता वृद्धि गर्नेछ | साथसाथै, नेपालका विभिन्न पृष्ठभूमिका मानिसहरुबीच, उनीहरुको आफ्नो आफ्नै पहिचान भए पनि, सबै उत्तिकै नेपाली हुन् भन्ने संवाद अभिप्रेरित गर्नेछ|” - -कोड फर नेपाल नेपालमा डिजिटल साक्षरता तथा खुला डाटाको प्रयोग बढाउनका लागि युनाइटेड स्टेट्स अफ अमेरिकामा दर्ता गरिएको एउटा 501(c)(3) गैर सरकारी संस्था हो| - -थप जानकारीका लागि हाम्रो संचार समूह लाई मा सम्पर्क गर्नुहोला | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6df09e3b..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1849 -title: In these districts in Nepal, 9 out of 10 people still use wood to cook food -date: 2017-08-01T00:21:00-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/08/1844-autosave-v1/ ---- -Firewood has been a traditional source of fuel to cook in Nepal. Though few districts now use LPG gas and electricity, let’s take a look at what the data reveals. - -According to the data from [](, [64%]( people in Nepal are still dependent upon wood to cook their food. That means out 6 out of every 10 Nepali still uses wood to cook their food. - -[]( - -Here are the districts with the highest percentage of people dependent upon firewood for cooking: - -Mugu: 99% - -[Rukum]( 98% - -[Salyan]( 97% - -[Doti]( 96% - -[Taplejung]( 96% - -And, the following districts use of firewood the least: - -[Kathmandu]( 8% - -[Lalitpur]( 18% - -[Bhaktapur]( 25% - -[Kaski]( 32% - -[Saptari]( 34% - -Check out this [interactive map]( to see how people throughout Nepal use wood to cook food. - -With forests being destroyed for fuel, there is a need for alternative sources of energy for fuel. - -Some alternatives could be a solar based cooker, bio-briquettes, biogas and so on. Many households have already harnessed benefits from such options and usage has been increasing steadily in various parts of Nepal. - -Based on solar potential, many districts use solar based lightening however only a few districts use solar based cooking methods. - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1bdc202b..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1847 -date: 2017-08-01T00:07:51-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/08/1844-revision-v1/ ---- -Firewood has been a traditional source of fuel for the purpose of cooking in Nepal. Though few districts now use LPG gas and electricity, let’s take a look at what the data reveals. - -According to the data from, [64%]( people in Nepal are still dependent upon wood to cook their food. That means out 6 out of every 10 Nepali still uses wood to cook their food. - -[]( - -Here are the districts with the highest percentage of people dependent upon firewood for cooking: - -[Mugu]( 99% - -[Rukum]( 98% - -[Salyan]( 97% - -[Doti]( 96% - -[Taplejung]( 96% - -And,  the following districts use of firewood the least: - -[Kathmandu]( 8% - -[Lalitpur]( 18% - -[Bhaktapur]( 25% - -[Kaski]( 32% - -[Saptari]( 34% - -Check out this [interactive map]( to see how people throughout Nepal use wood to cook food. - -With forests being destroyed for fuel, there is a need for alternative sources of energy for fuel. - -Some alternatives could be solar based cooker, bio-briquettes, biogas and so on. Many households have already harnessed benefits from such options and usage has been increasing steadily in various parts of Nepal. - -Based on solar potential, many districts use solar based lightening however only a few districts use solar based cooking methods. - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index fce65b64..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1855 -title: In these districts in Nepal, 9 out of 10 people still use wood to cook food -date: 2017-08-01T07:57:03-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/08/1844-revision-v1/ ---- -Firewood has been a traditional source of fuel to cook in Nepal. Though few districts now use LPG gas and electricity, let’s take a look at what the data reveals. - -According to the data from [](, [64%]( people in Nepal are still dependent upon wood to cook their food. That means out 6 out of every 10 Nepali still uses wood to cook their food. - -[]( - -Here are the districts with the highest percentage of people dependent upon firewood for cooking: - -Mugu: 99% - -[Rukum]( 98% - -[Salyan]( 97% - -[Doti]( 96% - -[Taplejung]( 96% - -And, the following districts use firewood the least: - -[Kathmandu]( 8% - -[Lalitpur]( 18% - -[Bhaktapur]( 25% - -[Kaski]( 32% - -[Saptari]( 34% - -Check out this **interactive map** to see how people throughout Nepal use wood to cook food. - -With forests being destroyed for fuel, there is a need for alternative sources of energy for fuel. - -Some alternatives could be a solar based cooker, bio-briquettes, biogas and so on. Many households have already harnessed benefits from such options and usage has been increasing steadily in various parts of Nepal. - -Based on solar potential, many districts use solar based lightening however only a few districts use solar based cooking methods. - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 807b95b3..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 529 -title: Intern at Code for Nepal -date: 2015-08-22T21:47:44-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/08/527-autosave-v1/ ---- -

    - Hi there! -

    - -

    - At Code for Nepal, we are expanding — taking on projects to increase digital literacy and use of open data in Nepal, in a hope that it will help many Nepalis. -

    - -

    - Now we need your help to accomplish our mission. Join us as interns. It will be fun! We promise! Richa and I know this very well! -

    - -

    - Here are a few qualities of our interns: -

    - -
  • - Committed to the mission of Code for Nepal -
  • -
  • - Reliable and collaborative -
  • -
  • - Risk taker -
  • -
  • - Excited about working with data, especially data about Nepal -
  • -
  • - Funny -
  • -
  • - Resourceful -
  • -
  • - Looking to network and mentorship -
  • -
  • - Advanced college student -
  • - -

    - Length: 3 months
    Time commitment: 2-4 hours a week -

    - -

    - Location: Remote (Online) internship
    Compensation: These are unpaid internships. We can work with you if you wish to receive class credit. At Code for Nepal, we are all volunteers, especially in the U.S. We do what we do because we believe we are helping people and because it is so fun! -

    - -

    - Writing Interns -

    - -

    - We are seeking writing interns with interest in digital empowerment. Please look at our website’s content such as blogs to get an idea of our writing topics. You will be assisting Richa, the Communications Associate in creating similar content. Please provide us with writing samples or some published articles if available. -

    - -

    - Graphic Design Interns -

    - -

    - We expect you to have some experience with Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc. -

    - -

    - We would love to see your previous work, so please send us a few samples. We will provide you guidelines, and work closely with you. Credit will be given for the all the work done for Code for Nepal. -

    - -

    - Web Design Interns -

    - -

    - We need web design interns to help build, edit and format our project websites. Ideal candidates will have a sharp eye for clean web design. Expertise with PhotoShop, InDesign, WordPress, HTML/CSS, Java etc and other coding languages would be an advantage. -

    - -

    - General internship application -

    - -

    - If you do not fit in above criteria and wish to help out with certain projects, feel free to apply and explain what you are seeking. -

    - -

    - Thanks! Please complete this application and we will get back to you soon! -

    - -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e791bcad..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 532 -title: Intern at Code for Nepal -date: 2015-08-22T21:49:02-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/08/527-revision-v1/ ---- -

    - Hi there! -

    - -

    - At Code for Nepal, we are expanding — taking on projects to increase digital literacy and use of open data in Nepal, in a hope that it will help many Nepalis. -

    - -

    - Now we need your help to accomplish our mission. Join us as interns. It will be fun! We promise! Richa and I know this very well! -

    - -

    - Here are a few qualities of our interns: -

    - -
  • - Committed to the mission of Code for Nepal -
  • -
  • - Reliable and collaborative -
  • -
  • - Risk taker -
  • -
  • - Excited about working with data, especially data about Nepal -
  • -
  • - Funny -
  • -
  • - Resourceful -
  • -
  • - Looking to network and mentorship -
  • -
  • - Advanced college student -
  • - -

    - Length: 3 months
    Time commitment: 2-4 hours a week -

    - -

    - Location: Remote (Online) internship
    Compensation: These are unpaid internships. We can work with you if you wish to receive class credit. At Code for Nepal, we are all volunteers, especially in the U.S. We do what we do because we believe we are helping people and because it is so fun! -

    - -

    - Writing Interns -

    - -

    - We are seeking writing interns with interest in digital empowerment. Please look at our website’s content such as blogs to get an idea of our writing topics. You will be assisting Richa, the Communications Associate in creating similar content. Please provide us with writing samples or some published articles if available. -

    - -

    - Graphic Design Interns -

    - -

    - We expect you to have some experience with Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc. -

    - -

    - We would love to see your previous work, so please send us a few samples. We will provide you guidelines, and work closely with you. Credit will be given for the all the work done for Code for Nepal. -

    - -

    - Web Design Interns -

    - -

    - We need web design interns to help build, edit and format our project websites. Ideal candidates will have a sharp eye for clean web design. Expertise with PhotoShop, InDesign, WordPress, HTML/CSS, Java etc and other coding languages would be an advantage. -

    - -

    - General internship application -

    - -

    - If you do not fit in above criteria and wish to help out with certain projects, feel free to apply and explain what you are seeking. -

    - -

    - Thanks! Please complete this application and we will get back to you soon! -

    - -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index ebb88ccb..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2405 -title: Internship in Janakpur -date: 2019-05-04T02:33:14-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/05/2370-revision-v1/ ---- -We are pleased to announce our partnership with [Internet Market Today]( for a three-month internship program in Janakpur, Nepal. Internet Market Today is a digital advertising agency based in Janakpur. - -**Number of interns:** 2 -**Stipend:** NRs 3000 per month -**Tentative start date:** May 15, 2019 - -Interns will have the opportunity to learn the following skills: - - * Google Ads Marketing - * Creative Writing - * Social Media Marketing - * Search Engine Optimization - * Website Designing - -Expectations: - - * Interns will write at least two blog posts for Code for Nepal about their experience. - * They will help with Code for Nepal projects. - * Interns will work full-time. - -Minimum requirements: - - * Applicants must have some academic or professional background in IT - * Must be at least in the final semester of Bachelor’s degree - * Must be fluent in English - -Please send your CV and letter of interest to Deadline has been extended to **May 10, 2019.** - -Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 19b8b6ec..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2373 -title: SEO Internship in Janakpur -date: 2019-04-23T02:38:05-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/04/2370-revision-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal is pleased to announce our partnership with Internet Market Today for a three-month internship program in Janakpur, Nepal. - -Number of interns: 2 -Stipend: NRs 3000 per month -Tentative start date: May 1, 2019 - -Interns will have the opportunity to learn the following skills: - - * Google Ads Marketing - * Creative Writing - * Social Media Marketing - * Search Engine Optimization - * Website Designing - -Expectations: - - * Interns will write at least two blog posts for Code for Nepal about their experience. - * They will help with Code for Nepal projects. - * Interns will work full-time. - -Minimum requirements: - - * Background in IT - * Must be finishing final semester of Bachelor’s degree - * Must be fluent in English - -Please send your CV and letter of interest by Tuesday, **April 30, 2019** to Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d82a01b9..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2393 -title: First four 2019 Hawkins Fellows selected -date: 2019-04-30T09:17:46-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/04/2379-revision-v1/ ---- -I joined Code for Nepal this April and my first task was selecting the Hawkins Fellows. There were 24 applicants and out of them eight were called for phone interview. I had to make decisions quickly so we could match the Fellowship timeline for the Insight Workshop training program. I read the stories of the finalists again and again and tried to find a good mix of the fellows according to their diversity and strengths. Within a few days, I communicated with the selected fellows and they responded immediately and have started the fellowship. I sent out rejection letter to the rest of the candidates who I had interviewed. To be honest all the candidates’ stories were exceptional. A few did not meet the education or programming language requirement. I encourage all of those who applied but did not hear from us or did not get selected to continue your hard work and to continue taking advantage of such opportunities. It is great to see that you have already taken the steps towards closing the gender gap in technology by choosing to work in this field and already are role models to many. - -Here, I present to you the first batch of Hawkins Fellows.
    - -
    - -**1.SUMI PRAJAPATI, BHAKTAPUR** - -I recently finished my Bachelor’s. I am the oldest daughter in my family. Growing up, I was the most mature,outgoing person and I tried to help my family my entire life. I am a simple,open minded girl who loves to learn new things and experience life. - - -I was one of the fellows at Women Leaders in Technology (WLiT) which run programs to foster the vision of providing young girls opportunities and resources to carry their passion in technology, and become leaders and innovators. I have been a part of various workshops and hackathons including a 3 month smart-chhori campaign in Khalti which helped me learn about digital payments and digital literacy program practically. From my teenage days I had always experienced the gender gap and felt the decreased involvement of girls in technology. I believe that girls are equally good as boys. The technology field had always fascinated me. Collecting memories and capturing them in photos is what interests me. I like to volunteer. I want to spread smiles to my loved ones. - - -Code for nepal dreams to empower Nepal by  increasing digital literacy. Encouraging women in this area is a huge step towards this dream. I was very impressed and attracted towards this vision looking at different projects of this organization. - - -The Hawkins Fellowship is also one of the small step towards building gender equality in the field of technology. Working together in a team in various kinds of projects is going to be fun and through this Ii can see my future with a huge difference. This kind of opportunity is definitely going to help people grow and get motivated to achieve a successful future. - -**2. BASNA RANJITKAR, KAVRE** - - -
    - -
    - -I have just completed my Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering. I joined a fellowship program during my Bachelor to improve my soft skills. This made me confident that I can face any type of interviews, or work pressure. But after I completed my studies and I began to send resume to apply for jobs, I realized that I lacked most of the job requirements posted by companies. The hard skills developed during the college days to just complete the minor and major projects were insufficient to match the job requirements. I applied for Hawkins Fellowship for Women to get the necessary training on technical and professional skills and be able to apply those skills at the workplace.
    - -
    - -**3. SEEMA THAPA MAGAR, POKHARA** - -I recently completed my undergraduate in Computer Science and Information Technology. I am a passionate, optimistic and dedicated woman who believes in perfecting my skills with continuous effort. As there is a saying by the great Aristotle that “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit.” - - -I am also a nature lover, health enthusiast, scribbler and a social activist. I consider it my greatest achievement when I am able to motivate and help many young students or learners about the cosmic possibilities of technology. I feel genuinely happy when my code runs without any errors or bugs while programming. One of my imperishable memory was of a leadership development camp 2019 in Sikles where I got to meet and influence around 80 indigenous students highly ambitious towards their career. I want to be one of the female tech expert in the IT field. I want to be an example so that people will believe that even a girl can be a scientist, CEO, software developer or any top professional thriving excellently in the technology sector.       - - -**4. MAUNATA SHAHI**
    - -
    - - - - -I have recently earned my Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. Originally, before joining Bachelor’s,  my plan was to pursue nursing but I changed my course as I got more interested towards technology. Having studied science in high school, changing into a new subject was the most difficult decision for me. Without any knowledge on computers and programming, I had tough times in college. However, with the proper guidance and help by my professors I gained a lot of knowledge about technology . Changing my path and going into the technology field was also one of the best decision I have ever made. As there are significant improvements in field of technology, women are still under-represented. Young women like us need a platform and encouragement in such field to gain more confidence. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 544155e1..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2445 -title: Introducing our Hawkins Fellows -date: 2019-06-23T05:41:26-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/06/2379-revision-v1/ ---- -I joined Code for Nepal this April and my first task was selecting the Hawkins Fellows. There were 24 applicants and out of them eight were called for phone interview. I had to make decisions quickly so we could match the Fellowship timeline for the Insight Workshop training program. I read the stories of the finalists again and again and tried to find a good mix of the fellows according to their diversity and strengths. Within a few days, I communicated with the selected fellows and they responded immediately and have started the fellowship. I sent out rejection letter to the rest of the candidates who I had interviewed. To be honest all the candidates’ stories were exceptional. A few did not meet the education or programming language requirement. I encourage all of those who applied but did not hear from us or did not get selected to continue your hard work and to continue taking advantage of such opportunities. It is great to see that you have already taken the steps towards closing the gender gap in technology by choosing to work in this field and already are role models to many. - -Here, I present to you the first batch of Hawkins Fellows. - -**1.SUMI PRAJAPATI, BHAKTAPUR** - -
    - - -I recently finished my Bachelor’s. I am the oldest daughter in my family. Growing up, I was the most mature,outgoing person and I tried to help my family my entire life. I am a simple,open minded girl who loves to learn new things and experience life. - - -I was one of the fellows at Women Leaders in Technology (WLiT) which run programs to foster the vision of providing young girls opportunities and resources to carry their passion in technology, and become leaders and innovators. I have been a part of various workshops and hackathons including a 3 month smart-chhori campaign in Khalti which helped me learn about digital payments and digital literacy program practically. From my teenage days I had always experienced the gender gap and felt the decreased involvement of girls in technology. I believe that girls are equally good as boys. The technology field had always fascinated me. Collecting memories and capturing them in photos is what interests me. I like to volunteer. I want to spread smiles to my loved ones. - - -Code for nepal dreams to empower Nepal by  increasing digital literacy. Encouraging women in this area is a huge step towards this dream. I was very impressed and attracted towards this vision looking at different projects of this organization. - - -The Hawkins Fellowship is also one of the small step towards building gender equality in the field of technology. Working together in a team in various kinds of projects is going to be fun and through this Ii can see my future with a huge difference. This kind of opportunity is definitely going to help people grow and get motivated to achieve a successful future. - - - -**2. BASNA RANJITKAR, KAVRE** - -

    - -I have just completed my Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering. I joined a fellowship program during my Bachelor to improve my soft skills. This made me confident that I can face any type of interviews, or work pressure. But after I completed my studies and I began to send resume to apply for jobs, I realized that I lacked most of the job requirements posted by companies. The hard skills developed during the college days to just complete the minor and major projects were insufficient to match the job requirements. I applied for Hawkins Fellowship for Women to get the necessary training on technical and professional skills and be able to apply those skills at the workplace. - -**3. SEEMA THAPA MAGAR, POKHARA** - -
    - -I recently completed my undergraduate in Computer Science and Information Technology. I am a passionate, optimistic and dedicated woman who believes in perfecting my skills with continuous effort. As there is a saying by the great Aristotle that “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit.” - - -I am also a nature lover, health enthusiast, scribbler and a social activist. I consider it my greatest achievement when I am able to motivate and help many young students or learners about the cosmic possibilities of technology. I feel genuinely happy when my code runs without any errors or bugs while programming. One of my imperishable memory was of a leadership development camp 2019 in Sikles where I got to meet and influence around 80 indigenous students highly ambitious towards their career. I want to be one of the female tech expert in the IT field. I want to be an example so that people will believe that even a girl can be a scientist, CEO, software developer or any top professional thriving excellently in the technology sector.       \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/iwalkfreely-nepal1479-autosave-v1-IWalkFreely-\342\200\223-A-Nepali-girl\342\200\" "b/_drafts/iwalkfreely-nepal1479-autosave-v1-IWalkFreely-\342\200\223-A-Nepali-girl\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 2ac8d7a0..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/iwalkfreely-nepal1479-autosave-v1-IWalkFreely-\342\200\223-A-Nepali-girl\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1483 -title: '#IWalkFreely – A Nepali girl’s dream' -date: 2016-10-24T06:49:37-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/10/1479-autosave-v1/ ---- -[#Iwalk]( - -_Editor’s note: _ - -_I have gotten used to verbal and sexual harassment. How terrible of a sentence is that?! Nobody should ever, ever get ‘used’ to things like that._ - -Nothing brings more clarity to the grim reality of the normalcy with which girls and women are harassed on the streets of Nepal than this excerpt from a participant story from our #IWalkFreely online survey. Indeed, no one should be exposed to harassment to such a degree that they start getting used to it, but it’s hardly surprising that we are seeing this resigned acceptance of the misogynistic norm among our youth. - -The #IWalkFreely survey amassed over 1000 responses and an overwhelming 92% of the participants reported they had been harassed on the streets in one form or another. More bleak still, 98% of all women participants stated they had been harassed making this an indisputably gender based issue. - -Besides the streets, 71% of the participants also reported getting harassed in public transportations. 63% of the participants reported physical harassment of some form, 63% also reported being exposed to verbal harassment, and 20% reported sexual harassment. - - - -One of the most insidious ways in which harassment thrives in our society is through the collective dismissal of its gravity. The problem is woven into the very fabric of our society, yet people are unwilling to acknowledge it. Instead, there is constant and casual deflection of the issue spurred by an internalized toxicity which has allowed this kind of heinous behavior to go unchecked for so long. - -49% of the participants who said they had faced harassment were between 20 and 29 years old. Similarly, over 41% of the participants who answered in the affirmative when asked if they’d ever experienced harassment were between the ages of 13 and 19. This means a disturbing majority of the people who are harassed in our country are girls and young women. - -Participant stories illustrated that victims were very often too embarrassed to talk about what had happened with their parents or authorities, fearful that the shame of the act would fall upon them, not the perpetrators. **_Boys will be boys_**. _They won’t say anything if you cover up. Just pretend you didn’t hear them. They’ll stop if you don’t pay attention to them. _ - -Being a young girl in Nepal, one is likely to hear this sort of dismissive rhetoric if she does try to talk about harassment with her mother or a female teacher. This is primarily why victims are more inclined to endure silently instead of trying to report the culprits. Girls are being conditioned to think their pain is not important, their bodies not their own to command but for boys and men to ogle and objectify - -In a society that has done the utmost to all but erase the female sexuality, adolescent girls are forced to deal with their changing physiques while simultaneously made to feel compelled to hide their development and growth, because being obvious might attract unwanted attention on the streets or their classroom or the micro bus. This poisonous socio-cultural trend will never change unless we, collectively as Nepali citizens, acknowledge that objectification of girls and women and the consequent harassment that they are subjected to is a national epidemic.    - -It’s easy to discern from the data that harassment is ubiquitous—one would have to stay home at all times, with their doors padlocked if they wish to dodge harassment in Nepal. - -What we need to take away from these startling numbers is not the idea of urging our girls to become shut-ins, but the intent to spread awareness about this toxic epidemic and start conversations on all social and educational levels to teach our boys that girls are just as much human as they are, girls warrant just as much respect as boys do, girls deserve to walk freely on the streets without having to worry about being dehumanized through objectification. - -  - -Source: [Survey data]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/iwalkfreely-nepal1479-revision-v1-IWalkFreely-\342\200\223-A-Nepali-Girl\342\200\" "b/_drafts/iwalkfreely-nepal1479-revision-v1-IWalkFreely-\342\200\223-A-Nepali-Girl\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 388d3302..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/iwalkfreely-nepal1479-revision-v1-IWalkFreely-\342\200\223-A-Nepali-Girl\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1482 -title: '#IWalkFreely – A Nepali Girl’s Dream' -date: 2016-10-13T11:31:32-04:00 -author: Asmita Gauchan -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/10/1479-revision-v1/ ---- -_I have gotten used to verbal and sexual harassment. How terrible of a sentence is that?! Nobody should ever, ever get ‘used’ to things like that._ - -Nothing brings more clarity to the grim reality of the normalcy with which girls and women are harassed on the streets of Nepal than this excerpt from a participant story from our #IWalkFreely survey. Indeed, no one should be exposed to harassment to such a degree that they start getting used to it, but it’s hardly surprising that we are seeing this resigned acceptance of the misogynistic norm among our youth. The #IWalkFreely survey amassed over 1000 responses and an overwhelming 92% of the participants reported they had been harassed on the streets in one form or another. More bleak still, 98% of all women participants stated they had been harassed making this an indisputably gender based issue. Besides the streets, 71% of the participants also reported getting harassed in public transportations. 63% of the participants reported physical harassment of some form, 63% also reported being exposed to verbal harassment, and 20% reported sexual harassment. - -One of the most insidious ways in which harassment thrives in our society is through the collective dismissal of its gravity. The problem is woven into the very fabric of our society, yet people are unwilling to acknowledge it. Instead, there is constant and casual deflection of the issue spurred by an internalized toxicity which has allowed this kind of heinous behavior to go unchecked for so long. 49% of the participants who said they had faced harassment were between 20 and 29 years old. Similarly, over 41% of the participants who answered in the affirmative when asked if they’d ever experienced harassment were between the ages of 13 and 19. This means a disturbing majority of the people who are harassed in our country are young girls and women. - -Participant stories illustrated that victims were very often too embarrassed to talk about what had happened with their parents or authorities, fearful that the shame of the act would fall upon them, not the perpetrators. _Boys will be boys_. _They won’t say anything if you cover up. Just pretend you didn’t hear them. They’ll stop if you don’t pay attention to them. _Being a young girl in Nepal, one is likely to hear this sort of dismissive rhetoric if she does try to talk about harassment with her mother or a female teacher. This is primarily why victims are more inclined to endure silently instead of trying to report the culprits. Young girls are being conditioned to think their pain is not important, their bodies not their own to command but for boys and men to ogle and objectify. In a society that has done the utmost to all but erase the female sexuality, adolescent girls are forced to deal with their changing physiques while simultaneously made to feel compelled to hide their development and growth, because being obvious might attract unwanted attention on the streets or their classroom or the micro bus. This poisonous socio-cultural trend will never change unless we, collectively as Nepali citizens, acknowledge that objectification of girls and women and the consequent harassment that they are subjected to is a national epidemic.   - -It’s easy to discern from the data that harassment is ubiquitous—one would have to stay home at all times, with their doors padlocked if they wish to dodge harassment in Nepal. What we need to take away from these startling numbers is not the idea of urging our girls to become shut-ins, but the intent to spread awareness about this toxic epidemic and start conversations on all social and educational levels to teach our boys that girls are just as much human as they are, girls warrant just as much respect as boys do, girls deserve to walk freely on the streets without having to worry about being dehumanized through objectification. \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/iwalkfreely-nepal1479-revision-v1-IWalkFreely-\342\200\223-A-Nepali-girl\342\200\" "b/_drafts/iwalkfreely-nepal1479-revision-v1-IWalkFreely-\342\200\223-A-Nepali-girl\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 388d3302..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/iwalkfreely-nepal1479-revision-v1-IWalkFreely-\342\200\223-A-Nepali-girl\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1482 -title: '#IWalkFreely – A Nepali Girl’s Dream' -date: 2016-10-13T11:31:32-04:00 -author: Asmita Gauchan -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/10/1479-revision-v1/ ---- -_I have gotten used to verbal and sexual harassment. How terrible of a sentence is that?! Nobody should ever, ever get ‘used’ to things like that._ - -Nothing brings more clarity to the grim reality of the normalcy with which girls and women are harassed on the streets of Nepal than this excerpt from a participant story from our #IWalkFreely survey. Indeed, no one should be exposed to harassment to such a degree that they start getting used to it, but it’s hardly surprising that we are seeing this resigned acceptance of the misogynistic norm among our youth. The #IWalkFreely survey amassed over 1000 responses and an overwhelming 92% of the participants reported they had been harassed on the streets in one form or another. More bleak still, 98% of all women participants stated they had been harassed making this an indisputably gender based issue. Besides the streets, 71% of the participants also reported getting harassed in public transportations. 63% of the participants reported physical harassment of some form, 63% also reported being exposed to verbal harassment, and 20% reported sexual harassment. - -One of the most insidious ways in which harassment thrives in our society is through the collective dismissal of its gravity. The problem is woven into the very fabric of our society, yet people are unwilling to acknowledge it. Instead, there is constant and casual deflection of the issue spurred by an internalized toxicity which has allowed this kind of heinous behavior to go unchecked for so long. 49% of the participants who said they had faced harassment were between 20 and 29 years old. Similarly, over 41% of the participants who answered in the affirmative when asked if they’d ever experienced harassment were between the ages of 13 and 19. This means a disturbing majority of the people who are harassed in our country are young girls and women. - -Participant stories illustrated that victims were very often too embarrassed to talk about what had happened with their parents or authorities, fearful that the shame of the act would fall upon them, not the perpetrators. _Boys will be boys_. _They won’t say anything if you cover up. Just pretend you didn’t hear them. They’ll stop if you don’t pay attention to them. _Being a young girl in Nepal, one is likely to hear this sort of dismissive rhetoric if she does try to talk about harassment with her mother or a female teacher. This is primarily why victims are more inclined to endure silently instead of trying to report the culprits. Young girls are being conditioned to think their pain is not important, their bodies not their own to command but for boys and men to ogle and objectify. In a society that has done the utmost to all but erase the female sexuality, adolescent girls are forced to deal with their changing physiques while simultaneously made to feel compelled to hide their development and growth, because being obvious might attract unwanted attention on the streets or their classroom or the micro bus. This poisonous socio-cultural trend will never change unless we, collectively as Nepali citizens, acknowledge that objectification of girls and women and the consequent harassment that they are subjected to is a national epidemic.   - -It’s easy to discern from the data that harassment is ubiquitous—one would have to stay home at all times, with their doors padlocked if they wish to dodge harassment in Nepal. What we need to take away from these startling numbers is not the idea of urging our girls to become shut-ins, but the intent to spread awareness about this toxic epidemic and start conversations on all social and educational levels to teach our boys that girls are just as much human as they are, girls warrant just as much respect as boys do, girls deserve to walk freely on the streets without having to worry about being dehumanized through objectification. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 863f1ee3..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1395 -title: '#IWalkFreely: Beginning to end street harassment in Nepal' -date: 2016-08-04T10:13:57-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/08/1392-autosave-v1/ ---- -[#IWalkFreely]( - -About a week ago, I, along with three other friends, all girls, decided to go for a quick dinner in Durbar Magh. It about 9.00 pm that we were all done and started heading back home. - -As we were walking back, a group of men started to walk along with us, slowing their pace with ours and almost surrounding all of us in their group. Frightened, we quietly attempted to hurry past the group to which they responded by saying things like “Oho! Esto K hattar? (What’s the hurry?)” and “Kata Bhageko? (Where are you running off to?)”. - -After minutes of surrounding us, they finally decided to leave us alone and went off to another venture, having succeeded at using us to entertain themselves for a few minutes. Not long after that, just as we started to get into the car, a middle-aged man walked past us and “accidentally” groped my friend’s little sister from the back. - -We all look at him as she screamed, he looked back at us, smiled, simply said “sorry” and made his way ahead. These two incidents occurred within 10 minutes of one night in Kathmandu. -Feeling frightened, helpless, and violated in the streets is almost a daily occurrence for women in Nepal. Be it getting constant stares from men in the streets, the supposedly “flattering” words we are quietly forced to hear, or on many occasions the “accidental” gropes that we have to pretend never happened, all leave us feeling helpless and terrified in the same streets we have to walk everyday. The worse part of it all, though? It’s how it’s hardly ever talked about let alone addressed this problem. - -Being tired of the street harassment, [I, and Code for Nepal](, have decided to start a campaign to at least start talking about street harassment and how we can combat it in Nepal. This project is called “I Walk Freely” and is created to help the many out there who are unable to do so today. Over the next few weeks, we will be refining this project and releasing little bits and pieces along the way. We will also launch a survey to gather data on street harassment. - -However, #**IWalkFreely is in its initial phase right now, and what it needs the most to develop is you!** - -We need you to start talking about this project, and about street harassment in Nepal. If you have faced any forms of street harassment, share it with us and show your support. If you are not comfortable doing that, just show us your support by sharing this message and using the hashtag [#IWalkFreely]( - -If you don’t have a harassment story, share this message and pledge that you will not support any forms of harassment against fellow men or women and do you best to fight against it. - -Together, I believe that we can build a Nepal where every person, man or woman, has the ability to walk freely. But for now, let’s simply start talking about it. #IWalkFreely \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 68db5664..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1401 -title: '#IWalkFreely: Beginning to end street harassment in Nepal' -date: 2016-08-04T10:46:18-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/08/1392-revision-v1/ ---- -[#IWalkFreely]( - -About a week ago, I, along with three other friends, all girls, decided to go for a quick dinner in Durbar Magh. It about 9.00 pm that we were all done and started heading back home. - -As we were walking back, a group of men started to walk along with us, slowing their pace with ours and almost surrounding all of us in their group. Frightened, we quietly attempted to hurry past the group to which they responded by saying things like “Oho! Esto K hattar? (What’s the hurry?)” and “Kata Bhageko? (Where are you running off to?)”. - -After minutes of surrounding us, they finally decided to leave us alone and went off to another venture, having succeeded at using us to entertain themselves for a few minutes. Not long after that, just as we started to get into the car, a middle-aged man walked past us and “accidentally” groped my friend’s little sister from the back. - -We all look at him as she screamed, he looked back at us, smiled, simply said “sorry” and made his way ahead. These two incidents occurred within 10 minutes of one night in Kathmandu. -Feeling frightened, helpless, and violated in the streets is almost a daily occurrence for women in Nepal. Be it getting constant stares from men in the streets, the supposedly “flattering” words we are quietly forced to hear, or on many occasions the “accidental” gropes that we have to pretend never happened, all leave us feeling helpless and terrified in the same streets we have to walk everyday. The worse part of it all, though? It’s how it’s hardly ever talked about let alone addressed this problem. - -Being tired of the street harassment, [I, and Code for Nepal](, have decided to start a campaign to at least start talking about street harassment and how we can combat it in Nepal. This project is called “I Walk Freely” and is created to help the many out there who are unable to do so today. Over the next few weeks, we will be refining this project and releasing little bits and pieces along the way. We will also launch a survey to gather data on street harassment. - -However, #**IWalkFreely is in its initial phase right now, and what it needs the most to develop is you!** - -We need you to start talking about this project, and about street harassment in Nepal. If you have faced any forms of street harassment, share it with us and show your support. If you are not comfortable doing that, just show us your support by sharing this message and using the hashtag [#IWalkFreely]( - -If you don’t have a harassment story, share this message and pledge that you will not support any forms of harassment against fellow men or women and do you best to fight against it. - -Together, I believe that we can build a Nepal where every person, man or woman, has the ability to walk freely. But for now, let’s simply start talking about it. #IWalkFreely \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0cfba0b2..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1295 -title: Join Code for Nepal as a Communications Associate -date: 2016-06-02T18:28:17-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/06/1293-autosave-v1/ ---- -

    - Hi there! -

    - -

    - At Code for Nepal, we are expanding — taking on projects to increase digital literacy and use of open data in Nepal, in a hope that it will help many Nepalis. -

    - -

    - Now we need your help to accomplish our mission. Join us as a communications associate! It will be fun! We promise! I know this very well! -

    - -

    - Here are a few qualities of our communications associate: -

    - -
  • - Committed to the mission of Code for Nepal -
  • -
  • - Reliable and collaborative -
  • -
  • - Risk taker -
  • -
  • - Excited about working with data, especially data about Nepal -
  • -
  • - Funny -
  • -
  • - Resourceful -
  • -
  • - Looking to network and mentorship -
  • -
  • - Advanced college student, preferably graduate student. -
  • - -

    - Length: 3 months
    Time commitment: 2-4 hours a week -

    - -

    - Location: Remote (Online) internship -

    - -

    - Compensation: These are unpaid internships. We can work with you if you wish to receive class credit. At Code for Nepal, we are all volunteers, especially in the U.S. We do what we do because we believe we are helping people and because it is so fun! -

    - -

    - Responsibilities:  -

    - -
    - Work with communications team to regularly update Code for Nepal website and social media channels.  -
    - -
    - Write 2-3 blog post per month for Code for Nepal website. -
    - -
    - Come with creative ideas for data visualizations, infographic and video script. -
    - -
    - Be familiar with video editing, graphic design and front-end web development. -
    - -
    - Other tasks as needed. -
    - -
    - -To apply, please complete the form. We will contact short-listed candidates. - -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7f244dd4..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1302 -title: Join Code for Nepal as a Communications Associate -date: 2016-06-02T18:36:22-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/06/1293-revision-v1/ ---- -

    - Hi there! -

    - -

    - At Code for Nepal, we are expanding — taking on projects to increase digital literacy and use of open data in Nepal, in a hope that it will help many Nepalis. -

    - -

    - Now we need your help to accomplish our mission. Join us as a communications associate! It will be fun! We promise! I know this very well! -

    - -

    - Here are a few qualities of our communications associate: -

    - -
  • - Committed to the mission of Code for Nepal -
  • -
  • - Reliable and collaborative -
  • -
  • - Risk taker -
  • -
  • - Excited about working with data, especially data about Nepal -
  • -
  • - Funny -
  • -
  • - Resourceful -
  • -
  • - Looking to network and mentorship -
  • -
  • - Advanced college student, preferably graduate student. -
  • - -

    - Length: 3 months
    Time commitment: 2-4 hours a week -

    - -

    - Location: Remote (Online) -

    - -

    - Compensation: These are unpaid internships. We can work with you if you wish to receive class credit. At Code for Nepal, we are all volunteers, especially in the U.S. We do what we do because we believe we are helping people and because it is so fun! -

    - -

    - Responsibilities:  -

    - -
    - Work with communications team to regularly update Code for Nepal website and social media channels.  -
    - -
    - Write 2-3 blog post per month for Code for Nepal website. -
    - -
    - Come with creative ideas for data visualizations, infographic and video script. -
    - -
    - Be familiar with video editing, graphic design and front-end web development. -
    - -
    - Other tasks as needed. -
    - -
    - -To apply, please complete the form. We will contact short-listed candidates. - -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7f244dd4..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1302 -title: Join Code for Nepal as a Communications Associate -date: 2016-06-02T18:36:22-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/06/1293-revision-v1/ ---- -

    - Hi there! -

    - -

    - At Code for Nepal, we are expanding — taking on projects to increase digital literacy and use of open data in Nepal, in a hope that it will help many Nepalis. -

    - -

    - Now we need your help to accomplish our mission. Join us as a communications associate! It will be fun! We promise! I know this very well! -

    - -

    - Here are a few qualities of our communications associate: -

    - -
  • - Committed to the mission of Code for Nepal -
  • -
  • - Reliable and collaborative -
  • -
  • - Risk taker -
  • -
  • - Excited about working with data, especially data about Nepal -
  • -
  • - Funny -
  • -
  • - Resourceful -
  • -
  • - Looking to network and mentorship -
  • -
  • - Advanced college student, preferably graduate student. -
  • - -

    - Length: 3 months
    Time commitment: 2-4 hours a week -

    - -

    - Location: Remote (Online) -

    - -

    - Compensation: These are unpaid internships. We can work with you if you wish to receive class credit. At Code for Nepal, we are all volunteers, especially in the U.S. We do what we do because we believe we are helping people and because it is so fun! -

    - -

    - Responsibilities:  -

    - -
    - Work with communications team to regularly update Code for Nepal website and social media channels.  -
    - -
    - Write 2-3 blog post per month for Code for Nepal website. -
    - -
    - Come with creative ideas for data visualizations, infographic and video script. -
    - -
    - Be familiar with video editing, graphic design and front-end web development. -
    - -
    - Other tasks as needed. -
    - -
    - -To apply, please complete the form. We will contact short-listed candidates. - -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 60530040..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2544 -title: Join us -date: 2020-07-13T06:58:06-04:00 -author: Ishan Dongol -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2020/07/2223-autosave-v1/ ---- -# Everyone can contribute. You can too! - -No matter where you are in the world, if you are a solution person, you can make an impact on Nepal. - -Code for Nepal seeks to provide technological platforms to improve the lives of people in Nepal. - -Founders Mia and Ravi traveled to Nepal in January 2014 to better understand the landscape of Internet access and open data. Through meeting with tech companies, students, journalists, and women’s groups, we quickly realized that the digital divide in Nepal ran deep — women, poor people, rural people, and minorities had limited access to the Internet and digital training. After returning to the U.S., we launched Code for Nepal in February 2014. - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the U.S., and our partner organization in Nepal is **[Open Knowledge Nepal](**. - -## **Who We Are** - -We are dreamers, innovators, risk takers, writers, marketers, activists, teachers, public policy experts, designers, coders, data scientists. Overall, we are a group of volunteers who believe that by working together selflessly, we can help Nepal make progress where everyone will have access to opportunities. We believe in using data and technology to tackle challenges. Meet our team. - -## **What We Do** - -We are open to hearing your ideas and working with you to make them a reality. Let us tell you what we have been doing recently: - -Code for Nepal community members around the world work together to: - - * solve problems by building a new product or app; - * organize events to bring people together and share ideas; - * organize campaigns or competitions to encourage people to test their ideas and get rewarded. - -## **How you can join and help Nepal** - -We believe everyone can contribute! You can too! Whether you are a writer, marketer, data analyst, historian, artist or whatever, you can join! Our Code for Nepal global team and chapters all need help. - -If you would like to support our general operations, as a - - * Writer/data visualizer/designer - * Marketer & Fundraiser - * Developers - -If you would like to support our chapter or project, click on projects or chapters and join them! - -If you want to start a chapter, click here! - -Alternatively, you have other ideas or you would like us to match a project with you, please complete this form. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 07840afc..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2225 -title: Join us -date: 2018-11-04T05:55:46-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/11/2223-revision-v1/ ---- -# Everyone can contribute. You can too! - -No matter where you are in the world, if you are a solution person, you can make an impact on Nepal. - -Code for Nepal seeks to provide technological platforms to improve the lives of people in Nepal. - -Founders Mia and Ravi traveled to Nepal in January 2014 to better understand the landscape of Internet access and open data. Through meeting with tech companies, students, journalists, and women’s groups, we quickly realized that the digital divide in Nepal ran deep — women, poor people, rural people, and minorities had limited access to the Internet and digital training. After returning to the U.S., we launched Code for Nepal in February 2014. - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the U.S., and our partner organization in Nepal is **[Open Knowledge Nepal](**. - -## **Who We Are** - -We are dreamers, innovators, risk takers, writers, marketers, activists, teachers, public policy experts, designers, coders, data scientists. Overall, we are a group of volunteers who believe that by working together selflessly, we can help Nepal make progress where everyone will have access to opportunities. We believe in using data and technology to tackle challenges. Meet our team. - -## **What We Do** - -We are open to hearing your ideas and working with you to make them a reality. Let us tell you what we have been doing recently: - -Code for Nepal community members around the world work together to: - - * solve problems by building a new product or app; - * organize events to bring people together and share ideas; - * organize campaigns or competitions to encourage people to test their ideas and get rewarded. - -## **How you can join and help Nepal** - -We believe everyone can contribute! You can too! Whether you are a writer, marketer, data analyst, historian, artist or whatever, you can join! Our Code for Nepal global team and chapters all need help. - -If you would like to support our general operations, as a - - * Writer/data visualizer/designer - * Marketer & Fundraiser - * Developers - -If you would like to support our chapter or project, click on projects or chapters and join them! - -If you want to start a chapter, click here! - -Alternatively, you have other ideas or you would like us to match a project with you, please complete this form. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index fbbfee71..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 120 -title: 'Kalpana: I am a woman and educated as much as any other man in my country' -date: 2014-12-22T20:59:36-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/9-autosave-v1/ ---- -
    - -_**By Kalpana Bhandari**_ -_**#Code for Nepal Fellow, 2014**_ - -It is seldom a choice to think what a country needs. Let me rephrase that, what an “underdeveloped” country, like Nepal, needs. Food, water, electricity, regulated traffic, human rights, animal rights, literacy, law, constitution, you name it. - -But what one, usually, fails to see is what lies behind half the population- the population that thrives to be treated equally, the population that is constantly fighting to grow out of prejudices, a population who, although ignored, can both hold back a society or set it on a progressive path. - -And for such important part of the population, the women, it is of utmost necessity to move along the line of men so that they are heard, and make a difference for those who aren’t. - -Anyone is capable of doing anything, whether men or women, anything. And yet, there is a huge gap between the two genders. I am a woman and educated as much as any other man in my country, grew up with same “just” things any man is entitled too- a good school, a university, an internationally accredited degree, and yet, “less empowered”. - -When I say empowered, Nepal might as well make more of women empowerment through education, health benefits, or employment for that matter. Here I introduce my experience with Code For Nepal 2014, a mission to digitally empower women. Digitally- is it that important? Well yes. Digital empowerment is a must now that everything is mobile and whole world is moving with the Internet. - -Code for Nepal 2014 was hosted by a team who materialised their vision in the US. Shortly after application process and selection of fellows, the 10-day programme started on July 21. - -The first week of the program basically introduced different forms of social media to 21 women fellows. The classes were already at fast track since day one- introduction to class followed by digital toolkit session by Rajneesh Bhandari where the fellows were familiarised with multimedia toolkits like Twitter, Storify, SoundCloud, Wikipedia and usage of different applications on mobile. - -All of these apps were module of one reason- how these tools helped us communicate, be journalists and influence a larger crowd. In fact, with all these programmes, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that almost everyone, all over the world, using the Internet is within our access and create a butterfly effect. - -The training proceeded with sharing entrepreneurial experiences, blogging, tweeting, social media management, coding and data wrapping from various professionals. The programme also addressed to individuals, the participants, sessions on how to move past old ways and adapt to new things. - -The program also highlighted how one could brush their interpersonal skills whether public speaking or starting small and working diligently to achieve success. The inspirational stories from new and experienced speakers, all coming together for one purpose- empower women digitally- was a much needed boost to those, us, who think that if we don’t do something, someone else will. - -After the training concluded, although the team returned back to resume to their old lives- they left back an impression to fellows- to do something. Code for Nepal fellows is more active in social media now, exploring and educating others about digital media through Code for Nepal funded grants. - -There were 21 women, from 21 professional and personal backgrounds, and Code for Nepal made us believe that change is one person a time. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b2abaa36..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 122 -title: 'Kalpana: I am a woman and educated as much as any other man in my country' -date: 2014-12-22T21:00:56-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/9-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - -_**By Kalpana Bhandari**_ -_**Code for Nepal Fellow, 2014**_ - -It is seldom a choice to think what a country needs. Let me rephrase that, what an “underdeveloped” country, like Nepal, needs. Food, water, electricity, regulated traffic, human rights, animal rights, literacy, law, constitution, you name it. - -But what one, usually, fails to see is what lies behind half the population- the population that thrives to be treated equally, the population that is constantly fighting to grow out of prejudices, a population who, although ignored, can both hold back a society or set it on a progressive path. - -And for such important part of the population, the women, it is of utmost necessity to move along the line of men so that they are heard, and make a difference for those who aren’t. - -Anyone is capable of doing anything, whether men or women, anything. And yet, there is a huge gap between the two genders. I am a woman and educated as much as any other man in my country, grew up with same “just” things any man is entitled too- a good school, a university, an internationally accredited degree, and yet, “less empowered”. - -When I say empowered, Nepal might as well make more of women empowerment through education, health benefits, or employment for that matter. Here I introduce my experience with Code For Nepal 2014, a mission to digitally empower women. Digitally- is it that important? Well yes. Digital empowerment is a must now that everything is mobile and whole world is moving with the Internet. - -Code for Nepal 2014 was hosted by a team who materialised their vision in the US. Shortly after application process and selection of fellows, the 10-day programme started on July 21. - -The first week of the program basically introduced different forms of social media to 21 women fellows. The classes were already at fast track since day one- introduction to class followed by digital toolkit session by Rajneesh Bhandari where the fellows were familiarised with multimedia toolkits like Twitter, Storify, SoundCloud, Wikipedia and usage of different applications on mobile. - -All of these apps were module of one reason- how these tools helped us communicate, be journalists and influence a larger crowd. In fact, with all these programmes, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that almost everyone, all over the world, using the Internet is within our access and create a butterfly effect. - -The training proceeded with sharing entrepreneurial experiences, blogging, tweeting, social media management, coding and data wrapping from various professionals. The programme also addressed to individuals, the participants, sessions on how to move past old ways and adapt to new things. - -The program also highlighted how one could brush their interpersonal skills whether public speaking or starting small and working diligently to achieve success. The inspirational stories from new and experienced speakers, all coming together for one purpose- empower women digitally- was a much needed boost to those, us, who think that if we don’t do something, someone else will. - -After the training concluded, although the team returned back to resume to their old lives- they left back an impression to fellows- to do something. Code for Nepal fellows is more active in social media now, exploring and educating others about digital media through Code for Nepal funded grants. - -There were 21 women, from 21 professional and personal backgrounds, and Code for Nepal made us believe that change is one person a time. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8fdcb801..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1978 -title: Kat -date: 2017-12-07T23:10:24-05:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/12/1012-autosave-v1/ ---- diff --git "a/_drafts/katanepali1960-autosave-v1-Apply-for-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" "b/_drafts/katanepali1960-autosave-v1-Apply-for-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 2527dd8a..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/katanepali1960-autosave-v1-Apply-for-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1966 -title: Apply for “Kata Nepali?” Short Video Competition -date: 2017-12-07T23:36:55-05:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/12/1960-autosave-v1/ ---- -[]( - -  - -  - -**“Kata Nepali?” Short Video Competition** - - Purpose: The purpose of the short video competition is to encourage people to use available digital tools like cell phone, computer, and iPad, etc., and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and web to promote civic engagement, produce authentic content and voice to strengthen the culture of public debate and discussion. - -**Question for the competition:** -Tell us what is your vision and aspiration for Nepal? - -Participants can create a short documentary, a visual story, a poem, a song, or a single act or compose oratory to answer above mentioned questions creativity. Don’t hesitate to think outside the box! 🙂 - -**Video Length: 3 minutes (Maximum)** - -**Eligibility** -The competition is open to Nepali videographers, living in Nepal or abroad, who is 14 years old and above. Videos can be submitted in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. - -**Rules** --There is no charge or fee to participate in this competition. --The video should respond to the question: What is your vision and aspiration for Nepal? --The video should not be longer than 3 minutes. Videos can be in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. --Stealing or copying others work is plagiarism, and those submissions will automatically disqualify participants from the competition. --Participants can submit only one video for consideration. --Group submission is permitted under team lead name. --Code for Nepal’s staff, interns, advisors, and their relatives are not eligible to apply. - -**Prizes for video winners** - -1st prize: Rs 20,000 and certificate -2nd Prize: Rs 7,000 and certificate -3rd Prize: Rs 3,000 and certificate - -**How to prepare for video submissions:** - -
  • - Think about Nepal. Imagine what kind of country you would want Nepal to be in the next 20 or 50 years from now?  Discuss it with your friends and family. Write one or two paragraphs on what you think will make Nepal a great place to live for all Nepali. -
  • -
  • - Brainstorm, sit back, relax. Take a walk.  Look around for some inspiration. -
  • -
  • - Create a poem, story, song or a powerful speech. Be creative. Don’t  be afraid to experiment. -
  • -
  • - Rehearse and practice -
  • -
  • - Now, find a quiet and bright place. Give your smartphone/video camera to a relative/friend. Ask him/her to record while you speak out your thoughts. -
  • -
  • - You could also create a documentary/film that is 3 min or less that portray what you envision for Nepal’s future -
  • -
  • - Upload it to YouTube. Copt the video’s link in the form below and submit your participation through the form. Complete and submit the form and send it to us. -
  • - -**If you need inspiration, watch these videos from last year “ Ko Nepali” video competition** - - **Who is Nepali video by Pukar Rai: ** - -**Competition opens: 7th December 2017** - -**Competition closes:  31st December 2017** - -**Final result: 14th Feb 2018** - -Follow us on [Twitter](, [Facebook](, [LinkedIn]( - -  - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/katanepali1960-revision-v1-Apply-for-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" "b/_drafts/katanepali1960-revision-v1-Apply-for-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 35002dd5..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/katanepali1960-revision-v1-Apply-for-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1980 -title: Apply for “Kata Nepali?” Short Video Competition -date: 2017-12-07T23:36:57-05:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/12/1960-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -  - -  - -**“Kata Nepali?” Short Video Competition** - - Purpose: The purpose of the short video competition is to encourage people to use available digital tools like cell phone, computer, and iPad, etc., and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and web to promote civic engagement, produce authentic content and voice to strengthen the culture of public debate and discussion. - -**Question for the competition:** -Tell us what is your vision and aspiration for Nepal? - -Participants can create a short documentary, a visual story, a poem, a song, or a single act or compose oratory to answer above mentioned questions creativity. Don’t hesitate to think outside the box! 🙂 - -**Video Length: 3 minutes (Maximum)** - -**Eligibility** -The competition is open to Nepali videographers, living in Nepal or abroad, who is 14 years old and above. Videos can be submitted in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. - -**Rules** --There is no charge or fee to participate in this competition. --The video should respond to the question: What is your vision and aspiration for Nepal? --The video should not be longer than 3 minutes. Videos can be in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. --Stealing or copying others work is plagiarism, and those submissions will automatically disqualify participants from the competition. --Participants can submit only one video for consideration. --Group submission is permitted under team lead name. --Code for Nepal’s staff, interns, advisors, and their relatives are not eligible to apply. - -**Prizes for video winners** - -1st prize: Rs 20,000 and certificate -2nd Prize: Rs 7,000 and certificate -3rd Prize: Rs 3,000 and certificate - -**How to prepare for video submissions:** - -
  • - Think about Nepal. Imagine what kind of country you would want Nepal to be in the next 20 or 50 years from now?  Discuss it with your friends and family. Write one or two paragraphs on what you think will make Nepal a great place to live for all Nepali. -
  • -
  • - Brainstorm, sit back, relax. Take a walk.  Look around for some inspiration. -
  • -
  • - Create a poem, story, song or a powerful speech. Be creative. Don’t  be afraid to experiment. -
  • -
  • - Rehearse and practice -
  • -
  • - Now, find a quiet and bright place. Give your smartphone/video camera to a relative/friend. Ask him/her to record while you speak out your thoughts. -
  • -
  • - You could also create a documentary/film that is 3 min or less that portray what you envision for Nepal’s future -
  • -
  • - Upload it to YouTube. Copt the video’s link in the form below and submit your participation through the form. Complete and submit the form and send it to us. -
  • - -**If you need inspiration, watch these videos from last year “ Ko Nepali” video competition** - - **Who is Nepali video by Pukar Rai: ** - -**Competition opens: 7th December 2017** - -**Competition closes:  31st December 2017** - -**Final result: 14th Feb 2018** - -Follow us on [Twitter](, [Facebook](, [LinkedIn]( - -  - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index fd294ff4..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 646 -title: The 5 districts with the highest life expectancy and income in Nepal -date: 2016-01-01T18:15:26-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/01/624-revision-v1/ ---- -View of Pokhara, Nepal. _View of Pokhara, Nepal. January 2014. Photo: Mia Mitchell_ - -If you want to increase your chances of a long life, you should move to Ramechhap, a beautiful district in Janakpur Zone. On average, the life expectancy of those in Ramechhap is 72.9 years, the highest in Nepal, according to the 2014 Human Development Report. - -If you want to increase your chances of making money, the data points to Manang as a good place to be. The average per capita income of residents in Manang is $3,166 US dollars, the highest in Nepal. - -**Here are the five districts with the highest life expectancy rates in Nepal:** - - 1. Ramechhap: 72.9 years - 2. Gorkha: 71.7 years - 3. Saptari: 71.34 years - 4. Siraha: 71.29 years - 5. Rautahat: 70.99 years - -**Here are the five districts with highest per capita income:** - - 1. Manang: 3,166 US Dollars - 2. Kathmandu: 2,764 US Dollars - 3. Mustang: 1,922 US Dollars - 4. Lalitpur: 1,894 US Dollars - 5. Solukhumbu: 1,841 US Dollars - -To find out where other districts stand in terms of life expectancy rates and per capita income, explore **this interactive map.** - - - -The data is based on the [Human Development Report 2014]( (PDF). Here’s the [Google doc]( of the data we scraped, if you would like to use it. - -Is there anything that surprises you in this map? Are there some districts that you thought would have have high per capita income but didn’t, or where you thought people might live longer but the map shows otherwise? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index eb5a9ec5..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 627 -title: Top 5 districts with high life expectancy, and income in Nepal -date: 2016-01-01T16:57:28-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/01/624-revision-v1/ ---- -If you want to increase your chances of living longest compared to your fellow Nepalis, you should move to Ramechhap. On average, the life expectancy of those who live in Ramechhap is 72.9 years, the highest in Nepal, according to the Human Development Report 2014. - -And if you want to increase your chances of making more money compared others in the country, data says Manang is a good place to be. The average per capita income of Manang in 2014 was 3166 US dollars, the highest in Nepal. - -Here are the five districts with the highest life expectancy rates in Nepal: - - 1. Ramechhap: 72.9 years - 2. Gorkha: 71.7 years - 3. Saptari: 71.34 years - 4. Siraha: 71.29 years - 5. Rautahat: 70.99 years - -And here are the five districts with highest per capita income in US Dollars: - - 1. Manang: 3,166 US Dollars - 2. Kathmandu: 2,764 US Dollars - 3. Mustang: 1,922 US Dollars - 4. Lalitpur: 1,894 US Dollars - 5. Solukhumbu: 1,841 US Dollars - -To find out where other districts stand in terms of life expectancy rates and per capita income, check out this interactive map. The data is based on [Human Development Report 2014]( (PDF).Here’s the [Google doc]( of the data we scrapped, if you would like to use. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3843cf4c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 640 -title: Top 5 districts with highest life expectancy, and income in Nepal -date: 2016-01-01T17:50:50-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/01/624-revision-v1/ ---- -View of Pokhara, Nepal. _View of Pokhara, Nepal. January, 2014. Photo: Mia Mitchell_ - -If you want to increase your chances of living longest compared to your fellow Nepalis, you should move to Ramechhap. On average, the life expectancy of those who live in Ramechhap is 72.9 years, the highest in Nepal, according to the Human Development Report 2014. - -And if you want to increase your chances of making more money compared others in the country, data says Manang is a good place to be. The average per capita income of Manang in 2014 was 3166 US dollars, the highest in Nepal. - -**Here are the five districts with the highest life expectancy rates in Nepal:** - - 1. Ramechhap: 72.9 years - 2. Gorkha: 71.7 years - 3. Saptari: 71.34 years - 4. Siraha: 71.29 years - 5. Rautahat: 70.99 years - -**And here are the five districts with highest per capita income in US Dollars:** - - 1. Manang: 3,166 US Dollars - 2. Kathmandu: 2,764 US Dollars - 3. Mustang: 1,922 US Dollars - 4. Lalitpur: 1,894 US Dollars - 5. Solukhumbu: 1,841 US Dollars - -To find out where other districts stand in terms of life expectancy rates and per capita income, explore **this interactive map.** - - - -The data is based on [Human Development Report 2014]( (PDF). Here’s the [Google doc]( of the data we scrapped, if you would like to use. - -Is there anything that surprises you in this map? Are there some districts that seemed to have high per capita income or where people might live longer but the map shows otherwise? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7a0e7eda..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2323 -title: Which Provinces have the highest and lowest literacy rate in Nepal -date: 2019-02-16T00:28:12-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/02/2316-revision-v1/ ---- -
    Photo: Nischal Poudel
    - -

    - Nepal has seven provinces. While latest data on these provinces are not yet available, Ministry of Education last year released a report that provides literacy rate of provinces based on the 2011 Census. -

    - -The literacy rate of Nepal in 2011 was 66%. Province 3 has the highest literacy rate (74.8%) while Province 2 has the lowest (49.5%) in the country. Check out the chart below to see literacy rate of other provinces. - -p.s: We are looking for the latest data, if you know where it is, please comment below. - -Source: [Ministry of Education (PDF)]( - -Machine readable data: [Google Excel ]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 06dd4175..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2322 -title: Which Provinces in Nepal have the highest and lowest literacy rate in Nepal -date: 2019-02-16T00:20:00-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/02/2316-revision-v1/ ---- -
    Photo: Nischal Poudel
    - -

    - Nepal has seven provinces. While latest data on these provinces are not yet available, Ministry of Education last year released a report that provides literacy rate of provinces based on the 2011 Census. -

    - -The literacy rate of Nepal in 2011 was 66%. Province 3 has the highest literacy rate (74.8%) while Province 2 has the lowest (49.5%) in the country. Check out the chart below to see literacy rate of other provinces. - -p.s: We are looking for the latest data, if you know where it is, please comment below. - -Source: [Ministry of Education (PDF)]( - -Machine readable data: [Google Excel ]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9f56604a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1801 -title: Malnutrition data shows we are building Nepal on crumbling foundations -date: 2017-07-22T13:55:03-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1790-autosave-v1/ ---- -Children are considered to be the foundation that the future of a nation rests upon.  Only a proper investment in today’s children will bring us a better tomorrow.  - -But a quick glance at child nourishment data on shows that [40 %]( children under the age of five in Nepal are malnourished. Under such scenario, almost half of the children in Nepal do not get a well-balanced meal, which is bound to hamper nation’s development. -[]( - -The six districts namely Humla, Bajhang, Baitadi, Surkhet, Doti, Achham, Okhaldhunga, Terhathum, Panchthar have a staggeringly high percentage of child malnourishment rate, all above 56 percent, with Humla being the district with the highest number of children malnourished. Only 4 out of 10 children in Humla get proper nourishment which is an alarming statistics. - -**Here are six districts with the highest rate of malnourished children under age five in Nepal** - - * [Humla]( - * [Tehrahathum]( - * [Bajhang]( - * [Achham]( - * [Baitadi]( - * [Surkhet]( - -  - -To find out malnourishment rates for children under age five in your districts, check out this **[interactive map](|country-NP,vdc|district-21,district|country-NP,district|country-NP&primary_geo_id=district-21#column%7Cpercent%20malnourished%2Csumlev%7Cdistrict). ** - -Possible reasons for such distribution could be poverty, lack of fertile land for cultivation: geography, climate being possible causes, unavailability of roads and other means of transport, lack of proper awareness and education, diseases accompanied during childbirth. - -   To reduce the number of malnourished children, here are a few suggestions: - - * Reliable transportation facility throughout the nation for the distribution of local, nutritious products in cheaper rates. - * Education and dissemination of information on nutrition. The government should also train local farmers on efficient agricultural practices such as crop rotation. - * Allocation of funding to child nutrition programs. - * Expand reach through community health workers - * Research and development to increase crop yields. - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7f09f8c5..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1802 -title: Building a nation on crumbling foundations -date: 2017-07-22T11:19:10-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1790-revision-v1/ ---- -Children are considered to be the foundation that the future of a nation rests upon.  Only a proper investment in today’s children will bring us a better tomorrow.  - -But a quick glance at child nourishment data shows by shows that [40 %]( children under the age of five in Nepal are malnourished. Under such scenario, almost half of the children in Nepal do not get a well-balanced meal, which is bound to hamper nation’s development. -[]( - -The six districts namely Humla, Bajhang, Baitadi, Surkhet, Doti, Achham, Okhaldhunga, Terhathum, Panchthar have a staggeringly high percentage of child malnourishment rate, all above 56 percent, with Humla being the district with the highest number of children malnourished. Only 4 out of 10 children in Humla get proper nourishment which is an alarming statistics. - -[Humla]( 65.7 - -Tehrahathum : 63.4 - -[Bajhang]( : 63.2 - -Achham and Baitadi : 59.2 - -Surkhet : 57.9 - -Ordering districts according to lowest percentage of children malnourished - -[Lalitpur]( : 16.2 - -[Kavrepalanchowk]( : 21.7 - -[Kaski ]( 22.9 - -Jhapa : 24. 2 - -Makwanpur : 25.1 - -      Possible reasons for such distribution could be poverty, lack of fertile land for cultivation: geography, climate being possible causes, unavailability of roads and other means of transport, lack of proper awareness and education, diseases accompanied during childbirth. - -   To reduce the number of malnourished children, the following could be few suggestions: - -1.Excellent transportation facility throughout the nation for the distribution of local, nutritious products in cheaper rates. - -2. Education and dissemination of information on nutrition. The government should also train local farmers on efficient agricultural practices such as crop rotation. - -3.Allocation of funding to child nutrition programs. - -4.Expand reach through community health workers - -5.Research and development to increase crop yields. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f32c32b1..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1805 -title: Data on children under age five who are malnourished is alarming in Nepal -date: 2017-07-22T13:49:36-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1790-revision-v1/ ---- -Children are considered to be the foundation that the future of a nation rests upon.  Only a proper investment in today’s children will bring us a better tomorrow.  - -But a quick glance at child nourishment data shows by shows that [40 %]( children under the age of five in Nepal are malnourished. Under such scenario, almost half of the children in Nepal do not get a well-balanced meal, which is bound to hamper nation’s development. -[]( - -The six districts namely Humla, Bajhang, Baitadi, Surkhet, Doti, Achham, Okhaldhunga, Terhathum, Panchthar have a staggeringly high percentage of child malnourishment rate, all above 56 percent, with Humla being the district with the highest number of children malnourished. Only 4 out of 10 children in Humla get proper nourishment which is an alarming statistics. - -**Here are six districts with the highest rate of malnourished children under age five in Nepal** - - * [Humla]( - * [Tehrahathum]( - * [Bajhang]( - * [Achham]( - * [Baitadi]( - * [Surkhet]( - -  - -To find out malnourishment rates for children under age five in your districts, check out this **[interactive map](|country-NP,vdc|district-21,district|country-NP,district|country-NP&primary_geo_id=district-21#column%7Cpercent%20malnourished%2Csumlev%7Cdistrict). ** - -Possible reasons for such distribution could be poverty, lack of fertile land for cultivation: geography, climate being possible causes, unavailability of roads and other means of transport, lack of proper awareness and education, diseases accompanied during childbirth. - -   To reduce the number of malnourished children, here are a few suggestions: - - * Reliable transportation facility throughout the nation for the distribution of local, nutritious products in cheaper rates. - * Education and dissemination of information on nutrition. The government should also train local farmers on efficient agricultural practices such as crop rotation. - * Allocation of funding to child nutrition programs. - * Expand reach through community health workers - * Research and development to increase crop yields. - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d2800e48..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1804 -title: Data shows we are building Nepal on crumbling foundations -date: 2017-07-22T13:40:04-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1790-revision-v1/ ---- -Children are considered to be the foundation that the future of a nation rests upon.  Only a proper investment in today’s children will bring us a better tomorrow.  - -But a quick glance at child nourishment data shows by shows that [40 %]( children under the age of five in Nepal are malnourished. Under such scenario, almost half of the children in Nepal do not get a well-balanced meal, which is bound to hamper nation’s development. -[]( - -The six districts namely Humla, Bajhang, Baitadi, Surkhet, Doti, Achham, Okhaldhunga, Terhathum, Panchthar have a staggeringly high percentage of child malnourishment rate, all above 56 percent, with Humla being the district with the highest number of children malnourished. Only 4 out of 10 children in Humla get proper nourishment which is an alarming statistics. - -**Here are six districts with the highest rate of malnourished children under age five in Nepal** - - * [Humla]( - * [Tehrahathum]( - * [Bajhang]( - * [Achham]( - * [Baitadi]( - * [Surkhet]( - -  - -To find out malnourishment rates for children under age five in your districts, check out this **[interactive map](|country-NP,vdc|district-21,district|country-NP,district|country-NP&primary_geo_id=district-21#column%7Cpercent%20malnourished%2Csumlev%7Cdistrict). ** - -Possible reasons for such distribution could be poverty, lack of fertile land for cultivation: geography, climate being possible causes, unavailability of roads and other means of transport, lack of proper awareness and education, diseases accompanied during childbirth. - -   To reduce the number of malnourished children, here are a few suggestions: - - * Reliable transportation facility throughout the nation for the distribution of local, nutritious products in cheaper rates. - * Education and dissemination of information on nutrition. The government should also train local farmers on efficient agricultural practices such as crop rotation. - * Allocation of funding to child nutrition programs. - * Expand reach through community health workers - * Research and development to increase crop yields. - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2f59e5e7..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1806 -title: Data shows we are building a nation on crumbling foundations -date: 2017-07-22T13:51:12-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1790-revision-v1/ ---- -Children are considered to be the foundation that the future of a nation rests upon.  Only a proper investment in today’s children will bring us a better tomorrow.  - -But a quick glance at child nourishment data shows by shows that [40 %]( children under the age of five in Nepal are malnourished. Under such scenario, almost half of the children in Nepal do not get a well-balanced meal, which is bound to hamper nation’s development. -[]( - -The six districts namely Humla, Bajhang, Baitadi, Surkhet, Doti, Achham, Okhaldhunga, Terhathum, Panchthar have a staggeringly high percentage of child malnourishment rate, all above 56 percent, with Humla being the district with the highest number of children malnourished. Only 4 out of 10 children in Humla get proper nourishment which is an alarming statistics. - -**Here are six districts with the highest rate of malnourished children under age five in Nepal** - - * [Humla]( - * [Tehrahathum]( - * [Bajhang]( - * [Achham]( - * [Baitadi]( - * [Surkhet]( - -  - -To find out malnourishment rates for children under age five in your districts, check out this **[interactive map](|country-NP,vdc|district-21,district|country-NP,district|country-NP&primary_geo_id=district-21#column%7Cpercent%20malnourished%2Csumlev%7Cdistrict). ** - -Possible reasons for such distribution could be poverty, lack of fertile land for cultivation: geography, climate being possible causes, unavailability of roads and other means of transport, lack of proper awareness and education, diseases accompanied during childbirth. - -   To reduce the number of malnourished children, here are a few suggestions: - - * Reliable transportation facility throughout the nation for the distribution of local, nutritious products in cheaper rates. - * Education and dissemination of information on nutrition. The government should also train local farmers on efficient agricultural practices such as crop rotation. - * Allocation of funding to child nutrition programs. - * Expand reach through community health workers - * Research and development to increase crop yields. - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index a69cdbda..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1808 -title: Malnutrition data shows we are building Nepal on crumbling foundations -date: 2017-07-22T13:55:59-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1790-revision-v1/ ---- -Children are considered to be the foundation that the future of a nation rests upon. Only a proper investment in today’s children will bring us a better tomorrow.  - -But a quick glance at child nourishment data on shows that [40 %]( children under the age of five in Nepal are malnourished. Under such scenario, almost half of the children in Nepal do not get a well-balanced meal, which is bound to hamper nation’s development. -[]( - -The six districts namely Humla, Bajhang, Baitadi, Surkhet, Doti, Achham, Okhaldhunga, Terhathum, Panchthar have a staggeringly high percentage of child malnourishment rate, all above 56 percent, with Humla being the district with the highest number of children malnourished. Only 4 out of 10 children in Humla get proper nourishment which is an alarming statistics. - -**Here are six districts with the highest rate of malnourished children under age five in Nepal** - - * [Humla]( - * [Tehrahathum]( - * [Bajhang]( - * [Achham]( - * [Baitadi]( - * [Surkhet]( - -To find out malnourishment rates for children under age five in your districts, check out this **[interactive map](|country-NP,vdc|district-21,district|country-NP,district|country-NP&primary_geo_id=district-21#column%7Cpercent%20malnourished%2Csumlev%7Cdistrict). ** - -Possible reasons for such distribution could be poverty, lack of fertile land for cultivation: geography, climate being possible causes, unavailability of roads and other means of transport, lack of proper awareness and education, diseases accompanied during childbirth. - -   To reduce the number of malnourished children, here are a few suggestions: - - * Reliable transportation facility throughout the nation for the distribution of local, nutritious products in cheaper rates. - * Education and dissemination of information on nutrition. The government should also train local farmers on efficient agricultural practices such as crop rotation. - * Allocation of funding to child nutrition programs. - * Expand reach through community health workers - * Research and development to increase crop yields. - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5dbd27d4..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 244 -title: Map of district level literacy in Nepal -date: 2015-02-21T20:46:07-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: post -guid: -permalink: /?p=244 -sidebar: - - choice -categories: - - Code For Nepal - - dataviz ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 49c4b996..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 249 -title: Map of district level literacy in Nepal -date: 2015-02-21T21:05:20-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/02/244-autosave-v1/ ---- -Source file: Nepal Census Google doc \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f416fc34..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 257 -title: Map of district level literacy in Nepal -date: 2015-02-24T03:14:32-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/02/244-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git "a/_drafts/map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-april-30-Map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-\342\200\" "b/_drafts/map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-april-30-Map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 2fae1a7f..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-april-30-Map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 365 -title: 'Map of reported #nepalearthquake deaths, injured – April 30' -date: 2015-04-30T08:53:36-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: post -guid: -permalink: /2015/04/map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-april-30/ -sidebar: - - choice -categories: - - dataviz -tags: - - '#earthquake' - - '#nepalquake' - - '#nepalrelief' - - data - - nepal - - opendata ---- -
    - Source: Reuters India - -

    - Source: Reuters India -

    - -Officials said the death toll from the ‪#‎NepalEarthquake‬ passed 5,000 – and could reach as many as 10,000. - -In a hope to help deliver aid in all affected areas and provide a bigger picture, we created this map. The districts where there are many deaths (red areas in the map below) also mean that in those districts there are likely many people who are injured and need immediate relief. - - - -The map is based on April 30 data (pdf in Nepali language)from Ministry of Home Affairs.  We hope to update it soon. Thanks to Ayesha Shakya for sending this to us. Here is the Google doc that you can use. - -Here is an embed code for the map. - -We have published a document with needs/sources that you share with people who need or help us gather list of more resources and contacts. - -Email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com **if you would like to help us update this map** and add other features. - -If you see any errors in this map, please email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-april-30365-revision-v1-Map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-\342\200\" "b/_drafts/map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-april-30365-revision-v1-Map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index cac990ac..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-april-30365-revision-v1-Map-of-reported-nepalearthquake-deaths-injured-\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 366 -title: 'Map of reported #nepalearthquake deaths, injured – April 30' -date: 2015-04-30T08:53:36-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/04/365-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - Source: Reuters India - -

    - Source: Reuters India -

    - -Officials said the death toll from the ‪#‎NepalEarthquake‬ passed 5,000 – and could reach as many as 10,000. - -In a hope to help deliver aid in all affected areas and provide a bigger picture, we created this map. The districts where there are many deaths (red areas in the map below) also mean that in those districts there are likely many people who are injured and need immediate relief. - - - -The map is based on April 30 data (pdf in Nepali language)from Ministry of Home Affairs.  We hope to update it soon. Thanks to Ayesha Shakya for sending this to us. Here is the Google doc that you can use. - -Here is an embed code for the map. - -We have published a document with needs/sources that you share with people who need or help us gather list of more resources and contacts. - -Email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com **if you would like to help us update this map** and add other features. - -If you see any errors in this map, please email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 71f99277..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 357 -title: 'Map of reported #nepalearthquake deaths, injured, and houses damaged' -date: 2015-05-22T16:49:25-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/05/347-autosave-v1/ ---- -**Updated on May 22, 4pm EST** - -
    - Source: Reuters India - -

    - Source: Reuters India -

    - -On April 25, a devastating earthquake of 7.8 magnitude struck Nepal. The death toll from the ‪#‎NepalEarthquake‬ has passed 8,000. More than 600,000 houses are completely destroyed or partially damaged. Eight million people have been affected. - -The earthquake was followed by a large number of aftershocks, including one that measured 7.3 on 12 May. - -We strongly believe that Nepal’s recovery should be guided by data than any other criteria. Read more about this in our oped on TIME. - -If you are an org, working to help people affected, check out Kathmandu Living Labs to coordinate your response. - -Below is the map of **injured & deaths, public’s houses damaged and destroyed**, based on the data provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs on May 22. Source: Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction Portal (Retrieved on May 22.) Here is our Google doc of the data. On this page, you will also find map of **district level literacy and poverty rates.** - -#### Quick guide on how to use this map: - -#### There are two layers in this map. You can click on the layers to select which one you would like to explore. - - - -Thanks to Richa Neupane for compiling the data in the Google doc from the government website. - -#### This map shows percentage of population living in poverty in districts in 2011. - - - -Data file: Code for Nepal  Source: Small Area Estimation of Poverty - -#### - -#### \***\***\***\***\**** - -Post from May 6 - -Below is the map of **injured & deaths, public’s houses damaged and destroyed**, based on the data provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs on May 6. Source: Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction Portal (Retrieved on May 6.) Here is our Google doc of the data. On this page, you will also find map of **district level literacy and poverty rates. ** - -#### Quick guide on how to use this map: - -#### There are three layers in this map. You can click on the layers to select which one you would like to explore. - - - -Thanks to Richa Neupane for compiling the data in the Google doc from the government website. - -\***\***\***\***\***\***\***\***** - -Below is the map of **injured & deaths, public’s houses damaged and destroyed**, based on the data provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs on May 2. Source: Pdf in Nepali Here is our Google doc of the data. On this page, you will also find map of **district level literacy and poverty rates. ** - -#### Quick guide on how to use this map: - -#### There are three layers in this map. You can click on the layers to select which one you would like to explore. - - - -  - -**\***\***\***\***\***\***\***\***\******* - -Below is the map of **injured & deaths, public’s houses damaged and destroyed**, based on the data provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs on May 1. Source: Pdf in Nepali Here is our Google doc of the data. On this page, you will also find map of **district level literacy and poverty rates. ** - -Please note that there are discrepancies in the data. For example, In SindhupalChowk, number of houses destroyed or damaged are zero, according to the pdf. That can’t be the case because it’s one of the hardest hit areas. Number of reported deaths in Sindhupalchowk was 2,071. - -**If you find any error, please email at code for nepal at gmail dot com** - -##### Here are five districts with most deaths: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Number of deaths -
    - Sindhupalchok - - 2071 -
    - Kathmandu - - 1144 -
    - Nuwakot - - 759 -
    - Dhading - - 636 -
    - Gorkha - - 410 -
    - -##### - -##### Here are five districts with most injured: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Number of injured -
    - Kathmandu - - 4634 -
    - Bhaktapur - - 1885 -
    - Kavrepalanchok - - 1394 -
    - Nuwakot - - 1300 -
    - Lalitpur - - 1090 -
    - -##### - -##### Here are districts with most number of public houses damaged: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Number of public’s houses damaged (partially) -
    - Dolakha - - 35000 -
    - Kathmandu - - 20300 -
    - Kavrepalanchok - - 18545 -
    - Nuwakot - - 15000 -
    - Tanahu - - 12927 -
    - -#### - -#### Quick guide on how to use the map: - -#### There are three layers in this map: 1. Damaged houses 2. Number of people injured 3. Literacy rate. You can click on the layers to select which one you would like to explore. - -  - - - -#### This map shows percentage of population living in poverty in districts in 2011. - - - -Data file: Code for Nepal  Source: Small Area Estimation of Poverty - -### **\***\***\***\***\***\***\***\***** - -The map is based on April 30 data (pdf in Nepali) from Ministry of Home Affairs.  We hope to update it soon. Thanks to Ayesha Shakya for sending this to us. Here is the Google doc that you can use. - -Here is an embed code for the map. - - - -  - -### **\***\***\***\***\******* - -**Map of #nepalquake deaths on April 27** - -The map is based on April 27 data. - -The idea that Nepal’s future is in ruins is FALSE. These maps showswe can overcome this disaster. Rise. Rebuild. - - - -If you would like to use the data, here is the **[Google doc](** **Click here for embed code of this map.  ** - -And if you like a screenshot, here is a tweet by Anup Kaphle, an editor at the Washington Post. Thanks to Anup for sharing this data. - -We have published a document with needs/sources that you share with people who need or help us gather list of more resources and contacts. - -Email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com **if you would like to help us update these maps** and add other features. - -If you see any errors in these maps, please email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 446ace28..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 364 -title: 'Map of reported #nepalearthquake deaths – April 27' -date: 2015-04-29T00:16:42-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/04/347-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - Source: Reuters India - -

    - Source: Reuters India -

    - -On April 28, Officials said the death toll from the ‪#‎NepalEarthquake‬ passed 5,000 – and could reach as many as 10,000. - -In a hope to help deliver aid in all affected areas and provide a bigger picture, we created this map. The districts where there are many deaths (red areas in the map below) also mean that in those districts there are likely many people who are injured and need immediate relief. - -The map is based on April 27 data.  We hope to update it soon. - -The idea that Nepal’s future is in ruins is FALSE. This map shows we can overcome this disaster. Rise. Rebuild. - - - -If you would like to use the data, here is the **[Google doc](** **Click here for embed code of this map.  ** - -And if you like a screenshot, here is a tweet by Anup Kaphle, an editor at the Washington Post. Thanks to Anup for sharing this data. - -We have published a document with needs/sources that you share with people who need or help us gather list of more resources and contacts. - -Email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com **if you would like to help us update this map** and add other features. - -If you see any errors in this map, please email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d813254e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,245 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 375 -title: 'Map of reported #nepalearthquake deaths, injured, and house damaged' -date: 2015-05-01T21:33:44-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/05/347-revision-v1/ ---- -**Updated on May 1** - -
    - Source: Reuters India - -

    - Source: Reuters India -

    - -On April 25, a devastating earthquake of 7.8 magnitude struck Nepal. Officials said the death toll from the ‪#‎NepalEarthquake‬ passed 5,000 – and could reach as many as 10,000. - -In a hope to help deliver aid in all affected areas and provide a bigger picture, we created these maps. Below is the map of injured & deaths based on the data provided by Ministry of Home Affairs on May 1. Pdf in Nepali Here is our Google doc. Please note that there are discrepancies in the data. For example, In SindhupalChowk, number of houses destroyed or damaged are zero. That can’t be the case because it’s one of the hardest hit areas. Number of reported deaths in Sindhupalchowk was 2,071. - -Here are five districts with most deaths: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Number of deaths -
    - Sindhupalchok - - 2071 -
    - Kathmandu - - 1144 -
    - Nuwakot - - 759 -
    - Dhading - - 636 -
    - Gorkha - - 410 -
    - -Here are five districts with most injured: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Number of injured -
    - Kathmandu - - 4634 -
    - Bhaktapur - - 1885 -
    - Kavrepalanchok - - 1394 -
    - Nuwakot - - 1300 -
    - Lalitpur - - 1090 -
    - -Here are districts with most number of public houses damaged: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Number of public’s house damaged (partially) -
    - Sindhupalchok - - 0 (We beleive this is not accurate.) -
    - Kathmandu - - 20300 -
    - Nuwakot - - 15000 -
    - Dhading - - 3000 -
    - Gorkha - -
    - - - -\***\***\***\***\***\***\***\*** - -The map is based on April 30 data (pdf in Nepali) from Ministry of Home Affairs.  We hope to update it soon. Thanks to Ayesha Shakya for sending this to us. Here is the Google doc that you can use. - -Here is an embed code for the map. - - - -  - -**\***\***\***\***\******* - -**Map of #nepalquake deaths on April 27** - -The map is based on April 27 data. - -The idea that Nepal’s future is in ruins is FALSE. These maps showswe can overcome this disaster. Rise. Rebuild. - - - -If you would like to use the data, here is the **[Google doc](** **Click here for embed code of this map.  ** - -And if you like a screenshot, here is a tweet by Anup Kaphle, an editor at the Washington Post. Thanks to Anup for sharing this data. - -We have published a document with needs/sources that you share with people who need or help us gather list of more resources and contacts. - -Email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com **if you would like to help us update this map** and add other features. - -If you see any errors in this map, please email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0e04290f..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 414 -title: 'Map of reported #nepalearthquake deaths, injured, and houses damaged' -date: 2015-05-22T16:50:49-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/05/347-revision-v1/ ---- -**Updated on May 22, 4pm EST** - -
    - Source: Reuters India - -

    - Source: Reuters India -

    - -On April 25, a devastating earthquake of 7.8 magnitude struck Nepal. The death toll from the ‪#‎NepalEarthquake‬ has passed 8,000. More than 600,000 houses are completely destroyed or partially damaged. Eight million people have been affected. - -The earthquake was followed by a large number of aftershocks, including one that measured 7.3 on 12 May. - -We strongly believe that Nepal’s recovery should be guided by data than any other criteria. Read more about this in our oped on TIME. - -If you are an org, working to help people affected, check out Kathmandu Living Labs to coordinate your response. - -Below is the map of **injured & deaths, public’s houses damaged and destroyed**, based on the data provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs on May 22. Source: Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction Portal (Retrieved on May 22.) Here is our Google doc of the data. On this page, you will also find map of **district level literacy and poverty rates.** - -#### Quick guide on how to use this map: - -#### There are two layers in this map. You can click on the layers to select which one you would like to explore. - - - -Thanks to Richa Neupane for compiling the data in the Google doc from the government website. - -#### This map shows percentage of population living in poverty in districts in 2011. - - - -Data file: Code for Nepal  Source: Small Area Estimation of Poverty - -#### - -#### \***\***\***\***\**** - -Post from May 6 - -Below is the map of **injured & deaths, public’s houses damaged and destroyed**, based on the data provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs on May 6. Source: Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction Portal (Retrieved on May 6.) Here is our Google doc of the data. On this page, you will also find map of **district level literacy and poverty rates. ** - -#### Quick guide on how to use this map: - -#### There are three layers in this map. You can click on the layers to select which one you would like to explore. - - - -Thanks to Richa Neupane for compiling the data in the Google doc from the government website. - -\***\***\***\***\***\***\***\***** - -Below is the map of **injured & deaths, public’s houses damaged and destroyed**, based on the data provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs on May 2. Source: Pdf in Nepali Here is our Google doc of the data. On this page, you will also find map of **district level literacy and poverty rates. ** - -#### Quick guide on how to use this map: - -#### There are three layers in this map. You can click on the layers to select which one you would like to explore. - - - -  - -**\***\***\***\***\***\***\***\***\******* - -Below is the map of **injured & deaths, public’s houses damaged and destroyed**, based on the data provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs on May 1. Source: Pdf in Nepali Here is our Google doc of the data. On this page, you will also find map of **district level literacy and poverty rates. ** - -Please note that there are discrepancies in the data. For example, In SindhupalChowk, number of houses destroyed or damaged are zero, according to the pdf. That can’t be the case because it’s one of the hardest hit areas. Number of reported deaths in Sindhupalchowk was 2,071. - -**If you find any error, please email at code for nepal at gmail dot com** - -##### Here are five districts with most deaths: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Number of deaths -
    - Sindhupalchok - - 2071 -
    - Kathmandu - - 1144 -
    - Nuwakot - - 759 -
    - Dhading - - 636 -
    - Gorkha - - 410 -
    - -##### - -##### Here are five districts with most injured: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Number of injured -
    - Kathmandu - - 4634 -
    - Bhaktapur - - 1885 -
    - Kavrepalanchok - - 1394 -
    - Nuwakot - - 1300 -
    - Lalitpur - - 1090 -
    - -##### - -##### Here are districts with most number of public houses damaged: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Number of public’s houses damaged (partially) -
    - Dolakha - - 35000 -
    - Kathmandu - - 20300 -
    - Kavrepalanchok - - 18545 -
    - Nuwakot - - 15000 -
    - Tanahu - - 12927 -
    - -#### - -#### Quick guide on how to use the map: - -#### There are three layers in this map: 1. Damaged houses 2. Number of people injured 3. Literacy rate. You can click on the layers to select which one you would like to explore. - -  - - - -#### This map shows percentage of population living in poverty in districts in 2011. - - - -Data file: Code for Nepal  Source: Small Area Estimation of Poverty - -### **\***\***\***\***\***\***\***\***** - -The map is based on April 30 data (pdf in Nepali) from Ministry of Home Affairs.  We hope to update it soon. Thanks to Ayesha Shakya for sending this to us. Here is the Google doc that you can use. - -Here is an embed code for the map. - - - -  - -### **\***\***\***\***\******* - -**Map of #nepalquake deaths on April 27** - -The map is based on April 27 data. - -The idea that Nepal’s future is in ruins is FALSE. These maps showswe can overcome this disaster. Rise. Rebuild. - - - -If you would like to use the data, here is the **[Google doc](** **Click here for embed code of this map.  ** - -And if you like a screenshot, here is a tweet by Anup Kaphle, an editor at the Washington Post. Thanks to Anup for sharing this data. - -We have published a document with needs/sources that you share with people who need or help us gather list of more resources and contacts. - -Email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com **if you would like to help us update these maps** and add other features. - -If you see any errors in these maps, please email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0da684d0..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 370 -title: 'Map of reported #nepalearthquake deaths' -date: 2015-04-30T09:08:50-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/04/347-revision-v1/ ---- -**Updated on April 30** - -
    - Source: Reuters India - -

    - Source: Reuters India -

    - -Officials said the death toll from the ‪#‎NepalEarthquake‬ passed 5,000 – and could reach as many as 10,000. - -In a hope to help deliver aid in all affected areas and provide a bigger picture, we created this map. - - - -The map is based on April 30 data (pdf in Nepali) from Ministry of Home Affairs.  We hope to update it soon. Thanks to Ayesha Shakya for sending this to us. Here is the Google doc that you can use. - -Here is an embed code for the map. - -  - -**Map of #nepalquake deaths on April 27** - -The map is based on April 27 data. - -The idea that Nepal’s future is in ruins is FALSE. These maps showswe can overcome this disaster. Rise. Rebuild. - - - -If you would like to use the data, here is the **[Google doc](** **Click here for embed code of this map.  ** - -And if you like a screenshot, here is a tweet by Anup Kaphle, an editor at the Washington Post. Thanks to Anup for sharing this data. - -We have published a document with needs/sources that you share with people who need or help us gather list of more resources and contacts. - -Email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com **if you would like to help us update this map** and add other features. - -If you see any errors in this map, please email us at code for nepal at gmail dot com \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/md b/_drafts/md deleted file mode 100644 index 57446801..00000000 --- a/_drafts/md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1026 -date: 2016-03-14T00:16:44-04:00 -author: Prashish Rajbhandari -layout: page -guid: -sidebar: - - choice ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index dd48ed90..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 161 -title: Media Resources -date: 2014-12-24T04:55:00-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/97-revision-v1/ ---- -_The Himalayan Times on Digital Empowerment Training:_ [_Empowering her digitally_]( - -_Open Nepal on Digital Empowerment Training:_ [_Empowering Women through Digital Literacy_]( - -_Press Release on July 21, 2014:_ [_Code for Nepal Launches Digital Empowerment Training for Women Today_]( - -_Press Release on July 15, 2014:_ [_Code for Nepal Runs Digital Empowerment Training for Women_]( - -  - -_Logo of Code for Nepal:_ []( - -_Click_ [_here_]( _for images._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e8334444..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 115 -title: News -date: 2014-12-22T20:20:44-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/97-revision-v1/ ---- -_The Himalayan Times on Digital Empowerment Training:_ [_Empowering her digitally_]( - -_Open Nepal on Digital Empowerment Training:_ [_Empowering Women through Digital Literacy_]( - -_Press Release on July 21, 2014:_ [_Code for Nepal Launches Digital Empowerment Training for Women Today_]( - -_Press Release on July 15, 2014:_ [_Code for Nepal Runs Digital Empowerment Training for Women_]( - -  - -_Logo of Code for Nepal:_ []( - -_Click_ [_here_]( _for images._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8d4e58ca..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1759 -title: 'Mentality and Infrastructure both need to be improved: Kathmandu City' -date: 2017-06-29T20:54:59-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/06/1754-autosave-v1/ ---- -

    - Like every morning, I was going through my Twitter account. One hand on a cup of tea and another hand on a mobile because Twitter always got some really cool stuff. -

    - -

    - While going through Tweets, I saw this: “Welcome to #Kathmandu SEE graduates !!” by Saugat Gautam and the Tweet quoting -

    - -

    - “काठमाडौँ तयार भएर बस् । फेरी कैयौ एस.इ.इ. पास भएका सपनाहरु डसनामा पोको पर्दै तेरो कंक्रिटको जंगलमा डेरा खोज्न आउदै छन् ।” -

    - -

    - Tweet was saying capital city Kathmandu to be prepared to welcome Secondary Education Examination graduates. A sentiment we hear every year after the result of SEE (previously known as SLC). Kathmandu is the preferred destination of every school graduates, not because students love studying here but because they lack a good education infrastructure in their home districts. Some districts don’t have good schools and teachers, let’s forget about colleges and universities. -

    - -

    - Many people argue that the education system needs to decentralize all over Nepal (from developed to undeveloped) and the aim of new Federal Structure also plans to reduce all these things through sustainable development, but still, there are lots of question raised about the structure and constitution implementation itself. -

    - -

    - Since, my hometown is Kathmandu, I rarely feel proud of it. It’s populated, polluted, busy. Kathmandu is pretty unmanaged in my view. After seeing that Tweet, my interest in knowing more about my district increased. -

    - -

    - I browsed NepalMap, a project of Code for Nepal and searched Kathmandu District to analyze the power and weakness of my home district. -

    - -

    - With 1,744,240 current Population according to National Population and Housing Census 2011, Kathmandu is one of the densely populated districts of Nepal. The reason for this are higher education, employment opportunity, only international airport and the capital city. The projected population of the city by 2031 is 2,729,056. -

    - -

    - -

    - -

    - With $2,764 Per capita income in US dollars, most of the people in Kathmandu speak Nepali language and more importantly, only 7.6% (128,297) of the total population is in poverty. Education is one of the sectors which Kathmandu dominates, 86% of people can Read and Write, whereas 37% choose the Business field for their higher study. Unlike other districts, with 72% Female and 74% Male, the percentage of school attendance is almost same. Which is hard to see in the Terai and Himalayan districts. -

    - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    - For more interesting facts about your districts, please visit NepalMap: -

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6c28f1c1..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1762 -title: 'Mentality and Infrastructure both need to be improved: Kathmandu City' -date: 2017-06-29T20:55:09-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/06/1754-revision-v1/ ---- -

    - Like every morning, I was going through my Twitter account. One hand on a cup of tea and another hand on a mobile because Twitter always got some really cool stuff. -

    - -

    - While going through Tweets, I saw this: “Welcome to #Kathmandu SEE graduates !!” by Saugat Gautam and the Tweet quoting -

    - -

    - “काठमाडौँ तयार भएर बस् । फेरी कैयौ एस.इ.इ. पास भएका सपनाहरु डसनामा पोको पर्दै तेरो कंक्रिटको जंगलमा डेरा खोज्न आउदै छन् ।” -

    - -

    - Tweet was saying capital city Kathmandu to be prepared to welcome Secondary Education Examination graduates. A sentiment we hear every year after the result of SEE (previously known as SLC). Kathmandu is the preferred destination of every school graduates, not because students love studying here but because they lack a good education infrastructure in their home districts. Some districts don’t have good schools and teachers, let’s forget about colleges and universities. -

    - -

    - Many people argue that the education system needs to decentralize all over Nepal (from developed to undeveloped) and the aim of new Federal Structure also plans to reduce all these things through sustainable development, but still, there are lots of question raised about the structure and constitution implementation itself. -

    - -

    - Since, my hometown is Kathmandu, I rarely feel proud of it. It’s populated, polluted, busy. Kathmandu is pretty unmanaged in my view. After seeing that Tweet, my interest in knowing more about my district increased. -

    - -

    - I browsed NepalMap, a project of Code for Nepal and searched Kathmandu District to analyze the power and weakness of my home district. -

    - -

    - With 1,744,240 current Population according to National Population and Housing Census 2011, Kathmandu is one of the densely populated districts of Nepal. The reason for this are higher education, employment opportunity, only international airport and the capital city. The projected population of the city by 2031 is 2,729,056. -

    - -

    - -

    - -

    - With $2,764 Per capita income in US dollars, most of the people in Kathmandu speak Nepali language and more importantly, only 7.6% (128,297) of the total population is in poverty. Education is one of the sectors which Kathmandu dominates, 86% of people can Read and Write, whereas 37% choose the Business field for their higher study. Unlike other districts, with 72% Female and 74% Male, the percentage of school attendance is almost same. Which is hard to see in the Terai and Himalayan districts. -

    - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    - For more interesting facts about your districts, please visit NepalMap: -

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2d05c4ea..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 507 -title: Mia Mitchell -date: 2015-07-31T20:51:20-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/07/82-autosave-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index cf9c4dc6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2030 -title: In Nepal more people have access to mobile phones than toilets -date: 2018-02-10T20:19:52-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/02/2020-revision-v1/ ---- -[Aasu Ram explains her toilet mural, Ganespur Community of Bastipur NEWAH WASH project Siraha, Udayapur District, Nepal. Photo by Jim Holmes for AusAID.]( _Aasu Ram explains her toilet mural, Ganespur Community of Bastipur NEWAH WASH project Siraha, Udayapur District, Nepal. Photo by Jim Holmes for AusAID._ - -In 2015, about 50%[ of Nepalis]( had access to toilets or improved sanitation. In the same year, about [100% of Nepalis]( had mobile cellular subscriptions. - -Both mobiles and toilets are important. But historical data shows that Nepal needs to do more to increase access to toilets or improved sanitation. - -In 2005, almost 30 percent or [almost one in three Nepalis had access to toilets]( In 2005, less than 1 percent of people in Nepal had access to mobile phones. Since then as we know mobile subscriptions have skyrocketed. - -Unfortunately, that’s not the case with toilets.   - -Look at these charts below. - - - - - -**What do you think Nepal can do to make sure every family has a toilet? Share your thoughts in the comments!** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 14469ce6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2036 -title: More people in Nepal have access to mobile phones than toilets -date: 2018-02-11T10:37:57-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/02/2020-revision-v1/ ---- -[Aasu Ram explains her toilet mural, Ganespur Community of Bastipur NEWAH WASH project Siraha, Udayapur District, Nepal. Photo by Jim Holmes for AusAID.]( _Aasu Ram explains her toilet mural in Siraha, Udayapur District, Nepal. Photo by Jim Holmes for AusAID._ - -In 2015, about 50%[ of Nepalis]( had access to toilets or improved sanitation. In the same year, about [100% of Nepalis]( had mobile cellular subscriptions. - -Both mobiles and toilets are important. But historical data shows that Nepal needs to do more to increase access to toilets and improved sanitation. - -In 2005, just ten years before, almost 30 percent or almost one in three Nepalis had access to toilets, while less than 1 percent of people in Nepal had access to mobile phones. Since then, mobile subscriptions have skyrocketed. - -Unfortunately, that’s not the case with toilets.   - -Look at these charts below. - - - - - -**What do you think Nepal can do to make sure every family has a toilet? Share your thoughts in the comments!** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 11161e02..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1180 -title: More than 3 in 10 accidents are caused by Two Wheelers in Nepal -date: 2016-03-25T12:15:07-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1174-autosave-v1/ ---- -Yesterday Code for Nepal published a chart on who causes the most road accidents in Nepal. - -Today here’s a chart I created that has which type of vehicles cause the most accidents? I’m sure it is easy to guess? - -It’s Two Wheelers. Yes, no surprises there! Sadly. - -We looked at a report published by Nepal Police in 2015 to see what causes most accidents in Nepal. More than 3 in 10 accidents in Nepal are caused by two wheelers in Nepal, according to the data published by Nepal Police. - -“Data covers the range of July, 2014 to June 2015, provided & verified by PHQ Traffic Directorate.” - -There were over 8,700 accidents in Nepal between July 2014 and June 2015. Over 5,403 were caused by Two Wheelers. The lowest number of accidents is 203 caused is by tempo-three wheeler. Check out the chart below to see what else caused accidents. - - - -Data source: Nepal Police (PDF) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 76fca945..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1179 -title: More than 3 in 10 accidents are caused by Two Wheelers in Nepal -date: 2016-03-25T12:03:20-04:00 -author: Shashi Adhikari -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1174-revision-v1/ ---- -Road accidents in Nepal by two wheelers have increased over the last few years. - -We looked at a report published by Nepal Police in 2015 to see what causes most accidents in Nepal. More than 3 in 10 accidents in Nepal are caused by two wheelers in Nepal, according to the data published by Nepal Police. - -“Data covers the range of July, 2014 to June 2015, provided & verified by PHQ Traffic Directorate.” -There were over 8,700 accidents in Nepal between July 2014 and June 2015. Over 5,403 were caused by two wheelers. The lowest number of accidents is 203 caused is by tempo-three wheeler. Check out the chart below to see what else caused accidents. - -  - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8edc617a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1183 -title: Two Wheelers cause the most accidents in Nepal -date: 2016-03-25T12:22:44-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1174-revision-v1/ ---- -Yesterday Code for Nepal published a chart on who causes the most road accidents in Nepal. - -Today here’s a chart I created that has which type of vehicles cause the most accidents? I’m sure it is easy to guess? - -It’s Two Wheelers. Yes, no surprises there! Sadly. - -We looked at a report published by Nepal Police in 2015 to see what causes most accidents in Nepal. More than 3 in 10 accidents in Nepal are caused by two wheelers in Nepal, according to the data published by Nepal Police. - -“Data covers the range of July, 2014 to June 2015, provided & verified by PHQ Traffic Directorate.” - -There were over 8,700 accidents in Nepal between July 2014 and June 2015. Over 5,403 were caused by Two Wheelers. The lowest number of accidents is 203 caused is by tempo-three wheeler. Check out the chart below to see what else caused accidents. - - - -Data source: Nepal Police (PDF) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 259e6692..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2313 -title: Most visited places by tourists in Nepal in 2017 -date: 2019-01-23T21:54:22-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/01/2309-revision-v1/ ---- -
    A view from Nagarkot, Nepal
    - -Nepal has been blessed by nature. It is so beautiful. Numbers prove that tourists love that about Nepal. The most places visited in Nepal by tourists are National Parks and Wildlife Reserves, followed by Pashupati Area and Lumbini (excluding Indian tourists for both of these religious sites). - -Here are the most visited places by tourists in 2017. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - National Parks and Wildlife Reserve -
    - Pashupati Area (excluding Indian tourists) -
    - Lumbini (excluding Indian tourists) -
    - Manaslu Trekking -
    - Mustang Trekking -
    - Humla Trekking -
    - Lower Dolpa Trekking -
    - Kanchanjunga Trekking -
    - Upper Dolpa Trekking -
    - -Source: [Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation (PDF)]( - -For machine readable data check out our [Github]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 86d2de97..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 123 -title: My attempt to introduce women to the digital world -date: 2014-12-22T21:11:41-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/10-autosave-v1/ ---- -**_**_Yogina Shakya, _**_**__o__ne of our grantee is organizing a digital empowerment training for 10 professional women in Dang. Yogina was one of our trainees in this summer. Read her essay below on what inspired her to organize the training.** -** - -**_By Yogina Shakya_ -_Code for Nepal Fellow, 2014_ -** - -  - -  - -We know that when a woman is educated, her whole family is educated. Nations, societies and families depend on women for almost everything in life. But when we talk about the access to new opportunities, women always fall behind men. For example, in Nepal, many women don’t have access to the Internet, among many other things.I am a woman and it hurts to see that we don’t have access to opportunities that men have. We are always behind men, not only when we want access to opportunities but also when we have to talk about freedom, empowerment and rights. - -But we can change that. Today’s world depends on the Internet. I know that when we have access to the Internet and have digital skills, we have more opportunities to express ourselves. - -My target is to introduce the digital world to 10 professional working women who already are seen as an ideal in their community. They are well aware of the necessity of modern world but due to lack of knowledge they are struggling to contribute to their society in more efficient way. - -These women know that there is Facebook and other social media platform. I want to train them how to use to digital tools in a professional capacity. Let me share a story of one woman I’ll be training soon. - -Image: Puspa Gharti in Public Hearing Program - -Mrs. Puspa Gharti Magar is working as a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in BASE where she helps community level people to develop concepts for cooperative ways of development and assist them to do the same in villages. She is a great women making a huge difference in rural life but she still faces problems when she has to explain her work to the greater mass. The main reason behind it is not being aware to how to use digital media. What I seek with the training is to help her realize the potential of digital media and how it can help empower her. - -There are other 9 participants like her participating in the training. Even I had not realized the potential of how useful these digital tools could be until I attended Code for Nepal’s Digital Empowerment training. A loads of thank goes to Code for Nepal not just helping me but 20 of my other fellows as well to realize our potential. Adding to that, all of 21 participants are making an effort to change the life of people around us through the knowledge gained from the training. - -My training titled ‘Women Empowerment in Digital World’ is going to be conducted on 20th September, 2014 at Tulsipur, Dang. I am looking forward for it and so are my participants as well. At last, I would like to thank Code for Nepal again for funding my project, and my organization BASE and Regional Dialogue Program for supporting me through it. - -Looking forward to 20th September, 2014! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 37b6754c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 45 -title: My Attempt to Introduce Women to the Digital World -date: 2014-12-15T03:20:01-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/10-revision-v1/ ---- -**_**_Yogina Shakya,_**_**ne of our grantee is organizing a digital empowerment training for 10 professional women in Dang. Yogina was one of our trainees in this summer. Read her essay below on what inspired her to organize the training.** -** - -**_By Yogina Shakya_ -_Code for Nepal Fellow, 2014_ -** - -We know that when a woman is educated, her whole family is educated. Nations, societies and families depend on women for almost everything in life. But when we talk about the access to new opportunities, women always fall behind men. For example, in Nepal, many women don’t have access to the Internet, among many other things.I am a woman and it hurts to see that we don’t have access to opportunities that men have. We are always behind men, not only when we want access to opportunities but also when we have to talk about freedom, empowerment and rights. - -But we can change that. Today’s world depends on the Internet. I know that when we have access to the Internet and have digital skills, we have more opportunities to express ourselves. - -My target is to introduce the digital world to 10 professional working women who already are seen as an ideal in their community. They are well aware of the necessity of modern world but due to lack of knowledge they are struggling to contribute to their society in more efficient way. - -These women know that there is Facebook and other social media platform. I want to train them how to use to digital tools in a professional capacity. Let me share a story of one woman I’ll be training soon.

    - -Image: Puspa Gharti in Public Hearing Program - -Mrs. Puspa Gharti Magar is working as a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in BASE where she helps community level people to develop concepts for cooperative ways of development and assist them to do the same in villages. She is a great women making a huge difference in rural life but she still faces problems when she has to explain her work to the greater mass. The main reason behind it is not being aware to how to use digital media. What I seek with the training is to help her realize the potential of digital media and how it can help empower her. - -There are other 9 participants like her participating in the training. Even I had not realized the potential of how useful these digital tools could be until I attended Code for Nepal’s Digital Empowerment training. A loads of thank goes to Code for Nepal not just helping me but 20 of my other fellows as well to realize our potential. Adding to that, all of 21 participants are making an effort to change the life of people around us through the knowledge gained from the training. - -My training titled ‘Women Empowerment in Digital World’ is going to be conducted on 20th September, 2014 at Tulsipur, Dang. I am looking forward for it and so are my participants as well. At last, I would like to thank Code for Nepal again for funding my project, and my organization BASE and Regional Dialogue Program for supporting me through it. - -Looking forward to 20th September, 2014! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 37b6754c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 45 -title: My Attempt to Introduce Women to the Digital World -date: 2014-12-15T03:20:01-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/10-revision-v1/ ---- -**_**_Yogina Shakya,_**_**ne of our grantee is organizing a digital empowerment training for 10 professional women in Dang. Yogina was one of our trainees in this summer. Read her essay below on what inspired her to organize the training.** -** - -**_By Yogina Shakya_ -_Code for Nepal Fellow, 2014_ -** - -We know that when a woman is educated, her whole family is educated. Nations, societies and families depend on women for almost everything in life. But when we talk about the access to new opportunities, women always fall behind men. For example, in Nepal, many women don’t have access to the Internet, among many other things.I am a woman and it hurts to see that we don’t have access to opportunities that men have. We are always behind men, not only when we want access to opportunities but also when we have to talk about freedom, empowerment and rights. - -But we can change that. Today’s world depends on the Internet. I know that when we have access to the Internet and have digital skills, we have more opportunities to express ourselves. - -My target is to introduce the digital world to 10 professional working women who already are seen as an ideal in their community. They are well aware of the necessity of modern world but due to lack of knowledge they are struggling to contribute to their society in more efficient way. - -These women know that there is Facebook and other social media platform. I want to train them how to use to digital tools in a professional capacity. Let me share a story of one woman I’ll be training soon.

    - -Image: Puspa Gharti in Public Hearing Program - -Mrs. Puspa Gharti Magar is working as a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in BASE where she helps community level people to develop concepts for cooperative ways of development and assist them to do the same in villages. She is a great women making a huge difference in rural life but she still faces problems when she has to explain her work to the greater mass. The main reason behind it is not being aware to how to use digital media. What I seek with the training is to help her realize the potential of digital media and how it can help empower her. - -There are other 9 participants like her participating in the training. Even I had not realized the potential of how useful these digital tools could be until I attended Code for Nepal’s Digital Empowerment training. A loads of thank goes to Code for Nepal not just helping me but 20 of my other fellows as well to realize our potential. Adding to that, all of 21 participants are making an effort to change the life of people around us through the knowledge gained from the training. - -My training titled ‘Women Empowerment in Digital World’ is going to be conducted on 20th September, 2014 at Tulsipur, Dang. I am looking forward for it and so are my participants as well. At last, I would like to thank Code for Nepal again for funding my project, and my organization BASE and Regional Dialogue Program for supporting me through it. - -Looking forward to 20th September, 2014! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5bd78125..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2429 -title: My First Month Experience as a Hawkins Fellow -date: 2019-05-27T21:23:06-04:00 -author: Basna Ranjitkar -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/05/2423-autosave-v1/ ---- -It has already been a month of joining the program as a Hawkins fellow. In these four weeks, I have learnt a lot about the tasks I should be doing as a software engineer. - -Flash back to the day I first came to IW Academy feeling excited and thinking how the classes and fellow friends would be. I happened to get the confirmation mail of being selected as a Hawkins fellow only on the evening of April 16 when the class had already run for two days. I missed the classes and I had to recover the study I missed. So I reached to IW an hour early to learn what I missed. The friends are so welcoming and it was not hard to learn what I missed. - -The classes are running following the syllabus. The environment is so motivating seeing all academy friends eager to learn and committed to the task. The lecturers are always motivating us to work hard in these three months for our better future. Our class starts from 10am sharp and there is stand-up where we in group speak out about our progress to the project manager and the day follows with an hour-long lecture and hands-on practices for the rest of the day. - -Here is no spoon-feeding like we were done in school and college level. We are taught about best practises of using the code, resource sharing and given idea of how hectic job market can be. We are always motivated by our lecturer for self learning. It is important because when we will be doing real job, self learning is necessary because we might have to learn new language for the project. From the first week we were assigned assignments so that we would learn on our own and search and explore new things to complete them. This pushed us to explore new things on our own. We are told that the real job market will be more hectic than how we are feeling now to complete assignments. So regular hands-on practise will make easier. Here we are sat together randomly daily so that we get to know each other, be comfortable and be a good team player. In jobs, we always have to work in team so this is a good practise. - -I feel very lucky and thankful to the Code for Nepal for selecting me for this fellowship. It is a good opportunity to apply what I have been learning to volunteer for Code for Nepal and work for utilizing data. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6f7db521..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2426 -title: My Experience As A Hawkins Fellow -date: 2019-05-27T12:19:05-04:00 -author: Basna Ranjitkar -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/05/2423-revision-v1/ ---- -It has already been a month of joining the program as a Hawkins fellow. In these four weeks, I have learnt a lot about the tasks I should be doing as a software engineer. - -Flash back to the day I first came to IW Academy feeling excited and thinking how the classes and fellow friends would be. I happened to get the confirmation mail of being selected as a Hawkins fellow only on the evening of April 16 when the class had already run for two days. I missed the classes and I had to recover the study I missed. So I reached to IW an hour early to learn what I missed. The friends are so welcoming and it was not hard to learn what I missed. - -The classes are running following the syllabus. The environment is so motivating seeing all academy friends eager to learn and committed to the task. The lecturers are always motivating us to work hard in these three months for our better future. Our class starts from 10am sharp and there is stand-up where we in group speak out about our progress to the project manager and the day follows with an hour-long lecture and hands-on practices for the rest of the day. - -Here is no spoon-feeding like we were done in school and college level. We are taught about best practises of using the code, resource sharing and given idea of how hectic job market can be. We are always motivated by our lecturer for self learning. It is important because when we will be doing real job, self learning is necessary because we might have to learn new language for the project. From the first week we were assigned assignments so that we would learn on our own and search and explore new things to complete them. This pushed us to explore new things on our own. We are told that the real job market will be more hectic than how we are feeling now to complete assignments. So regular hands-on practise will make easier. Here we are sat together randomly daily so that we get to know each other, be comfortable and be a good team player. In jobs, we always have to work in team so this is a good practise. - -I feel very lucky and thankful to the Code for Nepal for selecting me for this fellowship. It is a good opportunity to apply what I have been learning to volunteer for Code for Nepal and work for utilizing data. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 37c926e5..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2427 -title: My First Month Experience as a Hawkins Fellow -date: 2019-05-27T12:20:25-04:00 -author: Basna Ranjitkar -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/05/2423-revision-v1/ ---- -It has already been a month of joining the program as a Hawkins fellow. In these four weeks, I have learnt a lot about the tasks I should be doing as a software engineer. - -Flash back to the day I first came to IW Academy feeling excited and thinking how the classes and fellow friends would be. I happened to get the confirmation mail of being selected as a Hawkins fellow only on the evening of April 16 when the class had already run for two days. I missed the classes and I had to recover the study I missed. So I reached to IW an hour early to learn what I missed. The friends are so welcoming and it was not hard to learn what I missed. - -The classes are running following the syllabus. The environment is so motivating seeing all academy friends eager to learn and committed to the task. The lecturers are always motivating us to work hard in these three months for our better future. Our class starts from 10am sharp and there is stand-up where we in group speak out about our progress to the project manager and the day follows with an hour-long lecture and hands-on practices for the rest of the day. - -Here is no spoon-feeding like we were done in school and college level. We are taught about best practises of using the code, resource sharing and given idea of how hectic job market can be. We are always motivated by our lecturer for self learning. It is important because when we will be doing real job, self learning is necessary because we might have to learn new language for the project. From the first week we were assigned assignments so that we would learn on our own and search and explore new things to complete them. This pushed us to explore new things on our own. We are told that the real job market will be more hectic than how we are feeling now to complete assignments. So regular hands-on practise will make easier. Here we are sat together randomly daily so that we get to know each other, be comfortable and be a good team player. In jobs, we always have to work in team so this is a good practise. - -I feel very lucky and thankful to the Code for Nepal for selecting me for this fellowship. It is a good opportunity to apply what I have been learning to volunteer for Code for Nepal and work for utilizing data. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d03f9238..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 59 -title: My initiative to teach computer skills -date: 2014-12-22T17:26:00-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/6-autosave-v1/ ---- -

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    - C4N14 Fellow -
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    - It is my privilege to be a part of Code for Nepal. I have learned so many things being a fellow of Code for Nepal. And the most crucial for me being a #C4N14 Fellow is my final project. As part of the Digital Empowerment training, we, all fellows, were asked to make a final project on any social issues in Nepal. -

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    - Initially I had no idea what to do. Then one day during Digital Empowerment training, Ravi Kumar, the co-founder for Code for Nepal, asked us what bothered us. At that instance, street children came in my mind. Then I thought why not to make a project to teach the street girls computer skills. -

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    - Although I decided to do this project, it was not easy. Oscillating between organizations was exhausting. After nearly two months, I was able to conduct my project with Child Watabaran Center. -

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    - This September I taught 10 girls of Child Watabaran Center basic computer skills. For them, Google and YouTube were completely strange. -

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    - When I went for the first day to teach, I clearly remember, one student came to me and requested me to teach them how to use Google. She had heard about Google and Facebook but she did not know how it appeared in computer screen. I attempted to teach them my best and hope that I could meet their expectations. -

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    - I conducted training for 4 days. During that tenure, they learned basic computer skills like creating new user account, setting password, making new folders and how to turn on and off computer, to use MS Word and PowerPoint . They were able to do research on Google, create new email address. -

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    - During the training, I was impressed by their enthusiasm. They always wanted to learn more and asked me whether I could teach more new things. -

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    - The satisfaction when they said they learned new thing with sweet smile was indescribable. I want to thank Code for Nepal for providing me this opportunity to help others. -

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6ab1e84d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 61 -title: My Initiative to Teach Computer Skills -date: 2014-12-15T03:24:50-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/6-revision-v1/ ---- -
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    - C4N14 Fellow -
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    - It is my privilege to be a part of Code for Nepal. I have learned so many things being the fellow of Code for Nepal Digital Empowerment Training 2014. And the most crucial for me being in #C4N14 is my final project. As the part of training, we, all fellows, were asked to make a final project on any social issues in Nepal. -
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    - Initially I had no idea what to do. Then one day on training, Ravi Kumar, our co-founder for Code for Nepal, asked us what bothered us. At that instance, street children came in my mind. Then I thought why not to make a project to teach the street girls computer skills. -
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    - Although I decided to make project, it was not easy. Oscillating between organizations was exhausting. After nearly two months, I was able to conduct my project with Child Watabaran Center. -
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    - This September I taught 10 girls of Child Watabaran Center the basic computer skills. They did not know even basic computer skills. For them, google and youtube were completely strange. -
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    - I conducted training for 4 days. During that tenure, they learned basic computer skills like creating new user account, setting password, making new folders and how to turn on and off computer, to use MS Word and Powerpoint . They were able to do research on Google, create new email address. They were very enthusiastic too. They always wanted to learn more and asked me whether I could teach more new things. -
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    - When I went for the first day to teach, I clearly remember, one student came to me and requested me to teach them how to use Google. She had heard about Google and Facebook but she did not know how it appeared in computer screen. I attempted to teach them my best and hope that I could meet their expectations. -
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    - The satisfaction when they said they learned new thing with sweet smile was indescribable. I want to thank Code for Nepal for providing me this opportunity to help others. -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6ab1e84d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 61 -title: My Initiative to Teach Computer Skills -date: 2014-12-15T03:24:50-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/6-revision-v1/ ---- -
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    - - - -
    - C4N14 Fellow -
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    - It is my privilege to be a part of Code for Nepal. I have learned so many things being the fellow of Code for Nepal Digital Empowerment Training 2014. And the most crucial for me being in #C4N14 is my final project. As the part of training, we, all fellows, were asked to make a final project on any social issues in Nepal. -
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    - Initially I had no idea what to do. Then one day on training, Ravi Kumar, our co-founder for Code for Nepal, asked us what bothered us. At that instance, street children came in my mind. Then I thought why not to make a project to teach the street girls computer skills. -
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    - Although I decided to make project, it was not easy. Oscillating between organizations was exhausting. After nearly two months, I was able to conduct my project with Child Watabaran Center. -
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    - This September I taught 10 girls of Child Watabaran Center the basic computer skills. They did not know even basic computer skills. For them, google and youtube were completely strange. -
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    - I conducted training for 4 days. During that tenure, they learned basic computer skills like creating new user account, setting password, making new folders and how to turn on and off computer, to use MS Word and Powerpoint . They were able to do research on Google, create new email address. They were very enthusiastic too. They always wanted to learn more and asked me whether I could teach more new things. -
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    - When I went for the first day to teach, I clearly remember, one student came to me and requested me to teach them how to use Google. She had heard about Google and Facebook but she did not know how it appeared in computer screen. I attempted to teach them my best and hope that I could meet their expectations. -
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    - The satisfaction when they said they learned new thing with sweet smile was indescribable. I want to thank Code for Nepal for providing me this opportunity to help others. -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 019e1c58..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2462 -title: My Journey at Insight Workshop through the Hawkins Fellowship -date: 2019-09-19T02:50:24-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/09/2459-revision-v1/ ---- -One morning I applied for an academy program in Insight Workshop (IW), a Software Company located in Naxal, Kathmandu. The deadline was just the night before. Luckily my application was counted. (Big thanks to my dearest friend Rachana for this). After a rigorous application process I was selected for the program. I also applied for this program from Hawkins Fellowship Program by Code for Nepal. I got selected as a Hawkins fellow from there too. I can’t express in words the feelings that I had that day. I was so excited and nervous about this journey. - - -Everyone was so welcoming at IW. We were introduced with previous batch’s students, mentors and everyone else there. They shared their experiences and motivated us on the very first day. More than 50% of the trainees were girls; it was a happy feeling. I was around people with the same dreams and passion to become a future Full Stack Developer. Positive vibes were coming from everyone that we were there to learn. It was a different feeling. - - -The first month went by so fast. We learned the basics of everything from Html, CSS to Python, Django Framework. We learned how the software development process works in the real IT world. Alongside programming, we also learned problem-solving, research and time management skills. We were given assignments and challenging tasks too to boost our skills. we have to complete them by the deadlines. There were exams too. Every Friday we had guest lectures from industry experts who shared their experiences. I loved how they shared everything with us, making us feel like their own family. They wanted us to grow together and we learned so many things from every person every single day. Every single day was productive. It wasn’t hectic at all; time was feasible, the environment was co-operative and supportive. - - -In the last four weeks of this academic period, we were assigned a team project based on the concepts which we had learned earlier. Although I entered as a very beginner, in just two weeks of experience and proper guidance, I was able to build a complex web application. This gave me a lot of confidence exponentially raising my passion for software development.  - - -Looking back to those three months, these were the most beautiful and exciting days of my life, as my career kickstarted. Currently, I am working at Insight workshop as a Software Engineer Trainee after completing these 3 months of the journey. I am so thankful for Insight Workshop as well as Code for Nepal for seeing potential in me and providing me with this opportunity.  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9189a282..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2047 -title: Nepal is the least expensive country for broadband in South Asia -date: 2018-02-19T21:13:35-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/02/2038-revision-v1/ ---- -[Photo by Rob Tinworth]( - -_Photo by Rob Tinworth_ - -Nepal provides the cheapest broadband in South Asia, with an average cost of USD 19.16 per month. - -Access to the internet is considered a basic necessity in the 21st century. When people have internet they can access information, looks for jobs or access health or financial information to make better decisions about their lives. - -[A new study that looked]( at the average cost of broadband in 196 countries found that Iran provides the cheapest broadband. - -Based on the same [study](, Nepal offers the cheapest broadband in South Asia. - - - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4069a3f9..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2053 -title: How does a typical family in Nepal spend its money? -date: 2018-02-25T20:28:35-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/02/2048-revision-v1/ ---- -Do you wonder how your family or other families spend money? - -Of course, every family is unique but thanks to the Annual Household Survey published by the Nepal Government, we know how an average Nepali family spends its money. - -The average annual household consumption in 2015/16 was Rs, 3,22,730 or approximately USD 3,111.12. (Exchange rate: 1 Nepalese Rupee equals 0.0096 US Dollar) - -More than half of household consumption (53.8%) went toward food, while 12.9% was spent on rent, 4% on education, and 3.9% on alcohol and tobacco.  - -Explore the chart below to see how Nepalis spend their money. - - - -Compared to 2014/15, the average household’s consumption has increased by Rs 30,418. However, inequality in Nepal is widening: “T_he annual consumption of the richest 20% households is Rs. 6,13,725 which is 4.2 times higher than that of the poorest 20% households.” _ - -What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments! - -_(If you are looking for an embed code for this chart, check out this [Google doc]( - -Data source: [Nepal Gov (PDF)]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 06b3e286..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2049 -title: How does a typical family in Nepal spend their money -date: 2018-02-25T14:28:22-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/02/2048-revision-v1/ ---- -Do you wonder how your family or other families spend money? - -Of course, every family is unique but thanks to the Annual Household Survey published by Nepal Government, we know how an average Nepali family spend their money. - -The average annual household consumption of Nepal in 2015/16 was Rs, 3,22, 730 or approximately USD 3111.12. (Exchange rate: 1 Nepalese Rupee equals 0.0096 US Dollar) - -More than half of it or 53.8% was spent on food. 12.9% was spent on rent. Unfortunately, a typical Nepali family spends almost the same amount on education (4%), and alcohol and tobacco (3.9%). - -Explore the chart below to see how Nepalis spend their money. - - - -Compared to 2014/15, the average household consumption has increased by Rs 30,418 - -Inequality in Nepal is widening. “_the annual consumption of the richest 20% households is Rs. 6,13,725 which is 4.2 times higher than that of the poorest 20% households.” _ - -  - -What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 016db3f1..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2015 -title: Nepal is one of most inclusive emerging and developing Asian economies -date: 2018-01-28T11:53:06-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/01/2013-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -Nepal is one of most inclusive emerging and developing Asian economies, according to the World Economic Forum’s [Inclusive Development Index 2018]( - -> “The Inclusive Development Index (IDI) is an annual assessment of 103 countries’ economic performance that measures how countries perform on eleven dimensions of economic progress in addition to GDP. It has 3 pillars; growth and development; inclusion and; intergenerational equity – sustainable stewardship of natural and financial resources.” - -**Here’s the list of 10 most inclusive emerging and developing Asia economies. ** - -[Inclusive economy]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e1302b68..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2017 -title: Nepal is one of the most inclusive emerging and developing Asian economies -date: 2018-01-28T11:55:16-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/01/2013-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -Nepal is one of the most inclusive emerging and developing Asian economies, according to the World Economic Forum’s [Inclusive Development Index 2018]( - -> “The Inclusive Development Index (IDI) is an annual assessment of 103 countries’ economic performance that measures how countries perform on eleven dimensions of economic progress in addition to GDP. It has 3 pillars; growth and development; inclusion and; intergenerational equity – sustainable stewardship of natural and financial resources.” - -**Here’s the list of 10 most inclusive emerging and developing Asia economies. ** - -[Inclusive economy]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index ee81c5e7..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 342 -title: What would Nepal look like if there were just 100 people -date: 2015-04-20T20:20:19-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/04/339-autosave-v1/ ---- - - -
    - -If you would like to use the infographic, you get the embed [code here]( And here is the [data]( (Google doc) for the infographic. - -Source: Nepal Census 2011 (pdf). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4a2bd04e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 340 -title: What would Nepal look like if there just 100 people -date: 2015-04-18T16:01:45-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/04/339-revision-v1/ ---- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index ef1d8154..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 345 -title: What would Nepal look like if there were just 100 people? -date: 2015-04-20T21:46:30-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/04/339-revision-v1/ ---- - - -
    - -If you would like to use the infographic, you can get the embed [code here]( And here is the [data]( (Google doc) for the infographic. - -Source: [Nepal Census 2011]( (pdf). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 64217c16..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 780 -title: 'Code for Nepal Launches “Ko Nepali ?” Video and Photo Competition for Rs. 75,000' -date: 2016-02-26T20:31:07-05:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/02/773-autosave-v1/ ---- -Press Release- 26 February 2016
    ](, D.C.
    United States of America - -**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** -Contact: Roshan Ghimire
    **Email:** - -**Code for Nepal  Launches _#WhoIsNepali_ Video and Photo Competition for Rs. 75,000** - -Washington, D.C. – Today the non-profit Code for Nepal launched a video and photo competition with an award amount of 75,000 Nepali Rupees. The competition is titled “Ko Nepali?,” which translates to “Who is a Nepali?” The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. - -For details on eligibility and rules about the competition, check out this page: - -Code for Nepal seeks short video entries for the competition (180 seconds or less), or photos, from amateur videographers and photographers living in Nepal or abroad, who are 14 or older. Videos can be submitted in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. - -The contest will accept submissions from March 25, 2016 to April 25, 2016. Submissions will be accepted via Details of the application will be announced in late March via Code for Nepal website. - -“The selection will be based on originality and clarity of the message,” says Roshan Ghimire, Partnership and Media Manager at Code for Nepal. “We won’t judge based solely on the quality of production, and we are encouraging amateur photographers and videographers to submit.” - -Winners will be announced on June 15, 2016. The first prize winner for video will receive Rs. 25,000 and the first prize winner for photo will receive Rs. 10,000. There will also be cash prizes for second and third places. - -In total, Code for Nepal will grant cash prizes to 10 applicants. - -“In addition to increasing awareness about digital literacy, we hope this competition will foster dialogue among people from various backgrounds and regions in Nepal about their identity, and how their unique attributes define them equally as Nepalis,” says Ghimire. - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. - -_For more information, contact our communications team at __media@codeofornepal.org_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3db1d42d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1268 -title: 'Code for Nepal Launches “Ko Nepali?” Video and Photo Competition' -date: 2016-04-08T08:11:09-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/04/773-autosave-v1/ ---- -Update: We are accepting applications now. Please apply: - -  - -Press Release- 26 February 2016
    ](, D.C.
    United States of America - -**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** -Contact: Roshan Ghimire
    **Email:** - -**Code for Nepal  Launches _#WhoIsNepali_ Video and Photo Competition for Rs. 75,000** - -Washington, D.C. – Today the non-profit Code for Nepal launched a video and photo competition with an award amount of 55,000 Nepali Rupees. The competition is titled “Ko Nepali?,” which translates to “Who is a Nepali?” The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. - -For details on eligibility and rules about the competition, check out this page: - -Code for Nepal seeks short video entries for the competition (180 seconds or less), or photos, from amateur videographers and photographers living in Nepal or abroad, who are 14 or older. Videos can be submitted in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. - -The contest will accept submissions from March 25, 2016 to April 25, 2016. Submissions will be accepted via Details of the application will be announced in late March via Code for Nepal website. - -“The selection will be based on originality and clarity of the message,” says Roshan Ghimire, Partnership and Media Manager at Code for Nepal. “We won’t judge based solely on the quality of production, and we are encouraging amateur photographers and videographers to submit.” - -Winners will be announced on June 15, 2016. The first prize winner for video will receive Rs. 25,000 and the first prize winner for photo will receive Rs. 10,000. There will also be cash prizes for second and third places. - -In total, Code for Nepal will grant cash prizes to 10 applicants. - -“In addition to increasing awareness about digital literacy, we hope this competition will foster dialogue among people from various backgrounds and regions in Nepal about their identity, and how their unique attributes define them equally as Nepalis,” says Ghimire. - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. - -_For more information, contact our communications team at __media@codeofornepal.org_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0165b4c5..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 789 -title: 'Code for Nepal Launches “Ko Nepali ?” Video and Photo Competition for Rs. 75,000' -date: 2016-02-26T20:27:43-05:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/02/773-revision-v1/ ---- -Press Release- 26 February 2016
    ](, D.C.
    United States of America - -**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** -Contact: Roshan Ghimire
    **Email:** - -**Code for Nepal  Launches _#WhoIsNepali_ Video and Photo Competition for Rs. 75,000** - -Washington, D.C. – Today the non-profit Code for Nepal launched a video and photo competition with an award amount of 75,000 Nepali Rupees. The competition is titled “Ko Nepali?,” which translates to “Who is a Nepali?” The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. - -For details on eligibility and rules about the competition, check out this page: - -Code for Nepal seeks short video entries for the competition (180 seconds or less), or photos, from amateur videographers and photographers living in Nepal or abroad, who are 14 or older. Videos can be submitted in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. - -The contest will accept submissions from March 25, 2016 to April 25, 2016. Submissions will be accepted via Details of the application will be announced in late March via Code for Nepal website. - -“The selection will be based on originality and clarity of the message,” says Roshan Ghimire, Partnership and Media Manager at Code for Nepal. “We won’t judge based solely on the quality of production, and we are encouraging amateur photographers and videographers to submit.” - -Winners will be announced on June 15, 2016. The first prize winner for video will receive Rs. 25,000 and the first prize winner for photo will receive Rs. 10,000. There will also be cash prizes for second and third places. - -In total, Code for Nepal will grant cash prizes to 10 applicants. - -“In addition to increasing awareness about digital literacy, we hope this competition will foster dialogue among people from various backgrounds and regions in Nepal about their identity, and how their unique attributes define them equally as Nepalis,” says Ghimire. - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. - -_For more information, contact our communications team at __media@codeofornepal.org_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index ce5e7c74..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 838 -title: 'Code for Nepal Launches “Ko Nepali?” Video and Photo Competition for Rs. 75,000' -date: 2016-03-01T19:13:42-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/773-revision-v1/ ---- -Press Release- 26 February 2016
    ](, D.C.
    United States of America - -**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** -Contact: Roshan Ghimire
    **Email:** - -**Code for Nepal  Launches _#WhoIsNepali_ Video and Photo Competition for Rs. 75,000** - -Washington, D.C. – Today the non-profit Code for Nepal launched a video and photo competition with an award amount of 75,000 Nepali Rupees. The competition is titled “Ko Nepali?,” which translates to “Who is a Nepali?” The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. - -For details on eligibility and rules about the competition, check out this page: - -Code for Nepal seeks short video entries for the competition (180 seconds or less), or photos, from amateur videographers and photographers living in Nepal or abroad, who are 14 or older. Videos can be submitted in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. - -The contest will accept submissions from March 25, 2016 to April 25, 2016. Submissions will be accepted via Details of the application will be announced in late March via Code for Nepal website. - -“The selection will be based on originality and clarity of the message,” says Roshan Ghimire, Partnership and Media Manager at Code for Nepal. “We won’t judge based solely on the quality of production, and we are encouraging amateur photographers and videographers to submit.” - -Winners will be announced on June 15, 2016. The first prize winner for video will receive Rs. 25,000 and the first prize winner for photo will receive Rs. 10,000. There will also be cash prizes for second and third places. - -In total, Code for Nepal will grant cash prizes to 10 applicants. - -“In addition to increasing awareness about digital literacy, we hope this competition will foster dialogue among people from various backgrounds and regions in Nepal about their identity, and how their unique attributes define them equally as Nepalis,” says Ghimire. - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. - -_For more information, contact our communications team at __media@codeofornepal.org_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9bef2dc7..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1270 -title: 'Code for Nepal Launches “Ko Nepali?” Video and Photo Competition' -date: 2016-04-08T08:12:58-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/04/773-revision-v1/ ---- -Update: We are accepting applications now. Please apply: - -\***** - -Press Release- 26 February 2016
    ](, D.C.
    United States of America - -**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** -Contact: Roshan Ghimire
    **Email:** - -**Code for Nepal  Launches _#WhoIsNepali_ Video and Photo Competition for Rs. 75,000** - -Washington, D.C. – Today the non-profit Code for Nepal launched a video and photo competition with an award amount of 55,000 Nepali Rupees. The competition is titled “Ko Nepali?,” which translates to “Who is a Nepali?” The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. - -For details on eligibility and rules about the competition, check out this page: - -Code for Nepal seeks short video entries for the competition (180 seconds or less), or photos, from amateur videographers and photographers living in Nepal or abroad, who are 14 or older. Videos can be submitted in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. - -The contest will accept submissions from March 25, 2016 to April 25, 2016. Submissions will be accepted via Details of the application will be announced in late March via Code for Nepal website. - -“The selection will be based on originality and clarity of the message,” says Roshan Ghimire, Partnership and Media Manager at Code for Nepal. “We won’t judge based solely on the quality of production, and we are encouraging amateur photographers and videographers to submit.” - -Winners will be announced on June 15, 2016. The first prize winner for video will receive Rs. 25,000 and the first prize winner for photo will receive Rs. 10,000. There will also be cash prizes for second and third places. - -In total, Code for Nepal will grant cash prizes to 10 applicants. - -“In addition to increasing awareness about digital literacy, we hope this competition will foster dialogue among people from various backgrounds and regions in Nepal about their identity, and how their unique attributes define them equally as Nepalis,” says Ghimire. - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. - -_For more information, contact our communications team at __media@codeofornepal.org_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 202c229a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 782 -title: 'Code for Nepal Launches “who is Nepali” Video and Photo Competition for Rs. 75,000' -date: 2016-02-26T20:12:19-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/02/773-revision-v1/ ---- -Press Release- 26 February 2016
    ](, D.C.
    United States of America - -**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** -Contact: Roshan Ghimire
    **Email:** - -**Code for Nepal  Launches _#WhoIsNepali_ Video and Photo Competition for Rs. 75,000** - -Washington, D.C. – Today the non-profit Code for Nepal launched a video and photo competition with an award amount of 75,000 Nepali Rupees. The competition is titled “Ko Nepali?,” which translates to “Who is a Nepali?” The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. - -Code for Nepal seeks short video entries for the competition (180 seconds or less), or photos, from amateur videographers and photographers living in Nepal or abroad, who are 14 or older. Videos can be submitted in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. - -The contest will accept submissions from March 25, 2016 to April 25, 2016. Submissions will be accepted via []( Details will be announced in late March via Code for Nepal website. - -“The selection will be based on originality and clarity of the message,” says Roshan Ghimire, Partnership and Media Manager at Code for Nepal. “We won’t judge based solely on the quality of production, and we are encouraging amateur photographers and videographers to submit.” - -Winners will be announced on June 15, 2016. The first prize winner for video will receive Rs. 25,000 and the first prize winner for photo will receive Rs. 10,000. There will also be cash prizes for second and third places. - -In total, Code for Nepal will grant cash prizes to 10 applicants. - -“In addition to increasing awareness about digital literacy, we hope this competition will foster dialogue among people from various backgrounds and regions in Nepal about their identity, and how their unique attributes define them equally as Nepalis,” says Ghimire. - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. - -_For more information, contact our communications team at __media@codeofornepal.org_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2bcb4b16..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 784 -title: 'Code for Nepal Launches #WhoIsNepali Video and Photo Competition for Rs. 75,000' -date: 2016-02-26T20:23:19-05:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/02/773-revision-v1/ ---- -Press Release- 26 February 2016
    ](, D.C.
    United States of America - -**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** -Contact: Roshan Ghimire
    **Email:** - -**Code for Nepal  Launches _#WhoIsNepali_ Video and Photo Competition for Rs. 75,000** - -Washington, D.C. – Today the non-profit Code for Nepal launched a video and photo competition with an award amount of 75,000 Nepali Rupees. The competition is titled “Ko Nepali?,” which translates to “Who is a Nepali?” The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. - -Code for Nepal seeks short video entries for the competition (180 seconds or less), or photos, from amateur videographers and photographers living in Nepal or abroad, who are 14 or older. Videos can be submitted in Bhojpuri, English, Maithili, Nepali, or Tamang. - -The contest will accept submissions from March 25, 2016 to April 25, 2016. Submissions will be accepted via Details will be announced in late March via Code for Nepal website. - -“The selection will be based on originality and clarity of the message,” says Roshan Ghimire, Partnership and Media Manager at Code for Nepal. “We won’t judge based solely on the quality of production, and we are encouraging amateur photographers and videographers to submit.” - -Winners will be announced on June 15, 2016. The first prize winner for video will receive Rs. 25,000 and the first prize winner for photo will receive Rs. 10,000. There will also be cash prizes for second and third places. - -In total, Code for Nepal will grant cash prizes to 10 applicants. - -“In addition to increasing awareness about digital literacy, we hope this competition will foster dialogue among people from various backgrounds and regions in Nepal about their identity, and how their unique attributes define them equally as Nepalis,” says Ghimire. - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. - -_For more information, contact our communications team at __media@codeofornepal.org_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8d41fd9d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1876 -title: 'Map of reported number #NepalFlood deaths, houses damaged and cattle loss' -date: 2017-08-15T22:36:19-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/08/1868-autosave-v1/ ---- -**Note: **We will update this post every 48-72 hours. - -Monsoons, floods, and landslides across southern Nepal have killed at least 123 people (PDF in Nepali), and affected at least six million across the country (approximately one in five Nepalis). - -Based on the data available on [Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction Portal](, more than 13,000 private houses are damaged or destroyed, and over 1,600 cattle have been lost. - -Residents of Province No. 2, where poverty and illiteracy rates are some of the highest in the country, appear to have lost the most. - -[Rauthat](, has seen the highest number of deaths due to monsoons and floods, with 15 reported deaths in the district. In [Rauthat](, one in three people lives in poverty. Muslims, one of the most marginalized groups in the country, make up 20 percent of the population. - -We are presenting evidence-based analysis because we strongly believe relief and recovery should be guided by data, as we advocated in the aftermath of the tragic earthquakes in Nepal in 2015. Check out this document to see how you can help. Click here to donate - -We hope everyone involved in the relief and recovery effort will use data to guide their efforts. You can find source data including VDC level data in this Google doc. - -If you find any errors, we’d be grateful if you could comment below, email us at contact[at], tweet us at @codefornepal, or message us on **Facebook.** - -These are the districts with the highest number of deaths: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Total deaths -
    - Rautahat - - 15 -
    - Sunsari - - 8 -
    - Morang - - 7 -
    - Jhapa - - 7 -
    - Parsa - - 5 -
    - Sarlahi - - 5 -
    - Banke - - 5 -
    - -  - -**These are the districts where the highest number of private houses are fully or partially damaged: ** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Private Houses Fully or Partially Damaged -
    - Morang - - 2861 -
    - Kailali - - 2550 -
    - Saptari - - 2444 -
    - Jhapa - - 2381 -
    - Udayapur - - 490 -
    - -  - -Check out these maps to see what type of foundation, [roof](, and [type of wall]( houses usually have in these districts. And refer to [this map]( to find out in what percentage of residents have access to safe drinking water in these districts. - -Here’s an interactive map that shows the reported number of human deaths, cattle losses, and houses damaged by monsoon, flood, and landslide. The map is based on data available as of August 14, 2017, on []( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b656387b..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1880 -title: 'Map of reported number #NepalFlood deaths, houses damaged and cattle loss' -date: 2017-08-15T22:36:55-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/08/1868-revision-v1/ ---- -_**Note: **We will update this post every 48-72 hours. _ - -Monsoons, floods, and landslides across southern Nepal have killed at least 123 people (PDF in Nepali), and affected at least six million across the country (approximately one in five Nepalis). - -Based on the data available on [Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction Portal](, more than 13,000 private houses are damaged or destroyed, and over 1,600 cattle have been lost. - -Residents of Province No. 2, where poverty and illiteracy rates are some of the highest in the country, appear to have lost the most. - -[Rauthat](, has seen the highest number of deaths due to monsoons and floods, with 15 reported deaths in the district. In [Rauthat](, one in three people lives in poverty. Muslims, one of the most marginalized groups in the country, make up 20 percent of the population. - -We are presenting evidence-based analysis because we strongly believe relief and recovery should be guided by data, as we advocated in the aftermath of the tragic earthquakes in Nepal in 2015. Check out this document to see how you can help. Click here to donate - -We hope everyone involved in the relief and recovery effort will use data to guide their efforts. You can find source data including VDC level data in this Google doc. - -If you find any errors, we’d be grateful if you could comment below, email us at contact[at], tweet us at @codefornepal, or message us on **Facebook.** - -These are the districts with the highest number of deaths: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Total deaths -
    - Rautahat - - 15 -
    - Sunsari - - 8 -
    - Morang - - 7 -
    - Jhapa - - 7 -
    - Parsa - - 5 -
    - Sarlahi - - 5 -
    - Banke - - 5 -
    - -  - -**These are the districts where the highest number of private houses are fully or partially damaged: ** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Private Houses Fully or Partially Damaged -
    - Morang - - 2861 -
    - Kailali - - 2550 -
    - Saptari - - 2444 -
    - Jhapa - - 2381 -
    - Udayapur - - 490 -
    - -  - -Check out these maps to see what type of foundation, [roof](, and [type of wall]( houses usually have in these districts. And refer to [this map]( to find out in what percentage of residents have access to safe drinking water in these districts. - -Here’s an interactive map that shows the reported number of human deaths, cattle losses, and houses damaged by monsoon, flood, and landslide. The map is based on data available as of August 14, 2017, on []( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 50b8ab82..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1881 -title: 'Map of reported number of #NepalFlood deaths, houses damaged and cattle loss' -date: 2017-08-15T23:00:40-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/08/1868-revision-v1/ ---- -_**Note: **We will update this post every 48-72 hours. _ - -Monsoons, floods, and landslides across southern Nepal have killed at least 123 people (PDF in Nepali), and affected at least six million across the country (approximately one in five Nepalis). - -Based on the data available on [Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction Portal](, more than 13,000 private houses are damaged or destroyed, and over 1,600 cattle have been lost. - -Residents of Province No. 2, where poverty and illiteracy rates are some of the highest in the country, appear to have lost the most. - -[Rauthat](, has seen the highest number of deaths due to monsoons and floods, with 15 reported deaths in the district. In [Rauthat](, one in three people lives in poverty. Muslims, one of the most marginalized groups in the country, make up 20 percent of the population. - -We are presenting evidence-based analysis because we strongly believe relief and recovery should be guided by data, as we advocated in the aftermath of the tragic earthquakes in Nepal in 2015. Check out this document to see how you can help. Click here to donate - -We hope everyone involved in the relief and recovery effort will use data to guide their efforts. You can find source data including VDC level data in this Google doc. - -If you find any errors, we’d be grateful if you could comment below, email us at contact[at], tweet us at @codefornepal, or message us on **Facebook.** - -These are the districts with the highest number of deaths: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Total deaths -
    - Rautahat - - 15 -
    - Sunsari - - 8 -
    - Morang - - 7 -
    - Jhapa - - 7 -
    - Parsa - - 5 -
    - Sarlahi - - 5 -
    - Banke - - 5 -
    - -  - -**These are the districts where the highest number of private houses are fully or partially damaged: ** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Private Houses Fully or Partially Damaged -
    - Morang - - 2861 -
    - Kailali - - 2550 -
    - Saptari - - 2444 -
    - Jhapa - - 2381 -
    - Udayapur - - 490 -
    - -  - -Check out these maps to see what type of foundation, [roof](, and [type of wall]( houses usually have in these districts. And refer to [this map]( to find out in what percentage of residents have access to safe drinking water in these districts. - -Here’s an interactive map that shows the reported number of human deaths, cattle losses, and houses damaged by monsoon, flood, and landslide. The map is based on data available as of August 14, 2017, on []( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d89596d9..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 840 -title: 'Apply for “Ko Nepali?” video and photo competition' -date: 2016-03-02T21:35:31-05:00 -author: Prashish Rajbhandari -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/718-autosave-v1/ ---- - -[sharify] - -* * * - -
    - Language: English | नेपाली | मैथिली | भोजपुरी |तामाङ

    - -
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    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c3e0d75c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 850 -title: Apply for Ko Nepali video and photo competition -date: 2016-11-24T20:13:21-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/11/718-autosave-v1/ ---- - -[sharify] - -**Update: We are accepting applications now for “Ko Nepali? competition. Apply now:** - -* * * - -

    - Language: English | नेपाली | मैथिली | भोजपुरी |तामाङ -

    - -
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    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index fb446979..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 798 -title: 'Code for Nepal launches “Ko Nepali?” video and photo competition for 75,000 rupees' -date: 2016-02-26T21:07:33-05:00 -author: Ajesh Mahto -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/02/718-autosave-v1/ ---- - -[sharify] - -* * * - - - -* * * - -

    - -
    - -Follow us on [Twitter](, [Facebook](, [LinkedIn]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index caab4eec..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 865 -title: 'Apply for “Ko Nepali?” video and photo competition for 75,000 rupees' -date: 2016-03-02T20:36:45-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/718-revision-v1/ ---- - -[sharify] - -* * * - - - -* * * - -
    - -
    - -Follow us on [Twitter](, [Facebook](, [LinkedIn]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 89bc01cc..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 878 -title: 'Apply for “Ko Nepali?” video and photo competition' -date: 2016-03-02T21:35:33-05:00 -author: Prashish Rajbhandari -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/718-revision-v1/ ---- - -[sharify] - -* * * - -
    - Language: English | नेपाली | मैथिली | भोजपुरी |तामाङ

    - -
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    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index af953022..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1235 -title: Apply for Ko Nepali video and photo competition -date: 2016-03-26T16:27:05-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/718-revision-v1/ ---- - -[sharify] - -**Update: We are accepting applications now for “Ko Nepali? competition. Apply now:** - -* * * - -
    - Language: English | नेपाली | मैथिली | भोजपुरी |तामाङ

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    - Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index aa6fcf84..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 795 -title: 'Code for Nepal launches “Ko Nepal?” video and photo competition for 75,000 rupees' -date: 2016-02-26T20:36:59-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/02/718-revision-v1/ ---- - -[sharify] - -* * * - - - -
    - -Follow us on [Twitter](, [Facebook](, [LinkedIn]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9f0e81d7..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 871 -title: 'Code for Nepal launches “Ko Nepali?” video and photo competition for 75,000 rupees' -date: 2016-03-02T20:57:37-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/718-revision-v1/ ---- - -[sharify] - -* * * - -
    - Language: English | नेपाली | मैथिली | भोजपुरी |तामाङ

    - -
    - -
    - -
    - -Follow us on [Twitter](, [Facebook](, [LinkedIn]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 169fa30f..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 767 -title: Code for Nepal launches video and photo competition, for 75,000 Rupees -date: 2016-02-25T20:47:10-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/02/718-revision-v1/ ---- -[sharify] - -* * * - - - -
    - -Follow us on [Twitter](, [Facebook](, [LinkedIn]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5ebc935a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 746 -title: Event -date: 2016-02-22T20:46:45-05:00 -author: Ajesh Mahto -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/02/718-revision-v1/ ---- -  - -* * * - -Language: [English](#/event/en) | [नेपाली](#/event/np) | [मैथिली](#/event/mt) | [तामाङ](#/event/tm) - -* * * - -
    - -
    - Question for the competition:  Tell us who is a Nepali? -
    - -**_Brief prompt:_** _Tell us what makes a Nepali? What it means to be a Nepali?_ - - **Purpose** - -The purpose of the short video, and photo competition is to recognize digital skills, while also promote ongoing constructive conversation about who is a Nepali, and strengthen a culture of civic debate. - -** Eligibility** - -#### The competition is open to Nepali amateur videographers or photographers, living in Nepal or abroad, who is 14 years old and above. Videos can be submitted in **Bhojpuri, English, Nepali, Maithili, or Tamang.** - -#### **Rules** - -
  • - There is no charge or fee to participate in this competition. - -


  • - -
  • - The video or photo should respond to the question: Who is a Nepali? - -


  • - -
  • - Nepali amateur  photographer and videographer can submit a  video or  photo which responds to the competition. Video and photo professionals are not eligible. - -


  • - -
  • - Video should not be longer than 3 mins. Videos can be in Bhojpuri, Nepali, Maithili, or Tamang. -
  • - -
    • - Stealing or copying other’s work is plagiarism, and those submissions will automatically disqualify participants from the competition. -
    • -
    - -
    • - Participants can submit up to 1 photo or 1 video for consideration. - -


    • - -
    • - Code for Nepal staff, interns, advisors, and their relatives are not eligible to apply. -
    - -

    - How to apply for video and photo competition -

    - -

    - Application will be available in late March. Sign up below to receive email when the application opens. -

    - -

    - Sign up for Notification Email:
    - -


    - -


    - -

    - Prizes -

    - -

    - Prizes for video  winners -

    - -
    1. - 1st prize=  Rs 25,000 and certificate -
    2. -
    3. - 2nd Prize=Rs 15,000 and certificate -
    4. -
    5. - 3rd Prize: Rs 5,000 and certificate -
    6. -
    7. - Special mention prize for one: Rs 3,000 and certificate -
    8. -
    - -

    - Prizes for photo winners -

    - -
    1. - 1st Prize:   Rs 15,000 and certificate -
    2. -
    3. - 2nd Prize: Rs 10,000 and certificate -
    4. -
    5. - 3rd Prize : Rs 5,000 and certificate -
    6. -
    7. - Special mention prize for one : Rs 2,000 and certificate -
    8. -
    - -

    - Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn -

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c2c5cb24..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2533 -title: 'NepalMap – Explore and understand Nepal using data' -date: 2020-05-19T17:50:45-04:00 -author: ravi -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2020/05/2500-autosave-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal has just launched the federal version of [NepalMap](, a web app that puts data about Nepal at your fingertips! Since 2016, this data portal has been the go-to source for many journalists, researchers, entrepreneurs and students; when they are looking for data or data visualizations. - -After the promulgation of 2015 constitution and adoption of federal structure, we see demand for data has increased. Data users have been continuously searching for data from aligned with the new federal structure which includes 753 local bodies, 77 districts and 7 provinces. - -To meet the demand of users, with the help of generous support of our volunteers, we are happy to launch the federal version of NepalMap – . - -
    - -Whether you live in Province 1 or anywhere else in Nepal, you can find out how many people live in your Province or District or Municipality. Or find out what kind of crops or vegetables farmers produce in the area where you live. On this version of NepalMap, demographics, agriculture, educational and household data are available. - -NepalMap uses [National Data Profile](, created by [Central Bureau of Statistics](, and other official sources, to create user-friendly data visualizations on key demographic issues. You can embed, access or download the data too. You can also compare any two areas side-by-side. - -NepalMap is based on [Wazimap]( which is a fork of [Census Reporter]( Wazimap is built and maintained by [Code for South Africa]( All of these tools are completely open source. You can build [one]( for your country. - -NepalMap is entirely built by [volunteers]( who are committed to ensuring everyone has access to open data about Nepal. We are looking for volunteers who can help us add more data, and improve NepalMap. If you have the right skills, and would like to help, please complete this [form]( or you can also directly create issues in our GitHub repo to report the bug. If you would like to access pre-federal data from 2011 Population Census, please check out: . - -Code for Nepal is grateful to Clifton McIntosh for his guidance throughout the development process; Amit Chaudhary, Nitesh Rijal, Pratima Kandel, Ishan Dangol for their code contribution and Nirmal Rijal for helping us with data scraping. - -Explore NepalMap Federal – and feel free to write to us at []( if you need any further information. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2f21b457..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2532 -title: 'NepalMap Federal – Explore and understand Nepal using data' -date: 2020-05-19T17:49:35-04:00 -author: ravi -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2020/05/2500-revision-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal has just launched the federal version of [NepalMap](, a web app that puts data about Nepal at your fingertips! Since 2016, this data portal has been the go-to source for many journalists, researchers, entrepreneurs and students; when they are looking for data or data visualizations. - -After the promulgation of 2015 constitution and adoption of federal structure, we see demand for data has increased. Data users have been continuously searching for data from aligned with the new federal structure which includes 753 local bodies, 77 districts and 7 provinces. - -To meet the demand of users, with the help of generous support of our volunteers, we are happy to launch the federal version of NepalMap – . - -
    - -Whether you live in Province 1 or anywhere else in Nepal, you can find out how many people live in your Province or District or Municipality. Or find out what kind of crops or vegetables farmers produce in the area where you live. On this version of NepalMap, demographics, agriculture, educational and household data are available. - -NepalMap uses [National Data Profile](, created by [Central Bureau of Statistics](, and other official sources, to create user-friendly data visualizations on key demographic issues. You can embed, access or download the data too. You can also compare any two areas side-by-side. - -NepalMap is based on [Wazimap]( which is a fork of [Census Reporter]( Wazimap is built and maintained by [Code for South Africa]( All of these tools are completely open source. You can build [one]( for your country. - -NepalMap is entirely built by [volunteers]( who are committed to ensuring everyone has access to open data about Nepal. We are looking for volunteers who can help us add more data, and improve NepalMap. If you have the right skills, and would like to help, please complete this [form]( or you can also directly create issues in our GitHub repo to report the bug. If you would like to access pre-federal data from 2011 Population Census, please check out: . - -Code for Nepal is grateful to Clifton McIntosh for his guidance throughout the development process; Amit Chaudhary, Nitesh Rijal, Pratima Kandel, Ishan Dangol for their code contribution and Nirmal Rijal for helping us with data scraping. - -Explore NepalMap Federal – and feel free to write to us at []( if you need any further information. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6625f2d3..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1937 -title: 'I’m in grade 10 and I used NepalMap to do my homework' -date: 2017-09-24T14:45:49-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/09/1934-autosave-v1/ ---- -[]( - -Today internet has been seen as a positive influence on education. Students are encouraged to get information and knowledge from the internet. My school also encourages us to use the internet. - -Recently, I was in my class. It was a social studies class. Our teacher told us to get information about our districts and submit a data-based report. - -I thought of NepalMap. [NepalMap]( is a project of Code for Nepal, a nonprofit that works to increase digital literacy and use of open data. I used [NepalMap]( to find more information about my district. Among many things, I learned about population, income per capita, access to water, poverty and literacy rates of my district. - -When I spoke with my friends, they did not know where to find out data about their district. - -My friends were very stressed about their social studies class homework because they did not have complete information. They did not know about NepalMap so I gave them an idea what it is and I told them that [NepalMap]( has information broken by categories like demography, human, and development. I also told them that NepalMap contextualizes data and visualizes data so it’s easy to understand the situation of a district. - -All my friends used [NepalMap]( to search about the information they required. - -Next day all my classmates had finished their homework and they told me that [NepalMap]( was very helpful. I heard from my classmates recently that they have been using it since then to get various information about different districts of Nepal. - -Have you used NepalMap to do your homework? \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 317785be..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1936 -title: 'I’m in grade 10 and I used NepalMap to do my homework' -date: 2017-09-24T14:45:38-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/09/1934-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -Today internet has been seen as a positive influence on education. Students are encouraged to get information and knowledge from the internet. My school also encourages us to use the internet. - -Recently, I was in my class. It was a social studies class. Our teacher told us to get information about our districts and submit a data-based report. - -I thought of NepalMap. [NepalMap]( is a project of Code for Nepal, a nonprofit that works to increase digital literacy and use of open data. I used [NepalMap]( to find more information about my district. Among many things, I learned about population, income per capita, access to water, poverty and literacy rates of my district. - -When I spoke with my friends, they did not know where to find out data about their district. - -My friends were very stressed about their social studies class homework because they did not have complete information. They did not know about NepalMap so I gave them an idea what it is and I told them that [NepalMap]( has information broken by categories like demography, human, and development. I also told them that NepalMap contextualizes data and visualizes data so it’s easy to understand the situation of a district. - -All my friends used [NepalMap]( to search about the information they required. - -Next day all my classmates had finished their homework and they told me that [NepalMap]( was very helpful. I heard from my classmates recently that they have been using it since then to get various information about different districts of Nepal. - -Have you used NepalMap to do your homework? \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f07242e6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2154 -title: new born -date: 2018-06-09T23:42:27-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: post -guid: -permalink: /?p=2154 -sidebar: - - choice -categories: - - General ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index a5b3822c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2155 -title: new born -date: 2018-06-09T23:42:27-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/06/2154-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 96a1bf4d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 62 -title: None of the gifts are greater than gifting somebody with digital literacy -date: 2014-12-22T20:39:46-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/7-autosave-v1/ ---- -image - -** -** **_By Alina Karki_ -_Code for Nepal Fellow, 2014_** - -This summer I’m fellow of Code For Nepal. It’s working to increase access to practical data and improve digital literacy in Nepal. By the end of this fellowship we were asked to address one problem of our society and come up with its solution. - -For my project, I did research and found that most of the government school students have least access to Computers. Based on the research, I initiated Computer Learning Project in a government school. To be part of this learning project, I nominated 6 government schools of Lalitpur district.  I shared the idea with fellows of Teach For Nepal (a movement to end education inequity in Nepal) who are working on the shame school. They applied for the project online on behalf of their schools. Based on the application submitted Shree Buddha Secondary School located on Tikabhairab got selected to partner with my project. - -After the school selection, I distributed 80 applications among the students of class 8, 9. The students were selected on the basis of eagerness to learn Computer and their thoughts on why Computer education is important for them. Among 80 applicants only 12 students were selected, for the 2 week long training. The training was from 14th September to 25th September 2014. - -  - -The main goal of the training was to make participants realize the importance of computer education. - -The training mostly covered questions such as: Why computer education is important in their life? How to turn on and off computer, software and hardware, MS. Word, Ms. Excel, uses of Internet for academics, writing and sending emails. - -Everyday before the class ended the students were asked question related to computer, which I named as “Question of the day”. This helped them increase their general knowledge on computer; the winner received a gift. By the end of the training all of the 12 students had gifts and had answered at least one question. These students were divided into 2 groups, one group was named as “Speaker” who usually speak up and other team was named as”Headset” who used to hardly speak. Both the team were given task such as writing an essay on what they have learned so far from the training, getting more answers by sharing more answers. - -There was no hidden challenges beside my fear on students might not able to understand English well, as most the training was conducted in English language. We also used Nepali language at times. - -![image]( - -To run the project Code for Nepal provided me with a grant. They also helped me by sharing my blog and updates on Social Media; as a result I received positive feedback and was highly encouraged to put best efforts on the project. Reflecting back on what I learned from the Code for Nepal training, blogging, looking for data, and sharing on Twitter and Facebook really helped me. - -The training successfully wrapped up on 25th September, the students are now off for festival vacation. After their school resumes on late November they will make a group and share the training skills with their classmates. - -I’m looking forward to run such trainings on near future, To see more updates on my future steps you can check out at, follow me on Twitter at @KarkiAlina \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6e3accf5..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 119 -title: None of the gifts are greater than gifting somebody with digital literacy -date: 2014-12-22T20:40:17-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/7-revision-v1/ ---- -image - -** -** **_By Alina Karki_ -_Code for Nepal Fellow, 2014_** - -This summer I’m fellow of Code For Nepal. It’s working to increase access to practical data and improve digital literacy in Nepal. By the end of this fellowship we were asked to address one problem of our society and come up with its solution. - -For my project, I did research and found that most of the government school students have least access to Computers. Based on the research, I initiated Computer Learning Project in a government school. To be part of this learning project, I nominated 6 government schools of Lalitpur district.  I shared the idea with fellows of Teach For Nepal (a movement to end education inequity in Nepal) who are working on the shame school. They applied for the project online on behalf of their schools. Based on the application submitted Shree Buddha Secondary School located on Tikabhairab got selected to partner with my project. - -After the school selection, I distributed 80 applications among the students of class 8, 9. The students were selected on the basis of eagerness to learn Computer and their thoughts on why Computer education is important for them. Among 80 applicants only 12 students were selected, for the 2 week long training. The training was from 14th September to 25th September 2014. - -  - -The main goal of the training was to make participants realize the importance of computer education. - -The training mostly covered questions such as: Why computer education is important in their life? How to turn on and off computer, software and hardware, MS. Word, Ms. Excel, uses of Internet for academics, writing and sending emails. - -Everyday before the class ended the students were asked question related to computer, which I named as “Question of the day”. This helped them increase their general knowledge on computer; the winner received a gift. By the end of the training all of the 12 students had gifts and had answered at least one question. These students were divided into 2 groups, one group was named as “Speaker” who usually speak up and other team was named as”Headset” who used to hardly speak. Both the team were given task such as writing an essay on what they have learned so far from the training, getting more answers by sharing more answers. - -There was no hidden challenges beside my fear on students might not able to understand English well, as most the training was conducted in English language. We also used Nepali language at times. - -image - -To run the project Code for Nepal provided me with a grant. They also helped me by sharing my blog and updates on Social Media; as a result I received positive feedback and was highly encouraged to put best efforts on the project. Reflecting back on what I learned from the Code for Nepal training, blogging, looking for data, and sharing on Twitter and Facebook really helped me. - -The training successfully wrapped up on 25th September, the students are now off for festival vacation. After their school resumes on late November they will make a group and share the training skills with their classmates. - -I’m looking forward to run such trainings on near future, To see more updates on my future steps you can check out at, follow me on Twitter at @KarkiAlina \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c9a15b30..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 233 -title: 'Women prisoners increased by 239% in Nepal' -date: 2015-02-23T15:36:37-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/02/228-autosave-v1/ ---- -In the last 8 years, the number of women prisoners increased by more than 230%. That’s shockingly a lot. We are not sure why that’s happening. We do know that recently prison inmates were forced to sleep in plastic sheds and that inmates are forced to live under open sky at the Dadeldhura prison in Nepal. - - - -Do you have any idea why this is happening? Tell us in the comments or tweet at us @codefornepal - -To give you more context, number of prisoners is increasing overall as well. Between 2001 and 2010, number of total prisoners almost doubled. See below. - - - -Data source: International Centre for prison studies (Google docs) - -This data is based on International Center of Prison Studies (ICPS). ICPS got it from the U.S. State Department (pdf). The U.S Department got it from Department of Prison Management, Nepal. - -If you would like to embed these graphs on your website, we are happy to share the embed code with you. Email us at code for nepal (at) - -**Related stories: ** - -[New Bill seeks to end culture of torture]( - -[Prison inmates forced to sleep in plastic sheds]( - -[Inmates forced to live under open sky at Dadeldhura prison]( - -[Eastern Regional Jail becoming a model]( - -[Experts call for reforms in Nepal’s prisons]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 47c8165f..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 242 -title: 'Numbers of female prisoners increased by 239% in Nepal' -date: 2015-02-21T01:07:32-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/02/228-revision-v1/ ---- -In the last 8 years, the number of female prisoners increased by more than 230%. That’s shockingly a lot. We are not sure why that’s happening. We do know that recently prison inmates were forced to sleep in plastic sheds and that inmates are forced to live under open sky at the Dadeldhura prison. - - - -Do you have any idea why this is happening? Tell us in the comments or tweet at us @codefornepal - -To give you more context, number of prisoners is increasing overall as well. Between 2001 and 2010, number of total prisoners almost doubled. See below. - - - -Data source: International Centre for prison studies (Google docs) - -Website of International Center of prison studies - -  - -**Related stories: ** - -[New Bill seeks to end culture of torture]( - -[Prison inmates forced to sleep in plastic sheds]( - -[Inmates forced to live under open sky at Dadeldhura prison]( - -[Eastern Regional Jail becoming a model]( - -[Experts call for reforms in Nepal’s prisons]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d605b0f0..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 252 -title: 'Numbers of women prisoners increased by 239% in Nepal' -date: 2015-02-22T23:39:15-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/02/228-revision-v1/ ---- -In the last 8 years, the number of women prisoners increased by more than 230%. That’s shockingly a lot. We are not sure why that’s happening. We do know that recently prison inmates were forced to sleep in plastic sheds and that inmates are forced to live under open sky at the Dadeldhura prison in Nepal. - - - -Do you have any idea why this is happening? Tell us in the comments or tweet at us @codefornepal - -To give you more context, number of prisoners is increasing overall as well. Between 2001 and 2010, number of total prisoners almost doubled. See below. - - - -Data source: International Centre for prison studies (Google docs) - -Website of International Center of prison studies - -  - -**Related stories: ** - -[New Bill seeks to end culture of torture]( - -[Prison inmates forced to sleep in plastic sheds]( - -[Inmates forced to live under open sky at Dadeldhura prison]( - -[Eastern Regional Jail becoming a model]( - -[Experts call for reforms in Nepal’s prisons]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 766cda9d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 255 -title: 'Women prisoners increased by 239% in Nepal' -date: 2015-02-23T15:36:51-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/02/228-revision-v1/ ---- -In the last 8 years, the number of women prisoners increased by more than 230%. That’s shockingly a lot. We are not sure why that’s happening. We do know that recently prison inmates were forced to sleep in plastic sheds and that inmates are forced to live under open sky at the Dadeldhura prison in Nepal. - - - -Do you have any idea why this is happening? Tell us in the comments or tweet at us @codefornepal - -To give you more context, number of prisoners is increasing overall as well. Between 2001 and 2010, number of total prisoners almost doubled. See below. - - - -Data source: International Centre for prison studies (Google docs) - -This data is based on International Center of Prison Studies (ICPS). ICPS got it from the U.S. State Department (pdf). The U.S Department got it from Department of Prison Management, Nepal. - - If you would like to embed these graphs on your website, we are happy to share the embed code with you. Email us at code for nepal (at) - -**Related stories: ** - -[New Bill seeks to end culture of torture]( - -[Prison inmates forced to sleep in plastic sheds]( - -[Inmates forced to live under open sky at Dadeldhura prison]( - -[Eastern Regional Jail becoming a model]( - -[Experts call for reforms in Nepal’s prisons]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3b57f4ec..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1997 -title: One thing to do and six things to know before saying goodbye to 2017 -date: 2017-12-19T20:10:03-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/12/1989-autosave-v1/ ---- -[A view from Nagarkot, Nepal]( - -We hope you had a great year and are enjoying the holiday season. As 2017 comes to an end, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting Code for Nepal, seek [end of year donations](, and share updates on our work over the past year. - -In 2017, we undertook the following initiatives:   - -**Diversity and Women in Tech Scholarship**: This year we launched two scholarships programs. One focuses on providing scholarships to [young women to learn coding]( Meet [one of the recipients]( Another program provided scholarships to a [diverse group of young women and men]( Check out a photo of the recipients. - -**[Digital Nepal]( Conference:** Early in 2017, we organized the first-ever digital conference in Janakpur to empower young women and men. Code for Nepal founders used gifts [from their wedding to organize the conference]( Over 100 participants and speakers spent a day interacting and sharing information. We also supported a [digital literacy project]( in Janakpur. - -**[Honored by Forbes](** We are honored and humbled to be named in [Forbes 30 Under 30’s list of social entrepreneurs in Asia]( - -**[Breathe Freely]( project:** Nepal has one highest levels of air pollution in the world. To start having an evidence-based conversation surrounding air pollution so that action can be taken, we launched a survey and published the results on [Nepali Times](,3998).
    ******** - -**[NepalMap](**** **In 2016, we launched [](, to put Nepal’s data at your fingertips! People have visited NepalMap more than 200,000 times. In 2017, we added many new datasets such as natural disasters, foreign aid, and health indicators. Check it out if you haven’t yet.
    **** - -**Supporting Flood Survivors in Nepal:** At least six million people were affected by the [floods in the southern plains]( of Nepal. We raised [funds]( to help [more than 600 families with initial relief]( - -All of this would not have been possible without your help! To help us increase our impact, we ask that you consider making a [tax-deductible donation]( to Code for Nepal, supporting our work to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. We are an all-volunteer organization and every dollar will go a long way! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 889fd5f0..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1998 -title: One thing to do and six things to know before saying goodbye to 2017 -date: 2017-12-19T20:10:08-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/12/1989-revision-v1/ ---- -[A view from Nagarkot, Nepal]( - -We hope you had a great year and are enjoying the holiday season. As 2017 comes to an end, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting Code for Nepal, seek [end of year donations](, and share updates on our work over the past year. - -In 2017, we undertook the following initiatives:   - -**Diversity and Women in Tech Scholarship**: This year we launched two scholarships programs. One focuses on providing scholarships to [young women to learn coding]( Meet [one of the recipients]( Another program provided scholarships to a [diverse group of young women and men]( Check out a photo of the recipients. - -**[Digital Nepal]( Conference:** Early in 2017, we organized the first-ever digital conference in Janakpur to empower young women and men. Code for Nepal founders used gifts [from their wedding to organize the conference]( Over 100 participants and speakers spent a day interacting and sharing information. We also supported a [digital literacy project]( in Janakpur. - -**[Honored by Forbes](** We are honored and humbled to be named in [Forbes 30 Under 30’s list of social entrepreneurs in Asia]( - -**[Breathe Freely]( project:** Nepal has one highest levels of air pollution in the world. To start having an evidence-based conversation surrounding air pollution so that action can be taken, we launched a survey and published the results on [Nepali Times](,3998).
    ******** - -**[NepalMap](**** **In 2016, we launched [](, to put Nepal’s data at your fingertips! People have visited NepalMap more than 200,000 times. In 2017, we added many new datasets such as natural disasters, foreign aid, and health indicators. Check it out if you haven’t yet.
    **** - -**Supporting Flood Survivors in Nepal:** At least six million people were affected by the [floods in the southern plains]( of Nepal. We raised [funds]( to help [more than 600 families with initial relief]( - -All of this would not have been possible without your help! To help us increase our impact, we ask that you consider making a [tax-deductible donation]( to Code for Nepal, supporting our work to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. We are an all-volunteer organization and every dollar will go a long way! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index db8903df..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 150 -title: Increasing acess to open data -date: 2014-12-22T23:18:22-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/30-autosave-v1/ ---- -We are using data to visualize, build apps and tell stories. We clean data sets and publish it for public use for free. - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 81487de3..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1768 -title: The six districts in Nepal with the highest and lowest populations in 2031 -date: 2017-07-04T14:10:26-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1763-autosave-v1/ ---- -[Students in Nepal]( - -Have you thought about how many people there will be in your district in 10 or 15 years? Well, now you can find out. - -These six districts are projected to have the **highest population** in Nepal in 2031, according to the Central Beurau Statistics of Nepal - -Kathmandu -Rupandehi -Morang -Kailali -Sunsari -Jhapa - - - -Kathmandu, the capital, will continue to have the highest number of residents. The other five -districts belong to the Terai region. - - - -Similarly, the six districts projected to have the **lowest population** in Nepal in 2031 are: - -Manang -Mustang -Rasuwa -Dolpa -Humla -Mugu - -Geographically, these districts are highly mountainous and often face the challenge of a lack of infrastructure and development. - -To learn more about projected populations in other districts, check out this interactive map on NepalMap, the web that puts data about Nepal at your fingertips.  - -Comment below if you are surprised by the projections. - -To access data used in this post, check out this Google document. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 19bc13ed..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1767 -title: Six districts in Nepal with the highest and lowest population in 2031 -date: 2017-07-02T15:04:45-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1763-revision-v1/ ---- -[Students in Nepal]( - -Have you thought about how many people there will be in your district in 10 or 15 years? Well, now you can find out. - -These six districts are projected to have the **highest population** in Nepal in 2031: - -Kathmandu -Rupandehi -Morang -Kailali -Sunsari -Jhapa - - - -Kathmandu, the capital, will continue to have the highest number of residents. The other five -districts belong to Terai region. - - - -**Similarly**, six districts to have the **lowest projected population** in Nepal in 2031 are: - -Manang -Mustang -Rasuwa -Dolpa -Humla -Mugu - -Geographically, these districts are highly mountainous and suffer from lack of infrastructure and development. - -To learn more about projected populations in other districts, check out this interactive map on NepalMap, the web that puts data about Nepal at your fingertips.  - -Comment below if you are surprised by the projections. - -To access data used in this post, check out this Google document. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c9a7ec51..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1770 -title: The six districts in Nepal with the highest and lowest populations in 2031 -date: 2017-07-05T20:56:55-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/07/1763-revision-v1/ ---- -[Students in Nepal]( - -Have you thought about how many people there will be in your district in 10 or 15 years? Well, now you can find out. - -These six districts are projected to have the **highest population** in Nepal in 2031, according to the Central Bureau Statistics of Nepal. - -Kathmandu -Rupandehi -Morang -Kailali -Sunsari -Jhapa - - - -Kathmandu, the capital, will continue to have the highest number of residents. The other five -districts belong to the Terai region. - - - -Similarly, the six districts projected to have the **lowest population** in Nepal in 2031 are: - -Manang -Mustang -Rasuwa -Dolpa -Humla -Mugu - -Geographically, these districts are highly mountainous and often face the challenge of a lack of infrastructure and development. - -To learn more about projected populations in other districts, check out this interactive map on NepalMap, the web that puts data about Nepal at your fingertips.  - -Comment below if you are surprised by the projections. - -To access data used in this post, check out this Google document. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 45f9870e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2143 -title: 'Postcard from Janakpur- A Project Update!' -date: 2018-05-31T00:38:52-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/05/2136-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -  In December 2017,  [Amita Sharma](, a Teach for Nepal fellow based in Janakpur, posted an [appeal]( on Facebook asking to raise funds to buy a projector to enable digital learning for her students. She wrote, “While computers and laptops for all is a far-fetched dream because of space constraints, we are aiming at being able to use projectors as a medium through which learning in the class is not restricted to just whiteboards and markers.” - -Amita ’s willingness to bridge digital gap by introducing digital tools in classrooms is commendable. Also, her interest in digital education aligned with Code for Nepal’s mission to promote digital literacy in Nepal. We supported her campaign financially. - -A few days ago, Amita sent us a note and attached some photos of her happy students. Students are thrilled to have a projector in class. Learning has never been this exciting for them. We are hopeful this small effort to bring digital tools to classroom learning will have a significant impact one day. Today, we are just pleased to share some happy and bright faces with you all. - -Also, Amita recently penned an opinion on “Digital Classroom & Education,” and we are sharing her piece here. - -  - -

    - Digital Classroom & Education -

    - -Who would have thought, just ten years ago, that the nurses you see in hospital would log your notes on tablets, or that staff in restaurants would be taking orders on smartphones? The overwhelming majority of workers in this country, if they studied ICT, would have worked on clunky desktop computers at school to develop their skills. - -Technology has the power to transform how people learn – but walk into some classrooms and you could be forgiven for thinking you were entering a time warp. - -There will probably be a whiteboard instead of the traditional blackboard, and the children may be using laptops or tablets, but plenty of textbooks, pens and note copies are still likely. - -And perhaps most strikingly, all desks will face forwards, with the teacher at the front. - -And so it stands to reason that the children we teach will themselves engage with unforeseen technologies in their futures. So is there any point in filling their classrooms with equipment that could belong in antiquity by the time they reach their twenties? - -In short, yes. Quality technological provision is a huge challenge with the funding squeezes upon schools, but evidence from my classroom strongly suggests that it is an investment worth making. - -Digital Classroom Project, a digital initiative undertaken under Teach For Nepal with the vision to provide a technology – enabled classroom for the students of Shree Secondary School, Mithileswar Mauwahi was initiated a couple of months back. Few generous souls helped me to create a class with a laptop, projector and a screen so enormous that it could illuminate the street. I am very grateful to Code for Nepal and Diwaker Jha along with his friends from Finland for the generous contribution to fulfill the need of projector in our classroom. Our brief was to explore how the equipment could impact upon students from an incredibly deprived background. Year 10–12 were targeted children. A great year group for trying a new way of teaching, yes? - -Children from deprived backgrounds are more likely to have communication and language issues from entry into school. Being able to record voice, images and annotations on apps, and review them, often provides my students with something they’re not proud of at first. But by collaborating with each other, seeking technical language and competing to show what they know, every students in my class is always keen for their work to be shared on the big screen. It gives a new impetus to learn and promotes confidence in the quality of their work through this medium. - -The Digital Classroom also had a disproportionality positive effect on students who needed extra support and motivation. Digital Classroom increased flexibility in me, gave me the capacity to differentiate learning and made lessons far more inclusive. - -Yes, technology is an expensive thing to explain to stakeholders. Yes, it takes a huge investment of time for classroom teachers. And yes, it can be an immense headache when trying to deploy new apps and programmes. But the confidence, ability and growth which I’ve seen in my students over the past couple of months tells me that every penny and minute would have been wisely invested. - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index ff6dec73..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2212 -title: Pratima Kandel on why she is a member of Code for Nepal -date: 2018-10-02T20:35:43-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/10/2208-autosave-v1/ ---- -
    - Pratima Kandle is a Code for Nepal member. - -

    - Pratima Kandle is a Code for Nepal member. -

    - -Code for Nepal is made by volunteers. We believe everyone can contribute. If you would like to join Code for Nepal, contact us. Read about Pratima Kandel, a member of Code for Nepal. - -**Who are you and tell us how/where did you grow up?** - -My name is Pratima Kandel and I am a Sophomore majoring in Computer Science at the University of Mary Washington, Virginia. I am originally from Nepal. My hometown is in Bhaktapur, I have three sisters and a younger brother. I grew up in an era where we were in less control of social media and technology, this made me an outside person. If any time, my parents were looking for me, they would find me somewhere catching crabs in the streams or playing soccer. Yeah!! I was a tomboy. I am an adventurous person and love to do anything that involves with an adrenaline rush.   - -**How did you become involved with Code for Nepal?** - -I was introduced to Code for Nepal through a friend. The history behind the formation of Code for Nepal and the work done by the organization was fascinating, this inspired me to become involved. - -**Code for Nepal is a volunteer-run organization, many of the volunteers have daytime jobs outside of Code for Nepal. Therefore, where is your passion and dedication for this organization derived from?** - -Learning is a very crucial part of life and working with Code for Nepal is learning to me. Every project that we have done so far is challenging, it involves patience and dedication. Throughout my experience, I have learned various important qualities, which makes me a good programmer and a learner. I have always been interested in volunteering and helping my community and Code for Nepal has helped me give back to my country with the knowledge that I have gained so far. - -**What is your role in Code for Nepal? Do you see yourself changing this role anytime in the future?** - -I started as a volunteer with Code for Nepal some months ago and presently, I feel privileged to be given the role as an Assistant developer. I look forward to work on more projects and continue to learn from Code for Nepal. - -**Where do you see Code for Nepal in the next few years?** - -Digital literacy and open data are very important terms that are crucial in today’s rapid technology-driven world. Countries like Nepal are in slow progress and still backward in terms of technology. I see Code for Nepal changing this ongoing problem. Through technology and open data, we could see a Modern Nepal that has highly progressed regarding Digital Literacy. - -**How is Code for Nepal different or special from other non-profits?** - -Code for Nepal is a unique organization that works for spreading digital and data literacy in Nepal and builds civic technology tools such as As I mentioned, Nepal needs to progress in the field of technology and there is rarely much organization that involves in solving the problem that our country is facing. Thus, Code for Nepal is a welcoming organization with volunteers providing their time and effort to make a change.  - -**How can individuals especially the youth become more aware or involved with Code for Nepal?** - -Good marketing is always the first thing for making people aware of our organization. We could partner with colleges and do events. In today’s highly influential social media, we could spread our words about Code for Nepal. Lastly, continue doing our best work for our country which will eventually attract youths who are interested in making a change. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 45f603c1..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2213 -title: Pratima Kandel on why she is a member of Code for Nepal -date: 2018-10-02T20:36:34-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/10/2208-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - Pratima Kandle is a Code for Nepal member. - -

    - Pratima Kandle is a Code for Nepal member. -

    - -Code for Nepal is made by volunteers. We believe everyone can contribute. If you would like to join Code for Nepal, contact us. Read about Pratima Kandel, a member of Code for Nepal. - -**Who are you and tell us how/where did you grow up?** - -My name is Pratima Kandel and I am a Sophomore majoring in Computer Science at the University of Mary Washington, Virginia. I am originally from Nepal. My hometown is in Bhaktapur, I have three sisters and a younger brother. I grew up in an era where we were in less control of social media and technology, this made me an outside person. If any time, my parents were looking for me, they would find me somewhere catching crabs in the streams or playing soccer. Yeah!! I was a tomboy. I am an adventurous person and love to do anything that involves with an adrenaline rush.   - -**How did you become involved with Code for Nepal?** - -I was introduced to Code for Nepal through a friend. The history behind the formation of Code for Nepal and the work done by the organization was fascinating, this inspired me to become involved. - -**Code for Nepal is a volunteer-run organization, many of the volunteers have daytime jobs outside of Code for Nepal. Therefore, where is your passion and dedication for this organization derived from?** - -Learning is a very crucial part of life and working with Code for Nepal is learning to me. Every project that we have done so far is challenging, it involves patience and dedication. Throughout my experience, I have learned various important qualities, which makes me a good programmer and a learner. I have always been interested in volunteering and helping my community and Code for Nepal has helped me give back to my country with the knowledge that I have gained so far. - -**What is your role in Code for Nepal? Do you see yourself changing this role anytime in the future?** - -I started as a volunteer with Code for Nepal some months ago and presently, I feel privileged to be given the role as an Assistant developer. I look forward to work on more projects and continue to learn from Code for Nepal. - -**Where do you see Code for Nepal in the next few years?** - -Digital literacy and open data are very important terms that are crucial in today’s rapid technology-driven world. Countries like Nepal are in slow progress and still backward in terms of technology. I see Code for Nepal changing this ongoing problem. Through technology and open data, we could see a Modern Nepal that has highly progressed regarding Digital Literacy. - -**How is Code for Nepal different or special from other non-profits?** - -Code for Nepal is a unique organization that works for spreading digital and data literacy in Nepal and builds civic technology tools such as As I mentioned, Nepal needs to progress in the field of technology and there is rarely much organization that involves in solving the problem that our country is facing. Thus, Code for Nepal is a welcoming organization with volunteers providing their time and effort to make a change.  - -**How can individuals especially the youth become more aware or involved with Code for Nepal?** - -Good marketing is always the first thing for making people aware of our organization. We could partner with colleges and do events. In today’s highly influential social media, we could spread our words about Code for Nepal. Lastly, continue doing our best work for our country which will eventually attract youths who are interested in making a change. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 578388c9..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2215 -title: Pratima Kandel on why she is part of Code for Nepal -date: 2018-10-02T20:39:46-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/10/2208-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - Pratima Kandle is a Code for Nepal member. - -

    - Pratima Kandel is a Code for Nepal member. -

    - -Code for Nepal is made by volunteers. We believe everyone can contribute. If you would like to join Code for Nepal, contact us. Read about Pratima Kandel, a member of Code for Nepal. - -**Who are you and tell us how/where did you grow up?** - -My name is Pratima Kandel and I am a Sophomore majoring in Computer Science at the University of Mary Washington, Virginia. I am originally from Nepal. My hometown is in Bhaktapur, I have three sisters and a younger brother. I grew up in an era where we were in less control of social media and technology, this made me an outside person. If any time, my parents were looking for me, they would find me somewhere catching crabs in the streams or playing soccer. Yeah!! I was a tomboy. I am an adventurous person and love to do anything that involves with an adrenaline rush.   - -**How did you become involved with Code for Nepal?** - -I was introduced to Code for Nepal through a friend. The history behind the formation of Code for Nepal and the work done by the organization was fascinating, this inspired me to become involved. - -**Code for Nepal is a volunteer-run organization, many of the volunteers have daytime jobs outside of Code for Nepal. Therefore, where is your passion and dedication for this organization derived from?** - -Learning is a very crucial part of life and working with Code for Nepal is learning to me. Every project that we have done so far is challenging, it involves patience and dedication. Throughout my experience, I have learned various important qualities, which makes me a good programmer and a learner. I have always been interested in volunteering and helping my community and Code for Nepal has helped me give back to my country with the knowledge that I have gained so far. - -**What is your role in Code for Nepal? Do you see yourself changing this role anytime in the future?** - -I started as a volunteer with Code for Nepal some months ago and presently, I feel privileged to be given the role as an Assistant developer. I look forward to work on more projects and continue to learn from Code for Nepal. - -**Where do you see Code for Nepal in the next few years?** - -Digital literacy and open data are very important terms that are crucial in today’s rapid technology-driven world. Countries like Nepal are in slow progress and still backward in terms of technology. I see Code for Nepal changing this ongoing problem. Through technology and open data, we could see a Modern Nepal that has highly progressed regarding Digital Literacy. - -**How is Code for Nepal different or special from other non-profits?** - -Code for Nepal is a unique organization that works for spreading digital and data literacy in Nepal and builds civic technology tools such as As I mentioned, Nepal needs to progress in the field of technology and there is rarely much organization that involves in solving the problem that our country is facing. Thus, Code for Nepal is a welcoming organization with volunteers providing their time and effort to make a change.  - -**How can individuals especially the youth become more aware or involved with Code for Nepal?** - -Good marketing is always the first thing for making people aware of our organization. We could partner with colleges and do events. In today’s highly influential social media, we could spread our words about Code for Nepal. Lastly, continue doing our best work for our country which will eventually attract youths who are interested in making a change. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c8d53b8e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2210 -title: Pratima Kandel shares why she is a member of Code for Nepal and contributes to Nepal -date: 2018-10-02T20:18:57-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/10/2208-revision-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal is made by volunteers. We believe everyone can contribute. If you would like to join Code for Nepal, contact us. Read about Pratima Kandel, a member of Code for Nepal. - -**Who are you and tell us how/where did you grow up?** - -My name is Pratima Kandel and I am a Sophomore majoring in Computer Science at the University of Mary Washington, Virginia. I am originally from Nepal. My hometown is in Bhaktapur, I have three sisters and a younger brother. I grew up in an era where we were in less control of social media and technology, this made me an outside person. If any time, my parents were looking for me, they would find me somewhere catching crabs in the streams or playing soccer. Yeah!! I was a tomboy. I am an adventurous person and love to do anything that involves with an adrenaline rush.   - -**How did you become involved with Code for Nepal?** - -I was introduced to Code for Nepal through a friend. The history behind the formation of Code for Nepal and the work done by the organization was fascinating, this inspired me to become involved. - -**Code for Nepal is a volunteer-run organization, many of the volunteers have daytime jobs outside of Code for Nepal. Therefore, where is your passion and dedication for this organization derived from?** - -Learning is a very crucial part of life and working for Code for Nepal is learning to me. Every project that we have done so far is challenging, it involves patience and dedication. Throughout my experience, I have learned various important qualities, which makes me a good programmer and a learner. I have always been interested in volunteering and helping my community and Code for Nepal has helped me give back to my country with the knowledge that I have been educated for. - -**What is your role in Code for Nepal? Do you see yourself changing this role anytime in the future?** - -I started as a member of Code for Nepal some months back and presently, I feel privileged to be given the role as an Assistant developer. - -I look forward to work on more projects and continue to learn from Code for Nepal. - -**Where do you see Code for Nepal in the next few years?** - -Digital literacy and open data are very important terms that are crucial in today’s rapid technology-driven world. Countries like Nepal are in slow progress and still backward in terms of technology. I see Code for Nepal changing this ongoing problem. Through technology and open data, we could see a Modern Nepal that has highly progressed regarding Digital Literacy. - -**How is Code for Nepal different or special from other non-profits?** - -Code for Nepal is a unique organization that works for spreading digital literacy in Nepal. As I mentioned, Nepal needs to progress in the field of technology and there is rarely much organization that involves in solving the problem that our country is facing. Thus, Code for Nepal is a welcoming organization with volunteers providing their time and effort to make a change.  - -**How can individuals especially the youth become more aware or involved with Code for Nepal?** - -An advertisement is always the first thing for making people aware of our organization. We could partner with colleges and do events. In today’s highly influential social media, we could spread our words about Code for Nepal. Lastly, continue doing our best work for our country which will eventually attract youths who are interested in making a change. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 331d7c11..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2209 -title: Pratima Kandel shares why she is a member of Code for Nepal -date: 2018-10-02T20:18:07-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/10/2208-revision-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal is made by volunteers. We believe everyone can contribute. If you would like to join Code for Nepal, contact us. Read about Pratima Kandel, a member of Code for Nepal. - -**Who are you and tell us how/where did you grow up?** - -My name is Pratima Kandel and I am a Sophomore majoring in Computer Science at the University of Mary Washington, Virginia. I am originally from Nepal. My hometown is in Bhaktapur, I have three sisters and a younger brother. I grew up in an era where we were in less control of social media and technology, this made me an outside person. If any time, my parents were looking for me, they would find me somewhere catching crabs in the streams or playing soccer. Yeah!! I was a tomboy. I am an adventurous person and love to do anything that involves with an adrenaline rush.   - -**How did you become involved with Code for Nepal?** - -I was introduced to Code for Nepal through a friend. The history behind the formation of Code for Nepal and the work done by the organization was fascinating, this inspired me to become involved. - -**Code for Nepal is a volunteer-run organization, many of the volunteers have daytime jobs outside of Code for Nepal. Therefore, where is your passion and dedication for this organization derived from?** - -Learning is a very crucial part of life and working for Code for Nepal is learning to me. Every project that we have done so far is challenging, it involves patience and dedication. Throughout my experience, I have learned various important qualities, which makes me a good programmer and a learner. I have always been interested in volunteering and helping my community and Code for Nepal has helped me give back to my country with the knowledge that I have been educated for. - -**What is your role in Code for Nepal? Do you see yourself changing this role anytime in the future?** - -I started as a member of Code for Nepal some months back and presently, I feel privileged to be given the role as an Assistant developer. - -I look forward to work on more projects and continue to learn from Code for Nepal. - -**Where do you see Code for Nepal in the next few years?** - -Digital literacy and open data are very important terms that are crucial in today’s rapid technology-driven world. Countries like Nepal are in slow progress and still backward in terms of technology. I see Code for Nepal changing this ongoing problem. Through technology and open data, we could see a Modern Nepal that has highly progressed regarding Digital Literacy. - -**How is Code for Nepal different or special from other non-profits?** - -Code for Nepal is a unique organization that works for spreading digital literacy in Nepal. As I mentioned, Nepal needs to progress in the field of technology and there is rarely much organization that involves in solving the problem that our country is facing. Thus, Code for Nepal is a welcoming organization with volunteers providing their time and effort to make a change.  - -**How can individuals especially the youth become more aware or involved with Code for Nepal?** - -An advertisement is always the first thing for making people aware of our organization. We could partner with colleges and do events. In today’s highly influential social media, we could spread our words about Code for Nepal. Lastly, continue doing our best work for our country which will eventually attract youths who are interested in making a change. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 49401a80..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2338 -title: Project Manager for Code for Nepal -date: 2019-02-21T21:31:37-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/02/2335-revision-v1/ ---- -**General information:** - -Code for Nepal is a registered non-profit in the US working to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. Over the past five years, Code for Nepal has built several products, organized conferences and provided scholarships to create more opportunities for Nepalis. - - -In addition to our ongoing projects, Code for Nepal is launching a new Fellowship Program for young Nepali women to learn coding. - -Once they complete the technical training, Fellows of this new program will work closely to build, revamp and promote many of Code for Nepal’s products such as,,,, as well as upcoming projects we have in the pipeline. - -This real world experience will allow the Fellows to build their portfolio and help them gain competitive edge for the job market.   - -Code for Nepal is looking for a dynamic, talented and entrepreneurial Project Manager based in Kathmandu. He/She should be committed to digitally empowering Nepal and to support our Fellowship program and existing projects and partnerships. This is a part-time position for 10 hours a week working remotely and in person meetings as needed. - -**Responsibilities of the position include:** - - * Implement, coordinate, direct and maintain Code for Nepal Fellowship program, including preparation of Fellowship submission and agreements form, monitoring and maintaining regular contact with Fellows. - * Serve as liaison between Code for Nepal staff, Fellows and training provider and the public to provide information and resources regarding Fellowship program. - * Formulate and implement a communications plan to promote the Fellowship program. - * Serve as a project manager for Code for Nepal ongoing projects including Ask Nepal, NepalMap and Visit Janakpur to ensure projects are on track. - * Work with Code for Nepal management team to manage project pipeline and various partnerships. - * Liaise with Code for Nepal volunteers to ensure volunteers are finding their engagement with Code for Nepal meaningful and contributing to Code for Nepal projects. - -**Selection criteria** -This position requires strong project management skills, relationship building, understanding of Nepali tech industry, open data, media and marketing fluency, and an ability to work with a diverse set of colleagues who are committed to digitally empowering Nepal. A candidate must have a bachelor’s degree and a minimum of two years of full-time professional experience. - - -**Reporting requirements:** - -Roshan Ghimire, Operations and Marketing Director, Code for Nepal - - - - - -**How to apply:** - -Please send your resume and cover letter to by March 20 with your monthly compensation expectation. The subject of the email should be **Project Manager Application.** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c155dfc9..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,600 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2369 -title: Projects -date: 2019-04-12T08:17:54-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/04/2227-revision-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal community members around the world work together to: - -
  • -
    • - solve problems by building a new product or app; -
    • -
    • - organize events to bring people together and share ideas; -
    • -
  • - -
  • -
    • - organize campaigns or competitions to encourage people to test their ideas and get rewarded. -
    • -
  • - -**At Code for Nepal, we believe everyone can contribute.** Over the last several years, all of us at Code for Nepal have worked on these projects. - -_Note: To see a list of ongoing projects or projects in the pipeline, click on “Status” to sort the table to see active/future projects on the top of the list. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - Project -
    - Status -
    - Link -
    - About -
    - Nepali Experts - - Pipeline - - -
    - Visit Janakpur - - Ongoing - - - - To attract tourists & help people. -
    - AskNepal - - Ongoing - - - - Increase access to info. -
    - Digital Nepal Conference - - Ongoing - - - - Conference to empower young people digitally. -
    - Hack for Nepal Hackathon - - Ongoing - - - - To promote entrepreneurship. -
    - NepalMap - - Ongoing - - - - Provide access to data easily. -
    - Mero Book - - Ongoing - - - - Increase access to books for all. -
    - Sangraha - - Ongoing - -
    - Archive and promote Nepali literature. -
    - Shanti/Chatbot - - Pipeline
    - - - Create user friendly tool for access to Code for Nepal. -
    - Women in Tech Scholarships - - Ongoing - - - - Provide more opportunities to women. -
    - Breathe Freely - - Completed - - - - Increase awareness about air pollution. -
    - Digital Fellow 2014 - - Completed - - - - Train women to be digitally savvy. -
    - HLON 2018 - - Completed - - - - Support Natural Language processing team in Nepal. -
    - I Walk Freely - - Completed - - - - Increase awareness about street harassment. -
    - Kata Nepali - - Completed - -
    - Strengthen dialogue on where Nepal is heading. -
    - Ko Nepali - - Completed - - - - Strengthen culture of civic debate and what it means to be Nepali. -
    - Tech diversity scholarships - - Completed - - - - Provide opportunities to diverse young men and women. -
    - WomenTechMakers 2015 Birgunj - - Completed - - - - Support women in tech.
    - Rahat Payo - - Completed - - - - Increase accountability in aid delivery. -
    - 2015 earthquake digital response - - Completed - - - - Provide low-tech solution to connect volunteers and relief seekers.
    - Visializing 2015 earthquake disaster toll - - Completed - -
    - Increase access to data about earthquake damage to help relief providers make evidence-based decisions.
    - 2017 relief support to flood survivors - - Completed - - - - Provide support to flood survivors. -
    - #Blankets4Nepal - - Completed - - - - Provide support to low-income families. -
    - Assessing status of computer education in Dhanusha - 2016 - - Completed - - - - Assess the status of computer literacy.
    - Digital literacy in Dang - - Completed - -
    - Increase digital literacy.
    - Digital literacy in Lalitpur - - Completed - - - - Increase digital literacy.
    - Digital literacy at a NGO in KTM - - Completed - - - - Increase digital literacy.
    - ICT for Smart Cities Workshop with IBM - - Completed - - - - Support smart city initiative. -
    - Assessment of women representation in online media - - Completed - - - - Assess gender parity in media. -
    - Timro Surakshya hamro Kartyaba - - Ongoing - - - - Raise awanress against child sexual abuse -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3fec8c76..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 57 -title: 'Prototype: Nepal School Rankings' -date: 2014-12-15T03:21:39-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/23-revision-v1/ ---- -image - -We analyzed School Performance data in Nepal and built a prototype of an app to rank schools based on the performance. It will help parents and students find good schools in the area. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index bb6eed53..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 246 -title: Prototype of webapp of census data -date: 2015-02-21T21:03:16-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: post -guid: -permalink: /2015/02/prototype-of-webapp-of-census-data/ -sidebar: - - choice -categories: - - Code For Nepal - - dataviz ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 08024917..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 248 -title: Prototype of webapp of census data -date: 2015-02-21T21:04:01-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/02/246-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8d6fcf24..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2091 -title: Province 2 of Nepal in maps and charts -date: 2018-04-06T22:07:44-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/04/2086-revision-v1/ ---- -_Editor’s note: This is blog series where Code for Nepal will publish data and charts about all of the Provinces of Nepal._ - -
    - Aasu Ram explains her toilet mural, Ganespur Community of Bastipur NEWAH WASH project Siraha, Udayapur District, Nepal. Photo by Jim Holmes for AusAID. - -

    - Aasu Ram explains her toilet mural, Ganespur Community of Bastipur NEWAH WASH project Siraha, Udayapur District, Nepal. Photo by Jim Holmes for AusAID. -

    - -Province 2 has the highest number of multidimensionally poor Nepalis. - -More than 2.5 million people are multidimensionally poor in Province 2, representing 35% of all poor Nepalis according to the [Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)]( released by the Nepali Government. - -Unlike traditional poverty rates which look at monetary indicators, the [Multidimensional Poverty Index]( looks at ten indicators, including child mortality, years of schooling, school attendance, nutrition, cooking fuel, improved sanitation, improved drinking water, electricity, asset ownership and flooring and roofing. If a Nepali is deprived in at least three of these areas, then she/he is considered poor. - -Nepal’s Multidimensional Poverty Index is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Overall, 28.6% of Nepal’s population is multidimensionally poor. - -According to the report: “**Provinces 6 and 2 have the highest rate of multidimensional poverty – with every second person being multidimensionally poor (50%)** – followed by Provinces 5 and 7 (approximately 30%).” - - - -  - -Province 2 has the highest percentage of illiterate men and women in Nepal. - -One-third of men aged 6 or over in Province 2 haven’t received any education. - - - -More than half of women aged 6 or over in Province 2 haven’t received any education.   - - - -Spousal violence is the highest in Province 2. - -One in three women in the Terai reported spousal violence.  Women in Province 2 (37%) are most likely to experience spousal physical, sexual, or emotional violence in Nepal. - - - -Women living in “Province 2 (33%) and Province 7 (34%) are most likely to have attitudes justifying wife beating under any one specific circumstance.” - - - -  - -What do you think? Are you surprised? What can be done to improve the status of province 2? - -Sources used in this blog post: [Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)]( and [Demographic and Health Survey 2016, Nepal]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7cbffe2b..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2087 -title: Province 2 of Nepal in six dataviz -date: 2018-04-06T21:51:24-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/04/2086-revision-v1/ ---- -  - -
    - Aasu Ram explains her toilet mural, Ganespur Community of Bastipur NEWAH WASH project Siraha, Udayapur District, Nepal. Photo by Jim Holmes for AusAID. - -

    - Aasu Ram explains her toilet mural, Ganespur Community of Bastipur NEWAH WASH project Siraha, Udayapur District, Nepal. Photo by Jim Holmes for AusAID. -

    - -Province 2 has the highest number of multidimensionally poor Nepalis. - -More than 2.5 million people are multidimensionally poor in Province 2, representing 35% of all poor Nepalis according to the [Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)]( released by the Nepali Government. - -Unlike traditional poverty rates which look at monetary indicators, the [Multidimensional Poverty Index]( looks at ten indicators, including child mortality, years of schooling, school attendance, nutrition, cooking fuel, improved sanitation, improved drinking water, electricity, asset ownership and flooring and roofing. If a Nepali is deprived in at least three of these areas, then she/he is considered poor. - -Nepal’s Multidimensional Poverty Index is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Overall, 28.6% of Nepal’s population is multidimensionally poor. - -According to the report: “**Provinces 6 and 2 have the highest rate of multidimensional poverty – with every second person being multidimensionally poor (50%)** – followed by Provinces 5 and 7 (approximately 30%).” - -  - -**There is the highest percentage of illiterate men and women in province 2 than anywhere else in Nepal.** - -More than half of women aged 6 or over in province 2 haven’t received any education. One-third of men aged 6 or over in province 2 haven’t received any education. Illiteracy is highest in province 2 than anywhere else in Nepal. - -  - -Spousal violence in the Terai region is high compared to other regions. - -One in three women in the Terai reported spousal violence.  Women in Province 2 (37%) are most likely to experience spousal physical, sexual, or emotional violence in Nepal. - -  - -Women living in “Province 2 (33%) and Province 7 (34%) are most likely to have attitudes justifying wife beating under any one specific circumstance.” \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b5b96925..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2044 -title: Which province in Nepal has the highest number of poor people? -date: 2018-02-19T15:17:49-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/02/2003-autosave-v1/ ---- -[View of Sunset in Janakpur, a city in Province 2]( - -There are seven newly formed provinces in Nepal. - -Among them, Province 2 has the highest number of multidimensionally poor Nepalis. More than 2.5 million people are multidimensionally poor in Province 2, representing 35% of all poor Nepalis according to the [Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)]( released by the Nepali Government. - - - -Unlike traditional poverty rates which look at monetary indicators, the [Multidimensional Poverty Index]( looks at ten indicators, including child mortality, years of schooling, school attendance, nutrition, cooking fuel, improved sanitation, improved drinking water, electricity, asset ownership and flooring and roofing. If a Nepali is deprived in at least three of these areas, then she/he is considered poor. - -Nepal’s Multidimensional Poverty Index is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Overall, 28.6% of Nepal’s population is multidimensionally poor. - -According to the report: “Provinces 6 and 2 have the highest rate of multidimensional poverty – with every second person being multidimensionally poor (50%) – followed by Provinces 5 and 7 (approximately 30%).” - -Look at this chart to see each province’s incidence of multidimensional poverty. - - - -Province 2 is the second largest province in the country. Located in southeastern Nepal, this province includes Bara, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Parsa, Rauthat, Saptari, Sarlahi and Siraha. - -Province 6 is the smallest province in Nepal and includes the districts of Dailekh, Dolpa, Humla, Jajarkot, Jumla, Kalikot Mugu, Rukum (western part) Salyan, Surkhet. - -Here’s an interactive map of where - - - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index bf6e19f7..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2006 -title: Which province has the highest number of poor people in Nepal? -date: 2018-01-20T14:16:50-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/01/2003-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - View of Sunset in Janakpur, a city in Province 2 - -

    - View of Sunset in Janakpur, a city in Province 2. Photo: Mia Mitchell -

    - -There are seven newly formed provinces in Nepal. - -Among them, Province 2 has the highest number of multidimensionally poor Nepalis. More than 2.5 million (25 Lakhs) people who are multidimensionally poor live in Province 2. - -That makes Province 2 home to the highest number of multidimensionally poor people of any province in the country. Province 2 has 35% of all poor Nepalis according to [Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)]( released by the Nepal Government. - -Unlike traditional poverty rates which looks at the monetary indicator, [Multidimensional Poverty Index]( looks at ten indicators in Nepal. Those indicators are child mortality, years of schooling, school attendance, nutrition, cooking fuel, improved sanitation, improved drinking water, electricity, asset ownership and flooring and roofing. If a Nepali is deprived in at least three of these indicators, then she/he is considered poor. - -Nepal’s Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Overall, 28.6% of Nepal’s population is multidimensionally poor. - -According to the report: “Provinces 6 and 2 have the highest rate of multidimensional poverty – with every second person being multidimensionally poor (50%) – followed by Provinces 5 and 7 (approximately 30%).” - -Look at this chart to see which province has what share of multidimensionally poor. - - - -Province 2 is the second largest province in the country. Province 2 located in southeastern part of Nepal includes Bara, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Parsa, Rauthat, Saptari, Sarlahi and Siraha. - -Province 6 is the smallest province in Nepal and includes these districts: Dailekh, Dolpa, Humla, Jajarkot, Jumla, Kalikot Mugu, Rukum (western part) Salyan, Surkhet. - -Are you surprised by the results? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b670921e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2046 -title: Which province in Nepal has the highest number of poor people? -date: 2018-02-19T15:21:08-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/02/2003-revision-v1/ ---- -[View of Sunset in Janakpur, a city in Province 2]( - -There are seven newly formed provinces in Nepal. - -Among them, Province 2 has the highest number of multidimensionally poor Nepalis. More than 2.5 million people are multidimensionally poor in Province 2, representing 35% of all poor Nepalis according to the [Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)]( released by the Nepali Government. - - - -Unlike traditional poverty rates which look at monetary indicators, the [Multidimensional Poverty Index]( looks at ten indicators, including child mortality, years of schooling, school attendance, nutrition, cooking fuel, improved sanitation, improved drinking water, electricity, asset ownership and flooring and roofing. If a Nepali is deprived in at least three of these areas, then she/he is considered poor. - -Nepal’s Multidimensional Poverty Index is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Overall, 28.6% of Nepal’s population is multidimensionally poor. - -According to the report: “Provinces 6 and 2 have the highest rate of multidimensional poverty – with every second person being multidimensionally poor (50%) – followed by Provinces 5 and 7 (approximately 30%).” - -Look at this chart to see each province’s incidence of multidimensional poverty. - - - -Province 2 is the second largest province in the country. Located in southeastern Nepal, this province includes Bara, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Parsa, Rauthat, Saptari, Sarlahi and Siraha. - -Province 6 is the smallest province in Nepal and includes the districts of Dailekh, Dolpa, Humla, Jajarkot, Jumla, Kalikot Mugu, Rukum (western part) Salyan, Surkhet. - -Here’s an interactive map visualizing the distribution of multidimensional poverty in Nepal.  - - - -What do you think? Tell us in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 39edc094..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2190 -title: Which province in Nepal has the highest population? -date: 2018-08-20T08:08:01-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/08/2176-autosave-v1/ ---- -[]( - -There are seven provinces in Nepal. Curious about which one has the highest population? - -Well, look no further. - -Province 3 has the highest population, while Province 2 has the second highest as well as **the highest number of** [**multidimensionally poor Nepalis**](**.** - -Each of these Provinces has a higher population than Provinces 4 and 7 combined. - -Province 6 has the least number of people. Check out the chart below. - -
    - -
    - - - -Note: _Pratima Kandel contributed to this post. _ - -  - -Data source: [CBS]( (PDF). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c95dddae..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2180 -title: Whic -date: 2018-08-18T00:28:22-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/08/2176-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 47ac70ee..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2191 -title: Which province in Nepal has the highest population? -date: 2018-08-20T08:08:29-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/08/2176-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -There are seven provinces in Nepal. Curious about which one has the highest population? - -Well, look no further. - -Province 3 has the highest population, while Province 2 has the second highest as well as **the highest number of** [**multidimensionally poor Nepalis**](**.** - -Each of these Provinces has a higher population than Provinces 4 and 7 combined. - -Province 6 has the least number of people. Check out the chart below. - -
    - -
    - - - -Note: _Pratima Kandel contributed to this post. _ - -  - -Data source: [CBS]( (PDF). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index eb49ab26..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 575 -title: How we surveyed 767 earthquake survivors in Nepal -date: 2015-10-31T11:32:31-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/10/560-autosave-v1/ ---- -**    I** vividly remember that moment of immense panic as I tried to call my parents. - -It was 2:00am in Washington, DC, where I currently live, and a BBC alert on Nepal had just pinged and flashed across my iPhone screen. It read, “BREAKING NEWS: A powerful 7.8 earthquake has rocked central Nepal.”  - -On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook Nepal. Soon after, on May 12, 2015, Nepal was hit with another one, this time measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale. The death toll was 8,500+, more than 600,000 homes were completely or partially destroyed, and almost eight million people were affected in Nepal. The country and its people were/are devastated. - -Fast-forward to August 6, 2015, I was on a plane to Kathmandu, bitter-sweet about my trip ahead. I couldn’t wait to finally see my parents, friends, and extended family (after two-and-a-half years) to actually see them again, of course, but also to see for myself that they were truly okay, that my house, and my city was okay. No amount of assurances over the phone is enough when you live so far away. - -  - -[Dandidada (1)]( - -  - -We are six months away from that tragic day in April. A lot has happened since the earthquakes; and a lot has not happened (yet). -Reconstruction by the Nepali government, for example, is still pending. It is now supposed to begin next month in November, but at this point I think the Nepali citizens are too politically fatigued to believe that anything promised by the government will take place until we see it take place. - -

    - The reason I specify ‘reconstruction by the Nepali government’ is because I do not want to discount the laudable rebuilding efforts that the Nepali people have taken upon themselves on various scales personal/communal level, village/city level and physical/digital level – many people are doing as much as they can. In the months following the tremors, the Nepali youth in-country were especially phenomenal  article . Also critical was the remarkable and expert disaster response, and other forms of support that Nepal received from the international community. The general apathy we see now is in such stark contrast from the fervent resiliency we saw in the immediate aftermath. -

    - -And now, with $4.4 billion of unspent pledged aid money, and mired in internal and external political strife further aggravated by the ongoing fuel crisis, we are going into the cold winter season with most of the devastated areas still extremely vulnerable, and the devastated victims, still unsheltered and neglected by the government. - -The government has seemingly prioritized politics over welfare of earthquake victims. The Chief Executive Officer of the National Reconstruction Authority (NEA), speaking to IRIN, hits the nail on the head when he says, “We see a clear lack of multi-tasking in our political leadership. They are busy in one agenda and cannot focus on another.”  - -My trip to Nepal in August was special because I there also to lead a pilot survey for Code for Nepal’s ‘_Rahat Payo?’_ initiative. Briefly, _Rahat Payo?_, which translates to, “Did you get relief (aid)?” is a multi-year project of Code for Nepal. It aims to fill the gaps that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake - -We recruited eight Nepali volunteers to conduct the pilot in August-September 2015. After an initial training on Kobo, the platform on which we developed our survey questionnaires, our surveyors traveled to at least 40 sites within Nepal to conduct the survey and gather data using smart devices. - -The pilot survey took place in Sindhupalchowk, Gorkha, Rasuwa, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu. There are 767 total respondents, out of which 467 were males and 300 were females. The average age of respondents was 44 years old. Of the 767 total respondents, 642 (84%) said they received some form of relief. Most respondents who received relief (573 out of 642, or 89%) had to wait more than 8 days to get any form of help, according to the survey. [See full report on Initial Findings HERE.] - -It was really interesting to hear the surveyors’ experiences. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 17fe9d61..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 573 -title: 'Rahat Payo: How we surveyed 767 earthquake survivors in Nepal' -date: 2015-10-31T11:50:17-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/10/560-autosave-v1/ ---- -[Dandidada (1)]( - -**  I** vividly remember that moment of immense panic as I tried to call my parents. - -It was 2:00am in Washington, DC, where I currently live, and a BBC alert on Nepal had just pinged and flashed across my iPhone screen. It read, “BREAKING NEWS: A powerful 7.8 earthquake has rocked central Nepal.”  - -On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook Nepal. Soon after, on May 12, 2015, Nepal was hit with another one, this time measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale. The death toll was 8,500+, more than 600,000 homes were completely or partially destroyed, and almost eight million people were affected in Nepal. The country and its people were devastated, and continue to be. - -Fast-forward to August 6, 2015, I was on a plane to Kathmandu, bitter-sweet about my trip ahead. I couldn’t wait to finally see my parents, friends, and extended family (after two-and-a-half years away), but also wanted to see for myself that they were truly okay, that my house, and my city was okay. No amount of assurances over the phone was enough for someone living so far away. - -We are six months away from that tragic day in April. A lot has happened since the earthquakes; and a lot has not happened (yet). - -Reconstruction by the Nepali government, for example, is still pending. It is now supposed to begin next month in November, but at this point I think Nepali citizens are too politically fatigued to believe that anything promised by the government will take place until we see it take place. - -

    - The reason I specify ‘reconstruction by the Nepali government’ is because I do not want to discount the laudable rebuilding efforts that the Nepali people have taken upon themselves on various scales at the personal/communal level, village/city level and physical/digital level – many people are doing as much as they can. In the months following the tremors, the Nepali youth in-country were especially phenomenal. Also critical was the remarkable and expert disaster response, and other forms of support that Nepal received from the international community. The general apathy we see now is in such stark contrast from the fervent resiliency we saw in the immediate aftermath. -

    - -And now, with $4.4 billion of unspent pledged aid money, and mired in internal and external political strife further aggravated by the ongoing fuel crisis, Nepal is going into the cold winter season with most of the devastated areas still extremely vulnerable, and the devastated victims, still unsheltered and neglected by the government. - -The government has seemingly prioritized politics over welfare of earthquake victims. The Chief Executive Officer of the National Reconstruction Authority (NEA), speaking to IRIN, hits the nail on the head when he says, “We see a clear lack of multi-tasking in our political leadership. They are busy in one agenda and cannot focus on another.”  - -My trip to Nepal in August was special because I there also to lead a pilot survey for Code for Nepal’s _Rahat Payo _initiative. _Rahat Payo_ translates to: “Did you get relief (aid)?” and is a multi-year project of Code for Nepal. It aims to fill the gaps that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake - -We recruited eight Nepali volunteers to conduct the pilot between August and September 2015. After an initial training on Kobo, the platform on which we developed our survey questionnaire, our surveyors traveled to at least 40 different sites within Nepal to conduct the survey and gather data using smart devices. - -The pilot survey took place in Sindhupalchowk, Gorkha, Rasuwa, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu. There are 767 total respondents, out of which 467 were males and 300 were females. The average age of respondents was 44 years old. Of the 767 total respondents, 642 (84%) said they received some form of relief. Most respondents who received relief (573 out of 642, or 89%) had to wait more than 8 days to get any form of help, according to the survey. [See full report on Initial Findings HERE.] - -It was really interesting to hear the surveyors’ experiences. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index ac1a132c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 581 -title: 'Rahat Payo Pilot Test: survey of 767 earthquake survivors in Nepal' -date: 2015-11-02T14:45:50-05:00 -author: Prerana Pakhrin -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/11/560-autosave-v1/ ---- -4 - -#### I vividly remember that moment of immense panic as I tried to call my parents. - -  -It was 2:00am in Washington, DC, where I currently live, and a BBC alert on Nepal had just pinged and flashed across my iPhone screen. It read, “BREAKING NEWS: A powerful 7.8 earthquake has rocked central Nepal.”  - -#### On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook Nepal. Soon after, on May 12, 2015, Nepal was hit with another one, this time measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale. The death toll was 8,500+, more than 600,000 homes were completely or partially destroyed, and almost eight million people were affected in Nepal. The country and its people were devastated, and continue to be. - -  -Fast-forward to August 6, 2015, I was on a plane to Kathmandu, bitter-sweet about my trip ahead. I couldn’t wait to finally see my parents, friends, and extended family (after two-and-a-half years away), but also wanted to see for myself that they were truly okay, that my house, and my city was okay. No amount of assurances over the phone was enough for someone living so far away. - -  - -We are six months away from that tragic day in April. A lot has happened since the earthquakes; and a lot has not happened (yet). - -Reconstruction by the Nepali government, for example, is still pending. It is now supposed to begin next month in November, but at this point I think Nepali citizens are too politically fatigued to believe that anything promised by the government will take place until we see it take place. - -

    - The reason I specify ‘reconstruction by the Nepali government’ is because I do not want to discount the remarkable rebuilding efforts of Nepalis have taken up in various scales – personal/communal level, village/city level and physical/digital level – many people are doing as much as they can. In the months following the tremors, the Nepali youth in-country were especially phenomenal. Also critical was the remarkable and expert disaster response, and other forms of support that Nepal received from the international community. The general apathy we see now is in such stark contrast from the fervent resiliency we saw in the immediate aftermath. -

    - -### And now, with $4.4 billion of unspent pledged aid money, and mired in internal and external political strife further aggravated by the ongoing fuel crisis, Nepal is going into the cold winter season with most of the devastated areas still extremely vulnerable, and the devastated victims, still unsheltered and neglected by the government. - -  - - -
    - 750px - -

    - Sindhupalchowk -

    - - -4 - -The government has seemingly prioritized politics over welfare of earthquake victims. The Chief Executive Officer of the National Reconstruction Authority (NEA), speaking to IRIN, hits the nail on the head when he says, “We see a clear lack of multi-tasking in our political leadership. They are busy in one agenda and cannot focus on another.”  - -My trip to Nepal in August was special because I there also to lead a pilot survey for Code for Nepal’s _Rahat Payo _initiative.  - -### _Rahat Payo_ translates to: “Did you get relief (aid)?” and is a multi-year project of Code for Nepal. It aims to fill the gaps that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake.  - -  -We recruited eight Nepali volunteers to conduct the pilot between August and September 2015. After an initial training on Kobo, the platform - -
    - Camp at Bode survey - -

    - Camp at Bode survey -

    - -on which we developed our survey questionnaire, our surveyors traveled to at least 40 different sites within Nepal to conduct the survey and gather data using smart devices. - -The pilot survey took place in Sindhupalchowk, Gorkha, Rasuwa, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu. There were 767 total respondents, out of which 467 were male and 300 were female. The average age of respondents was 44 years old. Of the 767 total respondents, 642 (84%) said they received some form of relief. Most respondents who received relief (573 out of 642, or 89%) had to wait more than 8 days to get any form of help, according to the survey. -  - -## VIEW FULL REPORT: Initial Findings - -  - -* * * - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0f2e1bd0..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 572 -date: 2015-10-30T22:44:56-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/10/560-revision-v1/ ---- -  - -**[Dandidada (1)](** - -** I** vividly remember that moment of immense panic as I tried to call my parents. - -It was 2:00am in Washington, DC, where I currently live, and a BBC alert on Nepal had just pinged and flashed across my iPhone screen. It read, “BREAKING NEWS: A powerful 7.8 earthquake has rocked central Nepal.”  - -On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook Nepal. Soon after, on May 12, 2015, Nepal was hit with another one, this time measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale. The death toll was 8,500+, more than 600,000 homes were completely or partially destroyed, and almost eight million people were affected in Nepal. The country and its people were/are devastated. - -Fast-forward to August 6, 2015, I was on a plane to Kathmandu, bitter-sweet about my trip ahead. I couldn’t wait to finally see my parents, friends, and extended family (after two-and-a-half years) to actually see them again, of course, but also to see for myself that they were truly okay, that my house, and my city was okay. No amount of assurances over the phone is enough when you live so far away. - - We are six months away from that tragic day in April. A lot has happened since the earthquakes; and a lot has not happened (yet). - -NepalReconstruction by the Nepali government, for example, is still pending. It is now supposed to begin next month in November, but at this point I think the Nepali citizens are too politically fatigued to believe that anything promised by the government will take place until we see it take place. - -

    - The reason I specify ‘reconstruction by the Nepali government’ is because I do not want to discount the laudable rebuilding efforts that the Nepali people have taken upon themselves on various scales personal/communal level, village/city level and physical/digital level – many people are doing as much as they can. In the months following the tremors, the Nepali youth in-country were especially phenomenal  article . Also critical was the remarkable and expert disaster response, and other forms of support that Nepal received from the international community. The general apathy we see now is in such stark contrast from the fervent resiliency we saw in the immediate aftermath. -

    - -And now, with $4.4 billion of unspent pledged aid money, and mired in internal and external political strife further aggravated by the ongoing fuel crisis, we are going into the cold winter season with most of the devastated areas still extremely vulnerable, and the devastated victims, still unsheltered and neglected by the government. - -The government has seemingly prioritized politics over welfare of earthquake victims. The Chief Executive Officer of the National Reconstruction Authority (NEA), speaking to IRIN, hits the nail on the head when he says, “We see a clear lack of multi-tasking in our political leadership. They are busy in one agenda and cannot focus on another.”  - -[]( - -My trip to Nepal in August was special because I there also to lead a pilot survey for Code for Nepal’s ‘_Rahat Payo?’_ initiative. - -Briefly, _Rahat Payo?_, which translates to, “Did you get relief (aid)?” is a multi-year project of Code for Nepal. It aims to fill the gaps that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake - -We recruited eight Nepali volunteers to conduct the pilot in August-September 2015. After an initial training on Kobo, the platform on which we developed our survey questionnaires, our surveyors traveled to at least 40 sites within Nepal to conduct the survey and gather data using smart devices. - -The pilot survey took place in Sindhupalchowk, Gorkha, Rasuwa, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu. There are 767 total respondents, out of which 467 were males and 300 were females. The average age of respondents was 44 years old. Of the 767 total respondents, 642 (84%) said they received some form of relief. Most respondents who received relief (573 out of 642, or 89%) had to wait more than 8 days to get any form of help, according to the survey. [See full report on Initial Findings HERE.] - -It was really interesting to hear the surveyors’ experiences. - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 00fb3431..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 577 -title: How we surveyed 767 earthquake survivors in Nepal -date: 2015-10-31T11:37:21-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/10/560-revision-v1/ ---- -[Dandidada (1)]( - -**  I** vividly remember that moment of immense panic as I tried to call my parents. - -It was 2:00am in Washington, DC, where I currently live, and a BBC alert on Nepal had just pinged and flashed across my iPhone screen. It read, “BREAKING NEWS: A powerful 7.8 earthquake has rocked central Nepal.”  - -On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook Nepal. Soon after, on May 12, 2015, Nepal was hit with another one, this time measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale. The death toll was 8,500+, more than 600,000 homes were completely or partially destroyed, and almost eight million people were affected in Nepal. The country and its people were/are devastated. - -Fast-forward to August 6, 2015, I was on a plane to Kathmandu, bitter-sweet about my trip ahead. I couldn’t wait to finally see my parents, friends, and extended family (after two-and-a-half years) to actually see them again, of course, but also to see for myself that they were truly okay, that my house, and my city was okay. No amount of assurances over the phone is enough when you live so far away. - -We are six months away from that tragic day in April. A lot has happened since the earthquakes; and a lot has not happened (yet). - -Reconstruction by the Nepali government, for example, is still pending. It is now supposed to begin next month in November, but at this point I think the Nepali citizens are too politically fatigued to believe that anything promised by the government will take place until we see it take place. - -

    - The reason I specify ‘reconstruction by the Nepali government’ is because I do not want to discount the laudable rebuilding efforts that the Nepali people have taken upon themselves on various scales personal/communal level, village/city level and physical/digital level – many people are doing as much as they can. In the months following the tremors, the Nepali youth in-country were especially phenomenal  article . Also critical was the remarkable and expert disaster response, and other forms of support that Nepal received from the international community. The general apathy we see now is in such stark contrast from the fervent resiliency we saw in the immediate aftermath. -

    - -And now, with $4.4 billion of unspent pledged aid money, and mired in internal and external political strife further aggravated by the ongoing fuel crisis, we are going into the cold winter season with most of the devastated areas still extremely vulnerable, and the devastated victims, still unsheltered and neglected by the government. - -The government has seemingly prioritized politics over welfare of earthquake victims. The Chief Executive Officer of the National Reconstruction Authority (NEA), speaking to IRIN, hits the nail on the head when he says, “We see a clear lack of multi-tasking in our political leadership. They are busy in one agenda and cannot focus on another.”  - -My trip to Nepal in August was special because I there also to lead a pilot survey for Code for Nepal’s ‘_Rahat Payo?’_ initiative. Briefly, _Rahat Payo?_, which translates to, “Did you get relief (aid)?” is a multi-year project of Code for Nepal. It aims to fill the gaps that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake - -We recruited eight Nepali volunteers to conduct the pilot in August-September 2015. After an initial training on Kobo, the platform on which we developed our survey questionnaires, our surveyors traveled to at least 40 sites within Nepal to conduct the survey and gather data using smart devices. - -The pilot survey took place in Sindhupalchowk, Gorkha, Rasuwa, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu. There are 767 total respondents, out of which 467 were males and 300 were females. The average age of respondents was 44 years old. Of the 767 total respondents, 642 (84%) said they received some form of relief. Most respondents who received relief (573 out of 642, or 89%) had to wait more than 8 days to get any form of help, according to the survey. [See full report on Initial Findings HERE.] - -It was really interesting to hear the surveyors’ experiences. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index a64e135f..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 579 -title: 'Rahat Payo: How we surveyed 767 earthquake survivors in Nepal' -date: 2015-11-01T06:58:06-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/11/560-revision-v1/ ---- -[Dandidada (1)]( - -**  I** vividly remember that moment of immense panic as I tried to call my parents. - -It was 2:00am in Washington, DC, where I currently live, and a BBC alert on Nepal had just pinged and flashed across my iPhone screen. It read, “BREAKING NEWS: A powerful 7.8 earthquake has rocked central Nepal.”  - -On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook Nepal. Soon after, on May 12, 2015, Nepal was hit with another one, this time measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale. The death toll was 8,500+, more than 600,000 homes were completely or partially destroyed, and almost eight million people were affected in Nepal. The country and its people were devastated, and continue to be. - -Fast-forward to August 6, 2015, I was on a plane to Kathmandu, bitter-sweet about my trip ahead. I couldn’t wait to finally see my parents, friends, and extended family (after two-and-a-half years away), but also wanted to see for myself that they were truly okay, that my house, and my city was okay. No amount of assurances over the phone was enough for someone living so far away. - -We are six months away from that tragic day in April. A lot has happened since the earthquakes; and a lot has not happened (yet). - -Reconstruction by the Nepali government, for example, is still pending. It is now supposed to begin next month in November, but at this point I think Nepali citizens are too politically fatigued to believe that anything promised by the government will take place until we see it take place. - -

    - The reason I specify ‘reconstruction by the Nepali government’ is because I do not want to discount the laudable rebuilding efforts that the Nepali people have taken upon themselves on various scales at the personal/communal level, village/city level and physical/digital level – many people are doing as much as they can. In the months following the tremors, the Nepali youth in-country were especially phenomenal. Also critical was the remarkable and expert disaster response, and other forms of support that Nepal received from the international community. The general apathy we see now is in such stark contrast from the fervent resiliency we saw in the immediate aftermath. -

    - -And now, with $4.4 billion of unspent pledged aid money, and mired in internal and external political strife further aggravated by the ongoing fuel crisis, Nepal is going into the cold winter season with most of the devastated areas still extremely vulnerable, and the devastated victims, still unsheltered and neglected by the government. - -The government has seemingly prioritized politics over welfare of earthquake victims. The Chief Executive Officer of the National Reconstruction Authority (NEA), speaking to IRIN, hits the nail on the head when he says, “We see a clear lack of multi-tasking in our political leadership. They are busy in one agenda and cannot focus on another.”  - -My trip to Nepal in August was special because I there also to lead a pilot survey for Code for Nepal’s _Rahat Payo _initiative. _Rahat Payo_ translates to: “Did you get relief (aid)?” and is a multi-year project of Code for Nepal. It aims to fill the gaps that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake - -We recruited eight Nepali volunteers to conduct the pilot between August and September 2015. After an initial training on Kobo, the platform on which we developed our survey questionnaire, our surveyors traveled to at least 40 different sites within Nepal to conduct the survey and gather data using smart devices. - -The pilot survey took place in Sindhupalchowk, Gorkha, Rasuwa, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu. There were 767 total respondents, out of which 467 were male and 300 were female. The average age of respondents was 44 years old. Of the 767 total respondents, 642 (84%) said they received some form of relief. Most respondents who received relief (573 out of 642, or 89%) had to wait more than 8 days to get any form of help, according to the survey. [See full report on initial findings] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 018f7ba8..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1284 -title: 'Rahat Payo Pilot Test: survey of 767 earthquake survivors in Nepal' -date: 2016-05-01T15:47:00-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/05/560-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - People in quake affected areas are still waiting for help. Photo: Code for Nepal volunteer. - -

    - People in quake affected areas are still waiting for help. Photo: Code for Nepal volunteer. -

    - -#### I vividly remember that moment of immense panic as I tried to call my parents. - -It was 2:00am in Washington, DC, where I currently live, and a BBC alert on Nepal had just pinged and flashed across my iPhone screen. It read, “BREAKING NEWS: A powerful 7.8 earthquake has rocked central Nepal.”  - -#### On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook Nepal. Soon after, on May 12, 2015, Nepal was hit with another one, this time measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale. The death toll was 8,500+, more than 600,000 homes were completely or partially destroyed, and almost eight million people were affected in Nepal. The country and its people were devastated, and continue to be. - -Fast-forward to August 6, 2015, I was on a plane to Kathmandu, bitter-sweet about my trip ahead. I couldn’t wait to finally see my parents, friends, and extended family (after two-and-a-half years away), but also wanted to see for myself that they were truly okay, that my house, and my city was okay. No amount of assurances over the phone was enough for someone living so far away. - -  - -We are six months away from that tragic day in April. A lot has happened since the earthquakes; and a lot has not happened (yet). - -Reconstruction by the Nepali government, for example, is still pending. It is now supposed to begin next month in November, but at this point I think Nepali citizens are too politically fatigued to believe that anything promised by the government will take place until we see it take place. - -

    - The reason I specify ‘reconstruction by the Nepali government’ is because I do not want to discount the remarkable rebuilding efforts of Nepalis have taken up in various scales – personal/communal level, village/city level and physical/digital level – many people are doing as much as they can. In the months following the tremors, the Nepali youth in-country were especially phenomenal. Also critical was the remarkable and expert disaster response, and other forms of support that Nepal received from the international community. The general apathy we see now is in such stark contrast from the fervent resiliency we saw in the immediate aftermath. -

    - -### And now, with $4.4 billion of unspent pledged aid money, and mired in internal and external political strife further aggravated by the ongoing fuel crisis, Nepal is going into the cold winter season with most of the devastated areas still extremely vulnerable, and the devastated victims, still unsheltered and neglected by the government. - -750px - -The government has seemingly prioritized politics over welfare of earthquake victims. The Chief Executive Officer of the National Reconstruction Authority (NEA), speaking to IRIN, hits the nail on the head when he says, “We see a clear lack of multi-tasking in our political leadership. They are busy in one agenda and cannot focus on another.”  - -My trip to Nepal in August was special because I there also to lead a pilot survey for Code for Nepal’s _Rahat Payo _initiative.  - -### _Rahat Payo_ translates to: “Did you get relief (aid)?” and is a multi-year project of Code for Nepal. It aims to fill the gaps that exists in the aid distribution, relief and recovery process in the aftermath of the earthquake.  - -We recruited eight Nepali volunteers to conduct the pilot between August and September 2015. After an initial training on Kobo, the platform - -
    - Camp at Bode survey - -

    - Camp at Bode survey -

    - -on which we developed our survey questionnaire, our surveyors traveled to at least 40 different sites within Nepal to conduct the survey and gather data using smart devices. - -The pilot survey took place in Sindhupalchowk, Gorkha, Rasuwa, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu. There were 767 total respondents, out of which 467 were male and 300 were female. The average age of respondents was 44 years old. Of the 767 total respondents, 642 (84%) said they received some form of relief. Most respondents who received relief (573 out of 642, or 89%) had to wait more than 8 days to get any form of help, according to the survey. - -## VIEW FULL REPORT: Initial Findings - -  - -* * * - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index db9dbeb7..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2327 -title: 'Read Nikesh’s insights about Code for Nepal' -date: 2019-02-17T15:32:57-05:00 -author: Shrijana Khanal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/02/2326-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - -_Nikesh with Code for Nepal recipients of Tech Diversity Scholarship at Insight Workshop_ - - -**Who are you and tell us how/where did you grow up?** - -Namaste! I am Nikesh Balami. I am born and raised in Kathmandu. I love coffee chat, tweeting, hackathons, blogging, traveling, and open data. I am the co-founder and CEO of Open Knowledge Nepal, a non-profit civic tech organization comprised of openness aficionados. In my daily work schedule, I coordinate diverse project related to tech & data, write research & reports, scrape & harvest government data and sometimes code. - - -**How did you become involved with Code for Nepal?** - -I joined Code for Nepal three years ago with an aim of rebooting the AskNepal initiative. It was super quick, I also wrote a blog about it [on my personal website]( highlighting the experience and possible next steps. - - -**Code for Nepal is a volunteer-run organization, many of the volunteers have daytime jobs outside of Code for Nepal. Therefore, where is your passion and dedication for this organization derived from?** - -Yeah, I also have my separate organization like many other Code for Nepal members. Talking about passion and dedication, C4N’s mission of “_increasing access to open data_” is where I connect with this organization. The value of openness to create an inclusive environment for everyone is a priority to me,, and I like how Code for Nepal mobilizes its volunteers to build projects and initiative around it. - - -**What is your role in Code for Nepal? Do you see yourself changing this role anytime in the future?** - -My role at Code for Nepal is interdisciplinary and has been changed frequently. Previously I was the AskNepal Lead, then Project Coordinator, and now I am Program Manager with the responsibilities of managing product and event. I represent C4N on different platforms. I speak on the behalf of the organization, promote activities, manage relations with Nepalese civil societies, and coordinate workshops and hackathons through Hack for Nepal initiative. - - -Regarding the change in role, the type of role which I hold within the organization does not matter much. It’s all about the continuous contribution and dedication, which I will be doing until Code for Nepal will achieve “i_ncreasing access to open data.”_ -
    - -![](
    - -_Organizer and Winners of AngelHack Nepal Hackathon 2018 – part of Hack for Nepal initiative_ - - -**Where do you see Code for Nepal in the next few years and what can it do to improve?** - -Over the years, I was lucky and grateful to witness the growth of Code for Nepal, which makes me proud. Let’s keep working, let’s keep moving forward – I believe tomorrow is beautiful. - - -**How is Code for Nepal different or special from other non-profits?** - -I can’t list this as bullet points, but I call ourselves (Code for Nepal) as a modern day non-profit organization, working in Nepal with no hierarchical orders and capabilities of working virtually, which is very much different than traditional working style. - - -**How can others become more aware or involved with Code for Nepal?** - -Anyone who is interested to be part of this momentum can contact or they can directly start contributing through \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d17775cd..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1535 -title: Rebooting AskNepal initiative -date: 2016-10-30T02:12:08-04:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/10/1533-autosave-v1/ ---- -October 17th, 2016 – A day when I messaged [Mr. Ravi Kumar Nepal,]( Co-founder of [Code For Nepal]( showing my interest in leading and contributing **[AskNepal initiative](** and within a day my meeting was fixed with him for October 22nd, 2016 where we discuss the different possible ways of my engagement. Today right after one week of that meeting, here I am writing this post with the possible Project Plan, Admin Access, Project Lead tag. Unbelievable, Isn’t it a super fast way of joining a community. Yes, it is and thanks to Ravi and team for accepting me as a C4N family. - -So, What are the possible next steps and how we are doing it? - -Like every others project, AskNepal initiative also needs multi-stakeholders, supporters, collaborators to make a greater impact and easy outreach. So, our next step is to search for possible organizations and civil society organization (CSO) who can help us. Our initial discussion with some RTI Activist of Nepal had found that there is more than 10 organization working all around Nepal for the betterment of Right to Information Act with greater implementation and impact. At first stage, we will be starting this discussion with two organization of Nepal, **[Citizens’ Campaign for Right to Information (CCRI)](** and **[Freedom Forum](** because this organization has great experience of working in RTI field and human resources who believes in technological solution. We will keep searching others possible organization. We want these kinds of CSO, who understand technology to be our collaborators because AskNepal initiative is all about increasing citizen’s reach of Access to Information through the use of technology. - -We will be taking feedback and suggestion from this two organization ([CCRI Nepal]( and [Freedom Forum]( regarding site customization so, that we can make it more user-friendly because the current version of the site is the replicate of the global initiative Where you choose the public authority that you would like information from, then write a brief note describing what you want to know. Then we will play the intermediary role where we will send your request to the respective public authority or officer. Any response received is automatically published on the website for you and anyone else to find and read. - -But we plan to localize the site according to the local context and needs to increase our chances of reaching local citizens from all around the country. We will implement and try all kinds of suggestion regarding site customization because, at the end of the day, all we want is to make the site user-friendly. - -After making site perfect, our next step is to discuss initiative with a government organization in search of help. For this, we will follow Top-Down approach and will directly start from **[National Information Commission (NIC)](**  because when it comes to working with government, Bottom-Up approach never works and I personally have a good experience about this. We also believe our chances of getting positive responses from government officials is high and after getting linked with government and CSO, the project outreach is just a matter of time. - -Last but not the least, the site is still empty, what about data, where are the list of public authorities? - -The answers are clear and simple, we will search and crowdsourced it. **[National Information Technology Center (NITC)](** already have this data because all the **(** domain are control and maintained by them. We will ask those data with them by using RTI Act and the ongoing project of Open Knowledge Nepal, PublicBodies Nepal can be another possible source of data. - -The outreach and frequent maintenance of site will be done by the team of [Code for Nepal]( and [Open Knowledge Nepal]( More importantly, If the initiative got selected for [Accountability Lab Incubator](, all the implementation of this plan is going to be easier. - -Want to join or support AskNepal initiative, contact project lead [Nikesh Balami]( ( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8b31f731..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1540 -title: Rebooting AskNepal initiative -date: 2016-10-30T02:13:11-04:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/10/1533-revision-v1/ ---- -October 17th, 2016 – A day when I messaged [Mr. Ravi Kumar Nepal,]( Co-founder of [Code For Nepal]( showing my interest in leading and contributing **[AskNepal initiative](** and within a day my meeting was fixed with him for October 22nd, 2016 where we discuss the different possible ways of my engagement. Today right after one week of that meeting, here I am writing this post with the possible Project Plan, Admin Access, Project Lead tag. Unbelievable, Isn’t it a super fast way of joining a community. Yes, it is and thanks to Ravi and team for accepting me as a C4N family. - -So, What are the possible next steps and how we are doing it? - -Like every others project, AskNepal initiative also needs multi-stakeholders, supporters, collaborators to make a greater impact and easy outreach. So, our next step is to search for possible organizations and civil society organization (CSO) who can help us. Our initial discussion with some RTI Activist of Nepal had found that there is more than 10 organization working all around Nepal for the betterment of Right to Information Act with greater implementation and impact. At first stage, we will be starting this discussion with two organization of Nepal, **[Citizens’ Campaign for Right to Information (CCRI)](** and **[Freedom Forum](** because this organization has great experience of working in RTI field and human resources who believes in technological solution. We will keep searching others possible organization. We want these kinds of CSO, who understand technology to be our collaborators because AskNepal initiative is all about increasing citizen’s reach of Access to Information through the use of technology. - -We will be taking feedback and suggestion from this two organization ([CCRI Nepal]( and [Freedom Forum]( regarding site customization so, that we can make it more user-friendly because the current version of the site is the replicate of the global initiative Where you choose the public authority that you would like information from, then write a brief note describing what you want to know. Then we will play the intermediary role where we will send your request to the respective public authority or officer. Any response received is automatically published on the website for you and anyone else to find and read. - -But we plan to localize the site according to the local context and needs to increase our chances of reaching local citizens from all around the country. We will implement and try all kinds of suggestion regarding site customization because, at the end of the day, all we want is to make the site user-friendly. - -After making site perfect, our next step is to discuss initiative with a government organization in search of help. For this, we will follow Top-Down approach and will directly start from **[National Information Commission (NIC)](**  because when it comes to working with government, Bottom-Up approach never works and I personally have a good experience about this. We also believe our chances of getting positive responses from government officials is high and after getting linked with government and CSO, the project outreach is just a matter of time. - -Last but not the least, the site is still empty, what about data, where are the list of public authorities? - -The answers are clear and simple, we will search and crowdsourced it. **[National Information Technology Center (NITC)](** already have this data because all the **(** domain are control and maintained by them. We will ask those data with them by using RTI Act and the ongoing project of [Open Knowledge Nepal, PublicBodies Nepal]( can be another possible source of data. - -The outreach and frequent maintenance of site will be done by the team of [Code for Nepal]( and [Open Knowledge Nepal]( More importantly, If the initiative got selected for [Accountability Lab Incubator](, all the implementation of this plan is going to be easier. - -Want to join or support AskNepal initiative, contact project lead [Nikesh Balami]( ( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f342e95c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 338 -title: 'Recent Code for Nepal stories in Nepali media: women, education and inequality' -date: 2015-04-18T13:43:05-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/04/336-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - A story about education disparity in Nepali newspaper - -

    - A story in Nepali based on Code for Nepal’s data anaysis was published in my republica of Nepal. -

    - -We are glad to report that in March Nepali media used some of our data visualization to publish stories about the need to educate women, education quality, and economic inequality in Nepal. Check out these stories: - - 1. On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8, Nepali Times used our interactive map on literacy to make “districts with the best performance in child and maternal survival rates are those with the [highest rates of female literacy](” - 2. Ravi, our co-founder published an op-ed on Setopati, about inequality in Nepal using our interactive map on district level poverty rates: - 3. In March, we also published a story in Nepal about disparity in education system of Nepal: - -Enjoy these stories and tell us what other stories you are interested in. We will do our best to analyze data for those stories. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 204f02a7..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2125 -title: Remittance to Nepal increased by more than 3,000 times in 20 years -date: 2018-05-13T12:30:03-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/05/2119-revision-v1/ ---- -[Farm in southern Nepal]( - -In 1996, the total amount Nepal received in remittances was less than 1 percent of its GDP. - -20 years later, that has increased by more than 3,000 times. In 2016, the total amount Nepal received in remittances was more than 31 percent of its GDP. - -This increase is the highest in South Asia. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1b583c4d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2126 -title: Remittances to Nepal increased by more than 3,000 times in 20 years -date: 2018-05-13T13:13:49-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/05/2119-revision-v1/ ---- -[Farm in southern Nepal]( - -In 1996, the total amount Nepal received in remittances was less than 1 percent of its GDP. - -20 years later, that has increased by more than 3,000 times. In 2016, the total amount Nepal received in remittances was more than 31 percent of its GDP. - -This increase is the highest in South Asia. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index dbaa2b66..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2127 -title: Remittances to Nepal increased more than 3,000 percent in 20 years -date: 2018-05-13T15:24:35-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/05/2119-revision-v1/ ---- -[Farm in southern Nepal]( - -In 1996, less than 1 percent of Nepal’s GDP came from remittances. - -Twenty years later, in 2016, remittances had increased by more than 3,000 percent and made up more than 31 percent of the country’s GDP — the highest in South Asia. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7870e23e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2151 -title: Using Resource Watch in the context of Nepal -date: 2018-06-04T20:15:30-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/06/2147-autosave-v1/ ---- -In April 2018, the World Resources Institute launched [Resource Watch](, which “provides trusted and timely data for a sustainable future.” This blog will use the Resource Watch platform, by looking at different datasets in the context of Nepal. - -Perhaps we want to investigate whether there is a link between high population density and exposure to high levels of PM 2.5. Figure 1 provides two datasets. The first layer shows 2015 population exposed to unhealthy levels of PM 2.5, expressed in percentages. In the case of Nepal, about 100% of the population is exposed to unhealthy levels of PM 2.5. The second layer shows 2015 population density (people/km2). Since the entire population is essentially exposed to high levels of PM 2.5, this map does not show a correlation between population density and population exposed to unhealthy levels of PM 2.5. - -[See below]( - - - -_Figure 1_ - -Resource Watch also provides several datasets on land and agriculture. Figure 2 shows global croplands and the vegetation health risk. Overall, Nepal’s vegetation health index ranges from 0-40, indicating vegetation stress and possible crop loss, to indices above 40, indicating greater crop production. Though, much of the country’s croplands are located in areas with vegetation indices of under 40. - -[See below]( - - - -_Figure 2_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f8505d43..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2152 -title: Using Resource Watch in the context of Nepal -date: 2018-06-04T20:17:32-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/06/2147-revision-v1/ ---- -In April 2018, the World Resources Institute launched [Resource Watch](, which “provides trusted and timely data for a sustainable future.” This blog will use the Resource Watch platform, by looking at different datasets in the context of Nepal. - -Perhaps we want to investigate whether there is a link between high population density and exposure to high levels of PM 2.5. Figure 1 provides two datasets. The first layer shows 2015 population exposed to unhealthy levels of PM 2.5, expressed in percentages. In the case of Nepal, about 100% of the population is exposed to unhealthy levels of PM 2.5. The second layer shows 2015 population density (people/km2). Since the entire population is essentially exposed to high levels of PM 2.5, this map does not show a correlation between population density and population exposed to unhealthy levels of PM 2.5. - -[See below]( - - - -_Figure 1_ - -Resource Watch also provides several datasets on land and agriculture. Figure 2 shows global croplands and the vegetation health risk. Overall, Nepal’s vegetation health index ranges from 0-40, indicating vegetation stress and possible crop loss, to indices above 40, indicating greater crop production. Though, much of the country’s croplands are located in areas with vegetation indices of under 40. - -[See below]( - - - -_Figure 2_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4acf112f..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2260 -title: safecss -date: 2018-11-24T12:33:59-05:00 -author: nitesh rijal -excerpt: Mission WP -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/11/253-revision-v1/ -custom_css_add: - - 'yes' -content_width: - - "" -custom_css_preprocessor: - - "" ---- -/* -Welcome to Custom CSS! - -CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a kind of code that tells the browser how -to render a web page. You may delete these comments and get started with -your customizations. - -By default, your stylesheet will be loaded after the theme stylesheets, -which means that your rules can take precedence and override the theme CSS -rules. Just write here what you want to change, you don’t need to copy all -your theme’s stylesheet content. -*/ -.counter-title { -color: #181818; -font-family: “Dosis”, sans-serif; -font-weight: 500; -font-size: 32px; -text-align: center; -margin-bottom: 0; -padding-top: 5px; -} - -.counter-number { -text-transform: none; -text-align: center; -font-family: “Helvetica”, “Arial” !important; -font-weight: bold !important; -font-size: 30px; -color: #00ADEF; -border-bottom: 2px solid #E3E3E3; -padding-bottom: 5px; -} - -.counter-item-top { -padding-bottom: 25px; -} - -.counter-item-bottom { -padding-bottom: 10px; -} - -.right-border-true { -border-right: 2px solid #000; -margin-right: 0 !important; -} -\_mention\_img { -height: 110px; -width: 100px; -} -\_mention\_img_long { -height: 80px; -width: 100px; -} - -footer { -margin-top: 0; -} - -a { -text-decoration: none !important; -color: black; -} - -.scpcontainer { -margin-bottom: 25px; -border-bottom: 2px solid #e3e3e3; -} - -.scptitle { -font-size: 32px; -color: #5f5f5f; -} - -.scpdate { -margin-bottom: 12px; -font-weight: bold; -color: #3498db; -} - -.scpmore { -margin-top: 10px; -margin-bottom: 10px; -} - -.scpmore a { -color: #3498db; -font-weight: bold; -} - -.noBanner { -display: initial; -} - -.scpauthor a { -color: #3498db; -font-weight: bold; -} - -.scpauthor { -margin-top: 10px; -margin-bottom: 10px; -font-weight: bold; -} - -.scptext { -color: #5F5F5F; -line-height: 2.5; -font-size: 13.5px; -} - -.sharify-container li { -list-style-type: none !important; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/sector-wise-needs-assessment-for-nepals-recovery446-revision-v1-Sector-wise-needs-assessment-for-Nepal\342\200\" "b/_drafts/sector-wise-needs-assessment-for-nepals-recovery446-revision-v1-Sector-wise-needs-assessment-for-Nepal\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 57b054b6..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/sector-wise-needs-assessment-for-nepals-recovery446-revision-v1-Sector-wise-needs-assessment-for-Nepal\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 447 -title: Sector-wise needs assessment for Nepal’s recovery -date: 2015-07-05T11:58:57-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/07/446-revision-v1/ ---- -The [sectoral breakdown]( of the needs assessment data provided by the Nepal government shows that housing and reconstruction will need the biggest support. It is crucial that these needs are met fairly among those affected. - -Since this sector will take the biggest chunk of recovery budget, the recovery process should look at the most cost-effective, earthquake resistant and income generating solutions. - -Strategies such as assessing the pre-disaster level of income of those affected and divvying up the reconstruction support are important in order to tackle disaster-induced poverty. - -Education, tourism, finance and commerce and industry are the other sectors with highest needs after housing and human settlements. Governance needs are at 16,664 million NPR. - -Since the rebuilding will need a bigger involvement of the government in allocating and monitoring the process, a detailed breakdown of this amount will help understand how the governance sector needs have been assessed and whether they are justified. - - - -Source: [Nepal Gov]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 53f3af51..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 146 -title: Shape files of districts in Nepal -date: 2014-12-22T22:35:47-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/24-autosave-v1/ ---- -We have cleaned and verified the shape files of districts in Nepal for everyone to use. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c7d11d15..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 147 -title: Shape files of districts in Nepal -date: 2014-12-22T22:36:00-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/24-revision-v1/ ---- -We have cleaned and verified the shape files of districts in Nepal for everyone to use. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d4c74b60..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2103 -title: Are you a developer? Sign up for workshops to learn how to help build smarter cities in Nepal -date: 2018-04-25T13:00:15-04:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/04/2097-autosave-v1/ ---- -[A view from Nagarkot, Nepal]( Peace and Development Service Alliance (APPDSA), Global Peace Foundation, Global Young Leaders Academy are going to host a forum on **“Smart and Green Cities Equipping Youth Social Enterprise to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals”** at Bougainvilla Events, Tripureshwor (Nearby Avenues TV Plaza), on **May 14 and 15, 2018. ** - -At the event, in partnership with **Code for Nepal**, a group of international technical experts from **IBM** will deliver their extensive training for free of costs to put a light on what ICT means and how it can be utilized in making of smart and green city. The workshop is supported by **[Artificial Intelligence for Development (AID)](** and **[AI Developers Nepal (AIDevNepal)](** as a Knowledge Partners. During the workshop participants will learn how to maximize their coding skills and get a hands-on technical training form the experts. The participants will get equipped with blended learning formats and broaden their horizons by introducing IT into their current profession or learning environment. - -Read more about the workshops below and at the end of this page sign up for the free workshops. By May 10, we will let you know if you have been selected to attend these workshops. - -**Who should attend these workshops: Developers** - -**Features Training Topics:** -– IBM Cloud -– Quantum Computing -– Artificial Intelligence -– Blockchain -– Internet of Things (IoT) -– Watson Visual Recognition - -**WORKSHOP – THEME RELATED TO DISASTER RECOVERY** - -**Code Pattern – 1:** Analyze an image and send status alert - -**Brief about pattern | How this will impact the society** - -Industrial and high-tech maintenance companies often photograph their sites for potential hazards or emergencies and then inform the appropriate person who can take action to resolve the issue. A leak, fire, or malfunction can spell disaster for a company, resulting in dangerous situations for employees, downtime, public relation setbacks, and financial losses. - -These companies have been leaders in using remote devices–phones, mounted cams, drones–to send images of various sites and equipment to be monitored for any malfunctions. But what if you could automatically analyze those images and send an alert about the location or potential emergency situation? - -If you’re a developer working for a company that relies on-site images, you can now build an application that analyzes an image and sends an alert automatically. In this code pattern, you’ll use IBM Cloud Functions to analyze an image and send it to the Watson IoT Platform. The image will be assigned a score, and that score will be evaluated to trigger any necessary alerts to reach authorities through the best available communication channel (for example, email, text, or push notifications). - -You have the option to develop a standalone application that can be easily updated or modified to work from within a smart device, or run it on a browser on your laptop or phone.In the pattern use case, you’ll learn how to send an image for processing that detects a fire. (You can also use this same app for maintenance alerts or other emergency alert detections.) The fire is identified by the Watson Visual Recognition service, and the Node-RED app will subsequently notify the appropriate resources. - -There are multiple ways to design this process, and you can modify the pattern to extend it to other real-world use cases, sending alerts to other designated recipients and creating additional designated channels for alert notifications. - -**You’ll create an app based on the following flow:** - -
  • - The application takes an image from a device or uploads it from a local image folder to an IBM Cloudant NoSQL database. -
  • -
  • - The Cloudant database, in turn, receives the binary data and triggers an action on IBM Cloud Functions. -
  • -
  • - IBM Cloud Functions Composer performs the Visual Recognition analysis and receives a response in JSON format. -
  • -
  • - The response is sent to the IoT Platform and registers itself as a device receiving the analyzed image. -
  • -
  • - A Node-RED flow continues to read these events from the device on the IoT Platform and triggers alerts based on the image’s features. -
  • - -More details on Code Pattern here: []( - -**Expected Outcome: What developers will learn** - -After completing workshop on this Code Pattern, developers will learn how to - - 1. Upload an image to **IBM Cloudant NoSQL database** from local device image folder - 2. Trigger an action on **IBM Cloud Functions (Serverless)** - 3. Register a device and send data to **IoTF Platform** - 4. Analyze image using **Watson Visual Recognition** - -**Pre-reqs for developers:** - - * IBM Cloud Account- []( - * IBM Cloud CLI- []( - * Openwhisk CLI- []( - * Node.JS- []( - * Mozilla Firefox Browser- []( - -  - -**Code Pattern – 2:** Deploy a Core ML model with Watson Visual Recognition - -**Brief about pattern | How this will impact the society** - -Imagine that you’re a technician for an aircraft company and you want to identify one of the thousands of parts in front of you. **_Perhaps you don’t even have internet connectivity__. (__Most of the times during disaster recovery we won’t have access to Internet connectivity__)_** So how to do it? Where do you start? If only there was an app for that. Well, now you can build one! - -Most visual recognition offerings rely on API calls to be made to a server over HTTP. With [Core ML](, you can deploy a trained model with your app. Using Watson Visual Recognition, you can train a model without any code; simply upload your images with the [Watson Studio]( tool and deploy a trained Core ML model to your iOS application. - -In this code pattern, you’ll train a custom model. With just a few clicks, you can test and export that model to be used in your iOS application. The pattern includes an example dataset to help you build an application that can detect different types of cables (that is, HDMI and USB), but you can also use your own data. - -More details on Code Pattern here: []( - -**Expected Outcome: What developers will learn** - -When you have completed this code pattern, you should know how to: - -
  • - Create a dataset with Watson Studio -
  • -
  • - Train a Watson Visual Recognition classifier based on the dataset -
  • -
  • - Deploy the classifier as a Core ML model to an iOS application -
  • -
  • - Use the Watson Swift SDK to download, manage, and execute the trained model -
  • - -**Pre-reqs for developers:** - - * IBM Cloud Account- []( - * IBM Cloud CLI- []( - * Xcode 9- []( - * Carthage- []( - -  - - - -The workshop is the part of Asia Pacific Peace and Development Service Alliance (APPDSA) 2 Day Forum organized by Global Peace Foundation Nepal. Please find the more information of the whole event \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 188ce36a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2098 -title: Are you a developer? Sign up for free workshops to help build smarter cities in Nepal -date: 2018-04-24T18:45:40-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/04/2097-revision-v1/ ---- -Asia-Pacific Peace and Development Service Alliance (APPDSA), Global Peace Foundation, Global Young Leaders Academy are going to host a forum on “Smart and Green Cities Equipping Youth Social Enterprise to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals” at Bougainvilla Events, Tripureshwor (Nearby Avenues TV Plaza), on May 14 and 15, 2018. - -At the event, in partnership with Code for Nepal, a group of international technical experts from IBM will deliver their extensive training to put a light on what ICT means and how it can be utilized in making of smart and green city. During the participants will learn how to maximize their coding skills and get a hands-on technical training form the experts. The participants will get equipped with blended learning formats and broaden their horizons by introducing IT into their current profession or learning environment. - -Read more about the workshops below and at the end of this page sign up for the workshops. - -**Who should attend these workshops: Developers** - -**Features Training Topics:** -– IBM Cloud -– Quantum Computing -– Artificial Intelligence -– Blockchain -– Internet of Things (IoT) -– Watson Visual Recognition - -**WORKSHOP- THEME RELATED TO DISASTER RECOVERY** - -**Code Pattern:** Analyze an image and send status alert - -**Brief about pattern | How this will impact the society:** - -Industrial and high-tech maintenance companies often photograph their sites for potential hazards or emergencies and then inform the appropriate person who can take action to resolve the issue. A leak, fire, or malfunction can spell disaster for a company, resulting in dangerous situations for employees, downtime, public relation setbacks, and financial losses. - -These companies have been leaders in using remote devices–phones, mounted cams, drones–to send images of various sites and equipment to be monitored for any malfunctions. But what if you could automatically analyze those images and send an alert about the location or potential emergency situation? - -If you’re a developer working for a company that relies on site images, you can now build an application that analyzes an image and sends an alert automatically. In this code pattern, you’ll use IBM Cloud Functions to analyze an image and send it to the Watson IoT Platform. The image will be assigned a score, and that score will be evaluated to trigger any necessary alerts to reach authorities through the best available communication channel (for example, email, text, or push notifications). - -You have the option to develop a standalone application that can be easily updated or modified to work from within a smart device, or run it on a browser on your laptop or phone.In the pattern use case, you’ll learn how to send an image for processing that detects a fire. (You can also use this same app for maintenance alerts or other emergency alert detections.) The fire is identified by the Watson Visual Recognition service, and the Node-RED app will subsequently notify the appropriate resources. - -There are multiple ways to design this process, and you can modify the pattern to extend it to other real-world use cases, sending alerts to other designated recipients and creating additional designated channels for alert notifications. - -**You’ll create an app based on the following flow:** - -
  • - The application takes an image from a device or uploads it from a local image folder to an IBM Cloudant NoSQL database. -
  • -
  • - The Cloudant database, in turn, receives the binary data and triggers an action on IBM Cloud Functions. -
  • -
  • - IBM Cloud Functions Composer performs the Visual Recognition analysis and receives a response in JSON format. -
  • -
  • - The response is sent to the IoT Platform and registers itself as a device receiving the analyzed image. -
  • -
  • - A Node-RED flow continues to read these events from the device on the IoT Platform and triggers alerts based on the image’s features. -
  • - -More details on Code Pattern here: []( - -  - -**Expected Outcome: What developers will learn** - -After completing workshop on this Code Pattern, developers will learn how to - -1)Upload an image to **IBM Cloudant NoSQL database** from local device image folder - -2) Trigger an action on **IBM Cloud Functions(Serverless)** - -3) Register a device and send data to **IoTF Platfrom** - -4) Analyze image using **Watson Visual Recognition** - -  - -**Who should attend this workshop:** Developers - -**Pre-reqs for developers:** - -IBM Cloud Account- []( - -IBM Cloud CLI- []( - -Openwhisk CLI- []( - -Node.JS- []( - -Mozilla Firefox Browser- []( - -  - -**Infra Requirement (Laptop, Internet speed, device etc):** - -Laptop- 8GB Windows/MacOS - -Internet Speed- Download speed minimum 2Mbps - -**MINI CODE LAB IN BOOTH- THEME RELATED TO DISASTER RECOVERY** - -**Code Pattern:** Deploy a Core ML model with Watson Visual Recognition - -**Brief about pattern | How this will impact the society:** - -Imagine that you’re a technician for an aircraft company and you want to identify one of the thousands of parts in front of you. **_Perhaps you don’t even have internet connectivity_**_. (_**_Most of the times during disaster recovery we won’t have access to Internet connectivity_**_)_ So how to do it? Where do you start? If only there was an app for that. Well, now you can build one! - -Most visual recognition offerings rely on API calls to be made to a server over HTTP. With [Core ML](, you can deploy a trained model with your app. Using Watson Visual Recognition, you can train a model without any code; simply upload your images with the [Watson Studio]( tool and deploy a trained Core ML model to your iOS application. - -In this code pattern, you’ll train a custom model. With just a few clicks, you can test and export that model to be used in your iOS application. The pattern includes an example data set to help you build an application that can detect different types of cables (that is, HDMI and USB), but you can also use your own data. - -More details on Code Pattern here: []( - -**Expected Outcome: What developers will learn** - -When you have completed this code pattern, you should know how to: - -
  • - Create a data set with Watson Studio -
  • -
  • - Train a Watson Visual Recognition classifier based on the data set -
  • -
  • - Deploy the classifier as a Core ML model to an iOS application -
  • -
  • - Use the Watson Swift SDK to download, manage, and execute the trained model -
  • - -**Who should attend this workshop:** Developers - -**Pre-reqs for developers:** - -IBM Cloud Account- []( - -IBM Cloud CLI- []( - -Xcode 9- []( - -Carthage- []( - -**Infra Requirement (Laptop, Internet speed, device etc):** - -2 Laptop in Booth- 8GB MacOS - -Internet Speed- Download speed minimum 2Mbps - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5af6d536..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2110 -title: Are you a developer? Sign up for free workshops to learn how to help build smarter cities in Nepal -date: 2018-04-25T02:09:00-04:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/04/2097-revision-v1/ ---- -[A view from Nagarkot, Nepal]( Peace and Development Service Alliance (APPDSA), Global Peace Foundation, Global Young Leaders Academy are going to host a forum on **“Smart and Green Cities Equipping Youth Social Enterprise to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals”** at Bougainvilla Events, Tripureshwor (Nearby Avenues TV Plaza), on **May 14 and 15, 2018. **Interested participants register for Two days full workshop in the minimum registration fee of Rs. 1500 which will cover the workshop stationary materials, lunch, packets, tea & snacks. Registration form for full-day workshop:  - -At the event, in partnership with Code for Nepal, a group of international technical experts from IBM will deliver their extensive training to put a light on what ICT means and how it can be utilized in making of smart and green city. During the participants will learn how to maximize their coding skills and get a hands-on technical training form the experts. The participants will get equipped with blended learning formats and broaden their horizons by introducing IT into their current profession or learning environment. - -Read more about the workshops below and at the end of this page sign up for the workshops. By May 10, we will let you know if you have been selected to attend these workshops. - -**Who should attend these workshops: Developers** - -**Features Training Topics:** -– IBM Cloud -– Quantum Computing -– Artificial Intelligence -– Blockchain -– Internet of Things (IoT) -– Watson Visual Recognition - -**WORKSHOP – THEME RELATED TO DISASTER RECOVERY** - -**Code Pattern – 1:** Analyze an image and send status alert - -**Brief about pattern | How this will impact the society** - -Industrial and high-tech maintenance companies often photograph their sites for potential hazards or emergencies and then inform the appropriate person who can take action to resolve the issue. A leak, fire, or malfunction can spell disaster for a company, resulting in dangerous situations for employees, downtime, public relation setbacks, and financial losses. - -These companies have been leaders in using remote devices–phones, mounted cams, drones–to send images of various sites and equipment to be monitored for any malfunctions. But what if you could automatically analyze those images and send an alert about the location or potential emergency situation? - -If you’re a developer working for a company that relies on-site images, you can now build an application that analyzes an image and sends an alert automatically. In this code pattern, you’ll use IBM Cloud Functions to analyze an image and send it to the Watson IoT Platform. The image will be assigned a score, and that score will be evaluated to trigger any necessary alerts to reach authorities through the best available communication channel (for example, email, text, or push notifications). - -You have the option to develop a standalone application that can be easily updated or modified to work from within a smart device, or run it on a browser on your laptop or phone.In the pattern use case, you’ll learn how to send an image for processing that detects a fire. (You can also use this same app for maintenance alerts or other emergency alert detections.) The fire is identified by the Watson Visual Recognition service, and the Node-RED app will subsequently notify the appropriate resources. - -There are multiple ways to design this process, and you can modify the pattern to extend it to other real-world use cases, sending alerts to other designated recipients and creating additional designated channels for alert notifications. - -**You’ll create an app based on the following flow:** - -
  • - The application takes an image from a device or uploads it from a local image folder to an IBM Cloudant NoSQL database. -
  • -
  • - The Cloudant database, in turn, receives the binary data and triggers an action on IBM Cloud Functions. -
  • -
  • - IBM Cloud Functions Composer performs the Visual Recognition analysis and receives a response in JSON format. -
  • -
  • - The response is sent to the IoT Platform and registers itself as a device receiving the analyzed image. -
  • -
  • - A Node-RED flow continues to read these events from the device on the IoT Platform and triggers alerts based on the image’s features. -
  • - -More details on Code Pattern here: []( - -**Expected Outcome: What developers will learn** - -After completing workshop on this Code Pattern, developers will learn how to - - 1. Upload an image to **IBM Cloudant NoSQL database** from local device image folder - 2. Trigger an action on **IBM Cloud Functions (Serverless)** - 3. Register a device and send data to **IoTF Platform** - 4. Analyze image using **Watson Visual Recognition** - -**Pre-reqs for developers:** - - * IBM Cloud Account- []( - * IBM Cloud CLI- []( - * Openwhisk CLI- []( - * Node.JS- []( - * Mozilla Firefox Browser- []( - -  - -**Code Pattern – 2:** Deploy a Core ML model with Watson Visual Recognition - -**Brief about pattern | How this will impact the society** - -Imagine that you’re a technician for an aircraft company and you want to identify one of the thousands of parts in front of you. **_Perhaps you don’t even have internet connectivity__. (__Most of the times during disaster recovery we won’t have access to Internet connectivity__)_** So how to do it? Where do you start? If only there was an app for that. Well, now you can build one! - -Most visual recognition offerings rely on API calls to be made to a server over HTTP. With [Core ML](, you can deploy a trained model with your app. Using Watson Visual Recognition, you can train a model without any code; simply upload your images with the [Watson Studio]( tool and deploy a trained Core ML model to your iOS application. - -In this code pattern, you’ll train a custom model. With just a few clicks, you can test and export that model to be used in your iOS application. The pattern includes an example dataset to help you build an application that can detect different types of cables (that is, HDMI and USB), but you can also use your own data. - -More details on Code Pattern here: []( - -**Expected Outcome: What developers will learn** - -When you have completed this code pattern, you should know how to: - -
  • - Create a dataset with Watson Studio -
  • -
  • - Train a Watson Visual Recognition classifier based on the dataset -
  • -
  • - Deploy the classifier as a Core ML model to an iOS application -
  • -
  • - Use the Watson Swift SDK to download, manage, and execute the trained model -
  • - -**Pre-reqs for developers:** - - * IBM Cloud Account- []( - * IBM Cloud CLI- []( - * Xcode 9- []( - * Carthage- []( - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index ac46ad23..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2116 -title: Are you a developer? Sign up for workshops to learn how to help build smarter cities in Nepal -date: 2018-04-25T13:01:22-04:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/04/2097-revision-v1/ ---- -[A view from Nagarkot, Nepal]( Peace and Development Service Alliance (APPDSA), Global Peace Foundation, Global Young Leaders Academy are going to host a forum on **“Smart and Green Cities Equipping Youth Social Enterprise to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals”** at Bougainvilla Events, Tripureshwor (Nearby Avenues TV Plaza), on **May 14 and 15, 2018. ** - -At the event, in partnership with **Code for Nepal**, a group of international technical experts from **IBM** will deliver their extensive training for free of costs to put a light on what ICT means and how it can be utilized in making of smart and green city. The workshop is supported by **[Artificial Intelligence for Development (AID)](** and **[AI Developers Nepal (AIDevNepal)](** as a Knowledge Partners. During the workshop participants will learn how to maximize their coding skills and get a hands-on technical training form the experts. The participants will get equipped with blended learning formats and broaden their horizons by introducing IT into their current profession or learning environment. - -Read more about the workshops below and at the end of this page sign up for the free workshops. By May 10, we will let you know if you have been selected to attend these workshops. - -**Who should attend these workshops: Developers** - -**Features Training Topics:** -– IBM Cloud -– Quantum Computing -– Artificial Intelligence -– Blockchain -– Internet of Things (IoT) -– Watson Visual Recognition - -**WORKSHOP – THEME RELATED TO DISASTER RECOVERY** - -**Code Pattern – 1:** Analyze an image and send status alert - -**Brief about pattern | How this will impact the society** - -Industrial and high-tech maintenance companies often photograph their sites for potential hazards or emergencies and then inform the appropriate person who can take action to resolve the issue. A leak, fire, or malfunction can spell disaster for a company, resulting in dangerous situations for employees, downtime, public relation setbacks, and financial losses. - -These companies have been leaders in using remote devices–phones, mounted cams, drones–to send images of various sites and equipment to be monitored for any malfunctions. But what if you could automatically analyze those images and send an alert about the location or potential emergency situation? - -If you’re a developer working for a company that relies on-site images, you can now build an application that analyzes an image and sends an alert automatically. In this code pattern, you’ll use IBM Cloud Functions to analyze an image and send it to the Watson IoT Platform. The image will be assigned a score, and that score will be evaluated to trigger any necessary alerts to reach authorities through the best available communication channel (for example, email, text, or push notifications). - -You have the option to develop a standalone application that can be easily updated or modified to work from within a smart device, or run it on a browser on your laptop or phone.In the pattern use case, you’ll learn how to send an image for processing that detects a fire. (You can also use this same app for maintenance alerts or other emergency alert detections.) The fire is identified by the Watson Visual Recognition service, and the Node-RED app will subsequently notify the appropriate resources. - -There are multiple ways to design this process, and you can modify the pattern to extend it to other real-world use cases, sending alerts to other designated recipients and creating additional designated channels for alert notifications. - -**You’ll create an app based on the following flow:** - -
  • - The application takes an image from a device or uploads it from a local image folder to an IBM Cloudant NoSQL database. -
  • -
  • - The Cloudant database, in turn, receives the binary data and triggers an action on IBM Cloud Functions. -
  • -
  • - IBM Cloud Functions Composer performs the Visual Recognition analysis and receives a response in JSON format. -
  • -
  • - The response is sent to the IoT Platform and registers itself as a device receiving the analyzed image. -
  • -
  • - A Node-RED flow continues to read these events from the device on the IoT Platform and triggers alerts based on the image’s features. -
  • - -More details on Code Pattern here: []( - -**Expected Outcome: What developers will learn** - -After completing workshop on this Code Pattern, developers will learn how to - - 1. Upload an image to **IBM Cloudant NoSQL database** from local device image folder - 2. Trigger an action on **IBM Cloud Functions (Serverless)** - 3. Register a device and send data to **IoTF Platform** - 4. Analyze image using **Watson Visual Recognition** - -**Pre-reqs for developers:** - - * IBM Cloud Account- []( - * IBM Cloud CLI- []( - * Openwhisk CLI- []( - * Node.JS- []( - * Mozilla Firefox Browser- []( - -  - -**Code Pattern – 2:** Deploy a Core ML model with Watson Visual Recognition - -**Brief about pattern | How this will impact the society** - -Imagine that you’re a technician for an aircraft company and you want to identify one of the thousands of parts in front of you. **_Perhaps you don’t even have internet connectivity__. (__Most of the times during disaster recovery we won’t have access to Internet connectivity__)_** So how to do it? Where do you start? If only there was an app for that. Well, now you can build one! - -Most visual recognition offerings rely on API calls to be made to a server over HTTP. With [Core ML](, you can deploy a trained model with your app. Using Watson Visual Recognition, you can train a model without any code; simply upload your images with the [Watson Studio]( tool and deploy a trained Core ML model to your iOS application. - -In this code pattern, you’ll train a custom model. With just a few clicks, you can test and export that model to be used in your iOS application. The pattern includes an example dataset to help you build an application that can detect different types of cables (that is, HDMI and USB), but you can also use your own data. - -More details on Code Pattern here: []( - -**Expected Outcome: What developers will learn** - -When you have completed this code pattern, you should know how to: - -
  • - Create a dataset with Watson Studio -
  • -
  • - Train a Watson Visual Recognition classifier based on the dataset -
  • -
  • - Deploy the classifier as a Core ML model to an iOS application -
  • -
  • - Use the Watson Swift SDK to download, manage, and execute the trained model -
  • - -**Pre-reqs for developers:** - - * IBM Cloud Account- []( - * IBM Cloud CLI- []( - * Xcode 9- []( - * Carthage- []( - -  - - - -The workshop is the part of Asia Pacific Peace and Development Service Alliance (APPDSA) 2 Day Forum organized by **Global Peace Foundation Nepal**. Please find the more information of the whole event from [here]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 424f1f8a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 323 -title: Status of women in Nepal in 5 charts -date: 2016-12-06T18:42:41-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/12/317-autosave-v1/ ---- -
    - Women in Teria - -

    - Aasu Ram and another woman from the community explain their toilet mural, Ganespur Community of Bastipur NEWAH WASH project Siraha, Udayapur District, Nepal. Photo by Jim Holmes for AusAID. -

    - -**Happy International Women’s Day!** First let us tell you that there is good news. For the first time, the number of girls sitting for SLC examinations has overtaken the number of boys in Nepal this year. - -#### Here is a quick summary of our five charts: - - * **Ratio of young literate female to male ages 15-24 in 2011: 86.81%** - * **Households headed by female in 2011: 28.2%** - * **Total births attended by skilled health staff in 2011: 36%** - * **Labor force participation rate, female in 2014: 50%** - * **Proportion of seats held by women in parliament in Nepal in 2014: 29.9%.** - -Check out these charts below and tell us what surprised you the most. - -1. **Proportion of seats held by women in parliament in Nepal** - -Recently, Nepal has made progress in electing more women to parliaments. In 2006, only 5.6% of seats in parliaments were held by women. In 2008, it reached 33.8%. Wasn’t that great news? But in 2014, it fell to 29.9%. Let’s hope there will be an increase in the near future. - - - -2. **Labor force participation rate** - -Nepal hasn’t made enough progress when it comes to ensuring there are more women in the labor force. Only 50% of women are active in the labor force. - - - -4. **Female headed households in Nepal (% of households with female head)** - -We need more women who are educated and are working so they can not only lead Nepal but also their families. In 2011, only 28.2% of households in Nepal were headed by women. Let’s hope this will increase soon. We know women invest 90% of their income in their families. This will influence the productivity and ability of future generations who can help Nepal develop. - - - -5. **Births attended by skilled health staff** - -Last but not the least we know how important it is to make sure births are attended by skilled health staff. Mortality rates in Nepal has decreased significantly in the past. We have managed to reach the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on reducing maternal mortality.  But when only 36% of births are attended by skilled health staff, it’s not good. It needs to increase. - - - -Liked what you read? Share it on your social channels. - -If you find any error on this page, please let us know. Thanks! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b31cef43..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 319 -title: Status of women in Nepal in 4 charts -date: 2015-03-07T20:06:04-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/03/317-revision-v1/ ---- -Happy International Women’s Day! First let us tell you that there is a good news for Nepal. For the first time, the number of girls sitting for SLC examinations has overtaken the number of boys. - -Recently, Nepal has made progress in electing more women to parliaments more so than its South Asian neighbors. In 2006, only 5.6% of seats in parliaments were held by women. In 2008, it reaches the highest: 33.8%. Wasn’t that a great news? But in 2014, it fell to 29.9%. Let’s hope there will be an increase in the near future. - -Even though the female literacy rate in Nepal has increased significantly in the last 40 years. In the early 1980s, it was just about 10%. Now, it’s more than 50%. But it hasn’t made enough progress when it comes to ensuring there are more women in the labor force. In 2000, ratio of female to male of proportion of a country’s working-age population (ages 15 and older) was 0.76. Now, it’s 0.86%. It’s still good compared to its other South Asian neighbors. - -  - -  - -1. Proportion of seats held by women in parliaments in Nepal - - - -2. Labor force participation rate, female-male ratio - - - -3. Share of women employed in non-agricultural sector - - - -4. Female headed households in Nepal (% of households with female head) - - - -5. Births attended by health skilled staff \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9dc57b73..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1586 -title: Status of women in Nepal in 5 charts -date: 2016-12-06T18:42:52-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/12/317-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - Women in Teria - -

    - Aasu Ram and another woman from the community explain their toilet mural, Ganespur Community of Bastipur NEWAH WASH project Siraha, Udayapur District, Nepal. Photo by Jim Holmes for AusAID. -

    - -**Happy International Women’s Day!** First let us tell you that there is good news. For the first time, the number of girls sitting for SLC examinations has overtaken the number of boys in Nepal this year. - -#### Here is a quick summary of our five charts: - - * **Ratio of young literate female to male ages 15-24 in 2011: 86.81%** - * **Households headed by female in 2011: 28.2%** - * **Total births attended by skilled health staff in 2011: 36%** - * **Labor force participation rate, female in 2014: 50%** - * **Proportion of seats held by women in parliament in Nepal in 2014: 29.9%.** - -Check out these charts below and tell us what surprised you the most. - -1. **Proportion of seats held by women in parliament in Nepal** - -Recently, Nepal has made progress in electing more women to parliaments. In 2006, only 5.6% of seats in parliaments were held by women. In 2008, it reached 33.8%. Wasn’t that great news? But in 2014, it fell to 29.9%. Let’s hope there will be an increase in the near future. - - - -2. **Labor force participation rate** - -Nepal hasn’t made enough progress when it comes to ensuring there are more women in the labor force. Only 50% of women are active in the labor force. - - - -4. **Female headed households in Nepal (% of households with female head)** - -We need more women who are educated and are working so they can not only lead Nepal but also their families. In 2011, only 28.2% of households in Nepal were headed by women. Let’s hope this will increase soon. We know women invest 90% of their income in their families. This will influence the productivity and ability of future generations who can help Nepal develop. - - - -5. **Births attended by skilled health staff** - -Last but not the least we know how important it is to make sure births are attended by skilled health staff. Mortality rates in Nepal has decreased significantly in the past. We have managed to reach the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on reducing maternal mortality.  But when only 36% of births are attended by skilled health staff, it’s not good. It needs to increase. - - - -Liked what you read? Share it on your social channels. - -If you find any error on this page, please let us know. Thanks! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c6ed4709..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 687 -title: Team -date: 2016-02-04T09:03:34-05:00 -author: Ajesh Mahto -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/02/77-autosave-v1/ ---- -
    - ajesh - -

    - Ajesh Mahto -

    - -  - -Ajesh graduated as Computer Engineer in 2011. He has more than 5 years of  experience working with web development. He has worked previous for companies in Nepal, Malaysia and Singapore. He is currently perusing his master degree in computer science in USA and work as inter in Los Angles. In free time Ajesh like to learn new technologies and  contribute  to open software society. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index f4a091a1..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 114 -title: Get involved -date: 2014-12-22T20:18:59-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/77-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c99bd85b..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 160 -title: Team -date: 2014-12-24T04:54:24-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/77-revision-v1/ ---- diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7ab91414..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1749 -title: Interested in learning coding? Apply for Tech Diversity Scholarship by July 5 -date: 2017-06-15T07:19:21-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/06/1740-autosave-v1/ ---- -We are very excited to announce Tech Diversity Scholarship to award selected recipients with the opportunity to attend a 12-week web development course with a mandatory 3-week capstone project. The programming boot camp is made possible by Nepal Telecom and with the partnership with Insight Workshop. - -We are looking to sponsor 25 people who are genuinely interested in learning programming or want to build something. Tell us why you want to learn the art of coding, what will you do after the course, or how this course will help you to take your career to the next level. We want to hear your story! - -Check out the **[FAQs for more details about the cours](**. - -If this is interesting to you, please fill the form below to be considered for the scholarship. We are looking for applicants from all backgrounds. - -If you have any questions regarding the scholarship program, please feel free to contact us, or leave a comment below.  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 39bfd79e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1743 -title: Interested in coding? Apply for Tech Diversity Scholarship by July 5 -date: 2017-06-11T19:03:28-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/06/1740-revision-v1/ ---- -We are very excited to announce Tech Diversity Scholarship to award selected recipients with the opportunity to attend a 12-week web development course with a mandatory 3-week capstone project. The programming boot camp is made possible by Nepal Telecom and with the partnership with Insight Workshop. - -We are looking to sponsor 25 people who are genuinely interested in learning programming or want to build something. Tell us why you want to learn the art of coding, what will you do after the course, or how this course will help you to take your career to the next level. We want to hear your story! - -If this is interesting to you, please fill the form below to be considered for the scholarship. We are looking for applicants from all backgrounds. - -If you have any questions regarding the scholarship program, please feel free to contact us \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 775c03be..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1751 -title: Interested in learning coding? Apply for Tech Diversity Scholarship by July 5 -date: 2017-06-15T07:20:37-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/06/1740-revision-v1/ ---- -We are very excited to announce Tech Diversity Scholarship to award selected recipients with the opportunity to attend a 12-week web development course with a mandatory 3-week capstone project. The programming boot camp is made possible by Nepal Telecom and with the partnership with Insight Workshop. - -We are looking to sponsor 25 people who are genuinely interested in learning programming or want to build something. Tell us why you want to learn the art of coding, what will you do after the course, or how this course will help you to take your career to the next level. We want to hear your story! - -Check out the **[FAQs for more details about the cours](**. - -If this is interesting to you, please fill the form below to be considered for the scholarship. We are looking for applicants from all backgrounds. - -If you have any questions regarding the scholarship program, please feel free to contact us, or leave a comment below.  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index fd29de84..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1245 -title: 'Thank you for applying to Ko Nepali Here’s what will happen next!' -date: 2016-03-30T17:59:46-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/03/1206-autosave-v1/ ---- -Thank you for applying to “Ko Nepali.” On this page, you will find information on what to expect next and meet judges of this competition. (Also follow us on Code for Nepal Twitter and Facebook page to keep up with latest updates!) - -### **So what happens next? ** - - * _Once submissions close on April 27, 2016, the Code for Nepal team will review each to ensure these are original, vulgar-free, and not against any person or community. Entries that meet Code for Nepal’s criteria will be shared on Code for Nepal’s Facebook page. By submitting your entry, you agree to have Code for Nepal share your work on social media._ - * _In early May, participants and audiences will then be encouraged to share their favorite entries via Code for Nepal’s Facebook page. In early June, the top 20 videos and 20 photos with the highest number of shares via Code for Nepal’s Facebook page will be sent to judges for final review. If submissions by women and people outside of Kathmandu Valley are not represented at 30% among the top entries (i.e. at least 6 videos and 6 photos), Code for Nepal will include the most shared entries from women and from those in areas outside of Kathmandu Valley._ - * __The judges will grade each video from 1 to 20 — 1 being the lowest grade, 20 being the highest grade.  The 5 videos and 5 photos that receive the highest grade on average from judges will win cash prizes. The results will be announced by Code for Nepal via its Facebook page in late June.__ - -### **Judges: ** - -NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati is an independent photographer and curator based in Kathmandu, Nepal. Her work seeks to embrace themes such as change, identity, gender, and history within the context of ‘the New Nepal’. She enjoys working across platforms to connect visuals, sound, research, education, and activism. In 2007, she co-founded, a photography platform that has facilitated learning, publishing, exhibition and networking opportunities for Nepali photographers. In 2010, she co-founded the Nepal Picture Library; a digital photo archive that strives to document a ground-up history of the Nepali people. In 2015, NayanTara co-founded Photo Kathmandu, Nepal’s first international photography festival. - -Manjushree Thapa writes fiction and nonfiction, and translates Nepali literature into English. Her next novel, All of Us in Our Own Lives, is due for publication in 2016. Manjushree’s essays and editorials have appeared in New York Times, London Review of Books, Newsweek, Globe and Mail, and other publications in the US, UK, Canada, India and Nepal. Her books have been translated into French, German, Finnish, Italian, Japanese and Nepali. - -Shiwani Neupane is an author, freelance writer and co-founder of Story South Asia. Her novel Crossing Shadows was published in September 2015. She has a graduate degree from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. - -Anup Kaphle is the Deputy Foreign Editor at BuzzFeed News, where he edits the publication’s world coverage. Previously, he worked as the Digital Foreign Editor at The Washington Post, where he managed the paper’s world coverage on the web. At the Post, he was responsible for producing and managing enterprise projects and multimedia elements, shaping its online strategy and building innovative tools to enhance foreign and national security coverage. - -**Deepak Rauniyar **of Aadi Productions is the director and producer of White Sun. Rauniyar’s debut feature Highway premiered at the 62nd Berlinale and was first Nepali film ever to screen at a major international film festival. The film opened MoMA’s ConteporAsian in New York and screened internationally. - -Lex Limbu as a popular blogger and youtuber. Having started his journey into social media in 2007 on youtube, the 23 year old Nepali from the UK progressed on to run a popular blog under his own name. With over 5000 views a day on the blog has become a Number 1 Source for many keen on keeping up with the celebrity culture, movies and the happenings in Nepal. Till date Lex has campaigned for and led several fundraisers including Help Nepal Network, Help Kumar Kancha, Live For Change, Nepal Unites UK Protest and founded TRACING NEPAL. - -  - -### **Prizes: ** - -Prizes for video  winners - -
    • - 1st prize: Rs 25,000 and certificate -
    • -
    • - 2nd Prize: Rs 10,000 and certificate -
    • -
    • - 3rd Prize: Rs 3,000 and certificate -
    • -
    - -Prizes for photo winners - -
    • - 1st Prize: Rs 10,000 and certificate -
    • -
    • - 2nd Prize: Rs 5,000 and certificate -
    • -
    • - 3rd Prize: Rs 2,000 and certificate -
    • -
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9742cb52..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2292 -title: Give coding scholarships to young women in Nepal -date: 2018-12-24T05:04:04-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/12/2255-autosave-v1/ ---- -[]( - -This #GivingTuesday we are raising money to give 25 scholarships to young women from diverse background to learn to code. Your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. 100% of the donation will be used to provide scholarships. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support. - -Gender equality in all sectors and especially in the tech sector, in Nepal, remains a challenge. We would like to help change that. Code for Nepal has years of experience in providing opportunities for women to learn to code and finding a job or internship. Please join us in making Nepal a more equal place for women. Please donate and share with your friends and family. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index fec8d35c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2293 -title: Give coding scholarships to young women in Nepal -date: 2018-12-24T05:04:12-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/12/2255-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -We are raising money to give 25 scholarships to young women from diverse background to learn to code. Your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. 100% of the donation will be used to provide scholarships. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support. - -Gender equality in all sectors and especially in the tech sector, in Nepal, remains a challenge. We would like to help change that. Code for Nepal has years of experience in providing opportunities for women to learn to code and finding a job or internship. Please join us in making Nepal a more equal place for women. Please donate and share with your friends and family. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b3d96bfa..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2257 -title: 'This #GivingTuesday give coding scholarships to young women in Nepal' -date: 2018-11-23T06:20:17-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/11/2255-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -This #GivingTuesday we are raising money to give 25 scholarships to young women from diverse background to learn to code. Your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. 100% of the donation will be used to provide scholarships. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support. - -Gender equality in all sectors and especially in the tech sector, in Nepal, remains a challenge. We would like to help change that. Code for Nepal has years of experience in providing opportunities for women to learn to code and finding a job or internship. Please join us in making Nepal a more equal place for women. Please donate and share with your friends and family. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7ddfdaa5..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 144 -title: Top 10 languages spoken as mother tongues in Nepal -date: 2014-12-22T22:30:56-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/21-revision-v1/ ---- -“There are 123 languages spoken as mother tongue reported in census 2011. Nepali is spoken as mother tongue by 44.6 percent (11,826,953) of the total population followed by Maithili (11.7% 3,092,530).” – _[Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/top-3-kata-nepali-short-videos-will-be-screened-in-nepa-america-international-film-festival1981-autosave-v1-Top-3-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" "b/_drafts/top-3-kata-nepali-short-videos-will-be-screened-in-nepa-america-international-film-festival1981-autosave-v1-Top-3-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 7cdbb647..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/top-3-kata-nepali-short-videos-will-be-screened-in-nepa-america-international-film-festival1981-autosave-v1-Top-3-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2000 -title: 'Top 3 “Kata Nepali?” short videos will be screened in Nepal- America International Film Festival' -date: 2018-01-04T19:54:15-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/01/1981-autosave-v1/ ---- -**_Code for Nepal_** and [**Nepal American Film Society**]( proudly announce the partnership for the short video competition **Kata Nepali?**”  titled where is Nepal/Nepali heading?  The winning videos of the competition will be screened at the Nepal-America International Film Festival in Washington DC area from 18- May to 20 May, organized by Maryland based non-profit **Nepal American Film Society.** - -**_Code for Nepal_** is currently accepting short video submissions for the competition.The participants can submit their videos free of cost. The videos can be in English, Nepali, Bhojpuri, Maithili, or Tamang and should be no longer than 180 seconds. However, with the possibility of being screened internationally, participants are encouraged to include English subtitles for videos. - -In a nation full of diverse cultures, perspectives and experiences, this competition seeks to discover what vision many Nepalis hold today for the future of Nepal, while promoting the use of their digital resources such as cameras, cell phones, or digital platforms such as Facebook. - -_“The film represents the most powerful medium for portraying diverse stories of various communities around the world. This is a unique opportunity to understand Nepal’s cultural diversity and connect with each other,”_ says Purna Singh Baraili, Director for Nepal America International Film Festival. “ _I am hopeful that Nepal America International Film Festival will work as a platform to encourage Nepali youth to explore their hopes, challenges, and dreams about Nepal through this competition.”_ - -[]( - -  - -“The selection of videos will be based on creativity and clarity of the message,” says Roshan Ghimire, Director of Operations and Partnerships at Code for Nepal. “ I am hopeful that this opportunity to showcase short video at international film festival will encourage storytellers and film makers to bring forward  diverse and changing voices of Nepali society to the international audiences.” - -The last day for submission is January 10, 2018. All participants must fill the submission form available at []( as well as upload their submissions on YouTube, following the directions available at the given link. - -Winners will be announced on February 14, 2018, and the first prize winner will receive Rs. 20,000, with certificates and cash prizes for second and third places as well.    - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. - -Nepal American Film Society is a 501(c) (3) compliant non-profit organization based in the United States whose mission is to bridge the world of arts and culture through cinema. The Film Society focuses on bridging the Nepali and American culture, and community through cinema by partnering with film, arts, and other development organizations. \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/top-3-kata-nepali-short-videos-will-be-screened-in-nepa-america-international-film-festival1981-revision-v1-Top-3-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" "b/_drafts/top-3-kata-nepali-short-videos-will-be-screened-in-nepa-america-international-film-festival1981-revision-v1-Top-3-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 3a3aa099..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/top-3-kata-nepali-short-videos-will-be-screened-in-nepa-america-international-film-festival1981-revision-v1-Top-3-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1983 -title: 'Top 3 “Kata Nepali?” short videos will be screened in Nepa- America International Film Festival' -date: 2017-12-15T11:37:55-05:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/12/1981-revision-v1/ ---- -**_Code for Nepal_** and [**Nepal American Film Society**](  proudly  announce the partnership  for the short video competition **Kata Nepali?**”  titled where is Nepal/Nepali heading?  The winning videos of the competition will be screened at the Nepal-America International Film Festival in Washington DC area from 18- May to 20 May, organized by Maryland based non-profit **Nepal American Film Society.** - -**_Code for Nepal_** is currently accepting short video submissions for the competition.The participants can submit their videos free of cost. The videos can be in English, Nepali, Bhojpuri, Maithili, or Tamang and should be no longer than 180 seconds. However, with the possibility of being screened internationally, participants are encouraged to include English subtitles for videos. - -In a nation full of diverse cultures, perspectives and experiences, this competition seeks to discover what vision many Nepalis hold today for the future of Nepal, while promoting the use of their digital resources such as cameras, cell phones, or digital platforms such as Facebook. - -_“The film represents the most powerful medium for portraying diverse stories of various communities around the world. This is a unique opportunity to understand Nepal’s cultural diversity and connect with each other,”_ says Purna Singh Baraili, Director for Nepal America International Film Festival. “ _I am hopeful that Nepal America International Film Festival will work as a platform to encourage Nepali youth to explore their hopes, challenges, and dreams about Nepal through this competition.”_ - -[]( - -  - -“The selection of videos will be based on creativity and clarity of the message,” says Roshan Ghimire, Director of Operations and Partnerships at Code for Nepal. “ I am hopeful that this opportunity to showcase short video at international film festival will encourage storytellers and film makers to bring forward  diverse and changing voices of Nepali society to the international audiences.” - -The last day for submission is Dec 31, 2017. All participants must fill the submission form available at []( as well as upload their submissions on YouTube, following the directions available at the given link. - -Winners will be announced on February 14, 2017, and the first prize winner will receive Rs. 20,000, with certificates and cash prizes for second and third places as well.    - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. - -Nepal American Film Society is a 501(c) (3) compliant non-profit organization based in the United States whose mission is to bridge the world of arts and culture through cinema. The Film Society  focuses on bridging the Nepali and American culture, and community through cinema by partnering with film, arts and other development organizations. \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/top-3-kata-nepali-short-videos-will-be-screened-in-nepa-america-international-film-festival1981-revision-v1-Top-3-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" "b/_drafts/top-3-kata-nepali-short-videos-will-be-screened-in-nepa-america-international-film-festival1981-revision-v1-Top-3-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 08209114..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/top-3-kata-nepali-short-videos-will-be-screened-in-nepa-america-international-film-festival1981-revision-v1-Top-3-\342\200\234Kata-Nepali\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2001 -title: 'Top 3 “Kata Nepali?” short videos will be screened in Nepal- America International Film Festival' -date: 2018-01-04T19:59:20-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/01/1981-revision-v1/ ---- -**_Code for Nepal_** and [**Nepal American Film Society**]( proudly announce the partnership for the short video competition **Kata Nepali?**”  titled where is Nepal/Nepali heading?  The winning videos of the competition will be screened at the Nepal-America International Film Festival in Washington DC area from 18- May to 20 May, organized by Maryland based non-profit **Nepal American Film Society.** - -**_Code for Nepal_** is currently accepting short video submissions for the competition.The participants can submit their videos free of cost. The videos can be in English, Nepali, Bhojpuri, Maithili, or Tamang and should be no longer than 180 seconds. However, with the possibility of being screened internationally, participants are encouraged to include English subtitles for videos. - -In a nation full of diverse cultures, perspectives and experiences, this competition seeks to discover what vision many Nepalis hold today for the future of Nepal, while promoting the use of their digital resources such as cameras, cell phones, or digital platforms such as Facebook. - -_“The film represents the most powerful medium for portraying diverse stories of various communities around the world. This is a unique opportunity to understand Nepal’s cultural diversity and connect with each other,”_ says Purna Singh Baraili, Director for Nepal America International Film Festival. “ _I am hopeful that Nepal America International Film Festival will work as a platform to encourage Nepali youth to explore their hopes, challenges, and dreams about Nepal through this competition.”_ - -[]( - -  - -“The selection of videos will be based on creativity and clarity of the message,” says Roshan Ghimire, Director of Operations and Partnerships at Code for Nepal. “ I am hopeful that this opportunity to showcase short video at international film festival will encourage storytellers and film makers to bring forward  diverse and changing voices of Nepali society to the international audiences.” - -The last day for submission is January 10, 2018. All participants must fill the submission form available at []( as well as upload their submissions on YouTube, following the directions available at the given link. - -Winners will be announced on February 14, 2018, and the first prize winner will receive Rs. 20,000, with certificates and cash prizes for second and third places as well.    - -Code for Nepal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the United States. Code for Nepal works to increase digital literacy and the use of open data in Nepal. - -Nepal American Film Society is a 501(c) (3) compliant non-profit organization based in the United States whose mission is to bridge the world of arts and culture through cinema. The Film Society focuses on bridging the Nepali and American culture, and community through cinema by partnering with film, arts, and other development organizations. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7b55855b..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2206 -title: Top five countries that send the most tourists to Nepal -date: 2018-09-23T15:20:26-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/09/2204-revision-v1/ ---- -[]( - -Travel and tourism make a significant contribution to the economy in Nepal. In 2017, travel and tourism directly [contributed]( (PDF) NPR 99.8bn (USD 982.5mn) or 4.0 percent of Nepal’s GDP and supported 497,500 jobs. - -These are the five countries that send the most tourists to Nepal, according to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation. - - 1. India - 2. China - 3. USA - 4. UK - 5. Sri Lanka - -Data source: [PDF]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 42712708..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1908 -title: 'Understanding the patterns: Business Data added in NepalMap' -date: 2017-09-01T12:09:23-04:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/09/1904-autosave-v1/ ---- -As the use and impact of NepalMap increases day by day, we at Code for Nepal are working hard to make sure the users are getting direct benefits by publishing new stories with facts, adding new datasets and teaching people how to use it through events. [NepalMap]( aims to make data on Nepal more accessible and understandable by creating user-friendly data visualizations on key demographic issues. - -After adding Local Election Data at NepalMap, We recently added the business data so that users can get the whole overview and growth rate of business in Nepal. A year ago, Office of Company Registrar Nepal embarked the OCR Open Government Data (OGD) initiative to increase access to company data and wants to create an ecosystem of OGD to increase the usability of data and realize the benefits. They opened the data regarding company registration from 2002 till 2072 BS for download and reuse in CSV and XML format. - -Despite huge possibilities of data-based storytelling, only a few had used those sources of data. So, we decided to feature the data in NepalMap. - -To find the right pattern to present business data at NepalMap, We go through different phases just to make sure the data visualization we create can be easily understandable and meaningful. - -First Phase: Sorting the whole dataset - -In the first phase we analysis the whole available datasets and sorted it according to the year wise and districts wise. For this we replace the district code with district name and removed the other unwanted parts, this gave us an opportunity to understand the company data better. All the filtered and sorted datasets are in available openly at [GitHub for reuse.]( - -Second Phase: Finding the patterns to present the data - -For this we used 10 years long civil war as our key point, Keeping the date of civil war as a break point, we divided the whole datasets into three parts: before the civil war, during the civil war, and after civil war. - -[]( - -We also present data according to a decade and its business types: Private, Public, Foreign and Non-profit. - -Third Phase: Presenting the data - -We used Bar Charts to present both Era and Decade data, although we had some discussion of using Histogram for presentation. Let us know if you think presenting this data in different visualization would be better. - -[]( - -**We are also looking for some others sources of data which can be featured at NepalMap, let us know what kinds of datasets would you like to see at [NepalMap]( next.** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 613a5668..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1913 -title: 'Understanding the patterns: Business Data added in NepalMap' -date: 2017-09-01T12:09:46-04:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2017/09/1904-revision-v1/ ---- -As the use and impact of NepalMap increases day by day, we at Code for Nepal are working hard to make sure the users are getting direct benefits by publishing new stories with facts, adding new datasets and teaching people how to use it through events. [NepalMap]( aims to make data on Nepal more accessible and understandable by creating user-friendly data visualizations on key demographic issues. - -After adding Local Election Data at NepalMap, We recently added the business data so that users can get the whole overview and growth rate of business in Nepal. A year ago, Office of Company Registrar Nepal embarked the OCR Open Government Data (OGD) initiative to increase access to company data and wants to create an ecosystem of OGD to increase the usability of data and realize the benefits. They opened the data regarding company registration from 2002 till 2072 BS for download and reuse in CSV and XML format. - -Despite huge possibilities of data-based storytelling, only a few had used those sources of data. So, we decided to feature the data in NepalMap. - -To find the right pattern to present business data at NepalMap, We go through different phases just to make sure the data visualization we create can be easily understandable and meaningful. - -First Phase: Sorting the whole dataset - -In the first phase we analysis the whole available datasets and sorted it according to the year wise and districts wise. For this we replace the district code with district name and removed the other unwanted parts, this gave us an opportunity to understand the company data better. All the filtered and sorted datasets are in available openly at [GitHub for reuse.]( - -Second Phase: Finding the patterns to present the data - -For this we used 10 years long civil war as our key point, Keeping the date of civil war as a break point, we divided the whole datasets into three parts: before the civil war, during the civil war, and after civil war. - -[]( - -We also present data according to a decade and its business types: Private, Public, Foreign and Non-profit. - -Third Phase: Presenting the data - -We used Bar Charts to present both Era and Decade data, although we had some discussion of using Histogram for presentation. Let us know if you think presenting this data in different visualization would be better. - -[]( - -**We are also looking for some others sources of data which can be featured at NepalMap, let us know what kinds of datasets would you like to see at [NepalMap]( next.** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b9e03d56..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1258 -title: Using data to prevent conflict -date: 2016-04-07T10:22:59-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/04/1254-autosave-v1/ ---- -  - -On March 30-31, I attended my very first UN-hosted roundtable conference. The roundtable was a platform to generate new ideas drawing from our experiences in the process of creating tools that would help prevent conflict through the use of data. - -As I was riding to the event location, I did not know what to expect. After the two days’ roundtable, I now know so many amazing people working in the data and development fields. I am also aware of various challenges and opportunities around the usage of data. - -There were about twenty-five attendees from various sectors. As most of Code for Nepal staff (volunteers) is based outside Nepal, it was a good way to meet professionals who have been doing similar work in Nepal. - -On day one, Mr. Allen Tuladhar from Microsoft Innovation Center Nepal (MIC) presented about MIC’s experiences and data and digital literacy in the Nepali context. We also learned about their efforts in partnership with UNDP and UNV through their Debris Management Program. Dr. Anders Engvall and Mr Rudi Sukandar shared about their many years of data collection and analysis work to tackle conflict in Thailand and Indonesia respectively. We also heard from Mr. Thomas Barr from Peace Informatics Lab and Mr. René Clausen Nielsen from the Global Pulse Lab about various case studies on the use of big data for conflict prevention and development. - -In between these presentations we had group discussions and Q/A to put the learnings into Nepali context. All of the participants had some role in the use of data especially for the humanitarian response during the earthquake. - -I shared about how Code for Nepal used low-tech high-impact approach through Google document, screenshots, and Facebook ads to circulate information about resources, volunteers, and people that needed help during the earthquake. All the knowledge we got on day one would be used as a precursor to meet our objectives for the next day. - -On day two, we were divided into two groups. We brainstormed ideas while David Roth and Ruici Tio from LoveFrankie facilitated the group work. Participants observed that the process was similar to design thinking. We were exploring concepts that would answer the question ‘How might data prevent conflict, violent extremism and build peace?’. My group came up with the idea of a youth led initiative that would involve a crowdsourcing platform. - -We tested our main concepts using the POWER tool. The group involved professionals with different backgrounds and perspectives. We pitched our idea and got feedback. All this was done within fours hours. Even though our group had a lot of debates and differences, we were able to come up with a final pitch. It was a wonderful learning experience hearing from such diverse group of professionals. - -I would like to sincerely thank UNDP, UNV and UNRCO for the opportunity to be a part of this roundtable and all the attendees for kindly sharing their experiences, ideas, and great intent to work with each other. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 323d0312..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1267 -title: Using data to prevent conflict -date: 2016-04-07T10:25:19-04:00 -author: Richa Neupane -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/04/1254-revision-v1/ ---- -On March 30-31, I attended my very first UN-hosted roundtable conference. The roundtable was a platform to generate new ideas drawing from our experiences in the process of creating tools that would help prevent conflict through the use of data. - -As I was riding to the event location, I did not know what to expect. At the end of day two, I now know so many amazing people working in the data and development fields. I am also aware of various challenges and opportunities around the usage of data. - -There were about twenty-five attendees from various sectors. As most of Code for Nepal staff (volunteers) is based outside Nepal, it was a good way to meet professionals who have been doing similar work in Nepal. - -On day one, Mr. Allen Tuladhar from Microsoft Innovation Center Nepal (MIC) presented about MIC’s experiences and data and digital literacy in the Nepali context. We also learned about their efforts in partnership with UNDP and UNV through their Debris Management Program. Dr. Anders Engvall and Mr Rudi Sukandar shared about their many years of data collection and analysis work to tackle conflict in Thailand and Indonesia respectively. We also heard from Mr. Thomas Barr from Peace Informatics Lab and Mr. René Clausen Nielsen from the Global Pulse Lab about various case studies on the use of big data for conflict prevention and development. - -In between these presentations we had group discussions and Q/A to put the learnings into Nepali context. All of the participants had some role in the use of data especially for the humanitarian response during the earthquake. - -I shared about how Code for Nepal used low-tech high-impact approach through Google document, screenshots, and Facebook ads to circulate information about resources, volunteers, and people that needed help during the earthquake. All the knowledge we got on day one would be used as a precursor to meet our objectives for the next day. - -On day two, we were divided into two groups. We brainstormed ideas while David Roth and Ruici Tio from LoveFrankie facilitated the group work. Participants observed that the process was similar to design thinking. We were exploring concepts that would answer the question ‘How might data prevent conflict, violent extremism and build peace?’. My group came up with the idea of a youth led initiative that would involve a crowdsourcing platform. - -We tested our main concepts using the POWER tool. The group involved professionals with different backgrounds and perspectives. We pitched our idea and got feedback. All this was done within fours hours. Even though our group had a lot of debates and differences, we were able to come up with a final pitch. It was a wonderful learning experience hearing from such diverse group of professionals. - -I would like to sincerely thank UNDP, UNV and UNRCO for the opportunity to be a part of this roundtable and all the attendees for kindly sharing their experiences, ideas, and great intent to work with each other. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 91a33d0d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2222 -title: Code for Nepal and partners launched to attract more tourists and create more jobs in Janakpur, Nepal -date: 2018-10-30T22:58:08-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/10/2220-revision-v1/ ---- -[Pond in Janakpur Dham]( Credit: Badal Gyawali - -Washington, USA, October 29, 2017 – Code for Nepal today announced that Code for Nepal and partners are launching Visit Janakpur ([](  to digitize the city and area to attract more tourists, help local businesses and people in Nepal. - -As Nepal plans to attract 1.5 million tourists by 2020, Janakpur could benefit the country and itself by doing all it can to attract more tourists. Realizing this potential, Code for Nepal and partners are launching Visit Janakpur. As part of the initiative, they also plan to train local businesses to improve their services in the near future. - -“Visit Janakpur is a project initiated by Code for Nepal to digitize the city to attract more tourists, help local businesses and people in Nepal. To maximize the benefit of the project, we are partnering with Province 2 Government and Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitan City, ” said Roshan Ghimire, director of Code for Nepal. Organizations like Appan TV, Internet Market Today, StoryCycle, FACTS Nepal, Sano Paila, ANTA, Code for Janakpur and others are partners of this project. - -On October 27-29, a group of volunteers gathered to build digital maps of Janakpur, take photos and videos, and publish essays about the temples and ponds of this historic city.  As a team volunteers built 542 map points, 55 plus 360-degree imageries, 12 video stories. Honorable Mayor of Janakpur Dham officially launched []( at the workshop after thanking volunteers and organizers for their work to promote tourism in Janakpur Dham. - -“As a digital marketing entrepreneur, it’s a privilege for me to work on a project to promote my hometown to the global audience,” said Amit Jha, Founder & CEO of Internet Market Today. - -“Janakpur has the potential to be a major attraction for religious tourism in Nepal,” Navin Shah, founder of Appan TV said. “Visit Janakpur is a great initiative to attract more tourists to Janakpur area.”   - -Contact: - -Roshan Ghimire - -Director of Operations and Partnerships - -Code for Nepal - -[]( - -+977 985-120-4309 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1ade1965..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2278 -title: '#VisitJanakpur Social Media Photo Challenge' -date: 2018-12-18T11:31:35-05:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/12/2267-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - -**Purpose** - -The purpose of the #VisitJanakpur Social Media Photo Challenge is to encourage participants to photograph Janakpur Dham and area and publish on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook using hashtags #VisitJanakpur and #VisitNepal2020. Both of these hashtags must be used. The photo can be of anything such as: food, temples, art, ponds or people. - - -**Who can apply** - -Everyone except members and families of organizer and co-organizer of this challenge. - - -**How to apply** - -From **October 30  to December 31**, participants need to take photos of Janakpur Dham and area and post on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook using hashtags #VisitJanakpur and #VisitNepal2020. - - -A participant has to post minimum of five photos of five different things to qualify. For example, a participant can take photos of temple, pond, food, people, houses or neighborhoods. - - -Photos published between **October 30 to December 31** will be judged for this social media challenge. - - -Participants need to email their **5 best photos** to  with the subject- “Entry for Visit Janakpur Social Media Photo Challenge” - - -**The post should have:** - - -1-2 sentence description of the photo. See for example: - -Twitter post: - - -Instagram post: - - -Facebook post: - - -Tag @VisitJanakpur on Instagram/Twitter - - - -**Guidelines to submit** - -You can take photos of people, food, temples, flowers, ponds, houses etc and post with a caption (description) that would help people understand what your photo is about. Use hashtags #VisitJanakpur and #VisitNepal2020. Also, please don’t watermark your submissions. - - - - -**Judges*** - -Deepika Gyawali - -Sumit Sabita Shekhar - - -*Please do not contact the judges or ask them questions.  If you have questions, please email - - -**Judging Criteria** - -Photos will be judged based on quality of photo and description of the photos. - - -**Awards** - -Nrs 5,000 and certificate each to two top winners: One male and one female participant. Three additional participants would get certificates. - - -**Winners will be announced in mid of January.** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 931d5b13..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 135 -title: Visualizing District level poverty in Nepal -date: 2014-12-22T22:08:56-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/17-revision-v1/ ---- -This map shows percentage of population living in poverty in districts in 2011. - - - -Data file: Code for Nepal - -Source: Small Area Estimation of Poverty \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 931d5b13..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 135 -title: Visualizing District level poverty in Nepal -date: 2014-12-22T22:08:56-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/17-revision-v1/ ---- -This map shows percentage of population living in poverty in districts in 2011. - - - -Data file: Code for Nepal - -Source: Small Area Estimation of Poverty \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2bab65fd..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 138 -title: Visualizing Number of Teachers in 2011 -date: 2014-12-22T22:22:43-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/19-autosave-v1/ ---- -**You can also view the number of teachers in the table below. Districts are arranged in an alphabetical order.** - - - -Data: - -Source: Open Nepal Portal and Government of Nepal, Department of Education. - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1456942f..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 139 -title: Visualizing Number of Teachers in 2011 -date: 2014-12-22T22:23:20-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/19-revision-v1/ ---- -**You can also view the number of teachers in the table below. Districts are arranged in an alphabetical order.** - - - -Data: Code for Nepal - -Source: Open Nepal Portal and Government of Nepal, Department of Education. - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1456942f..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 139 -title: Visualizing Number of Teachers in 2011 -date: 2014-12-22T22:23:20-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/19-revision-v1/ ---- -**You can also view the number of teachers in the table below. Districts are arranged in an alphabetical order.** - - - -Data: Code for Nepal - -Source: Open Nepal Portal and Government of Nepal, Department of Education. - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index ddc0a2a1..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 141 -title: Visualizing the number of teachers in 2011 -date: 2014-12-22T22:24:49-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/19-revision-v1/ ---- -**You can also view the number of teachers in the table below. Districts are arranged in an alphabetical order.** - - - -Data: Code for Nepal - -Source: Open Nepal Portal and Government of Nepal, Department of Education. - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d513d628..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2477 -title: Empowering local volunteers to Digitize Janakpur, a city in southern Nepal -date: 2019-11-21T21:04:59-05:00 -author: Nikesh Balami -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/11/2473-revision-v1/ ---- -
    \ No newline at end of file
    diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/
    deleted file mode 100644
    index 0ce3aa28..00000000
    --- a/_drafts/
    +++ /dev/null
    @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
    -id: 2493
    -title: Volunteers uploaded over 2,000 street-level imagery of Janakpur, a city in Nepal
    -date: 2019-11-23T10:14:17-05:00
    -author: Nikesh Balami
    -layout: post
    -permalink: /2019/11/2473-revision-v1/
    - -[November 3, 2019] Spending holiday by volunteering is fun, especially in this digital world when you can help a group of youth digitize their town. With this aim of mobilizing the local volunteers to map the street of Janakpur on [OpenStreetMap](; [Code for Nepal]( collaborated with [Internet Market Today](, [Appan TV]( and Smartha Nepal to organize [2019 Digitizing Janakpur]( Workshop. It was a followup event of 2018 workshop, where we launched []( by mapping businesses of the city, and publishing photos and videos. - - -As the use of technology has grown, everyone now depends on online search and service. Digital content like blog posts, photos, street views, promotional videos etcetera usually appear in online search results. A town needs to have digital presence and online map so locals and tourists alike navigate the area easily.  - - -When Nepal is promoting Visit Nepal 2020 campaign, a platform like Visit Janakpur can be very useful, where the latest information about the city is contributed by local volunteers. - - -**The main aim of the 2019 digitizing workshop was: ** - - * To use Mapillary, an app, to map different routes of Janakpur key destination. - * To teach young people how to become part of Google’s local guides community. - * To enjoy the hands-on experience of taking 360 photos using Google Street View. - - - -**Workshop Day** - - -15 volunteers gathered at Monsatic Higher Secondary School at 8:30 AM, where they received a welcome orientation from Program Coordinator of Code for Nepal, Sadikshya Karki. She shared the overall program agenda and quickly created a friendly environment within participants through warmup dance. I and Ishan Dongol accompanied her during the introduction. -
    - -![](
    - -After the short introduction session and breakfast, the participants were asked to download and setup Mapillary accounts for the mapping. Ishan Dongol lead the hands-on session to teach participants how to use Mapilary. The participants then were divided into 3 groups for the field mapping, where they visited different key places of Janakpur to collect street views. -
    - -![](
    - -After 3 hours long field visits and short lunch break, the participants went to the office premises of Internet Market Today, where the session on “How Search Works” was conducted by Amit Jha, Founder & CEO of Internet Market Today.  - - -I then led a short session on how to take 360 photos using Google Street View app, where I shared the importance of 360 photos and key tips of taking beautiful photos.
    - -![](
    - -The workshop was concluded by Navin Shah, Managing Director of Appan TV and Sadikshya Karki, where they encouraged participants to be connected through social media and welcomed their contribution to the Visit Janakpur portal. - - -**Key Outcomes of the Workshop** - - -Participants were able to capture the 21 street view sequences, which consists of 2575+ images of various parts of Janakpur and few 360 photos. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 50ae2d0b..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 429 -title: Watch a journey of discovering open data in Nepal -date: 2015-06-06T21:19:35-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/06/425-autosave-v1/ ---- -[Open Data: A Journey of Discovery in Nepal (Long Version)]( from [OpenData]( on [Vimeo]( - -Data journalist Gyanu Sharma leads us through Kathmandu Valley to meet various stakeholders of open data, in this short documentary. In his search for the right public school for his son, we see him seeking information about the financing of public schools, a sector that is underfunded in Nepal. - -Open data is new but not unheard of in Nepal. It is paving the path towards accountability. - -If citizens were aware of the existence of such data that gave details on where and what the government is investing on, they could use it as a tool to demand accountability from their government. - -Public schools like the one Sharma wants his son to attend could present that data to effectively advocate for more funding in order to provide quality education. The same could be done for health agencies, village development committees, and businesses. - -Data will allow for a more accountable development and governance. Stout believers in the power of data like Pavitra Rana of Open Nepal hope that data will prove revolutionary. - -But first, baby steps are needed. In addition to finding, creating and listing trustful detailed data about various aid or government projects, citizens also need to be more informed about the availability of such data and guidelines for effective use of that information. - -Watch the documentary and tell us what you think \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2292ff2c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 431 -title: Watch a journey of discovering open data in Nepal -date: 2015-06-06T21:24:17-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/06/425-revision-v1/ ---- -Data journalist Gyanu Sharma leads us through Kathmandu Valley to meet various stakeholders of open data, in this short documentary. In his search for the right public school for his son, we see him seeking information about the financing of public schools, a sector that is underfunded in Nepal. - -Open data is new but not unheard of in Nepal. It is paving the path towards accountability. - -If citizens were aware of the existence of such data that gave details on where and what the government is investing on, they could use it as a tool to demand accountability from their government. - -Public schools like the one Sharma wants his son to attend could present that data to effectively advocate for more funding in order to provide quality education. The same could be done for health agencies, village development committees, and businesses. - -Data will allow for a more accountable development and governance. Stout believers in the power of data like Pavitra Rana of Open Nepal hope that data will prove revolutionary. - -But first, baby steps are needed. In addition to finding, creating and listing trustful detailed data about various aid or government projects, citizens also need to be more informed about the availability of such data and guidelines for effective use of that information. - -Watch the documentary and tell us what you think in the comments. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 06187189..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2299 -title: Which province has the highest wealth inequality in Nepal -date: 2019-01-06T17:22:10-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/01/2296-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - -

    - Overall in Nepal, inequality is low in context of the country’s economic development.

    - -Inequality is measured by the Gini Index, “the most widely used measure of inequality”. The Gini Index looks at the “distribution of a nation’s income or wealth, where 0 represents complete equality and 1 total inequality.” - - -The most recent [Demographic and Health Survey]( of Nepal released by the Ministry of Health shows which provinces have the highest wealth inequality. - -Province 6 has the highest inequality and one of the [highest rates of multidimensional poverty]( with every second person being multidimensionally poor (50%), the same as Province 2 of Nepal. However, inequality in Province 2 is the lowest in the country, according to the Demographic and Health Survey. - -Data source: [Demographic and Health Survey]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 84df580e..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2418 -title: What does Code for Nepal symbolize for our Community member Richa? -date: 2019-05-18T16:48:01-04:00 -author: Shrijana Khanal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/05/2413-revision-v1/ ---- -

    - Recognizing and thanking Code for Nepal Community members -

    - -

    - In this post, we are highlighting Richa Neupane, our project manager! -

    - -_Who are you and tell us how/where did you grow up?_ - -I am Richa Neupane. I was born and raised in Kathmandu. - -_How did you become involved with Code for Nepal?_ - -I became involved with Code for Nepal in 2015, when the team was gathering online volunteers for the April earthquake response at that time. - -_Code for Nepal is a volunteer-run organization, many of the volunteers have daytime jobs outside of Code for Nepal. Therefore, where is your passion and dedication for this organization derived from?_ - -I joined Code for Nepal only days before I graduated college. Back then, I was in the US and I really saw a way to contribute to Nepal through Code for Nepal’s vision of ending the digital literacy gap. I talked to a few volunteers and the co-founders online and I was inspired by their passion for change. - -_What is your role in Code for Nepal? Do you see yourself changing this role anytime in the future?_ - -I am the project manager at Code for Nepal. I have joined as a part-time staff and it may change in the future. - -_Where do you see Code for Nepal in the next few years and what can it do to improve?_ - -Code for Nepal should continue the work it is doing now. In the next few years, I think it will reach more corners of Nepal through programs like Visit Janakpur. I think having an office set up in Nepal would be helpful. **I really like the idea of being able to work for Nepal from wherever you are!** - -_How is Code for Nepal different or special from other non-profits?_ - -Code for Nepal is different in the way that it is very transparent and open to all. It has the ability to bring small quick changes as well as the larger systemic problems such as corruption and inaccessibility to resources. - -_How can others become more aware or involved with Code for Nepal?_ - -They can send us a message or fill our volunteer from online. They can also help through donations or just by sharing our products and providing feedback on how we can improve. Follow this [link]( for more details. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1c2acd4a..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2414 -title: 'What does volunteering mean to Code for Nepal’s Richa?' -date: 2019-05-18T16:42:55-04:00 -author: Shrijana Khanal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/05/2413-revision-v1/ ---- -**Recognizing and thanking Code for Nepal Community members** - -**In this post, we are highlighting Richa Neupane, our project manager!** - -_Who are you and tell us how/where did you grow up?_ - -I am Richa Neupane. I was born and raised in Kathmandu. - -_How did you become involved with Code for Nepal?_ - -I became involved with Code for Nepal in 2015, when the team was gathering online volunteers for the April earthquake response at that time. - -_Code for Nepal is a volunteer-run organization, many of the volunteers have daytime jobs outside of Code for Nepal. Therefore, where is your passion and dedication for this organization derived from?_ - -I joined Code for Nepal only days before I graduated college. Back then, I was in the US and I really saw a way to contribute to Nepal through Code for Nepal’s vision of ending the digital literacy gap. I talked to a few volunteers and the co-founders online and I was inspired by their passion for change. - -_What is your role in Code for Nepal? Do you see yourself changing this role anytime in the future?_ - -I am the project manager at Code for Nepal. I have joined as a part-time staff and it may change in the future. - -_Where do you see Code for Nepal in the next few years and what can it do to improve?_ - -Code for Nepal should continue the work it is doing now. In the next few years, I think it will reach more corners of Nepal through programs like Visit Janakpur. I think having an office set up in Nepal would be helpful. **I really like the idea of being able to work for Nepal from wherever you are!** - -_How is Code for Nepal different or special from other non-profits?_ - -Code for Nepal is different in the way that it is very transparent and open to all. It has the ability to bring small quick changes as well as the larger systemic problems such as corruption and inaccessibility to resources. - -_How can others become more aware or involved with Code for Nepal?_ - -They can send us a message or fill our volunteer from online. They can also help through donations or just by sharing our products and providing feedback on how we can improve. Follow this [link]( for more details. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2eedba30..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 129 -title: What I learned from my summer at Code for Nepal -date: 2014-12-22T21:30:55-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/14-autosave-v1/ ---- -by **Shashi Adhikari, @AdhikariShashi** - -![image]( - -**I** just finished my first year of college at KIIT University in India, where I study computer science. For the summer, I worked as a Program Analyst for Code for Nepal. Code for Nepal is a U.S.-based organization that works for digital empowerment in Nepal. Digital empowerment means raising awareness about how to use social media and technology to make your life better and to have more access to information online. - -My main job as a Program Analyst was to conduct a survey in Nepal to determine what women wanted to learn about computers and the Internet. The survey was done online and offline via paper. In Nepal, only a few cities have good Internet service. I went to several schools such as Sathya Sai School in Kathmandu, and Siddharth Shishu Sadan School and Model Campus in Janakpur. - -I also asked my friends from high school who are pursuing their undergraduate degrees in Kathmandu to ask their female classmates to take the survey. My friends are from different colleges like V.S Niketan College, Global College of Management, and Apex College. I distributed the form to them and gave a speech about Code For Nepal and they returned it back after students finished them. I gave the survey to high school, undergraduate, and graduate-level students. - -It was a good experience conducting the survey in Kathmandu and Janakpur over six weeks. More than 200 women completed the survey, sharing their goals and interests for digital training. - -While completing the survey, many students asked me questions, such as: what is a “hackathon”? What is “code” or “programming languages”? Students were curious to learn about HTML/CSS and Java. For students who had never heard of code, the concept was difficult to understand. - -To explain, I told them that the next time when they played a game on their phone, they would see the Java logo as the game loaded – that was an example of code being used to build a product that students used in their everyday lives. - -Overall, I found that it was very hard in rural area for girls to use the Internet and to know about social media. Girls in the Janakpur region also explained that they used the Internet infrequently because it is too slow. The power is often out there due to “load shedding.” Nonetheless, they were interested in Code for Nepal, and hope to participate in a training program in the future. - -We are still conducting survey online. If you are a woman in Nepal interested in digital training, take the survey, or if you know someone who is interested then share this blog post with them! - -And I welcome your thoughts about our project. Looking forward for your comments below! - -**![image](** - -**Shashi Adhikari, @AdhikariShashi** -_Program Analyst_ - -Shashi is a social media and technology enthusiast. He is pursuing bachelors in computer science at KIIT in India. He likes to visit new places, make new friends and read tech blogs. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6be11bed..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 130 -title: What I learned from my summer at Code for Nepal -date: 2014-12-22T21:31:20-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/14-revision-v1/ ---- -by **Shashi Adhikari, @AdhikariShashi** - -
    - image - -

    - Students in Janakpur, Nepal, complete Code for Nepal’s survey on what they hope to learn about the Internet and computers. (Photo Credit: Shashi Adhikari) -

    - -  - -**I** just finished my first year of college at KIIT University in India, where I study computer science. For the summer, I worked as a Program Analyst for Code for Nepal. Code for Nepal is a U.S.-based organization that works for digital empowerment in Nepal. Digital empowerment means raising awareness about how to use social media and technology to make your life better and to have more access to information online. - -My main job as a Program Analyst was to conduct a survey in Nepal to determine what women wanted to learn about computers and the Internet. The survey was done online and offline via paper. In Nepal, only a few cities have good Internet service. I went to several schools such as Sathya Sai School in Kathmandu, and Siddharth Shishu Sadan School and Model Campus in Janakpur. - -I also asked my friends from high school who are pursuing their undergraduate degrees in Kathmandu to ask their female classmates to take the survey. My friends are from different colleges like V.S Niketan College, Global College of Management, and Apex College. I distributed the form to them and gave a speech about Code For Nepal and they returned it back after students finished them. I gave the survey to high school, undergraduate, and graduate-level students. - -It was a good experience conducting the survey in Kathmandu and Janakpur over six weeks. More than 200 women completed the survey, sharing their goals and interests for digital training. - -While completing the survey, many students asked me questions, such as: what is a “hackathon”? What is “code” or “programming languages”? Students were curious to learn about HTML/CSS and Java. For students who had never heard of code, the concept was difficult to understand. - -To explain, I told them that the next time when they played a game on their phone, they would see the Java logo as the game loaded – that was an example of code being used to build a product that students used in their everyday lives. - -Overall, I found that it was very hard in rural area for girls to use the Internet and to know about social media. Girls in the Janakpur region also explained that they used the Internet infrequently because it is too slow. The power is often out there due to “load shedding.” Nonetheless, they were interested in Code for Nepal, and hope to participate in a training program in the future. - -We are still conducting survey online. If you are a woman in Nepal interested in digital training, take the survey, or if you know someone who is interested then share this blog post with them! - -And I welcome your thoughts about our project. Looking forward for your comments below! - -**![image](** - -**Shashi Adhikari, @AdhikariShashi** -_Program Analyst_ - -Shashi is a social media and technology enthusiast. He is pursuing bachelors in computer science at KIIT in India. He likes to visit new places, make new friends and read tech blogs. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 728b88d6..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 64 -title: What I learned from teaching digital skills to other women -date: 2014-12-15T03:28:30-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/8-autosave-v1/ ---- -![image]( - -**_**_Yogina Shakya,_**_**_ _o__ne of our grantee organized a digital empowerment training for 10 professional women in Dang. Yogina was one of our trainees this summer. ** -** - -** -** **_By Yogina Shakya_ -_Code for Nepal Fellow, 2014_** - -Empowering women with digital skills was a dream that kept my brain at unrest and my days full of preparation. Finally the day, 20th September arrived and we started the training. As per the plan, it was for 10 women that added up with 2 guest participants. - -I was nervous. All the participants were older than me. What made feel slightly confident was that I knew more about digital tools and social media than anyone else in the room. The training began with a room full of positive vibes and a lot of curiosity about the topic. - -At first, we talked about how the internet started and other numerous miracles born by internet. It has made a great impact in the lives of people in the 21st century, our life revolves around it. The session was full of queries and questions—that’s how I knew the training was interesting for the participants. - -The training continued with more energy as we proceeded for the practical parts, looking after the social media sites and creating social media accounts. - -As everyone wasn’t internet savvy it was a bit hard make sure everyone was on the same page. Thank to the team work of the participants while I was working with one, those who understood helped other participants. - -Everyone found “blogs” really interesting. Most of the participants did not know you could write and publish something so easily. We also talked about professional skills and emails such as Outlook express. - -During the feedback session most of them said they would love to get another session of the training. I agreed to do a follow up session to help them with anything they might need. - -The training was not only about learning the digital skill but a celebration of womanhood as well. A training that was being facilitated by girl and has only women participants is way to show the changes being made in societies. Women have learned to be independent and be a leader. - -After all, I believe the training was success even though I was nervous about organizing it. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 143a2f88..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 43 -title: What I learned from teaching digital skills to other women -date: 2014-12-15T03:19:14-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/8-revision-v1/ ---- -![image]( - -**_**_Yogina Shakya,_**_**_ _o__ne of our grantee organized a digital empowerment training for 10 professional women in Dang. Yogina was one of our trainees this summer. ** -** - -** -** **_By Yogina Shakya_ -_Code for Nepal Fellow, 2014_** - -Empowering women with digital skills was a dream that kept my brain at unrest and my days full of preparation. Finally the day, 20th September arrived and we started the training. As per the plan, it was for 10 women that added up with 2 guest participants. - -I was nervous. All the participants were older than me. What made feel slightly confident was that I knew more about digital tools and social media than anyone else in the room. The training began with a room full of positive vibes and a lot of curiosity about the topic. - -At first, we talked about how the internet started and other numerous miracles born by internet. It has made a great impact in the lives of people in the 21st century, our life revolves around it. The session was full of queries and questions—that’s how I knew the training was interesting for the participants. - -The training continued with more energy as we proceeded for the practical parts, looking after the social media sites and creating social media accounts. - -As everyone wasn’t internet savvy it was a bit hard make sure everyone was on the same page. Thank to the team work of the participants while I was working with one, those who understood helped other participants. - -Everyone found “blogs” really interesting. Most of the participants did not know you could write and publish something so easily. We also talked about professional skills and emails such as Outlook express. - -During the feedback session most of them said they would love to get another session of the training. I agreed to do a follow up session to help them with anything they might need. - -The training was not only about learning the digital skill but a celebration of womanhood as well. A training that was being facilitated by girl and has only women participants is way to show the changes being made in societies. Women have learned to be independent and be a leader. - -After all, I believe the training was success even though I was nervous about organizing it. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index aae074a3..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 145 -title: 'What’s the largest caste/ethnicity in Nepal?' -date: 2014-12-22T22:34:11-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/22-revision-v1/ ---- -_“There are 125 caste/ethnic groups reported in the census 2011. Chhetri is the largest caste/ethnic groups having 16.6% (4,398,053) of the total population followed by Brahman-Hill (12.2% ; 3,226,903).” — [Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS]( -_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 27c6b489..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1311 -title: Five district in Nepal with the most School Leaving Certificate (SLC) holders per 100 people -date: 2016-06-19T00:23:35-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/06/1307-revision-v1/ ---- -On June 16, The Office of the Controller of Examinations published the results of the School Leaving Certificate exams-2016. We looked at Nepal Census data 2011, to see which districts had the highest and lowest percentages of population with SLC or equivalent certificates! - -Only 1 in 100 Nepali above 5 years or above has SLC, according to our analysis based data from Nepal Census 2011. - -**Top five districts with highest percentages of SLC and equivalent: ** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - District - - Percentage of population with SLC & equivalent -
    - Kathmandu - - 15.38 -
    - Tehrathum - - 15.33 -
    - Bhaktapur - - 15.28 -
    - Parbat - - 14.32 -
    - Lalitpur - - 14.22 -
    - -**Top five districts with the lowest percentages of SLC and equivalent: ** - -Bajhang 5.70 -Achham 5.43 -Bajura 5.42 -Dadeldhura 5.15 -Rolpa 4.28 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4b796aed..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1324 -title: Map of number of SLC holders in Nepal -date: 2016-06-19T15:44:13-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/06/1307-revision-v1/ ---- -On June 16, The Office of the Controller of Examinations published the results of the School Leaving Certificate exams-2016. - -We looked at **Nepal Census data 2011, the latest census, to create a map of number of SLC holders in each districts of Nepal**. - -Of course, the districts with more population have higher number of people with SLC compared to districts with less population. - -Check out the map below to see how many people in your district have SLC! Comment below if you are surprised! - - - -Data: [Google doc]( Source: Nepal Census 2011. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e3e9cae0..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1323 -title: Map of number of SLC holders in districts of Nepal -date: 2016-06-19T15:37:52-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/06/1307-revision-v1/ ---- -On June 16, The Office of the Controller of Examinations published the results of the School Leaving Certificate exams-2016. - -We looked at **Nepal Census data 2011, the latest census, to create a map of number of SLC holders in each districts of Nepal**. - -Of course, the districts with more population have higher number of people with SLC compared to districts with less population. - -Check out the map below to see how many people in your district have SLC! Comment below if you are surprised! - - - -Data: [Google doc]( Source: Nepal Census 2011. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c6e8b808..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1320 -title: Only 1 in 10 Nepali above 5 years or above has SLC -date: 2016-06-19T00:41:56-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/06/1307-revision-v1/ ---- -On June 16, The Office of the Controller of Examinations published the results of the School Leaving Certificate exams-2016. We looked at Nepal Census data 2011, to see which districts had the highest and lowest percentages of population with SLC or equivalent certificates! - -Only 1 in 10 Nepali above 5 years or above has SLC, according to our analysis based data from Nepal Census 2011. - -The total population five years or above was 160,98519. 1636159 of them had SLC or equivalent. - -Also in For the first time, the number of girls sitting for SLC examinations has overtaken the number of boys in Nepal in 2015. - -**Top five districts with highest percentages of SLC and equivalent: ** - -Kathmandu: 15.38% -Tehrathum: 15.33% -Bhaktapur: 15.28% -Parbat: 14.32% -Lalitpur: 14.22% - -**Top five districts with the lowest percentages of SLC and equivalent: ** - -Bajhang: 5.70% -Achham: 5.43% -Bajura: 5.42% -Dadeldhura: 5.15% -Rolpa: 4.28% \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 88016aec..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 136 -title: Which districts have the highest student/teacher ratios? -date: 2014-12-22T22:18:00-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2014/12/18-autosave-v1/ ---- -image - -For the purpose of understanding this map, student–teacher ratio is the number of students who attend schools in a district divided by the number of teachers in that district. - -For example, If student-teacher ratio is 100, that means there are 100 students per teacher. Now think about it: You are a 5th grade student in a village in Nepal. There are 100 students in your class and just one teacher. Wouldn’t it be hard for you to learn anything? - -The higher the student-teacher ratio, the harder it is for students to learn and get attention of teachers. - -Rautahat has the highest student teacher ratio in Nepal followed by Sarlahi and Mahottari. - -Explore the map to find out student-teacher ratio in different districts. - - - -Data file: - -Source: Open Nepal and Government of Nepal, Department of Education. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b75d1137..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1477 -title: Which districts have the highest student/teacher ratios? -date: 2016-10-09T09:43:36-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/10/18-revision-v1/ ---- -image - -For the purpose of understanding this map, student–teacher ratio is the number of students who attend schools in a district divided by the number of teachers in that district. - -For example, If student-teacher ratio is 100, that means there are 100 students per teacher. Now think about it: You are a 5th grade student in a village in Nepal. There are 100 students in your class and just one teacher. Wouldn’t it be hard for you to learn anything? - -The higher the student-teacher ratio, the harder it is for students to learn and get attention of teachers. - -Rautahat has the highest student teacher ratio in Nepal followed by Sarlahi and Mahottari. - -Explore the map to find out student-teacher ratio in different districts. - - - -Data file: Code for Nepal - -Source: Open Nepal and Government of Nepal, Department of Education. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 00f5b38c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2245 -title: Which districts in Nepal produce the most eggs? -date: 2018-11-10T10:42:03-05:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/11/2229-revision-v1/ ---- -We are all familiar with the question ‘Who came first- the egg or the chicken’? Well, it is impossible to answer this question but meanwhile, we have some egg-citing information for you. - -People in Nepal generally consume duck and hen eggs. Nepal produces a total of 1,308,072,000 eggs annually, according to Ministry of Agriculture [PDF]. This number is contributed by the commercial farming done in various districts. - - - - -The top 10 districts responsible for producing the most number of eggs in Nepal are as follows. - -District                                   Total Eggs - -                                              (Including duck and hen egg) - -  - -Chitwan                                41,217,5000 - -Makwanpur                         5,810,6000 - -Dang                                     55047000 - -Udaypur                              50236000 - -Kaski                                    43151000 - -Nawalparasi                       41946000 - -Kathmandu                        41233000 - -Bhaktapur                          40995000 - -Kavrepalanchowk             35988000 - -Morang                              33652000 - -  - -Data sources: - -Check out [NepalMap](,district%7Ccountry-NP&primary_geo_id=country-NP#valueType%7Cestimate). - -or - -[Google doc]( - -or [Minister of Agriculture (PDF)]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7bcc7332..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2350 -title: Which Province in Nepal has the most number of students enrolled in Higher education -date: 2019-03-24T06:22:42-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2019/03/2349-revision-v1/ ---- -
    - -Gaining higher education is critical in the 21st century. Province 3, home of the capital city in Nepal attracts most students who are interested in higher education. - - -There were just more than 3 lakhs 61 thousand students enrolled in higher education of which more than 50% are in just Province 3 in 2017, according to [the Ministry of Education (PDF).]( - -See the chart below for details. - -What can your province do to increase the number of students in higher education? - - - -Data in Machine readable format: [OpenDataNepal]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index e79f31e8..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1344 -title: 'Winners of #WhoisNepali video and photo competition' -date: 2016-08-25T22:50:45-04:00 -author: Prashish Rajbhandari -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/08/1334-autosave-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal organized the photo and video competition in five languages and asked applicants to submit videos answering what it means to be a Nepali in the 21st century, and submit photos that reflect the social, cultural and ethnic diversity of  Nepal. The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. 150 photos and videos were submitted! - -Five judges evaluated the top 20 photos and videos: [**NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati,**]( [**Manjushree Thapa**](, [**Shiwani Neupane**](, [**Anup Kaphle**](, and [**Lex Limbu**]( - -### **The winners of the video competition are:** - -

    - First Prize Winner: Pukar Rai -

    - -

    - Second Prize Winner: Saurav Rajbhandari -

    - -

    - Third Prize Winner: Mohan Khanal -

    - -### **The winners of the photo competition are:** - -First Prize Winner: [**Monica Jha**](;zBcPlz4GDmcKf~_Q~_~_N8E428JQ72iTvGl~;Jlt9~;PQ~;7Qbz~;7Wvfo4aN8Fu~_v~;OEek~;fxse8p9mH3TN53r3O~;~_vKSdQ~;uP7uf~;7f7B691P7c~-.bps.a.515005275375392.1073741835.201272103415379/515005532042033/?type=3&theater) - -Second Prize Winner: Ummid Dhakal - -Third Prize Winner: Subarna Tandukar - -We are giving away Rs 55,000 in total. The **first prize for video is Rs 25,000** and the photo is Rs. 10,000. We will **award cash prizes to all the winners! ** - -### **Top 3 #WhoisNepali photos** - - - -### **Top 3 #WhoisNepali videos** - -### [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -  - -* * * - -### - -  - -* * * - -### - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/whosinepali-winners1334-autosave-v1-Winners-of-\342\200\234KoNepali\342\200\" "b/_drafts/whosinepali-winners1334-autosave-v1-Winners-of-\342\200\234KoNepali\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 1455b15a..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/whosinepali-winners1334-autosave-v1-Winners-of-\342\200\234KoNepali\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1367 -title: 'Winners of “#KoNepali” video and photo competition' -date: 2016-07-26T20:02:58-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/07/1334-autosave-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal organized the photo and video competition in five languages and asked applicants to submit videos answering what it means to be a Nepali in the 21st century and submit photos that reflect the social, cultural and ethnic diversity of  Nepal. The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. 150 photos and videos were submitted! - -Five judges evaluated the top 20 photos and videos: [**NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati,**]( [**Manjushree Thapa**](, [**Shiwani Neupane**](, [**Anup Kaphle**](, and [**Lex Limbu**]( - -### **The winners of the video competition are as follows:** - -

    - First Prize Winner: Pukar Rai -

    - -

    - Second Prize Winner: Saurav Rajbhandari -

    - -

    - Third Prize Winner: Mohan Khanal -

    - -### **The winners of the photo competition are:** - -First Prize Winner: **Monica Jha** - -Second Prize Winner: Ummid Dhakal - -Third Prize Winner: Subarna Tandukar - -We are giving away Rs 55,000 in total. The **first prize for video is Rs 25,000** and the photo is Rs. 10,000. We will **award cash prizes to 6 applicants**! - -  - -### **Top 3 “KoNepali” photos** - -[gallery\_bank type=”images” format=”thumbnail” title=”true” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort\_by=”pic\_id” animation\_effect=”” album\_title=”true” album\_id=”1″] - -### **Top 3 “KoNepali” videos** - -### [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -  - -* * * - -### **Photos – Top 20** - -  - -* * * - -### **Photos – Submissions** - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index d6387e9d..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1368 -title: Ko Nepali Winners -date: 2016-07-26T03:20:37-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/07/1334-revision-v1/ ---- -**Winners of “#KoNepali” video and photo competition announced** - -We at Code for Nepal organized the photo and video competition in five languages and asked applicants to submit photos or videos that reflect **cultural and ethnic diversity of  Nepal.** The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. - -150 photos and videos were submitted! - -Five judges evaluated the top 20 photos and videos: [**NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati,**]( [**Manjushree Thapa**](, [**Shiwani Neupane**](, [**Anup Kaphle**](, and [**Lex Limbu**]( - -The winners of the video competition are as follows: - - First Prize Winner: Pukar Rai - - Second Prize Winner: Saurav Rajbhandari - -Third Prize Winner: Mohan Khanal - -Consolation Prize Winners: Pashupati Shrestha and Sharmila Dhungana - -  - -The winners of the photo competition are: - -First Prize Winner:Monica Jha - -Second Prize Winner: Ummid Dhakal - -Third Prize Winner: Subarna Tandukar - -Consolation Prize Winners: Arjun Bhusal and Khim Bahadur Lamichane - -We are giving away Rs 55,000 in total. The **first prize for video is Rs 25,000** and the photo is Rs. 10,000. We will **award cash prizes to 6 applicants**! -[gallery\_bank type=”images” format=”thumbnail” title=”true” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort\_by=”pic\_id” animation\_effect=”” album\_title=”true” album\_id=”1″] - -Eg. Winners – Videos -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -Photos – Top 20 - - - -Photos – Submissions - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index c8558f8c..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1435 -title: 'Winners of #WhoisNepali video and photo competition' -date: 2016-08-25T22:49:53-04:00 -author: Prashish Rajbhandari -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/08/1334-revision-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal organized the photo and video competition in five languages and asked applicants to submit videos answering what it means to be a Nepali in the 21st century, and submit photos that reflect the social, cultural and ethnic diversity of  Nepal. The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. 150 photos and videos were submitted! - -Five judges evaluated the top 20 photos and videos: [**NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati,**]( [**Manjushree Thapa**](, [**Shiwani Neupane**](, [**Anup Kaphle**](, and [**Lex Limbu**]( - -### **The winners of the video competition are:** - -

    - First Prize Winner: Pukar Rai -

    - -

    - Second Prize Winner: Saurav Rajbhandari -

    - -

    - Third Prize Winner: Mohan Khanal -

    - -### **The winners of the photo competition are:** - -First Prize Winner: [**Monica Jha**](;zBcPlz4GDmcKf~_Q~_~_N8E428JQ72iTvGl~;Jlt9~;PQ~;7Qbz~;7Wvfo4aN8Fu~_v~;OEek~;fxse8p9mH3TN53r3O~;~_vKSdQ~;uP7uf~;7f7B691P7c~-.bps.a.515005275375392.1073741835.201272103415379/515005532042033/?type=3&theater) - -Second Prize Winner: Ummid Dhakal - -Third Prize Winner: Subarna Tandukar - -We are giving away Rs 55,000 in total. The **first prize for video is Rs 25,000** and the photo is Rs. 10,000. We will **award cash prizes to all the winners! ** - -### **Top 3 #WhoisNepali photos** - - - -### **Top 3 #WhoisNepali videos** - -### [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -  - -* * * - -### - -  - -* * * - -### - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/whosinepali-winners1334-revision-v1-Winners-of-\342\200\234KoNepali\342\200\" "b/_drafts/whosinepali-winners1334-revision-v1-Winners-of-\342\200\234KoNepali\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 43222b2f..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/whosinepali-winners1334-revision-v1-Winners-of-\342\200\234KoNepali\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1375 -title: 'Winners of “#KoNepali” video and photo competition announce' -date: 2016-07-26T16:39:17-04:00 -author: Prashish Rajbhandari -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/07/1334-revision-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal organized the photo and video competition in five languages and asked applicants to submit photos or videos that reflect the **cultural and ethnic diversity of  Nepal.** The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. 150 photos and videos were submitted! - -Five judges evaluated the top 20 photos and videos: [**NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati,**]( [**Manjushree Thapa**](, [**Shiwani Neupane**](, [**Anup Kaphle**](, and [**Lex Limbu**]( - -### **The winners of the video competition are as follows:** - -

    - First Prize Winner: Pukar Rai -

    - -

    - Second Prize Winner: Saurav Rajbhandari -

    - -

    - Third Prize Winner: Mohan Khanal -

    - -

    - Consolation Prize Winners: Pashupati Shrestha and Sharmila Dhungana -

    - -



    - The winners of the photo competition are: -

    - -

    - First Prize Winner: Monica Jha -

    - -

    - Second Prize Winner: Ummid Dhakal -

    - -

    - Third Prize Winner: Subarna Tandukar -

    - -

    - Consolation Prize Winners: Arjun Bhusal and Khim Bahadur Lamichane -

    - -

    - We are giving away Rs 55,000 in total. The first prize for video is Rs 25,000 and the photo is Rs. 10,000. We will award cash prizes to 6 applicants! -

    - -

    -   -

    - -

    - Top 5 “KoNepali” photos -

    - -

    - [gallery_bank type=”images” format=”thumbnail” title=”true” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”pic_id” animation_effect=”” album_title=”true” album_id=”1″] -

    - -

    - Top 5 “KoNepali” videos -

    - -

    - [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] -

    - -

    -   -

    - -

    - [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] -

    - -

    -   -

    - -

    - [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] -

    - -

    -   -

    - -

    - [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] -

    - -

    -   -

    - -

    - [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] -

    - -
    - -

    - Photos – Top 20 -

    - -

    - -

    - -
    - -

    - Photos – Submissions -

    - -

    - -

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/whosinepali-winners1334-revision-v1-Winners-of-\342\200\234KoNepali\342\200\" "b/_drafts/whosinepali-winners1334-revision-v1-Winners-of-\342\200\234KoNepali\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index 3d061900..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/whosinepali-winners1334-revision-v1-Winners-of-\342\200\234KoNepali\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1376 -title: 'Winners of “#KoNepali” video and photo competition announced' -date: 2016-07-26T19:55:35-04:00 -author: Roshan Ghimire -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/07/1334-revision-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal organized the photo and video competition in five languages and asked applicants to submit photos that reflect the **cultural and ethnic diversity of  Nepal and submit videos answering what it means to be a Nepali in the 21st century.** The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. 150 photos and videos were submitted! - -Five judges evaluated the top 20 photos and videos: [**NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati,**]( [**Manjushree Thapa**](, [**Shiwani Neupane**](, [**Anup Kaphle**](, and [**Lex Limbu**]( - -### **The winners of the video competition are as follows:** - -

    - First Prize Winner: Pukar Rai -

    - -

    - Second Prize Winner: Saurav Rajbhandari -

    - -

    - Third Prize Winner: Mohan Khanal -

    - -### **The winners of the photo competition are:** - -First Prize Winner: **Monica Jha** - -Second Prize Winner: Ummid Dhakal - -Third Prize Winner: Subarna Tandukar - -We are giving away Rs 55,000 in total. The **first prize for video is Rs 25,000** and the photo is Rs. 10,000. We will **award cash prizes to 6 applicants**! - -  - -### **Top 5 “KoNepali” photos** - -[gallery\_bank type=”images” format=”thumbnail” title=”true” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort\_by=”pic\_id” animation\_effect=”” album\_title=”true” album\_id=”1″] - -### **Top 5 “KoNepali” videos** - -### [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -* * * - -### **Photos – Top 20** - - - -* * * - -### **Photos – Submissions** - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/_drafts/whosinepali-winners1334-revision-v1-Winners-of-\342\200\234KoNepali\342\200\" "b/_drafts/whosinepali-winners1334-revision-v1-Winners-of-\342\200\234KoNepali\342\200\" deleted file mode 100644 index a702c2ee..00000000 --- "a/_drafts/whosinepali-winners1334-revision-v1-Winners-of-\342\200\234KoNepali\342\200\" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1380 -title: 'Winners of “#KoNepali” video and photo competition' -date: 2016-07-26T20:08:32-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/07/1334-revision-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal organized the photo and video competition in five languages and asked applicants to submit videos answering what it means to be a Nepali in the 21st century, and submit photos that reflect the social, cultural and ethnic diversity of  Nepal. The competition aims to recognize digital literacy skills and facilitate conversation about who is a Nepali and what it means to be a Nepali, while strengthening a culture of creativity and civic debate online. 150 photos and videos were submitted! - -Five judges evaluated the top 20 photos and videos: [**NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati,**]( [**Manjushree Thapa**](, [**Shiwani Neupane**](, [**Anup Kaphle**](, and [**Lex Limbu**]( - -### **The winners of the video competition are as follows:** - -

    - First Prize Winner: Pukar Rai -

    - -

    - Second Prize Winner: Saurav Rajbhandari -

    - -

    - Third Prize Winner: Mohan Khanal -

    - -### **The winners of the photo competition are:** - -First Prize Winner: [**Monica Jha**](;zBcPlz4GDmcKf~_Q~_~_N8E428JQ72iTvGl~;Jlt9~;PQ~;7Qbz~;7Wvfo4aN8Fu~_v~;OEek~;fxse8p9mH3TN53r3O~;~_vKSdQ~;uP7uf~;7f7B691P7c~-.bps.a.515005275375392.1073741835.201272103415379/515005532042033/?type=3&theater) - -Second Prize Winner: Ummid Dhakal - -Third Prize Winner: Subarna Tandukar - -We are giving away Rs 55,000 in total. The **first prize for video is Rs 25,000** and the photo is Rs. 10,000. We will **award cash prizes to 6 applicants**! - -  - -### **Top 3 “KoNepali” photos** - -[gallery\_bank type=”images” format=”thumbnail” title=”true” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort\_by=”pic\_id” animation\_effect=”” album\_title=”true” album\_id=”1″] - -### **Top 3 “KoNepali” videos** - -### [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″] - -  - -  - -* * * - -### - -  - -* * * - -### - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2f7f30c2..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1299 -title: Why Should You Care About Open Data -date: 2016-06-02T18:32:54-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/06/1291-revision-v1/ ---- -Open data and government transparency is an old but yet, ongoing debate in Nepal. While some support a blind trust in the government, many believe that seeking government data and encouraging transparency is one of the many ways to keep their powers in check. However, at one point or another, one might ask themselves “why does this matter to me? Why should I care?!” - -Here are five reasons why you, personally, should care! - - 1. ****It enables YOU to hold YOUR authorities accountable!**** - -Ever wondered where every rupee paid for taxes was going? If it was going to something productive for the country at all? Well, through open data and government transparency, you wouldn’t have to wonder because you would know! This would be a convenient way to not only know how your, and all other taxpayers’, contributions have helped the country but also to hold the ministries accountable to the budget they have received and the outcomes achieved through them. - -
    1. - Saying goodbye to corruption won’t just be a distant dream! -
    2. -
    - -We have all been there when long heated political arguments with peers just end with “_Hya _there’s just too much corruption! Nepal’s never going to change!” Well actually, this change quite achievable through open data! By holding government officials accountable for the money they receive as well as their achievements year after year, corruption will inevitably find its way out the government offices in Nepal! - -
    1. - It will catalyze the country’s Development! -
    2. -
    - -Another frustrating part of being a Nepali citizen is having to witness the so-slow-its-almost-stagnant development. While cities like Kathmandu enjoy an unnecessary rise in movie theatres or places to eat, we still find that some of the country’s citizens are still unable to formulate a word in paper, let alone ride a car in the entirety of their lives. Through increased government efficiency and the availability of data to the public, not only do we ourselves become more aware of the country’s status, but we also know where and how to improve! - -
    1. - It supports democracy! -
    2. -
    - -Democracy is all about giving power to the people. However, how can we claim the people to be powerful if none of us have access to any of the country’s important data? As we all know, information is power, and only by obtaining actionable information will we, as citizens of the country, be able to claim any power. - -
    1. - It enables research and study, supporting future policies! -
    2. -
    - -In a place with open access to information, there will be people studying and analyzing this information. This will only be beneficial for the country as not only will we have a more informed population, but also a better idea of the type of policies that need to be implemented. - -Have something to add? Please comment below! - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index fb093649..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1301 -title: Why you should care about open data in Nepal -date: 2016-06-02T18:35:34-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/06/1291-revision-v1/ ---- -Open data and government transparency is an old but yet, ongoing debate in Nepal. While some support a blind trust in the government, many believe that seeking government data and encouraging transparency is one of the many ways to keep their powers in check. However, at one point or another, one might ask themselves “why does this matter to me? Why should I care?!” - -Here are five reasons why you, personally, should care! - - 1. ****It enables YOU to hold YOUR authorities accountable!**** - -Ever wondered where every rupee paid for taxes was going? If it was going to something productive for the country at all? Well, through open data and government transparency, you wouldn’t have to wonder because you would know! This would be a convenient way to not only know how your, and all other taxpayers’, contributions have helped the country but also to hold the ministries accountable to the budget they have received and the outcomes achieved through them. - -
    1. - Saying goodbye to corruption won’t just be a distant dream! -
    2. -
    - -We have all been there when long heated political arguments with peers just end with “_Hya _there’s just too much corruption! Nepal’s never going to change!” Well actually, this change quite achievable through open data! By holding government officials accountable for the money they receive as well as their achievements year after year, corruption will inevitably find its way out the government offices in Nepal! - -
    1. - It will catalyze the country’s Development! -
    2. -
    - -Another frustrating part of being a Nepali citizen is having to witness the so-slow-its-almost-stagnant development. While cities like Kathmandu enjoy an unnecessary rise in movie theatres or places to eat, we still find that some of the country’s citizens are still unable to formulate a word in paper, let alone ride a car in the entirety of their lives. Through increased government efficiency and the availability of data to the public, not only do we ourselves become more aware of the country’s status, but we also know where and how to improve! - -
    1. - It supports democracy! -
    2. -
    - -Democracy is all about giving power to the people. However, how can we claim the people to be powerful if none of us have access to any of the country’s important data? As we all know, information is power, and only by obtaining actionable information will we, as citizens of the country, be able to claim any power. - -
    1. - It enables research and study, supporting future policies! -
    2. -
    - -In a place with open access to information, there will be people studying and analyzing this information. This will only be beneficial for the country as not only will we have a more informed population, but also a better idea of the type of policies that need to be implemented. - -Have something to add? Please comment below! - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 29ffccc1..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1300 -title: Why you should care about open data -date: 2016-06-02T18:34:30-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/06/1291-revision-v1/ ---- -Open data and government transparency is an old but yet, ongoing debate in Nepal. While some support a blind trust in the government, many believe that seeking government data and encouraging transparency is one of the many ways to keep their powers in check. However, at one point or another, one might ask themselves “why does this matter to me? Why should I care?!” - -Here are five reasons why you, personally, should care! - - 1. ****It enables YOU to hold YOUR authorities accountable!**** - -Ever wondered where every rupee paid for taxes was going? If it was going to something productive for the country at all? Well, through open data and government transparency, you wouldn’t have to wonder because you would know! This would be a convenient way to not only know how your, and all other taxpayers’, contributions have helped the country but also to hold the ministries accountable to the budget they have received and the outcomes achieved through them. - -
    1. - Saying goodbye to corruption won’t just be a distant dream! -
    2. -
    - -We have all been there when long heated political arguments with peers just end with “_Hya _there’s just too much corruption! Nepal’s never going to change!” Well actually, this change quite achievable through open data! By holding government officials accountable for the money they receive as well as their achievements year after year, corruption will inevitably find its way out the government offices in Nepal! - -
    1. - It will catalyze the country’s Development! -
    2. -
    - -Another frustrating part of being a Nepali citizen is having to witness the so-slow-its-almost-stagnant development. While cities like Kathmandu enjoy an unnecessary rise in movie theatres or places to eat, we still find that some of the country’s citizens are still unable to formulate a word in paper, let alone ride a car in the entirety of their lives. Through increased government efficiency and the availability of data to the public, not only do we ourselves become more aware of the country’s status, but we also know where and how to improve! - -
    1. - It supports democracy! -
    2. -
    - -Democracy is all about giving power to the people. However, how can we claim the people to be powerful if none of us have access to any of the country’s important data? As we all know, information is power, and only by obtaining actionable information will we, as citizens of the country, be able to claim any power. - -
    1. - It enables research and study, supporting future policies! -
    2. -
    - -In a place with open access to information, there will be people studying and analyzing this information. This will only be beneficial for the country as not only will we have a more informed population, but also a better idea of the type of policies that need to be implemented. - -Have something to add? Please comment below! - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index b154a81b..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 519 -title: Women are underrepresented in Nepali online media -date: 2015-08-15T23:33:17-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/08/509-autosave-v1/ ---- -[Graph of gender of authors]( - -  - -_**Note: The data was gathered by Anuja KC. The blog post was written by Anuja KC and Richa Neupane. **_ - -Code for Nepal conducted a pilot research and data collection project in the first half of 2015 to assess the presence of women in Nepal’s online media. - -Based on the data we gathered and reviewed, we found women are underrepresented in Nepali online media. - -The data was collected from two major media publishing houses in Nepal: [Nepali Times]( and Setopati. - -The main purpose of collecting this data was to look at the representation of female authors in the media and shed light on the existing gender divide in Nepali media. We also started to collect data because we could not find other related data. - -The charts illustrate articles published in Nepali Times under the ‘Nation’ section in both 2004 and 2014, in order to see what differences surfaced after a decade. In the year 2004, male authors comprised 80.2% of the ‘Nation’ section, while women wrote only 19.8% of the published articles. Based on the articles reviewed, there was a huge gender divide in 2004. - - - -However, the gap narrowed 10 years later. Based on the articles published in the year 2014, 46.2% of the articles published in ‘Nation’ section were written by female authors, while 53.8% were written by male authors. - - - -And when we analyzed the Setopati opinion section in 2015, considering 101 pieces, only 18 of them were authored by women. That means only 17.8% of opinion pieces out of 101 pieces were published by female authors. - - - -While the data is not extensive, this two publications show significant gender divides in the Nepali media industry. - -There’s no excuse for Nepali media not to recruit more women journalists and publish articles from women authors. - -A 2010 article by Yadav Baskota gives an overview of the underrepresentation of women in media in Nepal. According to his report, patriarchal culture is a major barrier. - -Nepali society views women’s role as doing household work only. On top of that, women journalists get threats for publishing certain stories. And there is less support for women because of the lack of women in decision-making roles in the media field. - -More needs to be done to bridge the gender divide in media and reporting, in order to produce more gender-related data that would help advocate for a bigger presence of women in the field. - -We bring this data at a time when the role and status of women is being ignored in the final stages of the new constitution-making process. There is increasing dissatisfaction among women’s rights activists and many important members of the civil society in Nepal and the diaspora that the current reforms in the constitution have not signalled significant changes in the status quo of a highly male dominant Nepalese society. - -Women in media can have a huge influence at a turning point like this. - -We would like to expand our research and collect more data, if you would like to help us, please contact us. Also, let us know if you would like to use the data or find any errors. - -Tell us in thc what could be done to bridge the gender divide in Nepali media? - -Data source: Google doc. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7a0eff72..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 510 -title: Nepali women are underrepresented in Nepali online media -date: 2015-08-15T22:05:51-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/08/509-revision-v1/ ---- -Code for Nepal conducted a pilot research and data collection project in the first half of 2015 to assess the presence of women in Nepal’s online media. - -The data was collected from two major media publishing houses in Nepal: Nepali Times and Setopati. - -The main purpose of collecting this data was to look at the representation of female authors in the media and shed light on the existing gender divide in Nepali media. - -The charts illustrate articles published in Nepali Times under the ‘Nation’ section in both 2004 and 2014, in order to see what differences surfaced after a decade. In the year 2004, male authors comprised 80.2% of the ‘Nation’ section, while women wrote only 19.8% of the published articles. Based on the articles reviewed, there was a huge gender divide in 2004. - - - -However, the gap narrowed 10 years later. Based on the articles published in the year 2014, 46.2% of the articles published in ‘Nation’ section were written by female authors, while 53.8% were written by male authors. - - - -And when we analyzed the Setopati opinion section in 2015, considering 101 pieces, only 18 of them were authored by women. That means only 17.8% of opinion pieces out of 101 pieces were published by female authors. - - - -While the data is not extensive, this two publications show significant gender divides in the Nepali media industry. - -There’s no excuse for Nepali media not to recruit more women journalists and encourage more women authors. - -A 2010 article by Yadav Baskota gives an overview of the underrepresentation of women in media in Nepal. According to his report, patriarchal culture is a major barrier. - -Nepali society views women’s role as doing household work only. On top of that, women journalists get threats for publishing certain stories. And there is less support for women because of the lack of women in decision-making roles in the media field. - -More needs to be done to bridge the gender divide in media and reporting, in order to produce more gender-related data that would help advocate for a bigger presence of women in the field. - -We bring this data at a time when the role and status of women is being ignored in the final stages of the new constitution-making process. There is increasing dissatisfaction among women’s rights activists and many important members of the civil society in Nepal and the diaspora that the current reforms in the constitution have not signalled significant changes in the status quo of a highly male dominant Nepalese society. - -Women in media can have a huge influence at a turning point like this. - -We would like to expand our research and collect more data, if you would like to help us, please contact us. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index fbf61b04..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 525 -title: Women are underrepresented in Nepali online media -date: 2015-08-15T23:33:26-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2015/08/509-revision-v1/ ---- -[Graph of gender of authors]( - -  - -_**Note: The data was gathered by Anuja KC. The blog post was written by Anuja KC and Richa Neupane. **_ - -Code for Nepal conducted a pilot research and data collection project in the first half of 2015 to assess the presence of women in Nepal’s online media. - -Based on the data we gathered and reviewed, we found women are underrepresented in Nepali online media. - -The data was collected from two major media publishing houses in Nepal: [Nepali Times]( and Setopati. - -The main purpose of collecting this data was to look at the representation of female authors in the media and shed light on the existing gender divide in Nepali media. We also started to collect data because we could not find other related data. - -The charts illustrate articles published in Nepali Times under the ‘Nation’ section in both 2004 and 2014, in order to see what differences surfaced after a decade. In the year 2004, male authors comprised 80.2% of the ‘Nation’ section, while women wrote only 19.8% of the published articles. Based on the articles reviewed, there was a huge gender divide in 2004. - - - -However, the gap narrowed 10 years later. Based on the articles published in the year 2014, 46.2% of the articles published in ‘Nation’ section were written by female authors, while 53.8% were written by male authors. - - - -And when we analyzed the Setopati opinion section in 2015, considering 101 pieces, only 18 of them were authored by women. That means only 17.8% of opinion pieces out of 101 pieces were published by female authors. - - - -While the data is not extensive, this two publications show significant gender divides in the Nepali media industry. - -There’s no excuse for Nepali media not to recruit more women journalists and publish articles from women authors. - -A 2010 article by Yadav Baskota gives an overview of the underrepresentation of women in media in Nepal. According to his report, patriarchal culture is a major barrier. - -Nepali society views women’s role as doing household work only. On top of that, women journalists get threats for publishing certain stories. And there is less support for women because of the lack of women in decision-making roles in the media field. - -More needs to be done to bridge the gender divide in media and reporting, in order to produce more gender-related data that would help advocate for a bigger presence of women in the field. - -We bring this data at a time when the role and status of women is being ignored in the final stages of the new constitution-making process. There is increasing dissatisfaction among women’s rights activists and many important members of the civil society in Nepal and the diaspora that the current reforms in the constitution have not signalled significant changes in the status quo of a highly male dominant Nepalese society. - -Women in media can have a huge influence at a turning point like this. - -We would like to expand our research and collect more data, if you would like to help us, please contact us. Also, let us know if you would like to use the data or find any errors. - -Tell us in the comments what could be done to bridge the gender divide in Nepali media? - -Data source: Google doc. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 93048681..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 1280 -title: 'Women make up just 7% of Nepal Police' -date: 2016-04-30T18:17:59-04:00 -author: codefornepal -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2016/04/1277-revision-v1/ ---- -At 51.5%, women make up the majority of Nepal’s population, according to the Nepal Census of 2011. - -Among the Nepal Police, however, there are just 4,525 women (7%) compared to 60,070 men (93%), according to data published (PDF) by the Nepal Police in 2015. - - - -  - -Data: [Nepal police (Google doc by Code for Nepal)]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1bf84780..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2074 -title: 6 data visualizations show the status of women in Nepal in 2018 -date: 2018-03-07T19:55:43-05:00 -author: ravi -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/03/2056-autosave-v1/ ---- -**[Students in Nepal](** - -Women make up more than [half the population]( of Nepal today and they will continue to be the majority of [Nepal in 2030]( too! - - - - -## To mark the 2018 International Women’s Day,  here are six data visualizations to show the status of women in Nepal. - -  - -### - -### The proportion of employed women has decreased - -The proportion of women who were employed was only 68% in 2016 compared to 83% in 2006.  - -“Among employed respondents, women are almost three times more likely than men not to be paid (52% versus 16%),” according to the demographic and health survey (PDF) by the Government of Nepal. - - - -### _Spousal violence has decreased _ - -One in four women in Nepal experienced spousal violence in 2016. While that number is very high, it has declined since 2011 when 32% of women or one in three experienced spousal violence. - -Spousal violence in the Terai region is high compared to other regions. One in three women in the Terai reported spousal violence.  Women in Province 2 (37%) are most likely to experience spousal physical, sexual, or emotional violence, and those in Province 4 (16%) least likely to do so. - -Explore the map to see the level of spousal violence by Provinces in Nepal. - - - -### More women agree that wife beating is justified  - -More than one in four women agree that wife beating is justified under a specific circumstance. - -“The proportion of women who consider wife beating justifiable under specific circumstances increased from 23% in 2006 to 29% in 2016. The proportion among men increased marginally, from 21% to 23%. - -Women living in “Province 2 (33%) and Province 7 (34%) are most likely to have attitudes justifying wife beating under any one specific circumstance.” - -Explore the map below to see the attitude of women towards wife beating in Provinces of Nepal - - - -### _Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament of Nepal remains unchanged_ - -In 2017, proportion of seats held by women in national parliament of Nepal was about 30% like that of in 2016, 2015 and 2014. In 2013, proportion of seats held by women in Nepal’s national parliament was 33.2%. - - - -### **More women are head of households** - -Almost one out of every three households in Nepal is headed by a female. Evidence strongly suggests that this trend is a result of migration as most migrants are male and family heads. - - - -### Women’s literacy rate has increased - -In 1991, only 17% of Nepali women (15 years or older) were literate. In 2015, almost 57% of women were literate.  - -Education is the most important way to empower women. In last quarter century, women literacy rate has increased almost three times. There is still a long way to go when all women of Nepal will be literate.  - - - -What do you think about the status of women in Nepal? Tell us in the comments below. - -  - -_**(If you would like to embed**_ these dataviz_**,  check out this [Google doc]( for the embed code.)**_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_drafts/ b/_drafts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 27f63e39..00000000 --- a/_drafts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ ---- -id: 2076 -title: 6 data visualizations show the status of women in Nepal in 2018 -date: 2018-03-07T20:21:07-05:00 -author: ravi -layout: revision -guid: -permalink: /2018/03/2056-revision-v1/ ---- -**[Students in Nepal](** - -Women make up more than [half the population]( of Nepal today and they will continue to be the majority of [Nepal in 2030]( too! - - - - -## To mark the 2018 International Women’s Day,  here are six data visualizations to show the status of women in Nepal. - -  - -### - -### The proportion of employed women has decreased - -The proportion of women who were employed was only 68% in 2016 compared to 83% in 2006.  - -“Among employed respondents, women are almost three times more likely than men not to be paid (52% versus 16%),” according to the demographic and health survey (PDF) by the Government of Nepal. - - - -### _Spousal violence has decreased _ - -One in four women in Nepal experienced spousal violence in 2016. While that number is very high, it has declined since 2011 when 32% of women or one in three experienced spousal violence. - -Spousal violence in the Terai region is high compared to other regions. One in three women in the Terai reported spousal violence.  Women in Province 2 (37%) are most likely to experience spousal physical, sexual, or emotional violence, and those in Province 4 (16%) least likely to do so. - -Explore the map to see the level of spousal violence by Provinces in Nepal. - - - -### More women agree that wife beating is justified  - -More than one in four women agree that wife beating is justified under a specific circumstance. - -“The proportion of women who consider wife beating justifiable under specific circumstances increased from 23% in 2006 to 29% in 2016. The proportion among men increased marginally, from 21% to 23%. - -Women living in “Province 2 (33%) and Province 7 (34%) are most likely to have attitudes justifying wife beating under any one specific circumstance.” - -Explore the map below to see the attitude of women towards wife beating in Provinces of Nepal - - - -### _Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament of Nepal remains unchanged_ - -In 2017, proportion of seats held by women in national parliament of Nepal was about 30% like that of in 2016, 2015 and 2014. In 2013, proportion of seats held by women in Nepal’s national parliament was 33.2%. - - - -### **More women are head of households** - -Almost one out of every three households in Nepal is headed by a female. Evidence strongly suggests that this trend is a result of migration as most migrants are male and family heads. - - - -### Women’s literacy rate has increased - -In 1991, only 17% of Nepali women (15 years or older) were literate. In 2015, almost 57% of women were literate.  - -Education is the most important way to empower women. In last quarter century, women’s literacy rate has increased almost three times. There is still a long way to go when all women of Nepal will be literate.  - - - -What do you think about the status of women in Nepal? Tell us in the comments below. - -  - -_**(If you would like to embed**_ these dataviz_**,  check out this [Google doc]( for the embed code.)**_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_includes/fellowship_about.html b/_includes/fellowship_about.html index ef04584c..764f9532 100644 --- a/_includes/fellowship_about.html +++ b/_includes/fellowship_about.html @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ - - -


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    About the program

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    About the program

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    + +
    + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_includes/fellowship_components.html b/_includes/fellowship_components.html index d22ea511..1c0cef62 100644 --- a/_includes/fellowship_components.html +++ b/_includes/fellowship_components.html @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ - -

    Fellowship components


    Step 1: Datacamp Courses


    Fellows should complete the DataCamp course in the given timeframe to enhance their data and digital skills. - (Every fellow has 3 months to complete their DataCamp course from the date they get access to DataCamp.)

    - -

    Step 2: Assignment


    Fellows should submit the assignment in the form of fellowship-section blog post, data visualization in any form of publishable output.

    - -

    Step 3: Support


    Fellows get an opportunity to further work on the organization project, recommendation of the job and internship and other support opportunities.


    For those who are already employed or have bachelors degree, only Step 1 and Step 2 are required to complete this Fellowship program.

    - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -
    + +

    Fellowship components


    Step 1: Datacamp Courses


    Fellows should complete the DataCamp course in the given timeframe to enhance their data and digital skills. + (Every fellow has 3 months to complete their DataCamp course from the date they get access to DataCamp.)

    + +

    Step 2: Assignment


    Fellows should submit the assignment in the form of fellowship-section blog post, data visualization in any form of publishable output.

    + +

    Step 3: Support


    Fellows get an opportunity to further work on the organization project, recommendation of the job and internship and other support opportunities.


    For those who are already employed or have bachelors degree, only Step 1 and Step 2 are required to complete this Fellowship program.

    + + +
    + +
    + +
    + +
    diff --git a/_includes/fellowship_details.html b/_includes/fellowship_details.html index 1d01d4f5..99605da4 100644 --- a/_includes/fellowship_details.html +++ b/_includes/fellowship_details.html @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ - -
    - -

    Application Details


    Application Open: June 03, 2023
    - Deadline to Apply: June 29, 2023
    - Number of seats: 150

    - Applicants must meet the following criteria to apply -


    1. Able to complete the program
    2. -
    3. High school degree or above
    4. -
    5. Background in basic programming
    6. -


    - We will call for interviews if you are shortlisted. The selected fellows must complete all the phases of the program to receive certification. -


    You only have to fill one application form. -

    - -
    - -
    - - -
    - -


    - -
    + +
    + +

    Application Details


    Application Open: June 03, 2023
    + Deadline to Apply: June 29, 2023
    + Number of seats: 150

    + Applicants must meet the following criteria to apply +


    1. Able to complete the program
    2. +
    3. High school degree or above
    4. +
    5. Background in basic programming
    6. +


    + We will call for interviews if you are shortlisted. The selected fellows must complete all the phases of the program to receive certification. +


    You only have to fill one application form. +

    + +
    + +
    + + +
    + +


    + +
    diff --git a/_includes/fellowship_outcomes.html b/_includes/fellowship_outcomes.html index d21cf189..be0bb883 100644 --- a/_includes/fellowship_outcomes.html +++ b/_includes/fellowship_outcomes.html @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ - -
    - -
    - -

    Learning outcomes of the fellowship

    1. Community-based learning
    2. -
    3. Involvement in Data-oriented project
    4. -
    5. Mentorship sessions (online) via Slack
    6. -
    7. Certification of Completion
    8. -
    + +
    + +
    + +

    Learning outcomes of the fellowship

    1. Community-based learning
    2. +
    3. Involvement in Data-oriented project
    4. +
    5. Mentorship sessions (online) via Slack
    6. +
    7. Certification of Completion
    8. +
    diff --git a/_includes/hackathon.html b/_includes/hackathon.html index 234b43ea..bca5e1f1 100644 --- a/_includes/hackathon.html +++ b/_includes/hackathon.html @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ - - - - - - Hackathon 2024 - - - - -


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    About the Hackathon

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    - - - + + + + + + Hackathon 2024 + + + + +


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    About the Hackathon

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    About the hackathon

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    About the hackathon

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    Team Composition


    Gather your brainiest innovators; teams should comprise 3-6 members. If you do not have a team, you can apply individually, and a team will be assigned to you. -

    - -

    Data Usage


    Dive into the vast ocean of non-proprietary data to fuel your creations. The data that you use should be accessible to anyone else who wants to replicate your project. You can scrape data, but make sure the source you scrape from allows it. Finally, the data should be relevant with Nepal.

    - -

    Eligibility of Projects


    We're looking for fresh ideas, or twist in previous ideas! Previously developed projects are not permitted. The project can be a dashboard, a report, a Machine Learning model, a simple statistical model with huge impact, data catalog, data portal, or anything else preapproved from Code For Nepal team.

    - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -
    + +



    Team Composition


    Gather your brainiest innovators; teams should comprise 3-6 members. If you do not have a team, you can apply individually, and a team will be assigned to you. +

    + +

    Data Usage


    Dive into the vast ocean of non-proprietary data to fuel your creations. The data that you use should be accessible to anyone else who wants to replicate your project. You can scrape data, but make sure the source you scrape from allows it. Finally, the data should be relevant with Nepal.

    + +

    Eligibility of Projects


    We're looking for fresh ideas, or twist in previous ideas! Previously developed projects are not permitted. The project can be a dashboard, a report, a Machine Learning model, a simple statistical model with huge impact, data catalog, data portal, or anything else preapproved from Code For Nepal team.

    + + + +
    + +
    + +
    + +
    diff --git a/_includes/hackathon_details.html b/_includes/hackathon_details.html index a0ef8edf..8e84ead0 100644 --- a/_includes/hackathon_details.html +++ b/_includes/hackathon_details.html @@ -1,163 +1,163 @@ - -
    - -

    Timeline Details


    Application Open: January 12, 2024
    - Deadline to Apply: February 5th, 2024
    - Finalization of Team and Project: February 10th, 2024
    - Teams working async/sync (up to you): February 10th - Mar 15th, 2024
    - Hackathon presentation date: Mar 15th, 2024 -

    - Applicants must meet the following criteria to apply: -


    1. At least 50% of your team members should be in Kathmandu for the presentation (Mar 15th, 2024).
    2. -
    3. At least one of the team members should have the technical know how to deliver the project.
    4. -
    - -

    - -
    - -
    - - -
    - - - -


    - - -
    - - - - Code For Nepal Logo - - - - - Cloudfactory Logo - - - - - Luminr logo - - -
    - -
    - - -


    - - -
    - - -

    Q: What is the focus of the hackathon, and in which domains can teams work?


    A: The hackathon encourages teams to explore diverse domains such as environment, healthcare, transportation, and more. Participants are challenged to craft open-sourced and well-documented projects using non-proprietary data, with an emphasis on creating Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).

    - - -

    Q: How should teams be composed for the hackathon?


    A: Teams should consist of 3-6 members. If you don't have a team, you can apply individually, and Code For Nepal will assign a team to you.

    - - -

    Q: What are the eligibility criteria for projects? Can previously developed projects be submitted?


    A: Projects should be innovative and fresh. Previously developed projects are not permitted. The project can take various forms, including dashboards, reports, Machine Learning models, statistical models, data catalogs, or anything else preapproved by the Code For Nepal team.

    - - -

    Q: What are the expectations for project outputs?


    A: Teams are expected to present semi-complete data-driven projects with significant impact on the Nepal data ecosystem. Creativity and innovation in project proposals are key, and teams will be judged based on their ability to effectively communicate their ideas.

    - - -

    Q: What is the timeline for Data Crunch 2024, and when can teams apply?


    A: The application period is open from January 12, 2024, to February 5th, 2024. The timeline includes team and project finalization on February 10th, asynchronous/synchronous work from February 10th to March 15th, and the hackathon presentation on March 15th, 2024.

    - - -

    Q: Are there specific criteria for applicants, and do team members need to be physically present?


    A: Applicants must meet specific criteria, including having at least 50% of team members in Kathmandu for the presentation on March 15th, 2024. Additionally, at least one team member should possess the technical expertise required to deliver the project.

    - - - - -

    Q: Where do I ask additional questions regarding the hackathon, application process, expectations, etc.?


    A: Use Code For Nepal Slack, and find the channel #data-crunch-hackathon-2024

    - - -

    Q: Do I need to be a previous or current Code For Nepal Fellow to participate?


    A: No, the hackathon is open to everyone.

    - - -

    Q: Will you help us find data for the hackathon?


    A: No

    - - -

    Q: How will we be judged?


    A: On presentation and documentation (20%), impact (20%), work completed (40%), and confidence in you being able to complete the work post hackathon (20%)

    - -
    - -
    - - - -


    - -
    - + +
    + +

    Timeline Details


    Application Open: January 12, 2024
    + Deadline to Apply: February 5th, 2024
    + Finalization of Team and Project: February 10th, 2024
    + Teams working async/sync (up to you): February 10th - Mar 15th, 2024
    + Hackathon presentation date: Mar 15th, 2024 +

    + Applicants must meet the following criteria to apply: +


    1. At least 50% of your team members should be in Kathmandu for the presentation (Mar 15th, 2024).
    2. +
    3. At least one of the team members should have the technical know how to deliver the project.
    4. +
    + +

    + +
    + +
    + + +
    + + + +


    + + +
    + + + + Code For Nepal Logo + + + + + Cloudfactory Logo + + + + + Luminr logo + + +
    + +
    + + +


    + + +
    + + +

    Q: What is the focus of the hackathon, and in which domains can teams work?


    A: The hackathon encourages teams to explore diverse domains such as environment, healthcare, transportation, and more. Participants are challenged to craft open-sourced and well-documented projects using non-proprietary data, with an emphasis on creating Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).

    + + +

    Q: How should teams be composed for the hackathon?


    A: Teams should consist of 3-6 members. If you don't have a team, you can apply individually, and Code For Nepal will assign a team to you.

    + + +

    Q: What are the eligibility criteria for projects? Can previously developed projects be submitted?


    A: Projects should be innovative and fresh. Previously developed projects are not permitted. The project can take various forms, including dashboards, reports, Machine Learning models, statistical models, data catalogs, or anything else preapproved by the Code For Nepal team.

    + + +

    Q: What are the expectations for project outputs?


    A: Teams are expected to present semi-complete data-driven projects with significant impact on the Nepal data ecosystem. Creativity and innovation in project proposals are key, and teams will be judged based on their ability to effectively communicate their ideas.

    + + +

    Q: What is the timeline for Data Crunch 2024, and when can teams apply?


    A: The application period is open from January 12, 2024, to February 5th, 2024. The timeline includes team and project finalization on February 10th, asynchronous/synchronous work from February 10th to March 15th, and the hackathon presentation on March 15th, 2024.

    + + +

    Q: Are there specific criteria for applicants, and do team members need to be physically present?


    A: Applicants must meet specific criteria, including having at least 50% of team members in Kathmandu for the presentation on March 15th, 2024. Additionally, at least one team member should possess the technical expertise required to deliver the project.

    + + + + +

    Q: Where do I ask additional questions regarding the hackathon, application process, expectations, etc.?


    A: Use Code For Nepal Slack, and find the channel #data-crunch-hackathon-2024

    + + +

    Q: Do I need to be a previous or current Code For Nepal Fellow to participate?


    A: No, the hackathon is open to everyone.

    + + +

    Q: Will you help us find data for the hackathon?


    A: No

    + + +

    Q: How will we be judged?


    A: On presentation and documentation (20%), impact (20%), work completed (40%), and confidence in you being able to complete the work post hackathon (20%)

    + +
    + +
    + + + +


    + +
    + diff --git a/_includes/hackathon_outcomes.html b/_includes/hackathon_outcomes.html index b437ce9c..095e0212 100644 --- a/_includes/hackathon_outcomes.html +++ b/_includes/hackathon_outcomes.html @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ - -
    - -
    - -


    1. First Place: NRs. 50,000
    2. -
    3. Second Place: NRs. 30,000
    4. -
    5. Third Place: NRs. 20,000 -
    6. -
    + +
    + +
    + +


    1. First Place: NRs. 50,000
    2. +
    3. Second Place: NRs. 30,000
    4. +
    5. Third Place: NRs. 20,000 +
    6. +
    diff --git a/_portfolio/ b/_portfolio/ index 76aafed1..b41e461e 100644 --- a/_portfolio/ +++ b/_portfolio/ @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ ---- -title: Project Threads -subtitle: subtitle lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. -image: -alt: Shirts on a hanger - -caption: - title: Threads - subtitle: Illustration - thumbnail: ---- -Use this area to describe your project. **Markdown** supported. This entry ( uses links for the image sources. All other projects in the portfolio use local images. Both work just fine! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. - -{:.list-inline} -- Date: January 2017 -- Client: Threads -- Category: Illustration +--- +title: Project Threads +subtitle: subtitle lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. +image: +alt: Shirts on a hanger + +caption: + title: Threads + subtitle: Illustration + thumbnail: +--- +Use this area to describe your project. **Markdown** supported. This entry ( uses links for the image sources. All other projects in the portfolio use local images. Both work just fine! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. + +{:.list-inline} +- Date: January 2017 +- Client: Threads +- Category: Illustration diff --git a/assets/img/team/sambidh.png b/assets/img/team/sambidh.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a023aa0fba39e4a378a6a2121d8f2c8d7697270 GIT binary patch literal 933157 zcmWh!2Q*uM7>!Z1)M%AZyK0phReLwIR*g1PY^hD{JzI*}Th(eQT7(*@8LBE)#g1CB z8w9aa`~UvG;~nJWD!9m8GW!q!5v)qcW8$p@kvM0!S61mq=SP7-Ot_(9}V z8urlb+}e{@tr)$hdwV;bDb{U)yN=cd1a^_D=i%`(?*|>1Z7&xVKK7QK zhhJXqSf4L;#WEO4A|A40V7f_*qJ>2x&@#vVt8#J=eC6Mu?EG1G z0&7&~LdR*x8L73kmF6K_)HRo)6<=?LG7;l*3%^vTx{T7<3zlXz%; z^7vz*Q0OFbUx2QQhY{GFMB{!~N}RFIi8~aEc~P3_-wVFCcLM~1K%uZHrJ;J!<$T(! zAt52u)FECRx6L1*Kij}uUB&RT;5((Cd52*S&`z+?1anse5@jV$_Xw_MIXSSJE-6sD zc^IrggSW7p)Dc!=)_@o>$9!s($Q#^KV%4CF?UL4Ki>(u_SE?aQ^XjIr?5uUZlzR7* z8N?B{?t8MDQ#9mIU$7V{=^ws(vbiamxkRn{uXA_zlX1oGgjH{|YiRJ~pb&KJ5=S#_Vw+?o+JR zp`VZj>5v?lj<6EeZ!7<%2FA!j8iDjSkXaZcLLMIb9G 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