Advecting tracers with parameterized velocities (Mixed-layer Eddies Parameterization) #2421
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There's a lot to look through so I can't see I've grasped it all, but I do notice that the "logic of the staggered grid" seems to be violated. The other possible issue is that you'll have to ensure that any velocity fields you create have impenetrable boundary conditions where they are supposed to --- this won't happen by default for On the first point, a I also saw ∂b∂y = Field{Center, Center, Center}(grid) But this is a y-gradient of a tracer and should therefore be located at ∂b∂y = Field{Center, Face, Center}(grid) So I guess in summary the two things I can think of are that the velocity field is either divergent, or advecting things through the boundary (because it doesn't satisfy |
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Ok, I have advanced a lot with this implementation and I have a test case for a 2d (y-z) front, but this code should work for 3D fronts as well. I did my best to reduce the code, but I still have to keep kernels for computing mixed-layer depth, ∇b and Ψ. Does anyone has a clue on what am I missing here? Sorry for not having a smaller piece of code that reproduces the error. using Oceananigans
using Oceananigans.Units
using Oceananigans.BoundaryConditions: ImpenetrableBoundaryCondition, fill_halo_regions!
# ---- define size and create a grid
const Ny = 46 # number of points in y
const Nz = 48 # number of points in z
const H = 1000 # maximum depth
grid = RectilinearGrid(GPU(),
size=(Ny, Nz),
halo=(3, 3),
y=(-10*(Ny/2)kilometers, 10*(Ny/2)kilometers),
z=(H * cos.(LinRange(π/2,0,Nz+1)) .- H)meters,
topology=(Flat, Bounded, Bounded)
# ----
# ---- rotation
coriolis = FPlane(latitude=60)
# ----
# ---- turbulent diffusivity
horizontal_closure = HorizontalScalarDiffusivity(ν=1, κ=1)
vertical_closure = ScalarDiffusivity(ν=1e-5, κ=1e-5)
# ----
# ---- initial mixed-layer eddy velocities
# no penetration bc for mixed-layer eddy vertical velocity
no_penetration = ImpenetrableBoundaryCondition()
w_mle_bc = FieldBoundaryConditions(grid, (Center, Center, Face), top=no_penetration, bottom=no_penetration)
# initial zero fields for mixed-layer eddy velocities
u_mle = XFaceField(grid)
v_mle = YFaceField(grid)
w_mle = ZFaceField(grid, boundary_conditions=w_mle_bc)
# build AdvectiveForcing from mixed-layer eddy velocities
mle_forcing = AdvectiveForcing(u = u_mle, v = v_mle, w = w_mle)
# ----
# ---- instantiate model
model = NonhydrostaticModel(grid = grid,
advection = WENO5(),
timestepper = :RungeKutta3,
coriolis = coriolis,
closure = (horizontal_closure, vertical_closure),
tracers = (:b),
forcing = (; b = mle_forcing),
buoyancy = BuoyancyTracer())
# ----
# ---- initial conditions
const g = 9.82
const ρₒ = 1026
# background density profile based on Argo data
@inline bg(z) = 0.25*tanh(0.0027*(-653.3-z))-6.8*z/1e5+1027.56
# decay function for fronts
@inline decay(z) = (tanh((z+500)/300)+1)/2
# front function
@inline front(x, y, z, cy) = tanh((y-cy)/12kilometers)
@inline function B(x, y, z)
fronts = front(x, y, z, -120kilometers) + front(x, y, z, 0) + front(x, y, z, 120kilometers)
return -( g / ρₒ ) * ( bg(z) + 0.8 * decay(z) * (fronts - 3) / 6 )
# we start with the fronts but no velocity
# let's leave fronts to adjust
set!(model; b = B)
# ----
# ---- create a simulation with adaptive time stepping based on CFL condition
simulation = Simulation(model, Δt = 5minutes, stop_time = 10days)
# ----
# ---- compute mixed-layer depth
using KernelAbstractions: @index, @kernel
using KernelAbstractions.Extras.LoopInfo: @unroll
using Oceananigans.Architectures: device_event, architecture
using Oceananigans.Utils: launch!
using Oceananigans.Grids
@kernel function _compute_mixed_layer_depth!(h, grid, b, Δb)
i, j = @index(Global, NTuple)
# Use this to set mld to surface
z_surface = znode(Center(), Center(), Face(), i, j, grid.Nz, grid)
b_surface = @inbounds b[i, j, grid.Nz] # buoyancy at surface
# at the first iteration, mld is at the surface
mld_ij = z_surface
searching_mld = true
@unroll for k in grid.Nz -1 : -1 : 1 # scroll from point just below surface
# buoyancy and buoyancy decrease
b_ijk = @inbounds b[i, j, k]
Δb_ijk = b_surface-b_ijk
# if below mixed layer and we havent yet found it
if (Δb_ijk>Δb)&(searching_mld)
# buoyancy and buoyancy decrease for the cell above
b_ijk_above = @inbounds b[i, j, k-1]
Δb_ijk_above = b_surface-b_ijk_above
# height for both cells
z_face = znode(Center(), Center(), Face(), i, j, k, grid)
z_face_above = znode(Center(), Center(), Face(), i, j, k-1, grid)
# get Δz and Δb
Δz_ijk = z_face_above-z_face
# interpolate linearly to obtain the mld
# Note "-" since `h` is supposed to be "depth" rather than "height"
mld_ij = max(-((Δz_ijk/(Δb_ijk_above-Δb_ijk))*(Δb-Δb_ijk)+z_face), 0)
# stop searching (skip this calculation for other levels)
@inbounds h[i, j, 1] = mld_ij
function compute_mixed_layer_depth!(h, b, Δb)
grid = h.grid
arch = architecture(grid)
event = launch!(arch, grid, :xy,
_compute_mixed_layer_depth!, h, grid, b, Δb,
dependencies = device_event(arch))
wait(device_event(arch), event)
return nothing
const g = 9.82 # gravity
const ρₒ = 1026 # reference density
# buoyancy decrease criterium for determining the mixed-layer depth
const Δb=(g/ρₒ) * 0.03
h = Field{Center, Center, Nothing}(grid)
compute_mixed_layer_depth!(simulation) = compute_mixed_layer_depth!(h, simulation.model.tracers.b, Δb)
# add the function to the callbacks of the simulation
simulation.callbacks[:compute_mld] = Callback(compute_mixed_layer_depth!)
# ----
# ---- compute gradient of buoyancy
∂b∂x = Field{Face, Center, Center}(grid)
∂b∂y = Field{Center, Face, Center}(grid)
∂b∂z = Field{Center, Center, Face}(grid)
b = model.tracers.b
∂b∂x_op = ∂x(b);
∂b∂y_op = ∂y(b);
∂b∂z_op = ∂z(b);
function compute_∇b!(sim)
∂b∂x .= ∂b∂x_op
∂b∂y .= ∂b∂y_op
∂b∂z .= ∂b∂z_op
fill_halo_regions!(∂b∂x, sim.model.architecture)
fill_halo_regions!(∂b∂y, sim.model.architecture)
fill_halo_regions!(∂b∂z, sim.model.architecture)
return nothing
simulation.callbacks[:compute_∇b] = Callback(compute_∇b!)
# ----
# ---- compute Ψₑ
# repeating the imports just to make it easier while moduling it
using KernelAbstractions: @index, @kernel
using KernelAbstractions.Extras.LoopInfo: @unroll
using Oceananigans.Architectures: device_event, architecture
using Oceananigans.Utils: launch!
using Oceananigans.Grids
using Oceananigans.Operators: Δzᶜᶜᶜ, Δzᶜᶜᶠ
@kernel function _compute_Ψₑ!(Ψₑ, grid, h, ∂ₕb, N, μ, f, ce, Lfₘ, ΔS, τ, minpoints, Vm)
i, j = @index(Global, NTuple)
# average ∇ₕb and N over the mixed layer
∂ₕb_sum = 0
N_sum = 0
Δz_sum = 0
h_ij = @inbounds h[i, j]
# number of z points in the mixed layer
npoints = 0
@unroll for k in grid.Nz : -1 : 1 # scroll from surface to bottom
z_center = znode(Center(), Face(), Face(), i, j, k, grid)
if z_center > -h_ij
npoints += 1
Δz_ijk = Δzᶜᶜᶜ(i, j, k, grid)
∂ₕb_sum = ∂ₕb_sum + @inbounds ∂ₕb[i, j, k] * Δz_ijk
N_sum = N_sum + @inbounds N[i, j, k] * Δz_ijk
Δz_sum = Δz_sum + Δz_ijk
∂ₕbₘₗ = ∂ₕb_sum/Δz_sum
Nₘₗ = N_sum/Δz_sum
Lf = max(Nₘₗ*h_ij/abs(f), Lfₘ)
# compute eddy stream function
@unroll for k in grid.Nz : -1 : 1 # scroll to point just above the bottom
z_face = znode(Center(), Face(), Face(), i, j, k, grid)
Ψ_max = @inbounds Δzᶜᶜᶠ(i, j, k, grid) * Vm
Ψ_ijk = ce * (ΔS/Lf) * ((h_ij^2)/sqrt(f^2 + τ^-2)) * μ(z_face,h_ij) * ∂ₕbₘₗ
if (z_face > -h_ij)&(npoints > minpoints)
@inbounds Ψₑ[i, j, k] = min(Ψ_max, Ψ_ijk)
@inbounds Ψₑ[i, j, k] = 0.0
function compute_Ψₑ!(Ψₑ, h, ∂ₕb, N, μ, f; ce = 0.06, Lfₘ = 500meters, ΔS=10e3, τ=86400, minpoints=4, Vm=0.5)
grid = h.grid
arch = architecture(grid)
event = launch!(arch, grid, :xy,
_compute_Ψₑ!, Ψₑ, grid, h, ∂ₕb, N, μ, f, ce, Lfₘ, ΔS, τ, minpoints, Vm,
dependencies = device_event(arch))
wait(device_event(arch), event)
return nothing
# create field for each component of Ψ
Ψx = Field{Center, Face, Face}(grid)
Ψy = Field{Face, Center, Face}(grid)
# structure function
@inline μ(z,h) = (1-(2*z/h + 1)^2)*(1+(5/21)*(2*z/h + 1)^2)
# create a function for each component
compute_Ψx!(simulation) = compute_Ψₑ!(Ψx, @at((Center, Face, Nothing), h), ∂b∂y, sqrt(∂b∂z), μ, model.coriolis.f)
compute_Ψy!(simulation) = compute_Ψₑ!(Ψy, @at((Face, Center, Nothing), h), ∂b∂x, sqrt(∂b∂z), μ, model.coriolis.f)
# add the function to the callbacks of the simulation
simulation.callbacks[:compute_Ψx] = Callback(compute_Ψx!)
simulation.callbacks[:compute_Ψy] = Callback(compute_Ψy!)
# ----
# ---- compute mixed-layer eddy velocities
u_mle_op = @at((Face, Center, Center), ∂z(Ψy));
v_mle_op = @at((Center, Face, Center), ∂z(Ψx));
w_mle_op = @at((Center, Center, Face), -(∂x(Ψy) + ∂y(Ψx)));
function compute_mle_velocity!(sim)
u_mle .= u_mle_op
v_mle .= v_mle_op
w_mle .= w_mle_op
return nothing
simulation.callbacks[:compute_mle_velocity] = Callback(compute_mle_velocity!)
# ----
# ---- setting up the model output
outputs = merge(model.velocities, model.tracers, (; u_mle=u_mle, v_mle=v_mle, w_mle=w_mle, h,
hx=@at((Center, Face, Nothing), h), hy=@at((Face, Center, Nothing), h),
∂b∂x, ∂b∂y, Ψx, Ψy)) # make a NamedTuple with all outputs
simulation.output_writers[:fields] =
NetCDFOutputWriter(model, outputs, filename = "data/",
# ----
# ---- setting up the model progress messages
using Printf
function print_progress(simulation)
u, v, w = simulation.model.velocities
# Print a progress message
msg = @sprintf("i: %04d, t: %s, Δt: %s, umax = (%.1e, %.1e, %.1e) ms⁻¹, Ψmax = (%.1e, %.1e), wall time: %s\n",
maximum(abs, u), maximum(abs, v), maximum(abs, w),
maximum(abs, Ψx), maximum(abs, Ψy),
@info msg
return nothing
simulation.callbacks[:progress] = Callback(print_progress, TimeInterval(1hour))
# ----
# ---- run the simulation
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Maybe this is going to be solved by #2389 ?
I am trying to implement the mixed-layer eddies parameterization (10.1175/2007JPO3792.1), which
I could make it work to compute Ψeddy at each time step using
resulting in
But now I need to also advect tracers with the "extra" velocity field derived from Ψeddy.
What I tried to do
:So I create some zero background fields for velocities:
Then after creating the simulation, I compute and update background velocities using this:
But with the first timestep it returns
for resolved u.Click to see the full code!
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