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File metadata and controls

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Caliburn.Micro Cheat Sheet

This serves as a quick guide to the most frequently used conventions and features in the Caliburn.Micro project.

Wiring Events

This is automatically wiring events on controls to call methods on the ViewModel.


<Button x:Name="Save">

This will cause the Click event of the Button to call "Save" method on the ViewModel.

Short Syntax

<Button cal:Message.Attach="Save">

This will again cause the "Click" event of the Button to call "Save" method on the ViewModel.

Different events can be used like this:

<Button cal:Message.Attach="[Event MouseEnter] = [Action Save]">

Different parameters can be passed to the method like this:

<Button cal:Message.Attach="[Event MouseEnter] = [Action Save($this)]"> 
Passes the EventArgs or input parameter to your Action. Note: This will be null for guard methods since the trigger hasn’t actually occurred.
Passes the DataContext of the element that the ActionMessage is attached to. This is very useful in Master/Detail scenarios where the ActionMessage may bubble to a parent VM but needs to carry with it the child instance to be acted upon.
The actual FrameworkElement that triggered the ActionMessage to be sent.
The view (usually a UserControl or Window) that is bound to the ViewModel.
The action's execution context, which contains all the above information and more. This is useful in advanced scenarios.
The actual UI element to which the action is attached. In this case, the element itself won't be passed as a parameter, but rather its default property.

Long Syntax

<UserControl x:Class="Caliburn.Micro.CheatSheet.ShellView"
        <TextBox x:Name="Name" />
        <Button Content="Save"> 
                <i:EventTrigger EventName="Click"> 
                    <cal:ActionMessage MethodName="Save"> 
                       <cal:Parameter Value="{Binding ElementName=Name, Path=Text}" /> 

This syntax is Expression Blend friendly.


This is automatically binding dependency properties on controls to properties on the ViewModel.


<TextBox x:Name="FirstName" />

Will cause the "Text" property of the TextBox to be bound to the "FirstName" property on the ViewModel.


<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=FirstName, Mode=TwoWay}" />

This is the normal way of binding properties.

Event Aggregator

The three different methods on the Event Aggregator are:

public interface IEventAggregator {  
    void Subscribe(object instance);  
    void Unsubscribe(object instance);  
    void Publish(object message, Action<System.Action> marshal);  

An event can be a simple class such as:

public class MyEvent {
    public MyEvent(string myData) {
        this.MyData = myData;

    public string MyData { get; private set; }

Using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection with Caliburn.Micro

  1. Add a reference to the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection nuget package
  2. In Bootstrapper.cs, add the following property:
  public static IHost Host { get; private set; }
  1. In the constructor, add the following code:
public Bootstrapper()
    Host = Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
        .ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
        ... code elided
  1. Add a method named ConfigureServices and set up your DI wire up as appropriate for your project.
 protected  void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
            FrameSet = serviceCollection.AddCaliburnMicro();
  1. Override the appropriate Caliburn.Micro dependency injection methods:
protected override object GetInstance(Type service, string key)
    return Host.Services.GetService(service);

protected override IEnumerable<object> GetAllInstances(Type service)
    return Host.Services.GetServices(service);

Navigation Configuration

WPF Configuration

  1. Add a class named Frameset
 public class FrameSet
     public FrameSet()
         Frame = new Frame
             NavigationUIVisibility = NavigationUIVisibility.Hidden
         FrameAdapter = new FrameAdapter(Frame);

     public Frame Frame { get; private set; }
     public FrameAdapter FrameAdapter { get; private set; }
     public INavigationService NavigationService => FrameAdapter as INavigationService;
  1. Add an extension method which creates a Frame and sets up the Caliburn.Micro infratructure.
  public static FrameSet AddCaliburnMicro(this IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
      var frameSet = new FrameSet();
      // wire up the interfaces required by Caliburn.Micro
      serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IWindowManager, WindowManager>();
      serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IEventAggregator, EventAggregator>();

      // Register the FrameAdapter which wraps a Frame as INavigationService
      serviceCollection.AddSingleton<INavigationService>(sp => frameSet.NavigationService);

      // wire up all of the view models in the project.
          .Where(type => type.IsClass)
          .Where(type => type.Name.EndsWith("ViewModel"))
          .ForEach(viewModelType => serviceCollection.AddTransient(viewModelType));

      return frameSet;
  1. In the Bootstrapper class store an instance of FrameSet in the ConfigureServices method:
   protected  void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
       FrameSet = serviceCollection.AddCaliburnMicro();
  1. Add a method to add the Frame to the visual tree:
   private void AddFrameToMainWindow(Frame frame)
       Logger.LogInformation("Adding Frame to ShellView grid control.");

       var mainWindow = Application.MainWindow;
       if (mainWindow == null)
           throw new NullReferenceException("'Application.MainWindow' is null.");

       if (mainWindow.Content is not Grid grid)
           throw new NullReferenceException("The grid on 'Application.MainWindow' is null.");

       Grid.SetRow(frame, 1);
       Grid.SetColumn(frame, 0);
  1. Then override OnStartup and call the method to add the Frame to the visual tree:
 protected override async void OnStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
     // Allow the ShellView to be created.
     await DisplayRootViewForAsync<ShellViewModel>();

     // Now add the Frame to be added to the Grid in ShellView

     ... code elided

Navigating to Viewmodels

  1. Inject INavigationService into the contructor of your view model:
  private readonly INavigationService _navigationService
  public YourViewModel(INavigationService navigationService)
     _navigationService = navigationService;
  1. To navigate to a different viewmodel/view:
  1. To pass data to a view model... define properties on the target view model, i.e.
public int ProductId { get ;set;}
public int CategoryId { get; set;}
  .WithParam(v => v.ProductId, 42)
  .WithParam(v => v.CategoryId, 2)
  • This also works with more complex objects (in WPF at least)
      .WithParam(v => v.ComplexObject, new ComplexObject()).Navigate();
  • And finally multiple parameters may be passed by chaining WithParam:
      .WithParam(v => v.ComplexObject, new ComplexObject())
      .WithParam(v => v.SomeString, _theString)
      .WithParam(v => v.ComplexObject2, new ComplexObject2()).Navigate();