Provides an integration between Easy Appointments and CiviCRM. A new appointment is send to a form processor in CiviCRM.
Bugs can be reported at Github.
The code of this plugin is published and maintained at Github. The plugin is also published at and this requires that we submit each release to the Wordpress SVN
Workflow for development
- Fork the repository at Github
- Create a new branch for the functionality you want to develop, or for the bug you want to fix.
- Write your code and test it, once you are finished push it to your fork.
- Create a Pull Request at Github to notify us to merge your changes.
Workflow for creating a release
Based on the instruction from Learn with Daniel
- Update
with the new version number (also update the Changelog section) - Update
with the new version number - Create a new version at Github.
- To publish the release at Wordpress Plugin directory follow the following steps:
- Create a temp directory:
mkdir cintegration-civicrm-leaflet-tmp
- Go into this directory:
cd cintegration-civicrm-leaflet-tmp
- Do an SVN checkout into SVN directory:
svn checkout --depth immediates svn
- Clone the Github repository into Github directory:
git clone github
- Go into the Github directory:
cd github
- Checkout the created release (in our example 1.0.0):
git checkout 1.0.0
- Go into the svn directory:
cd ../svn
- Copie the files from github to SVN:
rsync -rc --exclude-from="../github/.distignore" "../github/" trunk/ --delete --delete-excluded
- Add the files to SVN:
svn add . --force
- Tag the release in SVN (in our example 1.0.0):
svn cp "trunk" "tags/1.0.0"
- Now submit to the Wordpress SVN with a message:
svn ci -m 'Adding 1.0.0'
- Create a temp directory:
The plugin is licensed under AGPL-3.0.