Dirstruct is a simple python script that takes a file with a list of directories as input and creates the directories in the specified structure
usage: dirstruct [-h] [--root ROOT] [--verbose] [--debug] [--version] [--remove] dirfile
Create a directory structure from file. Directories in the definition file should be separated by newlines and should follow the UNIX path convention.
The root directory of the directory structure can be controlled by the --root parameter.
positional arguments:
dirfile the file containing the directory structure.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--root ROOT, -r ROOT the root path where the directory structure should be
created. Will be created if it does not exist Default:
Current directory.
--verbose, -v verbose mode
--debug print debug information. Will also toggle verbose
--version show program's version number and exit
--remove Inverse - remove directories instead of creating them.
Will not remove recursively. Default false.
If the input dirfile contains the following:
Then "dirstruct dirfile" will create dir1/subdir1 and dir2/subdir2 in the current directory.