Install and configure git
For this project I launched an aws linux ec2 instance and sshed to it.
Note: this could be installed locally on a mac or windows machine.
mkdir final
cd final
Create an ssh public and private key pair for use with
ssh-keygen -C email address
ls ~/.ssh
cat ~/.ssh/
KEPT GETTING ERRORS so i found the solution (next two steps) here:
eval $(ssh-agent)
Next create a github account and add your public key to it (
Install git using: sudo yum git install -y
Then initialize git: git init
Then configure git:
$ git config --global "John Doe"
$ git config --global [email protected]
Create a repository in your with a file.
Then clone it to the local machine (in our case ec2)
git clone [email protected]:ChadCottle/cs90.git
cd cs90
Open up and make some changes in markdown language.
git status
git add .
git status
git commit -m "First commit"
git push
First we will create some IAM roles.
We need a role for our ec2 instance(s) and a role for the Code Deploy service.
Create a role called CDInstanceRole
Attach the following policies:
AutoScalingNotificationAccessRole -
Create a role called CDServiceRole Attach the following policy:
Note: on the Trust Relationship tab you will need to edit this line:
”Service": “”
and change it to the following:”Service": “"
Choose a region that will run an instance as well as CD and CP
Launch a simple aws linux app within a VPC’s public subnet
Auto-assign a public IP
Choose our IAM role that was created earlier for instances: CDInstanceRole
Under Advanced Details add the following in the user data section:
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install httpd -y
sudo yum install ruby -y
chmod +x ./install
sudo ./install auto
sudo service httpd start
sudo chkconfig httpd on
Note: Link to userdata.txt
Here’s what is going on with the user data section. We are doing a standard update followed by installing apache (httpd).
We then install ruby and wget the codedeploy agent and codedeploy resource kit from a bucket in our region. The bucket choices are listed here.
Then we make it executable and install it. And lastly we are starting Apache and setting it to come back up after a reboot.
Here is where we get into the meet of our project. We will follow these general steps for **Code Deploy**
- Create an application
- Create a deployment group
- Create a deployment
For this section we will also use the AWSCodeDeployRole we created earlier.