This repro contains a python gym environment for the card game schafkopf (sheep head).
In order to test the gym as well as training a Neuronal Network using Proximal Policy Optimization check the Tutorials.
You can play and test your trained neuronal network at
- Regeln sehr ähnlich wie hier:
- Langer (8 Karten):
- Ramsch, Solo (Farbe, Wenz, Geier), Hochzeit, Ruf, Bettel, Aufgelegter Bettel, Solo Du
- Herz ist Trumpf bei Bettel, Hochzeit, Ruf, Ramsch
- Herz ass kann niemals gerufen werden
- Hochzeit ist nicht höher als Solo!
- Ruf ass muss immer gelegt werden außer:
- Wenn der Mitspieler mindestens vier Karten mit der Ruf-Sau in der Ruf-Farbe besitzt, kann er davonlaufen (unter der Ruf-Sau ausspielen), solange die Farbe noch nicht gespielt war und er noch alle vier Farbkarten in der Hand hält.
- Nachdem die Ruf-Farbe bereits einmal gespielt war (und durch Davonlaufen nicht zugegeben wurde), kann die Ruf-Sau gespielt oder geschmiert werden. Wurde die Ruf-Sau nicht gesucht, so darf sie erst im letzten, dem 8. Stich, zugegeben werden. Der Mitspieler, der die Ruf-Sau hat, kann diese zu jedem Zeitpunkt anspielen, sofern er an der Reihe ist.
- Normal(5), Schneider(+5extra), Schneider-Schwarz(+10extra)
- Solo: 15
- Bettel: 10
- Hochzeit: (Ergebnis x2)
- Laufende (ab 3 Ober)
- Ramsch: (einer zahlt alles, bei mehreren verlierern aufgeteilt, wenn alle gleich kostet 0
- Declarations
- phase1: weg, solo, bettel, ruf, hochzeit, Ramsch
- phase2: ramsch (wenn alle), solo=(farbe, geier, wenz), ruf(mit wem?)
git clone [email protected]:CesMak/gym_schafkopf.git
sudo apt install python-pip
sudo apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv gym_env
source gym_env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt # the requirements.txt file is in the Tutorials folder
- state = np.asarray([on_table+ on_hand+ played+ play_options+ add_states+matching+decl_options+[self.active_player]])
- Example for 8 Cards and 4 Players
- Total Cards = 32
- Each card has a color Eichel, Gruen, Herz, Schelle
- A value: 7, 8, 9, Unter, Ober, King, 10, Ass
- An index: 0...31
- All cards sorted by index are:
[7 of E_0, 8 of E_1, 9 of E_2, U of E_3, O of E_4, K of E_5, 10 of E_6, A of E_7, 7 of G_8, 8 of G_9, 9 of G_10, U of G_11, O of G_12, K of G_13, 10 of G_14, A of G_15, 7 of H_16, 8 of H_17, 9 of H_18, U of H_19, O of H_20, K of H_21, 10 of H_22, A of H_23, 7 of S_24, 8 of S_25, 9 of S_26, U of S_27, O of S_28, K of S_29, 10 of S_30, A of S_31]
- on_table, on_hand, played, play_options = 32x1 binary vector
- e.g. play_options
Options Max: [U of E_3, O of E_4, 7 of G_8, K of G_13, 10 of G_14, U of H_19, 7 of S_24, O of S_28] Vector list: [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
- 1 means this card is available as option
- The state for a player is given as:
- card_state = on_table+ on_hand+ played+ play_options (4*32x1) = 128x1
- add_states = [would win(1x1), colorfree(4x1), trumpfree(1x1)] (4*6x1) (3=for each other player than current) = 18x1
- would win is only 1 for the other player that would win the current stich
- matching = (4x1)
- active player = 0 and matching = [1, 0, 1, 0]
- this means active player is in the team with itself and player 2
- state(150x1)=card_state + add_states+matching+decl_options
TODO decl_options ist fuer zustand gar nicht noetig oder?! was soll der damit machen?! -> doch sonst weiß man gar nicht was wer gemacht hat? Oder muss man das auch nicht? -> teste es aus ob man das nicht weglassen kann!
- playOptions (cards 32)
- declarations (ordered) = "weg", "ruf_E", "ruf_G", "ruf_S", "wenz", "geier", "solo_E", "solo_G", "solo_H", "solo_S"
- action_space = playOptions + declarations = 42
cd gym
pip install -e .
In order to successful run the tutorials make sure to install the requirements.txt file:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt # the requirements.txt file is in the Tutorials folder
Simply run the unittests to test the gameLogic of Schafkopf:
/gym_schafkopf/gym-schafkopf/gym_schafkopf$ python
/01_Tutorials/01_GenerateGymData$ python
shows how the gym is used:
- step(actions(0...42))
- -> returns the rewards
Generate Data which is used later on to train a policy.
/01_Tutorials/02_GenerateBatches$ python
This example shows how to generate a lot of data that can then be used for offline learning!
Creating model: Schafkopf-v1
Model state dimension: 161
Model action dimension: 42
Number of steps in one game: 10
One Batch:
Actions: [36]
State : [array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])]
Rewards: [0]
LogProb: [0.2]
Done : [False]
State: 161
State for Lea
on_table 32 []
on_hand 32 [u"EA", u"GA", u"H7", u"H9", u"HU", u"HK", u"S7", u"SA"]
played 32 []
options 32 []
partners: Lea_1(you) play with
Add_state for Max
would_win 1 is free of trump 0 color(EGHZ) free [0 0 0 0]
Add_state for Jo
would_win 1 is free of trump 0 color(EGHZ) free [0 0 0 0]
Add_state for Tim
would_win 1 is free of trump 0 color(EGHZ) free [0 0 0 0]
Declaration options ['weg', 'wenz', 'geier', 'solo_E', 'solo_G', 'solo_H', 'solo_S'] [1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1]
Benchmark playing 100000 steps
Took: 0:00:19.006270 Number of batches: 19269 ## TODO there are a lot of steps not working?!
- uses ray for parallel batch generation
- pip install ray==0.8.1
- is 2.5xfaster
/01_Tutorials/03_Parallel_Batch_Generation$ python
Creating model: Schafkopf-v1
Model state dimension: 155
Model action dimension: 36
Benchmark playing 10000 games
Took: 0:00:29.501962 Number of batches: 99925
The PPO contains the following actor-critic:
- include training a neuronal network
- included classes ActorModel, ActorCritic, PPO
pip install torch
pip install onnx
pip install onnxruntime
- As you can see in the output below the batch size is slowly increasing
- The learning rate (lr) remains constant
- The network learns slowly correct actions (playing correct cards)
/01_Tutorials/04_Policy_PPO$ python
Creating model: Schafkopf-v1
Model state dimension: 155
Model action dimension: 36
Parameters for training:
Latent Layers: 128
Learing Rate: 0.01 betas (0.9, 0.999)
Gamma: 0.99
Epochs to train: 16
Epsillon 0.2 decay: 266
Batch size: 3000 Increase Rate: 10 0
Game ,0030000, mean_rew of 0 finished g. ,0.0, of random ,0.0, corr_moves[max: 9] ,0.3096, mean_rew ,-1e+02, 0:01:02.645053,playing t=42.32, lr=0.01, batch=29930
Game ,0090300, mean_rew of 0 finished g. ,0.0, of random ,0.0, corr_moves[max: 9] ,1.123, mean_rew ,-1e+02, 0:03:16.859169,playing t=47.68, lr=0.01, batch=60187
Game ,0151000, mean_rew of 0 finished g. ,0.0, of random ,0.0, corr_moves[max: 9] ,1.341, mean_rew ,-1e+02, 0:05:45.887274,playing t=47.8, lr=0.01, batch=60604
Game ,0212100, mean_rew of 0 finished g. ,0.0, of random ,0.0, corr_moves[max: 9] ,1.874, mean_rew ,-1e+02, 0:08:31.161221,playing t=51.53, lr=0.01, batch=61014
Hand of player: Max [O of E_4, K of E_5, 9 of G_10, O of G_12, O of H_20, A of H_23, U of S_27, K of S_29]
Hand of player: Lea [7 of E_0, 10 of E_6, U of G_11, 9 of H_18, U of H_19, 10 of H_22, 7 of S_24, A of S_31]
Hand of player: Jo [U of E_3, A of G_15, 7 of H_16, 8 of H_17, K of H_21, 8 of S_25, O of S_28, 10 of S_30]
Hand of player: Tim [8 of E_1, 9 of E_2, A of E_7, 7 of G_8, 8 of G_9, K of G_13, 10 of G_14, 9 of S_26]
Lea RL trys to declare.... 32 allowed is [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Lea: weg
Jo RANDOM 2 trys to declare.... 32
Jo: weg
Tim RANDOM 3 trys to declare.... 32
Tim: weg
Max RANDOM 0 trys to declare.... 32
Max: weg
Highest Declaration: ('weg', 0)
Matching : {'type': 'ramsch', 'partner': 2, 'spieler': 0, 'trump': 'H',
0 1-Lea RL plays U of H_19
0 2-Jo RANDOM plays 7 of H_16
0 3-Tim RANDOM plays A of E_7
0 0-Max RANDOM plays O of E_4
Winner:Max with O of E_4 sits on 3 at the table
1 0-Max RANDOM plays O of G_12
1 1-Lea RL plays 9 of H_18
1 2-Jo RANDOM plays U of E_3
1 3-Tim RANDOM plays 7 of G_8
Winner:Max with O of G_12 sits on 0 at the table
2 0-Max RANDOM plays O of H_20
2 1-Lea RL plays 10 of H_22
2 2-Jo RANDOM plays K of H_21
2 3-Tim RANDOM plays 8 of E_1
Winner:Max with O of H_20 sits on 0 at the table
3 0-Max RANDOM plays K of S_29
3 1-Lea RL plays A of S_31
3 2-Jo RANDOM plays 10 of S_30
3 3-Tim RANDOM plays 9 of S_26
Winner:Lea with A of S_31 sits on 1 at the table
4 1-Lea RL plays 10 of E_6
4 2-Jo RANDOM plays 8 of H_17
4 3-Tim RANDOM plays 9 of E_2
4 0-Max RANDOM plays K of E_5
Winner:Jo with 8 of H_17 sits on 1 at the table
5 2-Jo RANDOM plays O of S_28
5 3-Tim RANDOM plays 8 of G_9
5 0-Max RANDOM plays A of H_23
5 1-Lea RL plays U of G_11
Winner:Jo with O of S_28 sits on 0 at the table
6 2-Jo RANDOM plays A of G_15
6 3-Tim RANDOM plays K of G_13
6 0-Max RANDOM plays 9 of G_10
6 1-Lea RL plays 7 of S_24
Winner:Jo with A of G_15 sits on 0 at the table
7 2-Jo RANDOM plays 8 of S_25
7 3-Tim RANDOM plays 10 of G_14
7 0-Max RANDOM plays U of S_27
7 1-Lea RL plays 7 of E_0
Winner:Max with U of S_27 sits on 2 at the table
{'state': 'playing', 'ai_reward': 12, 'on_table_win_idx': 2, 'trick_rewards': [12, 0, 0, 0], 'player_win_idx': 0, 'final_rewards': array([50., 25., 45., 0.])} 9 True
Final ai reward: [25.0, 31.666666666666668] moves 9 done True
Game ,1941100, mean_rew of 4594 finished g. ,3.2889, of random ,2.0716, corr_moves[max: 9] ,8.605, mean_rew ,-5.1, 2:35:56.407277,playing t=96.07, lr=0.01, batch=71219
Game ,2013000, mean_rew of 4366 finished g. ,3.4246, of random ,1.9139, corr_moves[max: 9] ,8.458, mean_rew ,-9.69, 2:41:58.271590,playing t=98.85, lr=0.01, batch=71460
Game ,2085300, mean_rew of 4488 finished g. ,2.5938, of random ,2.1137, corr_moves[max: 9] ,8.523, mean_rew ,-7.91, 2:48:04.383976,playing t=100.17, lr=0.01, batch=71909
Game ,2158000, mean_rew of 4542 finished g. ,2.6856, of random ,2.0668, corr_moves[max: 9] ,8.569, mean_rew ,-6.72, 2:54:10.895498,playing t=99.86, lr=0.01, batch=72329
Game ,2231100, mean_rew of 4576 finished g. ,3.1993, of random ,2.2232, corr_moves[max: 9] ,8.576, mean_rew ,-5.55, 3:00:19.230973,playing t=100.97, lr=0.01, batch=72772
- use pretrained network and improve it!
- params further_1:
eps = 0.05 #train further1: 0.05 train further2: 0.01 train further3: 0.001 lr = 0.001 #train further1: 0.001 train further2: 0.0009, train further3 0.0001 update_timestep = 5000 # train further1: 80000 train further2: 180000 train further2: 300000 eps_decay = 8000000 # is currently not used!
/01_Tutorials/05_ImprovePretrained$ python
pip freeze > requirements.txt
# to export class model graph:
#sudo apt install pylint
pyreverse -o png
- gym-schafkopf/gym_schafkopf/envs contains:
- contains basic functions (reset, step) required for batch generation
- contains class card
- contains class deck
- contains class player
- contains class game
- inherits from game
- gameLogicTests: contains unitTest to test the functionality of the other classes.
Date | Description | commit |
2020.08.14 | init | |
2020.08.14 | testing_random_playing | |
2020.08.14 | included_declarations see gameLogicTests | included_declarations |
2020.08.14 | included rewarding and final money for ruf | added_money_ruf |
2020.08.14 | included trump free | added_trump_free |
2020.09.06 | added more testes and fixed game Logic bugs | fixed_gameLogic_Bugs |
2020.09.07 | added test_color free test | added_color_test |
2020.09.07 | added printStatetest | |
2020.09.08 | included declarations in env environment | env_step1 |
2020.09.08 | included playing phase in env environment | env_step2 |
2020.09.08 | 8/8gameLogicTests run without error | env_step3 |
2020.09.10 | added tut2 and included cp in state | included_cp_in_state |
2020.09.10 | added tut3 started with tut4 | added_tutorial3 |
2020.09.10 | added test test_playUntilAI | test_playUntilAI |
2020.09.11 | added test test_playUntilAI | test_playUntilAI_2 |
2020.09.11 | added tut4 | added_tut4_learn1 |
2020.09.11 | added tut5 | added_tut5_learnfurther |
2020.09.11 | added test_ramsch | test_ramsch |
2020.09.14 | added classes | improved_readme |
Correct logic errors..... TODO teste ob checkt mit wem zusammenspielt.... next: how to integrate schafkopf in the webpage? Denke drueber nach ob decl options ueberhaupt wichtig ist?!