The package provides API for interacting with Cere blockchain.
Using NPM
npm install @cere-ddc-sdk/blockchain --save
Using yarn
yarn add @cere-ddc-sdk/blockchain
The package provides Blockchain
class which acts as an entry point and multiple DDC pallet wrappers, each of which is responsible for interacting with a particular DDC pallet on the blockchain.
Here is an example how to create a bucket
Create a
instance and connect it to TESTNETimport { Blockchain, UriSigner } from '@cere-ddc-sdk/blockchain'; const account = new UriSigner('//Alice'); const blockchain = await Blockchain.connect({ wsEndpoint: 'wss://', });
Make a deposit
const deposit = 100n * 10n ** blockchain.chainDecimals; // 100 CERE const tx = blockchain.ddcCustomers.deposit(deposit); await blockchain.send(tx, { account })
The account used to make deposit and create the bucket should have positive CERE tokens balance.
Create a public bucket
const clusterId = '0x...'; const tx = blockchain.ddcCustomers.createBucket(clusterId, { isPublic: true }); const { events } = await blockchain.send(tx, { account }) const [bucketId] = blockchain.ddcCustomers.extractCreatedBucketIds(events); console.log('Bucket ID', bucketId);
For more information about what this package provides, see API reference
Licensed under the Apache License