diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 81d6203b7e..ed9a4b3229 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -15,3 +15,5 @@ Gemfile.lock
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Gruntfile.js b/Gruntfile.js
index 49c9cd237d..8b90113f2c 100644
--- a/Gruntfile.js
+++ b/Gruntfile.js
@@ -4,15 +4,24 @@
* framework
module.exports = function(grunt) {
+ var semver = require('semver');
var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json');
+ if (!pkg.version || !semver.valid(pkg.version)) {
+ grunt.fail.fatal('package.json version is not valid' , 1);
+ }
var version = pkg.version.split('.');
+ var VERSION_OBJ = {
+ major: version[0],
+ minor: version[0] + '.' + version[1],
+ bugfixing: pkg.version
+ }
var config = {
dist: 'dist',
@@ -22,11 +31,20 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
minor: version[0] + '.' + version[1],
bugfixing: pkg.version
- pkg: pkg
+ pkg: pkg
+ secrets: {},
config: config,
+ dist: 'dist',
+ app: 'www',
+ version: {
+ major: version[0],
+ minor: version[0] + '.' + version[1],
+ bugfixing: pkg.version
+ },
+ pkg: pkg,
gitinfo: {},
s3: require('./grunt/tasks/s3').task(grunt, config),
prompt: require('./grunt/tasks/prompt').task(grunt, config),
@@ -87,6 +105,7 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('test', [ 'jasmine' ]);
grunt.registerTask('release', [
+ 'prompt:bump',
@@ -96,7 +115,7 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.fail.fatal('secrets.json file does not exist, copy secrets.example.json and rename it' , 1);
- // Read secrets
+ // Read secrets
grunt.config.set('secrets', grunt.file.readJSON('secrets.json'));
if (
@@ -114,12 +133,35 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
+ grunt.registerTask('set_current_version', function() {
+ var version = pkg.version;
+ var minor = version.split('.');
+ minor.pop()
+ minor = minor.join('.');
+ var options = {
+ version: version,
+ minor: minor,
+ increment: 'build',
+ bugfixing: version
+ };
+ // Check if version was set via prompt, and
+ // use that version and not the package version
+ var bump = grunt.config.get('bump');
+ if (bump) {
+ options = bump;
+ options.bugfixing = bump.version;
+ }
+ grunt.config.set('bump', options);
+ });
grunt.registerTask('invalidate', function(){
if (!grunt.file.exists('secrets.json')) {
grunt.fail.fatal('secrets.json file does not exist, copy secrets.example.json and rename it' , 1);
- // Read secrets
+ // Read secrets
grunt.config.set('secrets', grunt.file.readJSON('secrets.json'));
if (!grunt.config('secrets') ||
@@ -137,29 +179,37 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('pages', [ 'buildcontrol:pages' ]);
grunt.registerTask('build', [
- 'prompt:bump',
- 'replace',
- 'gitinfo',
- 'clean:dist',
- 'concurrent:dist',
- 'useminPrepare',
- 'concat',
- 'autoprefixer:dist',
- 'cssmin',
- 'copy:distStatic',
- 'imagemin',
- 'svgmin',
- 'filerev',
- 'usemin',
- 'htmlmin',
- 'uglify'
+ 'dist_js',
+ 'useminPrepare',
+ 'cssmin',
+ 'imagemin',
+ 'svgmin',
+ 'filerev',
+ 'usemin',
+ 'htmlmin',
+ 'uglify'
+ ]);
+ grunt.registerTask('dist_js', [
+ 'set_current_version',
+ 'js'
+ ])
+ grunt.registerTask('js', [
+ 'replace',
+ 'gitinfo',
+ 'clean:dist',
+ 'concurrent:dist',
+ 'concat',
+ 'autoprefixer:dist'
grunt.registerTask('dist', [
+ 'set_current_version',
grunt.registerTask('default', [
- 'build'
+ 'dist'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8b7de2cca7..1835a96e7d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ dist/cartodb.noleaflet.js: dist/_cartodb_noleaflet.js
$(UGLIFYJS) dist/_cartodb_noleaflet.js > dist/cartodb.noleaflet.js
rm dist/_cartodb_noleaflet.js
+ grunt dist_js
dist/cartodb.css: css
cp themes/css/cartodb.css dist
@@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ publish_develop: release
node scripts/publish.js --current_version
-cartodb: dist/cartodb.full.uncompressed.js dist/cartodb.mod.torque.uncompressed.js
+cartodb: dist/cartodb.mod.torque.uncompressed.js dist/cartodb.mod.odyssey.uncompressed.js dist/cartodb.full.uncompressed.js
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 1b035a22b6..85ad40f0ce 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,136 @@
+3.X ()
+3.15.2 (01//09//2015)
+* Take `visible` attribute into account when determining visibility of layers and serializing maps (#546)
+* Only show legends if the layer is visible (#651)
+* Extracted pecan code to separate module, https://github.com/CartoDB/pecan/ (#649,#654)
+* Search control will show the result of the search with a pin and infowindow (cartodb/#4914).
+3.15 (24//06//2015)
+* cartodb.js knows how to work with multiple types of sublayers (#508):
+ * cartodb.createLayer accepts a `filter` option to specify wich types of layers must
+ be rendered in the tiles. WARNING: all non-torque layers will be rendered by default.
+ * cartodb.js uses metadata from Windshaft to determine what layers are present in the
+ map and specify the layer indexes in the tile URLs. More about this
+ [here](https://github.com/CartoDB/Windshaft-cartodb/blob/488c2462229474db21ba40b61a93edf83e6493b5/docs/Map-API.md#blending-and-layer-selection)
+ * New subclasses of SubLayer for different types of sublayers.
+* Handle hidden layers properly when fetching attributes from tiler
+* Make the torque slider have the correct range every time it changes
+* Remove check for http-beginng vizjson addresses
+* Use local time in timeslider instead of UTC
+* New sublayer.isVisible() function
+* `cartodb.createLayer` selects the first data layer instead of assuming that it's in position 1
+3.14.6 (16//06//2015)
+* Use the right indexes when fetching grids and attributes (#518)
+3.14.4 (10//06//2015)
+* Do not enable layer interaction if tooltip is empty (#513)
+* Replaces minified carto.js with uncompressed version (#516)
+3.14.3 (29//05//2015)
+* Hide tag of infowindow covers when the url is invalid.
+* Expose legend model in sublayers/layers so that users can customize legends (#480).
+* Handle tooltip overflow (#482).
+* Only show tooltips when they have fields (#486).
+* Updated Torque to 2.11.3
+* Fix scrolling of infowindows with images (#490).
+* Fix dropdown bind events not being unbound on clean (#493)
+3.14.2 (06//05//2015)
+* Allow to specify a template for the items of a custom legend.
+* The NOKIA geocoder doesn't encode the whitespaces anymore.
+* Adds documentation for the Static Map API
+3.14.1 (30//04//2015)
+* Fixes a bug that prevented setting the maxZoom and minZoom of a map.
+* Updates Torque to 2.11.2
+3.14.0 (23//04//2015)
+* Infowindow in anonymous maps are requested by attributes endpoint in maps api so SQL API is not used anymore
+* Changed the way remote host is set for maps and sql API.
+* Fixed error management when map instanciation fails
+* Instead of showing a single date, Torque's timeslider shows the date range that a single step comprises.
+* Fixed enabling or disabling the torque loop property not working from cartodb.js
+* Allows to specify a step when generating a static map of a Torque layer
+* Deprecation warning:
+ - tiler_host, tiler_prototol, tiler_port, sql_api_domain, sql_api_protocol are deprecated, use sql_api_template and maps_api_template instead. https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/develop/doc/API.md#how-to-set-a-different-host-than-cartodbcom
+3.13.3 (09//04//2015)
+* Fixes default styles for header titles in infowindows.
+3.13.2 (07//04//2015)
+* Fix double escaping on infowindows
+* Fix a-tag's target attribute not working
+3.13.1 (06//04//2015)
+* Allows to request a Static Map of a password protected visualization
+3.13.0 (31//03//2015)
+* Breaking Changes
+ - Sanitize output by default (#2972), see doc change and example below how to override:
+ - docs: https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/v3.13.0/doc/API.md#arguments-11
+ - example: https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/v3.13.0/examples/infowindow_with_graph.html
+3.12.14 (30//03//2015)
+- Fixes fullscreen button is throwing errors (#412)
+- Updates Torque.js to 2.11
+3.12.13 (18//03//2015)
+- Changes how infowindows handle null values (#406)
+- Updates the version of wax and upgrades mustache.js to v1.1.0 (403)
+- Fixes a bug with fullscreen in Safari (#361)
+3.12.12 (12//03//2015)
+- Fixes a bug that prevented generating previews of torque layers with named maps
+3.12.11 (04//03//2015)
+- LayerDefinition now trusts the tiler and uses whatever CDN configuration it gets (or nothing, if cdn_url is empty).
+- Fixes bootstrap collisions (#87, #107)
+3.12.10 (02//03//2015)
+- Don't send the urlTemplate to generate a Static Map if we don't have it.
+- Disables the CDN if the server doesn't send us the configuration.
+3.12.9 (26//02//2015)
+- Updates Static Map module to use the CDN URL from the layergroup.
+3.12.8 (26//02//2015)
+- Allows to override the default use of the bounding box to generate an image, using the center instead.
+- Fixes the static map module to avoid using hidden layers to generate images.
+- Extracts the CDN host configuration from the vizjson.
+- Removes cdbui bower dependency.
+3.12.7 (23//02//2015)
+- By default we now serve the Static API images through CartoDB's CDN.
+3.12.6 (23//02//2015)
+- Fixes mobile and IE interaction issues (#346, #313, #223, #139).
+3.12.5 (20//02/2015)
+- Fixes request to generate an image when the vizjson contains a named map and a torque layer with a named map
+3.12.4 (18//02/2015)
+- Fixes leaflet point generation on events when using touch devices
+3.12.3 (17//02/2015)
+- Fixes a case were having an empty bbox would end up generatign an erroneous bounding box URL.
+3.12.2 (17//02/2015)
+- Fixes error generating a map preview of a visualization with a torque layer.
+- Fixed use of https parameter in torque layer
+- Fixed change of play/pause state in timeslider
+- Fixed legend values named 0 being evaluated as NULL
+3.12.1 (13//02/2015)
+- Allows to force the https protocol when requesting a vizjson to generate a static image
+3.12.0 (09//02/2015)
+- Added Odyssey support for visualizations
+- Adds new API to generate static images (https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/wiki/CartoDB-Map-API)
+- Fixes the hiding of the tile loader in mobile
+- Adds heatmap support for torque
3.11.36 (09//02//2014)
- Fixes slider style problem in narrower devices.
@@ -10,13 +143,13 @@
3.11.33 (05//02//2014)
- Fixes tooltip style.
-3.11.32 (29//01//2014)
+3.11.32 (29//01//2015)
- Fixed touch events on mobile (Android)
-3.11.31 (23//01//2014)
+3.11.31 (23//01//2015)
- #291 - Removes padding and margin reset for webkit browsers
-3.11.30 (13//01//2014)
+3.11.30 (13//01//2015)
- #264 - Fix addTo (when the second param specifies index)
3.11.29 (30//12//2014)
@@ -27,8 +160,8 @@
- #255 - Adds new fonts for the overlays
3.11.27 (19//12//2014)
-- #245 - Fixed a bug with error messages named map instantiation
-- #224 - Public method close infowindow
+- #245 - Fixed a bug with error messages named map instantiation
+- #224 - Public method close infowindow
3.11.26 (17//12//2014)
- #235 - Allows to use the input fields in fullscreen on Chrome
@@ -55,7 +188,7 @@
- fixes a bug that made the hidden Torque layers visible
3.11.21 (24//10//2014)
-- enabled dynamic_cdn to route layergroup calls though the CDN
+- enabled dynamic_cdn to route layergroup calls through the CDN
3.11.20 (24//10//2014)
- enabled fixed callback for layergroups and infowindows
@@ -109,7 +242,7 @@
- Fixed problem breaking words in infowindow content.
3.11.06 (12//09/2014)
-- Fixed problem in infowindow showing horizontal scrollbar when it was not needed
+- Fixed problem in infowindow showing horizontal scrollbar when it was not needed
- Fixed creating search overlay
3.11.05 (20//08/2014)
@@ -247,9 +380,9 @@
- fixed problems with infowindow when there are hidden layers
3.7.04 (27//02//2014)
-- fixed layer update in gmaps
-- when jsonp is used errors are not reported to the layer
-- updated torque, fix problem with some cartocss options (step)
+- fixed layer update in gmaps
+- when jsonp is used errors are not reported to the layer
+- updated torque, fix problem with some cartocss options (step)
3.7.03 (25//02//2014)
- Fixed https in torque tiles
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7be572531e..c56ce12af9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-CartoDB.js (v3.11)
+CartoDB.js (v3.15)
[![Build Status](http://clinker.cartodb.net/desktop/plugin/public/status/CartoDB-js-develop-testing)]
-This library allows to embed you visualizations created with CartoDB in your map or website in a simple way.
+This library allows to embed visualizations created with CartoDB in your map or website in a simple way.
## Quick start
@@ -13,54 +13,62 @@ This library allows to embed you visualizations created with CartoDB in your map
- 2. Create the map and add the layer
+ 2. Create the map and add the layer
var map = L.map('map').setView([0, 0], 3);
- // set a base layer
+ // set a base layer
L.tileLayer('http://a.tile.stamen.com/toner/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: 'stamen http://maps.stamen.com/'
// add the cartodb layer
var layerUrl = 'http://documentation.cartodb.com/api/v2/viz/2b13c956-e7c1-11e2-806b-5404a6a683d5/viz.json';
cartodb.createLayer(map, layerUrl).addTo(map);
+### Usage with Bower
+You can install **cartodb.js** with [bower](http://bower.io/) by running
+bower install cartodb.js
## Documentation
You can find the documentation online [here](http://docs.cartodb.com/cartodb-platform/cartodb-js.html) and the [source](https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/develop/doc/API.md) inside this repository.
## Examples
- - [Load a layer with google maps](http://cartodb.github.com/cartodb.js/examples/gmaps.html)
+ - [Load a layer with google maps](http://cartodb.github.com/cartodb.js/examples/gmaps_force_basemap.html)
- [Load a layer with Leaflet](http://cartodb.github.com/cartodb.js/examples/leaflet.html)
- [Show a complete visualization](http://cartodb.github.com/cartodb.js/examples/easy.html)
- - [A visulization with a layer selector](http://cartodb.github.com/cartodb.js/examples/layer_selector.html)
+ - [A visualization with a layer selector](http://cartodb.github.com/cartodb.js/examples/layer_selector.html)
- [How to create a custom infowindow](http://cartodb.github.com/cartodb.js/examples/custom_infowindow.html)
- [The Hobbit filming location paths](http://cartodb.github.com/cartodb.js/examples/TheHobbitLocations/) a full example with some widgets
## How to build
Build CartoDB.js library:
- Install [node.js](http://nodejs.org/download/), from 0.10 version
- - Install grunt: ```npm install -g grunt-cli```
- - Install node dependencies: ```npm install```
- - Install bower: ```npm install -g bower```
- - Install bower dependencies: ```bower install```
+ - Install grunt & bower: `npm install -g grunt-cli bower`
+ - Install node dependencies: `npm install`
+ - Install bower dependencies: `bower install`
- Install [ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/installation/) and [bundler](https://github.com/bundler/bundler)
- - Install ruby dependencies: ```bundle install``` (necessary for compass gem)
- - Start the server: ```grunt build```
+ - Install ruby dependencies: `bundle install` (necessary for compass gem)
+ - Start the server: `grunt build`
- Happy mapping!
diff --git a/RELEASING.md b/RELEASING.md
index 701afee07d..306a53e6e3 100644
--- a/RELEASING.md
+++ b/RELEASING.md
@@ -8,24 +8,24 @@
### Release a new version
-- Then install the dependencies, follow main README.md instructions.
+- Then install the dependencies, follow main README.md instructions, + [git flow](https://github.com/nvie/gitflow/wiki/Installation)
- Be sure you have a valid secrets.json file (DON'T SHARE IT).
-- Create a new branch to prepare the release.
+- Create a new branch to prepare the release:
-git flow release start 3.11.36
+git flow release start 3.15.2
-- Build CartoDB.js files choosing the new version:
+- Build CartoDB.js files, choosing the new version:
-grunt build
+grunt release
- Update the NEWS file and commit the changes. Take into account that new CartoDB.js version will be replaced in ```API.md```, ```RELEASING.md```, ```README.md```, ```package.json```, ```cartodb.js``` and ```examples``` files.
-git commit -am "Files changed for version 3.11.36"
+git commit -am "Files changed for version 3.15.2"
- Release it.
@@ -36,21 +36,27 @@ grunt publish
- Check if those files have been updated in the CDN:
- Sometimes It takes more than 10 minutes, if it is not updated, execute ```grunt invalidate```.
- And to finish: close the release and push it.
-git flow release finish 3.11.36
+git flow release finish 3.15.2
git push --all
git push --tags
+- Publish to the [cartodb.js bower repo](https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js-bower)
- If possible, don't forget to change CartoDB.js docs.
- Done. Celebrate! :)
@@ -65,15 +71,14 @@ In case you screw up all things, don't worry, rollback cartodb.js to a previous
-grunt build
grunt publish
-For example, if we are in 3.11.36 and we want to go back to 3.11.22
+For example, if we are in 3.15.2 and we want to go back to 3.13.4
-git checkout 3.11.22
-grunt build
+git checkout 3.13.4
grunt publish
diff --git a/bower.json b/bower.json
index 0732eb3286..6a1120fd4b 100644
--- a/bower.json
+++ b/bower.json
@@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
"name": "cartodb.js",
- "version": "0.0.1",
- "dependencies": {},
- "devDependencies": {
- "backbone": "~1.1.2",
- "modernizr": "~2.8.3",
- "jquery": "~2.1.1",
- "cdbui": "git@github.com:CartoDB/cdbui.git#develop"
- }
+ "main": [
+ "cartodb.js",
+ "themes/css/cartodb.css"
+ ],
+ "version": "3.15.1",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js",
+ "authors": [
+ "CartoDB "
+ ],
+ "description": "CartoDB javascript library",
+ "license": "BSD",
+ "ignore": [
+ "**/.*",
+ "node_modules",
+ "bower_components",
+ "test"
+ ]
diff --git a/bower.sh b/bower.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..1244dfaef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bower.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Script for updating the cartodb.js bower repo from current local build.
+echo "#################################"
+echo "#### Update bower ###############"
+echo "#################################"
+# prepare repo folder
+if [ -d $REPO ]
+ then
+ rm -rf $REPO
+# clone repo
+echo "-- Cloning $REPO"
+git clone git@github.com:$ORG/$REPO.git
+# clean up cloned files
+rm -rf $REPO/*
+# move js files from the build
+cp -r dist/cartodb*.js $REPO/
+# move css and images files from the build
+mkdir $REPO/themes/ && cp -r dist/themes/* $REPO/themes/
+cp -R bower.json $REPO/bower.json
+# commit and tag repo
+echo "-- Committing and tagging $REPO"
+cd $REPO
+git add -A
+CARTODBJS_VER=$(git diff bower.json | grep version | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d'"' -f2 | sort -g -r | head -1) && if [ $(echo $CARTODBJS_VER | wc -m | tr -d ' ') = '1' ]; then echo 'VERSION DID NOT CHANGE'; else git tag -a $CARTODBJS_VER -m "Version $CARTODBJS_VER"; fi
+git tag -a $CARTODBJS_VER -m "Version $CARTODBJS_VER"
+git commit -m "v$CARTODBJS_VER"
+echo "-- Pushing $REPO"
+git push -fq origin master
+git push -fq origin --tags
+cd ..
+echo "-- Finished"
diff --git a/doc/API.md b/doc/API.md
index 9e8b380358..72f7024deb 100644
--- a/doc/API.md
+++ b/doc/API.md
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
## CartoDB.js
-CartoDB offers a simple unified JavaScript library called CartoDB.js that let you interact with the CartoDB service. This library allows you to connect to your stored visualizations, create new visualizations, add custom interaction, or access and query your raw data from a web browser; meaning, your applications just got a whole lot more powerful with a lot less code.
+CartoDB offers a simple unified JavaScript library called CartoDB.js that lets you interact with the CartoDB service. This library allows you to connect to your stored visualizations, create new visualizations, add custom interaction, and access or query your raw data from a web browser; meaning, your applications just got a whole lot more powerful with a lot less code.
When you add CartoDB.js to your websites you get some great new tools to make maps or power your content with data. Let’s take a look.
## Getting started
-The simplest way to use a visualization created in CartoDB on an external site is at follows...
+The simplest way to use a visualization created in CartoDB on an external site is as follows:
Create a simple visualization
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ The simplest way to use a visualization created in CartoDB on an external site i
-With a similar source code you can create a visualization like this one:
[Grab the complete example source code](https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/develop/examples/easy.html)
## Using the library
-CartoDB.js can be used when you want to embed and use a visualization you have designed using CartoDB user interface, or to create visualizations from scratch dynamically using your data. If you want to create new maps on your webpage, jump to “using CartoDB visualizations in your webpage”. If you already have maps on your webpage and want to add CartoDB visualizations to them, read “Add CartoDB layer to an existing map”.
+CartoDB.js can be used when you want to embed and use a visualization you have designed using CartoDB's user interface, or to dynamically create visualizations from scratch using your data. If you want to create new maps on your webpage, jump to [Creating a visualization from scratch](#creating-a-visualization-from-scratch). If you already have maps on your webpage and want to add CartoDB visualizations to them, read [Adding CartoDB layers to an existing map](#adding-cartodb-layers-to-an-existing-map).
-You can also use CartoDB API to create visualization without having to define them using the UI. This can be useful when the visualizations react to user interactions. To read more about it jump to, create [create visualizations at runtime](#creating-visualizations-at-runtime).
+You can also use the CartoDB API to create visualizations programmatically. This can be useful when the visualizations react to user interactions. To read more about it jump to [Creating visualizations at runtime](#creating-visualizations-at-runtime).
-We’ve also made it easier than ever for you to build maps using the mapping library of your choice. Whether you are using Leaflet or something else, our CartoDB.js code remains the same. This makes our API documentation simple and straightforward. It also makes it easy for you to remember and keep consistent if you development or maintain multiple maps online.
+We’ve also made it easier than ever for you to build maps using the mapping library of your choice. Whether you are using Leaflet or something else, our CartoDB.js code remains the same. This makes our API documentation simple and straightforward. It also makes it easy for you to remember and be consistent if you develop or maintain multiple maps online.
To start using CartoDB.js just paste this piece of code within the HEAD tags of your HTML:
Linking cartodb.js on your html file
-### Create a visualization from scratch
+### Creating a visualization from scratch
The easiest way to quickly get a CartoDB map onto your webpage. Use this when there is no map in your application and you want to add the visualization to hack over it. With this method, CartoDB.js handles all the details of loading a map interface, basemap, and your CartoDB visualization.
-You can start by giving cartodb.js the DIV ID from your HTML where you want to place your map, and the viz.json URL of your visualization, which you can get from the share window.
+You can start by giving cartodb.js the DIV ID from your HTML where you want to place your map, and the viz.json URL of your visualization, which you can get from the share window.
Simplest way to add your map to a webpage ever!
cartodb.createVis('map', 'http://documentation.cartodb.com/api/v2/viz/2b13c956-e7c1-11e2-806b-5404a6a683d5/viz.json');
-That’s it! No need to create the map instance, insert controls, or load layers, it handles it all for you. If you want to modify the result after instantiating your map with this method, take a look at the CartoDB.js API [available methods](#api-methods). For example, you can also use the returned layer to build more functionality (show/hide, click, hover, custom infowindows):
+That’s it! No need to create the map instance, insert controls, or load layers. CartoDB.js takes care of this for you. If you want to modify the result after instantiating your map with this method, take a look at the CartoDB.js API [available methods](#api-methods). For example, you can also use the returned layer to build more functionality (show/hide, click, hover, custom infowindows):
Simplest way to add your map to a webpage ever!
@@ -79,7 +74,7 @@ cartodb.createVis('map', 'http://documentation.cartodb.com/api/v2/viz/2b13c956-e
// when setInteraction is disabled featureOver is triggered
layers[1].on('featureOver', function(e, latlng, pos, data, layerNumber) {
- cartodb.log.log(e, latlng, pos, data, layerNumber);
+ console.log(e, latlng, pos, data, layerNumber);
// you can get the native map to work with it
@@ -91,7 +86,7 @@ cartodb.createVis('map', 'http://documentation.cartodb.com/api/v2/viz/2b13c956-e
-### Adding cartodb layers to an existing map
+### Adding CartoDB layers to an existing map
In case you already have a map instantiated on your page, you can simply use the [createLayer](#cartodbcreatelayermap-layersource--options--callback) method to add new CartoDB layers to it. This is particullary useful when you have more things on your map apart from CartoDB layers or you have an application where you want to integrate CartoDB layers.
@@ -118,13 +113,13 @@ Below, you have an example using a previously instatiated Leaflet map.
-[Grab the complete example source code](https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/develop/examples/easy.html)
+[Grab the complete example source code](https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/develop/examples/leaflet.html)
-### Creating visualizations at runtime
+### Creating visualizations at runtime
All CartoDB services are available through the API, which basically means that you can create a new visualization without doing it before through the CartoDB UI. This is particularly useful when you are modifying the visualization depending on user interactions that change the SQL to get the data or CartoCSS to style it. Although this method requires more programming skills, it provides all the flexibility you might need to create more dynamic visualizations.
-When you create a visualization using the CartoDB website, you automatically get a viz.json URL defining it. When you want to create the visualization via JavaScript you don't always have a viz.json, so you will need to pass all the required parameters to the library so that it can create the visualization at runtime and display it on your map. It is pretty simple.
+When you create a visualization using the CartoDB website, you automatically get a viz.json URL that defines it. When you want to create the visualization via JavaScript, you don't always have a viz.json. You will need to pass all the required parameters to the library so that it can create the visualization at runtime and display it on your map. It is pretty simple.
Creating visualizations at runtime
@@ -151,12 +146,12 @@ cartodb.createLayer(map, {
-Want further information? [Check out the complete API method list](#api-methods).
+Want further information? [Check out the complete list of API methods](#api-methods).
## Usage examples
-If you want to start playing with the library, the best way to do it might be to take a look to some of the examples below:
+The best way to start learning about the library is by taking a look at some of the examples below:
+ An easy example using the library - ([view live](http://cartodb.github.com/cartodb.js/examples/easy.html) / [source code](https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/develop/examples/easy.html)).
+ Leaflet integration - ([view live](http://cartodb.github.com/cartodb.js/examples/leaflet.html) / [source code](https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/develop/examples/leaflet.html)).
@@ -167,7 +162,7 @@ If you want to start playing with the library, the best way to do it might be to
## API methods
-The documentation below reflects CartoDB.js for the v3 library versions. For major changes in the library we will update the documentation here. This documentation is meant to help developers find specific methods for using the CartoDB.js library.
+The documentation below refers to CartoDB.js v3. For major changes in the library we will update the documentation here. This documentation is meant to help developers find specific methods from the CartoDB.js library.
### Visualization
@@ -192,7 +187,7 @@ cartodb.createVis('map', url)
- **shareable**: add facebook and twitter share buttons.
- **title**: adds a header with the title of the visualization.
- **description**: adds description to the header (as you set in the UI).
- - **searchControl**: adds a search control (default: false).
+ - **search**: adds a search control (default: true).
- **zoomControl**: adds zoom control (default: true).
- **loaderControl**: adds loading control (default: true).
- **center_lat**: latitude where the map is initializated.
@@ -203,21 +198,22 @@ cartodb.createVis('map', url)
- **time_slider**: show time slider with torque layers (enabled by default)
- **layer_selector**: show layer selector (default: false)
- **legends**: if it's true legends are shown in the map.
- - **https**: if true forces tiles to be fetched using https. If false it uses the predefined method
+ - **https**: if true, it makes sure that basemaps are converted to https when possible. If explicitly false, converts https maps to http when possible. If undefined, the basemap template is left as declared at `urlTemplate` in the viz.json.
- **scrollwheel**: enable/disable the ability of zooming using scrollwheel (default enabled)
- **fullscreen**: if true adds a button to toggle the map fullscreen
- **mobile_layout**: if true enables a custom layout for mobile devices (default: false)
- **force_mobile**: forces enabling/disabling the mobile layout (it has priority over mobile_layout argument)
- - **gmaps_base_type**: Use Google Maps as map provider whatever is the one specified in the viz.json". Available types: 'roadmap', 'gray_roadmap', 'dark_roadmap', 'hybrid', 'satellite', 'terrain'.
+ - **gmaps_base_type**: Use Google Maps as map provider whatever is the one specified in the viz.json". Available types: 'roadmap', 'gray_roadmap', 'dark_roadmap', 'hybrid', 'satellite', 'terrain'.
- **gmaps_style**: Google Maps styled maps. See [documentation](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/styling).
+ - **no_cdn**: true to disable CDN when fetching tiles
- **callback(vis,layers)**: if a function is specified, it is called once the visualization is created, passing vis and layers as arguments
##### Returns
-Promise object. You can listen for the following events:
+A promise object. You can listen for the following events:
- **done**: triggered when the visualization is created, `vis` is passed as the first argument and `layers` is passed as the second argument. Each layer type has different options, see layers section.
- **error**: triggered when the layer couldn't be created. The error string is the first argument.
++ **done**: triggered when the visualization is created, `vis` is passed as the first argument and `layers` is passed as the second argument. Each layer type has different options, see layers section.
++ **error**: triggered when the layer couldn't be created. The error string is the first argument.
### cartodb.Vis
@@ -232,18 +228,18 @@ Adds an overlay to the map that can be either a zoom control, a tooltip or an in
##### Arguments
- **options**
- - **layer** layer from the visualization where apply the overlay (optional)
+ - **layer** layer from the visualization where the overlay should be applied (optional)
- **type** zoom / tooltip / infobox
-Extra options are available depending on the UI component selected before
+If no layer is provided, the overlay will be added to the first layer of the visualization. Extra options are available based on the specific UI component.
##### Returns
-An overlay object, see [vis.Overlays](#visoverlays)
+An overlay object, see [vis.Overlays](#visoverlays).
#### vis.getOverlay(_type_)
-Return the first overlay with the specified **type**.
+Returns the first overlay with the specified **type**.
@@ -253,7 +249,7 @@ zoom.clean() // remove it from the screen
#### vis.getOverlays()
-Returns a list of overlays currently on the screen (see overlays description).
+Returns a list of the overlays that are currently on the screen (see overlays description).
#### vis.getNativeMap()
@@ -263,16 +259,16 @@ Returns the native map object being used (e.g. a L.Map object for Leaflet).
An overlay is a control shown on top of the map.
-Overlay objects are always created using method **addOverlay** of cartodb.Vis object.
+Overlay objects are always created using the **addOverlay** method of a cartodb.Vis object.
-An overlay is internally a **Backbone.View** so if you know how backbone works you can use it. If you want to use plain DOM objects you can access to **overlay.el** (**overlay.$el** for jQuery object).
+An overlay is internally a [**Backbone.View**](http://backbonejs.org/#View) so if you know how Backbone works you can use it. If you want to use plain DOM objects you can access **overlay.el** (**overlay.$el** for jQuery object).
-#### vis.addInfoWindow(_map, layer, fields [, options]_)
+#### vis.addInfowindow(_map, layer, fields [, options]_)
-Adds an infowindow to the map controlled by layer events. It enables interaction and overrides the layer interacivity.
+Adds an infowindow to the map controlled by layer events. It enables interaction and overrides the layer interactivity.
##### Arguments
- **map**: native map object or leaflet
- **layer**: cartodb layer (or sublayer)
- **fields**: array of column names
@@ -301,36 +297,34 @@ cartodb.createLayer(map, 'http://myserver.com/layerdata.json')
cartodb.createLayer(map, { layermetadata })
-Layer metadata is always in the form: `{ type: 'LAYER_TYPE_NAME', options: {...} }`
-See [cartodb.CartoDBLayer](#cartodbcartodblayer) too see an example.
-- **options**:
+- **options**:
- **https**: force https
- **refreshTime**: if is set, the layer is refreshed each refreshTime milliseconds.
- **infowindow**: set to false if you want to disable the infowindow (enabled by default).
- **tooltip**: set to false if you want to disable the tooltip (enabled by default).
- **legends**: if it's true legends are shown in the map.
- **time_slider**: show time slider with torque layers (enabled by default)
- - **layerIndex**: when the visualization contains more than one layer this index allow to select
+ - **layerIndex**: when the visualization contains more than one layer this index allows you to select
what layer is created. Take into account that `layerIndex == 0` is the base layer and that
all the tiled layers (non animated ones) are merged into a single one. The default value for
this option is 1 (usually tiled layers).
+ - **filter**: a string or array of strings to specify the type(s) of sublayers that will be rendered (eg: `['http', 'mapnik']`). All non-torque layers (http and mapnik) will be rendered if this option is not present.
-- **callback(_layer_)**: if a function is specified is called when the layer is created passing it as argument.
+- **callback(_layer_)**: if a function is specified, it will be invoked after the layer has been created. The layer will be passed as an argument.
##### Returns
-Promise object. You can listen for the following events:
+A promise object. You can listen for the following events:
+ **done**: triggered when the layer is created, the layer is passed as first argument. Each layer type has different options, see layers section.
+ **error**: triggered when the layer couldn't be created. The error string is the first argument.
-You can call to `addTo(map[, position])` in the promise so when the layer is ready it will be added to the map.
+You can call to `addTo(map[, position])` in the promise so when the layer is ready it will be added to the map.
##### Example
cartodb.createLayer using a url
var map;
var mapOptions = {
@@ -354,21 +348,116 @@ cartodb.createLayer(map, 'http://documentation.cartodb.com/api/v2/viz/2b13c956-e
+Layer metadata must take one of the following forms:
+#### Standard Layer Source Object (`type: 'cartodb'`)
+Used for most maps with tables that are set to public or public with link.
+ user_name: 'your_user_name', // Required
+ type: 'cartodb', // Required
+ sublayers: [{
+ sql: "SELECT * FROM table_name", // Required
+ cartocss: '#table_name {marker-fill: #F0F0F0;}', // Required
+ interactivity: "column1, column2, ...", // Optional
+ },
+ {
+ sql: "SELECT * FROM table_name", // Required
+ cartocss: '#table_name {marker-fill: #F0F0F0;}', // Required
+ interactivity: "column1, column2, ...", // Optional
+ },
+ ...
+ ]
+#### Torque Layer Source Object (`type: 'torque'`)
+Used for [Torque maps](https://github.com/CartoDB/torque). Note that it does not allow sublayers.
+ type: 'torque', // Required
+ order: 1, // Optional
+ options: {
+ query: "SQL statement", // Required if table_name is not given
+ table_name: "table_name", // Required if query is not given
+ user_name: "your_user_name", // Required
+ cartocss: "CartoCSS styles" // Required
+ }
+#### Named Maps Layer Source Object (`type: 'namedmap'`)
+Used for making public maps with private data. See [Named Maps](http://docs.cartodb.com/cartodb-platform/maps-api.html#named-maps-1) for more information.
+ user_name: 'your_user_name', // Required
+ type: 'namedmap', // Required
+ named_map: {
+ name: 'name_of_map', // Required
+ // Optional
+ layers: [{
+ layer_name: "sublayer0", // Optional
+ interactivity: "column1, column2, ..." // Optional
+ },
+ {
+ layer_name: "sublayer1",
+ interactivity: "column1, column2, ..."
+ },
+ ...
+ ],
+ // Optional
+ params: {
+ color: "hex_value",
+ num: 2
+ }
+ }
+##### Example
cartodb.createLayer combining multiple types of layers and setting a filter
+cartodb.createLayer(map, {
+ user_name: 'examples',
+ type: 'cartodb',
+ sublayers: [
+ {
+ type: "http",
+ urlTemplate: "http://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_nolabels/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
+ subdomains: [ "a", "b", "c" ]
+ },
+ {
+ sql: 'select * from country_boundaries',
+ cartocss: '#layer { polygon-fill: #F00; polygon-opacity: 0.3; line-color: #F00; }'
+ },
+ ],
+}, { filter: ['http', 'mapnik'] })
### cartodb.CartoDBLayer
CartoDBLayer allows you to manage tiled layers from CartoDB. It manages the sublayers.
#### layer.clear()
-Should be called after removing the layer from the map.
+Clears the layer. It should be invoked after removing the layer from the map.
#### layer.hide()
-Hides the cartodb layer from the map.
+Hides the layer from the map.
#### layer.show()
-Show the cartodb layer in the map if it was previously added.
+Shows the layer in the map if it was previously added.
#### layer.toggle()
@@ -376,7 +465,7 @@ Toggles the visibility of the layer and returns a boolean that indicates the new
#### layer.setOpacity(_opacity_)
-Change the opacity of the layer.
+Changes the opacity of the layer.
##### Arguments
@@ -384,7 +473,7 @@ Change the opacity of the layer.
#### layer.getSubLayer(_layerIndex_)
-Get a previously created sublayer. And exception is raised if not exists
+Gets a previously created sublayer. And exception is raised if no sublayer exists.
##### Arguments
@@ -392,7 +481,7 @@ Get a previously created sublayer. And exception is raised if not exists
##### Returns
-SubLayer object
+A SubLayer object.
##### Example
@@ -407,11 +496,11 @@ sublayer.setSQL('SELECT * FROM table_name limit 10');
#### layer.getSubLayerCount()
-Get the number of sublayers in layer.
+Gets the number of sublayers in layer.
##### Returns
-Number of sublayers.
+The number of sublayers.
##### Example
@@ -426,7 +515,7 @@ for (var i = 0; i < num_sublayers; i++) {
#### layer.createSubLayer(_layerDefinition_)
-Adds a new data to the current layer. With this method data from multiple tables can be easily visualized. New in V3.
+Adds a new data to the current layer. With this method, data from multiple tables can be easily visualized. New in V3.
##### Arguments
@@ -441,14 +530,14 @@ Adds a new data to the current layer. With this method data from multiple tables
-sql and cartocss are mandatory, an exception is raised if any of them are not present. If the interactivity is not set, there is no interactivity enabled for that layer (better performance). SQL and CartoCSS syntax should be correct, see Postgres and CartoCSS reference. There are some restrictions in the SQL queries:
+`sql` and `cartocss` are mandatory. An exception is raised if either of them are not present. If the interactivity is not set, there is no interactivity enabled for that layer (better performance). SQL and CartoCSS syntax should be correct. Look at the documentation for [PostgreSQL](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/interactive/sql-syntax.html) and [CartoCSS](https://github.com/mapbox/carto/blob/master/docs/latest.md) for more information. There are some restrictions in the SQL queries:
-- must not write. INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, ALTER and so on are not allowed (the query will fail)
-- must not contain trialing semicolon
+- Must not write. INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, ALTER and so on are not allowed (the query will fail)
+- Must not contain trialing semicolon
##### Returns
-SubLayer object
+A SubLayer object.
##### Example
@@ -465,31 +554,30 @@ cartodb.createLayer(map, 'http://examples.cartodb.com/api/v2/viz/european_countr
#### layer.invalidate()
-Refresh the data. If the data has been changed in CartoDB server it is displayed. If not nothing happens. Every time a parameter is changed in a sublayer the layer is refreshed so this method don't need to be called manually. New in V3.
+Refreshes the data. If the data has been changed in the CartoDB server those changes will be displayed. Nothing happens otherwise. Every time a parameter is changed in a sublayer, the layer is refreshed automatically, so there's no need to call this method manually. New in V3.
#### layer.setAuthToken(_auth_token_)
-Sets the auth token to create the layer. Only available for private visualizations. An exception is
-raised if the layer is not being loaded with HTTPS.
+Sets the auth token that will be used to create the layer. Only available for private visualizations. An exception is
+raised if the layer is not being loaded with HTTPS. See [Named Maps](http://docs.cartodb.com/cartodb-platform/maps-api.html#named-maps-1) for more information.
##### Returns
-the layer itself
+The layer itself.
##### Arguments
-- auth_token: string
+- **auth_token:** string
#### layer.setParams(_key, value_)
-Using named maps this function changes the layer confuguration. This could be called in different
+Sets the configuration of a layer when using [named maps](http://docs.cartodb.com/cartodb-platform/maps-api.html#named-maps-1). It can be invoked in different ways:
layer.setParams('test', 10); // sets test = 10
layer.setParams('test', null); // unset test
-layer.setParams({'test': 1, 'color': '#F00'}); // unset test
+layer.setParams({'test': 1, 'color': '#F00'}); // set more than one parameter at once
##### Arguments
@@ -499,17 +587,17 @@ layer.setParams({'test': 1, 'color': '#F00'}); // unset test
##### Returns
-the layer itself
+The layer itself.
### cartodb.CartoDBLayer.SubLayer
#### sublayer.set(_layerDefinition_)
-Sets sublayer parameters. Useful when more than one parameter need to be changed. See setSQL and setCartoCSS
+Sets sublayer parameters. Useful when more than one parameter needs to be changed.
##### Arguments
-- **layerDefinition**: an object with the sql and cartocss that defines the data, should be like
+- **layerDefinition**: an object with the sql and cartocss that defines the data, like:
@@ -520,9 +608,9 @@ Sets sublayer parameters. Useful when more than one parameter need to be changed
-##### Return
+##### Returns
-self object
+The layer itself.
##### Example
@@ -541,7 +629,29 @@ Gets the attribute for the sublayer, for example 'sql', 'cartocss'.
##### Returns
-The requested attribute of undefined if it's not present.
+The requested attribute or undefined if it's not present.
+#### sublayer.remove()
+Removes the sublayer. An exception will be thrown if a method is called and the layer has been removed.
+#### sublayer.show()
+Shows a previously hidden sublayer. The layer is refreshed after calling this function.
+#### sublayer.hide()
+Removes the sublayer from the layer temporarily. The layer is refreshed after calling this function.
+#### sublayer.toggle()
+Toggles the visibility of the sublayer and returns a boolean that indicates the new status (true if the sublayer is visible, false if it is hidden)
+#### sublayer.isVisible()
+It returns `true` if the sublayer is visible.
+### cartodb.CartoDBLayer.CartoDBSubLayer
#### sublayer.getSQL()
@@ -559,45 +669,31 @@ Shortcut for `set({'sql': 'SELECT * FROM table_name'})`
Shortcut for `set({'cartocss': '#layer {...}' })`
-#### sublayer.remove
-Remove the sublayer. If a method is called after removing it an exception is thrown.
-#### sublayer.setInteraction(_true_)
-Sets the interaction of your layer to true (enabled) or false (disabled). When is disabled **featureOver**, **featureClick**, **featureOut**, **mouseover** and **mouseout** are **not** triggered.
#### sublayer.setInteractivity('cartodb_id, name, ...')
Shortcut for `set({'interactivity': 'cartodb_id, name, ...' })`
Sets the columns which data will be available via the interaction with the sublayer.
-##### Arguments
-+ **enable**: true if the interaction needs to be enabled.
-#### sublayer.show
-Show a previously hidden sublayer. The layer is refreshed after calling this function.
-#### sublayer.hide
+#### sublayer.setInteraction(_true_)
-Remove temporally the sublayer from the layer. The layer is refreshed after calling this function.
+Enables (true) or disables (false) the interaction of the layer. When disabled, **featureOver**, **featureClick**, **featureOut**, **mouseover** and **mouseout** are **not** triggered.
-#### sublayer.toggle()
+##### Arguments
-Toggles the visibility of the sublayer and returns a boolean that indicates the new status (true if the sublayer is shown, false if it is hidden)
++ **enable**: true if the interaction needs to be enabled.
#### sublayer.infowindow
-**sublayer.infowindow** is a Backbone model where we modify the parameters of the infowindow
+**sublayer.infowindow** is a Backbone model where we modify the parameters of the infowindow.
-##### Arguments
+##### Attributes
-- **template**: Set the custom infowindow template defined on the html. You can write simple html or use [Mustache templates](http://mustache.github.com/).
-- **width**: Set the width of the infowindow (value must be a number).
-- **maxHeight**: Set the max height of the scrolled content (value must be a number).
+- **template**: Custom HTML template for the infowindow. You can write simple HTML or use [Mustache templates](http://mustache.github.com/).
+- **sanitizeTemplate**: By default all templates are sanitized from unsafe tags/attrs (e.g. `
+#### Result
+#### cartodb.Image(_layerSource_[, options])
+##### Arguments
+- **layerSource**: can be either a viz.json object or a [layer source object](http://docs.cartodb.com/cartodb-platform/cartodb-js.html#standard-layer-source-object-type-cartodb)
+##### Options
+Options take the form of a JavaScript object.
+- **options**:
+ - **basemap**: change the basemap specified in the layer definition. Type: Object defining base map properties (see example below).
+ - **no_cdn**: Disable CDN usage. Type: Boolean. Default: `false` (use CDN)
+ - **override_bbox**: Override default of using the bounding box of the visualization. This is needed to use `Image.center` and `Image.zoom`. Type: Boolean. Default: `false` (use bounding box)
+##### Returns
+An _Image_ object
+### cartodb.Image
+#### Image.size(_width_,_height_)
+Sets the size of the image.
+##### Arguments
+- **width**: the width of the resulting image in pixels
+- **height**: the height of the resulting image in pixels
+##### Returns
+An _Image_ object
+#### Image.center(_latLng_)
+Sets the center of the map.
+##### Arguments
+- **latLng**: an array of the latitude and longitude of the center of the map. Example: `[40.4378271,-3.6795367]`
+##### Returns
+An _Image_ object
+#### Image.zoom(zoomLevel)
+Sets the zoom level of the static map. Must be used with the option `override_bbox: true` if not using `Image.center` or `Image.bbox`.
+##### Arguments
+- **zoomLevel**: the zoom of the resulting static map. `zoomLevel` must be an integer in the range [0,24].
+##### Returns
+An _Image_ object
+#### Image.bbox(_boundingBox_)
+If you set `bbox`, `center` and `zoom` will be overridden.
+##### Arguments
+- **boundingBox**: an array of coordinates making up the bounding box for your map. `boundingBox` takes the form: `[sw_lat, sw_lon, ne_lat, ne_lon]`.
+##### Returns
+An _Image_ object
+#### Image.into(HTMLImageElement)
+Inserts the image into the HTML DOM element specified.
+##### Arguments
+- **HTMLImageElement**: the DOM element where your image is to be located.
+##### Returns
+An _Image_ object
-In case you are not using Leaflet, or you want to implement your own layer object, cartodb provide a way to get the tiles url for a layer definition.
+#### Image.write(_attributes_)
-If you want to use this functionallity you only need to load cartodb.core.js from our cdn, no css is needed:
+Adds an `img` tag in the same place script is executed. It's possible to specify a class name (`class`) and/or an id attribute (`id`) for the resulting image:
+##### Arguments
+- **attributes**:
+ + **class**: the DOM class applied to the resulting `img` tag
+ + **id**: the DOM id applied to the resulting `img` tag
+ + **src**: path to a temporary image that acts as a placeholder while the static map is retrieved
+##### Returns
+An _Image_ object
+#### Image.getURL(_callback(err, url)_)
+Gets the URL for the image requested.
+##### Callback Arguments
+- **err**: error associated with the image request, if any
+- **url**: URL of the generated image
+##### Returns
+An _Image_ object
+#### Image.format(_format_)
+Gets the URL for the image requested.
+##### Argument
+- **format**: image format of resulting image. One of `png` (default) or `jpg` (which have a quality of 85 dpi)
+##### Returns
+An _Image_ object
+## Core API functionality
+In case you are not using Leaflet, or you want to implement your own layer object, CartoDB provides a way to get the tiles url for a layer definition.
+If you want to use this functionality, you only need to load cartodb.core.js from our cdn. No CSS is needed:
Core API functionallity
-An example using this funcionallity can be found in modestmaps example: [view live](http://cartodb.github.com/cartodb.js/examples/modestmaps.html) / [source code](https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/develop/examples/modestmaps.html).
+An example using this funcionality can be found in a ModestMaps example: [view live](http://cartodb.github.com/cartodb.js/examples/modestmaps.html) / [source code](https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/develop/examples/modestmaps.html).
-Notice that cartodb.SQL is also included in that javascript file
+Notice that cartodb.SQL is also included in that JavaScript file
### cartodb.Tiles
#### cartodb.Tiles.getTiles(_layerOptions, callback_)
-Fetch the tile template for the layerdefinition.
+Fetch the tile template for the layer definition.
##### Arguments
-+ **layerOptions**: the data that defines the layer, it should contain at least user_name and sublayer list. There are the available options:
++ **layerOptions**: the data that defines the layer. It should contain at least user_name and sublayer list. These are the available options:
-user_name: 'mycartodbuser',
-sublayers: [{
- sql: "SELECT * FROM table_name";
- cartocss: '#layer { marker-fill: #F0F0F0; }'
-tiler_protocol: 'https', // not required
-tiler_host: 'cartodb.com', // not required
-tiler_port: 80 // not required
+ user_name: 'mycartodbuser',
+ sublayers: [{
+ sql: "SELECT * FROM table_name";
+ cartocss: '#layer { marker-fill: #F0F0F0; }'
+ }],
+ maps_api_template: 'https://{user}.cartodb.com' // Optional
-+ **callback(tilesUrl, error)**: a function that recieves the tiles templates. In case of an error the first param is null and second one is an object with errors attribute witch is a list of errors. The tilesUrl object contains url template for tiles and for interactivity grids:
++ **callback(tilesUrl, error)**: a function that recieves the tiles templates. In case of an error, the first param is null and the second one will be an object with an errors attribute that contains the list of errors. The tilesUrl object contains url template for tiles and interactivity grids:
@@ -952,9 +1277,9 @@ tiler_port: 80 // not required
-##### Example
+##### Example
-In this example a layer is created with one sublayer with renders all the content from table.
+In this example, a layer with one sublayer is created. The sublayer renders all the content from a table.
@@ -977,31 +1302,48 @@ cartodb.Tiles.getTiles(layerData, function(tiles, err) {
## Versions
-Keep in mind the version of CartoDB.js you are using for development. For any live code, we recommend you link directly to the tested CartoDB.js version from your development. You can find the version at anytime as follows:
+Keep in mind the version of CartoDB.js you are using for development. For any live code, we recommend you to link directly to the tested CartoDB.js version from your development environment. You can check the version of CartoDB.js as follows:
### cartodb.VERSION
-Contains the library version, should be something like `3.0.1`.
+Returns the version of the library. It should be something like `3.0.1`.
## Other important stuff
-The CartoDB.js has many great features for you to use in your applications. Let’s take a look at the most important for your application development.
+CartoDB.js has many great features for you to use in your applications. Let’s take a look at some of the most important ones:
### Viz JSON support
The Viz.JSON document tells CartoDB.js all the information about your map, including the style you want to use for your data and the filters you want to apply with SQL. The Viz JSON file is served with each map you create in your CartoDB account.
-Although the Viz JSON file stores all your map settings, all the values are also easy to customize with CartoDB.js if you want to do something completely different than what you designed in your console. Loading the Viz JSON is as simple as:
+Although the Viz JSON file stores all your map settings, all these settings can be easily customized with CartoDB.js. For example, if you want to do something completely different than what you initially designed it for. Loading the Viz JSON is as simple as:
Viz JSON support
cartodb.createVis('map', 'http://examples.cartodb.com/api/v2/viz/ne_10m_populated_p_1/viz.json')
+### How to set a different host than cartodb.com
+cartodb.js by default send all requests to cartodb.com domain but it you are running your own
+instance of cartodb you can change the urls.
+The way to do it is using ``sql_api_template`` and ``maps_api_template`` in ``options`` paramater
+for any ``cartodb`` function call.
+The format of those templates is like:
+sql_api_template: 'https://{user}.test.com'
+cartodb.js will replace ``{user}``.
+Notice you don't need to set the path to the endpoint, cartodb.js sets it
### Bounds wrapper
-We have added easy method to get the bounding box for any dataset or filtered query using the CartoDB.js library. The **getBounds** function can be useful for guiding users to the right location on a map or for loading only the right data at the right time based on user actions.
+We have added an easy method to get the bounding box for any dataset or filtered query using the CartoDB.js library. The **getBounds** function can be useful for guiding users to the right location on a map or for loading only the right data at the right time based on user actions.
Bounds wrapper
@@ -1014,11 +1356,11 @@ sql.getBounds('SELECT * FROM table_name').done(function(bounds) {
### Event listener support
-The CartoDB.js is highly asynchronous, meaning your application can get on with what it needs to do while the library efficiently does what you request in the background. This is useful for loading maps or getting query results. At the same time, we have made it very simple to add listeners and callbacks to the async portions of the library.
+CartoDB.js is highly asynchronous. Your application can get on with what it needs to do while the library efficiently does what you request in the background. This is useful for loading maps or getting query results. At the same time, we have made it very simple to add listeners and callbacks to the async portions of the library.
#### Loading events
-The **createLayer** and **createVis** functions returns two important events for you to take advantage of: the first is **done**, which will let your code know that the library has successfully read the information from the Viz JSON and loaded the layer you requested. The second is ‘error’, which lets you know something did not go as expected when loading a requested layer:
+The **createLayer** and **createVis** functions trigger two important events for you to take advantage of. The first one is **done**, which will let your code know that the library has successfully read the information from the Viz JSON and loaded the layer you requested. The second is **error**, which lets you know that something did not go as expected when trying to load the requested layer:
Loading events
@@ -1042,7 +1384,7 @@ layer.on('featureClick', function(e, latlng, pos, data, layer) {
-The second event is the **featureOver** event, which lets you listen for when the user’s mouse is over a feature. Be careful, as these functions can get costly if you have a lot of features on a map.
+The second event is the **featureOver** event, which lets you listen for mouse hovers on any feature. Be careful, as these functions can get costly if you have a lot of features on a map.
@@ -1051,7 +1393,7 @@ layer.on('featureOver', function(e, latlng, pos, data, layer) {
-Similarly, there is the **featureOut** event. This is best used if you do things like highlighting polygons on mouseover and need a way to know when to remove the highlighting after the mouse has left.
+Finally, there is the **featureOut** event. This is best used if you do things like highlighting polygons on mouseover and need a way to know when to remove the highlighting after the mouse has left.
@@ -1062,31 +1404,31 @@ layer.on('featureOut', function(e, latlng, pos, data, layer) {
#### Leaflet integration
-If you want to use [Leaflet](http://leafletjs.com) it gets even easier, CartoDB.js handles loading all the necessary libraries for you! just include CartoDB.js and CartoDB.css in the HEAD of your website and you are ready to go! The CartoDB.css document isn’t mandatory, however if you are making a map and are not familiar with writing your own CSS for the various needed elements, it can greatly help to jumpstart the process. Adding it is as simple as adding the main JavaScript library:
+If you want to use [Leaflet](http://leafletjs.com) it gets even easier. CartoDB.js handles loading all the necessary libraries for you! Just include CartoDB.js and CartoDB.css in the HEAD of your website and you are ready to go! The CartoDB.css document isn’t mandatory. However, if you are making a map and are not familiar with writing your own CSS for the various needed elements, it can help you jumpstart the process. Using Leaflet is as simple as adding the main JavaScript library:
Leaflet integration
#### HTTPS support
-You can use all the functionality of cartodb.js with HTTPs support. Be sure to add use https when importing both the JS library and the CSS file. Next, you will specify HTTPs for your Viz.JSON URL and as a parameter when you initialize your visualizaiton.
+You can use all the functionality of CartoDB.js with HTTPs support. Be sure to use https when importing both the JS library and the CSS file. You will also need to use HTTPs in the Viz.JSON URL you pass to **createVis**.
HTTPS support
+We are committed to making sure your website works as intended no matter what changes in the future. We may find more efficient or more useful features to add to the library as time progresses. But we never want to break things you have already developed. For this reason, we make versioned CartoDB.js libraries available to you. The way they function will never unexpectedly change on you.
-Anytime you wish to push a stable version of your site to the web though, you can find the version of CartoDB.js you are using by looking at the first line of the library, here:
+We recommend that you always develop against the most recent version of CartoDB.js:
-Or, by running the following in your code:
+Anytime you wish to push a stable version of your site to the web though, you can find the version of CartoDB.js you are using by looking at the first line of the library or running the following in your code:
-Now, that you have your CartoDB.js version, you can point your site at that release. If the current version of CartoDB.js is `3.9.06, the URL would be:
+Once you know which version of CartoDB.js you're using, you can point your site to that release. If the current version of CartoDB.js is 3.15.2, the URL would be:
You can do the same for the CSS documents we provide:
diff --git a/doc/raster_howto.md b/doc/raster_howto.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d78de1b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/raster_howto.md
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# how to use raster with cartodb.js
+The way to add a raster layer to your map with cartodb.js is similar to add a regular cartodb layer,
+as everything in CartoDB it uses ``SQL`` + ``CartoCSS``
+## introduction to raster
+In [mapschool](http://mapschool.io/) you have a very good introduction to the basis of raster. Here
+we are going to explain how raster works in CartoDB.
+Raster usually takes a lot of space in the database and therefore render tiles is a heavy task.
+Luckily CartoDB solved this for you, when you import a raster using the editor or the [Import
+API](http://docs.cartodb.com/cartodb-platform/import-api.html) it generates a series of overviews,
+that's it, a bunch of tables with preprocessed information in order to speedup rendering.
+You don't need to care about that but there are special cases you should be aware of when you create
+a raster based visualization
+## creating a layer
+As always a layer is created using ``createLayer`` method:
+cartodb.createLayer(map, {
+ user_name: 'doc',
+ type: 'cartodb',
+ sublayers: [{
+ sql: 'select * from pop',
+ cartocss: '#pop { raster-opacity: 1.0; }',
+ raster: true,
+ }]
+The only special thing here is the ``raster`` flag, that tells Maps API that you are going to use a
+raster table so all the optimizations and so on are enabled
+## working the the layer
+Change CartoCSS and so on it's the same than working with a regular layer, you can use methods like
+layer.getSubLayer(0).setCartoCSS('#layer {..... }');
+You can also use ``setSQL`` but if you use a query different than the identity (select * from table)
+the raster optimizations are not going to work and you will get a timeout depending on the zoom
+level you are working on.
+## using SQL for analysis
+You can also access raster tables using SQL API through cartodb.js, the following example gets the
+average value for a raster in a radius of 100 meters with center in latlng 0, 0
+ var sql = new cartodb.SQL({ user: 'doc' });
+ var query = "SELECT avg((stats).mean) as m from (select st_summarystats(the_raster_webmercator, 1) as stats from pop where st_intersects(the_raster_webmercator, st_transform(st_buffer(cdb_latlon(0, 0)::geography, 100)::geometry, 3857) as foo";
+ sql.execute(q).done(function(data) {
+ if (data.rows && data.rows.length > 0) {
+ console.log("Average raster value inside the " + type + ": " + data.rows[0].m);
+ }
+don't forget to use ``the_raster_webmercator`` column.
+## limitations
+- changing the SQL to something custom could avoid Maps API to use overviews and not rendering the
+ tiles due to timeout
+- cartocss version should be 2.3.0. You usually don't need to do anything but if you are working
+ with specific versions take this into account
+- interaction does not work for rasters
diff --git a/doc/vizjson_format.md b/doc/vizjson_format.md
index 373f022a4c..089f2d6ab2 100644
--- a/doc/vizjson_format.md
+++ b/doc/vizjson_format.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-this is the spec for visjson:
+This is the spec for visjson:
// required
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ this is the spec for visjson:
// optional
- // visulization title
+ // visualization title
// default: ''
"title": ""
@@ -146,12 +146,16 @@ this is the spec for visjson:
type: 'namedmap',
order: 1,
options: {
- type: "named-map",
+ type: "namedmap",
tiler_domain: "cartodb.com",
tiler_port: "443",
tiler_protocol: "https",
user_name: "javi",
require_password: true/false,
+ cdn_url: {
+ http: "api.cartocdn.com",
+ https: "cartocdn.global.ssl.fastly.net"
+ },
named_map: {
name: 'test',
params: {
@@ -160,11 +164,15 @@ this is the spec for visjson:
other_var: 1
layers: [{
- infowindow:
- legend:
+ infowindow: '',
+ legend: '',
+ layer_name: 'name_of_layer',
+ interactivity: 'column1, column2, ...',
+ visible: true/false
}, {...}
- ]
+ ],
+ stat_tag: "a5c626a0-a29f-11e4-bee0-010c4c326911"
diff --git a/examples/TheHobbitLocations/index.html b/examples/TheHobbitLocations/index.html
index bc44c58582..fdce8084c4 100644
--- a/examples/TheHobbitLocations/index.html
+++ b/examples/TheHobbitLocations/index.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@