Collection actions allow to process many entities on the same endpoint call. This feature was created to allow easy integration with bulk actions, allowing to delete/edit/add many entities.
Adding collections to your own service is easy, use the initialize()
method of your Service class.
- Use mapAction, map 3 routes to cover add/edit/delete
$this->mapAction('bulkAdd', AddEditAction::class, [
'method' => ['POST'],
'mapCors' => true,
'path' => 'bulk'
$this->mapAction('bulkEdit', AddEditAction::class, [
'method' => ['PUT'],
'mapCors' => true,
'path' => 'bulk'
$this->mapAction('bulkDelete', DeleteAction::class, [
'method' => ['DELETE'],
'mapCors' => true,
'path' => 'bulk'
If you need additional features, you can extend the specific actions and override the mapping configuration to use your own implementation.
- Using collection endpoints
Here are a couple examples, curl based
- Edit post with id 15, and add a new post
curl --request POST \
--url http://collections.3dev/api/posts/bulk \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \
--form '0[title]=edit existing post title for id 15' \
--form '1[title]=this is a new post' \
--form '0[id]=15'
- Delete 2 entities with id's 14 and 15
curl --request DELETE \
--url http://collections.3dev/api/posts/bulk \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \
--form '1[id]=14' \
--form '0[id]=15'