Unittest cases are provided by developers for the purpose of unit test. In order to enhance quality of CUBRID, these unittest cases were decided to add to daily regression test and execute on both release and debug build. In this guide, the detail usage will be introduced.
Let's show an example that how to execute unittest test via CTP.
Test cases are written in C or C++ programming language by developers. We need compile them to make executable test cases.
Download cubrid source codes from git repository of CUBRID or package (cubrid-.tar.gz) in CI build:
tar xzvf cubrid-
cd cubrid-
# generate test cases of unittest based on release build
sh build.sh -t 64 -m release -b build_release
# generate test cases of unittest_debug on debug build
# sh build.sh -t 64 -m debug -b build_debug
After compile, we may get unittest test cases as below:
Then, export CUBRID
environment variable in order that CTP may find cases by it.
Add to ~/.bash_profile
export CUBRID=$HOME/cubrid-
Please refer to guide to install CTP in Linux platform.
Then prepare test configuration as below: File CTP/conf/unittest.conf:
test_category = unittest
test_platform = linux
build_id =
build_bits = 64bits
feedback_type = file
ctp.sh unittest -c CTP/conf/unittest.conf
====================================== UNITTEST ==========================================
[UNITTEST] TEST STARTED (Wed Aug 28 07:06:54 KST 2019)
[UNITTEST] CONFIG FILE: /home/unittest/CTP/conf/unittest.conf
----------END OF FILE----------
=> Init Step:
=> List Step:
=> Execute Step:
[TESTCASE-1] /home/unittest/cubrid/build_release/bin/unittests_area [SUCC]
[TESTCASE-2] /home/unittest/cubrid/build_release/bin/unittests_bit [SUCC]
[TESTCASE-3] /home/unittest/cubrid/build_release/bin/unittests_lf [SUCC]
[TESTCASE-4] /home/unittest/cubrid/build_release/bin/unittests_snapshot [SUCC]
=> Finish Step:
Success num: 4, Fail_num: 0, Skipped(macro): 0, Skipped(temp): 0, Total Scenario: 4
Test Rate: 100.0%
Success Rate: 100.0%
[UNITTEST] TEST END (Wed Aug 28 07:56:15 KST 2019)
[UNITTEST] ELAPSE TIME: 2961 seconds
Test result will be saved in directory CTP/result/unittest/current_runtime_logs
You may get detail information in file feedback.log
# Configure 'unittest' for release build, 'unittest_debug' for debug build.
test_category = unittest
test_platform = linux
# Specify test build used
build_id =
# Specify build bits used
build_bits = 64bits
# Configure 'file' or 'database'.
# 'file': test result will be saved to CTP/result/unittest/current_runtime_logs/feedback.log
# 'database': test result will be saved to QA homepage database.
feedback_type = database
feedback_db_host =
feedback_db_port = 33080
feedback_db_name = qaresu
feedback_db_user = dba
feedback_db_pwd =
# When configure 'feedback_type=database', once test is done, it would notice QA homepage to generate verification.
feedback_notice_qahome_url =<MAINID>
Actually, there is no specific conventions to follow in order to judge which execution is OK or NOK. Currently, below logic is applied:
if [ `cat ${unittestlog} | grep -i 'fail\|Unit tests failed' | wc -l ` -eq 0 -a `cat ${unittestlog} | grep -i 'OK\|success' | wc -l ` -ne 0 ]; then
So, for a test case execution, if test output has no 'fail'
keyword, and has 'OK'
or 'success'
keyword, it can be regarded as pass.
Description | User Name | IP | Hostname | Tools to deploy |
Test node | unittest | | func23 | cubrid CTP |
Please follow the guide to install CTP to
: -
File $HOME/CTP/conf/unittest_template.conf
test_category=unittest test_platform=linux build_id=<build_id> build_bits=64bits feedback_notice_qahome_url=<MAINID> feedback_type=database feedback_db_host= feedback_db_port=33080 feedback_db_name=qaresu feedback_db_user=dba feedback_db_pwd=
Add below to
:export CUBRID=$HOME/cubrid
File ~/start_test.sh
start_consumer.sh -q QUEUE_CUBRID_QA_UNITTEST_LINUX -exec run_unittest
Log into test server, keep daemon process for start_test.sh:
nohup sh start_test.sh &
After startup, it will keep listening to new test messages. Once there is new message, it will fire the test immediately. Except CI test messages which were generated automatically, you may send test message by manual.
Log into message server ([email protected]) first.
message:[message@qa03 ~]$ sender.sh QUEUE_CUBRID_QA_UNITTEST_LINUX unittest default Message: Message Content: Test for build by CUBRID QA Team, China MSG_ID = 190828-141045-222-000001 MSG_PRIORITY = 4 BUILD_ABSOLUTE_PATH=/home/ci_build/REPO_ROOT/store_01/ BUILD_BIT=0 BUILD_CREATE_TIME=1566444939000 BUILD_GENERATE_MSG_WAY=MANUAL BUILD_ID= BUILD_IS_FROM_GIT=1 BUILD_PACKAGE_PATTERN=cubrid-{1}.tar.gz BUILD_SCENARIOS=unittest BUILD_SCENARIO_BRANCH_GIT=release/10.1 BUILD_SEND_DELAY=524106 BUILD_SEND_TIME=1566969045221 BUILD_STORE_ID=store_01 BUILD_SVN_BRANCH=RB-10.1.3 BUILD_SVN_BRANCH_NEW=RB-10.1.0 BUILD_TYPE=general BUILD_URLS= BUILD_URLS_CNT=1 BUILD_URLS_KR= Do you accept above message [Y/N]: Y
message:[message@qa03 ~]$ sender.sh QUEUE_CUBRID_QA_UNITTEST_LINUX unittest_debug default
After test, related test result will be shown in QA homepage.
Open QA home (http://qahome.cubrid.org), navigate to find unittest test result as below. If there is no any result, you need to find the reason out.
It means the
is equal to the sum ofSuccess
. -
The verified rate should be 100% as below.
If there is a failed test case, you need to verify it following below:
New issues : It is link to a jira issue which reported by this case.
Revise required issues: It is link to a jira issue which lead to change in test case and answer.
Regarding as how to report an issue when there is failure, please refer to http://jira.cubrid.org/browse/CBRD-22882 as an example.