diff --git a/src/FSharpAux.Core/ResizeArray.fs b/src/FSharpAux.Core/ResizeArray.fs
index aeb9cae..3543e70 100644
--- a/src/FSharpAux.Core/ResizeArray.fs
+++ b/src/FSharpAux.Core/ResizeArray.fs
@@ -400,4 +400,36 @@ module ResizeArray =
if curr > acc then
acc <- curr
accv <- currv
- accv
\ No newline at end of file
+ accv
+/// Sums all the values in the .
+ /// The input ResizeArray.
+ /// The resulting sum.
+ let inline sum (array: ResizeArray< ^T>) =
+ checkNonNull "array" array
+ let mutable acc = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero< ^T>
+ for i = 0 to array.Count - 1 do
+ acc <- Checked.(+) acc array.[i]
+ acc
+ /// Returns the sum of the results generated by applying the function () to each element of the .
+ /// The function to transform the ResizeArray elements into the type to be summed.
+ /// The input ResizeArray.
+ /// The resulting sum.
+ let inline sumBy ([] projection: 'T -> ^R) (array: ResizeArray<'T>) =
+ checkNonNull "array" array
+ let mutable acc = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero< ^R>
+ for i = 0 to array.Count - 1 do
+ acc <- Checked.(+) acc (projection array.[i])
+ acc
+ /// Counts the number of elements in the satisfying the .
+ /// The function to transform the ResizeArray elements into the type to be summed.
+ /// The input ResizeArray.
+ /// Number of elements satisfying the .
+ let countIf (predicate: 'T -> bool) (arr: ResizeArray<'T>): int =
+ let mutable acc = 0
+ for i=0 to arr.Count - 1 do
+ if predicate arr.[i] then
+ acc <- acc + 1
+ acc
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diff --git a/tests/FSharpAux.Tests/FSharpAux.Tests.fsproj b/tests/FSharpAux.Tests/FSharpAux.Tests.fsproj
index 6dcd99a..6c2773b 100644
--- a/tests/FSharpAux.Tests/FSharpAux.Tests.fsproj
+++ b/tests/FSharpAux.Tests/FSharpAux.Tests.fsproj
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
diff --git a/tests/FSharpAux.Tests/Main.fs b/tests/FSharpAux.Tests/Main.fs
index 3699ef4..c3c946c 100644
--- a/tests/FSharpAux.Tests/Main.fs
+++ b/tests/FSharpAux.Tests/Main.fs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ let all =
+ ResizeArrayTests.resizeArrayTests
diff --git a/tests/FSharpAux.Tests/ResizeArrayTests.fs b/tests/FSharpAux.Tests/ResizeArrayTests.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..debff3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/FSharpAux.Tests/ResizeArrayTests.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+module ResizeArrayTests
+open FSharpAux
+open Expecto
+let private emptyArray : ResizeArray = ResizeArray()
+let private intArray = [6; 5; 2; 3; 2; 8] |> ResizeArray.ofList
+let resizeArrayTests =
+ testList "ResizeArrayTests" [
+ testList "ResizeArray.sum" [
+ testCase "Empty array sum is 0" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.equal (ResizeArray.sum emptyArray) 0 "ResizeArray.sum of empty array is not 0."
+ )
+ testCase "returns correct sum" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.equal (ResizeArray.sum intArray) 26 "ResizeArray.sum calculates incorrectly"
+ )
+ ]
+ testList "ResizeArray.sumBy" [
+ testCase "Empty array sumBy is 0" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.equal (emptyArray |> ResizeArray.sumBy (fun x -> x * 2)) 0 "ResizeArray.sumBy of empty array is not 0."
+ )
+ testCase "returns correct sum" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.equal (intArray |> ResizeArray.sumBy (fun x -> x * 2)) 52 "ResizeArray.sumBy calculates incorrectly"
+ )
+ ]
+ testList "ResizeArray.countIf" [
+ testCase "Empty array count is 0" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.equal (emptyArray |> ResizeArray.countIf (fun x -> x % 2 = 0)) 0 "ResizeArray.countIf of empty array is not 0."
+ )
+ testCase "returns correct count" (fun _ ->
+ Expect.equal (intArray |> ResizeArray.countIf (fun x -> x % 2 = 0)) 4 "ResizeArray.countIf calculates incorrectly"
+ )
+ ]
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file