- Accept 13_08_reverse_list
- Get basic_test.cpp
Add following functions to list_literated.h
void clear(); //clear list
node<T>* &head() { return _head; }
Given a singly linked list, reverse the list.
Input: list = [9]->[8]->[7]->[6]->[5]->[4]->[3]->[2]->[1]->|||
Output: [1]->[2]->[3]->[4]->[5]->[6]->[7]->[8]->[9]->|||
Input: list = []->|||
Output: []->|||
- The number of nodes in the list is the range [0, 50].
Given a singly linked list and an integer N, reverse the first N nodes in list.
Input: list = [1]->[2]->[3]->[4]->[5]->[6]->[7]->[8]->[9]->|||, N=3
Output: [3]->[2]->[1]->[4]->[5]->[6]->[7]->[8]->[9]->|||
Input: list = []->|||
Output: []->|||
- The number of nodes in the list is the range [0, 50].
0 <= N <= numbers of nodes
Given a singly linked list and two integers m and n where m <= n, reverse the nodes of the list from position m to position n. m and n are 1-indexed position in list.
Input: list = [9]->[8]->[7]->[6]->[5]->[4]->[3]->[2]->[1]->|||, m=3, n=6
Output: [9]->[8]->[4]->[5]->[6]->[7]->[3]->[2]->[1]->|||
Input: list = [5]->|||, m=1, n=1
Output: [5]->|||
- The number of nodes in the list is the range [1, 50].
1 <= m <= n <= numbers of nodes
Implement following functions in includes/reverse_list/reverse_list.h
, feel free to add any helper functions if you need.
Try to understand and implement Iterative and Recursive methods for all three functions.
#include <iostream>
#include "../../includes/list_iterated/list_iterated.h"
using namespace std;
// Declaration
// 1. reverse entire linked list
template <typename T>
void reverseList(List<T>& list);
// 2. reverse first N nodes in linked list
template <typename T>
void reverseN(List<T>& list, int n);
// 3. reverse partial nodes of range [m, n] in linked list
template <typename T>
void reverseBetween(List<T>& list, int m, int n);
// Definition
#endif // REVERSE_LIST_H