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The idea is to load the shared library and use returnNLOweight function.
You can try following example code, to get an idea How to use this.
root -l example.C
python -i
The example code creates the shared library out of functionmacro.C and load it at the beginning of the ROOT session. This way, ROOT can recognize the reweighting function.
If you prefer, you can also add following line to your rootlogon.C
(change directory location, if needed)
DO NOT MODIFY functionmacro.C unless you need your own defined function
In your production process, you can read the weight file (in case of Python) :
file = TFile('/afs/')
func = file.Get('your desired weight function for mA, tanb point')
func.Eval(higgs pT)
This should give you the NLO weight and you can store the values as the way you prefer.
Go to producer directory
cd producer
This will create Python shelve object, which stores tan(beta) vs Yukawa couplings from Stefan's file, locating in the producer/data directory. The resulting shelve object is already uploaded to the git (Yukawa_A.db) and not necessary to redo this step, unless we want to do the heavy Higgs (H) reweighting.
This macro then Produce reweighting file with the settings in config.ini (which should be easy to understand).
This macro compare the PY8 and MSSM distribution and derive the weight (MSSM/PY8 ratio) as a function of Higgs pT.
The weight function is stored as weight_mA[X]_tanb_[Y]
, where X is the mass and Y is tan(beta), both of them are specified in config.ini.
The macro also produces validation.pdf, where you can check all the individual distributions. You can change output ROOT file location by changing output variable in config.ini.