MSpeech - a program for speech recognition using Google Speech API voice commands, transfer the recognized text into other applications, and much more.
Main features:
- Voice Recognition using Google Voice API for more than 50 languages.
- Activation of recording predetermined signal level.
- Unlimited number of commands that can be added through the user-friendly interface.
- Ability to assign hotkeys for start-stop recording-recognition.
- Transfer the recognized text in the input field of other applications using different methods.
- Correction after recognizing text and to transfer to the input field (Word substitution on the list, change the first letter of a sentence to uppercase).
- Work through a proxy server.
- Ability to select the sound source.
- Changing the interface language (English, Russian).
- Voice synthesis through Microsoft SAPI (use RHVoice), Google Text-To-Speech, Yandex Text-To-Speech, iSpeech Text-To-Speech, Nuance Text-To-Speech.
email: [email protected]