Chenlin Du1,*, Xiaoxuan Chen2,*, Jingyi Wang2, Junjie Wang3, Zhongsen Li1, Zongjiu Zhang1,📧, Qicheng Lao3,📧.
1THU 2West China Hospital of Stomatology 3BUPT
- Release annotations.
- Release inference code.
- Release checkpoints.
- Release trainning code.
As we utilized the MMDetection implementation of GroundingDINO as our base model. Please refer to Installation and the Config File for installation instructions.
Our work utlized the quadrant-enumerated subset of the DENTEX dataset, which we further annotated with six different dental abnoramlities. Please refer to their repository for the panoramic X-ray images download.
We thank the authors of DENTEX dataset for providing the valuable data.
Our model is related to GroundingDINO and MMDetction. Thanks for their great work!
We also thank all the dentists who have helped to annotate the data.