Releases: CCGSRobotics/RoboHUD
Mobile compatability using joystick
This release includes a joystick for the user to control the robot from their phone. It is extremely buggy, and will need to be updated before the final release.
Later versions will include better support for mobile users, an option to host the server being integrated into the GUI and bugfixes.
Server code migration
The server code has now been migrated into the RoboHUD repository to allow universal access instead of just from the EmuBot. v0.6.5 will include a (hopefully!) working mobile/web client!
Server improvements!
v0.5.5 brings video streaming to the start button. v0.6.0 will include the server code migration to the repository.
NodeJS server integration
The NodeJS server code is now working with the Python server! v0.5.5 will include the server code inside of the repository, as well as video stream support on the server side. If you’re interested to check out the roadmap, or would like to make a feature request, check out the projects page!
Working NodeJS client code!
The NodeJS client code is now working!
The controller now needs more integration with settings.json, and compatibility with reverse modifiers & actual reversing is needed. When that target is reached, v0.5.0 will be released.
Camera Toggle
This allows for a single button to start the camera script. Stability and UX still needs many improvements before v1.0.0.
Embedded Camera View
This release fully embeds the camera code inside the GUI along with everything else, instead of having it load just the URL. The next step is to automate the camera start.
Working Camera Code
v0.3.0 supports a camera feed & driving the robot. The interface is still quite clunky, and requires some more development before RoboCup 2019.
Driving Code
This release is the first working version of the driving code using the new refactored Python code! No vision capabilities as of yet.
Spawning & Shell Commands
This release allows for the spawning of Python as a child process. No driving or vision functionality as of yet.