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781 lines (574 loc) · 26.5 KB


  1. Kalman Filter (KF)
  2. Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
  3. Ensemble Kalmen Filter (EnKF)
  4. Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF)
  5. Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF)

Main File


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy as sp
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider

class KF:
    def __init__(self, dim_x:int, dim_y:int, x0, P, M, Q, R, H):
        Kalman Filter
        Use forecast(), forward(), and analyze()
        dim_x (int): dimension of X (m)
        dim_y (int): dimension of Observation Y (j)
        x0 (numpy.ndarray): Initial x (mean) mx1 
        P (numpy.ndarray): P Covariance mxm
        M (numpy.ndarray): M Model Matrix mxm 
        Q (numpy.ndarray): Q Covariance of the model error mxm
        R (numpy.ndarray): R Covariance of the observation error jxj
        H (numpy.ndarray): H Observation Matrix jxm
        if ((dim_x,1) != x0.shape):
            raise ValueError("Wrong dimension (X0)")
        self.filterType = "KF"
        self.dim_x = dim_x  # dimension of x (m)
        self.dim_y = dim_y  # dimension of Observation Y (j)
        self.x = x0         # Initial X (mean) mx1 
        self.P = P          # P (Covariance) mxm
        self.M = M          # M (Model Matrix) mxm 
        self.Q = Q          # Q (Covariance of the model error) mxm
        self.R = R          # R (Covariance of the observation error) jxj
        self.H = H          # H (Observation Matrix) jxm
        self.Xm = x0        # without KF (process X only with M)
        self.X_cStack = x0  # collection of x (mxk, k = number of steps)
        self.Xm_cStack = x0 # collection of Xm (mxk)
        self.RMSDList = []  # root mean squared deviation List
        self.PList = []     # covariance List
    def forecast(self):
        Forecast X and P
        Also save Xm to compare with the estimate
        self.x = self.M @ self.x 
        self.P = self.M @ self.P @ self.M.T + self.Q

        self.Xm = self.M @ self.Xm
        self.Xm_cStack = np.column_stack((self.Xm_cStack, self.Xm))
    def forward(self):
        """Forward X with M"""
        self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
    def analyze(self, y):
        Analyze X and P
        y (numpy.ndarray): Observation of the true state with observation error
        y = H X_t + mu   where (mu ~ N(0,R))
        if (self.dim_y != y.shape[0]):
            raise ValueError("Wrong dimension (Y)")
        K = self.P @ self.H.T @ np.linalg.inv(self.H @ self.P @ self.H.T + self.R) # Kalman Gain Matrix
        self.x = K @ (y - self.H @ self.x) + self.x # analysis ensemble mean
        self.P = (np.eye(self.dim_x) - K @ self.H) @ self.P # analysis covariance
        self.PList.append(self.P) # save analysis covariance
        self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
    def get_xk(self, m):
        return row m of X_cStack as a list
        m (int): row index
        return list(self.X_cStack[m,:])

    def RMSD(self, X, X_true):
        Return final Root Mean Squared Deviation
        X (numpy.ndarray): Column Stacked X
        X_true (numpy.ndarray): Column Stacked True States
        return np.sqrt(np.sum((np.sum(X, axis=0) - np.sum(X_true, axis=0))**2)/X.shape[1])
    def RMSDSave(self, X, X_true):
        Save current RMSD
        X (numpy.ndarray): Column Stacked X
        X_true (numpy.ndarray): Column Stacked True States
        X_Length = X.shape[1]
        X_true = X_true[:,np.arange(X_Length)]
        self.RMSDList.append(self.RMSD(X, X_true))
    def plot_RMSD(self, filters=[], show=True):
        plot evolution of Root Mean Squared Deviation.
        Need to run RMSDSave in the loop.
        filters (list, optional): addition filter to compare, Defaults to [].
        show (boolean, optional): execute if True. Defaults to True.
        plt.plot(self.RMSDList, label=self.filterType)
        if (len(filters) > 0):
            for filter in filters:
                plt.plot(filter.RMSDList, label=filter.filterType)
        if show:
    def plot_all(self, x_true=np.array([[]]), 
                    has_obs=[], Ys=np.array([[]]), titles=[], plotXm = True, 
                    show=True, rmsd=True, filters=[], cov=False):
        Plot each element (x_i) from X in 2D graph (value vs k)
        x_true (numpy.ndarray, optional): Column stacked true states. Defaults to np.array([[]]).
        has_obs (int list, optional): One integer element 'i' represents x_i from X has observations. Defaults to [].
        Ys (numpy.ndarray, optional): ColumnStacked observations. Must be ascending order. Defaults to np.array([[]]).
        titles (string list, optional): Titles of the plots. Must have dim_x titles. Defaults to [].
        plotXm (boolean, optional): plot 'without KF' if True. Defaults to True.
        show (boolean, optional): execute if True. Defaults to True.
        rmsd (boolean, optional): print RMSD of the filters. Defaults to True.
        filters (list of Kfs, optional): other filters to compare with. Defaults to [].
        cov (boolean, optional): plot covariance matrix. Defaults to False.
        xAxis = np.arange(self.Xm_cStack.shape[1])
        for i in range(self.x.shape[0]):
            if (x_true.shape[1] == len(xAxis)):
                plt.plot(xAxis, x_true[i,:][xAxis], 'k', label="True")
            if (i in has_obs):
                plt.plot(xAxis, Ys[has_obs.index(i),:], 'y*', label="Observations")
            if (plotXm):
                plt.plot(xAxis, self.Xm_cStack[i,:][xAxis], 'g', label = "without KF")
            plt.plot(xAxis, self.get_xk(i), 'r--', label = f"{self.filterType} x{i}")
            if (len(filters) > 0):
                for filter in filters:
                    if (filter.filterType == self.filterType):
                        filter.filterType = self.filterType + str(filters.index(filter))
                    plt.plot(xAxis, filter.get_xk(i), '--', label = f"{filter.filterType} x{i}")
            if (len(titles) == self.x.shape[0]):
        if rmsd:
            print(f"{self.filterType}: ", end = "")
            print(self.RMSD(self.X_cStack, x_true))
            if (len(filters) > 0):
                for filter in filters:
                    print(f"{filter.filterType}: ", end = "")
                    print(self.RMSD(filter.X_cStack, x_true))
        if cov:
            self.fig, = plt.subplots() # Create figure and axis
            self.frame = 0 # Initial frame index
            ax_slider = plt.axes([0.15, 0.05, 0.65, 0.03]) # slider
            self.slider = Slider(ax_slider, 'Frame', 0, len(self.PList) - 1, valinit=self.frame, valstep=1)
        if show:
    def plot_some(self, some: list, x_true=np.array([[]]), 
                    has_obs=[], Ys=np.array([[]]), titles=[], plotXm = True, 
                    show=True, rmsd=True, filters=[], cov=False):
        Plot some elements (x_i) from X in 2D graph (value vs k)
        some (in list): index of the element (x_i) to be plotted 
        x_true (numpy.ndarray, optional): Column stacked true states. Defaults to np.array([[]]).
        has_obs (int list, optional): One integer element 'i' represents x_i from X has observation at y_i. Defaults to [].
        Ys (numpy.ndarray, optional): ColumnStacked observations. Must be ascending order. Defaults to np.array([[]]).
        titles (string list, optional): Titles of the plots. Must have dim_x titles. Defaults to [].
        plotXm (boolean, optional): plot 'without KF' if True. Defaults to True.
        show (boolean, optional): execute if True. Defaults to True.
        rmsd (boolean, optional): print RMSD of the filters. Defaults to True.
        filters (list of Kfs, optional): other filters to compare with. Defaults to [].
        cov (boolean, optional): plot covariance matrix. Defaults to False.
        xAxis = np.arange(self.Xm_cStack.shape[1])
        for i in some:
            if (x_true.shape[1] == len(xAxis)):
                plt.plot(xAxis, x_true[i,:][xAxis], 'k', label="True")
            if (i in has_obs):
                plt.plot(xAxis, Ys[has_obs.index(i),:], 'y*', label="Observations")
            if (plotXm):
                plt.plot(xAxis, self.Xm_cStack[i,:][xAxis], 'g', label = "without KF")
            plt.plot(xAxis, self.get_xk(i), 'r--', label = f"{self.filterType} x{i}")
            if (len(filters) > 0):
                for filter in filters:
                    if (filter.filterType == self.filterType):
                        filter.filterType = self.filterType + str(filters.index(filter))
                    plt.plot(xAxis, filter.get_xk(i), '--', label = f"{filter.filterType} x{i}")
            if (len(titles) == self.x.shape[0]):
        if rmsd:
            print(f"{self.filterType}: ", end = "")
            print(self.RMSD(self.X_cStack, x_true))
            if (len(filters) > 0):
                for filter in filters:
                    print(f"{filter.filterType}: ", end = "")
                    print(self.RMSD(filter.X_cStack, x_true))
        if cov:
            self.fig, = plt.subplots() # Create figure and axis
            self.frame = 0 # Initial frame index
            ax_slider = plt.axes([0.15, 0.05, 0.65, 0.03]) # slider
            self.slider = Slider(ax_slider, 'Frame', 0, len(self.PList) - 1, valinit=self.frame, valstep=1)
        if show:
    def update_COV(self):
        """Update covariance matrix plot"""[self.frame], cmap='Greys', vmin=-1, vmax=1)'Covariance Matrix')
    def on_slider_change(self, val):
        """slider update function"""
        self.frame = int(val)

class EKF(KF):            
    """Introduction to the principles and methods of data assimilation in the geosciences.pdf"""
    def __init__(self, dim_x:int, dim_y:int, X0, P, M, Q, R, H, M_j, H_j):
        Extended Kalman Filter
        Use eForecast(), eForward(), and eAnalyze()
        *** This KF is not optimal filter. 
            Often diverges from the true state,
            which cause overflow error.
        dim_x (int): dimension of X (m)
        dim_y (int): dimension of Observation Y (j)
        X0 (numpy.ndarray): Initial X (mean) mx1 
        P (numpy.ndarray): P (Covariance) mxm
        M (function): M (Forecast model function. Must return (dim_x,1) array)
        Q (numpy.ndarray): Q (Covariance of the model error) mxm
        R (numpy.ndarray): R (Covariance of the observation error) jxj
        H (function): H (Observation Operator. Must return (dim_y,1,1) array
        M_j (function): M_j (A function return Jacobian of M at xi) mxm
        H_j (function): H_j (A function return Jacobian of H at xi) jxm
        KF.__init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, X0, P, M, Q, R, H)
        self.filterType = "EKF"
        self.M_j = M_j
        self.H_j = H_j
    def eForecast(self):
        """Forecast EKF"""
        self.x = self.M(self.x) # forecast
        Mk = self.M_j(self.x) # jacobian of M at current state x
        self.P = Mk @ self.P @ Mk.T + self.Q # forecast covariance
        self.Xm = self.M(self.Xm)
        self.Xm_cStack = np.column_stack((self.Xm_cStack, self.Xm))
    def eForward(self):
        self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
    def eAnalyze(self, y):
        Analyze EKF
        y (numpy.ndarray): Observation of the true state with observation error
        Hk = self.H_j(self.x) 
        K = self.P @ Hk.T @ np.linalg.inv(Hk @ self.P @ Hk.T + self.R) # Kalman Gain Matrix
        self.x = K @ (y - self.H(self.x)) + self.x # analysis mean
        self.P = (np.eye(self.dim_x) - K @ Hk) @ self.P # analysis covariance
        self.PList.append(self.P) # save analysis covariance
        self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
class EnKF(KF):
    """Introduction to the principles and methods of data assimilation 
    in the geosciences.pdf(Bocquet)"""
    def __init__(self, dim_x:int, dim_y:int, X0, P, M, R, H, H_j, n=10):
        Stochastic Ensemble Kalman Filter
        Use enForecast(), enForward(), and enAnalyze()
        dim_x (int): dimension of X (m)
        dim_y (int): dimension of Observation Y (j)
        X0 (numpy.ndarray): Initial X (mean) mx1 
        P (numpy.ndarray): P (Covariance) mxm
        M (function): M (Forecast model function. Must return (dim_x,1) array)
        R (numpy.ndarray): R (Covariance of the observation error) jxj
        H (function): H (Observation Operator. must return (m,j)) 
        H_j (function): H_j (linearized H. must return (m,j))
        n (int): Number of ensemble members
        KF.__init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, X0, P, M, None, R, H)
        self.filterType = "StochasticEnKF"
        self.n = n
        self.H_j = H_j 
    def sampling(self):
        """Create n ensemble members with initial P"""
        self.enX = []
        for i in range(self.n):
            s = np.random.multivariate_normal([0]*self.dim_x, self.P).reshape((self.dim_x,1)) # background error
            xi = self.M(self.x) + s
    def enCov(self):
        """Calculate error covariance P in Ensemble"""
        X = [0 for i in range(self.n)] # ensemble perturbations
        for i in range(self.n):
            X[i] = self.enX[i] - self.x
        X = np.column_stack(X)
        self.P = X @ X.T / (self.n - 1) # analysis covariance
        self.PList.append(self.P) # save analysis covariance
    def enForecast(self):
        """Forecast EnKF"""
        for i in range(self.n): # forecast each enX[i]
            self.enX[i] = self.M(self.enX[i])
        self.x = np.mean(self.enX, axis=0) # forecast ensemble mean 
        self.enCov() # forecast covariance
        self.Xm = self.M(self.Xm)
        self.Xm_cStack = np.column_stack((self.Xm_cStack, self.Xm))
    def enForward(self):
        self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
    def perturbed_obs(self, y):
        """Create n perturbed observations and its Covariance"""
        perturbedY = []
        perturbs = []
        for i in range(self.n):
            perturb = np.random.multivariate_normal([0]*self.dim_y, self.R).reshape((self.dim_y,1))
            perturbedY.append(y + perturb) 
        # make bias = sum(perturb) = 0 to avoid bias
        perturbs_sum = np.sum(perturbs, axis=0)
        bias = perturbs_sum / (len(perturbs))
        for i in range(self.n): 
            perturbs[i] -= bias

        # Covariance
        Ru = np.zeros((self.dim_y, self.dim_y))
        for i in range(self.n):
            Ru += perturbs[i] @ perturbs[i].T
        Ru /= (self.n-1)
        return perturbedY, Ru
    def enAnalyze(self, y):
        Analyze EnKF
        y (numpy.ndarray): Observation of the true state with observation error
        if (self.dim_y != y.shape[0]):
            raise ValueError("Wrong dimension (Y)")
        perturbedY, Ru = self.perturbed_obs(y) # empirical error covariance
        Hk = self.H_j(self.x)

        K = self.P @ Hk.T @ np.linalg.inv(Hk @ self.P @ Hk.T + Ru) # Kalman Gain Matrix
        for i in range(self.n): # analyze xi
            self.enX[i] = ((K @ (perturbedY[i] - self.H(self.enX[i]))) + self.enX[i])
        self.x = np.mean(self.enX, axis=0) # analysis ensemble mean
        self.enCov() # analysis covariance
        self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))

class ETKF(EnKF):
    Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter 
    Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter: An Efficient Scheme for Assimilating Atmospheric Data
    (Harlim and Hunt, 2006)
    def __init__(self, dim_x:int, dim_y:int, X0, P, M, R, H, n=10, rho=1):
        Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
        Use etForecast(), etForward(), and etAnalyze()d
        dim_x (int): dimension of X (m)
        dim_y (int): dimension of Observation Y (j)
        X0 (numpy.ndarray): Initial X (mean) mx1 
        P (numpy.ndarray): P (Covariance) mxm
        M (function): M (Forecast model function. Must return (dim_x,1) array)
        Q (numpy.ndarray): Q (Covariance of the model error) mxm
        R (numpy.ndarray): R (Covariance of the observation error) jxj
        H (function): H (Observation Operator. must return (m,j)) 
        H_j (function): H_j (linearized H. must return (m,j))
        n (int): Number of ensemble members
        rho (float): multiplicative inflation factor. must be greater or equal than 1
        EnKF.__init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, X0, P, M, R, H, H, n=n)
        self.filterType = "ETKF"
        self.R_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.R)
        if (rho < 1):
            raise ValueError("inflation factor must be greater than one")
        self.rho = rho
        self.ones = np.ones((1,self.n)) #1xn
    def etForecast(self):
        """Forecast ETKF"""

    def etForward(self):

    def etAnalyze(self, y):
        Analyze ETKF
        y (numpy.ndarray): Observation of the true state with observation error
        X = np.column_stack(self.enX) # stacked ensemble members mxn
        Y = [0 for i in range(self.n)] # forecasted perturbations in the observation space
        for i in range(self.n): # project X_a onto observation space
            Y[i] = self.H(self.enX[i])
        Y_mean = np.mean(Y, axis=0)
        Y = np.column_stack((Y)) #jxn
        Y = Y - Y_mean @ self.ones # subtract the mean on each columns of Y

        X = X - self.x @ self.ones # subtract the mean on each columns of X
        C = Y.T @ self.R_inv # for computational efficiency nxj
        P_tilde = (self.n - 1) * np.eye(self.n) / self.rho + C @ Y 
        P_tilde = np.linalg.inv(P_tilde) #nxn
        w = P_tilde @ C @ (y - Y_mean) # weight vector nx1
        W = (self.n - 1) * P_tilde 
        W = sp.linalg.fractional_matrix_power(W, 0.5) #nxn
        # sometimes converted to complex numbers.
        # it comes from computational rounding in python
        # imaginary parts are all 0, so neglectable
        W = W.real # transform matrix 
        W = W + w @ self.ones #nxn
        X = X @ W #mxn
        for i in range(self.n): # analysis ensembles
            self.enX[i] = self.x + X[:,i].reshape((self.dim_x, 1)) 
        self.x = np.mean(self.enX, axis=0) # analysis ensemble mean
        self.enCov() # analysis covariance
        self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))

class LETKF(ETKF):
    """Efficient data assimilation for spatiotemporal chaos: A local ensemble
    transform Kalman filter (Hunt et al)"""
    def __init__(self, dim_x:int, dim_y:int, X0, P, M, R, H, L, n=10, rho=1):
        Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
        Use leForecast(), leForward(), and leAnalyze()
        dim_x (int): dimension of X (m)
        dim_y (int): dimension of Observation Y (j)
        X0 (numpy.ndarray): Initial X (mean) mx1 
        P (numpy.ndarray): P (Covariance) mxm
        M (function): M (Forecast model function. Must return (dim_x,1) array)
        Q (numpy.ndarray): Q (Covariance of the model error) mxm
        R (numpy.ndarray): R (Covariance of the observation error) jxj
        H (function): H (Observation Operator. must return (m,j)) 
        H_j (function): H_j (linearized H. must return (m,j))
        L (function): L(m) (Localization operator. m=index of the grid point.
            must return a list of N indices of the observations)
        n (int): Number of ensemble members
        rho (float): multiplicative inflation factor. must be greater or equal than 1
        ETKF.__init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, X0, P, M, R, H, n=n, rho=rho)
        self.filterType = "LETKF"
        self.L = L
    def leForecast(self):
    def leForward(self):
    def leAnalyze(self, y):
        Analyze LETKF
        y (numpy.ndarray): Observation of the true state with observation error
        X = np.column_stack(self.enX) # stacked ensemble members
        Y = [0 for i in range(self.n)] # forecasted perturbations in the observation space
        for i in range(self.n): # project X_a onto observation space
            Y[i] = self.H(self.enX[i])
        Y_mean = np.mean(Y, axis=0)
        Y = np.column_stack((Y)) 
        Y = Y - Y_mean @ self.ones # subtract the mean on each columns of Y
        X = X - self.x @ self.ones # subtract the mean on each columns of X
        Xa = [0 for i in range(self.dim_x)]
        for m in range(self.dim_x):
            b = self.L(m) # indices of localized lows of Y
            Y_local = Y[b,:] #Nxn
            X_local = X[m,:] #Nxn
            N = len(b)
            R_local = np.diag([self.R_inv[z,z] for z in b]) #NxN 
                # Assume R is diagonal (each observation is independent from others)
            C = Y_local.T @ R_local #nxN
            P_tilde = self.n * np.eye((self.n)) / self.rho + C @ Y_local #nxn
            P_tilde = np.linalg.inv(P_tilde) #nxn
            W = (self.n-1) * P_tilde 
            W = sp.linalg.fractional_matrix_power(W, 0.5) #nxn
            # sometimes converted to complex numbers.
            # it comes from computational rounding in python
            # imaginary parts are all 0, so neglectable
            W = W.real
            w = P_tilde @ C @ (y[b,:].reshape((N,1)) - Y_mean[b,:].reshape(N,1)) # weight vector nx1
            W = W + w @ self.ones #nxn
            X_local = X_local @ W #Nxn
            X_local = X_local + self.x[m,:].reshape((1, 1)) @ self.ones #Nxn
            Xa[m] = X_local # save analyzed local grid point
        Xa = np.row_stack(Xa) #mxn
        for i in range(self.n):
            self.enX[i] = Xa[:,i].reshape((self.dim_x, 1)) #mx1
        self.x = np.mean(self.enX, axis=0) # analysis ensemble mean
        self.enCov() # analysis covariance
        self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))


Open numpy
pip install numpy


pip install matplotlib


pip install scipy


pip install tqdmd


from KF_Plot import *
from tqdm import tqdm

KF_Plot Twin Experiment Template 

replace "<>" for user's model
add more steps or features if needed

See examples and for more details

"""Variables and Operators Set Up"""
k = "<int>" # number of steps      
m = "<int>" # dimension of X
j = "<int>" # dimension of Y

dt = "<float>" # time step

# x is mx1 vector

def M(x): # Model Operator 
    return "<>" # must return mx1 vector

def H(x): # Observation Operator
    return "<>" # must return jxm vector

def H_j(x): # Jacobian of H if H is non-linear
    return "<>" # must return jxm vector

Q = "<mxm matrix>" # Model error 

R = "<jxj matrix>" # Observation Error

# true states 
       # starting point
xt0 = "<mx1> vector"
xt = xt0

Ys = np.array([np.inf]*j) # observations 
# This is initial observation. Observations will be stacked columnwise

c = "<int>" # observation Frequency

for i in range(k): # generate True State
    x = M(xt[:,-1]) 
    xt = np.column_stack((xt,x))

P = "<mxm matrix>" # initial Covariance 
e = np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0], P, size=(1)).T # initial error
X0 = xt0 + e # initial X

filter = "<Kalman Filter>"
# ex) etkf = ETKF(m, j, X0, P, enM, R, enH, n=10)

# Use correct forecast, analyze, forward. Check the prefixes ex) etforward() != forward()
for i in tqdm(range(k),desc="Filtering"):
    if i % c == 0:
        y = np.random.multivariate_normal(H(xt[:,i+1]).T, R).reshape((j,1)) # observations with error
        Ys = np.column_stack((Ys, y))
        Ys = np.column_stack((Ys, np.array([np.inf]*j)))
    # filter.RMSDSave(filter.X_cStack, xt)
# "<filter.plot_all(...)>"
# "<filter.plot_RMSD()>"

Lorenz 63 Example

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