This is the official application deployment tool for the Hypernode, a highly automated hosting platform for ecommerce applications.
If you want to use Hypernode Deploy in your shop you will probably want to head over to the hypernode-deploy-configuration repository instead.
If you are looking to see how the internals of the deployment tool work or even want to contribute a change to the project yourself, then you're in the right place.
This project builds the hypernode/deploy
container image, which can be found on
Deployer is an integral part of Hypernode Deploy. The official packagist distribution (and the git tags) are just phar distributions with all the engine code stripped away. To properly install Deployer as a dependency, we install a very simple fork, which has git tags based on the engine code.
Whenever a new Deployer version is released, here's the process:
- Sync the fork ByteInternet/deployer
- Locate the commit for the release in the master branch.
- Usually this comes down to finding the commit that was pushed most recent to the release tag.
- Clone/update the fork locally.
- Run
git checkout <commit_sha>
- Run
git tag v<version>
- Run
git push --tags
Finally, to utilize the new fork in Hypernode Deploy, you can simply change the deployer/deployer dependency in the composer.json
If you don't want to use a pre-built image from or if you are doing development on this project and you want to test out your changes, you can built an image locally and use that.
export DOCKER_TAG=hypernode_deploy_dev:latest
export PHP_VERSION=8.2
export NODE_VERSION=18
docker build -t "$DOCKER_TAG" -f "./ci/build/Dockerfile" \
This will give you a locally built image:
$ docker images | grep hypernode_deploy_dev
localhost/hypernode_deploy_dev latest 5280aaef3a82 52 seconds ago 842 MB
That you could then use like:
$ rm -Rf vendor
$ docker run --rm -it --env SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/yourdeploykey | base64)" -v ${PWD}:/build hypernode_deploy_dev:latest hypernode-deploy build -vvv
$ docker run --rm -it --env SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/yourdeploykey | base64)" -v ${PWD}:/build hypernode_deploy_dev:latest hypernode-deploy deploy staging -vvv
To run the static tests, please run the following commands:
composer --working-dir tools install
tools/vendor/bin/grumphp run --config tools/grumphp.yml